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MON HR 2 090522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Cross Radio
September 6, 2022 12:47 am

MON HR 2 090522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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My little sis is buying a car in my secret guide growth.

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Terms and conditions apply find a more capital navigator donate a list of WR click clip jewel from John pause Larry Johnson incident review actually with the Durand, you know, that is, as the villa was a little break of the laptop from hell. And so, go ahead and take her away over the past couple months. I watch news outlets agree solid knowledge of the laptop was real.

I knew from October 14 there was occlusion place because the story was shut down platforms mainstream media, certain narrative, the Russian narrative was pushed and was felt like they were waiting for an I was kind of wanted that it wasn't until Zuckerberg was Dragon for the Congress of 26 October 2020 when he said the FBI had warned social media outlets to be on the lookout for a large number four intelligence and not just the kind of put the pieces together for me. I realize how deep that collusion between federal agencies in our media outlets are ran my father when he approached the FBI in October 9, 2019. He was turned away. They didn't want us to drive with a 10 foot pole daily to the paperwork before the lawyer up and get out of their office and in my status with the FBI was reluctance to want to do anything with the drive and then finally they took it and then did nothing with it during the impeachment trial, so I've been watching the weaponization in my report of you occur for years now and I'm glad that there's I hope members of the FBI that are these whistleblowers are forced to because like I never felt like the agency I believe in the agency just never trust so if you don't believe in the system and you don't follow through the motions is guaranteed to fail and maybe that's what this.this may come as a sniper parent for some time to go watch the bright cannot you just ask and will will talk about the FBI any throne on finding something I really like Larry as well. Actually happening is the most troubling aspect of this holy fact which is a very troubling family, multiple levels, but perhaps tell us briefly how it all began. What actually happened with his left. How did it come into your possession. You tell the story many times that's briefly very briefly what make you repeat yourself yet another time, but that's just just to complete you can. That is exactly what briefly would happen while it was Friday night April 12, 2019 and I was Gatorade close shopping and inebriated Hunter Watson requesting data recovery from three of his notebooks. I kind of felt bad for the guy because on one laptop providing sticker and often is the case the customers at appendices level and succumb and recover the memories of these laptops I just assume that that was the case under. After lunch I left. I started to attempt to do a recovery on the news media condition laptop prevented from completing lighting in the next day I realized this is not his deceased brother's laptop. This is in fact hundreds laptop and have a lot of embarrassing content that I was forced to verify because I hired to do a job, make sure that I did the job. I didn't think much about it except, grossing embarrassing the contents was until about two weeks later, when his father and his skin is present. I just assumed that point in time.

My days were numbered as Hunter was in possession of a document that clearly stated that I was allowed to have access to his digital devices and recover data from and after 90 days of no response.

This product became my property and I just figured a Secret Service agent or somebody on the pine staff would sing a document and set the cleanup crew to come to my shop to take care of the problem. When the laptop became my property in July, mid July 2019. I find it in the new cycle charisma Hunter Biden shady business deals believe Giuliani was in Ukraine. During that summer and I felt like I might be sitting on evidence in a criminal investigation. I also really fear for my safety and I wanted to have some level of protection and I put my father and September late September early September 2019 to let them know that I need to get this out of my shop and I need some level protection because I fear that this would be retribution for what I see. We decide to go to the FBI have my father push the FBI in Albuquerque after seeing what happened Roger Stone in the weaponization of the Justice Department years, I was concerned for little boy politics here on the East Coast so I opted out my father to copy the drive in the paperwork and the FBI in elk. They kicked him out of his office a little total lawyer up that they don't see that this is a federal issue. Sounds like civil and business reminiscence like we can do anything anyway will take the paperwork lawyer up and get out of our office about a month after that we got a agent Joshua Wilson was push my father. He's from the bully's office and said that he wanted talk to me about this laptop.

I do a background check. Joshua seem to be an up and a guy. He made his career at the FBI after child predators are theories Great American trust.

So I invited them into my home. He brought along agent Mike and the two of them proceeded lastly what my concerns were reiterated. I just put this on my shop and I will phone number to call this subsequently put in the second later, they said they wanted to send a tech guy to do a forensic loan laptop.

I didn't think it was possible because I was unable to do a forensic on the laptop and conditions just showing off at random.

