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WED HR2 060122

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Cross Radio
June 1, 2022 11:59 pm

WED HR2 060122

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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June 1, 2022 11:59 pm

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Good method that is recordings of people donate a listen to the podcast WR we are back in blue. It will pick up where you left off their own. Absolutely. So I want to mention for the listeners that that letter is published online on the sub stack. So far I've just been sharing with places like local media sites and friends and and publishing some of my sub stack is right justified with Jonathan and it's right justified. Is thisRIGHTJ US TIF IED right justified. Jonathan on sub stack so that letter is is the top of the page there. If you're fighting a similar fight grabbed the letter read the contents share I make it freely available to anybody interested in this subject matter.

But as I was mentioning before we went to the break.

They've been traveling all over the state of Ohio and communicating with other states across the nation fighting for traditional education, mostly K-12, but I've entered some conversations around college campuses as well, and free speech, etc. but I recognized fairly early on that there is only so far that we can go. If you've been following any sort of media are probably hearing groups like ours referred to as domestic terrorists were those with those dreaded people to pay the calm, cool and collected parents that go into school for morning meetings who were so dangerous.

I'm being facetious to use any other the eye. Another words you love were lewd murder burned on the city's Activa burned on the cities in Chicago would they have fiftysomething people shot over the weekend, but when parents are actually concerned about what their children are finding out because a call they found out what we've been told for years look after 50 listen 50 years 50 years I've been telling people you love your children get about the public school fee level and get out of there okay because cultural Marxism and so so yeah so what what happens the deep state Merrick Garland are so-called Atty. Gen. he targets parents parents are criminals.

Parents of the enemy because they're concerned about what their children write learning right now and you know his son-in-law is one of the owners of panorama which is one of the third-party vendors of this pornography garbage that's being sold to schools. There is so much money swirling around schools and in pupils and so-called education.

It's unbelievable.

It is it's it's money laundering, I'm sorry to say but it just ate, the more I dig into this and the more that I learn what's happening in K-12 education. It's not only shameful and harmful, but it's just it's racketeer it's it's unbelievable and corrupt and awful, so I've been fighting that fight together groups of us that go around and we do everything from signs and T-shirts that organizing to that the group that I'm involved with that protect Ohio children. We counsel communities to go through all the books and records and the finances of schools, you name everything from tip to tail hiring practices if they have one of the Jacqueline D. I.e. coordinators, you name it, but I fairly quickly stumbled onto a realization, and that is we would know when raise a fuss and then communicate with our local legislators, and it would fall on deaf ears. We have quite literally. I am aware of people very high up in government who have been specifically handed absolute rock solid evidence of horrible things happening in K-12 and almost none of them have any spine whatsoever even communicate on much less pursue it legally.

So it's we get stalled and I got involved in learn something called precinct strategy, the precinct strategy that believe me, folks, this all ties in together and this gets to the heart of the letter that I sent out this dear Geauga County and it is part of this national debate that's taking place this national flight for our country it if you if you have the view the same view I do in same optics. You probably recognize that education is a key battleground but it it involves everything everything is under attack IIa Second Amendment First Amendment, you name it, but the way that we're going to fix this. In my opinion is something called precinct strategy and that goes something like this isn't this is my way of paraphrasing the precinct strategy. There are two political parties. Everyone else is squeezed out all the other green party and libertarian, all that stuff.

None of them can ever get a foothold because the Republican and Democrat party there effectively one in the same now that Kenneth merged and very educating various ugly ways, but they control of a squeeze out all the other parties and stop them from getting started and growing so considering that there are two parties and knowing that they're both broken, the precinct strategy it thinks this way only one of the two parties is potentially salvageable and that is the Republican Party and the only way were going to salvage the Republican Party is from the ground up.

That's starting at the local level small local level and then working your way up to County then two states that international and re-forming the Republican Party. I believe that that is when you listen to Trump and he was talking about. No socialism under my watch and as he was being forced out of the office after the debacle of November 3. He said it's up to the people. Now, I believe that this is one of the things that was meant by that comment, so I ran for Central committee. I won my seat. I am taking over starting on June 8 with that election. It's my first opportunity to be an elected position anywhere but here's the thing about this precinct strategy if I wanted bear with me as I can hear Pastor Eyman assume for a moment that your average listener is like me a year ago. What in the heck is a central committee in one of eight. What are they do so, the Republican Party has a central committee there like the Board of Directors for the Republican Party, but they have several levels to that there is a County Central committee.

