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The ACLJ's Impact on Foreign Policy

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
December 24, 2021 12:00 pm

The ACLJ's Impact on Foreign Policy

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

Going great for you.

Seal Jay's impact on foreign policy form now 205 nutrition came into power present by window elections have consequences.

It was a mess of an election.

But ultimately present buys their where the President is most powerful where they have the most unchecked power constitutionally and throughout the court court precedent is in the realm of foreign-policy. We knew the bite of nutritious foreign-policy allegedly bad, but dangerous dangerous for possible begging the Iranians and so far they've not been successful in doing but they're still trying begging the Iranian student to let the US back into their bullet point a JCP away the Iran nuclear deal.

The joint comprehensive plan of action Mr. Becky that not no response to China on the fact that coping 19 is likely the responsibility, whether it was negligence at a criminal level and that's what it would be the US law beats that you beat even if it wasn't intentionally be so negligent that it would be like intentional acts like a criminal action to the poor baby had to try to look at the impact having on the world economy and instill these questions about what everything to be like next week, next day during the holidays. That has been tough on people as well of course you look at the situation in the Middle East.

There there gives the fact that Jerusalem would recognize the capital of Israel. They've they've they've talked about try to reopen a separate Embassy in Israel, just for Palestinians and that was an intimacy that had a lot of problems because it was basically a pro-Palestinian US outpost, which is not how any of our ABC should be that we knew again with whether it was Russian aggression Chinese aggression Taiwan Ukraine that the again covert the Iranian nuclear situation. We knew that this administration was going to be a disaster. They have proven that to be the case that he been pretty ineffective but at the ACLJ we took a direct action by by beefing up our team at the highest level so you brought on former secretary of state Mike Pompeo brought on recruit Al for acting director of national intelligence and ambassador Jeremy we were able to bring both of them on because we were in a financial position to do so since were there.

They are part of RT, they are not just guest on a radio broadcast and always would encourage people to think past just the hour they see us today on on air or watch us or listen to us. They're not just about a guest of the broadcaster week we are working with the behind the scenes were utilizing their expertise, their contacts, their knowledge and filings in FOIA filings. For instance, we will have them review to make sure.using words, it would old using the right language taking it to the next level if you will, at the ACLJ we were able to do that because even with covert, even with the uncertainty or threat of the last election, people supported our work they do what was important to continue to support our work financially.

So I think all you did because were able to make those moves in the new year I would take you to another level as well to take it to that that next level as well, but we can only do that with your financial support of the bear consider flawed justice. So this broadcast they really dive into all the foreign-policy work that the ACLJ our international affiliates.

Art is directly engaged and how we take it to a next level yearly target ACLJ more than ever that the campaign I think that it's it's but even that that continues audit 2022 and so your your financial support allows us to not just I get it is such an abbreviated Rick and Mike Pompeo.

Again, I would let you that they are not just contributors to a radio broadcast.

The it's a senior counsel position and a supervisor position about but also the work that goes into that into two RT grill at the end of the poor people that you don't see other broadcast support that additional work and expertise that were able to bring it to encourage if you care to support a work today double the impact or duration of a matching child the entire month of December great time because redoubling the impact that do it today and and if you listed the broadcast will be encouraged as well to support our work is here. All all that were able to directly engage in internationally on policy because of your support of the Bexar philologist of secular the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the seal. Jay's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollars $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACL. Jay's battle for the unborn, called mission like it will show you how you are personally pro-life support publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, in parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right question free copy of mission in life today online ACL data/we are to answer to your constant fixing broadcast 100 684 31 to constructing those in that we are joined right now by former Secretary of State and senior counsel for global affairs at the ACLJ Sec. Mike Pompeo, Sec. Pompeo would jump right off because that lot is going on today but one of the code by breaking news international item that came about yesterday is that Iran is going to rejoin the nuclear talks with the remaining members of that the P5 plus for the put together this deal that won't be the US will be directly involved.

You said America will be less secure if we go back into this deal. Now that that that there try to move forward even maybe without the United States at my first what she was what you think by demonstration does to go get ahead of this because it seemed like to be. The world is saying well in this diet kinda looking at how America's wielding of power around the world say we don't have to wait for the Americas anymore.

We can move forward with a plan like this secondhand though. I'm also concerned about what we might be willing to give up just to get back into these discussions with Jordan to move on when they try to do that during the Trump administration.

We put an enormous sanctions on them.

We would make sure that the Chinese and the Russians couldn't trade with the Arabians either.

