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Sunday Message: You Say You Want a Revolution? (with Jonathan Laurie)

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
November 15, 2020 3:00 am

Sunday Message: You Say You Want a Revolution? (with Jonathan Laurie)

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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November 15, 2020 3:00 am

Many believed Jesus came to usher in a political revolution on Earth. But why had He really come? In this special episode featuring Greg Laurie’s son, Pastor Jonathan Laurie, we’re going to look at our Lord’s most popular miracle and what it has to say to our divided culture. 

Grab your Bible and get ready to dig into Mark 6 to examine the feeding of the 5,000 and to learn how Jesus answers our most pressing needs today. It’s the latest in our Sunday series called The Gospel for Busy People.


Read: Mark 6:30–44 NLT

1. You Say You Want a Revolution?

“A huge crowd kept following him wherever he went, because they saw his miraculous signs as he healed the sick.” —John 6:2

2. Not That Kind of Revolution

“Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth 'thrown in': aim at Earth and you will get neither.” —C. S. Lewis

“That God does not exist, I cannot deny. That my whole being cries out for God I cannot forget.” —Jean-Paul Sartre

3. Crooked Sticks

4. A Greater Kingdom Is Coming

Jesus came not to liberate from political oppression, but from sin and death itself on the cross.

Scriptures Referenced

Mark 6:32

John 6:2

Mark 6:34

Numbers 27:17–18

John 6:32–33

John 6:35

Mark 6:37–38

Mark 6:41

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Everybody Greg Laurie here. You're listening to the glory podcast and my objective is to deliver hopefully compelling practical insights and faith culture and current events.

From a biblical perspective to find out more about our ministry. Just go to our website so thanks for joining me for this podcast. Everybody I'm Jonathan Lori and I'm a pastor here harvest.

I am Greg's youngest son and I got the opportunity to come and share with you today, and teach out of the book of Mark, and so I'm so honored to be joining you and to be in a string to you today and that's what encourage once you open your Bible right now to the gospel of Mark chapter 6 were continuing in our series. The book of Mark the gospel for busy people and a today really looking at chapter 6 and our actually be looking closely at one of Jesus most popular miracles. Actually, this miracle that were to be looking at is the one that sends Jesus ministry, his popularity into overdrive. People were going crazy after this miracle. It was a wild time and what I find funny is that it wasn't when Jesus turned water into wine. It wasn't when Jesus healed a leper. It was when Jesus even raised a little girl from the dad, which we heard about last week. No were to be looking at today. His most popular miracle was the feeding of the 5000 free lunch who doesn't like a free lunch right a free fish sandwich not to know about you but I like to eat and I like to cook till I like to prepare my meals. In fact, one of the ways I like to relax after work is preparing a meal for my family put in it together. I like chopping and grading and in filleting and steering and seasoning its creative ally combining all the ingredients you know it uses my nose that the sense of smell uses my taste that my palate and it's really fun putting everything together.

My wife is actually a really good cook but she doesn't like to cook as much and so that's probably why she's thin and so looks great. And while I always see them where I met today, but I like to cook and I think the reason I like to cook is because we all know what happens you get to eat it.

That's the best part right you get to enjoy you got to eat the meal that you just worked over on not standing over a hot oven or over a hot stove because I like to I'm doing it because I know I get to eat in the end, and that's the best part. No eating really is amazing the way our bodies work our sense of smell or sense of taste.

It really is something that's amazing. I specially think it's amazing how it can bring back vivid memories that sense of nostalgia and kick in. I was experience this recently that sense of nostalgia. I remember a time back when I was 14 years old, like in freshman year of high school.

I remember I was in my Spanish class Ist. Rather, was just after break so we came from our break and I had a cookie and this is when he correctly by things with sugar at schools he could go out to buy a soda in the vending machine all think you can do that anymore. It's been outlawed but you could actually go and buy the stuff I came back to class. I had a cookie and I was sitting there eating this thing and one of my friends walked in and we kinda were in a little bit of an argument, and so we were going back and forth about something.

And for whatever reason I took my Spanish book I just kinda picked it up nights, like tapped him on the head with it, just enough to little tap on the head, just a friend like hey shut your mouth, you know, just kinda goofing around and I go back down. I sit at my desk class is about to start and I'm finishing eating my cooking. I really focused on it, and out of nowhere.

I don't even know what happened when he takes his Spanish book and he cracks me in the back of the head so hard that I think I might've blacked out for a second I think it may have had a mild concussion, but all I remember was I never wanted to eat one of those cookies again. I don't know what it was. My weird lizard brain was like.

