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MON HR 2 0822222

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Cross Radio
August 23, 2022 12:12 am

MON HR 2 0822222

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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August 23, 2022 12:12 am

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

Donate and listen to the podcast WR you know Joe, the antichrist is not a loop.

It took a little sooner only present, but through technology. He can sure appear to be. He can appear to be where you will convince people and people of their today we have so many low low landers of their convinced the Z. Likewise, the auto listen to him or he's gonna he's gonna win or maybe because of biblical literacy. They'll think that the antichrist is the Messiah course we know the vast majority of people out there today this country even though the professions of faith are not saved and we know the Lord Jesus, and many are called but few are chosen.

Many will come up you will enter. But anyhow, they're looking that we women tell people now for several years that that we were heading towards a cashless society but not only a cashless society.

Joe put society where what you will translate there will be spyware and other words on the cards that you use are going to be loaded with spyware you will be the year everything you do everyplace ago. It's going to be there going to be keeping a record of your whole life is going to be spied upon. But anyhow listlessly Jim Merkel earlier working toward social engineering or they want to be able to control your social economy through your card your banking program to build up control every aspect… Let's hear what you Jim Rickard had to say go ahead and play that clip. Where were you on March 9, 2022. Pres. Biden signed the death warrant freedom not taken her ceremony at the White House without the approval of Congress distaste for the American Biden signed into law, Executive Order 14 067 buried in his order are few paragraphs, title section 4 language in section 4 makes water 1406 seven the most treacherous act by sitting president in the history of our Republic because section 4 sets the stage for legal government surveillance of all US citizens total control over your bank accounts, or persons, and the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good in this new war and freedom.

The Dems are coming for your guns know their thinking, much bigger than that.

They're coming for your money and it's already started. Hi my name is Jim Rickards, former advisor to the Pentagon, the White House, Congress, the CIA and the Department of Defense muscle and attorney best banker and author of seven books and currencies in international economics places like Fox CNBC or Bloomberg want to know what's about to shake up the global economy they call me most of all, like you, I'm a proud American patriot disturbing predictions you're about to see her. Based on my independent research my contacts in the intelligence community. I've never made this kind of public announcement before but it's my duty to pull the line. This is what I believe section 4 Biden's order means for all Americans. US dollar will be made obsolete soon.

Your cash should be confiscated or will simply be worthless paper.

The cash currency we have now will be replaced with a new programmable digital token but the truth is, few outside the deep state recognized by the smoke for what it really is. If my predictions are correct. This is so much more sinister than simply replacing the cash dollar with the new digitized version. Transitional currency will allow for total control of all American citizens is every digital dollar will be programmed by the government. That means they will be able to turn on or turn off your money at will. Not only that but the be able to track and record every purchase you make. This is very different than online banking has nothing to do with crypto I'll explain everything in a moment.

What you need to know now is AOC is already publicly declared her support government controlled spyware currency. The digital dollar means Dems will be able to punish any contribution purchase agreement, social media, they don't like this isn't something years away. It's starting now by the secret Army has been hard work, and US trials are already well underway. In fact, I got ministration to catch up China and Russia have already launched pilot programs for their own digital currencies. More than half the countries the world and almost 90% of central banks are testing or exploring a digital currency right now, in my opinion, is not a question of will. The US implemented digital dollar is just a question of when the answer to that is it's already happening under project lithium project Hamilton the new spyware currency has been quietly tested for several years. There's no stopping. I predict will see a digital dollar in circulation next year, or 20, 24, at the latest. But I do have some good news for you. It's almost too late, but you can still protect your assets and your freedom if you know exactly what to do in the next 84 seconds I'm going to outline everything for you. You'll see the ugly proof of their plan to see what this could mean for you and your life savings also going to show you the only way I trust to protect your money and your freedom from Biden's new surveillance machine. I call it asset emancipation.

And it's easy to do and understand if you choose to take advantage of it. Asset emancipation is a way to legally secure and even grow your wealth while hiding it safely away from Democrats, surveillance and control.

It's a loophole designed to outsmart a new spyware currency, while potentially increasing your personal wealth, but you must know exactly how to do it. That's what I'm going to show you today. I must warn you, some of this will be difficult to watch if you care about your money and your freedom. Please do not turn away thanks to what you witness here you're about to be much more prepared for the coming storm in your neighbors. That's a very powerful position to be in. Imagine if you were German in 1923 and able to somehow avoid the 29,500% hyperinflation that made their money worthless or if you could have opted out of Roosevelt's confiscation of all private gold in 1933. That's the power of asset emancipation and I'll show you everything right now, thanks to section 4 Biden's order 1407 to ordering urgent research into developing the digital dollar. I believe the US dollar, the standard of the world since 1792 will be replaced by new currency.

