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Evaluating the Charlotte Hornets with Nata Edwards

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Cross Radio
June 16, 2022 3:56 pm

Evaluating the Charlotte Hornets with Nata Edwards

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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June 16, 2022 3:56 pm

Nata Edwards, aka 'Nata the Scribe,' joined the show to continue discussing the NBA, including giving his prediction for Game 6 of the NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and the Golden State Warriors. Also, he gave his opinion on the Charlotte Hornets hiring Kenny Atkinson as their head coach, as well as what the team is likely to do in the upcoming NBA Draft.

Also, Darren Heitner spoke about the changing landscape of NIL in college sports, and how many states are adjusting their NIL rules and restrictions.

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Have financial capital This is the gold shell should place a bet I should double down on the lightning I got the life plus money at +160 before the series I should have gone further. I have to check and see what it is gone to this point. Although I'm not sure Colorado home when really move the needle too much in that regard. You might be surprised that I have to go Tampa Bay +230 right now +230 yeah got one all the way till after they got some Domino wait until tomorrow. We could do tomorrow strike the poinsettia Saturday I could take the bet is there other imitating the NBA by having seven days in between games.

The future I got from future but to find you don't lose right away so I had a lightning in the future bet against the Y waited until they lost couple games against the Rangers and then I got limitless money and then I did the same with the warriors waited till was plus money. That's what you're supposed stranded strategically apples exactly 50 5 PM go so I better go Dennis got sincere not a scribe cannot Edwards from is in studio with I ask you about this because what I feel and I alluded to this, but I wanted to get want to get a little bit more in-depth as we get with you about Pantheon not yet okay not yet. I don't know maybe I'm not usually referring to. At this point and I know Dennis is probably try to get you to talk if you're if you're the Celtics your game. Five defensive game plan which was all about eliminating Steph Curry, which was successful. You got you frustrated Curry you force me to bad decisions you force me to bad shots, which are kind of the same thing to me did make some shots. He was good he was good around the rim, but you bet you held in the 16 points which was essentially half of the zapper.

I wouldn't change anything about what I did. I you.

Here is what scares me about the defense is that you allowed Raymonde to get into a rhythm. You allowed Andrew Wiggins to feel good about himself. You allowed Clay Thompson to have a sneaky good game and on top of that Steph still had outside of a couple of dumb long three-pointers, had a really good forgetting move the ball along and it still wasn't good enough and it still wasn't close on top of the fact that this team the team that were talking about defending like they're great defensively, offensively, can you trust them to not turn the ball over, then thanked I like the strategy I worry about a lot of this being all my God, what am I going to do when Steph hit one or two because that's part of the equation, you're probably banking on staff missing going on for nine or one for 12 or something like that. What if it's multiple threes. What happens then is your deep do you have to change defense even tighter. And if you're doing that. Are you giving Raymonde another chance to feel great about himself. Are you giving Andrew Wiggins another chance to get feel great about himself is confined lonely going to be able stay on the floor his dream on green going to be able sell for because a lot of that strategy relies on a whole lot of other things going wrong and I'm not sure that's a defense you need to take with this team. I think the previous defense of let's let staff be the one. If Steph scored 50 right what were good because that strategy almost worked except for spoiler alert turnovers. So I think I think what they can do works. I just don't like taking Steph out.

I like making everybody else work because at some point Steph is 30+ he's going to get tired.

He's going to shoot himself out if he has to do that to win. I think you can live with that. The reason I say that is because they with all of that said warriors still just scored 104 true and 104 should be a winning score is short and bright.

But you know why it should you trust the other that the other team is not going to turn the ball over right half-court on the other so that it's about Boston's offense not about Boston's defense exactly that's where they have to change. That's where you're getting and I'm assuming that's what you have to change it, but at the same point. This is who they are who they are, you're gonna have to force Steph into multiple turnovers you're gonna have to force dream on green into multiple turnovers you're going to have to have to basically assume that Jordan Poole is not going to hit another buzzer beating backbreaking three at the end of the third quarter because those little details and this is where we get back in the conversation of the Boston Celtics play with their food entirely too much.

