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Leaving a Legacy that Lasts Forever - Teach Them to Manage Their Wealth Wisely, Part 2

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
May 10, 2021 6:00 am

Leaving a Legacy that Lasts Forever - Teach Them to Manage Their Wealth Wisely, Part 2

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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May 10, 2021 6:00 am

When it comes to gifts, who doesn’t like getting cash?  We can all use more money, right? The question is, what are you going to do with those dollars when you get them?  And how do we also teach our children how to manage their money in a way that honors God?  Chip gets very practical as we look at how to manage our money.

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If there's one area people are struggling with right now.

It's money. What does God say about money coming.

I'm not talking about the giving side I'm talking about just money in general.

How do you handle how do you work your money in such a way for your life that's today.

Thanks for listing to this edition of living only with tripping, Living on the Edges of international discipleship ministry focused on helping Christians live like Christians ships going to share part two of his message on money series and the legacy that lasts forever. Last time he broke down the value of stewardship that I feel should radically change your mindset in this program shifts his focus to the ways parents, grandparents and mentors can impart this wisdom to the next generation.

Just before we get started, let me encourage you to try using chips message notes while you listen. They include, as outlined in all the supporting Scripture references to double chips don't just go to the broadcasts tablet Listeners Fill in notes that let's listen to the rest of chips message.

Teach them to manage their wealth wisely when you give your picture and I'm getting you to practice ways to pass this on the two pictures are one. If you ever want to read about a man of one minus favorite characters is Nehemiah in the Old Testament and Barnabas in the new and the story of Nehemiah very briefly is he's the right-hand man to the most powerful man in the world. Israel has sinned against God, so he promised he would disperse them across the world and he did and so you have Jews in all these different places and now Persia is the ruling Empire and Nehemiah opens with this place called Susa, which is a it's up in the mountains so it's cool because it's very hot in Persia, or Iran in the summer and so that the king has this right-hand man in Nehemiah is called a cupbearer but the cupbearer's job was more than you know. Tasting the wine or the food to make sure it wasn't poison. He became a confidant and so basically Nehemiah has the hottest chariot the greatest closed the most money. The best food. He is a person of great influence and affluence is filthy rich, and he lives in a palace. He drives a Lexus chariot and doesn't feel guilty about it. He's got a Rolex Honda God deposited that in Nehemiah for a window of opportunity and he wasn't a prophet, and he wasn't a pastor, and if you study all of God's agenda for his people you would find out that man was the linchpin between all of God's prophecy gone in the tubes and Israel being restored. He sent Ezra back. It didn't work. He sent the ruble black to rebuild. It wasn't until Nehemiah the business guy, the guy with position.

The guy with power, the guy with leadership gift who could mobilize everyone to turn everything around stewardship isn't feeling guilty for having money in position and power in brains stewardship is understanding it's not yours. All you get is a verse it's hard to live with them much given, much is required. So when you make a lot of money and say I tithe, God is not impressed nor is anyone else and how hard is it the tide renew six figures or seven figures or beyond most generous people in the world right now are the poor and when things go down the people stop giving first by all the research is as rich and and Nehemiah piece. This model of what it looks like to be godly to be wealthy and to be generous effect he decided no personal expenses for me Barnabas is another one very wealthy man.

He own property on Cyprus. He was the key.

We would've never heard of the apostle Paul was in for Barnabas. Barnabas was on had the courage to say he's legit guy CME. He really is a Christian I does McKillop Christians. But I've seen him. I'd met him. He's legit and he introduces Paul to the 12th and then when Christianity launches into the Gentile world. They say Barnabas is a leader in the church Barnabas. We went to the down there discipled as new Gentiles, and the text says in acts so he went down to Paul's hometown gets Paul and says hey let's partner on this thing.

The first missionary journey read the text. It's not Paul and Barnabas. It's Barnabas and Paul, until you keep reading, and as Paul Barnabas.

