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Your True Colors — I Got You Covered

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
March 16, 2019 11:52 am

Your True Colors — I Got You Covered

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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March 16, 2019 11:52 am

The Christian Car Guy Radio Show

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All I mean the media's got you so cold got a dream boy was at gold got a dream boy got a song paint your wagon and come along and you gotta love that. Where my headed. I don't know where my going by certain all that I know is I'm on my way now. If you heard that in the next set up was what are your true colors, and you may have ended the last song there says he has us covered right so if you're confused, well me to so obviously were on a colorful treasure hunt here to see where are we headed we know it's heaven but we got a planar wagon. All this will begin to make sense more than about right so I have my Christian body shop guy here to help because he's all about pain all about colors.

You know I'm just want to get you to know how this together that's in question. So here's a question that you not always love questions and any disciple you know that's just what we get to do we get to ask questions like that little four-year-old child that just loves to ask questions will hear some questions for you. Why is color always one of the most important factors in selecting cars.

I've sold thousands and I promise color is a huge factor when people take the car and then you personally.

What's your favorite color car, what car color just is like wow I can remember Honda came out at Arcadia Green and Everybody Had Ave., Arcadia agreement that they are trendy. The colors are sometimes that orange charger or challenger all man with black stripes know what he what you think is behind that and now switching subjects but is still on the same lines covers right on a cold night. Don't you just love to snuggle under those covers and get warm. What is it and you never know a little kid that didn't love a blanket or make tents out of blankets like my granddaughter she could make before of forts out of blankets or or whether the kid doesn't just love to get under a tent. I mean think about it. So here's a another wonderful question. I really want to ponder this with me is really fun to think about. Do you think Adam and Eve had blankets before the fall. So they went to bed at night write a negative bit of a challenge. You know what was there covers right, it doesn't seem natural that you would just you know and did it ever snowing even know that he could call did you get hot, you know what they do when it snowed and you have all that I don't have a cell that I do have truth, I do have some answers is coming right what I believe and I bet you did to you that the reason we love our colors in the Whitten reason we love our covers because God does and I think the pain travel card is critical and were going to talk about that giving some hits hints along those lines, but just for a minute.

Go with me back to Eden, then you might be. I was not all that aware of this passage is little bit familiar with it, but there is a shockingly cool passage that's in Ezekiel about the garden of Eden that I had never seen until I was on my treasure hunt this week.

Ezekiel 2813, it says you were in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering critical work there. Every precious stone was your covering the Sardis, the topaz, the diamond, the barrel, the Onyx and Jasper, sapphire, turquoise emerald and gold. Now this passage is really really phenomenally deep in some ways, but the Jewish oral tradition. The midrash if you if you go to see their interpretation of this passage is really really revealing because if you ever go to a Jewish wedding they have something called a Hoopa or two, but depending on how some people attempted to demoralize five tickets Hoopa what they believe is that when God set up Adam and Eve's wedding. There were these 10 precious stone poop as this is what Ezekiel is describing as Eve is on the processional to marry Adam. She is going through these Hoopa's now if you go to a Jewish wedding therefore pulls a holdups out of a tent structure and the sides are always open because Abraham's tent was always open on the side for possible tally and it's really, really big deal. In fact, Hoopa and marriage mean the same thing to a Jew like that. Are you ready to Hoopa that there has to be ready get married so you know this was this was a deal and I can assure you now if you knew this but the difference between a concubine and the wife is whether or not the ceremony took place under Hoopa because the Hoopa represents God in the ceremony and you couldn't just Hoopa foreign womanly. Know if your Solomon you can only Hoopa while you are measuring Hoopa the so now think about it how excited I mean just just ponder with me a minute and just enjoy this. How excited could God have possibly been at this wedding because he knew he knew here's Adam and even inside of Adam and Eve were me and you and Jesus Christ and Abraham and and and your grandkids and your great grandkids in that little precious granddaughter that loves to play and let Fort every God knew all these wonderful people and all the wonderful animals. Your favorite dog that you ever had all these things you know were coming about from Eden) coming from this marriage of Adam and Eve and so part of the way that he bless them was by using these stones and these stones by the way, you'll find them again. They are on the F and right of the high priest that students indicated their families and you'll find him again. Don't think that we get out from underneath his cover because look in revelations 21 and you will find them again similar stones and they are the foundations of the city so where my head and I don't know when will I get there, I insert, but we got a painter wagon right at an end and in that's a fascinating thing because this color that you think about paint your wagon with if you're going to head to heaven is gotta be Ruby red, then in turn will absolutely love the Ruby red represent the fix is going to Easter season.

