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FRI HR 2 082622

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Cross Radio
August 27, 2022 1:08 am

FRI HR 2 082622

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Donate and listen to the podcast WR right back to John and run for the Bible is very clear doesn't start the doses that the righteous are as bold as light as the righteous are as bold as line. And if you've got pastors out there that are afraid to speak out against corrupt government if there afraid to speak of the number bold lines amendment and the not righteous and if you have a if you're the church and the pastors that way I would tell you to find a church that God's Word, the Bible says is doers of the word not just hearers only go in and find out where their pastors bold and the people are bold and follow him. Now here are government not just this government in this country but throughout the world. The what you call the United Nations and and people think that will leave your patriotic if you hold to support United Nations enough help United Nations as corrupt as the day is long. We've been telling people affect how we talked about the apostate church. The apostate church of the church of Satan, the apostate church of the church world of national Council of churches, thereby embracing the embrace of not maybe not every single congregation assembly, but the vast majority of embrace everything to God's Word, the Bible calls sin, whether it's abortion with her to the nation weathered sodomy with pedophilia. Whatever it is set with a because same-sex marriage, they embrace and they embrace and then light pulses that we are an angel of light preaching another gospel to you an angel from heaven, he says, and that's what they're doing their coming as angels, as Christians are not as far as is. You can do for me. Christians can get so over units will place a clip in Idaho. Much of them go. But with this guy is saying is true. Listen to them. We are involved today. You know and remember that movie Wizard of Oz and you had well and when when we talk about. We look at how how the FBI treated Donald Trump and how they did it would Hillary Clinton remember taking acid to the hard drives taking hammers and and and beating the laptops and and blessing of telephones by me like in-your-face what I'm Hillary and she reminds me by the way Hillary was a witch of the covenant okay. She was to refer to herself as Drusilla. I heard her.

She said it. People called it on his radio program. As the witch of the West who get is what you call the social here when I when I think about her as that which at that movie and I think of remember all the flying monkeys. All of the flameout.

The flu all around doing the witches that's the FBI was flying monkeys.

That's the FBI today as is Hillary commands go out there and do whatever you protect me. So you're very so you I own you be my slaves do what I think I would forget any integrity to forget the note any pertinent innate decency or honoring and credibility you have to go out in your my flying monkeys.

That's what you are out there today and only five if my advice to the FBI this and this goes right from God's Word, the Bible, the very first thing you need to do your people out there is repent now I know that there you whistleblower 30 FBI. God bless you for doing that and then, but what you need to also give maybe he might need to repent that you haven't come forward sooner.

But anyhow. God bless you for doing the accomplish for coming in you you others that haven't Yemen find, though you know you should look at right now John, do you think a lot of these newsagents as this program is coast-to-coast. Listen to this program anything right now they know to themselves that they need to repent of that and turn away from that and an honor God and country. You think that's what the thinking right now.

Some on their listen to this program. I hope the GURNEY because otherwise clear like mercenary their trader when you see with the FBI doing it without me openly stated and agents go along with it. There is some appetite treated like like being in Nazi Germany and thing was just following orders. So, so, are they going to make the choice to their loyalties could be to Hillary and Obama and Mayor Garland or is there loyally good to be to God. Okay, no. Who are they going to be standing in front of someday judgment on the enemy before the Lord Christ applicable and who else is going to be there before Lord Jesus Christ Garland, Joe Obama and that white throne judgment and Hillary all year everybody. Everybody gurney everyone that was born from Adam is going to stand before Jesus Christ. Now that the unbeliever that's not of as the whites will be at the bema seat judgment.