He was a wealthy man who had leadership gift who God used it to stewardship stewardship God has given you what he wants you to have any want you to manage your money. As a steward biggest lesson I learned all this is the picture and will help the rest play out. I was a young pastor and a 28 years old had no idea what I was doing. I've been to the parachurch so I knew how to make disciples and I was learning how to teach and after couple years though, the chairman of our board. He owned a CPA firm in downtown Dallas and he said you know something year we are out in a rural area you're connected to all these hurting people and I have a heart for the poor and have a heart for people with needs. You have opportunity. I have money so much to come down and let's eat lunch together so I end up. You know, this high-rise beautiful place. You know, really nervous going up to the something something floor.

We have a great lunch and then he pulls out a little brown checkbook and he puts it. He says Chip this is for you said what is it he says the I'd like you to be my money manager.

So what he means that we are pastor you know where the church is at there's lot, hurting people, poor people, runaway teens, all kind of struggles. I put $5000 in that account and it says pastor's discretionary fund, and here's what I want you to do once 1/4 lease unit three times a year all gonna bring you here and have lunch together, but I want you to take this don't you stick in your back pocket and when she does think John sample is in my back pocket, but Chip Ingram has the eyes and shipping them as meeting the people's everyday. I want you to get up and as you get up you might see some of that has a need or someone needs a bus ticket or some of electricity as we put on or and and I just want you pray and whatever you think God would have you do with this money in my name. We take care of his term abort yes I'm thinking I don't know what I'm doing on think this may not be a good deal on you to mess up. And so anyway I take it and I'm real nervous and like so about.

I lost my keys like 5000 times until I was 29 and I then took me 29 years and I decided right when I stand in the door my keys my wallet and everything in one little pile okay this is amazing thing I learned, and then I siphon a checkbook with so every day everywhere I went. John John John what would John want to do so. This lady there.

Turning off her thing. I qualified it and it was a real need. I write a check in the paper, electricity, and then there's this kids run away from home from Oklahoma needs been on drugs and I know not to give him money so I Byman the ticket for the bus. I do some counseling with him and to get a Bible in his hands and so then you know four months later John says Chip let's have lunch and so John is very quiet introvert but with the gift of evangelism. So he says tell me what happen as possible.

Here's a checkbook and so there was about four entries are written for text tell me about this when I tell them the story and I mean this is exclusive restaurant top level rule and I'm very intimidated and so I tell them the story will word about of John man you are killing me. I mean, this is not you know tell me another story.

So I was telling these stories and he would say, praise the Lord in very loud words and so we did this we did this for like seven years and then I would give it away and then I would get minimum notice I get my bank slip at all. I guess someone put another $5000 and no matter how much I gave away and as I told stories. The money just kept as I gave it to put been put in the here's there's a number of lessons here. One John and I became really close friends. I brought unbelievable joy. His heart, I got to help people in ways I never dreamed I get to in fact it got from this burden to you knows, here's my keys. Here's my wallet. John what we do today baby and up who will you know you wonder who you get a bloodsucker like Sarah because sometimes you know now I knew I was going to give an account for, and I'm not real detailed warning so I'm keeping his checkbook better than mine like him to go talk to him right and I can't. It can first, nothing can bounce, but the others I actually need to add up right. Why is it's his money, not mine. I'm his steward, I brought joy to his heart. Our hearts connected because I managed his resources and I wasn't asking who I think I should help. I was asking. I wonder I'm not you know I'm not stupid if I got a really praise the Lord and that was a really great one.

I'm given more money to that stuff. And if it does not ship.

I'm not getting as much money that stuff right this is money you are God's money manager and one most powerful important gifts that you pass on to those you love most. Those first in your home, kids those you disciple later grandkids for some of you fellow church members is to help them manage their wealth wisely and I want to shift gears and say how what would that look like specifically now there's no Dave Ramsey Crown ministry. Lots of people that go in-depth on these areas and can give you 10 times what I'm going to give you I'm getting the mountain peaks summary of what I think you need to pass on and then there's tons of great resources to get you there. How are you managing your wealth. Currently, if God gave you a report card on how your presently managing your wealth in light of what you've heard from his word would you get a be see the because you can't pass on what you don't have in you.