Maybe the blood of Christ, exactly, exactly, and what think about what Jesus said in Matthew 23 right 37 Lisa Jerusalem Jerusalem who killed the prophets how long I was to gather you under the wings and cover you right. He loves to cover you with so I in my opinion I think that how adamantly covered when they were cold. I don't know how it works but it was God. And if you want to snuggle with God. The only way he can get close to you is if you're in the blood covered in the blood of his son Jesus Christ. And so you know that's kind of at the heart of what we talked about today, but as we describe those things. I wondering what comes up in your mind what did just what do you think about what I did what just popped up and you like I got a call Robbie, please do. We got a special number today because we had a technical problem, whether or so from their regular number is not toll-free but most people using cell phones nowadays anyone said that matter.

It's area code 336-896-0830 I'll say it again slowly 336-896-0830 and one last thing before we go to the break.

Have you ever been on a journey where you took off your headed for someplace, but you didn't really know where you were going example was when I was 19. A buddy of mine and I we decided were moving to Los Angeles. Now we did have a job. We didn't have an idea, really, where we were going to Los Angeles and you were from Albuquerque, which is you know at this point time hundred and 50,000 people and we get into Los Angeles. This gigantic coming miles and miles of we were lost as we could be, but it didn't matter because we weren't going to stop for the night and the end of the newspaper, found jobs, but have you ever headed for someplace for you to know you're going 8960830336896083. All of garden show and I got you covered. So their true colors as we could see with these 10 Hoopa's and that God had her covered in so many different ways and what all that represents. I don't know. I mean, I think I have looked at all the different stones that are in the effort it and different people's interpretation. I looked at what they interpreted in Revelation and at the end of the day.

I don't think we know. I think God likes color.

I think that you know just the beauty of it.

It was just something to just bless them like oh my goodness and and when you think about how wonderful color is and how wonderful covers are in a what is it stirring your imagination.

If we can talk and we would love for you to call and share that with us eight.

Excuse me to get the new number 336-896-0830 336-896-0830 or when like paint your wagon where my head and I don't know when, when, if you ever gone on a journey is a good thing God had covered and you took off her places unknown and I was describing my and in it didn't matter that you're totally lost as you had no place to go and yet no real time you had to be there so popular I don't time ethical and so it was really a very unusually friends. I'm really glad I did it. Now I'm at the time my family thought I was nuts and so I leave Albuquerque and I drive to Los Angeles, Peter Summers and I and I get there and were largest man. Los Angeles is used when you're from Albuquerque and you drive into Los Angeles you like what the world to me.

This is unbelievable. I figure we run in the ocean. Sooner or later because you know we go so far West. One of the sea that but ended up in Burbank that first night just totally lost trying to find a way to something and it didn't matter because we had no place to go got the newspaper found jobs on Century Blvd., Gunther Langer Buick was hiring a part I needed a job so that's what we got that job went down got an apartment in Redondo Beach and I was a Los Angeles but I let you. Have you ever taken off on an adventure like that or you just I have no idea were going well. You think about heaven. It's that kind of an adventure right you don't really know how to you're going to get there exactly the directions. I know you you trust God as a covered and when you're not exactly sure about that either. So that song from the beginning to paint your wagon which is a significant movie in my life. I'll tell you what. Two of my daughters are named after the but called when Mariah song because they say the rain is test that's my first thought fires Joe may call the wind.

Mariah is my second daughter, so Enoch you could say I like that movie, but when you think about the beginning of the song where my going I don't know when will I get there I in certain it's gotta paint your wagon to yeah you know the thing is that so many times amid the human nature, and this is it.

We want to be in control of that and we want to know exactly what that was behind the next door so many times God wants us to step out in faith and walk through those doors not really sure what's on the other side of that and that's a tough place to be, that will I don't say is a tough place to be. That's a place where you got to really have faith and you've got to really be assured of where your faith is aware lies that make sense. I do, I do and I think by the Jesus labor love which I experience every week, which are single moms widows and their in crisis at and they're asking for help, but often they have no idea what they really need.

