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Should Christians Smoke Pot?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
June 26, 2019 12:59 pm

Should Christians Smoke Pot?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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June 26, 2019 12:59 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 06/25/19.

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Michael Brown requested should followers of Jesus smoke pot in just pot more more states this is becoming legal now and there are some Christians saying it's it's a good thing to do can even help you get more in tune with God or help you be more free in worship or just help you in general, relax. Should Christians smoke or in just pot. This is Michael Brown.

Yeah, I've got my strong viewpoints on this is the recall, we can weigh in with yours. 866-34-TRUTH 866-348-7884.

I have not discussed this for quite some time maybe a few years really I don't remember the last time he really got into a major discussion about this.

Here, there may be a quick phone call, but got an article sent to me was about pastor Craig Gross, who is related was called triplex churches is helping people deal with porn addiction and software and things to help them with that so that hence the triple X name and he recently came out saying listen regular*Christian cannabis company in any can be helpful in good so we reach out to his folks and said they would come on the radio with me.

We got a response back immediately saying if if we could have a respectful discussion and really air our differences as opposed to review the debate he do it so this will let you know that they're willing on their side.

We said absolutely on our side, so hopefully we can set that up soon. What's your take good idea. Bad idea. Are we opening up the door to all kinds of foolishness and flesh and further addictions or is this potentially no different than maybe say in Europe, people commonly have a glass of wine or a glass of beer with a meal that has nothing to do with getting drunk in a just take the edge off a little bit in its positive. Is there any justification for it is really scriptural justification for this part of that.

The leaves of the nation were given for healing a look when I can focus on medical use right that's a whole other subject.

You may Solano.

It's all one Christian should never touch it, that's fine. I'm not arguing either way on that.

I and I am not a proponent of the medical use of marijuana. However, I've not study that in depth, but let that's a separate subject here to make it really specific were talking about a state where it is legal to use marijuana or an adult right through talking mostly with his legally do it.

The question is, should a believer do it for recreational purposes, not for medical purposes, but for recreational purpose. This is the Bible address this directly.

What about your own life experience, what about wisdom, what about scriptural principles. What we learn with alcohol use in the past.

Can we parallel them. These are some of the questions that we want to explore the first let me play this clip for you from the 1980s, I think you'll find this interesting and enjoyable exists in oral arguments will living for 15 years of rapid onset was organisms was the first joint got no mom I wanted to make nothing happen to you to examine exactly marijuana can easily make nothing happen here, let me lay out some of my thinking number one if you don't know my testimony was a heavy drug user. From the ages of 14 to 16 to 1969 to 1971 that this was interesting. I was first offered pot by a semi-close three you want to try getting high and at that point I was raised on Long Island. Good upbringing and mom and dad happily married, but I was in the whole rock scene I'd seen Jimi Hendrix playing concert the year before I was playing drums in Iraq and myself really interested in the whole rock scene I knew the rock musicians.

The stars got high and I thought of man like to do what they do and then the fact that it was illegal not supposed to do it.

The taboo thing for young person whom you want to touch it. So I smoke pot, but nothing happened to me it had no effect on person I was with thought. It was really potent but had no effect on so sometime after that I was with some other folks there were smoking hash, which is a similar but more potent and they spoke hash and I smoke hash and nothing happened to me and I thought what's going on here and now instead of quitting while I was ahead. I got more interested but wow, not getting hired because of my body to set up high resistance to drugs so I did. I did other drugs. I did ops on high with those downs got high with those and then LSD got high with that and then found I had this really high resistance to drugs so I could take more drugs than your average person, and even get further out in a high, than your average person that became part of my identity disc, crazy identity up doing more like some used to be heavy drinkers are. It's crazy that we would posted that's crazy. We thought we were cool as we could abuse our bodies more than the average person, but that was of my state of mind that so then started smoking pot and that started to affect me than smoking hash that affected the then wanted to other drugs started using speed snorting speed and started shooting speed that started shooting heroin did every drug I could possibly do right before I came to faith use cocaine a few times, but the ones I did heavily were were speed and LSD, heroin to shooting the Omaira many, many, many times dropping acid. These other drugs. Many many times and and then towards the end, smoking pot, morning, noon and night. In addition to the other drugs that they thank God for his mercy and grace to God for his forgiveness. Thank God for new life in the spirit.