I remember the P5 is made up of three European countries but also to true adversaries of the United States of America week, but we can stop them from moving forward without us we have the capacity to control what takes place. Second point is that more important one.

I mentioned this administration even if they were at the table they were sitting. That would cut a deal that made any sense, United States of America date when I testified when Sec. Blanca testified his hearing and others. They said we would do a deal, but it would be longer, stronger and better than the 2005 JC POA. There is no chance the Iranians are reentering the discussion thinking they can end up with deeper commitments. Remember, many of those commitments from 2015 have already expired, including the capacity for the ratings to sell weapons to go back into that thing deal which is what that by the administration has told the world they're prepared to do right.

We will lift all sanction if you just go back and we'll get most of the major provisions of expired and Iran will be on its path to a nuclear weapon just a handful of years. This would be tragic for the Abraham course tragic for the region. It really that United States of America is Wesley Smith you think about Tuesday is we go back to this no we had this commitment. You know, we've had a commitment. They're not going to have a nuclear weapon the hell how do we address the issue of how they going to unlearn what they've learned in the breakout town. The centerpiece of the JC POA is flawed as it was, was it we kept them several years down the road for breakout time to getting a nuclear weapon. Now experts are saying the breakout time is down to a few months. So how do we go in and really address them unlearning what they've learned and increasing the breakout time is that even possible while you can absolutely increase the breakout time for unlearning what they learned that much more difficult to do but make no mistake, that is not a matter of just having the knowledge that a lot of PhD nuclear scientists that have that knowledge but the ability to execute the ability to manufacture the ability to deliver the all the components along the way until it weapon that would wipe Israel off the face of the orator, United States America is very different from just knowing how to do it in those things you can stop that person one would want to do is to diet and resource to put real pressure on the regime because in the end it's true that this regime decides they want to move towards a nuclear weapon they may well just go ahead and proceed but you have to make the cost of doing so so enormous that the people of Iraq.

Amazing people who live in the country you don't want this theocracy don't want to cluck these crazy religious extremists in charge of the country will have the capacity in the space to do what they need to do to make sure that Iran doesn't become a nuclear weapon state takes all the others that will exhaust you know and I think some of that she reports are to Pompeo talked about is it some of these provisions that were deleted were already expired expiring anyway, so I as this moves forward is the is there a way for the United States as its distinctions right. It's the kind of pressure put on that regime because it it and they're not talking that way the buying team is not talking at all that sanctions.

The question I think the big question for them is whether or not they gonna unfreeze assets to get back to this deal going on that you can write it down. You heard it here first or maybe second party done that.

But when you have a Thanksgiving game but you failed to enforce it it it effectively is giving up thinking themselves. Today, China is importing massive quantities of crude oil from Iran that did not happen on our watch. We never had perfection, but we had the number of barrels a day produced by the radius and paid in cash to the radiant at very low level. Think several hundred thousand thousand day versus several million barrels a day that the ministration defendant taken that there is and I think that has not only provided money and resources to the Ayatollah in this horrible butcher Iran right now the President of Iran. But it's also made them aware that if they continue data after the neglect of the data state football simply acknowledge that there weapon state and try to manage the risk that that is really dangerous and I promise it.

The Israeli leadership knows that the Saudi leadership knows that the marauding leadership knows this and some some group of them.

I am confident will do all they can to make sure that Israel and Iran never gets a nuclear capability. They can deliver to China first on these announcements about these new weapon systems versus a hypersonic test weapon that we see The back and Augustinians out that they've got a satellite. It's got arms that can destroy our satellites at the idea that this is all being done it, and that the buying team is just kind of talking about it, but like like the nuclear it's it's like they just have put their hands up and say well this is the this will be gotta deal with, but they don't really say your list of strength behind the words Sec. prepare. That's why think the people are hoping to some point here some kind of strength that were not going to just sit by and allow all this to keep going on the language in early non-China was pretty good but there's been no evidence that real actions will be taken that will support that your point that the ministration of continued electronic bill with capabilities that only the military space.

But what they're doing in cyber and in the space realm itself within the financial world as well. This ministration is simply count out out of stock today, one of America's companies. Apple took the Bible off its applications inside of China. But this is the kind of appeasement from both American private sector and from the bite administration that will greenlight the Chinese, started continued to impose its tyranny. All across the week.