So think of that group, as the Board of Directors for the Republican Party. Then there is a state level central committee and they tie in with the states Republican Party and integrate with the state capital.

The way the party is supposed to work. The community gathers and talk to each other like you and I gentlemen talking about key issues like Second Amendment. How do we feel and we get the pulse from the county and we tell our precinct chairperson. Our feelings and we talk about that in our precincts chairperson is supposed to take the voice of the people the will of the people and take it into the local County precinct at that there excuse me the local County Central committee and say hey here's how my people feel on this issue. If it's a portion, First Amendment education, gun rights, you name it.

The set this the county is supposed to then communicate after the state and the state says, well, we've got a pretty good consensus of feedback from our entire state and all the constituents in our Republican Party.

All those people who send in those checks. They pay us. We now know pretty well what this is what the state feels like one of the where they want on this issue. That's the way that it's supposed to work it so ridiculously broken right now in the state of Ohio. We have this set my elective mention politicians by name. I think I am here yes on getting the nod. So in the state of Ohio. We deal with this atrocious train wreck called Bob to do chick Pompidou Jake is the head of the Republican Party in the state of Ohio. I called him a kiss the ring character. He's one of those people. He feels like he's on a high and runs the Republican Party in the state of Ohio exactly the opposite of the way it was designed and that is he tries to dictate down and ignores any communication. I live in Novi here's anywhere ever gets any fur on his throne, were four years he's in our state capital in the dictates down to the little people.

The peasants if you will. The will of the Republican Party where working on changing that. Wherever you are in the country and if you if parts of this letter or like discussion about trying to get political will to change education or our comments on Second Amendment that that Marty made earlier if any of that resonates with you. I really strongly encourage taking that approach of thinking locally. It's going to take time and at its it's admired it's a shift in perspective from the idea of somebody like a great new governor of your state or another Trump in office. If you're if you like Trump like I did it. It's the idea that we're going to get somebody who's going to come in at a high office and then working to get this trickle-down effect of positive behavior from institutions like this Nowak or our school board or are County Sheriff and protecting our civil rights and liberties that is to me now that I've done my research counterintuitive. That's what I'm doing and that's where this letter came from that. This experience lit a fire in my belly and led to the creation of that that letter and just sort of beating the drum to try and stir up some agitation on the part of my fellow countrymen right so important. We need to tell of the people out there that when you run for precinct committee minutes that it does not affect a lot of places don't have anybody relate and and again you hee hee don't need many votes of that as many as 1520 votes will is all you need to deal with okay in these precinct and then you go in there and you get to do exactly what you're supposed to do until look this is what the people in my area feel this what that they believe this is in this way it is supposed to be just the way it was set up on the work that way when people get to the point where you again that this whole idea of ignorance and apathy when they say well you know I don't know what it's all about.

I don't care. That's when you find out you guys are still yelling at Fenway is positive, they say. By 4 July we can have six dollar yelling at this is where you have shortages here. I get an article you're talking about people are going to back to going to Mexico to get baby formula you have to go out of the country to get baby Flamenco. They don't have enough.

This is where you, you end up with this thing because now I don't know if and Joan Joe sixpack he doesn't get involved. This is why in the the church eyepatch is called doers of the work and it's called doers of the word because we mean it and you will we first started that we had that name there with some of those that were indignant, saying, how dare you call yourself doers of the word of death actually you actually believe God's Word the Bible for real yet we do and we been doers of the word we been activists because that's what God's Word, the Bible demands that we be doers of the word not hearers only, deceiving yourself and there's a good reason. The countries in the shape of certain limitations. The number one culprit, the number one responsible for that of the past.

The pastors are the ones that have the responsibility for the first responsibility to lead the people against his corruption they failed. They feared a corrupt government more than they feared God, and that's the problem and I met Melanie throw something out there in getting to know Pastor here. He's a man of his word. He he preaches the Bible. He lives the Bible. The Bible talks about ear ticklers and I can't tell all my brothers in the United States. How many pastors we have in the pulpit that are weak with it again. Their week and they are ear ticklers. If you are not teaching in the book of Revelation that you are doing your congregation a major injustice. There are some pastors who I used to admire and because I admired him him to keep their names out of it, but they are weak men. Their week pastors they are not teaching their congregation from the book of Revelation.

They are not allowing their Bible studies that in the book of Revelation because they think it's it's divisive. It's difficult to understand.