We have the bema seat general reward about the Bible talks about the great white throne judgment. Revelation chapter 20 and that's where Jesus Christ is the drug and everything that they've gone will be brought to light every so that I'm not just saying it date the FBI agents of Satan. People everywhere all across this country with the police officer. She coughs whoever you are, those of you who any special unit Windows bankruptcy judges and I have some very dear friends of the judges, and God bless him for being godly, but I don't care who you are and all of those in their the call yourself Supreme Court you all an answer to the Lord and in my advice to you because I meditated. The Bible says that you will reap what you sow you will reap what you sow. Right this God always do what he says he'll do always gripped her so is God to give you mock God and never get away from HERNIATED or very merciful, so he will work with people all immediate records sin and we do all the cooking: left very merciful and he tries to work in our lives and tries to work towards repentance and working towards Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior gives us time but the time is it's not open-ended mainly because time working with us. The time limit that only God knows, but he all he doesn't judges right away faster. There's a delay where he's working and I was trying to get us to repent (the Christ absolutely is John right now you got these FBI agents and their wives are telling the children. Don't tell anybody your daddy wait for the FBI. Note that there very ashamed of that now.

And for you agents and that's your case right now you need to tell your wife and children. Look, I'm going to do everything I can in right now in the position that I have the change that because we've gone bad. We've gone wrong.

We have learned what really bad know you are telling you now only on the ankle. What's really bad the justice department and the strict attorney, like a good attorney in Cleveland really together bad the weather New York is probably the worst with laughter that they yeah right to government but also the governor of New York concerning attorneys and they have like more power than the FBI and Justice Department, the FBI has to work under the justice department so big they are completely compromised.

I think there were worse than the night. Absolutely I didn't unbeliever will absolutely that you don't need to be tied about to go to New York I just want to say something quickly. Do you know who her God is who the governor of New York, goddess quality of the devil. Currently I saw her one day at one of our worship service and was nothing more than like like an occult event, and she says she wants all the decent people to leave the state of New York. She wants all the decent people all the yeah but I haven't.

I have a quote from her demonic yeah go ahead, repeatedly, donors can I yeah heard Logan or Donald Trump reportedly stayed New York Gov. Kathy Hock colitis will be hock pathological God's consul at Julia Dr. Democrat took aim at GOP gubernatorial nominee representative Lee Feldman saying he and other supporters of former president Trump should leave the state hospital spark controversy Monday night. I think Trump and Phil Lind and Mullen arrow chemistry another politician.

New York just jump on a bus and headed down to Florida where you where your week where you belong.

Okay get out of town because you don't read it represents our value yeah well let me tell you into doing their bringing in all of these current people. These illegal aliens. New York and the Putnam to give them put them up in nice hotels on taxpayers money to give them free medical care, free hospitalization, something that the American people can get New York City and by the way, don't worry, you folks to go to Florida or Texas you run into a lot of the people you know because their leave in New York City and grows like they are in California, it's gone bad regarding some students in the Atty. Gen. near in Pennsylvania and affected because there promptly. I think they bought about 5000 already from Texas to Washington DC and the mayor of Washington is beside herself want the National Guard to intervene and is only about. I don't get that thousand and yet in New York City, but they are really upset in New York City about that." The governor of the mayor of New York and the mayor of Washington and Greg about. We are sanctuary city. Whoever comes here is going to get treatment denoted food and noted clothing in the soul. Texas is saying all good below. If that's how generous you are. You know it's been a highly effective classroom that you not only that, the chili automatically can get out there because they've gone totally lawless in New York City, you can if you're a drug dealer or a Pittman prostitution you can work openly. You don't have to worry about being charged because you know if he should get arrested you're out the bond crime is crime is crime is legal in New York. Crime is legal. Okay, in New York City. So if you want to go in and not good chance you can go shoot people, rob a bank whenever a good chance you'll be out within the hour because it's totally corrupt, likely there mayor and like the governor there totally totally corrupt New York New York is really bad in the state legislator New York are these people are are evil and wicked and shameful and I I am totally completely ashamed of them.