The digital dollar. These new electronic currencies are called CBD seas were central bank digital currencies.

I call the digital dollar Biden box because I want him to take full credit for what I consider to be crimes. This is not like the money in your online bank account know this is new and different every digital dollar will be a programmable token like pickling or other crypto currencies is a big difference.

Crypto currencies are decentralized digital currencies instead of the place of the way I see it Biden box will have the full backing of the US Federal Reserve, they will replace the cash for our dollar. We have now and will soon be the sole mandatory currency of the United States Woodbine boxer rolled out many experts, myself included, leave they will begin an air of total government control and surveillance.

This is not hyperbole. This would dramatically expand the power and influence of the federal government essentially acting as a new type of spyware with Biden box. The government will be able to force you to comply with its agenda is.

If you don't, they could turn off your money. This will be like freezing a bank account will be so much easier because Biden box will be digital tokens program that the source they could be turned on or off at what was just a keystroke. They could be reprogrammed at any time with Biden secret surveillance summary running the show. The antifreedom implications are almost limitless. For example, Biden box can be programmed to allow only certain kinds of purchases measure what this new world could look like you want to keep an internal combustion engine car digital dollar suddenly won't pay for gas. Instead, you can be forced to bind electric vehicle that's just the tip of the fascist iceberg.

They can force you to get vaccinated. They can force you into solar they can force you to use less water or heat.

We can force you to fake plant-based meet, they can control where you are allowed to travel.

They can stop purchasing certain items like guns, were survival supplies. They can control to which candidates are allowed to donate and they'll know every single place you spend your money forever market would become a surveillance to China or North Korea. Every single aspect of your life could be controlled because they'll control your money. In fact, I fully expect them to implement a social credit rating system like in China say the wrong thing on social media by the wrong thing subscribed to the wrong news channel give money to the wrong candidate in your rating drops suddenly your Biden boxer frozen or disappeared from your account.

This is already happening in China there a low social score gets you officially label untrustworthy. They can take away your ability to travel restrict your Internet access deny your family the best schools or jobs they may even take away your pets. I'm not kidding. All this is going on today but that's China and oppressive communist country to this really happen in a democracy, just as the truckers in Canada is that's exactly what happened to them their Prime Minister Trudeau was granted special emergency powers doing the peaceful trucker protester risk force vaccination law.

He then ordered all banks to freeze the accounts of the protesters and anyone who aided them in any way and it wasn't just a threat that fascist froze the bank accounts of nonviolent protesters. He locked up over $6 million in private accounts for protesting a force vaccination law. The truckers believe violated their sovereign human rights. Think about that. They protested his policies so he took away their money. Think our current government would love to do that we to under Biden box will lose many of our God given American rights. The be replaced by total government surveillance and control for almost all Americans. This would be the death of freedom forever.

Almost all Americans, not you. You won't be a victim. You can be buying surveillance Army at its own game. The key is what I call asset emancipation asset emancipation was created to help you maintain and even grow your personal wealth, regardless of what happens to the cash dollar. Even better is designed to legally hide your assets away from government surveillance and allow you to potentially profit from the turmoil.

For the record, asset emancipation is nothing to do with giving up your passport or fleeing the country, it is nothing to do with offshore banks for foreign currency trading and you won't hear about it from your financial advisor because it's almost certain he has no clue about the sleepover legally opting out the Biden box surveillance program all reveal everything in a moment that I want to expose how deep this new conspiracy runs programmable currencies will soon replace all the cash currencies on earth. More than half of countries and almost 90% of central banks are exploring for testing a digital currency right now. This includes Japan, Germany, India, France, UK, Russia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and China.

In fact, China's new digital currency, the EU, Juan was used for millions of dollars worth of transactions at the Beijing Winter Olympics. The economist has announced the rise of government-backed digital currencies warning they will shift power away from individuals to the state even in institutions conservative as the international monetary fund and midseason currencies are the future of money, make a mistake the matter the outcome of any future elections. This is happening.

The storm is closing in my research and predictions are correct. Soon there will be no more cash.