But if you are Christian and you let the Holy Spirit lead you and teach you here to be spending a lot of time in the book of Revelation because I tell you, my brothers and sisters were living in the time of Revelation and the only thing is to get us through it is the Holy Spirit of God in our faith in Jesus. That's exactly right by the Bible tells us that we are to preach the whole gospel from Genesis to Revelation and and that you begin tells us this the righteous are as bold as light as the righteous are as bold as line. If you've got a prissy preacher and at pulpit.

You need to get out of there. You need to leave their the Bible says what, from the most of these are separate from okay and that's the problem we have in the pulpit, the vast majority are not saved. They're not saved by the here's the fun is the funny thing about America because growing up in the 70s and the 80s we had a pretty decent government.

We do think Tierney was something we would see in our soil. I know you like the quote resistance to tyranny is obedience to God but Tierney and my mind is defined as that which is legal for the government, but illegal for its citizenry and you know how much corruption our government is perpetrating on the American people.

But when we do something it's illegal you get locked up you go to jail. I made my say that again. Tierney is defined at its simplest form as that which is legal for the government, but illegal for its citizenry and that's where we find ourselves today. She there's a difference between being illegal and lawful elite. We are to hold to what is lawful.

That's what God's Word, the Bible gives us a gay. And what happens is they have said will we will take what God has made unlawful and make it legal by life and that's that is what happened out there today so we need to continue to in the Bible says this that all nations that forget that God will be turned into hell, all nations in our nation slowly slowly being turned into hell admitted is being destroyed from within and at the people better awakened because were running out of time to awaken, they have to run and so we have to start right here on the local level like you were talking about.

We have, we are by both what I just read from Thomas Jefferson because dictation we have to have a new government. Our government is going bad it is totally gone away from the people and so we are first of all God's Word, the Bible tells us were required okay where we have a charge from the word of God and that I Constitution does to we have to start of the local level and take our country back and you start that, like you said, with the precinct committeemen. That's the that's where it starts earlier did you say people become ignorant and empathetic, was a work empathetic and apathetic. So it pop. It prompted my mind. The people that become ignorant and apathetic are usually a byproduct of of fraud and corruption and will I go back to what Jonathan taught me about this Nancy MacArthur she was leaving the little Central committee through fraud and corruption.

She wasn't including all of the Republicans that should've had a voice at the base basic level she was keeping meetings secretive and clandestine people that didn't even know I mean if you're a true chairman and you've got some some little precincts that are unrepresented. No one is even running zero against zero – event her job to let the people know to get out there and to bring more people into the central committee, but she wanted even less people of the Central committee so she could run it like a dictatorial thingy that that is a have a place within the death or credit Communist Party is exactly how nasty Pelosi and the Congress and in a lot of these is denigrated, they don't they don't really like to vote against. I mean to be in lockstep.

This love exactly makes us think a lot of believe it or not, there are probably some Democrats out there that are not homosexual. There may be some that there was a couple that were pro-life and he said you can't. You can be pro-life and be in this party out without being ridiculed or laughed at Mike and and so but there there they feared nasty litter iron grip upon them, and a lot of them have just had it that I can run now here's the thing, fellows, and they will better understand this. These people are correct there totally corrupt and they cannot they cannot afford to have a legal honest election they can afford it. If there is come November, and honest election. They're going to be that the party will be decimated. They have to do something to stop the again week we see a lot of what is happening we been telling you from from the word go.

Obama's been Joe Obama has been bringing in young men of fighting age and Commandment nights he's been typical of buses to these little towns and cities out of the country and their sleeper cells. This is was having these asleep itself.

We watched the movie at our church. It was not people coming from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador, and they're all happy there coming into the getting a bunch of free stuff paid for. But you're right there. These guys are to become Senate and the funny thing was, you got all these people coming in and you see the buses there's no children that's no children. You see a few women in those women all look like they were military type women but in our governments taken our hard earned tax dollars and are using it to subsidize these people coming into our country who are probably going to be used to turn on us at some point and that's why go back to and I'm not a huge huge huge gun guy but I'm a huge huge huge believer.