But like interfaith in 1971 I remember right before that my best friend. We come to faith little bit before me and it stopped getting high. We would always get on each other. We rank each other out with insults and undo your kids just having fun and and and and try to be more clever than the next. We were pretty sharp and encaustic and quick and I remember at one point that he had gotten clean, he was off drugs. We were kind going at each other and I was in slow motion, and I realized it all. These were having more effect on me than I understood it, and then when I got saved.

What happened was God was really deal with me about putting a needle in my arm. That was the big issue putting the needle in my arm I was more addicted to that than any particular drug, and and December 17 of 1971 when God's joy flooded my soul and revealed his love to me as I realize that I was would like a rich I was. I was living in an unacceptable unclean way that they fear the Lord and sent his son to die for me, that mental picture I got this mental vision I saw was that I was covered in filth in modern the blood of Jesus. Just wash me clean from head to talk with beautiful new white robes on the at and I was going out with those robes and and I was playing back in the mud and right then and there I said Lord I will never put a needle in my arm again and from that moment on, was gloriously free. Praise God that moment on, was gloriously free. Two days after that I was with some friends smoking hash and I got high with them. And as always going home on the bus to my house is too young to be driving them. I got convicted. Now I should be doing the signatures putting in the Omaira getting high and I said Lord will never get high again by his grace I was I was free from that point on. To be perfectly honest with you as someone who was a heavy drug user. Casual and heavy. Is this part of my life.

I can't see any reason why believer would you play game with this why believer would even think twice about why believer would even be open to the possibility that maybe if your state is legalized pot that it's okay not plus everything I've read and been told pot today is not like the pot I smoked almost 50 years ago pot today is much, much, much more potent and therefore the effects of it can be much more intense and here's my big question if we are called to be sober and vigilant right that's our lifestyle is Peter 58 be sober and vigilant for drivers or the devil goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Can I be sober and vigilant in getting high at the same time can I be sober and vigilant, getting stoned at the same time you say don't you ever relax yeah II relax your mom go to sleep at night. You know, maybe just read the book the other e-books on to Tariq Cosmas fall asleep yet the Golden is to fall asleep right or you know maybe I'm at the airport.

My flights been delayed two hours been flying day and night for a week and 1/2, 80, and ending at one of those in the massage things you just sit down in the chair and they dig any others can close my eyes and relax.

Not at that moment.

At that moment as I'm sitting there in that chair there on the I'm trying to just relax, close my eyes and I fall asleep a falsely great that that's the goal. But I am not incorporating that into my life as okay every day in the midst of my life activities are before read the word or worshiper in my interaction with people. I'm trying to put something drug in my system to help meet, relax, of course not. Obviously not. So then what's the goal of smoking pot was the goal of ingesting pot in the many ways it's available today, is it to get you in a certain relaxed state. Is it to get you high is it to alter your conferences on one level or another. It's a conscious altering drug. All I listen in my drug days I received amazing revelations. In fact, in fact, when I was high.

One time I believe using hallucinogenic drugs and then on top of that huffed diesel gas oh yeah wonderful life I was living huffed diesel diesel gas.

I discovered the secret of the universe. That's right, I discovered the secret of all motion. The secret of the universe, while high on mescaline.

I think it was in helping diesel gas. Yes, Craig is idiotic. Demonic junk messing with my brain are just the drugs messing with my brain with the most stupid, idiotic, possible thoughts with all the revelation I remember when I was using LSD I just using dots. Taking a pen in using dots. I drew the most amount I was. Not a good artist never was and am not the most amazing scene of people on the ski slope.

Dark figures people on a ski so I member was. I cannot believe that I do that next day off. LSD is like the not so amazing. Yeah, I I once saw the Lord while high on LSD after my friends had been sharing the gospel with me.

Actually high on mescaline.

I did another 30 P: yeah, I was all yeah I saw the Lord like friends.

This stuff messes with brain touches that will get your opinion a lot to say they want to hear from you. 866343. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

They in possession of a very small amount of a controlled substance in the whole thing is is time we stop logging possession of my own room. That was a back not even discussing the question of legalization.