I literally manually drag and drop the files there was no forensic loan. There was no automated process that scans copies entire drive is literally how you would drag and drop files to foster and so I doubt it, but I feel happy I can afford the tech. I this makes more than I do so I said sure they should have in my shop at December 9, 2019. Unfortunately or fortunately for me didn't have tech, I said to him is again I don't think the FBI agents and ever handed somebody a subpoena and have the reaction be so energetic is in my mind I'm seeing absolutely everything I wanted so I was tickled pink unfortunately red flag started throwing these agent Mike said that from now on I can only communicate through hands-free text messages record through email and the longer talk to Josh.

They also told me that should somebody represent Hunter Hunter himself looking for laptop I'm too stalled to give them a line that it's an off-site location. Give me a day collect information when I installed it for a day up to call or text agent Mike and he can arrange that laptop returned and in healthcare, so I kinda figured I would be in evidence of low somewhere outside of DC and not readily available for a quick return to the previous owner and then finally again when I'm relieved and I was pumped up on adrenaline. I'm just excited. I cracked a joke when agents were leaving as I can relax all evenings on the booklet for leisure names out of my foot message like surrounding told me the necessary expense of people that don't talk about and again I was kinda pumped up his distinguished nightmare that I have had to endure for happy year was finally out of my shop and also during this time there was impeachment hearings and from what I've seen on the laptop. There was no reason why this occurred of the current administration should be.

There was enough evidence on a laptop exonerated and I like this needed to get in the hands of the FBI item will come off as partisan because the whole time I've been trying to keep a low profile in Delaware try to run a business and have a life and I just didn't want any of that coming back.

Unfortunately, after the impeachment trial, I realized that that this laptops from at the bottom of the Delaware River. It was never admitted as evidence.

I held my breath the whole time and that basically the end of February I realized the FBI cared more about protecting the Bidens and they probably covered it up protecting me another circle. People knew what I knew I knew it was on this laptop grew accidentally so I enlisted my father and my uncle was Col. Parker was in the Air Force to take the same data that I try to give the FBI refused to try to knock on members of Congress's doors and they spent the next 34 months trying to reach out to sound the alarm and unfortunately because of the pandemic and I think her fear of being caught up in another Russia Russia Russia our cries for help fell on deaf ears.

Finally, I think in the end of August. I kinda, I decided that this is just getting too close to what I feared would be just considered October surprise.

Ironically, and it would be no brushed aside as just another political hit job so I decided like I needed to something so I penetrated my courage or my fear for courage. At that time and I reached out directly to Rudy Giuliani's office got a response in over the next 2 to 3 days. It was actually August 28. I ended up overnighting a copy of the drive to be Giuliani's lawyer, Marcus and I assisted with accessing drive to share where I found subsidy to find stuff went dark about September 24. I believe Sen. Grassley released the Senate report about hundred Bidens business dealings and read the report and I think I was August 25 after he filled out the whistleblower report on Johnson's website saying like I have read the report, I see a lot of questions. What this money was purchased. We saw a lot of money exchanging hands. During this report within really explain what with these oligarchs and with these Russian marriage would bought with that money and I felt like I did a lot of that information is contained Ukraine so I restarted Johnson's office explained situation.

All I got me really was to our interrogation was an essay guys make sure I was a Russian threat. So I was still pretty frustrated at times. His even the government when I finally able to get a hold of them to alert them of of this laptop as I figure if Biden went on a checkbox on leisure just to be a matter time to correct checkbox of by the time I guess August 11 worked out an arrangement with the New York Post, I was long after, I think that October 11, I was visited at my shop by journalist and Esquivel Amicus. Politically I don't want to talk to anybody from the press nobody from the media a bit of an introvert love helping people in small confined area of the I did not want any part of this life and was promised that money would be left out of it.

Unfortunately October 14.

They forgot to blur out on the bottom of Hunter's work authorization my sourcing so I think the story broke a 630 morning by about seven I was getting death threats in a male got pretty bad.

Pretty scary rather quickly. At first was the president's customers and former friends and few strange people come in the shop without computers in Estes that Becca located Bloomington Police Department really stepped up and they provided me with so they have a car parking for my shop pretty much a retirement system and incredibly grateful for the moment to be. They still continue to check up on the offer support if needed. So I'm grateful for that. But he got to the point where my business wasn't sustainable and by about two weeks later I was planning to close the shop and get out of Dodge and I left our leftist close shot on 3 November and was on a plane to Colorado on that is extremely story, and thank you for sending it to clearly and you clearly pull through an absolutely terrible ordeal.