The second amendment because I know the right to bear arms is what keeps my government in check, and it keeps me safe in my home at night because we all know the criminals. The crux they're going to have their semi automatic weapons and if we've got little 22 pistols were outgunned were outclassed. Dr. Kelly Ward, Dr. Kelly Ward. She she says this, Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Lindsay Graham, Adam Kissinger, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney are trying to destroy the Republican Party. They are they are there. There area and so people need to understand that that's ignorant not to interrupt, but let me interject you read that last I did know where you're going with it but I'm sitting in my mind on this bright negative because there's not a person on that list and I admire that I respected that I would never vote for okay so here Ward led Republicans to a tumultuous year following the stolen 2020 presidential election or state they will not admit that the election was stolen gay. We know we know without a doubt the Republican Party shameful the GOP still has not mention 2000 meals. By the way the functional out there. We have the 2000 meals we get another shipment coming in fact, it should be in by tomorrow and so we ask you to do any kind of a donation of $60 or more will send you the will send you that 2000 milk but you really need to let us know that you want it now when you get the meals that doesn't do us any good at it you just like to for yourself. You need to invite family or you need to take it to your library, you need to take it. Were going to be showing at the next tea party meeting the next tea point at which I believe is the eighth of the of June will be showing the 2007, 7 June will be showing the 2000 meals and so here in Judge County that we been switched out of the church, which was two or three times now and folks you need to, because all of that documentation that Fox News denies is right there and they won't know will look at it. The Republican Party does not want to look at it because they sold us out, they totally they sold us out. It started with Liz Cheney and was her name around runner Graham the McDaniel yet yeah I Jack I always make a point of throwing her middle name and it is there still a lot of people that don't know that she's a Romney she's at the head of right to choose national head of the GOP. She's a Romney and eight University if you don't know already, Mitt Romney said these. I think it King of the rhino heard or is definitely hi out there in the rhino land in my book is atrocious. Absolutely Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham is another when you can trust here and Tuesday Kelly Ward attended the Met was yesterday, the much-anticipated hearing with true the vote. Investigators Kathleen Catherine Engelbrecht and Greg Phillips to discuss the ballot harvesting in Yuma and Maricopa counties in Arizona that you will. You won't hear this on Fox news either and I can hear what were telling before the hearing started Kelly Ward unloaded on the corrupt the very very corrupt Republicans who have no respect for their voters. Arizona GOP chair Dr. Kelly Ward again.

She still goes on to say continue her thrashing of the rhino lease on later I Newsmax many times Republicans want to just ignore the primaries and say well whichever Republican is there is better than the Democrat in Mostar. I will tell you Mostar. I don't know why the media pretends that Adam Kissinger is actually Republican.

He is not a Republican is a Democrat is a Democrat colluded. That's what happened out here in our county. Again, same thing, and he also wants to destroy this country. He's another one who is open to gun bans.

He's open to destroying the nation for goodness sakes, so these types of so-called Republicans we have got to replace the remember this is where again the second committee comes in. Remember this presidential has been trying to say the Republican Party where is Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Lindsay Graham, Adam Kissinger, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney and Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins are trying to destroy it, and that's reality. We know that that's there's a whole host of others and you touched on something there went when I was growing up as a kid I remember before I was a voting age, my father would say I'm just getting old vote. The complete Republican ticket doesn't matter who these people are because they're all better than the than the Democrats and I think over time, the Democratic leadership realize that and I from a strategy standpoint.

From a chess match what I want to cut strategy. The Democrats wised up and they realize that what they were. Pentland was excuse my French crap so they came up with these ideas to cross over the Republican Party and try to hide and stay under the radar with their true colors and try to become Republicans and then when their true colors came out.

We label the rhinos and they know to this day, the Democrats know deep down, the majority of America when we are awake and were alert. We don't want any damn thing they are selling their selling fraud corruption to see poor healthcare for poor medical this whole covert controversy, which is a piece of man-made crap all the stuff that affect the racism that Ray got in them to GRG with gender bending.

So all these were low. All these true real powerful Republican shut out the two men here one ones retired I know about Republicans it.because he wasn't a powerful man.

He was a great operator wasn't a real powerful man.

It could be president, but when when was Rand Paul's father's name wrong run when Ron Paul ran for president. I got an argument with my father saying the most qualified man to be president of the United States is Ron Paul and tell you why he's got a heart for the American people and he's honest we haven't had too many people that have a heart for American people. That's the thing that everyone fell in love with Donald Trump.

He had a heart for the American people that whole list of all those people that you read, you rattle off every one of them have a heart for increasing their bank accounts and and pandering to the elite of the world. We need men and women look at Liz Cheney what she ever do. She's running on her father's coattails, and he wasn't even a great Republican.