They just know there this car is broken and I have no idea how it's going to get on the other side of that, but I'm often blessed out of my socks by their faith. If I had application this week from a lady in Greensboro and she just needs a car she didn't have a car seat's got a job. She's getting rides her car broke down six months ago and if her sweet voice. It was just like Robbie God's given provide me a car. She does know it and it was like okay well since she'd prayed we prayed together. Maybe you have a car in Greensboro that you know thing about tradename, but she really won't get nothing for it anywhere you might bless somebody with it. Are you got somebody in your church that you know is got a car that they just can't get rid of, or whatever situation events, Greensboro, North Carolina. You can go to Christian Car Guy not to come or it may be in Raleigh and I actually have another applications that are in Raleigh and also in Marksville, North Carolina and in unison many times when the know situations. It is a fact. That's the encouraging party agency people in a crisis, but also is encouraging to see their faith soon as I think at us just jot my prayers that I would have that kind of faith when I feel like I'm back in a corner and I don't know how to get out of that corner, but I know that God's will to get me out of there and it you know what that's that's what God thinkest what God desires in us that goes back that be like a child child faith. The eighth of a job child is because what is that is one that then let all the what the society says of the community says are the world we live in some just put my faith in God and know that my belief in Jesus Christ, the son get taken care of it's it's a beautiful thing and I am often astounded know it number one. It takes great humility to ask for help. I mean, it's hard. As for help and if you don't think it is just try to keep out. Just admit you can't do something your you're not. And so that there's humility and vulnerability of you know I can't do this on my own so I need some help and then turning to God, which is why would the Jesus labor. Love is and I love that title that he gave us for that because it's pretty clear where it helps come from this time the name of the ministry has his name first and you know that there you go.

And so you know the applications come in every way you can honestly, I often wonder where we going because you know this is way beyond our resources, but God construed your time and time again will we gotta talk about is spring, we gotta fix our pain that we can obtain a way to talk about more on hopeless is a lot more to know about who was like a wonderful song that allows a lot of hoopla going on in this all is today show covered God as you cover it is actually what were talking about what we have a different phone number to call in today.

Maybe it's not working because nobody's called yet what shocks me as I thought, you know you know you used to love to make forts when you're kidding you know how much you love to snuggle and the covers. I mean all this is gotta bring up something in your mind 336-896-0830 is a member. This this week to call because we got practical problems with the number 336-896-0830 and so Jerry, it is the fascinating study I think of Cooper's working to get into that in a minute but we got a target spring people's cars are covered salt and all sorts of stuff. It's time to take care of your paint so you'd don't end up having to paint your wagon again. Yeah you know it, and this time a year and for not all of the country better portion of it is out of the bad weather in the Sultan and ice in the snow.

Even though this morning. Watch the news is not the whole country, but to just little things that you can do once you've got through that that part of the season where you know that I can be salting the roads not have snow his staff go and get the undercarriage of your vehicle cleaned. There's so many options and go to that in your driveway and just get a good good hose and nozzle and climb up and lay down on the asphalt and just keep rinsing it out, but it's really better if you go to the Lakota carwashes that on a quarterly more than 1/4 dollar 50 car watch but just get in there without wanting this just really just blow all of that stuff out all them, crevices, or you can go to the sum of the drive through that star that the full-service ones have that undercoat carriage wash could you want to do is just get all of that stuff out from interest under that body because there's areas that are like little cups under the just holds it and you may not see it this year but next year he starts seeing in the effects of that stuff been right. Get rush out for four years or so, you know that's the. The initial thing is you gotta get off the Sultan chemicals can save a lot of stuff these days yeah and you know also solemnized at unit on the website. One of the things one of the bullet points was waxing your vehicle. I mean, make sure you wash it real well and wax it and I and I love you the wax you put on the day and I don't. I'm not a fan of the 12 month or 24 month wax. I like that the Meguiar's which is easy to to put on but it washes itself off within about three months and I think if you just do that regularly. It just manages works wonders on your finish of your paint yeah and that's the challenges, most of the other ones are you silicone and no pain or I ever met my life didn't hate that stuff yeah that's it messes with their world.

Yeah you. We love it at the shop, somebody brings a car and will this weekend I spent all weekend cleaning it wax it for you and cleaning it wax and they've armor all everything wax everything when it comes into the shop first as well as modify before even comes in the shop. I'll so with try to get all of that stuff out because that's the that just contaminates the whole repair process in the primaries and the sailors in the that that enter the body fillers send even welding. It affects that so we had to get all of that stuff off of their before we can even begin the repairs was state good intentions and looks pretty is nice and shiny, but with to get rid of that in a hurry SOS. It's a fascinating process of in a Meguiar's wax or any internal wax is a similar thing that washes off pretty easily over a period of time.

The Meguiar's is little harder than it, you know those things to protect the pain and and a lot of people in our used to tell people if you hold out your hand and think about how the sons beaten down on it. What's can happen your skin.

It's got expanded scout contract that metal contracts and expands more than your hand does you know when it gets hot so that paint is got to flex in and out in and out as it gets cold as a get hot. So is it gets hot.