I think with important thing don't take away from this is that, of course you initiated. None of this. You acted at all times. As a citizen of the United you found yourself in position or simply it is the material that was given to Holly political seek to find yourself in this position, you acted throughout in the way that you could in order to bring this to the attention of the government of the federal agencies and also oversee to take basic precautions for yourself.

I you been through it absolutely according ordeal and I think you come through it magnificently. I just wanted to say that an event we've all gone through a lot and it shouldn't be like this, there shouldn't be. We should live in a society where citizens should be able to approach authorities with criminal activity and not have a fear of retribution or repercussions, and I'm hoping that that that again.

It's sometimes not much of the break before Indiana was audiotaped be treated with courtesy and understanding and sympathy and attention, not in this way when comments are made which could be interpreted as threats. This all happens often. Biden has announced his candidacy for the presidency and during the period of the impeachment with the impeachment be all about.

Don't trump telephoning Zelinski Ukraine.

He brings up the topic of Hunt Bonton but Joe hunt Bonton over the Coke because of his conversation with Zelinski and he is impeached on that basis that they supposed to be an abusive power by the President of the United States.

He supposedly egging the and other governments to carry out an investigation of the political wrongful and throughout this hope. The FBI is in possession of the information you have given the which corroborates at least some of the allegations that were swirling around at least hunt toboggan is, is that correct absolutely well can I turn to Larry and II I'm glad this is I'm not able to sound like and you conducted some of these discussions are the tablets will become proactive. But Larry, what you feel about the FBI and waits acted on the you worked for the government you been in the securities agencies the intelligence agencies. I found this profoundly shocking what you think about it need to be redlined they need to be taken down. They be eliminated.

Can no longer continue to operate the offer started dealing with the FBI 1989 when I was a State Department in the office Terms and we were dealing with the investigation of the bombing of Pan Am 103 on the crest of a lot of and it was an interesting exercise because there was evidence that the CIA had, but the FBI could not just go grab it from the CIA because the FBI that time was supposed to be a law enforcement organization can only collect evidence in a way that would hold up in court and was sort of ironic that time we had dealings with Bill Barr no Barbara sort of brokering a deal between DOJ between FBI and CIA all saw and I had I held some light bar in high regard by helping the people I work with the FBI at the time in high regard. I was targeting pricey on the back to back wall posters from the tourism rewards program that was done in conjunction with the FBI was delighted with the public service ads and are dealt with before Clark was the deputy director of the FBI. The time note to Larry Mefford who was a merchant hostage rescue team. He later became a deputy director of the FBI.

These are all very sound solid peak, blocked all regarded to be going into sort of a different territory here now with what is happening in JP's case and just highlight the story he told about the technological incompetence of the FBI back in what white after 9/11 when Danny Pearl was in Afghanistan.

The Wall Street Journal reporter who was subsequently murdered. I was one of the last people have contact with him.

We were exchanging information about cigarette smuggling because I was involved with international cigarette smuggling investigation and yet he told me where he was headed for a meeting and it was the next day he went missing and then subsequently of the video surfaced of him being beheaded, so I twined it took me two days to try to get touch with the FBI to say hey guys come here.

I got the emails you may want to know some summer they would want have a record and it wasn't like I was somebody they didn't know the FBI did not recall even with my background knowledge. It was like like getting the clown show Bob finally two agents showed up. These guys were in the early 30s become in my house I'm living in Bethesda Maryland at the time and is okay guys, so we need to go. We just got our laptops really don't know how to work the next thing you know I'm up in my office attic area I'm on the phone with the FBI technical center try to figure out how to download all this material so what is happening. JP's case illustrates in 20 years I haven't gotten any damn better works.

It sort of adult highlight how JP's night we don't really know each other. I know JP prior to October 2019 was that so his dad's are stigmatizing always numismatic. I have a very good dear friend here in Florida which is the reason we moved here and his friend Bob died out. Once the pilot of the fighter above gunship in Vietnam and his copilot happen to be this dynamic.