We can't let that happen to cover ministration refused to turn the other cheek. We stood up to the Chinese comic party bullies. I pray that that's become a bipartisan issue in this administration will get serious about protecting Americans from the very real threat from Jenna sec. she's thinking in the Chinese Communist Party of the timelines are present, confirming that there some US military on the ground there at residence, a penetrating function is that some sense of what we want to see out of the ministration become start your putting the partisan politics aside, just to see if her own national security for allies national security or is that just you know it is that normal that we got troops there penetrating and working with the Taiwanese, so I plugged up the bite administration and leadership for conducting this work that's been reported. If that's the case I think that's the right approach.

I think even providing more defensive capability more defensive support as we are required to do under our promises to the people of Taiwan would make more sense would make sense. I am confident that Taiwanese leadership would appreciate that. And I know would be the right thing for America is that talks about how we know that the national Institute of health and Dr. found she didn't find data function, research at the Wuhan Institute of virology which they are there on the record to die that they did so, what you what should happen next week. People are upset about it were hearing about all these other tests that we were funding as well. What should what should happen next. What should happen next is when someone lies to the United States Congress, which is appears….They bring them back in and clean it up and fix it and then correct and apologize what he did for having lied to the American people on the goodness gracious to be polite. He should be prosecuted for the client and frankly the ministration chip should one indicate there in your face for our battling this continuing threat from that Wuhan virus that that the senior faith is the ministration of someone out of his credibility completely shot that that doesn't serve the American people what he should he should be permitted to go to retirement and write yet another book that if the person who is not deceived the American people could of four come in on two years.

He has no role no place to be an United States government. This issue about taxpayer dollars going to this laboratory is a serious one. In both the American government and the leaders who acted on that need to be held accountable. As always, we appreciate you joining us with this insight we just hit Iraq's Ida to walk Taiwan and also the data function resecured our own country type at all these us. We appreciate that. And again, check out some type of tales new piece on the very issue about the NIH.

Dr. found she and the gate data function research going on.

I appreciate that's her to pop that we come back really afford to Iran what the Bible he was saying Everson taking your calls to issue out Iran nuclear deal would help out you feel about the Bible team going into these going into and handling this situation with Iran to have confidence that they should actually doing what your thoughts on the subject. Jim 100-684-3110 second is the infrastructure package I have you been activated to members of Congress.

The house said it because they are pushing for, try to get a vote today with David Washington DC to get all those updates but to get give us a call. What have you on the air today at one 800 684 31 two that's what hundred 684-3110 right back only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold mission life will show you how you are personally support publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later: you will and what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is powering the right to question your free copy of mission life today online/American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online LJ to secular rejoin the first fire senior counsel for global affairs. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Cemetery Pompeo, thanks for joining us rent the holiday on your own.

Right before the holiday.

Let me ask you because of shift times for people here because the IAEA has new evidence of Iranian nuclear activity. The obstructed investigators you tweeted out on Friday that international inspectors confirm Iran live in continues to lie about its news.

They never fully comply with the Obama new deal. Why would Biden let his weak negotiators go to Vienna to cut a deal with the Ayatollah and his butcher the newly elected President right you see what IEA fine and wouldn't tell you about the seriousness of these Iranian talks because their ongoing right now.

What inspectors found Ellen Ambrosio one day.

IAEA was a continuation of what we already knew, but probably worse in some way with known for a long time that when John Kerry signed the deal the JC POA uranium Lied about the history of their weapons program.

The nuclear program that what I would've given it with a wink and a not to carry misdirected what had happened under our watch is that we put enough pressure on the Arabian that we would force them to begin to comply with the IA needed to do as they could see the new administration coming in now. They've essentially blocked inspectors what Grossi reported was that they've now found fissile material.

Nuclear isotopes apply to the quick not be consistent with what the previous bill they find what I do not understand how you can set your negotiating team into Vienna to negotiate a deal with the same people who lied to you about their nuclear program before what will that piece of paper actually be more toward night I I would argue that bear much follow that up because the thing I don't understand here is that we all know that you know and by ministration wants to be back in this deal with Iran, but they said they wanted verifiable facts they want to make sure this compliance we know there's not compliance, there's never been compliance. I made the statement before that when the United States pulled out the Europeans were spilling, but the Iranians never complied with this so is this a deal to just get a deal is that what many ministration looking for here what is that going to the region is already very concerned. Yeah, I think you got it right. I think they want and so desperately that in spite of their statement that Morgan get a longer stronger deal working to get a shorter weaker deal, one that begins to expire literally within a handful of months it's it's exploitable to me. They didn't comply with the full requirements. The first time that Kerry team signed up the same guys right Malley, Ben Roosevelt, the whole gang didn't comply. The first time with what they had promised. There's no reason to think that will this time and what you'll see is your say the other countries in the region.

