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Happy 80th Birthday Sandra Tanner Part 2

Viewpoint on Mormonism / Bill McKeever
The Cross Radio
January 14, 2021 8:31 pm

Happy 80th Birthday Sandra Tanner Part 2

Viewpoint on Mormonism / Bill McKeever

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January 14, 2021 8:31 pm

It’s the 80th birthday of Sandra Tanner, founder (with Jerald) of Utah Lighthouse Ministry. Bill and Eric have some fun with Sandra as they remember this very special day.

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Viewpoint on Mormonism
Bill McKeever
Viewpoint on Mormonism
Bill McKeever

.1 examines the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from a biblical perspective viewpoint when Mormonism is sponsored by Mormonism research ministry since 1979 Mormonism research ministry has been dedicated to equipping the body of Christ with answers regarding the Christian faith in a manner that expresses gentleness and respect. And now, your host for today's viewpoint on Mormonism so glad to be with us for this additional viewpoint on Mormonism on your host, Bill McKeever, founder and director Mormonism research ministry and with me today is Eric Johnson my colleague MRM, but we also have with us, a good friend of ours Sandra Tanner Sandra and her husband Gerald were the founders of Utah lighthouse ministry based right in downtown Salt Lake City and have given I would say all of us interested in the subject of Mormonism, a wealth of information and I don't think anybody has put forth so much information as you and Gerald Sander and again I want to just thank you for the influence that you had in my life. Yesterday was your 80th birthday. A great milestone but I'm sure you could probably look back and see a lot of things that you would consider to be milestones in your life. So we wanted to continue the conversation that we began yesterday. Sandra, let me ask you this question.

When you grew up you live in California. How did your parents handle discipline issues.

Well, that was real tricky in my house because I had a sister that was three years older than me and she was so creative and thought outside the box that she is always getting me in trouble and my parents knew that if something went astray. Ron and the house and the kids were responsible for it that my sister was to blame, because I was a follower discipline to little girls where you know the one that three years older than the other had all the ideas and that candy would have never thought to do this alone.

And so my sister claims that she was always bank more than me hydrated me because they always said what was your idea. We know it was your idea and I don't remember it being that me being spanked less than her, but it probably was about my dad. Most the time I don't get switch along little branch off of the bushes that went along the side of the driveway and he would use that to switch our bottoms. I don't have a memory of that being real harsh and I don't want people to think that this with in terms of harsh punishment I get there every spanking I got. I do not have any sob stories about patient and done that to me that's funny is a lot of us look back at some of the times we were discipline buyer parents. I know myself personally I deserve yes I did my creative mind, Sandra, did you grow up in a strict religious home or was it more loose. My parents grew up in. My father grew up in a very strict religious home and so I think he was kinda determined not to do that and I think it helped the fact that his first kids weren't boy so that with the girls. He didn't have to be tested while Carolyn was a test he was strict but not unreasonably direct, and as far as religion in the home.

My folks were crying in rebellion against the happiness of Mormonism in their own childhoods that moving to California. My especially for my father got them away from a very, very strict, domineering father and so my dad was kinda going the other way, but there were rules but I don't remember anything being unreasonable being related to Brigham Young said yesterday he was your great-great-grandfather even though you're in California. Did you ever get the feeling that your peers look to you as you should be some sort of a better example than, let's say the rest of the latter-day Saints and local Lord I looked at me that way but kind of feeling on our family side.

We were special and that everyone knew what great great granddaughter of Brigham Young at the Ward, but I don't know that it made for a lot of different sin and how people in the ward you but we have bragging rights of a certain amount glory and having the bragging right so you're kind of a celebrity in your local Lord, you might say yeah you asked me if I was related to Steve Jan yes and I'd say well yes, but there's probably a thousand of us out there that all have the same relationship so I don't know him. Let me ask you this if your biographer were to cover an embarrassing event in your life what you think it would be well I guess embarrassing and I had the holder in high school. My terracing moment would've been when I was had the lead role in the school play and in the middle of the play. I get in my dialogue a page of text matches line about maybe 1/2 a page number. It was a little bit of a scene that had several lines in different people said and I jump down to my which eliminated several people statements before me and everyone standing on the stage looking at me like, try to fear out what we do now that we have this very Silent pause while everyone's looking at me.