Although you're free to call in and discuss that with me at 663-4230 to go to phones momentarily, but I'm not even focusing on that I'm focusing on if it is legal in your state is it's not going to business documents. A follower of Jesus, but if it is legal then is it okay is it good is it wise, is it edifying as a beneficial or follow Jesus to smoke pot or ingest pot now. One other consideration before we get into this more deeply interest my own upbringing, my dad was very liberal. He was a liberal Democrat and you know my first organ feature of often mention this when I was seven years old.

My sister a few years older than me.

The first organ feature that came to our house on a weekly basis and taught us was openly gay and and he would get Russell was his name and he would come with his partner Ed and Ed was a beautician and they often stay for dinner. As I grew up in that environment and in the my next organ feature.

Interestingly enough, in a mic contrasting comparing skin color to the sexual desire romantic attraction, but I next organ feature was a black man married to a white woman and they lost lots of friends over that even in New York which is more liberal. They lost lots of friends over the family members turned against them my debts and you cannot be wrong and and so I grew up in that environment and then when I started getting high. My dad said to me, listen one day. This can be legal. He was a senior law assistant senior lawyer, so the assistant to the Supreme Court justices senior lawyer New York Supreme Court, and he told me it is currently legal at some point serve your smoke pot do the help that this is my dad all right in the late 1960s early 1970s. So that's the environment I grew up in. But towards the end is looking recently become a pothead because he could see I was smoking pot all the time and and it was affecting me. You can see that you said let's not listen. I just spoke like one joint with wet once a day for 30 years nothing more than that and an avid people call us as part of their lives and how do I condemn them on not condemning.

I'm telling you I wouldn't touch it.

I don't recommend you touch it now to discuss it had a headline that a news article over the Pritzker expected to sign bill into law Tuesday that would legalize marijuana in Illinois January 1 let this happen now. He has now signed the bill into law, and why what what is motivating states.

To do this. Have they really done the necessary studies have they really look at the impact and how much this is good be more available to young people have they really looked at the effect that this is going to have overall the society and and what about driving while intoxicated will now drive while high a second and create more problems can be more of a problem with you suicide or depression or violence or addictions or anything like this or what will pot open the door. The other drugs will still be the gateway drug are they considering all this, or they just think it's can bring us money money money is getting 99% of the reason money put it put aside the issue of someone gets arrested for minimal possession and now they end up with with a bad record they go to jail… You put that aside, what has to be the great motivation here in the states is income it is money making question for believer is a good is it right. Phone lines are jammed.

We go straight to the phones that will start in Kentucky with Bart walking to the line of fire by parts gone and looks like Bart is gone.

Let us go instead to Justin in Rhode Island.

Welcome to the line of fire. Thank you. I don't like how the media is controlling saying that marijuana is good or anywhere that white why do you think it's not good obviously agree with you but what you think.

It's not good because marijuana can affect people's mind. Dear Linda, either turn out here this generation and also fear. I have a question. You know what wonder if that guy himself is the it little bit too high there. You know it's interesting and father just pray for this guy that you set right bring them to repentance and salvation. It was interesting. We don't get a lot of abusive callers were we have to we have to edit things out things like that, you know, we have a delay before sums actually played will get a lot of abusive callers for all the people that way and in the nastiest, ugliest, most profane, sick, always online. Very few of them actually call 866-348-7884. Let's go to Tim in Illinois.

Welcome to the line of fire and afternoons are all had I I like how I quit smoking. Week two years ago. July I got a job truck driver, I had smoked from like 13 children often on I quit I quit for two years and start a food ministry in Nevada and my wife and I weekly, commit, recommend, our large Lord moved up there in the quit and about a year into it. She had like multiple back surgery and was on opioid yeah it was better to sleep a lot man. We went down to visit some friends and they all smoked pot back from our life and Sheriff Triana Gladden to focus on and she felt really good and likely notice within a day like she hadn't taken her her payment in like four hours. We didn't do after that we went back home and Scott prayed on it. The eventual you not just I I couldn't stand what the pills were doing tour and let me know to your journey of her just really completely detoxing from opioids and she doesn't take anything that the only thing she does to marijuana and I have to say for me.

