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10th Anniversary Show

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
March 5, 2016 11:25 am

10th Anniversary Show

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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March 5, 2016 11:25 am

Christian Car Guy

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Will be you Christian Car Guy rotation five. See you guys when I say a very special edition of the Christian Car Guy show but it is our 10 year anniversary.

I just can't even believe it. 10 years of amazing moments. Phenomenal miracle stories. It all started actually on March 4 of 2006 was the first episode of the Christian Car Guy showing he is taking us on the adventure. A lot of alive time I don't even know how to explain all the stuff that he's done over the last 10 years and we want to do your best today to take you along with this, to share some of what God is done through this platform. We have over 20 soundbites from our favorite memories on the show and I met about the farm as you listen to those that you're going to laugh and you probably maybe cried Bob, I know I'm going to but there's one you're gonna see that God's not that he surely alive the listeners to the show improvement map. Time and time and time again with their call to this show and again like all our Christian Car Guy shows us his life today and we would always love your input at 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH. We're going to play all sorts of games today.

We've got a coarsening that noise. We've got the name gamer to do that but we got all these soundbites and I just want to give you a little flavor here of one of the many calls it.

We've gotten on the Christian Car Guy did just my job just dropped Anna and I I've never been the same after I heard what these people had to share like this one is a situation where God came to the rescue role in land under the red hundred and so we have loads of those, because we have all kinds of interesting moments to share with you but one of the things I have to share with you as we have a whole Cargile team with us today. The first guest I ever had the first email back in 2006 was her Christian insurance card Bill Mixon and so we got billiards will listen. Will you come along to help make you really good really professional lightly.

I like the comparison between how professional you are my effort is that so and then we have our good friend Jerry from Ray's body shop which I've been messing up his name for sooner or later will get that right but it's so great to have you guys here.

You Know What Way, God's work through this stuff. I'm done really anxious to hear some of these clips and stuff and unlike Beale. I think I was just been along for the ride. McBeal brought expertise and brought that character of everything up real, I'm just hanging on how much did I say I was five dollars and naturally we have her Christian junkyard guy Bob from 109 you put in wow what what fun we had Bob, it's been an amazing run. When you first asked me about doing the show brother. I was wondering if you needed your head examined her, he's really hard at that. He's asking me, and it was just such a you know I just wasn't sure how to respond in the side I would give it a try in the is been such a blessing to me through the years and so many things happen and been a part of the shows as really help me in so many ways about keeping direction in my life and in this gave me a different outlook about myself that you would ask me, reminded me of when they asked me about working with you to church back crazy. Are you sure about this unit and you know was this, the same thing is this, I thought I may not be qualified for. This may have disqualified myself from serving the Lord. Earlier in life that the family figured out that the things that I thought disqualified me, unique, qualified me to be a part of his his work and so well and what God is done through this for you have some amazing moments with Bob on the show in his son and and we've got those for you on today show. But first we want to place a special edition of name that noise I find that I like that. All that all right name that noise again today noise and if you can you call 86634878848663487884 and if you can name is noise. Alex, when will possibly Stu Epperson Jesus, but I don't know if you have any of you conspired to have the books and get them out is a great time of year to the same last words of Jesus here in the lens reason and all you have to do is name.

This noise referred to himself as a recovering bozo is Dr. Sonny FoxTrot is positively want to welcome it was a name that noise that's okay, go back and we might give it away. Bob file is in the computer only when I hello okay well you might've been able to name and noise so we don't worry we have other games to play because this is a very special edition I don't know if you go to remember, but we did a show actually three or four times and it was called the name came and it sounded something like this and were gonna play about a minute since we kind of messed up. I met noise which by the way, was Dr. Sonny Fox will get that during the break, but right now we are going to play the name gamer. This is what it sound like the first time we played Christian Car Guy show so that we can name your car no what colors you kind of name generator has named your car have blue suede and I'm thinking it's all shook up on the site so that was a rendition of the name game and we have very studio right now and were ready to play the name game so if you've always wanted to name your car any one of the Christian car certificate you weren't able to get armor shows the time we did it today were to do that as well by calling in at 866-348-7884.

You want to name your car. I've got questions to ask you like is it male or female is you know what's it's personality. What's it's color how many years old is it and we put this into our computer and it puts all this information in an note. For example, Bob.

If we ever named the suburban have not always held the bus, but the all right.