He was the leader of the swamp that the right date. So we've got a real problem in America right now. If people don't wake up and smell the roses. Jacob anymore roses to smell America absolutely and again like you said we is no way I would charge well when he got to do everything we can to restore America now again and starts in the pulpit to it starts right and look where is Joseph again in the house of God. Gender begins in a house of God, to seek God's paying close attention to all of this. Okay. He's watching us. Remember who was at the gate with this great nation one nation under God give us that we get when we get our freedoms and liberty from God. The case of if we forget our God does he forget us, what is he say Hosea 46 my people are destroyed of knowledge because knowledge rightly and because they have forgotten my laws. I will forget their children liquids happened to the children in this country okay so McGinnis starts an indictment I've been saying this for years and years and years of folks you got to get into a church in St. Vincent actual New Testament church Bible believing Bible preaching that pastoring a church is supposed to be the one that leads you write memory. Apostle pauses watch what I say are a list of what I say watch what I do do that. What I do.

Okay so that's pastor is supposed to be the leader and if he is doing his job. Remember the Black Rd., Regiment. They lead this country in the war for independence. The black why they understood God's Word, the Bible, they understood resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. They understood that I remember watching Naomi through another shot out there I have to do it after this because were right up against the break be back right after this one more right after this one more you see these time span are all just lying in these names now in the in the in the eye. A young bareback Lord of Lord King you forget to give the address of your church outing and that were looking for a real unregistered church, by the way assembly voted asked me what I can find a church in your area and hear all over the entire country that that will eat what we did is we try to get an updated list that that updated list is coming of unregistered New Testament churches when I get it clear that I have a get back to I will I Lord's will and I will get back to you and so does want to know that no doers of the word Baptist Church.

We meet at Sunday morning we start with the praise and worship at 830 and death Bible study at the 930 in the regular service that's 1130 and then in the afternoon around 5 PM in the afternoon we have a the Bible and current event class and death and then rate of service.

That's a six so that's doers of the word Baptist Church actual New Testament unregistered New Testament church were Christ and Christ alone is the head that the state and our address is one 4781 14781 Sperry Rd. in Essen Newberry.

Any WBURY OH 44065 phone number there is 4403381367F year on the Internet. He just could to WR W RW and all that information is out there and so I don't touch how you can help us stand there and keep fighting the enemy keep fighting the what they call mainstream media and by the way, if you don't get our newsletter he really should. It's one of the best newsletters out there all that the things that they do not want you to hear of the things you hear us talking about here.

This program are in those newsletter and it's free.

It's absolutely free and you don't want to mess that up because like you said, Hosea 46 my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge we are bringing into like with with what's happening in Ukraine. You only get one side. The left, whatever the so-called narrative is whatever those people that when you look at that and NBC, ABC, CBS, when you watch those talking heads and the television they are reading to you of the script and and today just like the echo chamber who is in full volume. You see, they repeat your taste changes stations that we are the end run around them. That's who we are sleeping bringing you what they don't want you to know by the way you talk about that Republican Jim Jordan is one of those Republicans we need their Jim Jordan might be in my humble opinion, one of the greatest men in Congress right now. Here's another one is red gets that gets is another one effective gets this the D&C law firm Perkins coy admits it has FBI workspace in its DC office and Michael Suzman was operating the worksite, the Democratic Party and the FBI has gone completely corrupt.

There's no legitimacy left there there not an independent organization. There are a part of the death of catechizing's party and that so we owe them, we don't know that many legitimacy and off because they did. They have none. They have gone totally corrupt so there you go. I don't hate pastor if you would mind me making a couple of comments on motivations and encourage your listeners with a few one arm people with a few means of fighting back in a few levels and hopefully it's not just you that your leaders that your your readers. Follow my correlation between the fight in education and issues like Second Amendment, etc. and that the politics because at a certain point money in politics or what influences all of this so I gave a lot of thought and work in the education realm figuring out how to build consensus, rally the troops and raise awareness of the issues in education and with all this woke stuff for the last couple years.

The CRT that came in in the SEL and that that pornography and all that stuff it's difficult to argue individual issues. Follow me on this, but it's easy when you go in to a school district and can show that academics are suffering the light bulb goes on the community rallies and everybody understands we have a problem here, then fell suddenly that they have blinders come off, and they'll look away from the CRT arguments or SEL or whatever and say hold on a minute, wait timeout my kids grades are suffering. Florida were showing charts Florida villages have afforded to help. What happened in Florida. They get the those who put up the curriculum. The delete those that break the books and put all that pornography and the books they were given an ultimatum, pull it out or get out. Yes.