This is where the attention to detail matters because.if Norton pulled that three were talking about three to coming home and I write a lot better about Boston that I don't like Boston being down 32 having to win two in a row when they haven't put two games in a row together to win a series yet. I don't like their chances will they didn't walking they did in Milwaukee and they blew Milwaukee out in game seven. I think a lot of that had to do with Milwaukee BNI gas and no Christmas meant no Middleton. This team this warriors team. I worry about this worst team. I don't think they're going to put two bad games in a row together. I think they have they have their attention.

I think the ability to be a champion. The fact that the been there before they know how to close out a team. This man tonight. I feel good about ending tonight really yeah feel good about it ending tonight. I feel like Boston -7 then otoliths find no fun. I'm +28. I see we Adam I know that you are getting your units are just fine. It's Dennis that we have to worry, here's the thing Adam I get 2500 Valley Woodlands's champions tour golf event on one on Curry double double. Did I will Curry double double. 43 and 10 accident seven of the rebounds that have bounced on the floor. Curry gets credit for that. You should get credit for remount about them for you shouldn't, but these timekeeper things that keepers are there's no like uniforms and that's half the problem when we do this, but like I understand why you feel like the series goes seven. I just if it goes seven.

We have all other that you like that's going to be a fun discussion for seven because then I start worrying and I'll start worrying about if Steph Curry might get a gas green might be at a gas that's a whole different thing.

I'm expecting a very ugly game seven. I think you're going to get the best. I think you're going get to haymaker's night will and will see which one goes to sleep after I went I can't. What can be absently fascinating to watch, even though it starts near midnight right Golden State capital financial advisory group.

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Thank you. I like like the logo, like the need to see Charlotte hornets like it says in from the 80s so what you think about Atkinson and what he can do with this group. I liked it. I like to move and I still question how much of an upgrade is an overage and I like breaker to light and I like Borrego. I think that there were some ability there were some leadership issues I've ever again talk some folks I've heard there were some leadership issues. I've heard that this team just didn't get along at certain points that it ended very poorly.

Clearly, as the Atlanta game had ended.

The question I have for Kenny Atkinson is how much of an upgrade because either telling me that this team pays attention to more detail wins games like they should've one against the Brooklyn Nets late against the Miami Heat late against the Sixers late and actually compete in these games and get themselves to a point where they're hosting a plan tournament game or better yet their top six, then it's worth it. But if this is literally not an upgrade, but maybe Cupid shuffle to the left.

Then I think this is going to be one of those things where I'm not sure that there and I one I worry about this a lot and Mitch's cup geometric objectives basically alluded to this. He may run this back with the same thing and there's a arrogance that I worry about with the steam in picking the groceries and thinking that this team should be more talented than it actually is.

Specifically, at the summer spot so if you can fix the center spot if he can get the funds right. This team is going to be good, if not, I kinda worry about where were going to be in the year I let me ask you real quick about lamellar ball he's their best player correct. Now, yes. Had you told me I just miss question this point last year a little trickle okay well yeah but made available availability matters hundred percent. So, okay, let's say lamellar ball is their best player or the hornets best suited to have lamellar ball be their best player/leader or does somebody else have to be that second part, I think the second part is the fact that the second part is to review or even better yet a miles bridges. I think that is a problem, but I also think that this team is entirely too young with the bulk of your roster being under age 26, you're going to have problems when we compare for games and I don't think that they provided them with the necessary veterans to basically be a functional team to be a team that you can expect to get around in the playoffs or when around losing the second and then learn from their mistakes and be at Eastern conference finals team which this team this franchise has never been to this is that I goal. I worry that this team is a little bit too young in this kind of why when you see that they have the pics 13 and 15 next next week.

In this NBA draft.