Well here's your opportunity. This is how it works folks. If you want to call it 866-34-TRUTH 87884. First of all, what color was the suburban. It's white and we know that it's an SUV, thing put that in, but well I will be asking you that question with and for whatever reason, technical difficult and is it male or female you feel is definitely a male now would you say that your suburban is an adventurous, macho, sensible, gullible, grumpy, playful, happy, rainy season, pretty happy, pretty happy car. Okay, when we come back in the next segment we have lots more soundbites we will find out what the name of Bob's suburban actually will come up through the name generator which we can play with your car 866-34-TRUTH 87884 Mabel actually find the Dr. Sonny quickly wanted the place is so much more 10th anniversary show are celebrating our anniversary show started March 4, 2006, and worry all these memories and try to get one short so excited to do about were also claimant naming right at minute and when we left our hero Bob Weir fixed and figure out we put in all his information is got a white suburban you know it's an SUV. It's how Bob 2000 model so it's 5 to 10 years old. It's male and it's happy. We put all that information of the car name generator and let's see what comes up with the name touch and not Starsky. Starsky is on the way we came up with, you know, that's just what happened and what they want. They had just learned I was. Rob is not real good at math and have 15 years old is a 3000 models all caroling green is really out to Carol you want to play the name game so let's go white. What color is your car well and labeled it kind of green I caught a pale blue. I agree.

I think seafoam is the blue family is the guy you can count on. But so it what kind of car as it is the pickup of Anna's.

2013. All right. In 2013.0 to 5 years all right in any other male or female female. Okay email and when you think about is it playful, happy, brainy, attention seeker, adventurous, mischievous, macho, sensible, sensible, sensible, yeah, pretty yes that's it seems like a sensible. We put all that stuff in the name generator and Alex name generator Sandy, I think it gets that from Greece. Somehow I was Greece in the garden. I don't necessarily know how it works but there you go in and Carol, if you will give Alex her producer your information, we will send you out a birth certificate for Sandy were so grateful you called really been thinking about calling your road. Well, that's her first name Sandy wrote to Sandy.

Thanks again, Carol got to thank you Jerry when you think about the unit. The many shows that you've gone in and certainly you've been with us a long long time.

What what was your favorite, was it that I start thinking about this I go back to Jesus take the wheel.

I mean nothing. As a matter fact, I've been fortunate enough to be here when we've done two or three of those women very first one and I think you have a clipper that was one out.

I'm sitting here in the know what to say when you sit there and hear the story that I think you going to play a clip of the come out wrong and when we did it with the other set up on the show was you know where were you when Jesus took the wheel so both you and I we expected. Nobody's really wonderful, you know, Jesus took the wheel and saved my bacon, stories, but the first call which you'll hear in a second changed all that and changed our life forever really on, you know how we feel about a lot of that when Jesus takes the wheel when Jesus took the wheel we want to hear your testimony, your story I tried to run a stop sign… It controlled by car with more injuries because of the accident but now, well, you found yourself just in a whole different world.

On the other side of that accident where different world, but my role. You share that just a little bit without listening to Dr. got into my accident.

Where were you when Jesus left a miracle you don't think I'd live in.

Well, listen to this very Christian car guy show good morning my great delight… Get up, get ready to go to the Lord who will bear led me back to look like that is a true story, Jerry. That was the book in because the very first call was the one that we played with the man was in a wheelchair as a paraplegic. In the last call we played was the last mean you can hear the music at the end of the show going on in that last call was just like it where their lives radically change but through the accident thing is not the story was unfolding about you to be got hit my back was he older you think is a completely different direction with their money come down told historian how god can use situations and just just amazing and so bill, i'm curious about your you know you're the oldest you maybe build your certainly the oldest sponsor and the one of the oldest, you know my head. i had color in my hearing but with tells you your memory thing that touches me the most is i had that opportunity to sit in your chair a few times, these guys will tell you it's a real challenge. when somebody calls into the show, you sit there, with this person to get a take 20 minutes to talk or they gotta say three words that you got full bore out of and gigi such a wonderful job of making everybody that calls sound professional and cared for and loved. even the ones that when they start talking i'm sit nickel with this guys going off in the left field will different get it back again and that you just come in and such a loving caring way and start talking about what the person is just year and make it seem like they were completely and totally knowledgeable.

the entire process in my hats off to a guy i have so much sit in a chair across from you when you have someone you have and i learned some that i've we have a lot alas we have a few tears we have so much more christian car guy show coming up and we would love to hear your favorite christian card i memory or a name that car 866-34-truth disseminated.

i found one time and it just is so perfect for me things. what it has to do with you know that old adage that you can pay me now pay me later.

change oil or interchange your engine, take your pick.