When they did they pull it out and pull it out okay is he that will happen can happen Ohio to we have a strong leader in Ohio that can happen all across country and when people start seeing it now in New York, for example, I was taken place there the children every in a public school required to set in, and let the drag queens and have story time would drag queens.

They required to do so. What does that tell you if you're a parent and you allow your children to go to public school where that's going on. Do you love your children may absolutely know if you're a parent that allows your children, influenced by drag queens to know that's it that's misguided those of the parent as a child by nuisance child abuse and those of the parents gave up on parenting and bought into this new trend of trying to be your kids friend instead of actual parent that the type prepared to step in and provide moral guidance and knows that I'll be getting letters from St. you know what I agree with you but I will) to get my children to school I met with what I'm a single parent when am I going to do.

I can't.

I can't afford homeschooling can afford it. You can I can afford to.

You can't afford not to homeschool right and and you better to do the kid doesn't go to school at all than to go to a public school, New York.

These are these are actually the things that you reference are areas where I spend a lot of my volunteer time suck this for Florida schoolbook issue is one that we bring communicating on rigorously for for weeks now and we publish that list and were pushing that list into other states, Nebraska, Iowa, mainly even surprisingly, Ohio so that that list out of Florida and Texas has another listed nearly identical with a few minor differences, but those lists were taking to state regulators and fighting back to try and get rid of them. By the way New York City school districts, the largest school district in the country with slightly over 1600 school buildings, school classrooms, there there actually a testing ground for new far left curriculum for next year. The problem, everyone's running into is they've learned the left of learned their lesson from the pushback and parent awareness of the last year and they're keeping this under tight wraps. There are very few little secrets are perk trickling out about that. What's being developed in New York, but the way they the education industry looks at it. By the way is a little side note, I joined the right make the fighting back right ranks and I no longer referred to them as public schools. I refer to them as government schools yet because they don't care about the public and they don't listen to the public and the clearly not answerable to the public, other government schools, but in fighting back against this this woke curriculum. One of the things that we look to even in Ohio in the Midwest all across that the country is not only what's happening in two key markets. That is New York City schools and Los Angeles city schools both far left very progressive agendas, but also now this new element of global education because Terry this is a little bit of a tangent, but I think all your listeners should know this and know to look out for its the main key publisher for school curriculum is a company called Pearson publishing. Based out of London, England. They amassed that is the publishing rights of most books and were the key publisher charting probably in the 1960s they be proven earlier publishing textbooks. Now it's all online web-based curriculum, but here's something you may not know the ownership appears in publishing over the last roughly decade has transitioned several times from a few key wealthy individuals who owned Pearson publishing pushed all this nasty stuff out. Typically, just to the west United States, Canada, maybe Mexico and a few different languages but it has transitioned and now the owners of Pearson publishing are almost entirely Middle Eastern and they're not Middle Eastern families. They are, they are what's the term I'm looking for here, there, there corporate entities. Basically that are purchased. They have purchased Pearson publishing. So when you get into conversations about was being published in an government schools not only in the US but all over the world. India, China, Japan, the trying to get it into Russia part all over Europe, UK. All of them nearly at identical curriculum and educational goals. It's all being dictated out of a global conglomerate so that I got into a tangent there it's wanted accented touch on Pearson publishing where they fit in and fit into the equation and all of this. But here's the thing.

When you get out into daily life and people like you mentioned that single parents and people say why don't I don't really understand. I don't know how I can be all that bad. It's probably sick. Maybe CRT is okay you get that whole range of response. The first thing we need to do is figure out how to get their attention. Get the attention of those individuals include them in that there's an issue there's a real problem here need to be looking at it in the fastest way to do that in education is by showing the charts of falling academics and can do that and it's now we can chart them and show them by school district. But here's the thing.

There is a comparable argument that's available to the rhinos and I'm looking at central committee. For instance, or governor or anybody in any elected position.

It's difficult for us. Those of us who were on the right to argue that we're were challenging a rhino, it's difficult to go in for instance and for me to assert the claim that this woman who is running our local County Republican Party Central committee is a rhino she's really truly a Democrat and she's just a stage actor working against our interests.

What I can do is follow the money because there has to be a motivation.