So then known each other for 40, 45 years and then I met Matt playing golf about 20 years ago and so on the on the day of August 14 my friend Bob calls me uncle take a believe as I got all you what you got stuck Me the story so I got in touch with Mackinac to help my son is not with JP was, not listening to his father not listen to his arrest so logically and I got on the phone. We had a nice two hour conversation and he began taking the necessary steps to make himself secure regarding hooked up with another is now mutual friend of that was also act with expertise in computer systems, came in and was able grab a copy of that so that we have now another verifiable lobby. What is important to defend. Chart date conjured all this up, but what the FBI has become is so totally politicized. The only parallels we have with this in recent history work the Stasi under the East German police the KGB under the old Soviet Union, but an entirely politicized force, but fortunately you got Lee 14 and whistleblowers.

I am familiar recorded with two of with lower have some knowledge of some information sharing of discernible members of Congress they are they are in contact with you medicating with John during the special prosecutor that is extremely interesting. I did know that any is there any evidence that at any point in time anybody at the FBI approached Congress at the time of the impeachment and perhaps told the people who would inking or debasing impeachment hold off the seas. We have information we have information which is relevant to the impeachment. Perhaps you will see what I have any. Has anybody heard of this because I have no and I followed this very carefully.

I think I think is a complete opposite occurred. Johnson was actively briefed by the FBI about the threat of Russian document up because they were they wanted to get him. Instead he wanted to get him publicly embarrassed for his investigation of the bites and he admitted that last week so incidents like the FBI did complete opposite and then try to deliver the sabotage investigations by linking them to the press and that's that's counter and at some point, according to think about it.

We went around telling everybody that there is a Russian operation a disinformation operation being prepared. Now we have exactly what they had in mind but by this point. Presumably they had the information JP that you gave them in their possession is that absolutely it and I think were getting even closer and closer each day the we know it was in August that Brian oughtn't label everything Russian disinformation. We I know and the FBI knows because they were monitoring Rudy Giuliani's email account at the time that Monticello emailed Giuliani to say that he was making arrangements with me to have the drive overnight. That was on August 27 and I overnighted the driver.

August 28 so I'm really curious to see when exactly the FBI sound the alarm because I will tell us directly if the FBI was monitoring the lawyer for the president United States got wind of this information that they were already aware of, and sitting on hiding now at the beliefs that they had to go into overdrive to figure out how to brace for impact for the state of the canal and that's when they made a choice.

I want to know the exact date in August because I don't tell us where they spying on me and my family over this final and the president states what I can say one thing to recognizing this is that condescension is not taken by did you have some FBI agents at his office out in the wash and field office with hey I got a great idea want to see if I can find out what JP Isaac up today in some low-level guy does. This was top-down activity.

This was this was not taken at a low level or even a mid-level. This is made at upper levels because at the end in the day.

The FBI is still big bureaucracy and put people play the bureaucratic game they want to get promoted.

They don't want to anger those who are their superiors and so they play the game and make sure they got there. I am slithering the memos generated on those that were classified but special compartments but the lives is documented.

The FBI is going to the Justice Department system. The Justice Department at the time is headed by Bill Blanc who is the Atty. Gen. of the United States appointed to that office by the president of the states. Do you think I'm not suggesting any particular individual would you think that the FBI were to be in contact with Justice Department before making these kind of approaches to Congress to Facebook Duke about to order those people, especially Michelle release somebody on the bar while I can't tell you how distressed I am by what I've seen Bill Barbee, but he did become another Washington pack Mart used to have some integrity about him. I don't know if it's his desire to protect his daughter is a lawyer in the system that already tried to be made against her that if he doesn't support the state narrative goes back to some of his prior contacts. He was at the Central intelligence agency in the office of General Counsel before he wound up and down the DOJ are doing with each piece completely co-opted out, but for him to make the kinds of arguments that the old Burton dogtrot have the right to declassify or classify information that's complete crap and know you are from Bob Barnes. He makes that very often more over him said he saw no evidence of any kind of interference with the election.

Well, like Sam, Helen Keller saw no evidence what we know why she did the evidence she was a fortune on his case willful blindness what you have going on here is that bar instead of to bring the system down, ended up enabling it.

That's what is this guy Tim Tebo.

