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MON HR 2 030722

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Cross Radio
March 8, 2022 12:25 am

MON HR 2 030722

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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March 8, 2022 12:25 am

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Donate and listen to the podcast WR welcome back to your your work move for what's right, what's left radio ministry. The voice of the Christian resistance. I'm sitting in for Pastor Ernie Sanders whose output. Unfortunately with the covert and we ask your buddy to keep him in prayer. Please as well as a lot of her new job through January talking about the ideas of the covert shot. You know the vaccine passport all abolition of the story. This is from Our old friend the Journal of further documents reveal that displayed news outlets to praise covert vaccines With well what were finding out now. Over the past couple years that is so that they call of action. We don't recall the bio weapon can cause kidney injury myelitis all kinds of brainstem embolism. I've got a list or I There's about 1291 adverse side effects listed in an appendix of a federal report and this federal report has all kinds of things from central nervous problems, thrombosis encephalitis of several kinds of foaming at the mouth of facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome on anon anon and it's been revealed.

Now that Wolof you guys were facing covert like dastardly people were sick and dying. The federal government was paying $1 billion $1 billion of your tax dollars. Your money to promote the VAX and talk about how wonderful it was, how safe it was the blaze refill got a freedom of information act. Procurement found that the government purchased from the now these, you would understand ABC, CBS, NBC, all as well as CNN, MSNBC and Fox News legacy media relations, New York Post, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, other things like does feed news and Newsmax.

So here we have two things Fox News Newsmax were most conservatives, Christians go to get news. Turns out they were taking money, your money, your tax money government spent $1 billion to have them promote and push vaccines were not safe and were not effective, you know now I want to know everyone there that why I've never trusted my government for 3040 50 years. Jan I did it and you know what you notice one American news was on that list correct right one American news was not on the list. Interesting okay as well as the government was paying off and continues to pay off hospitals to two, you know to not only this edition is a death protocol that's happening right now and and you know first question I have the cash, Ernie Giannini, diver, Mac and I got a neat hydroxychloroquine I got it for you and that means we gotta realize that they barrel actually lying about that that that the medicines that work and now that the BP vitamins in the sink and the protocols that actually help you backtrack my I member my own family at COBIT I should listen can you, when I correct in all not taken the horse medicine. They're lying to people about about actually what works and they're pushing a very, very dangerous thing on them and and and again when you get into a hospital. I know many people that have this protocol of death. They've lost loved ones and not one woman that she was at the wakening conference in Canton, which by the way is now part of my congressional district and running in as well as accurate and and she said she she had five or six members of her family going to the hospital and only two came out alive. This is ridiculous what they're doing to people and and we gotta stand against it is it is absolutely it's more is more than medical tyranny.

It is, it is more than abuse were looking at people that are systematically for for financial gain, giving people a protocol that leads to their to their demise. It is gotta stop in and one of things that that one of the reasons why Warner wants to be a voice vote for the America first policy understand with Pres. Trump's policy to be a voice to be someone who will speak out and and now and call it what it is. Just like Catherine did not talk about Pastor. I've known him for several decades now. Believe it or not, it's been a long time back when I was just out of high school I started working on in radio. What I would sell a radio ad to him spend 5 to 10 minutes working on his is.back we had a mattress store working on on his dad and we spent about an hour and 1/2 and eat. He would say listen were starting a pro-life group at Cleveland State talk to me about about being bold and being courageous thing that I've known about Pastor Ernie not only has he been a leader. Now you been a mentor of mine, but he's always been on the forefront of whatever issue is whether I remember the Branch Davidian Waco issue EBP be shown videos about 40, but he knew what it was eat the guided calling out the bio weapon before anybody knew what it was eat on the forefront because he does his homework and he's not afraid to say the truth, and I just want to say publicly I'm just very grateful and grateful to those that support this ministry because he really is the voice of the Christian resistance he really is someone where you can get the information because he's bringing on gas he's bringing in the fact that you just do not get on all those media outlets.

You just talk about that received billions of our tax dollars help people live about a very, very dangerous bio weapon they call a vaccine spiritual just came out March 2 official data fully vaccinated account for 9/10 deaths from covert, 19 in England.