I'm not sure they're picking two guys, much less three, which their fourth third. The second topic 45. I don't think they're picking three guys. This team is entirely too young as it is right now were talking about maybe adding a young center and then probably moving those pics all moving with veteran contracts to shut some salary bring in younger guys bring in veterans that teach these guys how to win because I think that's the final piece to this puzzle its point right final thing to give me a pic tonight. Give me: seven Golden State Golden State fit within the number really so tight want that one.

I think I stay tight. I think I think were at the point now where Steph Curry goes to the Mount Rushmore, the NBA is getting is already there. He's art is only four spots in the Mount Rushmore, the NBA's never to be there but that's fine. I whether Curry is the eighth best player we've ever seen or the 12 best player we've ever seen. Doesn't matter. Nurture it. There is another matter. But in he is an absolute blast to be able to watch it. It's cool to be able to see.

I saw all of Curry likely saw I saw all of Lebron thing really pay the close enough attention to all of Jordan I was doing to Bernard King… I get that. My dad has a lot of stories about Bernard think is again mixed friends and then I converted to trial or transplant like in my decision-making process needs a little work very similar to Kevin Durant exactly cannot add words at not of the scribe on twitter tell all the boys in CBS's ad hoc will do their offense is not constantly on the program will become backward talk a little and I yelled at a summit in Atlanta will talk to somebody who has been at the center of that next June 19, 2006, but it all started May 6, 1997 with the announcement that the Hartford whalers were coming to North Carolina transition of heartbreak. Figuring it out on the fly came fifth anniversary of the Carolina listen, name, image and likeness actually had a summit I don't know name like this is an organization, but there was an oil summit in Atlanta and if there was an and I'll summit Darren Heitner was there.

One of the leading advocates for an IL Heitner legal sports law professor at the University of Florida sports agent blog guys we've been talking for about 15 years Darren. I appreciate your time. This is your this is your wheelhouse as much as anybody I know to tell me what it was like tell me what this summit was about for you greatly talking. I think came together with your mind and it was supposed to be primarily a celebration of the first year that college athletes have ever been able to exploit their names, images and likeness for for so that they can actually make money just like professional athletes just like you, me or anybody else. A brand our autographs are worth anything. Our thoughts make you so you have a convergence I think 400 or so out we and brightest athletes when it comes to an IL from across the country had ran their president, lawyers, representatives, etc. and actually a lot of people from compliance departments and it was a three day event. The first day was an awards ceremony to recognize the achievements of that panel next two days, mainly to talk about best practices. What should and shouldn't be on how to further exploit this over the coming years is joining us here on the atom gold show you. I know you have been very pro-in IL. I am from an IL I am anti-anything that sounds like a guardrail or restriction. I think that more than anything. We just need some adjustment, but there are two sides to the name, image and likeness game. I guess there's one that is more traditional, which is athletes hired by companies to endorse products, make appearances, and then there are the collectives which have been basically been designed to ghetto get get money and read in a redirect out or direct that to athletes is that a problem for you at all. Not collected are part way violate any state law and role of quid pro quo yet being offered and provided not to cause an athlete to enroll your first paper play contingent on an athlete performing or performing through certain level.

I'm fine with you.

You asked mention a very important word you said that companies are entering into arrangements with actually what are collectives. Collectives are also companies are for-profit or not-for-profit. And I have no problem with the collectives amassing pooling money from other individuals and then providing that money to athlete as long as the Gen. providing something in exchange and that it's not an improper inducement to cause them to enroll at a specific universe. Stairs are simply donating $50,000 to this and not expecting anything in return. While not an issue.

So first day when it first came out with an IL policy. July 1 20, 21 page question and answer it specifically court that there is no restriction no prohibition on boosters entering into and I'll deal directly with applicant but that's not actually what have by way of the collectives instead of pulling their money putting it towards the collective as long as the athlete is doing something to benefit the collective as opposed to the individual booster again in my estimation that creates a quid pro quo scenario and I think the NCA would be very hard-pressed to try to come down enforce its rules and take action against an athlete, which by the way, the answer is that it's knocking to go after athletes but also to go up against the school or the or any booster him or herself because you had that important element that has been satisfied. So I don't see an issue is joining us here on the thing that makes me laugh the NCAA's in such a poor job of going after.