The Arab states. The erotic Saudi Kuwaiti Egyptians. All these countries watching closely and as Iran begins to develop its capability of full on weapons program, not just a weapon but weapons program and they too will feel the need to proliferate have the capacity to protect themselves from the theocratic horrible reading is the deliverable here secretary pump having Scott a follow-up they going to these meetings.

They put all this time. All this staff attention audit. What's the deliverable for the USA we see all these Iranian demands and I know we know for the passes put them on the path towards nuclear weapon with a bit now since late this since they initially had the JC POA not a clear deliverable, but there's no clear alternative but haven't told the radio to listen. What will bill in the event that you don't sign it at first they came onto the extensions don't work, so thanking them twice book about the proliferate work and allow them to collect a missile program in their terror capability around the world limited well if it doesn't work we might put some sanctions in place, or if you, the Uranian you know that the sanctions are already essentially got there not being in force. The Chinese are already purchasing Iranian Cuda by the way, ironically, the same crude oil that Pres. Biden is asking them to release from the strategic petroleum reserve to save American Bracket right Iranian oil to China now being released into the market to help American no one could make this stuff up. I don't know what their ultimate goal is that I think they just want to get a deal to preserve the legacy of Pres. Obama's second term in the previous deal to say, bad Obama guide we got a deal and any problems that happen will happen after Pres. Biden got it figured out what to do please rephrase this point on them just to read the quote here so Israelis. Prime Minister Bennett has urged the world, not the quote given to Iran's nuclear blackmail. That's exactly the words that he's using that weight would've messily carried weight under your administration doesn't mean a thing to these negotiators in the present Biden what Israel signed and in fact, the facts suggest that what our administration is doing is putting pressure on the Israelis to come out and support this crappy deal that the telling former Israeli leaders. Hey send out out that that that statement put pressure on Bennett the prime minister predator Naftali Bennett Israel put pressure on Prime Minister Bennett not to make a big deal out of this impact just the opposite of what we were there we would've acknowledged Israel's right to defend itself.

Indeed, it's duty. We would've supported them that this administration is telling them to be quiet being your own place. Don't don't buy that. We got bigger, grander Middle East strategic objectives that we are trying to achieve and essentially pressuring Israeli leadership to at least at least not squawk when this really really weak deal get struck switch gears just for moment here to China because you got a new piece up that went out over and over on the last week after so people could see right on the homepage from second tape on parents is once again, Biden fails to stand up to China. The weakness again that we saw just remind you that summit that occurred between present Biden presidency was virtual but it was her first face-to-face since present. Biden took office, and it just again. It was another one of those things you can walk away from with your hands up saying, what was that for delayed what they want to accomplish. Other than that we want to talk for the sake of talking.

There were no objectives that I could discern that they disclose in their statement following the summit. Either they that they will update the administration wants to talk about what we welcome competition with China. I must say she's thinking the leader of the Chinese, sporting welcome Pres. Biden saying that he welcomes competition promise you that the EC is a statement because America compete with China and Chancellor Chinese continue to walk all over steal our intellectual property to infiltrate our local systems politically here at home to deny us the ability to understand what's going on with this virus. It accordingly administration still running rampant around the world. This is this is a China has chosen confrontation United States needs to do with the trumpet ministration did to wake up to this confrontation and to push back on training every one of these. Whether it's cyber or military or commercial to stand up and defend and secure American freedom from the Chinese Thomas party. I thought joining us in the broadcaster, senior counsel for global affairs at the ACLJ that new piece again is upright in the homepage once again, Biden fails to stand up to China and let me just let you on those are going to this break. Rickety discussion to one on twitter what's happened there with their CEO I stepping down to talk. Some of these Iran issues as well, brought out once more.

The folks from our team in the studio but let me just encourage you the reason why Mike Pompeii was on the team at ACLJ is a senior counsel for global affairs because your support for the ACLJI. We been able to expand even in a time of uncertainty when there is been a pandemic in the issues that we been able to grow as an organization to expand the work that we do because of your financial support of the ACLJ this month is a great time to double the impact of your donation to that's again so I can $25 donation that is like $50 force because a group of donors will match that make the initial contribution that's we write back.

