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Leaving the State of Discontent - Philippians 2:14-15

Wisdom for the Heart / Dr. Stephen Davey
The Cross Radio
March 2, 2020 12:00 am

Leaving the State of Discontent - Philippians 2:14-15

Wisdom for the Heart / Dr. Stephen Davey

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March 2, 2020 12:00 am

Discontentment is a virus in the Church today. It travels on the winds of gossip, snuffing out joy in every heart it passes through. Paul reminds us in Philippians 2:14-15 why it can have no place in a believer's life.

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Don't ignore watching you notice you will prove or demonstrate to be blameless and innocent, children of God above I get this in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation policies inside the communist K with unbelievers. Paul is saying that is actually informing them that our demonstration is intended not just here with each other but out there around that our culture seems to be in moral decline and it is believers in the first century had the same reaction to their culture.

But as we respond to culture or the situations in our own lives. There is no place in the life of the believer.

For discontent or complain today on wisdom for the heart Stephen Davies going to give you some practical insight into how Christians should respond to culture and life in general.

This lesson is called leaving the state of discontent. So turn to the second chapter of Philippians into what we left off in verse 14 and this phrase calls going to start issuing some more pointed commands and warnings can step on our toes as we work through these few versus what I want to do is give you four statements.

Paul is effectively communicating to keep this church on track to keep individual Christians as well, from being called out by the undertow of discontent and allow this complaining spirit take up residency. The first command is this, let me give it to you the look of the text. Your electability to the point will get don't complain about anything in life, really. Verse 14 do all things without grumbling or disputing dogs.

It is a really critical word of the text of these ministers translated my Bible all do all things without grumbling, literally translated, it needs to read do all things without grumbling.

Now my personal revised translation that much more comfortable with so something like do some things without blowing like that that that suits me much better or or trying to do as many things as you can without grumbling that's better.

See, those are loopholes in all our revisions writing all things without grumbling.

Stephen Rongji writes that Paul really is and allowing us to pick and choose what we will do with the happy contented heart. I know somebody's going to say, but it's my nature to complain is my gift to the church.

I try to exercise it off and Howard Hendricks with often saying class.

There are some people that are just born in the accusative case.

Can Paul actually mean all this all is in like everything does this mean to cut your lawn without complaining that this is me do the laundry, paint the fence or do your homework or your chores or slog through those revisions are or edits or change orders or ministry assignments. Does that mean a deal with people in your job that that want to make your life as miserable as theirs. Evidently is horsepower furring to not grumbling whenever we come together to worship.

For now I think I can do it.

Some of the woman of 40 blown it up Geico if he had to be any cloud services. It is easy for users or the lady behind said I like that with me now make it through at least the next 30 minutes or so, the fact that Paul never clarifies or describes the object of grumbling leads New Testament authors linguistic to say that he is evidently intending to be understood as entirely frustratingly comprehensive.

No exclusions, no else all means old and obviously this this command relates to the things that are difficult right it relates to the things that are undesirable things that are Monday I mean word were not going to complain.

In the middle of vacation is not usually when I have a problem you know complaining or growling is work going down that super slide at the water park is a fire, water, sitting out on the deck at Sun said that quiet and beautiful or perhaps today going to your favorite restaurant or biting into a hot Krispy Kreme or two or three they're not chocolate glaze. You stuck with just delays and conviction. Good for you Steve. I mean good for you for doing that these kinds of circumstances on the dozens is please don't grumble on the deck is no little site out there. Make sure you don't complain that you're sitting here at sunset. The word Paul uses in verse 14 for grumbling is a word that means to monitor or murmur under your breath. You can be heard but you just don't want to be that obvious what you're going complain. It means to express dissatisfaction and bio Isaiah studied and read, and nearly every commentator in scholarly research in my study. All pointed to the fact that this word grumble is used over and over again in the Greek translation of the Old Testament, called the Septuagint as the descriptive word for the nation Israel. Paul obviously some of the expressions he uses is thinking of Israel. This is there bad example that things were good examples, but this was sort of a categorical bad example when you think it is. Are they grumbled when they were in Egypt. They grumbled when they were freed always just like back the grumble when they didn't have a need and they grumbled at this miraculous manner that tasted like they grumbled about their leaders at the grumbled against their God.