Guess what happens the wax it's in their melts to continue to seal that so that if a bird flies over some acid rain hits it, or whatever else is on the paint. It's got, it protects it so it doesn't get down in those crevices yeah and why you mentioned the bird flies over acid rain. One thing all witnesses would have argued opportunity always say this did not go in the kitchen and get that that that the Brillo wore her the pan and washing spines with the rest up and go out and try to clean that out, because what you're doing. It is sanding your finish and a lot of times people get really aggressive at that in the only repair is a refinish in it and that's gets expensive so if you're not sure what to use stop by a local body shop in Assam are are even at the paint supply job or that may be in your area to be glad to help you out because you can do some damage by thinking you're doing the right thing. Yeah, and most the time in a simple like liquid to know what a Palmolive. Whatever you used to wash your dishes is gentle enough from United for your car and you know with the with the good we know they got one for rags these days that if you just did the trick is just don't look at it for two weeks on the meter to get that off of their coming when you see it open water hose in and get it off to clove little little bit of elbow grease and soap and wash it often will save you a lot of money in your call. Continue to look fabulous LOL I saw somebody tried to call in but we didn't quite make it the number were hoping it's not another problem with her other number is 336-896-0830 336-896-0830 may be gotta something came to her mind as far as colors, why it is that you prefer your particular color or maybe you were thinking of some as far as you went on a journey like I did one time where you're headed. Need to know where you're going, but you got there, we would love to hear your story, 336-896-0830 so we know if he ever really pondered, you know, what is it that makes you like my wife she is a red fanatic.

Why does she like read so much when I'm I prefer blue and and and I is this a fascinating thing in our house like I like blue furniture all you just assume slap my face slap her face hard as to tell her I was is we report in a blue furniture in our house is sheet you know what's up with that. Well tell you right now I'm been at your house, but I guarantee you she don't like is no bluing health as if there is no blue in the Biltmore house over there is linear regression after protects of which is fine, you know, I've got I've come to appreciate it.

And that's her color do you want I just get, I can't help but wonder if there isn't something about families you know because it obviously the after they were said that the red was for you.

The first family and try to remember what was in the know. Everyone went down to have their own particular color and and so I wonder if there's something inside your genetics that makes you like one color over that and I don't know what it is but yeah because it is millions of web millions upon millions of dollars spent every year just looking at colors because what was popular and in clothing this you know that there's what's the home decorative stuff.

What colors automobiles and you know it's it's amazing because will have a car that comes in and there are some cars out there that have that ugliest cost nothing. Who in the world going to call a lot by that vehicle that color but to hear them talk. I mean it is so unique is love that color in which you think you yourself would be just assume Walt to drop something that could color, but that's what they won't be in there. That's the most beautiful thing they've ever seen.

Yeah, I'm one of those people that I'd love the yellow car. I'd love you. I think they're just outstandingly just look at that other people say are you wouldn't catch me dead and that I remember that some really strange colors of line over the years and some of them I would've thought my word. What were they thinking when they came up with that particular color but still somebody would buy in.

Somebody would love it and so there's obviously something that's in this that significant and so we would love your story, 866348788480. I'm given my old number 336-8960 8303368960830 so yeah we we promised we would talk about Hooper's and so you know this is another idea of God's covering before we get to Hooper's.

We have Nancy's in Chapel Hill and she wants to know how to get tree sap off of her car.

Here you go.

To answer your on the Christian Car Guy show the morning right to talk to you will now the book music comes on. I'm sorry Nancy, we will be right back. Please hang on my dime answer your question about tree sap, they have tree sap and Chapel Hill banks will be right that I we know landing and standing and is Reese's is all is a soulmate and name a song like wow I you know there's a young Jewish man seeing that on YouTube is absolutely phenomenal song. He's wearing a yarmulke right is a cover over and and you get the whole picture and and you can actually see Christ in the light, you know, when you when you when you hear him sing that song and you like but they missed the point. It's so sad, but it's so beautiful it's absolutely stunning that that Hoopa is a picture of God's covering of God's love. That's been there since Lederman has discovered and also many ways. If we would accept the covering that he's given us in in in Jesus Christ and that's announced Army like I cried like a baby when I was recording. That song actually it was like oh my goodness, this guy is really really got the picture of what that wedding is going to be with Christ. But before that, we gotta cover our car so don't get tree sap and bird food.

We got Nancy and Chapel Hill. Jerry has some advice for you. Nancy. So now great. So what you have tree sap, a lot of now I drive around the patient home for a living know I am in farmland and all sorts of light and it is really hard to keep my card clean and I found that the places you go that they do like five different thing. Your car when you drive through it.