You can't ask those people you're helping to do what were going to talk about. If it's not true of you and even if you never talk to them about it. If you actually do it.

Don't catch tons of it from you so wet where you at what what what I know is, since in the quote born again evangelical community. The average believer gives 2.5% of their income to the Lord's work that saying to God I don't really believe your word I don't trust you for the future. I think it's my money and I'm going do with my money what I think and what I think God would say if he could speak through Dr. Phil.

So how's that working for II mean I mean people are upside down. There's huge that they live above their means. See when you give God the first portion is will talk about in the middle. It just causes a domino effect of why what would you do with the rest and how do we do it, and there is there is a correlation of God blessing.

Okay, there's been some real missed teaching and some bad teaching and some heretical teaching about you know sorta how money in God and those things go together. There is no give to get mentality but I will tell you this, when your priorities are in line and God confine what I think some people wisely is called a stream instead of a dam than he will keep placing resources and people whose hearts are tender to spread it and give it to the places that he wants you who water others will yourself be watered. According to Scripture, and when our finances are in order. You Narita back chapter 1 the first 10 verses will put a hole in your purse kill below on your business deals. I mean, until God uses money to align our hearts with him and when our priorities are out of whack.

I will tell you people you know you keep working harder, but it seems to come to nothing. He says he will allow your financial situation to get you to a point of dependency were you say you know something about.

I better get this aligned correctly and then there's just very often correlation as you do that he chooses to bless in that area as well as others will. Personal application Ellis talk about how to help those to pass it on one. Help them recognize the three purposes of money R's are giving saving and spending. And if there's you know I don't know if you ever memorize Scripture. And if you don't I encourage you to but if there's ever a little passage is singular. If you can only pass one passage on money I would memorize first Timothy 617 to 19, and says it says encourage those that are rich in this present world not to be conceited or fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches as their uncertain, our thing and so it's a protection.

God is not down the money. Encourage those that are rich in this present world.

That's us not to fix your hope on the uncertainty of riches hole working to do this when this happens, but on God who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. So there's three things you do with money you can give it you can save it.

You can spend if you grew up in my home. There were three jars on your dresser and on one jar.

It said, giving another said, spending another said, saving, and since yes there's proportional giving and will learn all about that later you get 10 dimes, one dime goes into the giving jar. One dime goes into the saving jar and eight of them go into the spending jar and you can dream and think and pray about what you want to do to spend with that and remember that all 10 of those times are God's right because we give to that with first and by what you need to be smart to make sure you save Americans don't say Americans don't give and I think I don't even need to talk about were wrecked financially as a country we modeled it from the home through the federal government, and were in a mess.

You can't violate God's principles with a lot of pain so that's a big one.

Second, encourage them to commit to honor God with the firstfruits of every paycheck to remind them that it's God's money and not their own. Proverbs chapter 3 verses nine and 10 says honor the Lord with your firstfruits. Give God the very first portion and then the promises then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats where they would create, the wine and the picture of overflow will be overflowing and so you want you want to teach them early on it and not so much that the ruled the rigidity.

This is not like okay you gotta pay your bills, Bill Bill, Bill, Bill, God, 10% none in the know you want to teach him the heart behind in your love for God and you and I think when they get older you want to teach them how to give over and above the how to become a generous person. You know the word miserable comes from a root word you what the root word is miser. I mean I've done a lot of work that we did a series on the genius of generosity. I did a lot of work in research on just generous people forget Christians just generous people, generous people live longer, generous people are happier, generous people have better relationships, generous people are liked by other people, generous people have an emotional altitude. That's better than the rest of us the most generous being in the entire universe is God, he gave his son so you want to be generous, you want to be one simile, generous, miserly people, stingy people, the Scrooges of the world don't have as many friends there always worried about someone taking their stuff. They have higher levels of anxiety.