It's so important. Tebo was marked out of FBI headquarters so more a week ago Friday and Tebo was the senior FBI agent which means he was he was at the senior intelligent executive level of the equipment of the star jump all and his background to go back and pick evidence implicating him in a meeting that was held about five people could Jim call me Andrew McCabe with a specifically made the decision to shut down the investigation into the Clinton foundation and the Heller taught Gmail's and then Tebo is the one who was directly implicated in helping hide the laptop so that you were talking somebody who was so politicized and paying plaintiff a political agenda and is supposed to be the play the fair with us will stick to it will take a look and say has a spring or fall on your tree in one way or the other is supposed to be equal treatment under the law, and that's what has been lost in the animal tragedy here is the faith of the American public is disappearing of the PI can't recover.

That is a strange white underthings about the feelings as well as I can see the stuff and be the people who run it are basically leaders.

Most of them on the liaison. They have a penalty police investigated the people of that coming.

They'll people who understand and administer the low, who presumably have some understanding of the Constitution or to understand things like the importance of the Hatch act, the political impartiality of the FBI. The fact that as a federal agency, he can't be can't take sides in political quarrels. Already we are back in the you just here, I've got something.

We know which everything that they just say we've already reported on and as happened in my give my guess is what is new Durham know if if they take these these 3030 3030. These FBI agents Joe that were involved in the same ones that were involved in that mess in Washington, the one that were on January 6, the same ones who are involved with an admirer care near the same thing that was involved in the numerological the same dirty 30 FBI agents. It's like is like they have a special forces and special absent of dirty cops in the grant period. I've been hurting cops all seem to be in that very morning after you anyhow.

Now if they can get there before the actual court because of Durham can take them before record keeping away from the Justice Department, but they gotta move it out of Washington DC they can do that the courts there corrupted. I mean, they're all corrupt. Here's an example probably infuriates regime by still insisting election was stolen. The election was stolen anyone and everyone is as it wasn't as a liar and is not a bit of truth in them that whole January 6 committee. There is not out there is not one there. That is not a liar. There is not one record recovery would not cross examination, they would not let any evidence be shown to the contrary, they would not release any of the films. Our agreement Members hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of film, the defense attorney, Nancy Pelosi would not let all that yeah the real true evidence of wood to place your right there corrupt is not one person on that and there were two Rino Republicans. And guess what you the one he's not even read run for office again out of the out of the 10, the 10 rhinos Joe the 10 Rino Republicans guess what. Eight of the telephone had are gone there going to be gone for hearing Michele level will will will see what happens. The with the other to feel even when their elections within the home. [The anyhow like the switch I could do something. I was thinking more on Labor Day and first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 38 came to mind. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.

For as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord and I was thinking church this weekend couple songs. One of the hymns was work for the night is coming up before favored adult film work for the night is coming, work through the morning hours work while the deer sparkling work. Good morning flowers. It's all about working because the night is coming when man's work will be over and the were getting closer and closer to the rapture were getting close to the time when we won't be able to work for the Lord and one of my favorite hymns. When the roll is called up yonder.

One of the great church hymns in the third verse it says let us labor for the master from the Santos wedding.

Let us talk of all his wondrous love and care.

Then when all of life is over in our work on earth is done and the roll is called up yonder.

I'll be there on our work on earth is done. Will the church is I've been watching over a lifetime used to call the church victorious. And what I'm saying is that look across the country and look at other churches listing the things on.

I don't see the church victorious ICA do nothing church see nothing church and all still get involved in anything church I see this modern church out there. The churches left the battlefield of life, they will often their kind. Due to be safe in their little tour you see Joe require, you know what the word Rino means you know what Rino Stanforth Republican in name only.

Dad's right okay so maybe we should have would say no final church and church in name only. Character name Madeleine and that, final, and so there you go, because only that, that's right, is the true church is still that way. But it's very small and the Lord Jesus of the unity always keeps a remnant. What did Jesus say he said this, listen, I want to think about this is the minute he when he said, many are called but few are chosen is that many are called but few are chosen. Many will come, but few will enter men.

Note that many that has come are the professing church that the professing church and not the possessing church do not do not possess for the Holy Spirit because they're not saved.

So there.

Their Sino student church in name only until if they were the true church, and if if if the pastors were actual shepherds and pastors in this country we would not have over 100 million dead babies from abortion they would not be promoting and pushing aside of me, upon the public school kids in their pedophilia would not be granted. If, as all of those in the pulpit were actually pastors but they're not there.