Don't clear what I like to learn more really dirty but area where I think it tree and don't like to convert. I don't like but I know how to get that at all and in your area that started this year where a clearcoat or whatever you call that very top cover it like flaking off and I've never had that happen in a car so I might bump into really going on with car surface sounds like it may be easy to take care of the latter part that cleared the laminate in which is the clear cumin release and from the base code is a bigger issue because there's really only one way to repair that Annette's to refinish job so it's not news you wanted to hear. I'm sure all is that that the bird droppings and the sap and always will tell people that best thing to do is just be aware of your car the sooner you address that most of the time, the easier it is to get it off in the first place always say start is just real soapy water and take a microfiber rag in our real self Dragon just just soap it up real good. He may have to do a couple times maybe not let it sit on it so to soak into it and then into most the time will bring it off you got two different issues usually sap may stain your pain. It is probably harder to get the majority of sap off but it doesn't really etching to the pain is as much is bird droppings day because the acid and those now and Shannon really damage the paint further into the clearing and damage at clearcoat, but the best thing to do is just try to do it early and we start getting the delamination that this it all depends how bad it is.

Sometimes you say if it's just a few areas. Try to keep wax on it and may slow the process down a little bit. Most of the start the laminate in its well.

Also, I would say about the delaminating part, you know what what kind of car is it Nancy and all, okay so what I having it along with 300,000 and I told it working is still good. I keep adding going good. That's it. That's a defect in the paint and the son knows that and so you know that is something that was caused by the way you took care of the car that was something that would cause by a factory defect. They didn't have the paint next right when they didn't originally and they know it and so sometimes you can get Nissan's attention because they do know it by writing letters to internecine customer care. The dealer would of course love to repaint your car for free if but the Nissan people are the ones you have to make that decision and so there's the pan is still mightier than the sword. When it comes to getting delamination taken care of sort of letter to the manufacturer would be my next step doesn't matter how old the car is the they still are the ones that were the real cause behind that return yeah I had a what you have. Most delamination is caused by the fact of paint finish. You have different type of materials are not compatible. You layer in it and you may have asked an acrylic basecoat with your thing clear and what you have is a dry time is different and the chemicals are different and that causes with the course of time. Start peeling away from it because they don't cure out the same time there had the same chemicals in them so sort like they work against each other, which is been a big issue in the automotive industry for a few years, are slowly seeing less and less of a because it's more of a urethane or a water-based system now what you Nancy.

Great question. Thank you so much for calling and I had an account of a child here on our knobs and say Chapel Hill as a bus tree sap falling out of the trees and there's a lot of tears and from last nights game. I was in effective of all gators are able to watch that when you have a grant rate agent Nancy God bless, you and I didn't love to hear you die all the time we Alan appreciate your listing thank you bye-bye so you know again when you think of Jesus's time or when you think of Solomon's time or David's time this idea ever. Hoopa is not a new thing and so you know this was something that you know, I believe, especially if you look in the song of Solomon. The first chapter, you cannot write the second last for something for 16 where it says our marriage bed is verdant, it may be the translation you see when you look deeply into that word of what they're calling abed. Sometimes it's translated couch, but the Hebrew of that is arch and what they're talking about is a Hoopa at it all goes back to the Hoopa Ed goes back to the Hoopa because God is God's covered. You see there's so many things if if you think about the word covering the Bible write the word bit bit where Noah covered the ark with pitch. That is the same word is the cover that's over the mercy seat if it's the same Hebrew word said that we know the eventual cover over the mercy seat is Christ blood. There's all these things that are pointing to how he has us covered and and and oh by the way, in a marriage ceremony if you're married, I'm thinking you would agree with me if there was a place where you really want to be covered by God. It's right there, because that's where Satan is going to attack back like crazy.

He knows that that family will bring you more joy or bring you more heartache than anything else you have in your life. I may at this is where the literally rubber meets the road of this say and having that Hoopa you know where you've got Christ like a pen covered you let you know that's you know that's the picture of how we can make it happen. So even in your car. We need to cover it with God, right, put a little yarmulke on your car and where you go I will say one thing real quick. We go off is the fact that you know what kind of cool was to better look at some of the Old Testament and the those word pictures you see God's love.

He wants the same lovely experience all God wants experience with this today.

We're so grateful like Nancy that your listen to Christian Car Guy, so maybe next week will have a regular 866 number effective the wonderful remember this week right to think about where is God got me covered when you snuggle under the covers.

Maybe just think about where the original covers came from and whether Adam and Eve are actually being covered by God and what that looked like, how cool is that. So think about that slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went out on hundred 33 years that you listen to Christian Car Guy ship