They grumbled 40 years that God says of them in the book of numbers in chapter 14. How long will this evil people this evil congregation grumble against me as the point to remember the psalmist summarizes the Israelites biography in the wilderness with this description, someone is 623 they grumbled in their tenants and they did not obey. See, you need to understand the grumbling is more than just complaining under your breath that happens to be a theological problem, which is why Paul follows up his comments that we've studied about the fact that God is invested and involved in everything every aspect of life sovereignly relating himself to every aspect took so grumbling, then it is is the result of a lack of obedient humility. It's actually a declaration of pride against God. Even if you just moderate. I deserve better. She comes from the self-centered notion that were getting something we don't deserve, or not getting something we do deserve something isn't working out, it's time I registered some dissatisfaction and started grumbling and that uninvited guest that brief stay has turned into a resident spirit knows I was preparing studying this text couple little courses. These teacher kids came to mind are good for grown-ups and some of come up and reminded me of others, but I have these lyrics running through my mind and I finally do some surfing and found here is the grumble in the city. The grumble on the farm, the grumble at their neighbors. They think it is no harm. They grumbled when it's raining the grumble when it's dry. They grumble all the year round yesterday. Grumble delayed grumble on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, grumble on Thursday to remember this grumble on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, grumble the whole they understand the grumble of their husbands.

They grumble other wives grumble at their children.

The grumble at their parents. They grumble at their pastor gimme that one up for the song they grumble in their schools that their teachers at the rules, get this, it is their way blameless in this happens to be the national lab, fallen humanity began with Adam that after sending the very first human being registered. The very first complaint against God, it's that woman you gave a good place for an amen brother Adam come back.

Adam becomes effectively first complainer in human and were just like all summer more obvious. Another some moderate, some you all related this song. This anthem is picked up by the patriarchs. It's picked up by the nation. And guess what it is swept into the dispensation of the church age and we sing it to and now Paul is warning the Philippians and it closes any and every loophole is no need to get frustrated with it except in a brazen reminder those like writing the church that a complaining spirit doesn't just affect the minor, but everyone within earshot is affected is influenced a complaining spirit, love's company's wife's verbal when author wrote about entering a triathlon is called 1/2 Ironman because Irving was cut in half because they were not professionals. This author was actually a pastor who wanted to accomplish. Feet says he needed the exercise done a title. Nobody really wrote that after the 1.2 mile swim and the 56 mile bike ride. He says I didn't have much energy left for the 13.1 mile run. Neither did the fellow jogging next to me. I asked him how he was doing and I soon regretted asking him the question he said man this is terrible this stinks. In fact, this race is the dumbest decision I've ever made in my life I knew my Riverside very long I start agreeing with them. I spent I eventually caught to a 66-year-old grandmother. I love that I caught her tone was just the opposite.

She was a feeling you know it's not rain better make sure you drink there so we get thirsty so quickly. Just stay hydrated. Keep it up.

She would say you're going to finish this race. She encouraged he writes.

I ran next to her until I couldn't keep up. She waved and ran on ahead.

What a difference. I'm talking about do these things to all things without grumbling notice he has that justice will lock it down even more, or disputing authority selects under inspiration is a word refers to arguing or we can simply call it in our vernacular bickering.

It's a word that gives us our English word dialogue gang. And yet, the prefix understood in this context is a negative one.

Author defined it as it will nature useless disputing another quarreling and divisive arguing 01 author made the interesting observation that grumbling seems to be emotional and disputing seems to be intellectual. However, both are emanating from pride and discontent and both of them are useless, counterproductive, nothing, saw nothing fixed becomes discouraged discouraging the device now even with us perhaps and were going in his letter to one of a letter this will church in the thought hits me Paul is writing to. This is a potential threat to the Philippians. This is almost effective when some visionary faithful, fruitful churches in the first century then to absolutely their related Adam as well. It is our nature, even as believers to get caught in the undertow of a complaining bickering disputing spirit and it just takes joy and hope to see something's got to give something's gotta give. Don't complain about anything in life. Don't forget that you have come to life. Maybe 1/3. Don't ignore his watching your life notice until you approve or demonstrate to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach that I get this in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. In other words, you are right in the middle of it smack dab in the center of all around you. Paul isn't saying will go buy some land all the Communists came try never to come in contact with unbelievers.

Go to a monastery. Paul isn't saying that is actually informing them that our demonstration is intended not just in here with each other but out there out there, right in the middle of our crooked and perverted generation. Would you notice by the way that some things never change. Paul described his generation as crooked and perverted the work for crooked comes from Skelly. It means to be bent or twisted in Paul's day, it referred to being morally twisted.

We use the term today transliteration transliterated in the medical community for scoliosis. The curvature the abnormal curving or bending of the spine, Paul is describing the first century and the way that we can describe the 21st century orally been in twisted with it comes sin and ability to render judgment or common sense see expressions of that effect. I came across one news agency. The reported a major league baseball team which was sued, they decided they had a home game in their stadium on Father's Day decided they do is pass out Father's Day gifts and they were sued for passing out the gifts to fathers only, and they want same report told of a psychic who was actually awarded $986,000 when the doctors CAT scan impaired her psychic abilities and have to wonder how she wanted me to. She was really a psychic. When she is known to have that done within the twisting and defiance of biblical truth is opening the door, all sorts of entitlements and our culture is unable to render decisions. Common sense twisted confused now he adds another word perverted or perverse generation were Dykstra photos simply a way of adding to the idea and perhaps a categorical attempt for those who abandon the plumb line for those who abandoned the straight line drawn so were in the sand. The standard of moral value. Don't ignore those who are watching your life but even further, let's not forget this. Don't neglect. Fourthly, those who desperately need life verse 15 in the latter part of the first part of verse 16 among you appear as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life was when you think you got a really bad living, whatever the state of discontent is your living and don't forget the world the unbelieving world around.