There's a motivation there somewhere look at this this article I'm I'm digging deeper and Marty and I are going to be spending a lot more time working on this issue in Geauga County but this is an unpaid position. This woman has spent eight years in an unpaid position flowing huge money and and her own interests and is even just recently thrown herself under the bus to make sure that other rhinos get elected to these key positions. I don't think that anybody out there takes those types of life risks without some sort of remuneration did what Harry Truman said he said anyone who gets rich while they're in office any politician. He gets rich in office, you can bet their crook is what he said and take a look at Nancy Pelosi look at all is the 10 wealthiest US senators are all Republican urge all Democrats is not one Republican all tented Democrats and that the 10 wealthiest within the sum of the rhinos amplifier behind it all. Yeah, but it's it's telling to look at the well. I would say source but it's really difficult for us to make a determination of what the source actually is. But look at the timing of that wealth. The timing if it coincides with them and I've I've mentioned it a bunch times in my writings and and the things that I post. If you see a politician get to DC with 100 bucks in your pocket and they leave 15 years later, a multi-multimillionaire.

You have a problem we deafly do have were coming up to the end of the program here and so to say this a couple things we talked about New York New York is lost 4% of population just pet past here.

People are leaving the blue states of large numbers, especially the blue cities that leave and they're going there, heading towards red states and could will I don't have to tell you what it's like that here just tried you know, we used to see how this was going to market better for six months today is that even after six hours six days. Yeah six hour having articles that time in time out as we go up and that I have friends that want to move in here from California to New York and New Jersey and they say if you see a house let me know so I called it within led by tomorrow the next day the house is already and because people want to get out of the blue states in here, but we are out of time for tonight so what is the most important. What is the most important thing to anyone that's alive today does one thing is more important than anything else personal relationship with God. That's right didn't get away. How many people that you know are that are alive today are gonna die 100% more okay and so did this guy always do what he says because he says is appointed all that was to die and then the judgment then the judgment said so when that judgment comes when you delegated. I wanted to waste. I saved blood was born again believer or even a Dionysian. Now that's reality it is just to a lot of people to like absolute, but there's a lot of them in God's Word, the Bible and so here the function he had to think well, not tonight. I'd like to be say, but I don't want to do a quite yet. I wanted just to utilize the guide when I was preaching the street. Asian boys come up with a totally that the preach. Call me preach.

He said Linda when I get all like you only get religion, but until then I went to party hardy and nicest son again you don't get this whole by being stupid. Okay, you probably will never use old as I am by the way he leveled it went on for miles and I suppose that their listing.

Here's reality. Look, the Lord Jesus Christ.

He did all the heavy lifting for you.

That's Rupert over there okay making it record.

Anyhow, Marty, Rupert, he's the one. Anyhow, so close to the Lord Jesus did all the heavy lifting. He he he told.

Now this is far behind its way beyond the comprehension of any living person and that is the fact that he took the sins of the world upon him, and when it will when the Scripture says he suffered like no man ever suffered to have the weight of the sins of the entire world, past, present, future is far beyond your comprehension and this is why, because God the father could not look upon sin without punishing it is what he had turned his head away from our Lord apply the net cost. It was an excruciating thing again beyond our words but he did it. He took your place of substitutionary death. That's a reality that's a fact that happened and what you have to do is like.

He says you have to call upon his name. He had prayed to the father pray to the father asked for forgiveness of your sins.

Then you got a call upon the name, the Lord Jesus asked him to be the Lord of your life. All of his life without any reservations. He's gonna be number one fact in 20 says, unless you love them or the mother or father, sister, brother and Whitfield do that you will become a new creature aborting a believer in air of the kingdom and you will be indwelt with the Holy Spirit and then you will be on the road to eternal life. He will be on that road to eternal life and that always always always honors those that make a commitment to him. And so when you have God's word and something you have something that can never even be broken cannot be broken and it's as simple as opening up your heart, asking him to come into it and ask him to guide guide and direct your path. And there's never ever been anyone who is ever regretted receiving eternal life that I meditated whole lot of people and held today that wish they weren't there and you don't want to be one of me don't want to run out of tomorrow's night soap but we run out of time for tonight so as we say every night at this time. Good night God bless. And always, always this dude gave fighting the right. Thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance once right much left my Pastor Ernie send their to learn more about our ministry. Please visit us online at www.WWM on please tune in next time I met her nation once right once last preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content