Do not eat that cookie. It is now associated with getting smacked in the back of the head so hard that it may have made me block out. I never eat one of those cookies again will fast-forward until couple weeks ago and my daughter was making some cookies at home and I ate one of these cookies that she made and I don't know what it was, what ingredient it was that it tasted just like that cookie that I had that day. 20 years ago and I was taken right back into that place. I took that that by the coconut's watchful eye thousand in the back of the head again seriously. The it's crazy how our bodies work that sense of nostalgia.

By the way I did finish eating the cooking. My daughter made.

It wasn't that scary. But Jesus love to eat to. He loved to eat. Actually, you could say that Jesus ate his way through the Gospels we see in a number of places. The meals that Jesus share with people we see the meal that Jesus shared with the tax collector. I despise member of society, and he was somebody that that nobody wanted to be friends with what Jesus had a meal with this guy and after he had a meal with this guy.

He became one of Jesus disciples. We know him today as Matthew, Matthew, and then there's the meal that Jesus share with Zach yes was another tax collector Zach yes I'm coming to your house today. You know the song and then the meal with the Pharisees, the religious leaders that Jesus share there is the last supper, there's the time the Jesus ate some broiled fish in his resurrected body. That's a good sign because we are going to have bodies like Jesus someday and we are going to be able to eat so that is a good thing. There's a time that Jesus and his disciples were welcomed into the home of Mary and Martha for a nice home cooked meal Jesus loves to eat. We like to eat and God made us that way to enjoy a meal and to savor the flavors and to enjoy it with others. No knowing that you think that is any coincidence that Jesus refers to himself as the bread of life that he refers to himself as the life-giving force of red. Is there anything more filling and more satisfying on an empty stomach than freshly made bread, especially if you got some good butter on it right.

Hey, I love bread. Okay, I think we all do we love bread, but even more than Brett man I love toast I love toast asked want to know what absolute genius took a bite of bread and said cook it again meant. Thank you, whoever you are, for inventing toast.

It is amazing.

So Jesus referred to himself as the bread of life and it is such a perfect analogy for who Jesus is to us spiritually. That is almost like God made bread just for this analogy to work so well just for this illustration that Jesus gave to work so well nothing will satisfy your spiritual hunger and your physical hunger except the bread of life. I'm not saying when you come into relationship with Jesus that you're never gonna have an appetite again and you're never going to it.

You never gonna want to eat some type of meal. No of course not know what Jesus is saying here is nothing will satisfy your spiritual hunger as well as your hunger for the things of this world status, fame, money, wealth, possessions, whatever it might be nothing will satisfy it. Except for the bread of life that is Jesus himself, not your hunger for food, but your hunger for the things of this world. So what we're going to do today and see and are taxed is how Jesus normally feeds this crowd physically with the bread but how he also reveals to them and to us that he, Jesus is the answer to our spiritual hunger as well as our physical hunger for the world offers us so ready to read together and Mark chapter 6 starting in verse 30 I'm to be reading from the new living translation says this, the apostles were turned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all that they had done and taught. And Jesus said to them, let's go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest a while and he said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn't even have time to eat and so they left the boat for a quiet place where they could be alone, but many people recognize them and saw them leaving and people from many towns ran ahead along the shore and got there ahead of them.

Jesus, when he got out of the boat. He saw the huge crowd and he had compassion on them because he saw that there were like sheep without a shepherd.

And so he began to teach them many things lately afternoon his disciples came to him and said this is a remote place and it is getting really late.

We should send the crowds away so that we can send them to the nearby farms and villages and have them buy something to eat but Jesus said to them, you feed them with what they asked what kind of question is that how can we feel that we would have to work for months to earn enough money to buy food for all these people how much bread you have. Jesus asked, go and find out. And so the disciples came and they went and looked around and they reported back.

We have five loaves of bread and two fish. Not exactly enough to feed a multitude of that size is so Jesus told the disciples to have the people sit down of groups of 50 and 100 on the green grass social distancing wreck and so they sat down in those groups and Jesus took five loaves and the two fish looked up towards heaven and he blessed them, and then breaking the loaves and the pieces he kept giving the bread to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people. He also divided the fish for everyone to share and they all ate as much as they wanted and afterward disciples picked up 12 baskets of leftover bread and fish and a total of 5000 men and their families were fed well that's an amazing story, one is probably familiar to so many of you as it is to me. I love that story. What we see is at the beginning we see Jesus says let's go get some R&R guys, let's go get some rest and relaxation just came back from a missionary journey.