They call themselves state legislators for the wickedness, the pro down on one wickedness that they want to pass. Okay, we got a divorce. Currently we want. That day I get maybe three or four years ago now, when the New York witness Quaker had the murder baby bird and Bianca and Gov. Cuomo signed the legislation and it was like a festival they were cheering and clapping babies. We can kill after the war, no babies of their way to limit or 10. The other wicked people you if I will if I run into one of them if I ever get enough. I would love to been able to go to that lack to chamber doors really couldn't get out okay and preaching to the hair caught fire because those people are wicked what they did is an evil thing. They shook their rebellious fist in the face of a holy God moment tell you, you state legislators in New York and you people New York listing to me. When you run into one of the state legislators you told. Make sure you little note that they that God is not mocked God is not mocked.

They shook him a rebellious fist in the face of a holy God, and it is so let me tell you it's a fearful, fearful, fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. So with that interplay. This clip probably played maybe 10 minutes of it and then will take a little commentary. Go ahead doing courageous listening to Hugo tokes now. This is an exclusive video on Hugoton stock, only what I see. Idea is a mic in this video free download and upload elsewhere. As you please, let's get into this Lucy's trust, someone sent me a video of a recent video that the square root light on their website: preparing the way for new civilization. And if you've been following me for a few videos.

Analysis trust I can.

I listen for publishing and really if you haven't seen those she's check amount Aleve links in the description.

There was Lucifer and United Nations video about the aquarium agenda and how it linked to other people and other organizations. I did a video about how to Lucy's trust openly state die due to invitations spent was to raise the energy for peak international political events like the Shiites and the world economic forum status convention enough behind it and it's weird. I don't see that many of the people covering this. It seems to be about a no go area some reason now just give you a brief lowdown on the Lucy's trust that you check out the videos I just mentioned to get a better understanding. So Lucy's trust was tapped by the Freemason is finally for her writings. In 1922. It was originally told Lucifer publishing company after Lucifer the full an angel usually associated with Satan the devil change the name to Lucy's after game backlash from the public they say it means Lucifer the likeliness and it's all about bringing light to do well and was inspired by Hennepin of ASCII now… Lucifer trust has consulted his status with the economic and social Council of the United Nations and will goodwill the name with a groups that literally all across the world is recognized by the Department of Public information at the United Nations as a nongovernmental organization and NGO.

They are the spiritual foundation of the United Nations, the most powerful intergovernmental organization in about the United Nations that runs the World Health Organization that have been jabbing billions of people with that found the key identities and attempting to tell you what you can and cannot do. They spiritual foundation is the Lucy's trust Lucifer, Lisa Farrington no different to the Freemasons and other secret societies don't even hiding. This is what these people believing the people who are ordering governments in you to maintain sustainability goals to get digital IDs to heavy carbon footprint measures who are working with companies to block out the rays from the sun to make any artificial food to create a cashless society. Yet you know the school they originate. Lisa Farrington any suites. If you actually look into it. They believe that very soon the age of Aquarius will be coming with no is already started and they cite the Lord of the seventh right will appear. I believe he's an ascended Master okay. Sometimes they claim Christ. But I don't mean Jesus Christ. They mean something else. They think he's going to appear in 2025 the Lord of the seventh right they call him St. Germain. They believe he has been reincarnating many times in the past. He was a Roman Emperor Merlin the magician plates help Christopher Columbus and Francis Bacon, to name a few. That's what I believe they believe is gonna come back and give a boning energy and change everything into a new energy of Aquarius or something like that to make sense of it, like the antichrist and him yeah here we see the president. This is the president of the Lucy's Lucifer trust giving a message out his coat, preparing the way for the new civilization he says a talk given via Zoom during the online Arcana school conference, Geneva, June 4, 2022 by Christine Morgan, president of the deceased trust. Now remember these people spiritual foundation of the United Nations, I maintain and are in charge of the UN buildings meditation room in New York Gen. assembly building is to run with the big black cube of satin in it. Yet Satan dedicated to God, who goes by many names.

And I wonder who that could be Allegheny Caprice. Lucifer is netted by finessing the morning stop.