Second half hour, for secular American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 make a difference in the world who knew protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family.

Give a gift today online LJ keeping you informed and now, this is Jordan secular ministration came into power present by widow elections have consequences. It was a mess of an election.

But ultimately present buys their where the President is most powerful where they have the most unchecked power constitutionally and throughout the court record precedent is in the realm of foreign policy. We knew the Biden restrictions for policy allegedly bad, but dangerous dangerous for policy begging the Iranians and so far they've not been successful in doing but they're still trying begging the Iranians to to let the US back into their bullet point JC POA, the Iran nuclear deal. The joint comprehensive plan of action is to beg you that not no response to China on the fact that coping 19 is likely the responsibility, whether it was negligence at a criminal level and that's what it would be the US law beset you beat it wasn't intentionally be so negligent that it would be like intentional acts like a criminal action to the poor baby had to try to look at the impact having on the world our economy and instill these questions about what everything to be like next week, next day during the holidays. That has been tough on people as well of course you look at the situation in the Middle East. There there gives the fact that Jerusalem would recognize the capital of Israel.

They've gave they've talked about try to reopen a separate Embassy in Israel are just for Palestinians and that was an Embassy that had a lot of problems because it was basically a pro-Palestinian US outpost, which is not how any of our ABC should be that we knew again with whether it was Russian aggression Chinese aggression, Taiwan, Ukraine, that the again covert the Iranian nuclear situation. We know that this administration was going to be a disaster.

I want to take a few minutes here. Jordan said thank our members around the country. We sat down to have our board meeting last week and we do send me your bookmakers gives you a good sense of where you are and it was had an incredible year and we been able to accomplish a lot, are now more than ever campaign included the hiring of Rick Cornell for director of national intelligence, member the cabinet present from the former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also met from the cabinet. The previous administration and their party ACLJ's international team working to announce in the months ahead. Some big moves internationally that will impact the United States as well. So we got some really big plans for 2022. Let me significant expansion, it will. It's like doubling down on now more than ever, but I have to say this to our members. None of this happens without you and I will tell you like were not like a lot of organizations that we don't have you know we don't get all we get some were appreciative of everything were not will get regularly $10 million grants and million-dollar grants. It's very rare for us. I mean, you could look at those over the course of our 20 years and we are building Washington was a large donation from foundation will never forget that. That's been 20 years ready but it's because of people like you. Lots of people like you that make a difference. That was what we decided to do 35 or 40 years ago when we started that it was good to be more of a we now call grassroots model, but it was really good to be supported by everyday citizens. The people that wanted protect religious freedom, religious liberty and protect our freedom and liberty as American citizens and we have been blessed beyond anything we can imagine we facilities that we came in when I'm wearing these facilities. I spoke amply when these facilities but that doesn't happen without you, but I just wanted it stop and say thank you from all of us the dishes we Jordan on the set today, but there's a lot of people working behind the scenes. As you know when that will have a camera back there was a brilliant one and around this entire office in our offices around the globe.

Thank you. Without your support. It doesn't happen. And as we said, wearing a matching challenge campaign when the last days of the month, Georgia let you how to do it makes a big difference on how we can proceed ahead. Yet it is very easy to get that's around the home page there is falling into a tablet computer, very quick to remind time here we come back this break easily data made the donation any CLC matching challenge or donate either one of those taken right page put in info. Choose the amount you want to donate. You can also choose your making of recurring monthly donation that will still be part of the match class that all the time that will be part of the matching the is a great time support our December grassroots 25.

Donation is the effacing of the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ Jesus fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for you, mission life today online ACL data/684 $0.31 of the IRS with a hearing. I testified house Ways and Means just couple weeks go with the $600 reporting requirement from the bank to the IRS. Listen, I will move it to $10,000 wells not really $10,000. It's $10,000 primitively, which meant they moved from $600-$800 with no probable cause, no suspicion that you done something wrong.