4/5 deaths among the triple Baxter according to the United Kingdom so security agency came up there, actually telling the truth of got a big charge you're confirming this almost 75% of England is fully vaccinated and almost 60% of received a booster shot and yet they of the below the America the top health of social should have been saying that in all the shops will prevent hospitalization and death. But over in England. The fully vaccinated. They said there were no doubt. 9/10 there's a lot of figures on it and then even hospitalizations. There were about €10,000 of courage or between January and February, 9000, not to mention mobilizations and almost 6700 of them were triple were fully vexed. So you see it normally doesn't work.

It's deadly, it is deadly.

And I'll tell you what else is worth were saying soccer players are VAX drop like flies all across the globe were seen in in in Israel are probably one of the most vaccinations on earth have the highest covert program for popular it would per is a big big by hundred thousand how they look at looking at the at the segment of the population 30 COBIT more than anybody else that character therefore shot now emotionally report this. That's right, by the way, I do want interject just because of someone that may have just joined us in a long time late nighters are early birds. But I'll tell you what it's worth waking up on Friday were bringing in David Barton from wall builders. He is he is actually a rock star got wider syndicate radio show he was I believe Mike favorite guest. He is just this is like drinking from a fire hose will give you more facts than you can you can comprehend is going to show you what were allowed to do with the role of of Christians are in okay this is the want to invite your pastor to the start of got a reduced rate for pastors it that F2 FAI TH the number two action ACT or the shortcut is at like faith, the number two a like

Get your tickets come to the Weymouth country Friday, 9 March right it's Friday at eight yeah it's Friday at 730 in the morning. I will serve breakfast and ate it that the Weymouth country club and it's it's it's going to be worth it. This is something that you're gonna remember, bring your kids, your homeschooler, this is not worth your this is your history lesson, but it's going to be very entertaining. I'm also good to be speaking in and not telling people about the fact that that I'm running and I'm running for Congress in the 13th open congressional district. It's the one that the lines were just redrawn last week so that so that now that open congressional district will be for this. The counties of Summit and northern Stark. It's a wide-open district and so I just I would just encourage you to pray. Check out my website. Janet Folger Janet well GER like the coffee Folger Porter POR you can scope out and now breakfast is going to be a lot of fun this Friday morning at the Weymouth country club at 730 in the morning it's worth it. Bring your pastor to get a table.

You can still do that. I'll open it up so that people can, I don't want to miss it so you can still get your tickets all the way through all the way through Thursday. I will reserve your meal it so it's a full breakfast and you're gonna you're going to not you really glad you came. Just put it that way.

One thing I gotta throw in your book. David Barton.

I was researching the college course of the road for Phyllis Schlafly Google form under Google form University was the second of program history and there were some quotes to go talk to David and wall builders about the staff helping me verify and couple things are came out with some of the sources we couldn't place it will. We couldn't find week when people quote certain books. Long story short, there were some liberals started buying up some of those original source documents and hiding them and making sure they couldn't be found. And I know David and some of the people down there were busy trying to go and find these original source documents and buy them before they could get to say confiscated and hidden by the left and then there were couple people at the Maple River education co-op a couple gentlemen there had the well independent small fortunes, and they were busy trying to buy things to this is how dirty the left of America are they would get a hold of early books or quotes or articles and buy them up and hide them so they would hide the truth which is one by omission the other side does not play very fair and people have to realize our enemy loves to seek laws to live will treat steel kill, do a root takes to be in power and they call him of people January 6 insurrectionist but we are Janet Q would agree in the middle of a communist insurrection. They are trying to do a complete takeover of our constitutional Republic and replace it with a socialist one world order democracy that is spot on and it is no question about it.

Want to do those is give people some hope because you don't think is trying to steal, kill and destroy. That's, that's his goal. That's his agenda mentally trying to do so for all the Christians that are intimidated at their freight and they they cower and they say when I'll just wait for quarterback trigger, whatever they may remain just one escape this this this deal for me tell you something that is if Satan had the power to to kill you. You be dead right now right your long gone are protected.

That's right your protected by the blood of Jesus that you put on that God is the reason why we have our as were in a battle.

We were born on a battlefield. That's why I put on exactly every morning before I get out of bed. If I forget, I get bought it.

It may be fear-based or anxiety or or or maybe something about unforgiveness or whatever whatever may be like oh I forgot the armor and I put it on. That's what it's for.

You put the armor on, and I believe greater is he that is with him and you and me is that is out there in the world cannot and were supposed to occupy until he comes.