The dollar we know will be dead and buried, replaced by programmable Biden box. The secret surveillance Army has been working on this for years, the US Federal Reserve is been quietly partnering with scientists at MIT to develop a digital currency to replace the dollar.

They call this initiative project Hamilton than this year. The depository trust and clearing Corporation. The clearinghouse for US stocks, bonds and other security trays quietly launch project lithium project lithium is testing how digital dollar will work in the financial markets.

Once the current dollars that project. Lithium is partnering with the digital dollar project, a joint effort started in 2020 between Accenture.

US regulators and tech leaders to create the digital dollar. Then on March 29, 2022. Just days after Biden's order 14 027 was signed representative Stephen F. Lynch introduced HR 7231 electronic currency and secure hardware act. This act cosponsored by four other Democrats where's the secretary of the treasury to develop a digital dollar. I believe, will see the first rollout of the new digital dollar Biden box in 2023 or 2024 is right on schedule C about every 40 to 50 years as a major disruption in US monetary policy that increases government power at the expense of citizen rights. The goal reserve act of 1934 was the first currency quick and that shocking act of fascism. Democrat Pres. Roosevelt ordered all US citizens to hand in their goal. Yes probably only goal was made illegal. The government wanted it all. If you fail to comply you face huge fines or were jailed. Interesting how this fascist plot isn't taught in our history classes. Isn't it then came currency Craig number two the gold standard act of 1971 when the US abandon the gold standard for good would happen then the dollar got destroyed rapid inflation continued in the power.

The Federal Reserve increased dramatically. I predict the death of the dollars. The third and final currency quick, but it will be more dangerous and far-reaching than any crime that came before. If US dollars replaced by Biden box spyware.

I believe the government will be able to track, control and limit your spending. Soon there will be no more privacy zero gone. The government will know all your whereabouts and habits at all times is they will know exactly where all your money is spent.

The new state surveillance Army will be everywhere in history. I don't know of one example of a government with access to a citizen surveillance system that hasn't used it not want. In fact, surveillance is the true driving force behind the new Chinese digital currency. China already uses facial recognition software mobile phone GPS and the purchase of plane or train tickets to tractor citizens. They use this to detect antistate activities and to arrest anyone who does not strictly follow the orders of Chairman G.

Now can you imagine the Dems having that kind of total government control. In fact, the coronavirus pandemic give them a playbook for how to control population they been practicing for two years now, thanks to Biden's order 14 067.

I predict the US will soon be a surveillance state like China. On March 26, 2022. Fox News sounds the alarm Biden order 14 067 is a truly remarkable and deeply troubling development for digital dollar were to be created it would dramatically expand the power and influence of the federal government and Federal Reserve in ways most Americans won't understand until it's too late to roll it back with Biden boxes are mandatory currency would be so easy for the government to confiscate assets and freeze accounts.

It will affect Biden box could allow one party to hold onto power forever. Imagine Mary Carla say we have the voting records we know if you voted for chop if you did were going to disable your bank accounts Zeh Seliger stretch in this day and age. I don't think so either there's more retirement savings could disappear though do this with the introduction of negative interest rates.

This is not far-fetched. In fact I believe is extremely likely is why it's simple economics, the government doesn't want us holding on to cash they need us spending spending spending some more to prop up the house records economy study stop people holding on to cash. Step one you eliminate Cashel together with the Biden box digital currency, then step two you introducing negative interest rate on all accounts. After all, you can program a digital currency to do anything at any time with the negative interest rates.

If you don't spend your money and start shrinking. Think of it this way, you slaughter cattle.

You need to get them into a shoot first. Otherwise all runaway Biden boxer digital cattle shoot you cut off access to all other forms of currency you do away with everything except his programmable trackable digital dollar and then you can marches all rights of the slaughterhouse. The control how and where you spend your money if you don't spend it. The make it disappear friend.

All this is underway right now.

I believe we are at the dawn of the total surveillance state. There's no stopping it.

There's no escaping it.

Unless unless you know how to legally sidestep Biden box and protect your savings and your freedoms. I call it asset emancipation message.

I'm going to show you now. I hold a Masters degree in international economics and another one in taxation. I got my law degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law school, I worked at the highest levels of Wall Street and international finance for 40 years.

I held senior positions at Citibank Caxton Associates and the hedge fund long-term capital management. I've been inside the West Wing of the White House. I helped negotiate the end of the Iranian hostage crisis for the Reagan administration. The Nixon administration asked me to help craft the petrodollar court. I've attended strategic sessions in the vaults, the secure meeting rooms inside the Pentagon.