This can happen in a bank unit reported by the way, the banking associations are not so happy about it, nor is our senior counsel for global affairs Mike Pompeo because might be put out of a tweet… Yesterday, Joe Biden wants to weapon eyes the eye IRS in order to spy in your bank account and that's precisely what he is trying to do to be with you all day and all out all over this for years, I witnessed the person allowed to member Congress took seven years ago I watched the IRS collect a conservative group. This is more of the sadness is taking a toll of governmental power in you using a weighted moral and deeply consistent with the Constitution that we we gotta stop what they're trying to do here that we take him and when you when you put those kind of limits on you talking about 90+ percent of America into a bank account will be subject IRS scrutiny in ways that will be looking for political activity that will be looking for the kind of thing that we do in our family life. It's just so it is such a great risk had missed the bureaucrat that we gotta stop it and now the moment. You might call just a few missing from it was Idaho that is a rancher and they said that their fuel bill for their diesel trucks that the five trucks on their ranch was about $600 a month a little bit more and that the other parts to it. So she said something to be looking at my fuel bills in my equipment expenditures for my ranch without audit authority is no reason for an audit here dishes were just to have them look at it and you're right weren't working at this somehow gets to the Senate. I can imagine but you know you never know we are going to fight back aggressively because there is no constitutional protection for any American citizen here Mike I mean nothing.

What you said in your opening comment.

No prerequisite that all the only oxen pray this is just look if you have a few spare moments, they could start Jeff but anyone appeal examples perfect someone who has a mortgage or rental property.

You can imagine means of Americans will be subject to a random IRS auditor say I think I'm to go take a look at that. The Jones or Sally today and you can be sure that that bureaucracy will be recognized by the administration. This progressive is looking for things that people are doing to protect the family protect their religious freedom and take their basic rights seriously. I think about that in this case, that which is handled where the instant is by the ministration God and they went right back to the targeting, putting in the determination letters you believe the word of God is a factor in your ministry your organization.

We think you're not entitled to tax them. Sadly it's crazy and no warrant to me how quickly Andy on that guy wanted to permit Israel for signer but any and the like. Probably just brought this up is right, no constitutional protections at all whatsoever in this. Now there's no one you just going to start looking at the Constitution of the United States says that the people of the United States shall be free from unreasonable searches and seizures and then the only time you the government can stick their nose in our businesses. If there is probable cause to believe that criminal activity is afoot. They go to a magistrate or judicial officer and get a warm okay that's what the Constitution says the Constitution it said that since 1789. Now were in the world are we going here. We are giving the Internal Revenue Service. The scariest agency of the federal government, unfettered authority to aggregate everything you do in a year to $10,000 and then look at your lifestyle. Look what you donate. Look where you give your money, that's not right to fight back on this.

You just came back from Israel course and Secretary of State.

You did what a tremendous job management say that again, thank you for always for the unbelievable changes that we saw in in in the Middle East. I was there for the moving of the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem.

You just got back he had a great piece up at ACLJ.all.or called unwavering American support for Israel is keyed in the lease piece you just got back and a lot changed since last year with the new administration. What's your sense of how the Israelis are feeling about the relationship right now. So there are obvious allies but of that senior Israeli government in government just ordinary people out there worried about the relationship that state that Israel I watched Democrats refused to underwrite iron down and then they flipped the next day right simple task of helping protected ordinary Israeli citizens are frankly all the Americans you're in Israel every day protect themselves from Arabian rocket fire from the Gaza Strip. They watched within a couple weeks of this administration taking office and watch the rockets afire from the Gaza Strip and the United States issued a press release saying can we all just get along.

Essentially, they ultimately came that Israel had the right to protect itself, but it was it was tepid at that.

They're very worried about this and now they watched a special envoy, Rob Malley sitting in Vienna talk about. Well, maybe we just have to live with an Iranian leader is brown rice he had butcher they would just have to live with and having a nuclear weapon and they grow concerned.

They recognize that they may well have to address these issues in a way, doesn't have the full throated support United States. That's just dangerous for the region and for the world really is. I know that the current finance minister that labor evidently moving that is what did they come there. Lieberman's has been concerned about arrangement concerned about Iran since 2013, I was I'm ramming conversations with him about that the Iranian threat as you just mentioned that it did kind of dead acquiescence that the current administration is saying basically well again and probably a nuclear weapons when at the limited matters. Israel cannot live with it. Can't live with. It is not just the ability you the rest that'll actually use a nuclear weapon. The coercive power that comes alongside and they brought a society about Remy's the Egyptians. All of them would live under the threat of an Iranian regime and with that you don't do what we would like you to do that were going to use this tool. Notably, unacceptably, Israelis will be forced to take action if they have done so many times before to defend their right, the Jewish homeland, and I have the right to do that they'll have the ability to effectuate it, I believe, but in the end if they had American support. We could protect them from having to make those very difficult and risk a real big conflict in the Middle East. America's relationship with Israel and Abraham accords combined isolated Elrod and made the world more peaceful and more prosperous about your actually right and I really appreciate your efforts on that. I was thrilled with that I was there when they Golan Heights declaration was signed by present from Ben was an unbelievable day. Let me let me say this term video team.