Whatever happened to that part what we've done is we sat back and let all well let the Marxists run the country and we wonder why you know we got these philistines that occupy what we need to do.

We need to do a David get in shape. Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that dared defy the armies of the living God.

We need to take back the land we need to occupy and and I just wanted encourage people that would be at work facing a Marxist insurrection that you know what we have we have as we are sworn to uphold the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. We got domestic enemies like we've never seen but but I believe his ring this morning about Ronald Reagan's approach to communism you know his battle plan was. Here's what he is his strategy or objective of his military strategy and his strategy against communism. It is we win, they would lose back to that.

Right now we do. Sanity did you know that Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall wheel we need to have that kind of boldness. I remember when when when Ronald Reagan said those words, there were handlers that the three or four times and he pointed it at any date stronger than it was originally trying to change. That's right, he wasn't affected by the swamp creatures, you know once is affected by the swamp that does Pres. Trump and we gotta get this guy back because he cannot. You mention Phyllis Schlafly, Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle form was a very dear friend of mine I and a mentor of mine as well.

She just where you are, when you realize that we were good.

Now show you what yeah she still is not a lady was amazing yeah I I gotta tell you I we worked on many projects together and and I will write yet. Whatever it was I came up with. She had already done it in on its original like the sun rattles to Congress shape the nation back to life and she's already done something like that. I like oh my goodness she was.

She was actually amazing amazing woman) a new guide to help me.

We were put together help me put together some homeschool programs. The Miami yet is a good friend of mine yeah great deal worked out rewrote some nude stuff and it's a great family, wonderful people. Yeah, we were talking I'm looking at this list almost everything the Lord asked us to do outside of the 10 Commandments are meant to start cell funeral. The biggest thing is obeying me but the action verbs we are to pray. We are to testify to witness to exhort storm the gates of hell expose the works of darkness save those that are being led to the slaughter and gone to death. We are to fight the fight stand in the gap run to the battle, occupy, rebuke, reprove, visit the sick prison feed, love, obey, stand, everything he throws out there is this tremendous list of action words!

It was tonight the door and God says the door of his word, a doer of the work network is what as you do under the least of these my brethren, you do under me know. It's how you treat other people is how you actually you are literally treating Jesus by all who treat the circular weekly and firm bills with me to help and then to be a doer of his law that's an odd concept of odd word doer of the law, not just obedient to the law, but to do more of it you will take a guess at what the differences I think you know the difference between what obey on the inner door of the law go ahead S&L and I well I just want to make sure that you get it right. Sorry. So let's just check you ill just to check on you here when you just go when you're just obedient you're going along when you're are Dürer of the law you promote full law you when you come to the time somebody is doing something wrong you rebuke it, their improvement, which is a mild mill correct and if they don't listen then you rebuke God says thou shall not must not cannot and if you're a doer of the law you were out there promoting God's law telling others about how we should follow it. How important it is not just obeying it yourself, but testifying of the preaching of it. That's the difference what it kinda like those people who we sing on pro-life, can have an abortion.

And that's all I need to do go to Vick to come out and say you know what we can stop the killing and fixing against slavery and I can own a slave good enough.

You need to fight slavery. That's the difference.

I get what you mean but things I'm thinking it might be a way to put our faith action. You can open up the phone lines likely given away some tickets want to make sure that this place is still the Weymouth country club on this coming Friday at 731 David Barnes. Gotta speak our faith action breakfast. I love especially if your pastor, I want to give you a free ticket. So anyway the calls and back what what are you doing pastor you you you busy on Friday.

I want you to become be guessed at this breakfast be my friend, I'm a little away your little weight rear where in Michigan I'm way out in Missouri during the loan over they only do one quick story that I want to get in because good news has tried to totally ignore the people's convoy that surrounded DC and the Scriptures come in and the words. Make sure you go to the people's convoy.board people's convoy.board and you can also go to. We we for news. These trucks are trying not to do, like they did in Canada causing harm by blocking keeping people from being able to get from one place to another, but they are trying to drive slowly around the Beltway trying to get attention. And they're saying really this is our last shot at creating change. These people have given of their own time, their own money there driving empty rigs. There all they are trying to help save your freedom folks. They need your support. The freedoms were being taken away. The newspeople have given many many days right now just the fuel of the cost of the fuel how much it's gone up. That's really hurting newspeople and they need all the help and support they can get. We need to back them up.