There were teaching and preaching and healing people, and that he says let's go somewhere so we can rest see everywhere that the disciples and Jesus went there were getting Bob there were getting stuff like crazy, heal these people minister to these people touch these people help them there constantly ministering and doing work. Even Jesus needed rest. Even Jesus and the disciples needed some rest and relaxation and maybe I'm speaking to somebody right now that would say you're in a weary season you're in a hard time right now. This is difficult work is weighing heavy. It could be that you're responsible for the livelihoods of maybe some employees are over some people and you're trying to figure out how to make ends meet.

You don't have to furlough people and lay people off and you're dealing with people's lives in its weighing heavy on you are trying to figure how to make this all work might be losing sleep. Maybe her appetite even comes and goes. Listen, if Jesus needed to come apart and rest. Don't you be afraid to do the same. Ellis and I think it's great to go get a weekend away or to go on a time a vacation but I believe that that's really just kind of putting it off if you will just kind of putting that off for a short time. If you take that vacation. It can be great but it's just a temporary distraction. So my encouragement to you is to find your rest and Jesus find your rest and Jesus do not shy away from the responsibilities and the pressures you are under, but to commit them to the Lord to ask him for wisdom to ask him for peace to be with you in those difficult conversations that you have to have Jesus said come to me all you who are weary and are heavy laden, I'll give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from you, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light country preacher by the name of Vance having her said if you don't come apart and rest will you will just come apart. I think that's really true. We need to learn how to place our burdens on Jesus and ask him to help us. This passage of Scripture we just read. It's about giving the crowd nourishment for their physical hunger and also there hunger for revolution. Yeah that's right for revolution which Jesus then revolutionized their view of revolution. Maybe that's not what you see when you look at this passage at face value.

Now when I look at this passage and when II think of it in my mind I usually think of everybody having a giant picnic writer sit in on the grass and got there red and white tablecloths, you know, checker blanket sit in on the ground. They got their spread. There's probably some kids throwing a football back and forth in the background. Maybe some liters of soda that somehow always go flat. Whatever picnic I go to the leaders of so to always go flat and there's no more carbonation, such as me other some potato salad no raisins. Please, there's usually some stuff happen you know that's that's what I think of when I read this passage. That's what it looks like just a giant picnic. Everybody hanging out listening to Jesus teaching but that's not what is happening here in point number one for you taking notes today.

You say you want to revolution.

You say you want to revolution and where you know we all want to change the world right for the Beatles are we all want to change the world. We all want to make the world a better place. We want to see it become a safer place. We want to see the world become more loving, we want to see the world become more prosperous and more righteous. Absolutely our know about you but when I think of revolution. I think of war. I think of Civil War. I think of burning flags.

I think of marshes I think of violence I think of change. I get the images from the 1960s in my heads when people are marching for civil rights when people were marching against the Vietnam War.

I am reminded of the assassinations of Pres. Kennedy and Martin Luther King music.

The energy you know the anarchy right there is a restlessness and that season of the 1960s, there is a restlessness in the same way the Hebrew people they wanted revolution.

They wanted revolution.

They want to change. You see, they had been living under Roman occupation. Pax Romana is what it was called would simply just means Roman peace and Roman peace was nothing more than forced peace peace through superior firepower there saying you're going to have peace as we conquer all of these countries, or else will come through. I will make an example of you. The Hebrew people.

They long for the days when they were able to govern themselves, and they had their own king and their own ruler. They thought of the days of King David.

When Jerusalem was a wonderful place near a conquering nation and so 5000 men show up to come and see Jesus here on this hillside and that's not counting women and children. By the way I let's assume that each one of these 5000 men have between 1 to 5 people with them in their party.

That would bring us an average of three and so were talking easily.

15,000 people sitting on a hillside coming to hear what Jesus had to say this wasn't your family reunion picnic.

These people they had an agenda. We read in John's Gospel that the only reason they followed Jesus was because they saw his science as he healed the sick, they were interested in Jesus teachings or who he was as much as they are interested in being dazzled and entertained by Jesus. Signs and wonders and maybe capitalizing on his power and authority that he possessed but this particular stadium size crowd was primarily interested in Jesus miracles because they finally saw a leader, a revolutionary who could potentially take on the Romans, yes, that's right of John.

