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Assessing NFL QB situations with Will Brinson of CBS Sports

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Cross Radio
August 22, 2022 1:34 pm

Assessing NFL QB situations with Will Brinson of CBS Sports

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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August 22, 2022 1:34 pm

Will Brinson of CBS Sports joined the show to talk NFL QBs, including the contract talks between the Baltimore Ravens and Lamar Jackson. Plus, how do young quarterbacks like Trey Lance for the San Francisco 49ers, Jordan Love with the Green Bay Packers, and more.

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Financial capital financial. This is the gold shell every Monday and we are ready to go. We have quarterbacks to talk about and more because frankly the entire league is all about quarterbacks. Will Brinson pick six podcast moderator men about town Sir, we are two weeks away right of what to two weeks from Thursday is the opener to have this right that sells the opener you very excited that I have no idea.

I have no idea what day it is, even though inside I know now it's about daylight be no perfect. I'm glad you do not, let's let's talk about Baker Mayfield don't we all think that this deal was that this decision was made when they executed the trade pretty much, but you're bigger trade murder, where make it obvious allow syndrome can make your conversation and he did best quarterback Baker is the highest award for background jaywalkers Bridgewater never really liked his job to lose. I think based on what we saw against the commandos last Saturday afternoon.

It was kind of a draw be both. Both quarterbacks were good. Both quarterbacks you know I could. I think you could make the argument that Sam was even better than bakery did have a second crack at it, but I think the Sam looks fine, but ultimately all Baker had to do I think was just not screwed up.

Just just being you don't make don't make a mess of this and you'll be the starter and that's pretty much what he did leave the two practices against the patriots last week. Everything I heard about those two practices said that both quarterbacks made mistakes in both quarterbacks did some good things but I got so I just think that this thing was preordained that they were always going with Baker unless they had no choice. That goes a long way extremely desperate contracting with football games on the same job. I don't know what number you think that will lose all your game and that is that where petitioner pretty quickly when Richard Baker was stunned, her reason for allowing us to be. Everything clicks right and potentially fringe playoff team." Potentially fringe playoff team, which is not really, yeah, yeah, I guess fringe playoff team. This is something I think of their offense of line works out then they could, they could threaten eight wins right that is potential fringe playoff team. Of course they need a Kia quantity 2.B. A turnstile at left tackle is not good is the second game in a row. One good I'm not. I'm not saying I'm not concerned because I am concerned because he wouldn't be the first left tackle to really really struggle in year one, and I think the only way that they're a good offense of line is if he is playing left tackle. I think there a bottom third of the league offense of line if it has to be Brady Christiansen at left tackle but as I think Kristin can really help in the garden think he could make the line good but you know that was Jim Jude on his good so that you met you and I called Jeff I have no idea what I suggest you pictures of the Pittsburgh Pirates. I think you might be right. Top scores they would be devastating if the precursor to the left tackle Mickey to come inside, kicking him inside.

I think it's starting either Jordan nor Davis or somebody else and lifted that they can play their ones except for quanto but the offense of London look great in East yes and he doesn't like hugely the ACC playing left tackle of the call. We will follow their course is bigger still says and one of the problems with playing for the Panthers is that the winning machine time, you will be dropped for no keys keys pass that Castro is instrument appreciate your one of the red flag thing about art try to make that leap to begin a quick teamwork potential golden studio with my friend Coach Pete capital financial advisory group. We are talking retirement coach house longevity risk figure into our retirement and income plan.

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So let me ask this question of use or the Baltimore Ravens. I just need a really a yes or no.

Here they want to keep Lamar Jackson as their starting quarterback right yes okay so if you want to keep Lamar Jackson as your starting quarterback why are you offering him a contract which admittedly is more than Kyler Murray's. But isn't Dishon Watsons.

Why are you messing with this well I mean I think what would you be Reagan's or attempting to walk back to the state to the ground, or it might not be able right, of course, submitting the report you messing anything up because your old contract and you have $230 million contract dollars right now that that's not hard to do recover the last really got bagels in the Chargers like your neighbor's fruitcake. The ravens also would not like to. I would also think of these owners are dismembered just recently met the rubble. Structures ever talk a lot like the girl girl bodies and overall business valve will little text thread going on and I talked of which figure out how to get walked back mass that Jimmy hasn't made somewhat playfully dirty contractor, particularly as you suggest. No way to glass contract but I'm reporting BP figure 11 D, accepted, and the reason I say this like I think in a perfect world, you're right.

And the ravens are right, but that world stopped being perfect when Jimmy Haslam had no choice.