We need to make sure that all this is not been in vain because this war in Ukraine started with the American people can focus on more than one thing at a time. Though news yes Ukraine is important and everything going on but there are all these other things going on that are equally important and we need to pay attention to itself.

Sure and check out the people's convoy support them all pray for them all there there and I've always been afraid that the government would turn on them and try and charge them with being insurrectionist so keep them in prayer and do what you can, especially if you're near of the DC area show up and support and I guess we can go in an open up the phone lines them. I just wanted responded that I am very grateful you brought that up because these really are those that are are just as in Canada. They were the champions standing for freedom. We saw that the tyrannical government. Just put a chokehold on them and you know some that that that are still in jail as a result, I'm told that they stood against this vaccine mandate what they're doing. A look at the website now that there there is time to end the declaration of national emergency concerning the code 19 pandemic and restore our nation's constitution.

I think truckers are heroes. You know what they are. The circulatory system of the body of America without trucks you they are the ones that bring you everything you eat.

They're the ones that bring you everything you buy without the trucks you don't have goods and services.

Talk about supply chain. There, the one to do deliberate and not they are heroic and and and and even in the in the worst of the of the plan to make they were there doing their jobs and I just I just want to say I just I stand with those those freedom loving truckers. My father was a trucker I think they are there America and there there, they do need our prayers. And you're right that what the government wants to do is set it up like a January 6 entrapment to trying and trying to plan something you what they didn't know and in Canada if they had innovate date they highlighted.

They stay planted me to look for people to plant a swastika to sell your white premises. Now your you know you're all these things and or or or engaging in one FBI did the same thing to January 6. Protesters.

They were waving amendment a I was there they were waiting on a man and and and and and acting like that perfectly opening the door form is aptly absurd and so we do need to pray for the truckers. Pray for Freeman and pray against any kind of tyrannical pushback and end and entrapment that that that we saw in the January 6 thing we gotta make sure that this doesn't happen to our heroic trucker so I appreciate that.

If you would like to.

I would like that to get breakfast tickets away because this is something you want to miss you and I I am happy to buy you breakfast. If I you want to want to say the first caller what what you want to do, but if your pastor, I just want that first the pastors you get the first the first of the first bed without a transfer all right call him at 888-6779 67318886779673: announcing questions for Jim Porter is going to throw one other thing. Remember the Democrats the demon rats were very supportive of the way Trudeau brought in that martial law came down and arrested and called those people insurrectionist and to worsen all kinds of unconstitutional things. I think we have somebody unaligned John using okay John, I agree with all the really is a good discussion during the policies of the II think bipartisan Democrat and Republican and Republican credit policies are scoring these up forcing people to take the poison jab, but more than that, I as much is that I think of people are going to get some real alternatives to the Republicans in the Republic, Gretchen. I've seen it on the global research global website at an article it got on there that is the most compact John to bad I want to hear what he has to say. John call back if we would miss you you still there man what he was saying is writing. And honestly that's that's the reason why I'm running is because Bittner has become a unit party that that there are those of you talked about those that obey the law are those that did promoted want to say what what happens is were headed as a nation were headed off a cliff, and the Democrats of art are doing the pushing the billing they can to push us off the cliff. Republicans this will slow it down for slow down the demise of America know know me to stop that we'd reverse that we turn it around and that that's what needs to happen and you're right John, that's that. One of the reasons why don't think we can afford to hear another Republican give us the promises they give us. That means nothing because they're not backed up by actions and that that's again the reason why I'm running you want help or find out about what I'm doing, you go to Janet Folger If you live in Summit County or the northern part of Stark County that Akron Canton masculine part to masculine you can know you can be a part and I and I just want to encourage you to come to breakfast and John.

I love to give you a ticket to what you call us back. It this Friday in the Dinah we haven't went online with what I've been to some of your events in the past including the I think with the 2010 event. You DC FDL washed the Lincoln Memorial.

Remember that you were at the May Day event in Washington, LSU, and I've I'm back in Ohio. I'm originally was born in Copley Ohio to live my adult life in green was with the stomach, the Akron tea party is the second member group and I like the challenge all my old friends back there to come out and support you in the election and come out and need to at this breakfast in the dining little mileage to seeing you again when the church year. I I was. I left the country for a while because I didn't think things were going to well with the Panama but I came back and I knew I needed to be back in Geauga County with pastor Ernie and I love the man is change my license I can change so many people live and you and no mentoring you other people like coach Dave Dobbin Meyer, for example. But anyway all those people in Summit County come out. I see you again.