They're not very happy campers and they try and control everything giving breaks the power of greed and all of us in our flesh are greedy people will so giving is a is a tool given by God not to take something from us but help us remember Chip. It's not your checkbook not your money. That's John's spend John's money or give John's money in a way that makes John happy, and by light United tell you this but there's a time we were little small church in have a gift not paying me much at all. In fact I work part-time in seminary and made more money than when a pastor the church and there was a time where we really had a need and that John was asked me some questions at what of our lunch and I forget was a washer and dryer.

You know some big thing that for us is like astronomical and he was praising the Lord everything and then he asked me about me and I told him he goes give me that checkbook. So he takes his checkbook. He writes out a check to me because I nearly got signed this one, it's in your name to see the whole deal is when he's not trying to get your stuff.

He loves you. He's for you, buddy.

He wants to free you and so pass on. Encourage them to honor God the firstfruits. Three.

Make time with God. Their number one priority, so they know how to invest their time, talent and treasure that's entrusted to them that bricklayer. I've had seminary professors I got to learn three years of Greek and two years a Hebrew and I've had business guys who know so much more there taking me under their wing. The greatest gift that is ever given me in all my life. This pay the biz biggest dividends was from a bricklayer with a high school education who met me on Tuesday mornings when I was a Christian, about three or four months old.

I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to go to church and sometimes I pretended I was asleep and he would knock on the door just this is not getting up next Tuesday he knock on the door and I was a reluctant learner, and I will tell you what that man did is that he would open the Bible and we would go to the little kitchenette on the floor and we would read the Bible together and he taught me to meet with God. He taught me no Bible, no breakfast not legalistic Lee, but chip feed your soul before you feed your mouth chipped you understand this is the living and abiding word of God chip you understand the wisdom of God has been deposited.

Here you can know what to do in any situation. Chip you understand. David said of his word, and not in my delight, he would've perished in his affliction chip. This is your anchor. God will speak to you. The God who made everything there is.

There is power.

It's a living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, appears as far as the division of soul and spirit, and it cuts through the division of right down to the core of who you are. It will reveal things to you. It'll show you how to do marriage how to parent how to live.

Chip. This is the most important thing. It is your life and a little habit got started on a couple days a week. Then finally I do it for five days a week and then after about four or five years it became not just drudgery and duty, but gosh God speaking to me more often. I didn't like to get up. I was a night out, and years later I remember to send God this is you just wake me up whenever I stop watching 11 o'clock news got started.

Wake me up earlier and earlier and do not, I didn't felt like if I miss my time. I didn't think I was mad at me.

I just knew that I made a great couple coffee and I got to have it for about 25 years of meeting with God getting out a journal sharing my concerns asking my biggest questions reading his word asking for wisdom, sitting quietly and hearing answers.

Mark 135 says on after recording the busiest day of Jesus life he was pressed there was demand summing some of you right now and it's like this is overwhelming as money issues and wisdom issues and will begin to do here and I got this one son and my kids are already grown or I don't have any kids and I'm try to help this guy run as women's group in these three ladies are coming to my mind and I'm not sure what to do with all of this stuff in the greatest thing you can do is say God I want your discernment and your wisdom and I'm going to meet with you first. And it says after this demanding day of teaching and preaching and healing and casting out demons and everybody wanting a piece of Jesus I mean I mean I think he felt like I think his emotions were fewer today. He opened up his his computer and there was 500 emails and then he looked at his PDA and there's 150 phone calls and there's people knocking at the door and the people closest to us about way. By the way, by the way this we think how to do this. I think that's the emotion he felt in us as a great while before dawn. He went to a lonely place to get along with his father and pray. Sometimes were asking people to solve stuff for a book to solve stuff God wants to solve it.