Here's a photo of me. There is all allowed to show you the inside.

In fact, I hosted the first ever finish working for the Pentagon.

I've been invited to the CIA director secure conference room on the seventh floor at Langley headquarters. I been inside the U.S. Treasury and spoke privately with Treasury Secretary Tim Gardner.

I've been invited into the Federal Reserve and had conversations with Bamber Lockey is a snapshot of our discussion, I really don't like to brag my experience and connections. Give me a unique insight into the coming storm when it comes show you how to protect your wealth and freedom you want someone with my credentials don't trust anyone with less and I've good news today.

You can still protect yourself, your family and your wealth. Just like I have. But there's one thing you must act now. There's almost no time left the currently working on Biden box. Look, my eyes are wide open about the problems in America but I love our country. I refuse to stand back and let the fascist take control now without a fight. That's why I've created something you won't find anywhere else on earth. A chew game plan for sidestepping Biden box for protecting your savings for outsmarting Biden surveillance Army and emerging stronger, safer and potentially wealthier than before.

It's called asset emancipation and it's a financial survival plan for the coming storm. Asset emancipation allows you to legally hide your money from the Biden bug surveillance state and even better than that. It was designed to help you profit from the turmoil that it will bring my background inside the US intelligence community investment banks and global currency markets. Show me how smart investors could profit from the digital dollar disaster. That's exactly what I said emancipation was designed to do.

Of course, you don't have to do this and you can sit back and trust our government.

If you like. By watching this full presentation. I know you're a lot smarter than the average Joe, you see that America will soon be transformed into a total surveillance state and that you could be forced to comply with the Dems fascist agenda unless you know exactly how to defeat them. That's why today I'm going to share my full asset emancipation system with you I feel is my responsibility as a paid already.

We are back in the of you folks if you want more information to go zone that equipment gets really into detail you'd want to go up and look up as soon emancipation and on the Mike Lynn bills Mike Lynn bills the channel there are good so any help you a good one of the hit on a couple things will quickly hear hospital covert treatment, hospital covert treatments were so brutal and murderous and some nurses quit the profession. Quite a few fact did the places were sick places with sick people are super treatment, also known as hospitals are in many cases, death. Sinners were people who test positive for woman corn wire with yellow Orinda severe is one of the reasons growing number large number of nurses are speaking out about the little remedies that are being administered at many state and federally funded healthcare systems to supposedly treat covert revenues that cause so them to quit their professions entirely. The I've spoken to some of those other horrific and they're all in the later one horrible horrible thing Victor on ventilator yeah kill them right off their all in lockstep there horrific throw. Love seduces Stacy to a nurse practitioner with the North Carolina physicians from freedom Taylor of the hospital system understood to join in private practice that will give me early treatments for covert that actually work only ghostly. You can't really cure them well recorded depopulate the planet right, says the hospital system where she used to work never would have tolerated any of what she'd there's no and that's check out the Musee Lumi turn the page or they will consider protocols outside was given to them by the CDC and the NIH national health institution, K told the opening times and nobody is asking why only coded patients were murdered by staff in American hospitals, even one hospital staff can clearly see the government approved liberties are not working and are killing people. Tony Fauci's that's Tony Fauci of Mangalore Tony Fauci Mangalore record. The room does severe drug is one example the cognitive dissonance is many health care facilities is simply too strong to compel any kind of change we have many cases where windows appear people were given that Italy killed him and that was the purpose of I've seen people die with her family watching via iPad on FaceTime cases. But how the hospital system. She worked for cruelly prohibited visitors from entering to see the sick and dying loved ones. It was brutal.

The situation was so bad were K used to work the she said that she would routinely instill those on occasion wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat with chest pains. I hated my job, she says.

I hated going to work out with Kristen aware of never been before in my entire life. One of the worst things in Kay's view was to having to turn away family members even when the patient was on his or her deathbed would only be able to see them one last time before passing. Fortunately for Casey phone and inpatient protocol designed by Dr. Paul Merrick, if only member of the frontline: 19 critical care alliance. This protocol is said to have about 94% success rate in success with far higher than anything Kate hospital was doing hundred. Their Job with we've seen that we told people about that they were being killed off, especially the elderly were being killed off on purpose and then you could think Mr. Fauci Fauci was owned. Nobody Bill Gates and the Chinese and their goal was to depopulate the of the no plan so well her coworker group for follow-up progress of your war-torn road prologue.