Hireling visioning are level children and trying to get there. Having relation surgeries on children giving drugs permanently affect the life of a child Lord Jesus would just appear on earth would have much to say Lloyd is that if you are one of his personal children. It would be better than a millstone be tied around your neck and you betray the depths of the ocean. I would think there's some people that they did hear that preach loud and clear because they are harming our little children. They are not only destroying them spiritually. They are destroying them physically trying to ruin the child is made in the image of God, trying to destroy that image and the I know our heavenly father cannot be pleased because the church is silent.

I haven't heard pastors preaching well. Still, the church should be leading the schools. The church should be running the schools not letting Satan run the schools. Absolutely here's here's what the epic times rights of the left is continue to promote and advocate violence and vandalism in America. This is just a prelude of what will happen if Americans do not flip the death of credit can't control U.S. Congress in November elections. This is a type of increased criminality, something crime policies and vandalism that is occurring. New York, California and the Floridians continue to vote for Democrats than they can expect a lot more of this and much worse that has to do with that, Corey Mills, whose favorite to replace Murphy in Florida's seventh congressional district, which is no 14 Republicans +14 so Floridians so say people out there learning with a vote. First of all, listen is what these people do. If you vote for a Democrat today that is the sin it is the sin God's Word the Bible because of the sin note. You folks out there to listen you better take God seriously. Every one of you out there which you did you into and in New York you've got a horrible horrible state legislator in New York your state legislature are wicked, evil, cruel, ungodly, unclean people, not all of whom got some some decent people.

If you with the majority of them are there ungodly people that truth is a remnant of good people and their this week were going to have them lady who is running for the Senate there in the genes when we get is Jackie Schumer in for New York and she's going to be in the program Lord's will and should be in the program that listen to this.

She's running as an independent she managed to get on the ballot as an independent death.

That's is very very hard to do nowadays because of the way they haven't between the death of Cranston Republicans. They got it tied up. They don't want competition concerning her lawyer talking at something or her politics is often affected by end of the worldview and a lot of us go back to our childhood Walt Disney created a scary world of fun world a safe world is ideal world where children could be safe and free and happy and I found the Darien article. Nico satanic and new cartoon features a little girl. The, the antichrist. This your dad is the devil you're the antichrist.

The cartoon mom told her daughter about 13. This is adult programming from Disney, little demon and the one of the actors who provides the voice gene expressed approval that yes, it normalizes paganism and I looked at the trailer was online and it kind of opens a news report that the sky over school is been torn open mom that drops the your that the devil bombshell on the little girl and she responds or goes on from there and gets there's all kinds of zero monstrous forces Satan himself, trying to get custody of her daughter.

Or was it it has witchcraft pagan rituals. A lot of blood and gore, nudity, and some think that I would call pornographic. Maybe some adults were not called pornographic and this is supposed to be a cartoon for adults but with the word Disney kids are going to see it. This is what our worlds come to and there's a group: 1 million moms out there and they're trying to stop flirtation of children were you and I were children of God, and I don't think God wants any of his children regardless of our age to be watching this kind of thing.

If you get Disney in your home. The Disney channel I would get rid of it immediately if not sooner. Okay will get some feedback from Craig what he just okay. They say there's going to be an FX that the cable station.

I believe in the already cities that is negative in an distance can be as an active mail. This article didn't say where just talking about it for new production from Disney and openly promotes all kinds of horrible things so crazy apparently looking up Windows 8 when this is supposed to be a great place.

Looking it up today about the of this of the FBI official blocking probe and Hunter Biden says he retired he won fire that's a bunch of bull.

How many times that Timothy tied Tybalt people. He was escorted okay. Enjoy the first episode already aired the latent he was escorted by two FBI agents out to the building out the front door and showed in the street do do they escort you out of the building on your retirement you're retired now.

They don't donate to give your gold watch and a parting that have agents of Scripture out of the building belonging milk case to him, wondering if this T-ball that he's going to if he's going to take the fall himself.

You know, again, this is why they're in a panic to dirty cops. The very very dirty cops. I mean, very dirty cops there. There, the ones with some integrity of the of the over 20 of them know and and that's at least 20 and has come forward and in their given testimony and so the dirty cops know if trouble gets back in and a Congress that the Republicans take back Congress they know they're going to jail. Third, they broke every very carbon is broken every law he could break out there are very very ignored the constant.

General laws of anything. Her been around forever.