He was living in the state of darkness. This is the offer of light to a world that is lost in the dark world.

This Hungary and thirsty for meaning. Forgiveness a clean conscience hope squandering the dark and it only grows darker sing him earlier, the words couldn't of been more perfect may read to them. I once was lost in darkest night yet. Thought I knew the way the sin, the promised joy in life led me to grave. I had no hope that you would own a rebel to your will, and if you had not love me first. I would refuse you still but as I ran my hell bound race indifferent to the cost you looked upon my helpless state and led me to the cross and I beheld God's love displayed. You suffered in my place. You bore the wrath reserved for me.

Now all I know is now Lord, I would be yours alone and live. Watch this so all might see the strength to follow your commands could never come from me. Father, use my ransomed life in any way you choose, and let my song forever be my only boast is you hallelujah all I have is Christ. Hallelujah Jesus is my life be summarized by drawing three principles from this passage, read through them fairly quickly. Number one when you refuse to complain about your life you choose to submit to the purposes of God. What you're doing matter how painful or difficult.

You are humbly submitting the purposes of God. Number two. When you refuse to compromise your lights you choose to demonstrate the character of God when you refuse to mix dilutes compromise the character of God is revealed. And as your father. You reflect his grace and love. Number three. When you refuse to cover up the light you choose to invite others to the grace of God.

So, in a sentence get rid of the clouds of complaints and compromise and shine is who you are.

That's what you do shine your world around you crooked and perverse is wandering in the dark. You're the light turned on the show them the way to the word of life in the gospel of God and disgrace. So how do we start will go back to the very beginning. It isn't profound. It's just convicting stop grumbling and complaining about life and each other. By the way the world knows how to do that better than will ever. I mean they you you turn your back and you are not safe. Are you different from them that there there watching. They want to know fact I do close with the simple testimony that very profound music came across it from Chuck Colson.

He's now with the Lord but a few years ago. He was standing in a long line in the airport and Jakarta, Indonesia, and for those of you to travel internationally. There's nothing like as difficult as some of these international airports. He and some colleagues from prison Fellowship had been traveling all night long, long, long flights. It was now early morning.

The terminal was not air conditioned. He said it was hot and steamy and they were absolutely exhausted. He relates it.

My passport was in my sticky hand.

I was not only exhausted but exasperated at this long inefficient line snaking way ahead of us and I was worried.

After all, and we would miss our flight out here with ministry friends waiting and rest, he says, but I became obvious that by the spirit of God determined not to let my frustration get the better. I chose to talk with my friends and we spent our time making the best of this frustrating situation. Even laughing together from time to time, and they eventually flew away. Two years later he received a letter from a businessman who lived in Singapore. The man had been a follower of Confucius, but he sent his children to a nearby Presbyterian Church so that they could receive some quote moral training be good for well one Sunday as he picked up his kids. He heard the end of the sermon in the church, a visiting missionary was holding up a copy of Chuck Colson's book born-again on the back to full cover picture of chuckles. A few months later, the businessman writes I was stuck in a long, exasperating line in the steaming Jakarta airport in Indonesia, glancing over into the I spotted the same face I'd seen on the cover of the book's title intrigued me for again he wrote I was so taken by your demeanor and cheerfulness. The when I got back to Singapore I purchased your book.

I read it and I want you to know I've committed my life to Jesus Christ, positive anybody would ask you, how are you going to win a devoted man to Confucius to Christ. What is going to be a semester of training for that. Who would ever guess to God do it off the platform of someone who refused the undertow of discontent, muttering and grumbling evidencing the spirit of humility and joy, so to impact the world go after and be a testimony by the way out there. You know this.

It's deeply devoted to dark in many ways is not going to appreciate shining a light in their eyes, gracious and shine and you demonstrate first and foremost that distinctive that you need in your demeanor and your conversation God just may allow you offer to of life. What a great reminder for us as Christians that what the world most is for us to shine as light in the darkness in the midst of our culture you been listening to wisdom for the heart with Stephen Devi. Today's lesson from Philippians 2 is called leaving the state of discontent. We recently received this from a listener here in North Carolina. I think God for biblical Bible teachers and a pastor who truly loves people loves the Lord and loves his will. Thank you. We are committed to the truth of God's word and thankful that you take time out of your day to join us.

Please join us tomorrow for more wisdom for the heart