Going about the covert propaganda, lies, and you've been watching the covert the daily covert districts from the Washington Post lungful. Well, you go back a while the seven day average for this was about 300 and last Sunday's paper. Remember, this was written 12 that was 500 deaths were climbing up to 70% increase and what Is cancer.

People are getting sick and one of the things there is a very high cancer rate of those who have taken the poison oak he started looking into this as a journalist and the looking they start with the vers records the adverse reporting system discovered a huge increase in cancer and in fact a 10,661% increases cancer reports.

As a result of the vaccine and then the sun going, he found all these cases are captured for disability and is were linked all the people that have doubled back from the booster, but the people who didn't have the cancer rates remain the same for those people who have the natural immunity. The high cancer rates are only for the vaccinated a highly back so it goes on and on.

He talks about us reduce lab study and other things of the pathologist received a massive uptake in cancers and autoimmune diseases, and moved overly in the covert VAX people looked very board-certified pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole soaring out and not in these and VAX people. So again we want people there were to be all kinds of consequences following the vaccination was just dying of the VAX, there would be these bad things happen later and will unfortunately become very true. Well not only that, but it was part one the worst things is that here the fake news media, NBC, ABC, CB is seen in P MSNBC. They all know this and Fox News.

They notice they all noticed they know that people are dying and their their job is to hide the numbers to not let people know the numbers for those people that depend upon them for news they're betraying no there are some of us are smart enough to know better and we don't we don't by omission right right well covert group you are lying to the people and so yeah and that's exactly what to do their lying to the people just like they did with the election fraud. They knew they knew what we knew no note here, by the way, with that the 2000 mules out.

I guess they've exceeded 22 million of those DVDs out now and for the folks that have order from us. We we've already set out over 300 Joe and were backordered. We've got some backordered.

We want to get them as quick as possible.

Can we want to get as many out there before November and we want people to see them because this is our way to get around in the fake news media, describing crazy because here where were managing and you seen some of them get angry, they they get angry because they know this and so was happening is just again. Think about this. I know I've said this before, but if just two people washed each one of these DVDs. That's is 44 million people that that are on to what's going on and so right. Our promo film might help. Our government running somewhere around 70 people. Nobody showed up. The five or seven people we would get well over 100 million people without knowledge or what's going on absolutely what I was trying to play in. Maybe I wouldn't try it again here for you do that. Remember the last click play click talk about the Canadian truckers. Oh yeah oh yeah I remember as a new story. I didn't see on Fox that include Newsmax anywhere Canadian club trip spell 39 cooking companies involved in the freedom convoy protests. The Ontario Ministry of transportation or shut down 39 businesses and they are reading their issued an order to seize all the plate registered to any of the trucks and they are seizing the reason these large truck operators banning them from operating in a commercial motor vehicle and Ontario that was the home base.

A lot of these companies and so there'd been sanctions and the there were goes on and on.

So the news is not reporting this circuit and even with those people tried to refill against the government there, especially in Ottawa and going after him. And when you take away their ability to have a business whether they governor they either have to move their entire business somewhere else or so and go out of business so very healthy governments work our government is just about as corrupt if not more than the Canadian government. In fact, I will bring up one more thing, you remember, you been talking about the child's smuggling and Biden smuggling Bob unruly and world news daily as tears brightened of running the largest child's smuggling operation ever absolutely absolutely absolutely no doubt you big thing is that there been a estimated million views a legal brief order and talking about how big this is moved there. 250,000 illegal migrant minors cities around the nation.

There, finding out now that are turning them over to people without any proof of who they are being related to something come up and say I'm here to pick up another's child they're not looking for documentation. Any counter records and mobile seven Democrats are going along working so here we have talked about the largest child's smuggling epidemic facing in history. Aphelion child abuse is rampant. It's absolutely rampant with a different credit collective and the ranks of MS 13 gangs because bringing in a lot of these are 1619-year-old gang members 20, they lie about their age through and build and the services made America's order the world epicenter of labor trafficking specs. Try conveying the work to modern-day slavery and all these verifications. These young kids turning up and sex and crime rings all over the country and the been very global reporting on it for some reason, whether Biden the Biden crime card ~Biden crime family are involved.