Essentially, under the table illegal in recruiting inducement they've done such a bad job of that. And then when it became aboveboard.

They said were going after them like you have been forever. Why even bother, but there are a lot of people we talked to Tom McMillan's who runs what and what associates and they are concerned that an IL is being used as recruiting inducements. Again, I'm not concerned about it, even if it is because, like the athlete should be getting the money anyway.

But what do they have legitimate concerns about the money that was being offered to athletes was overtly talking about universe. However, the last thing I wanted to immerse herself in jeopardy of losing his or her eligibility, which I think is able now. Also, I don't want them to do anything that's going to cause potentially their University suffer consequences of losing scholarships or losing the opportunity of playing ball games, etc. blame to then be placed on the athlete. I think that's a very unfair heavy burden for them to whole and you mentioned years past it had a lot of trouble enforcing its existing bylaws and I think the problem with with that was that there was a lack of transparency where is now with an IL with a lot of the usual being disclosed to the university as a technical defense and is coming out and collectives coming out, speaking to the media publishing on their social media about what's going on I think to creates low hanging fruit for the NCA. We have depleted resources.

We have a lack of enforcement personnel, but we can and must take action around really worthless. As an organization, so I think that is why you are going to start seeing some enforcement with regard to a child falls you just said the client's comment by me during either had nothing to do it.

You can follow him on Twitter at Darren Heitner. You did mention that as long as were not in violation of state laws the state laws are sorted changing. You know we've we've seen, and I think it's going in both ways. I think the state laws are becoming.

In some cases more restrictive then and maybe in other cases a more relaxed, where we had with this largely more relaxed Alabama completely repealed dialogue because it was an unfair advantage. Schools and state that didn't have any law whatsoever at Dr. bare-bones policy last year and you've also had the Louisiana as recently as today is already decided to just scale back there and I'll laws to remove the probation on schools athletic departments and their coaches caused to be involved in the process of pushing people were helping out collectives and roosters establish that relationship with the players so I think generally that movement. That's the direction that state and at the same time as you mentioned or alluded to him in a state like New York as a piece of legislation pending.

It hasn't been passed, but it would actually tighten and I heard one in visual in your politician crack collectors being involved whatsoever so that's interesting to follow. Most states are are are scaling back but perhaps some, like New York are considering being more conservative and having stronger restrictions than what the NCAA and most states currently provide for just about a minute or so left ear with Darren Heitner.

I'm in favor of no laws.

We don't have laws and what coaches can get or administrators or schools.

I would not restrict his own, then we should net any restrictions on athletes. I don't believe we've ever needed a law for this, but again that's just me. Give me a concern you might have for the athletes. As we entered this I mean it's not a wild wild West.

But there are a lot of unknowns to me a concern you may have for the athletes as we get further into this about correctly say I agree you don't necessarily need laws but we over a year ago before the NCA change concerned that we know number one tax concern. Are you saving your money are you paying your taxes. Did you get your tax returns and on time and will you in the future. Are you getting that important education from a legal standpoint you know what you're signing when you actually sign on the dotted line reading the contract are you selling yourself short. Are you making sure that you're not signing every single bill. Are you looking at quality over quantity.

From a financial standpoint, saving your money.

Not necessarily spending it all in one place and using it wisely. So I think that there are absolutely concerns from a legal, financial and accounting staff point University's first and foremost need to be doing a better job of educating dude just hired a general manager who was obviously going to manage an IL for the basketball program that's that is an interesting new foray into this Darren your way too many Twitter handles that you are associated to mention play the game the book and IL advocate and somebody had been talking to about these issues for a long time. Thank you so much for joining us.

I appreciate it will do get do it again very soon. Thank you. This is the gold shell June 19, 2006, but it all started May 6, 1997 with the announcement that the Hartford is coming to North Carolina transition of heartbreak. Figuring it out on the fly became presented by the Carolina listen