I reckon that the negative check out this video message. If you want. I just wanted to take a few snippets and talk about it. So this is Christina Morgan, the president of the Lucy's trust. I did try to look up some stuff information about about couldn't find anything there was nothing online.

I defined a video interview which had a clip of light run and in the interview she said she comes from South Africa and her mother gave her Allie Smiley books went to raise when she was 21 and then mother took it to the arcane school. Shortly afterwards on a regular basis and then later on she became the director of that arcane secret school in South Africa which led on to her becoming the president of the Lucy's trust.

So it looks like it's been handed down to her, or at least it looks as if being Melissa Varian easing the family okay so that's a bit of background, and he sees from Jim Tobin about how to weld is going to change in the near future and what they should be doing and what to expect. Also bear in mind that in these clips these people to rethink manna over complicating things, trying to disguise what they really mean is the first click line in this recent period of transition taking control of the things that can then sheet to restore stability to the plant and give the incoming acquaintances stable and extended field in which to okay so they signed the vote of the seven frames coming that way, that Christ Lucifer antichrist St. Germain reincarnating person ascended Master and this is going to make the age of Aquarius, life yet, these are patients. These are the people consulted with the United Nations okay. Next click frameworks featured Eunice and initializing this Influence we can help to consolidate the New World order on the physical plane and deeply hidden symbols and meditate on an exit strategy for just this purpose.

So they don't consolidate the New World order. She states only mentioned in the weld odor. This is going to happen once the load of the Center for writing policies for Uranus sounds painful.

So here we have the president of the Lucy's Lucifer trust talking about consolidating a new weld odor and she's asking for her groups to meditate, to magnetize the weld to make this happen in a more streamlined way. Okay, now in this next bit – he talks about the minds of the public that the brains of the people in the West and half their minds may be over defendant maybe thinking too much and how this impedes their ability for them to use white magic this out. City cannons today that humanity has a powerful desirability which makes many demands and at the same time and perhaps especially in the waste complete mind to such an extent that it can precludes the higher intuition type of consciousness in mind increases the pace of progress over defendant and vibrating to contingency depends into itself active mind as a barrier to attaining free access to those labels behind group associations are formed in order to create group associations based on the white magic regulations. Second, internalization of the surrounding ethers is very beneficial as pathways of communication from obesity, forged in a magnetic environment.

Okay, so, following this she saying that overdeveloped minds are not helpful for white magic relations and they want to magnetize the surrounding FIFA were pretty definite cables. I because pathways of communication are forcing a magnetic environment to use the word magic and white magic a lot position.

Okay. Next click to peaceable success achieved by listing students already were back at that I can. Let me tell you this I can. All I have to do is go to the Biden rally and I can guarantee it is not one overdeveloped mind, their help.

If there was a they wouldn't be there.

Would they think I pretty good already. Couple things happening with the ultralight neuron chunk you really were left in the right lighting rounds of it this coming Wednesday this next Wednesday, August 31 just what you have a great job cutting fairly old affair in Ohio, that's over 300,000 people go through their fair and we have the right to life booth that we have the right to life of the merchants building their and if you want to go out there a Ron Ritz my cohost here and myself will be working at both and bring yourself a pad of paper and on an eight pin because you can get runs signature right you can get his signature right in the and and he'll he is almost guaranteed to write something profound so deeply you write something profound yet prolonged couple pearls of wisdom. There you go. Okay now a recurrent yeah. Who are in a manual at the Raritan one award or not it was a coarsely. I believe you know my chili right chili I one minute I was in Northeast Ohio chili cookoff 14×1st play that backbiting. I wasn't sure but delegated the prologue, or it would be lawyer informing the public here that you are a temperature among many other talents. Well, my wife will tell you that I can cook chili sixes with because the recoated Gentile, yet he can cook chili.

That's it. Lydia that's that's all. Probably I can really do good okay because I've got a passion for it but to but I taught my son, my sons, one for play several times to but anyhow mentally yeah, but I will be cooking in Chile at the fair that will let me write it will be out there working to save babies weep.