If you leave because Watson didn't want to go to Cleveland. The only reason Watsons in Cleveland is because of that contracting went okay.

You just bought my affection so you are right.

So fast forward to Lamar Jackson who seems 100% willing to play on the franchise tag next year and the following year and maybe 1/3 in which the money would be more than half of the 230 million guaranteed over the first three years. Why can't Baltimore see the future you'd be better off. Even if you guaranteed in 250 million just extended the deal for like seven or eight years. So there's dummy years and lower the Means you have to be more creative if you want to keep Lamar Jackson is your quarterback, which is why I asked the question that way the beginning. That's what is that so we talked earlier this off-season when the crazy rupture children down how all Dr. Hopkins contract which Mike redrawn in a weird way that causes right had thrown a weird anomaly well before the are not willing to take lasting they believe alcohol may old the best at what I do I want the most money contract number one. Take a right and so Cherry Hill were not willing to take less work Hopkins make around your values or their agents create a bunch of fluff contract. Give them a call back to the a lot of 20 money etc. etc. well in each country want to have a very simple it's and I'm getting paid all muscle agent a lot better, really difficult.

Charlottenburg Marty think well I think that is fruitcake student easily top and it certainly played a bunch for like I said, he seems incredibly willing to do that and that is dangerous for Baltimore. I will be come back at 10 and ask you about three quarterbacks to teams. This is not a joke.

This is not an Internet meme three quarterbacks to teams with will Brinson next June 19, 2006, but it all started May 6, 1997 with the announcement that the Hartford whalers were coming to North Carolina transition of heartbreak.

Figuring it out on the fly became fifth anniversary of the presented by the Carolina listen and that means your target will Brinson we help him keep his calendar straight joins us every Monday here in the Adam go chill. I don't get to a couple of other things before we run out of time. We got about 5 1/2 or so minutes left.

I mentioned to quarterbacks or three quarterbacks to teams. Let's start with training Lance move mean I didn't see a lot of it but I didn't see with from Lance was the quarterback that looked like he spent the first year, pretty much watching Jimmy garrotte below wisely. He looked like he was pretty much in command Kyle Shanahan has a team that can be really good, maybe even better than they were a year ago. Some higher highs and you could possibly drop and you have some maybe lower loan.

I is for sure, but certainly is Florida's Want to bet big if you pick a set of draft to get an season to be veteran could play in the offense working with a royal play caller approach to football.

The quarterback space on your history of working well but why enormous upside word when he can be the player and so this is probably the most talented but like just a glance and probably never worked with the terms of the and I think you just see easy to run the quarterback. I mean, obviously Kyle Shanahan had no doubts at all about turning the team over there was there was no competition. Jimmy G's would like to backup.

Basically, here's the thing about grappa article Jimmy just rode by himself in a separate field is not practical then I'm either going to get rid of it. Here's the thing that I don't kinda bothered me about the Jimmy garrotte below. Think well the Browns if you want to. When you got a lot get Jimmy garrotte. Below are like you used to give you set a couple minutes ago the Jimmy G was underrated really think that every having watched garrotte below enough like to please a poor man's Kirk cousins he's he's sort of trick Dilfer. He's sort of. I know Johnson get by with another guy whose name I wrote down Brad Johnson will be jots down so like he's okay. I think if the rest of your team is really set. Then I think he can put you in positions for him to not beat you, but Jimmy G does John things on a regular basis. Her present your drop or not elevate your dad stuff around nothing around and around their good weapon. These rights can tell around those guys need to count to be elevated around them so they can succeed right. If I were fiber Cleveland unless I was a team that is simply an operator away from getting it was Super Bowl I would not be interested. I just I just would not let me ask you about Jordan love again. I didn't see a time, but when I saw there were some nice things that Jordan love did we know that Aaron Rodgers is going to be the quarterback for at least one more year, maybe two. But you did Jordan. Love may be given some some fans a glimpse of the future of Authorware going and it's important to the love of the stay to them because otherwise you pick your option right side of your franchise that you give to start a contract.

I think it is runs right it. Roger so but if it was a good enough to leave here. Love look good.

Maybe they can move the receiver that Aaron Rodgers will like. Will Brinson you're the best man. I will see you next week's are you got it will be Monday because that's how will knows what day it is.

This is the Adam gold shell all June 19, 2006, but it all started May 6, 1997 with the announcement that the Hartford whalers were coming to North Carolina transition of heartbreak. Figuring it out on the fly became fifth anniversary of the presented by the Carolina listen