There there working hand in hand in hand with the drug cartels and with the smugglers we've known that from day one, and we been trying to tell people you know, just unbelievable.

But again, it's us and you know you did cover Biden until the fake news media out there there there no matter what the lawyers what the life no matter what lie they are told to tell the people they will do the walk lockstep in the collective.

They turn on the echo chamber and a parent.

No whatever whatever line is there told to push. They do will be back after this you taking me and away we for me and then meeting Ray and he will all right kill him, but it could work site. Yeah, I bet that you guys are. That's who they are. Yeah, how could you ever forget you guys all right you know Dr. Frank Dr. Frank from the states also begin did all right. Well, let's get to your slides here we go girls explain this and if you will. I just okay thing everybody think that you live in and say that someone in nothing happens. Nothing wrong with nothing wrong. I'm here to tell you nothing went wrong in Ohio and how come our voter rolls are growing faster than our population. We just happen to have the data man himself living in our state. So I have conversations with Dr. Frank about these things. Why are our voter rolls growing faster than our population thing from algorithm they are pumping these numbers into our system. This is fake. It is fragile and it is happening in your state. Even if Trump when it's happening in Ohio fell we have outcome again with Dr. Frank is my little biased because he's in our state. How can we can now predict the different ages is Dr. Frank) how can we can predict the different ages by one county. Dr. Frank is able to take the numbers from one county in Ohio and then predict the voters in every single county in Ohio. Nothing went wrong in Ohio. Why are we able to do that. That's what I want to know we have fried in Ohio Trump line Dr. Frank numbers show that from probably one Ohio by 16 points.

They say only one by eight. I have a problem with that. Yes ma'am you say something in Ohio who, because of the 2010 election foot) that on that we have secure elections are licensed, but you can go with complete competency theme is Frank Larousse.

Many running ex-Navy seal, John, and he was going to go after voter fraud here and here. Your misery, but when we were in Ohio (in Ohio, which means that Democrats can vote for you have that we will primarily be sealed with a great name, John Adams, basically the different rats went go to the public and primary knock him out 50,000 rats crossed over to the open primaries right I will stop right there to remember what you were talking about.

I would go over way back before the primary started back in February were telling you this is with this is with cheddar was here's what they were doing. We would tell you to get ready to cross over and to the bones, Republicans, and to elect Republicans in the primary that are really Democrats. Okay. And so that's where that's where the rhinos where the rhinos managed to keep in and so that's happened all over the place and we been we been warning. The warning warning people seems like when it comes to election fraud and just a note, the Lord Jesus said that the church Christians are not nearly as capable when it comes to the ways of the world as the unsaved is the lost and we see that the debt when it comes to to voter election fraud and voter fraud. The Democrats, they are that that's their best to their playground and unfortunately they've got a number of Republicans that are like a Republican could national committee here in Ohio. What we have three of the help speakers of the house have been had had the lead crimes against got taken off. I think they went to jail. 3M because of the corruption and so as the days were living the people out there listen to us better understand something they need to get out there and I means take a stand post.

This is it the death of Kratz. No know if we have we should have a fair and honest election. They know that that they're gone to be gone so they are fighting up everything they have the corruption they're going to even see election fraud you go to see high tech is already come out and said they're going to sway this election. And so in the Democrats of the voted that way where comes the corruption that they don't care they got no morals left. They they don't they just have no morals left at all. And so they're going to go out and they're going to be working hard and folks, it's your freedom if you don't do it. Let me tell you it will happen. Joe if they don't stand it if they don't fight and I mean fight like we were told we have to do. Let me fight like we tell him every day was going to happen is 87,000 Iris ages added to the ones that are already there are going to come after the going to take her home to take their farms and these people did end up probably in internment camps. This is this is what the goal is and they want to shut down every small business we have a lady here what it would what is the lady's name again okay Suzanne I will bring you up, you've got a situation and let you tell your story so come on up and no go ahead okay thank you. My grandmother nearly disabled grant being like a child with other brain functions make him can and can't think very violent crime night is not very good so CM been basically been locked up. I first MER Long story so little trail would go on to and I don't want to get off. It started out as a residential treatment place. They didn't want him to be dumped in the ER. They been doing hearing me out for lunch and surrounding area are dumping kids that are hunted kids that end up in a margin because I guess the cold and they got all kinds of problems mental problem just so many that no residential treatment centers for them so they end up being dumped it ER and he was in Fairview Hospital ER for two months one room. You might know no window on the floor. They took him away from his mother, thinking he was on a side-by-side mother three years now. She couldn't work afterwhile because she couldn't handle him work so she can. She's been taking care of her know she taking care of that she could and she never used them anything so they took him from her, and they won't just not right. No rights at all.