He confirms in his gospel account of this same story. What Mark only hints at this crowd wanted to make Jesus their king. They wanted to make Jesus their king, and they were ready to install Jesus to power by sheer force alone. They were ready to go toe to toe with the unrivaled undefeated supreme military power of the day. Rome just to make Jesus their king.

I'd say they're interested a little bit more than just getting free lunch.

They wanted Jesus to be the revolutionary leader they wanted Jesus to kick the Romans out of Israel and to be restored to the king to the days of King David.

Once again they wanted to make Jerusalem great again. Come on, magic baby, the people in Israel hated Roman occupation, they wanted the Romans out they wanted Jerusalem to become like a once was restored to her former glory. The Romans were pagans they were wicked they did wicked things and they brought their promiscuity and all those things into Jerusalem and so understandably, the Jewish people the hubris they wanted Rome out. They wanted them out of their their local Judean ruler had just decapitated just briefly before this time the were reading right now had just decapitated a very prominent and a very popular local teacher, a guy by the name of John the Baptist summing the Jesus referred to as the goat preacher as the goat profit the greatest of all time. John the Baptist and the reason that this this leader had John executed was because Herod Antipas who is the leader of Judea. He may John exist.

An example he had John executed because John had called Herod out for being in a relationship with his own brother's wife. That's a pretty jacked up thing right will Roman historian Josephus actually details it a little bit further.

It was beyond that it was a little more than just having sex with your brother's wife, which is detestable and horrible, no what happened here was this was actually Herod's needs his brother's daughter, his other brother married his knees and then Herod took his brother's niece who is now his other brother's wife and married her and then John called him out for being kind of a gross guy barf right okay that that is good reason to call somebody out. No wonder they wanted a revolution. No wonder they wanted these rulers out these perverse and wicked rulers. But that is not the type of revolution. Jesus came to bring no matter how much they needed it now brings me to point number two not that kind of revolution, not that kind of revolution verse 34 says Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd not know about you but when I hear that other like sheep without a shepherd.

I get the pastoral image right. Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He restores my soul. He walks with me through the darkness right. That's the image I get and that's great. That is absolutely true.

Yes, Jesus is the good shepherd. He is a comforter. He is a nurturer but a shepherd is a leader, a shepherd is somebody who is guiding the flock to greener pastures. He is a protector. He is a deliverer shepherd or someone who is fighting off wild animals to protect the flock because they wish to cause them harm.

Jesus is speaking of sheep needing a shepherd in the way that Moses, a former shepherd himself used it in numbers 27 Moses said these words and he said these words to God. Give them someone who will guide them wherever they go, will lead them into battle so the community of the Lord will not be like sheep without a shepherd. And so the Lord replied to Moses and said, take Joshua son of nun, who is a spirit in him and lay your hands on him. No one. Moses saw that he could not take the Israelites into the promised land. You remember he was not going to be allowed to that whole generation was not able to. Moses realize he was getting on in years and if he didn't have somebody to now take his position the Hebrew people, the Israelites now let out of captivity from Egypt would be like sheep without a shepherd. They would be without a guide they would be lost prone to attack wandering without a leader. And so Joshua he was not a pastor is much as he was a military conqueror. He was a leader who would usher them into the promised land that God had given to them. So Jesus he sees this group of 15,000 people or more and he says there like sheep without a shepherd.

Jesus knew why they were there they were hungry they were hungry for change. They wanted Jesus to be their liberator. The revolutionary leader and the Israelites once again were looking to be freed from foreign occupation.

Just like with the Egyptians and now they were looking at Jesus as their next Moses their next Joshua and I wonder how many of us see Jesus in a similar light.

How many of us look to Jesus as the means to an end that we would try to leverage him as the answer to our physical hunger but not our spiritual hunger.

We want him to be the king of our nation but not the king of our heart. This is not a stretch to say this because we are certainly not the ones to think this way you go back at the Gospels and you looking you see Jesus closest friends the disciples the guys were with him all the time. There were constantly asking Jesus what are you going to establish your earthly kingdom. They constantly thought that Jesus was this political Messiah. This political deliverer was going to remove the Romans from being the governing power and restore Jerusalem to its former glory. But that's not why Jesus came not know what you I'm thankful Jesus didn't come. For that reason because Jerusalem is a great country in Israel's great country but I'm thankful he came to do a much greater mission to deliver us from our sin. We see the real reason that Jesus came in verse 34 says this, Jesus came, he saw the huge crowd as he sat from the boat and he had compassion on them because they are like sheep without a shepherd.