This I cannot believe what I'm saying that and the Republicans don't seem to be yelling, screaming, this is unconstitutional. This is wrong. They are taking things to court based individual sitting back thinking level little they can't like they really can't do much deal because they don't have a Justice Department, Congress can only they can only put out you know war, they can't really do believe they got no arrest powers Joe and so now that I don't think they can take it directly to the court that they could take it if if we get the Justice Department back knows some cases, the special counsel like durum can take it directly to the parent and if English they really picking up well I don't hear them getting on the call Jim Jordan or Congressman from Ohio near Sen. your Sen. therefrom from Missouri. Will you, Ali Ali, and that the and I gotta say Ted Cruz.

I gotta say that Sen. from Kentucky and also animal ran all the end. Also met Gates here in Laredo.

Gomez Goldberg: Lewis Goldberg, and that this almanac number that Congresswoman the green. What is her name Martha green woman my retailer green and you are right, whether there is a handful of them and that are there really standing them fighting back with their their site here to Lincoln.

Sitting very quietly, letting all the things Right and the others aren't you well look what happened. You had 10 Rino Republicans vote to impeach trump those those were traders. Those were traders in the if I were King they would be charged with treason.

They should be charged with treason and also because they knew all along. They knew all along he did not.

He did none of those things look for the four years he was in office every lick. The economy was good with you. People have common sense of the country was going we had gained respect again. We had respect in the world and there was no it was through strength we were having peace through strength. Our economy was good people were on the right track.

He was promoting homeschooling to you know one good thing in the past year and one past year we have 2 million new homeschoolers in this country. That's one of the good things you back as a blessing in here here you go. This is what I was towards the table for the proud boy infuriates resume.

I still insist election was stolen. Joshua Pruitt was sentenced to 55 months in prison and that he says he still says the election was stolen a stick into it because here you know what he did. Joe denominated he would who he was inside the continent. The Congress building there in January 6 Joe he broke up a sign he didn't set fires. He didn't shoot it.

Anybody he didn't hit an old man with a brick. The right now like they did to racist dirty cops that were there. They killed those two ladies.

Those two racist dirty cops there in DC. They killed those two ladies.

They need to go they need to be tried for murder.

They need to be tried for murder and then a note they be that being a helpless woman to death. A helpless woman. Another one was shot and killed the point-blank for no reason what she was trying to calm the people down.

Those are two racist dirty cops, silver, and a critical factor. Gravelly people from January 6. Some are still confined in the work prison with Dr. DC, the worst conditions and they have not been allowed bail or anything. I mean this is unheard of in this country and I am so ashamed of my country that those people are still sitting there without proper representation without the ability for bail and it's been this long. They're just sitting there. This is so un-American, unconstitutional, and again the pulpits crickets. I haven't heard the pastor screaming this is not America.

This is not the way our Constitution, our country is to be run and until the pulpits start screaming these horrific crimes against our citizens. They will continue as long as the church remains quiet on these stations. Joe that were on there is about four or five that I can think of pastors that are have coming out and no and have spoken out illegally have is about 45 that I can think of that have done that mess that is probably for five more than there was used to be the case of blessing. Note that I'm thinking more of the four or 5000 or 40,000 forgot what somebody or artists or something. 300 and something thousand three or 20 30,000 churches like that. I can't remember exactly those a huge number and were getting excited over tens and 20s in numbers of people speaking out on it should be in the thousands. 10,000 visitors. The very very corrupt Mary countenances. Anyone who dares to question the election that we still will be prosecuted. We didn't put that stole part in there, but we did, but anyone who dares to question the election will be prosecuted better pack a lunch a very, very corrupt Mary garden because the 70 million that was out there without an array will not forget know we're not going to forget, not a bid.

And you know over 22,002,000 meal videos have been sold so thereof there and people are seeing until we been waiting on on some more. We will we put on hundreds of home and we been waiting for weeks to get tickets where we have orders to fill and no Salem where we get them through their saying they're having a hard time getting to people or are seldom in large large numbers of people ever in the think about that Joe, with 20 to 1 of just two people each sub each one of those videos would like we we showed them to price 67, 80 people already okay. The gist of it and how many we've got nobody got not over 300 was set out to surge of just two people thought each one of those 22 million videos.

Just think about that. That is 44 million people that that no and out in the fake news media was not able to stop it corrupt, very corrupt, fake news media was not able to stop it out Ruben Schreiner under Inova rates 40 currently people somewhere in that range, garden center and the films are being passed on to others as we speak.