I had to ad lib. and come up with on the spot dialogue to cover this gap to get us back to where were supposed to be in the scripts that would've been a great YouTube moment if it had been 50 years later.

So while Sandra what was your favorite subject in school and I'm going to guess history but I don't know what you would say is your favorite subject and also your least favorite well it was not history. I did not read books. I was an expert in doing book reports without reading. Our major and partly because of Mormonism. I never expected I would need a career because of the good Mormon. I knew what I got out of high school I did my job was to get married and so when I started into college. It was not to prepare for a career.

It was treading water till I got married. So anyways the fire if I liked all right and I didn't take the hard classes, and when I checked out of my one science class because it was getting too hard. My counselor talked with me and tried to talk me and not drop it at night while I don't need to be housewife Anisa Sandra, you're wasting your brain and well yeah well you know that's what I like to do. I like to draw pictures you I discovered reading and books. Once I had a question about Mormonism and then I learned the joy of reading books but looking back at your life. Sandra, can you tell us something about yourself that maybe nobody else knows okay if you want funny one.

That means nothing.

I rode the wood roller coaster at salt air in the mid-50s. Now you have to understand that the wood roller coaster at salt air out of Salt Lake here in Salt Lake was old when I wrote this, and it was rickety and so this was a real scary adventure to go on the roller coaster because when you went around any curved the whole mechanism swayed while, and you felt it gives Ed lean one way to return to curve and then fleeing back together.

I think the next year they tore it down to people who don't know what you're talking about. That's right off of Interstate 80 north of Interstate 80 right on the side of the great Salt Lake and I remember correctly that please bring down once the mother's building yeah so it's got quite a history out there that was owned by the main tourist attraction would be to go out and swim in the great Salt Lake and go to the amusement park that was on the edge of the lake and that's where they had this roller coaster ride that was a scary attack know Bill and I lived in San Diego and we had a roller coaster there at Belmont for that was a wooden roller coaster.

It might not of been a scary is the one that you wrote. But it was rickety and at the end of that ride. You have to check her teeth to make sure you break any one what they call it down in California by Santa Monica appeared on there.

They had a roller coaster there like that I run, I went on that one too. Sandra you have a lot of wisdom. If somebody asked you for advice on anything in life. What is your advice well by their having some sort of stress versus that of brought comfort to me is Matthew 1128 through 30 where Jesus says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you'll find rest for your souls. This part. I really like. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. This is especially meaningful for those that have been burdened by Mormonism that religion can weigh you down with a heavy burden. But the freedom in Christ is that Christ yoke is easy, what he calls us to is a relationship with him. Not a keeping of rules. So that's one of my favorite verses. Certainly Mormonism is a religion of rules. I know they're trying to change that image at least some are, but you think Mormonism is really changing in that direction. I think there are some Mormons that are realizing that Mormonism isn't centered enough on Jesus and are trying to do some sort of course correction on that. I don't know how much that goes into the 12 apostles of the head of the church.

I think some of the Mormon people are trying to come back to think more of Christ. And that's a good move. The problem is that they have their own Scriptures a stand in the way of this going very far and so when you have in the doctrine and covenants, and the pearl of great pride things that teach man's ability to become a God. This will forever be a stumbling block to coming into right relationship with Christ, if you still have this idea that you're the same species as God with the same potential as Jesus though I'm glad to see Mormons being drawn more to talk about Christ, but their theology of God is so messed up or their churches theology. Maybe they don't understand that but the Church's theology of God is so messed up that it keeps you from seeing the value and importance of Christ's atonement when you just think of him as your older brother who did the service for you that any of the brothers could've done if God would've picked them into the scene Christ as God who gave his life for you man. We totally agree with you on the conclusion we been talking with Sandra Taylor. She is with Utah lighthouse ministry if you want to check out the website gets more information on what they are doing there. It's you TL and Sandra. Once again, yesterday was your 80th birthday. I want to wish you a happy birthday and thank you again for all that you have given us who are trying to reach the latter-day Saints with the gospel of Jesus Christ, thanks for being on and again happy birthday thank you, thank you for listening. If you would like to research ministry. We visit our website you can request a free newsletter research join us again as we look at another viewpoint