We pass out on tons and tons of literature and inform people and educate people about abortion. What God's Word, the Bible has to say about abortion which we have the displays they show you all of the babies in every stage of development 10 and so it's very highly of really educational. We made a whole lot of new people and people come from all over different states of that and they come through there from different states. Because affairs is famous and I rented the people listen to me from climbing all over the coming people from New York other city I live in the lower kind is I live in New Jersey is the atonement a lot cover Michigan.

We have a lot of people come for misconduct.

But anyhow we'll be there around and I will be there, and we're going to be there for you to be there at 10 the morning right now Wednesday okay and that some commitment and Wednesday in an easy to peel. Be with us were pretty little wife Barb and Enron will say something profound and right where to put to sleep point know once and for all that rumor that he's got a wooden leg he be wearing shorts and you'll see for yourself right depends how cold it is already there you go right now, Lord willing, I'll be there to do right after you as I will be relieving the real and unbecoming in their and and that's this coming Wednesday and then you know what a kiss will be on Saturday Oregonian Saturday, September 3 from 11 to 3 PM the heritage, Northeast Ohio does have a second annual Judeo-Christian patriot rallying at veterans Park in Painesville, Ohio, and there's going to be food, beverages, concessions, there's gonna be government officials, the politicians can come out and shake hands and going to be a number of Patrick of pastors going to be Christian patriot music.

So bring your own lawn chair and this is a Christian, patriot, and I will be speaking about their and will have a little table set up out there to write leftover Soviet CDs and all that on their okay and that's the goal for going to have the T-shirt sale all boy John we have these T-shirts that I've been wearing.

That's what I'm wearing out all these rallies and on it's like my On the front in big bold letters red, white and red white and blue and a black background, says America needs Jesus. America needs Jesus is that true John is American he, Jesus got pregnant learning in the back of the T-shirt that says resistance to tyranny is obedience to God a great big bold white letters that we have these T-shirts available now. I don't know how much longer will have available and because the cost little bit to make, and the price they had. Kathy's been working overtime get them done via.

And so here but a small medium or large. What we ask a donation of $40 for a double lot you know the double X to exit 3 accidents of $50 and the capsule 25 that we got limited amount. Yes, is the they really licenses American. He, Jesus, I I wear them all all over the place where I go in and people always point out the In the end of their faces get all wrinkled up and they get ugly. You can tell they don't like it right then I get that I preach till I got I know who they are easy to spot. Yep okay and the so there you go, are when they do when they recall their faith like it will in the post of attorney could've been there he'd been there.

The woman says Jean. When she turned and there were lots of people with faces of people with faces were there and masquerades, where in this one master Rich yelled you out all have masks on and I told her faces. The only reason you're saying that if you have a mustache, don't you, and you know what you did.

She didn't say nothing of petitioner's trigger country didn't know what to say and she ran out and I don't think you and hope you and with that she might not have any teeth untied people to me like that have makers that are left either at that's right okay there you go. Already there you go.

That's veterans Park Painesville Saturday, September 3 from 11 to 3 PM for more information, you can call hell call hell at 44022325774402232577 or you can go to the heritage club the heritage for more information and will be back right after this. Now you know will remember King of Kings, who was born of a virgin and above all things, and was and he was in any count and how is it in the stem price by Satan, the father of lies and all the things he needed because he was Allie's own. He said I am the way the truth and the life. So they hung the mystery until he was crucified in the K reading Barry diminish in the nights alone and with a bang and a great big stone from the tomb and yellow man looking inside Jesus, he was gone. Now you know there ain't no Ellijay send me the way in the church fire in the Roman Empire in the world over and whispered I thought Jesus Christ is multiplied saving management, because there is no Ellijay send the D and pray they'll come back as a cow Oriental say only movies the way they are now kind mandarins.

Their oldest seem the movie of the fire and no skeleton and Jesus closet. Is it following the signs of being MAD and maybe Jesus and you can take that to the bank folks.