So he began teaching them many things. This is why Jesus came to teach them many things know Jesus doesn't go and he doesn't begin to teach them. Hey guys, you know, learn how to take up your arms are and how do you know heads on a swivel tap rack bang no he preaches the gospel to them. He's not giving them military instruction how to overthrow the Romans he preaches the gospel to them.

He teaches them that the revolution they are looking for and the revolution they need are two different things know they were hoping for physical bread. But Jesus only gave them the physical bread to help them recognize their need for spiritual bread. You see all miracles .2 the greatest miracle all the miracles that Jesus did were pointing in anticipation of a greater miracle that was to come.

And that was when Jesus died on the cross and he extends that forgiveness to us. We can be reconciled to God. That was the greatest miracle of all memo Jesus said to the devil in Matthew four it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

The Word of God is spiritual bread. It feeds our soul of your going three for five days without eating your starving yourself physically that is not good.

You're going to hurt your body to compromise your immune system your to be frail you're gonna be thin. Your to be pale. Your to be sickly or to be more susceptible to getting disease and all kinds of things in your body and spiritually. If you are going, three, four, five days without eating spiritually and being nourished by the bread of life. Jesus. Listen in the same way you were starving yourself spiritually. You're to be irritable, you're going to compromise your immune system your going to be more prone to attack more prone to being tempted everything is going to distract you. Everything is gonna look good to eat right everything you're going to go around. Even though that may not be good for you might say that looks amazing. That's because your starving yourself spiritually. So don't wait 345 days.

Listen, you need to eat each and every day and multiple times a day.

Jesus said in John 632 I tell you the truth. Moses didn't give you bread from heaven. My father did and now he offers you the true bread from heaven, the true bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world and Jesus replied I am the bread of life.

Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. This crowd, the Jesus is talking to this crowd that he is ministering to has a spiritual hunger. He recognizes that they have a spiritual hunger that physical bread and physical kingdoms cannot and will not ever satisfy feeling that physical hunger will never satisfy your spiritual hunger and so you will always be hungry.

Maybe you've experienced this in your own life, you found that feeding yourself with wealth or fame or success, or experiences, or power, or status as for some reason not satisfied you seen this time and time again with celebrities who have everything that they could ever want people that are billionaires nursing just another million dollars and I'll be happy just a little bit more and I'll be happy only to find that it's more and more empty. We found this to be true on a small scale.

The more we get for ourselves, the more we try and fill ourselves up. The more empty we feel it is not going to satisfy you. We see these people coming to the same conclusion that has left them wanting more. CS Lewis said it this way.

He said Ament heaven you'll get thrown in an earth yoga.

Neither French atheists by the name of Jean-Paul Sartre.

He said it this way that God does not exist. I cannot deny our memories is an atheist. He believes there is no God. He says this, that God does not exist. I cannot deny that my whole being cries out for God.

I cannot forget he saying I don't believe in God but I'm hungry for God that hunger that John Paul is saying there is no answer to Jesus is saying I am the bread of life. I can meet that hunger. Whoever comes to be will never be hungry again. Jesus is saying you need a different type of revolution you don't need me to go kick out the Romans you need me to go reestablish Jerusalem and make a great again. No foreign occupation. You need to be free from is not the Romans.

It's sin you need to be delivered from your sin. Jesus came to set the captives free.

The spiritual captives which brings us to point number three crooked sticks, crooked sticks, verse 37 Jesus said you feed them to the disciples with what they asked how the world are we gonna have enough food for all these people it would take months to earn enough money to buy food for all of these people. I said to hundreds and 200 Dinar I which would be about 200 days wages. That's a lot of money. So Jesus said to him how much bread you have don't find out. So they came back and reported we have five loaves of bread and two fish. Listen God's ways are higher than our ways. That is an understatement.

If there ever was one. What we see in these verses we just read is just that God using unqualified people with underqualified resources to accomplish his perfect will.

The disciples missed that they missed that the Mr. opportunity say will Jesus you just did an amazing miracle.

Why don't you feed them. He's asking Jesus. That's the disciples you feed them they could attorn the right background. How would you like us to do that you do it. Lord, you can work a miracle.

We believe in you. They failed the pop quiz if you will all know about you but I hated pop quizzes when I was a kid, mainly because I never studied when I was in 10th grade, I somehow got placed into the advanced placement English class AP English yeah I did not belong there. I failed miserably in that class my teacher told me at the end of the semester I got you something special on your report card. And so, sure enough, when I open up my report card and I try to hide my parents on Novell successful. He actually gave me an F minus. They still give us today. He gave me an F minus my report card.