If you could find the statement from a John Kerry where he talked about Israel had to make a choice that can't be both a Jewish state in the Democratic statement I want to play that for audience in a moment here will let me know and we have it, but you know you just were over there and I go there a lot leaving office in Jerusalem, and the fact of the matter is this is the most democratic state in the region. It's the only place we can practice religion freely.

It's in civil society liberal in the proper sense it's the freedoms that are not recognized most of the other neighbors. Even though the neighbors are getting better and I will say the neighbors are getting better as far on these issues, but people understand that Israel the little look into vitriol is really the shining beacon of democracy, no doubt about that. I have been thinking 48 when I travel a bit flustered by the casting of Sheila famous biblical site. The site of the first Temple. It will remind you of the power of the tribes and the Jewish people of the great things that they have done for that region for an awfully long time, long predating the state of Israel in the late 1940s. They still are pillar of democracy a piece of religious freedom, American model that we can only hope to expand in the region despite from another Secretary of State John Kerry because I think this one sums up the grass differences and why we got to really keep our eye on the situation, the Middle East, but here is a fundamental reality.

If the choice is one state Israel can either be Jewish or Democratic. It cannot be both. And it won't ever really be at peace. You know, this idea that you can't be a Jewish state in a democratic state is ridiculous. I'm I find it personally. Actually, Mike offensive anti-somatic. It's so deeply troubling that the model that Sec. Kerry traveled the world carrying with them each place that he went the it it has is the predicate and and you know the history here, Jack. It has a predicate that is an occupying force that they are wrongly occupying this special holy land by mentally untrue talked about that a great deal date is better deeply and design is that it did get the core and and it's not far from the things that you would hear people like AOC, stage right, but I did not far from what you would hear the squad today about about the Jewish people and that they are there somehow wrong to have their own rightful Jewish homeland in the state as we know that we know the importance of Jerusalem, the city of peace and then the Israelis have been in that place a message of placement of people that practice each and every faith and that's important for people to keep in mind they are not an occupying force right appreciate my thanks for the update. Thanks for your insight about the IRS situation in Israel.

I got a book by the way folks call Jerusalem. The tracks all of the history of the Jewish existence in the state of Israel was now the state of Israel, but in that land of Israel. However, you want to get books you can find it there. Hey, if you're on hold right now and a lot of you been on hold for half hour plus the next segment.

Take as many of these conflicts are right under the breakout info that often will do it during the six segment and will get TSS town hall make sure there and ready to go through these as fast as we can drag as many of you on air as possible. So again support the work of the ACLJ thanks times in my pump angry voices and check out their great blogs work ACLJ.only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defend the right to life. We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission life will show you how you are personally support publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, planned parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover many ways your membership is empowering the right to question a free copy of mission life today online/American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

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This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ back to secular China. Chinese aggression and the aggressive steps we continue to see by try to internationally but also by their military and their military training where joint right now by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeii, our senior counsel for global affairs Sec. populace get right to it.

Here we got images that have been uncovered out of the desert and try to use her military testing before weapons and what we see in these images are direct images of what is a the outline of a US aircraft carrier as well as two US destroyers that we would assume they are utilizing to figure out how they would attack via air is propaganda that is arranged in the image of get out of that want to create this narrative, but it also demonstrates an incredible capability and in intent and those are the things we need to stare at more time to think about how to confront the Chinese Thomas party.

We make sure we understand that and I I hear folks say all the time, especially from the left and from the salons in Europe that we don't want to go to war with China was the best way to prevent a hot war with the Chinese Communist Party is to establish deterrence to do the things you need to do to make sure that the Chinese Communist Party knows that it will be incredibly costly if they take actions that are adverse to the interests of the United States that Europe and of the West capitals like Tokyo and Canberra need to do their part to establish in the minds of the Chinese Communist Party. The resolve of the West to protect ourselves from chichi and green and his communist docs this to the fact of the aggression artificially towards Taiwan with its actual aggression you most aircraft we've ever seen in Taiwanese airspace and we had isolate when the Taiwanese leaders confirm that there were US troops there on the ground training which which is it, which is that a bad thing, but it just seems like with everything it whether try this mocking us at the world stage, whether it's covert, 19, and not allowing the regional World Health Organization back in, or any other inspectors back into try to figure everything out to you how how culpable they might have bid or even if it was all it negligence to the level of criminal negligence that allow those inspectors in and they've also taken aggressive steps, such as to target rods but of our allies like Taiwan that we got defense agreements with.