No skeleton.

This is what were telling them to listen. Don't wait until it's too late.

Okay, repent, and call upon the name of the Lord today. You're running out of time. Let's do some lightning runs. You really go for this Facebook joins Twitter and announces its plans to influence the 2022 midterm elections and Zuckerberg really isn't a problem here if you love American use Facebook or twitter you're the problem.

Stop using them right right in the temple at the ideas Ashley Biden diary guilty plea to turn the screws on James O'Keefe. God bless James O'Keefe he brought this to the eye praising the Lord for people encourage like him that have the do the right thing, that are courageous to do the right thing. The FBI will use Ashley Biden diary conviction to presume to pursue project Veritas founder James O'Keefe. They hate James O'Keefe because he brings let you know what, no sunlight kills bacteria doesn't help in, and that's what they become that the deep status darkened, and the bacteria. Security is a complicated on Thursday. The two individuals who found Ashley Biden's diary at halfway house pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit an estate transportation of stolen property. John, you know what is so bad I get a picture, old boy, this is not looking good.

This is with with the Obama Biden would little Ashley there and it don't look good. Look. Look what he's looking at the value that Isis whatever you mean you see that guy around children. It's repulsive guilty. Florida pair Robert Calandra 58 and Amy Harris 40 will be used to turn the screws on James O'Keefe errors found Ashley Biden's diary in a halfway house in Palm Beach and stenciled at the project Veritas for $40,000. According to the daily meal Ashley Biden Joe Biden's youngest daughter left her diary under a mattress at the Palm Beach rehab home so let me ask you this, and she left it there into the left of their John and these people found that did they steal it wound no veterinarian.

I don't know any legal requirement returned or not.

I don't know I mean you could make a case that was abandoned in January 2019 entry Ashley Biden recalled how she used to shower with her father Joe Biden and suggested may have a contributed to a sex addiction. Oh boy that tells you right there what was going on, will the diary describes Ashley and her father Joe Biden taking showers together in an inappropriate age to help. Yeah, I guess I've always been boy crazy Ashley wrote hyper sexualized a young age. I remember someone having been sexualized with the family member. Remember, I wouldn't doubt it would would would be under two. I remember having sex with friends a young age. Showers with my dad probably probably not appropriate. She wrote her right in the health there you go. When you have big John KEARNEY. I wanted to alert everyone through what Biden as amount of getting the article here is what Biden added recently said about us and he gave a speech now apparently the only scope car was coherent with the rest of it wasn't. So it's not long treated epidural.

Biden declared that the so-called macro Republicans are semi-fashion and a threat to our democracy and charge that they embrace political violence, White House press secretary refused to explain what Biden meant, so here's what he said.

Biden blurted out the Mac quote the magna Republican don't threaten our personal rights and economic security defeated them.

These Republicans are a threat to our very democracy the refused to accept the will of the people I am.

They embrace political violence.

They don't believe in democracy. It's not hyper goal that he continued, adding that America quote American estate Daniel in a study genuine inflection point occurs every six or seven generations might be referring to the Civil War, and world history, and further proclaiming that we we are seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of the extreme manga philosophy is not your strong, the entire philosophy that underpin you get to be the movement. I'm going to say something. It's like 70 fashion but you know what I've been out there in the world. You and I were all over in the truck movement is stronger than it's ever been a question I can hear that they keep trying to convince the people is not an unfortunately there are a lot of people out there that you know they don't have a lot of backbone but of integrity in those villages. That was not his, but is not in and what they're doing. The way they treated Trump is causing people more and more. His the crowds is drawing are greater than ever. And they understand his truck today and if they don't stop and an innate hate truck, they're afraid to trump if the if we don't stop them.

It will BS tomorrow and the Communist Party Joe Biden. These are tyrants, the Communist Party, our enemies they hate God. They love death. They want to take away our freedoms.

The other want to reduce America.