And if you will do that and model that that's what you want to pass on to pass that on to those you love the most life's messages your life is a sacred stewardship kit sacred.

There is a create tour who owns everything and you are a creature, he is the master and we are to serve your listening chip will be right back with his application message. Teach them to manage their wealth wisely from his series, leaving a legacy that lasts forever.

The concept of passing on your face that were talking about in this series isn't new parents from the very beginning were instructed to teach their children about God and his faithfulness and were expected to build that same godly legacy from generation to generation five biblical habits trips been teaching are key to living a more Christ centered joy filled life. So whether you're a parent or grandparent or a mentor.

This series will help you connect in meaningful ways with the young people you love to check out the resource options for leaving a legacy that lasts forever. Go to call AAA 83336003 or click on special offers on the chipping remap. I'll be right back in just a minute with some final thoughts about today's message but you know, in light of the things we talked about today. I just want to acknowledge that some of the most painful conflicts and difficult relationship experiences we have is with our adult children got no matter how much you love God, no matter how good your family is when our children become adults. Things change yes there to honor us, but they don't obey us anymore and we go from, you know, when they're small to tell you what to do to negotiating when their teens, and then we launch them and then a lot of things change. Of all the things we've heard it Living on the Edge in terms of where are the needs we've heard over and over. Will you help us with our adult children.

Such conflicts with such changes in values such problems that people don't have answers to. That's why I teamed up with parenting expert Jim Burns to create a resource called how to navigate life with your adult children. Jim and I discussed principles that were empower and equip you as a parent when you struggle with those delicate relationships when your kids are now adults really talk about control issues will talk about when to speak and when to keep your mouth shut. This is a resource I think that's really good help you strip one of the most fulfilling gifts we can enjoy as parents is a great relationship with our adult children were we respect and enjoy each other so much that we actually look forward to spending time together. So the whole aim of this online video course called how to navigate life with your adult children is to give you the practical tools you need to successfully build those kinds of relationships with your kids. It's absolutely free successions with Chip and Jim Burns and you can do them at your own pace whenever you want. Soy local tap special offers on the up or go to and take advantage of this great resource to be glad you did.

Now here's chip with some final thoughts from today's message.

Have you ever heard the expression, just follow the money. What's true is really true. If there's no problems and struggles and organizational issues and relational issues. You just follow the money trail and you get down to what's really going on in today's broadcast. We talked about three very specific things that you need to do to not just handle your money wisely, but to handle your life in such a way where money becomes a tool that helps you draw closer to God's love people and empowers you to enjoy his blessings instead of divide relationships and captivate your heart. Number one, we said recognize the three purposes of money we can give it save it or spend it and and what what you'd have to do is get a handle on that for the next 30 days.

Write down everything you spend, and it will reveal stuff to you that you never dreamed it will really help you. It's a pain. Trust me it will help you second commit to honor God with the first portion of your money. This will be scary. I mean I understand what it's like when you can't make it to the end of the month to honor God first, but it draws a line in the sand were you saying to God I want to be bless a bowl I want to note that this is yours I'm going to live by faith and he will honor that you make.

I'm not saying he's going to give you big check in the mail you have to do some things with your lifestyle. You'll you'll make some major major decisions. If you make that first big decision, but I will tell you.

You'll never regret it and then third. Give God the first portion of your day. Maybe it's 15 minutes. We have so many resources here living on edge to help you grow spiritually, but give God the first portion of your day open his word.

Talk to him honestly and you will find that he will change how you think how you live, how you handle your money and as a result your life, you will become a Christian that lives like a Christian and you will never regret it is a great way to take advantage of the resources Chip just mentioned is with the chipping remap. You'll find a series there and many more all free, but God's word poor into you in such a way that you get perspective and the freedom he longs for you to enjoy in him will. Until next time, this is Dave Drury saying thanks for listening to this Edition of Living on the Edge