Having quit again after going back into the fight two years while she was picking up her back I file on good thing. There's nothing wrong with that man cannot just smoke it, but it's truck driving man on my mind clear. I can't deny that my memory is better. You know, not wanting to be in ministry. I I done a lot of soul-searching last year and I know that you know we are called to be a sober mind, I would argue partially that if you are a regular user marijuana. You don't actually ever really become drunk on think it's like a situational thing were like you know if you have five and 10 pairs, and something goes outside your you could be so drunk that you won't react at all, but you couldn't smoke and we and how something explored at your house and your like near sober existed. I can explain it that adrenaline to override that and the next thing you know if adrenaline can also override someone's pain. The adrenaline can you say you get a guy in the fight of his face is all bloodied up is not even aware is the adrenaline flowing and the other thing is though that you don't know how much sharper how much clearer much more alert, you would be without the. The influence of of the drugs and listen I'm sorry to hear about your wife's condition, and we pray for complete healing and then freedom from not just the opioids.

Glad she got the talks from that. But from marijuana as well. But when I do encourage you to do is keep pressing into the Lord keeping the word before you look, I know personally changing my my diet getting off all the suites that the sugars that the chocolate all the brads the pizza pasta. My mind is much sharper today at the 264 much sharper and clear than it was at the age of 59 so this stuff does affect you and I'll always pray Lord I want to be the sharpest the clearest the very best I can to honor you, and I was a truck driver unit is not just your own life, but you get the truck accident. The be a whole lot of other casualties so so all the more. That's what I'm saying. I actually haven't even drinking and an overage here so I mean I really gave it all up and my eye. I definitely I see now that probably better off… I mean honestly if you don't defeat you don't need to in your life. You know I mean you can. There's a lot of Christians out there make an excuse for why they have a couple drinks in the afternoon and I know many of them probably that's a lie. But you know on that and that's the thing Tim did just just to say that you better, for worse, for I've no question before God than a regular pot smoking Christian compared to some of the doesn't that that's the pot smokers worse for that.

This one thing and the other thing is yeah are you get little bit of buzz or just a slightly dull what what impact or effect. Is it going to have if you think not.

This, like, relaxes me and loosens me up loosens up the flesh loosens your for all kinds of things. That's not healthy that's not good that's not right and then even even the people that have been a few drinks is an addiction as it become a habit once.

Leave yourself something. Are you getting will buzz and little high, becoming emotionally dependent on this distant lead to more drinking this would lead to the posting, alcohol, fermented doesn't lead to harder types of alcohol and these are these are common issues common problems in a very blessed the society today sober so you know this. Knowing Jesus, the zero stuff like that her and it's the light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown, the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown new states are considering marijuana for use by not wearing a T-shirt and I do not have dreadlocks in my hair, my business and I think it is very calculated approach to build my business to position it. The idea build your business.

Make your mind the story lies in the process is what states are doing as they are legalizing marijuana. This is Michael Brown 866-338-7884.

Is it right.

Okay good beneficial for follower of Jesus to smoke pot were not talking about a medical prescription of Nama nothing. I'm in favor of it for medical purposes, but I want to focus on that one.

A focus on the question of recreational use someone just choosing to use it for whatever reason. Yeah I know that this all because of abuse with a medical use. I know that you can get medical marijuana just to get high and I understand that but I want to focus on the question of whether this is good beneficial helpful for followers of Jesus. I asked the question on twitter. If cannabis use is legal where you live is it okay if use a Christian to smoke when just pot in moderation as were not discussed medical user only recreational use, 11% said yes. I'm glad the number was so low, 68% said no where that number was that high could been higher. 11% said it's a personal choice. 10% said don't know now understand some of say, look, this is no different than alcohol. Getting drunk is a sin, but alcohol in moderation. For most people is not a set policy for some people it is a set distant from me. I'm not saying it's a sin for anyone to have alcohol in moderation, but certainly, drunkenness is always a sin. So be the same with getting high with that really high.

This marijuana takes the edge off whatever wise is that okay and and and and friends listen I oppose it. You know my viewpoint.

If you read my article article asked Dr. and read my article why Christians should not smoke pot, which I submit to you, pray about the considerate scripturally and then to act on. Accordingly, but let me ask you this. It if you had to perform say you are surgeon and you had to be at your very sharpest you very best would it do you good to get high.