all those things he got in the from of the bledsoe barney fife is just been a constant companion on this over the years. we definitely wanted to do that well you listed a very special 10th anniversary edition of the christian card actually got a bunch of soundbites coming right up for you but we've been playing the name game and we got mountain man mold in walnut cove mount man you are on the christian car guy show. again, good morning. okay, thank you for this wonderful well what color is your karma. why, maybe an hour flight felt like my hear about great pickup suv sports car. it is a suburban older and is it male or female. all okay there you why when they're doing good. they are most often bringing you alive there would it survive like can you do for this so would you refer to that as adventurous, would you turn to her. his adventurous, mischievous, macho, sensitive, grumpy, playful, which think like any woman, unpredictable, and i have known okay when we have all that stuff coming back trouble now name generator, good name suburban's name is female is debbie my yeah all summer. hello hello hello hello it's middle name, middle tape, so is millie debbie i got it is no problem with think about.

that's the secret win over 40 years ago and one of the few churches set up a new mexico really that's amazing because my next clip announced complaints from a caller from new mexico and so god bless you and thank you mount man. we appreciate you so much: and today were so thankful that jesus did that and santa fe is beautiful in the mountains. it's just that every member god is not your copilot nor your navigator all right what we wanted to.

this is you talk about bill that sometime calls go to a different place and what you thought this was a call that came from new mexico not santa fe but one of those that i'll never forget because it came to me it just came out of me and i said it i couldn't help but laugh. new mexico break on wonderful having graduated from high school in new mexico, you know, jan, just excited that you after you. you live for god, go and go do it all the time. this sounds like a mission just came out, it was one of those. i'll never forget you know often you try to figure out what's going on with this car about when to grab me and i was like well it must be. but you know, one of the things that is just blessed me throughout this showing people that are regularly listen to know that my mom is is like my biggest fan. i don't you know anyone in the world that she could listen to the show. she always wherever she is in illinois or wherever she is. she always listens and and for years she would give me english feedback because she was an english teacher about how i said you know all too often in all these different things, but just a huge, huge fan. and so she's called in a number of times and so we couldn't have this show without my mom and this particular one we have. my mom and dr. sonny which makes it a double whammy, while special, we have my aunt and she has she's got a story about tire so we got here that you're on the christian car guy show what you write. you got that way in the world. driving down the road that and i believe that my appointed bipolar tired and when you don't have them all inflated and taken care of if you had about an reading your bible daddy with a group and worship service in the name of the lord. i think you can probably come up with something demers example here. he came here to inflate all so we would never let came here to give us the holy spirit.

when he left then the win. dr. sonny know it's hard during yeah, you know, one thing that was that this so cool about dr. sonny is pretty transparent main and his love for the lord and then an unique way of bringing christ to people and stuff just to me a just inspiring. i mean really took took something that you would never think will be able to go uses the platform.

i know he did it at the racetrack. i know he did it in his ministry that all brought people back just like that little clip brought all back to the truth and eat a did it time and time again we are so blessed to have them on the years doesn't you're not familiar with dr. sonny. he was a regular for years he went to be with the lord. i think about three years ago now, but he was definitely one of my favorite memories on the christian car – over the years, we have angela is in north carolina she wants to wish us a happy anniversary, angela. you're on the christian card i show good morning. i hear you. good radio right and characters all have a character later. that's a great idea.

we need to be like carly carburetor okay okay and carburetor okay so that's good. so we showed the christian goes to that is not just you know one of my favorite memory is christian card i theater and what that's and so i have a soundbite as you might imagine from christian card i theater now or you have to come up with that episode. this one is just for you, angela. okay thank you all and is this extravaganza uses kramer being visited by the ghostly brothers highway had forged in my meeting lien filing and you find strange father.

you know the length of the chain you well come back in here more of our favorite memories from the christian christian card i theater.

we would love your your memory 866-34-truth eight anniversary and we are joined by another guest. it's often on the show with us you can remember are on track with andy segment working to get to him in just a second baby. forget about i got a mention that there are so many resources Christian Car website. and of course one of the big things that we i know for all of us sitting here with our best memories are the jesus labor love car repair for single moms widows families in crisis.

just this week, in a place called sunset, utah.

there was a lady clutch was out single mom trying to figure out how to get to work and charlie's service steps up. you know i call them and their like we've been trying to reach out to churches and stuff. mary and somebody to tell somebody we want to give back to the community and were so glad you called.