If everybody was doing that with the tremendous members across the country you listen the Santas voices genius idea for the 87,000 new hire's agent Florida Gov. Ron Ron DeSantis the rocketing star in the Republican Party has come up with the idea for the few of those 87,000 new Internal Revenue Service ages to be test doing auditing members of Congress who supported the creation of that Army is what he says of their legal not listen to no one.

I tell you right now. Joe if they really want to find out where that money laundering is of those IRS agents and where the tax fraud is they should all go to the Ukraine where Hunter and all his people were over there.

That's where all that money went. Laundering money granted hereunder current. Very rude around the burning oil all over the place. That should keep me busy for a while yet easy okay Atty. Gen. Mary Garland threatens DOJ employees about contacting Congress that Joe that is illegal, that is what he did is another law that he broke he can do that legally he can't locate. According to attorney Mike Davis Bidens Atty. Gen. Mary garden just ordered that no members of the DOJ can contact Congress that is against the law and the so there you go, so he needs. Again, there's one more thing they can bring him up on charges of health, every learning time. I've got something all Harvey died September 4, and here is one of the greatest newsmen that I'm aware of my lifetime/2009, died and I remember back when I was young. The whole world kind of came to a halt when Paul Harvey was on the radio with the rest of the story.

Businesses would take their lunch break coffee break in the radio would come on everybody gathering around to hear him.

Show and I remember he posted 1999.

This article, if I were the devil. If I were the devil I would gain control of the most powerful nation in the world I would delude their minds into thinking they had come from man's effort, instead of God's blessings. I would promote an attitude of loving things and using people, instead of the other way around. I would dupe entire states into relying on gambling for their state revenue. I would convince people that character is not an issue when it comes to leadership I would make it legal to take the life of unborn babies.

I would make it socially acceptable to take one's own life invent machines to make it convenient.

I would cheapen human life as much as possible so the life of animals are more valued than human beings. I would take God out of the schools, where even the mention of his name was grounds for a lawsuit would come up with drugs that sedate the mind target the young, I would get sports heroes to advertise them I would get control of the media so that every night I could pollute the mind of every family member for my agenda. I would attack the family, the backbone of any nation. I would make divorce acceptable AZ fashionable.

If the family crumbles, so does the nation I would compel people to express their most depraved fantasies on canvas and movie screens and I would call it art I would convince the world that people are born homosexual in their lifestyle should be accepted and marveled, I would convince people that wrong right and wrong are determined by a few who call themselves authorities and refer to their agenda as politically correct, I would persuade people that the church is irrelevant, out of date, and the Bible is for the naïve, I would dull the minds of Christians and make them believe that prayer is not important that faithfulness and obedience are optional.

I guess I would leave things pretty much the way they are well.

Joe Biden must've been listing to that because that's exactly what he's doing, but rather time. Tonight we really, really don't have much of much time left to give an limitation of the week I can say that the folks were living in a time where were living in perilous time very very perilous times and in here as we look at this Labor Day of the way things are going the way the corruption and what is happening. You were looking for the return of the Lord soon and I know his returns coming we may not ever have another labor day in this country. Of those, because again the country is degenerating so quickly. So for you out there listing tonight of the Lord can come anytime. Need to need don't want that to happen. If you're not prepared when the trumpet sounds the trumpet sounds and his people are caught up if you left behind.

Things could get very very hard for you they going to be so if you listing to mansard tonight.

You have not accepted Lord Jesus Christ, that this is reality. God's Word, the Bible is is the most actual absolute perfect source of information is the truth. God's Word, the Bible is the pure truth and close you need to listen to what he saying you need to to if you have not repented of your sin depraved to the father and asked the Lord Jesus to be the Lord of your life will in no way whenever you hear the preacher give that invitation he's just the messenger. The Lord is the Lord is telling you one more time. Listen I just told you to do that.

So if you have not do that here, walking on a tight rope over the lake of fire don't do a get off of that tight rope and and pray in an gait will make your salvation sure so rather time for tonight.

So as we get to this time every night and and we don't never know.

For I have another night on the air that we want to say to you, good night God bless God bless and Joe as we always say always always always keep fighting, fight thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance was right. Once left, hosted by Pastor Bernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry. Please visit us online at www.WWL not on please tune in next time bring meditation was right once left preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content