First, I would do you good to not be high if you were going to intense spiritual warfare really is some is demonized and even after pray for them to be set free would be better to go on high or not high or if you're struggling say with porn addiction and temptation to watch porn download porn. Would you be able to better resist. If you are high.

If you were straight. Some questions were limited to the call, the phones momentarily. There's an article from Alex Berenson January 2019 on Imprimis from Hillsdale College. He wrote the book. Tell your children the truth about marijuana, mental illness and violence. It's a best-selling and controversial book, as he tells lot of stuff people do not want to hear. He mentions this lets you scroll down a little sis until recently, my wife Jackie Dr. Jacqueline Berenson was a senior psychiatrist at the mid Hudson forensic psychiatric Institute and any says this many of mid Hudson's 300 patients are killers and arsonists of these was accountable mostly been diagnosed with psychotic disorders like schizophrenia that provoke them to violence against family members are strangers a couple of years ago Jackie was telling me about a patient passing. She said something like, of course, he'd been smoking pot.

His whole life.

Of course I said yes they will smoke is it so marijuana causes schizophrenia.

I was surprised to said Lisa tended to be a libertarian on drugs years before I covered the pharmaceutical industry for the New York Times, I was aware of the claims about marijuana as medicine and I watch the slow spread of legalize cannabis without much interest. Jackie would been within her rights to say I know what I'm talking about.

Unlike you.

Instead, she offered something neutral like I think that's with the big study say you should read them. So I did. He says big studies little ones and all the rest.

I read everything I could find. I talked every psychiatrist and brain scientist would talk to me and I soon realized that all my years as a journalist I'd never seen a story where the gap between insider and outsider knowledge was so great when the stakes are high. I began to wonder why with the stocks of cannabis company soaring and politicians promoting legalization is a low risk way to raise tax revenue and reduce crime. I had never heard the truth about marijuana, mental illness and violence. It's scary article. It's a summary of a scary book to me it's mind-boggling that many Christians would promote this will encourage it with its good beneficial it's positive in my article I take issue with pastor Craig Gross who has helped Christians fight against porn for years now supports Christian use of cannabis.

We reached out to him about coming on the show. His team wrote back to us immediately and said if we can have a civil, respectful discussion supposed to heat heated debate. He would do it so. To his credit of that's what he said and of course that that will be my spirit and attitude disagree strongly but will have a civil discussion about what your take 866-34-TRUTH.

Let's see Bart. We missed your call earlier in Kentucky graduated back on walking to the line of fire data Remi Dr. Brown I am a longtime fan of your Thiokol my late, looks like we just lost whoa okay I think we lost our entire connection here hello hello is anybody here all right. Well, we are apparently still broadcasting on YouTube and Facebook.

We may have lost our radio audience. It looks like the system in our studio has gone that let loose limit of two studios. We have the studio theater with Kai Matt. My team, we are interacting in one studio all of our lights and camera equipment and audio equipment and all of that and then then we have the studio in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The show goes out from there onto radio, and satellite into other river broadcasts.

That's where the calls are taken.

So it looks like everything just went down our phones drop so sorry for any confusion there and I hope we get everybody back on Mike my real apologies are all the phone lines were jammed so my my apologies. There of currents on YouTube said where is that nobody cares about radio anymore.

Actually, lot of folks listen to radio you be amazed how many people listen to radio for the most part. If I catch a talk radio, it's on radio and there was every so often I might listen to podcast on exercise know was a still catching on really be amazed how big radio still is but absolutely Internet is the future and we are right there in the future, but let me share a few constructive thoughts here.

I assure a few constructive thoughts. I am not God telling you what you can and can't do right. I'm simply as a shepherd is a teacher is a leader is a watchman giving input, sharing conviction out of love and concern. This is my only issue right so like I have a competing product and I want you to use that product sometime so you different product is not because I have 10 books that I want to sell you on my part is dangerous. Some try to get you to buy my books. Okay and and I don't write books anyway because I want to buy them. I write the books because of an important message that I'm burning to get you see by the book to get the message right but I have no ulterior motive here.

I am not involved politically with anyone on this, none at all. I will work with the medical profession on this.