The third will world status they want to restrict where we can live one week ago what we could drive what we can eat, and who can live. That's what the death of credit Communist Party if friends I can tell you that there folks that there Democrats are your enemy. Now they are your enemy and so if there will actually there's no really Democrats anymore than the Democratic Party's because Democrats is the Democratic kindness, collectivism, consumer how many illegal alien and allowed to cross the border.

00. But how many how many of Atty. Gen.'s friend the good quick attorneys let the criminals run wild.

City comedy could Google allow for that. Yeah, crime is not nearly. Not even close to what it is here and so Guy could go on and that I could how many how many times the prudent course of the be locked down by the lies and close our businesses and have people take that shop and die as a result of the company to put reports on a I get is that the Russians and the Chinese is Joe Obama the death of credit Communist Party that our worst enemies they are with them now.

They come out and said okay what did what did Devon remember Hillary call is deplorable that Gov. helps you know the algae told us to look told that Christians to leave and get out of New York to leave decent people leave New York. All decent people leave the data crisply guide his run for governor says if if you are decent person. If you're conservative your hater always accused the opposition of doing what you doing to this is this is their new mantra that the annual hear this repeated over your seen apparent by the echo chamber at NBC, ABC, CBS, the communist controlled media, and so this is their new strategy. I don't think the strategies to work too well for me what you think. Well after Ernie. I cannot quite I mean now while we actually took it for them. I get a view that would overturning rover persuaded but we are finding them all away. We are fighting them out at all. You see, last week, all of the school board that were overturned in Florida pastor needed 20/25 20/25 in the yeah the good liberals are all picked out and removed even in the Dade County, would you expect the Geico that would be very liberal but the 20 school boards were all they're gone now that the Communists are out of the school board and it's on the control of the people. And now that John but homeschools a Christian school's are up by 2 million students this year 2 million students have gone from the public forces to to homeschooling ethicist year and so more and more people and and they're finding out this scene was happening and in them I had a discussion with a doctor who was trying to defend the FBI and garden.

I told here. These people, the government sent the FBI how to like a pack of wolves against parents who care about the children who don't want to children to have pornography to be to be forced pornography children feel these are parents that are white people that are not ashamed of being white and they don't want to hear their children come home and say you should be ashamed of the of light in the why did you have to or maybe a white cake because of the critical race theory because of the propaganda in the communist collective's public full system out there so when I told him that he didn't have an argument for 2020. But you brought up the critical race theory. They go back to being whoever that it goes back in 19 project and blame blaming America yet is earning now I get your you're a learned man, when did America become a nation when did they become a nation what was said was going 7776 is when well that's only declared independence in it yet but I know from what we actually meeting our independent and 1783 with the Treaty of Paris September 1 the Internet from great Britain granted us our freedom and then we didn't become America as we know now 1789 on the case by a pedal or all of the northern states rejected their slavery in Ohio when he came in communion with the pre-state so I and in the Civil War we had hundred thousand. But we had 350,000 more than guided as a result of the that's all all all put down. It's all coldly wanted to have the narrative that we are an evil, despicable, born in corruption and slavery and that an actual we ever work and they wanted steel every ounce of patriotism editorial because life from Karl Marx. He says in order to troll the future and Martin Stalin got that quote or March to order to control people's future, you must destroy their past. You must destroy the pass you have to rewrite it. Now the magic question if I say hey John, is there a difference between servitude and slavery.

What would you say I would. Fermentative government barely meet slavery aright when the pilgrims and that when they came over here start assembling McConnell a Connolly's here colonies where they indentured servants who could buy their freedom, who were given their freedom.

After seven years, or were they slaves that were the property that the were owned by their masters.

Not a lot of them were good. Very wary yeah that would. It would seven year and people want to come over here and work with the vineyard and they were granted. That slavery didn't come until later on and slavery come from well Muslim countries that the Muslims muscles of the African tribes were selling each other they have filled to the Muslims and the also unkind. One of the that Dutch also were involved in the slave trade.