She can't.

She had fight them just to go see him and he got a father.

Their divorce divorce back so he's living area, so he had them for a while to you and he couldn't handle one emergent get you. I think because you know what to do. Working anyway so commanded outbound telling him he couldn't see him any more. My daughter either. Neither one of them can have and she hasn't done anything but there accusing her of abandoning which wasn't something she wanted to do. She wouldn't abandoning nowhere for him to not try to help them, but they're trying to take him and now building and he's in another room there so I can then about four months away from his mother.

She can go up there twice a week in our town. I thought she can do to Caesar.

She has to have a EPS yet children's protective boy, are they really protect they are actually so, I learned about them after the happening. I didn't really know what they were doing but now I see a lot of videos you notes to peters and all that other one just been so many and so many years, even eating, did you hear the senator senator from Georgia machine for I think she she was working for the kid she just couldn't stand it and she was just trying so hard to get this corruption. Gmail is correct, trying to get it uncovered help and she work and work. She wrote a book she didn't know, and he ended up being murdered with her husband while they has murdered a set aside double homicide. I get killed. Found dead so not actually on no notice about this people not know about this. What shall know they don't know about all of the children disappeared from children's protective services and they said would have happened when we don't know. Maybe they ran away they just just not here and in the ghetto. They get away with your taken her like Virginia and tell her tell her anything she can't go to the meeting the workers and she should be allowed to be talking about her and she can't get any help, and even lawyers don't want help or money ability try to get one work on. I don't know what to do because you gotta go to court September on camber limit as to this. How do you spell you your first name. Okay see the cat in the knee and ran to find bended case is already up to zero phone number that you can give us are people out there listing his people out there listing right there. Minneapolis, Minnesota where you're at, could probably help you. Could you give us a phone number where they can contact you yeah I'm fine. Go ahead. Yeah okay thank you. 80252646128025266 close is anybody out there listing that can help her maybe give her a contact name is Susanna and and call her at that number 612-802-5264 anywhere in the Minnesota area out there that can can call can can possibly help her. Then we gotta move on because were running out of time if they know Peter, let me know already very good, thank you God bless what did you say I miss that there Craig, okay we we are out of time for tonight and then Joe you've got the little less than 1:56 give an invitation.

Can you do it hurt.

I was thinking the first word of our Lord started his ministry was repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand that were grouped The word changes your world Scripture tells us prepare ye therefore, and be converted to church stands may be blotted out on the timer refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord repentance. It's the only way to heaven. All the Lord came down to be the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. Father sent the son to be that lamb similar spotless Lamb to go to Calvary to take your place to take my place and not have similar spotless soul who took all the sinful ugly sins of the world and he died and he paid the price.

The wages of sin is death, and when he died.

The price for you and me are Cinda person price was paid, but to be able to take his offer of mercy we have to repent our sins put them on that cost was our sense that we have to call upon the father and repentance. Father I am so sorry my friends my sins because Jesus to go to the cross. I can't tell you it hurts to know that he had to die for me, but I want to take up to his offer of mercy.

I want to become a born-again believer. I want Jesus to become the Lord of my life. All of my life: to give myself to him without reservation. Learned quorums and I want to be that son and daughter of the living God drawing there were Jesus and everlasting life and secure my place in heaven forever more and have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit residing in me the guide to direct and Richard Mike connection to God himself. If you are willing to repent of your sins. Now is the time to do it.

A lot of people keep all I'll get around to that same thing. I'll get around to calling upon the father being born again but we never know who's going to be here tomorrow morning.

We never know when God is going to call you to go home or your life will be taken and the greatest decision you can make is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, but to do that you have to repent.

But your sins?

Lacrosse. If you do this very simple wiki repent from your heart, call upon God, he will hear you. He will forgive you and you can become that born-again believer changed absolutely.

That's the best thing… What is that he will never ever never do anything that will meet as much to you. You can't did nothing can possibly means was to use doing it.

Well it's time for tonight so until tomorrow. Good night God bless and always, always keep fighting the fight. Thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance once right what's left posted by Pastor Bernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry.

Please visit us online at www.WR W next time was right.

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