I have no ulterior motive, no ax to grind and a measure to judge or condemn especially as we heard from one called with his wife and agonizing back pain and and addicted to opioids and it gets free from those in and and now just use marijuana for the pay I'm not here to condemn her or say she's there for going to hell because of that, but I want to say plainly. There is no biblical justification for use of justification you. In other words, some of try to argue that the incense that was used in biblical times in the tabernacle of the temple would be similar to cannabis. Forget about they were not getting high hey man does go on the holy of holies meet the big dude that shows up every known they were. They weren't. They were not doing that in fact they were not allowed to drink before they went to the holy place near an electrical with Leviticus 16 and that could well be what happened to not dove and obviate some speculation that they were drinking wine and they got a little tipsy and a where they got so caught up with what was happening. They then we did something unlawful they got burned burned up by God because of it.

All right, so we want to be really careful about misusing Scripture wasn't cannabis and younger comes from a heap. Forget forget it. There's no justification while it says in the book of Ezekiel, and Revelation that the that the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations okay this not telling you smoke pot. There are plenty of reason to point you tell me that every leave is for healing a base there.

There are leaves that are poisonous. If you eat those leaves you will die there leaves animals. No, don't touch those leaves because there poisonous weeds find better scriptures to youth. Now you might say hey the Bible doesn't address it directly in in this between me and the Lord brought you work it out between you and God's will encourage you to work it out in in the most sober possible way 866-34-TRUTH right up. Let's go over to Paul sorry don't have your location because we lost all of our phone lines destroying everybody on quick preconference or yeah go ahead, what's up.

I actually probably buy it in one way I have been in recovery for 22 years and Mica early marijuana during and right. I write and I made it in the 12 step recovery where they you have to have a hockey and and it really did change my life and I look at my brother a bit. Allow for legally marijuana and he basically runs in November: basically agnostic on because it never really been just jump in. We got a break here looking like this, Satan meant it for evil God was needed for good, but it's better to wake up before you hit rock bottom that's better course. Hey, thanks for weighing in men appreciated.

It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown and voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown is on I heard a friend about a baby that was having seizures, serious medical issues with having seizures and when the baby was medicated with pot, that whatever the tiny amount was that the seizures stop so I'm I'm not here making absolute dogmatic pronouncements about all instances of the use of medical marijuana. Although my general posture is that it leads to abuse and their other problems. But understand this was in a race a case like that, but when I focused on focused on recreational use of pot. I started getting up with him realizing what was this was abbreviated cannabis something something and I started seeing all in my junk box like always what embryos this is now the big thing now just get pot here this that the other thing and and friends want to stand here up front and say, wrong path you're going the wrong door. You are not going to enhance your spiritual life. You're not get get sharper mentally you're not can I get more sober spiritually, you are not going to alter your mind in a right way, you can end up leaning on something that becomes an unnecessary habit in your life. There is much more when when things get legalized in the state. There's much more axis than for kids to have this more more concerns coming up because of this, and I been reading some shocking articles with some terrific stats and all these all history should be done first. Should be done first before states this rush to legalize that this is not adequate preparation but over the lure of making money. Come on, who can resist that is popular.

A lot of people always a surprise to me that the Democratic Party that is so militantly pro-abortion that is so militantly pro-homosexual activist that is getting weaker and weaker when Israel is also becoming increasingly positive on the edges legalize marijuana everywhere is a surprise. No, not to me, and we shall see. For how many people this is the new gateway drug 866-34-TRUTH impart either you call once calls drops about got back on them and the whole phone system went down so appreciate you trying to call and will connect another day if you know get you today 866-34-TRUTH before regular phones. Let's some check out clip number four about and add it to appear on TV about pot with take a look you lead an adventurous life, always finding new ways to relax now enjoy the best effects and control used for moving and recreate discreetly the summer meals recreate responsible yeah that and was actually pulled from US TV station, but expected to be coming your way.

866-34-TRUTH let's go to Jennifer in Tennessee walking to the line of fire and thank you a really quick sorry I'm not advocating for or for anything necessarily that we went to Gannett on you open it not help people like baby agers and whatnot and I would pretty much like you did out in a little bit, and while I did a little bit in hospital and at one year at started going through the change of life and they gave me Ambien that I can help. I am would help explain the night and I had running blackouts on that. I don't think that the prescription drugs there are are any better you read some warnings. Yikes. You know, this could lead to this that I you taking the think is your depressed… If you take it. It might lead to suicide. I mean I appreciate with medical science trying to do and some people do get help. Yes, side effects can be A problematic okay so to the pot partner actually not light now have started using it and it has helped tremendously. I don't think that children should be anywhere near it. If I can be anywhere near ambient now. I was given that arraignment, but there's there's been no side effects.