Why the administration that I served and began to confront the midway war material important to convince she thinking that he needed to change course of four for 40 years during America turn the other cheek. We watched them steal our intellectual property there operating a massive spy ring from the Chinese Consul Houston.

I made the decision to close that down Pres. Trump supported that decision when we challenge the Chinese Communist Party in every and every venue whether it was the stealing of our technology that use of technology inside United States to spy on the American people. We made clear our support for the people of Taiwan. We worked for the freedom fighters in Hong Kong everyplace that she thinking continued to mount aggressively.

The top administration responded.

I think I see the weakness in the bite administration. I think they saw what happened in Afghanistan that seek geraniums are now moving in the Middle East in ways they didn't dare do when Pres. Trump and I were serving and I think she thinking may well believe that this is what the public to actually execute on the vision he has for one world will begin with places like the islands of Taiwan which publication was is respected and on international visit was just talking with the idea that he sees no longer showing up in a lot of these international fits the Chinese President he is. He used to I that Lisa can you feel the pressure to go and at least shake their hands and not to disturb the other leaders, but that was also aside of of how you can look that two ways of the world leader doesn't leave their country could take as it because it's too dangerous to leave their country or their power struggle, but in his case that what they're saying is it's because it's a show strength I don't need to go actually shake your hand. I don't need to be the same room with with Joe Biden present Biden or other world leaders. I've above that now know it could be either, it could actually be both that he feels threatened at home but emboldened abroad and those often go hand-in-hand.

Jordan, the OCLC leaders that that use this external effort to bolster their political strength that come the fact that he didn't show up in Glascow for the work that was being done on climate change tell you exactly how China BA with respect to carbon they're going to pollute the carbon in the air that I give a darn what anybody else in the world because they are they are using their economic height around the world to tell every country that America is in decline in America is weak and you should stand with us versus the Americans because where the strong horse.

This is something that could cause our children toward to live in a society that looks much more like a marriage than ours. We cannot let this happen America 20 strong enough to push back against this.

It just takes American resolve leadership for structure to understand our military has to be strongly have to develop that tools and weapons systems both both physical hardware and software to push back against them not see much evidence of that from this administration. I pray that they begin to get this right is just that is usually to conceive of 11.

We talk about this law when it comes to China. It's you know what would be that the first two or three things that need to be God to to get them under some kind of back to either respecting the United States, or at least file they can do whatever they want globally or it at home.

Domestically we what steps could be taken by even administration like this to show the signals. I would like the party started on economic issues I would use the power of the West India, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Europe, United States.

They make up three quarters of the world's GDP.

I would begin to create ties amongst those nations that developed economic outcomes to put real pressure on the Chinese commerce party. China is dependent on the world more than the world is dependent on China that they have almost no internal capacity for energy production. For example, we can put real pressure on the Chinese commerce party using our economic power and force them to conform to the world standard suite we must do that and then we have to show strength.

Ronald Reagan knew this resident probably knew that we have to deliver that the peace that we all want prosperity that we all want comes from American and Western strength, and not through appeasement. Some I didn't have to treat them nicely, or you would like them to the right of venue. The right international organization that somehow she thinking will change a striped that's just not in the cards secretary cocktail is always great to have you on the team as a senior counsel for global affairs. This is this is again this show and ended in a nutshell really in one hour and I got a minute left that stock to but in one hour.

We went from Albania live with recruit now before acting director of national intelligence for master Jeremy got into issue the source there and also with your pizza flawed justice is doing to combat the source influence on international court.

Specifically, the international Court of human rights. He did excellent exposé on that at the earpiece of La justice did move to a domestic case core ACLJ case Christian realtor representing. I was told take that cross off your out of your advertisements. Your Christian realtor Association that has the cross in their civil and were fighting that they got the oral okay everything is good we just wait for the written note okay to say that group was in the wrong that our client was right and that to vindicate the attitude to declare victory. There was way to get it in writing the seal tape that we went to Sec. Pompeo to the Chinese aggression by what they're doing militarily, internally, specifically targeting how to target a US ship or US aircraft carrier destroyer and of course investor that infrastructures well which were getting into work tomorrow with our director, covert affairs supports the work of the ACLJ we do all this is your financial support building today ACL to the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 could make a difference in the world who knew protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online LJ