it's amazing to me how many times it happens is we didn't know any place and then the which is not one of our new sponsors wonderfully argument provide the clutch for this lady and and to see stuff like that were God steps in and helps through you know are just kind of the intermediary God did it, but he did it through auto parts of Sir Charlie's this lady have the courage to call in and it's really cool Andy to see that kind of stuff but God's working with you right now on some stuff too, but I am tracking family Guy. What's your favorite memory well and just listen to your story so far and I need to send another one you know my experiences been as with everyone in this room, like the more that you work through obedience to what God calls you to do the more you see them show up in the most random and providential ways and so that's always an encouragement to me, but you know it's been our privilege over the last couple years to do little segments here and there, and our ministry that provides care for pastors has unique partnerships in the racetrack were on the NASCAR world. When I first came here, Bob was to harass me about not being in Vegas this weekend, but it's the same and has been. It has been a great period of time when one think it's been a year since we done it and we may start doing it again and been involved as inspirational stories of the pastors that we serve.

Being on the racetrack in an racetrack is a good is a good fit for Christian car guy so don't always a pleasure to be in here and encourage the audience and bankers over here now.

My you know it's in and you can remember that time that was talking the pastor came on talked about giving your time, talent your treasure and improvidence and in along those lines, I can't help but think the provenance of the time that Bob got sick and and it changed you know it was a day that seem like any other, but for a lot of us. It especially in the Christian card I show a change, a lot of stuff to searcher did become much under the weather and you just become very familiar with the sun and at the elite camp with recently attended, they became a lot closer than they had been in the past that the ice, Robin said I'm very sick today. This is Friday afternoon and I'm pretty sure I'm on the under the weather tomorrow. Would it be.

I assume Robin Robbie was excited and Rob was excited then it does really work that well that Rob could cover for me and the whole the whole thing was just segmented me have from the man seeking Rob Stephanie and filling in for me and then is his death that happened two weeks after but for him to get to give his testimony on national radio was just a great thing for me and God knew what was coming. Then he knew exactly you know what was going to be going on the fact that Rob got to give his testimony on the radio and I was pretty sure that I was never going to get back on the radio because he just did such a good job.

He spoke so well, and he had been that his stepdad it taken him to so many car shows when he was, and I've been he knew about the years that the grills changed in the in the older muscle cars and Stefan had a lot of that knowledge in an a lot of knowledge about my business in so many different aspects of the and it was just such you know, it looks like feature was so bright for him and my business because I was sure that when he get in the position where he took over that he was gonna make it twice what they were made of it that it was just a great thing for him to get to do that and it touched my life and and kind prepared me for is there.

So here is that very precious two minutes look at my Christian junkyard dog Rob last night because I know how conflict in his life.

And if you take a minute about all you got Robin sure how God with Constantine in your life will I would say the other day I was on a car down south and the truck I was studying the turbo and so I am very down the side of road. I just picked up my first close people trucks broke down this because the snow to his big scene of my life before coming to Christ, everything was and was able to accept God's will for my life, but once I came to know Jesus Christ as Savior and accepted God's will for my life have been blessed with knowledge and knows his beautiful things and and the trees are clapping special is just like I know is is Jesus is put in there is the capstone we begin to see things that just before Mr. before like as I was at that missionary this week and I can hear the stories that simply type a shofar and it just wildly on what God had done with her life that I missed it. The capstone and placing the trees and started clapping and sometimes it takes clapping changes to to realize we were missing out on so yesterday last night about 430 I get a text from my good buddy Bob come down with what I consider his son. I was so thrilled to have my Christian junkyard guy with today Rob I am so grateful for moment on the Christian car and I will never forget. And right now we have my mom live from Illinois mom you got some forces to restrict how their work on computer when you're on morphine nine.

I didn't want to say that maybe I a lot of my Christian card no change Robbie Gilmartin life get any better, but ended up getting better and I love you over there by some to hear from your mother this morning. Yeah yeah it is in this morning.

What I could see was God did this 10 years ago I was obedient in prayer. That said, go during your shoe switch seemed absolutely crazy and they took me on this adventure and I see you know so much.

I knew Bill before this but the rest of the people in the room. I never met and what God's done in the meantime to go on this adventure is more than amazing that I wouldn't want to spend a minute and acknowledge the many people that are involved in this course we have the whole cast Christian card. I feel in which there many many many of those that I've had producers over the years and I want to go through them. We had Deacon Jones on this order early Hodge Michael Butler Phil Canada Dennis Bredon Howard Brian Josh Powell Joey Robertson Bethann McBride Dwight Williams Causey Dennis Fraley Johnny Angel Alex Seals who is now my producer is also the voice of Jimmy Peter many many many sponsors like those that are in this room that keep us off. So important. Jesus later love car centers that