I like have been down immediately. Think about the problem or if just if it's been a real problem all over my I agree with everything and aptly talk at an I just wish that there was a way where you know it wasn't a being now that it was anything to be virtually anything in this world view food, be it sex be at anything is intent can be used properly can be abused limited. Register this out to Jennifer to consider up an animal gets a bunch of other calls. If possible, so forgive me for just throwing this out and not trekking further but have you considered maybe spiritual means to help of maybe done it.

Maybe not, but in worship music, meditating on Scripture reading the word something that's edifying before you fall asleep. Perhaps that could accomplish the same goals take hold of Psalm 127 and just pray over it. Every night that God gives his blood sleep of something to think about right. And thank you Jennifer for recalling being open appreciated.

Let's see, let us go to reign in Montana walking to the line of fire around hey there my experience of marijuana.

Yeah, I have born in 1970 management brain that you had you labor has that explained as a hippie.

That's when they restrain okay got it. I grew up in that culture. You know my mom believed that Matt marijuana was a natural thing right from the Vatican and it was okay. The point is a difference to me when I was 70 yummy. Let's say that's not that's natural.

That's cool is different than you know that the pharmaceutical drugs and stuff so yeah just be going back another time. I'm really not that cocaine, at least not yet started smoking with my parents and, you know. Acquirement came into my life I was 12 years old I might write many many more years and infant is an attempt on my life after that and I would 35, the government actually declared me complete and total disabled person. I was security disability and they confessed I would never work a function at night he again limits how you lack few years ago I moved out of the state of Oregon away from marijuana and everything out and into Montana and have been completely healed by his word and. My mind is free of torment. I am off of disability.

I am working a job and when you let open the door and marijuana in my life right now with greenbacks in all events, acquirement, and mental illness everything I know that I know that I know that marijuana for me with a gateway into the demonic influence and I just give God the praise and glory can we can deliver you from anything and open your eyes to see the truth about anything and he has set me free and I pay rent. Marijuana is not okay. What a remarkable story.

Thank God for his grace. The moment you called your voice is so so clear you sounded so alive and and and healthy, what, when, when you call him his first thing I thought she sounds very alive and clear. And to think of what you were just a couple years ago that is the Grayson goddess of God and and friends. Let's realize that the more there is access to marijuana, the more it becomes socially, okay. The more kids are going to end up using it it's it's just a reality ring was story I give God the glory with you and I'm so thankful for your testimony. Let let that be a cautionary tale. Yes, exaggerated started at the age of seven, but it shows you where things go. It shows you the kind of bad fruit that comes from this bed root.

Thank you so much for calling and sharing God is amazing is any God bless thank you, boy. You hear some real joy in her voice. Don't you either grab another call or 20 we go over to California link welcome to the line of fire around. Thank you by mail church. The very start, followed by a question I brother in Christ. You are a Christ apologetic and I'm open for a while I get going to think I picked up on him too much later I was back down and that day looking out of nowhere goes back to his right.

Later I found out that Rick went with a garment in that ID. Marijuana and my question is ready for some of the ramification negatively spiritual on EP uses the verse, Mark chapter 7 and eight now enters the manager about what comes out and I believe he is taken out of context. Yes, I would undermine the second Timothy 2B clean how we can be useful. Maybe you jump in real quickly.

Thank you for the call for that illustration I'm looking at you to chat and people claiming that the he recon a boatswain that speaking of canvas, forget it is nonsense complete nonsense rejected that whole article about that on Esther to Brown, the Lord, but Luke insured Jesus torment food nuts of that affects your brain that's a picture of your heart. For example, drunkenness is sin. How do you get drunk you take it in. Alright, so asking was drunkenness, sin according to the Bible will surely have to say yes all right. Is it the Bible says don't get drunk on what how you take what you take it in Jesus is that with enters at the possible with comes out, not food, but what comes out of your heart your mind this is mind altering Magog bring them to repentance and heal whatever wounds are in his life at a time of