The Muslims actually used ghost recently traveled the seas all the way up to northern Europe and they were going to the ports and they would actually take women and young children put them on the ships bring him back to Africa and then they would sell them to their Muslim leaders over there.

That's it wasn't just you know only in Africa they actually were very vigorous about it all over the place you died. They made rated the coast of Ireland. Yes, they actually did rated violent after earning now that were talking about it only own the we all ate that of gratitude to the Muslim American you know that earning no I didn't know that Tony yet because of the article "on Confederation.

We didn't have a central light government or military and the Moslems were reading what one the one we only have great WOMAN protected by the British Navy. We had protect our own and they were reading our checks and they were stealing the sailors and making them slaves out of so we one of the main reason we are America annuity are now only have a cup because the in only a month (North Africa what they were doing reading hardships and trickling at all. So our first meeting with Bill to go into the Mediterranean defendant go to war you know the go to war against the Moslem tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson did that absolutely already built from fighter ships in the world. The political frigates back then we had five of the finest frigates in the world related to leathernecks. The Marines got their name as leathernecks is that of the Muslims had the swords that were curved and that and they were made especially for lopping off your head as we see niceness due to so many and so they they made these leather collars I had thought them a card sort yeah and so they would have these thick half-inch thick leather collars. They would wear under their under the collar and so for that reason that they wouldn't. That's all he had today leathernecks until I can follow up on one thing John said about prudent last year I said this that basically it's frightening to think that Putin is actually more American than our American president considering he was basically head of the KGB for the Soviet Union. Just think how far we've potent when he was talking about Obama said that you people have fought against communism and he said the communism we have here is gone. Okay, the date they copies I still think was a communist, but but he does. They live promote that is that if you think communism is bad, what Obama he said Obama is the worst kind of communist okay which he was absolutely right and and showed people on target article knucklehead John Geiger wanted to make something very clear on the bandicoot I would usually hear him again. The Democratic Party here in United radio and not the bad guy yeah and political opponent get near him. They don't live long and pet and he recently peaked supporting Syria and Iran who are deadly enemies of Israel saw the guy. I have no memory what he did with Iraq.

I mean he's not a good guy is anything to destroy America where we have a Democrat or commenter Democrat commented president and the Democrats are doing everything they can to destroy our carotid time. John, the only way pulled loose good is if you put them up against Obama Biden right this time.

Do I have am sorry ready are there John, you got two minutes two minutes. Kidneys Kitty tells how to avoid telling get to heaven yet complicated.

Currently, the gospel is very, very, very simple childhood on the standard and the new one drawer for God so loved the world that II got unloaded hovering over everybody on the sound of my voice right now that he gave his only begotten son, and there's a reason that he gave Jesus and because the thing the Bible says God commanded his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for.

So he sent Jesus because there's an awful penalty for sin. We are all sinners before God. The wages of sin is death, and that that there is eternal separation from God in a place called the lab would we think of it is held. It's actually the legal fire and then the Bible goes on to say that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life believing in him his personal God loves you and that God be God's grace that you can come to Christ for salvation. So coming for eternal life with God. It means repentance. We must turn from sin to Jesus Christ and his word and believe that Jesus died on the cross going to pay the penalty for arson and confessing that your Lord and Savior with repentance and confession event can start a new life in Jesus Christ and have eternal life. Amen. Is you don't want to tomatoes today. How often do you hear people say I remember I was preaching one day out there on the street and fell at the abortion mill in the young boys come along and when I start a witness until the wonder leader said that that while I'm young I went to party hardy and I he's what I get older I get religion like you preach and and I told him I said you know what I didn't get the soul by being stupid.

And if you keep thinking that way, you never gonna make it never got a lift to get old. But anyhow, were out of time for tonight and so but we do this every night.

At this time. We say this.

Good night and God bless that always always always came five tidying the fight.

Thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance once right what's left posted by Pastor Ernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry.

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