I still have that report card but I'm thankful to God gives us second and third and fourth and fifth chances like he did hear with the disciples.

So Jesus turns to the disciples and he says you feed them, you feed them.

The disciples were like serious the cost like 200 days wages. We don't have that much money. And even if we did, there's no like local bread factories around here Jesus given notice were in the middle of nowhere.

What you are asking us to do is impossible and that's when Jesus is like exactly it is impossible, it is impossible is what we see here is symbolic for what Jesus can do with a broken life something it is impossible, God can make happen you bring to God what you have and he will do the rest. A man brings God what you have and he'll do the rest you bring to got a broken life. He'll make you whole. You bring to got your feeble attempt to come to him and he will meet you right where you're at, you bring to got some scraps of bread and fish and he will feed a multitude of people so point number four enclosing a greater kingdom is coming. Verse 41, Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up towards heaven and he blessed them, and then breaking the loaves and the pieces he kept giving the bread to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people. He also divided the fish for everyone to share and so what Jesus is doing here. He is pointing towards the coming greatest miracle of all.

Jesus took those loaves he blessed them, and he broke them. He blessed them, and he broke them set sound familiar to you. A couple of chapters later, we see Jesus in the upper room with the disciples Passover is taking place. It is the night before Jesus would be crucified and Jesus is saying to the disciples in the upper room at the Last Supper, take it this is my body broken for you. You see Jesus body was broken for us. It was beaten.

It was bloodied it was bruised it was crucified and ultimately executed for us this was part of God's plan.

See the multitude here in this chapter. They wanted a new Moses.

They wanted a revolutionary leader. They wanted a political deliver somewhat to free them from the Roman occupation summary to give them bread in the wilderness to free them from medical oppression but Jesus didn't come to do that was in a sense, the ultimate Moses. He was the fulfillments of Moses because Jesus came not to liberate from political oppression but from sin and death itself on the cross. We were not freed from physical slavery but spiritual slavery. You see we were slaves to sin, unable to free ourselves or get right with God on our own. That is why Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, he shed his blood on our behalf so we could go to heaven and have our sins forgiven and so in closing I want to ask you if you had your sin forgiven. Have you asked God to forgive you of your sin, you can get right with God right now and be forgiven of your sin because Jesus died on the cross for you over 2000 years ago. First, you must admit your sin and call out to him and believe in your heart you have the hope of heaven. You can have that right now either summary listen to this right now that you've been carrying around this weight of guilt and shame and this burden around with you because of things that you have done this and you can have that removed right now. You can ask God to forgive you for of that and to remove those things from your life and he will if you like to do that II just want to extend an invitation to you right now an opportunity for you to get right with God. So if you would say I need Jesus.

You would say I want to go to heaven when I die or I want my sin forgiven. I want to be a child of God, I'm ready to say yes to Jesus you can do that right here right now.

That's your desire. I want to leave you a prayer just a moment, maybe even like the multitude we just read about the you're looking for something in this world that will never satisfy you even looking for different things to satisfy you to meet that hunger that you were created with and that is only can be satisfied the bread of life. Jesus Christ, listen, you're not gonna find any drug you can find any amount of money or experience or status will be able to fill you. Maybe if even look to religion and you tried Christianity on for size, but it didn't work for you.

Listen, you need to recognize that you have a spiritual hunger inside of you, and only a relationship with Jesus Christ will satisfy you even that the hunger for the things of this world will be met. You will be satisfied if you have this relationship would Jesus enter somebody here that would say I'm a Christian, but I've stumbled in my faith. I've seen and I've made a mistake or many mistakes I've done and I know what I've done is wrong and I want to get right with him. I want to be forgiven. Listen, if that is you. If any one of those things describes where you are at right now listen, you can get right with God and all you have to do is call out on him call upon the name of the Lord, and you shall be saved. He will meet you right where you are the first is have to open your heart to God. So if you'd like to do that, would you pray this prayer with me right now just print right where you are wherever you're at praying out loud even pray these words Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner. I know that you're the Savior who died on the cross for my sin. And so now I turn for my sin. I turn to you I look to you Jesus to satisfy my spiritual hunger. From this moment forward, I choose you as my Savior and Lord is my God and friend fill me with your Holy Spirit.

Thank you for answering this prayer in hearing this prayer in Jesus name I pray, amen. Everybody great glory here. Thanks for listening to our podcast, the learn more about harvest ministries. Please subscribe and consider supporting this show. Just go to and by the way, if you want to find out how to come into a personal relationship with God.

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