I've been away for a while, but I'm back and loved me from my old friends so when are you in your January, I really could use a ticket until I get periodic okay nation I get shot get you great great will will be intellectual asked him what can I get that from you. Burn BU RNS okay I will I will I will reserve your seat after breakfast.

When I look forward to seeing you. I think it's fantastic all going to jail that I look forward to seeing you again to Janet so I traveled to Washington before you are meeting the church was another one of the doers of the word. Tracy and her mother. We drove all the way over and I'm new we got some you were a small remnant church that while what little you know tremendously wondering. I went after Sam well I don't know. I don't know she's working well go get a hold for you if you can invite but yeah when I got you now. I think it's Mantell okay when trying to Janet. I look forward to seeing the Friday I'll have a place for you. Thank you so much my friend and by the way, that made a event where we prayed for eight hours we prayed for over every one of the seven mounds of influence that God would remember. I pray to dealing with life is interesting.

I just now made the connection we we stood there on the Lincoln Memorial. Praying for our country on May 1 May date for our nation, crying out to God for our nation and express in 2000 and during the Obama administration will tell you something. It was later that same year were God gave me the idea for the heartbeat bill. I didn't realize that this whole ending of abortion with the heartbeat law in Texas and and and now being spread all over the country that was birthed out of that prayer at the Lincoln Memorial on May 1, 2010 and when I appreciate your reminding me for going all the way to Washington and to stand with us for our country in distress were distressed again.

Maybe we need to do a another another made a event that the people can and cry out to God because he did hear our prayers and we did see that we did see a breakthrough. We just gotta keep out take a short break function will be right back out of this way is because since you know you there is no place to go.

Now you know your your we would so turn back Jesus died know you're really just losing to the rear. There we just talk you know you know so horrible is already well go do it while others rolled your you may not see your time is wrong will back Bernie Sanders to what's right what's left ready ministry. The voice of the Christian resistance in our special guest tonight Jim Porter of faith into action and the new candidate for Congress for the Ohio 13th District there and some upstart counties. Porter, welcome back to thank you so glad to be here and I was hoping maybe we could battle you want to get a couple more tickets away. Let's do it, therefore, can I was looking at this trucker's declaration.

While were waiting for some other: in general. One of those tickets. It was very interesting. Talked about how we were truckers and nurses and doctors and cowboys and loggers and mothers, fathers, brothers general just all Americans and they were saying all they want. This idea let the golden light of liberty on right. Let freedom role in the Nutcracker different declaration, but the one thing they forgot to mention our Constitution so that our rights and freedoms, God God forget that like the Ronald Reagan said there were four forget one nation under God were nation gone under right right. One of the things when returned by voting for people running. They do not understand that concept we will one nation really, truly, under God, that he gave us our freedom gave us all these wonderful blessings. That's a person you Vote for Leslie truly believe that the founding fathers basically set our entire system of law, government all our institutions were based on the 10 Commandments of God and the teaching of the New Testament which is the gospel of Jesus Christ and the people to refute that they may not like it, but like the only founding father sedate. This is what we based everything on. We are free.

You're welcome to come here because God made us free, God gave us this land, like he gave the children of Israel the promised land he gave the Christians of America land of the home free and the brave. And it was suggested and we haven't taken very good care of God's gift of know we haven't, but you want to know something is not game over. We can still time to and this is because because God works through remnants and and if we cannot get that if we can end abortion as we saw in the state of Texas we can get our country back and that that's what I believe that we we serve the God of the impossible is our state model declares that with God all things are possible in order to find out what Christians are allowed to do as David Barton spelled it out even in our past. We we learn and I know pastor Ernie talked about the black robe regiment where where it was the pastors who were really overcoming all the disinformation we know what we see that that that that the enemy has the stronghold of the media they've now got the Internet and there's a chokehold on freedom of speech but you know we have a don't have. We have pastors pastors who are champions.

I want to honor pastors at this event because they really are God's people who can reach the people who are are are not otherwise reachable because there's they big got the centers of power and influence, but we've got God, and we got the churches and the pastors who need to understand that they are standing not only legally historically constitutionally in their rights to talk about the issues that matter and how Christians need to come out and vote biblically with a biblical worldview affect our member one pastor, all honor him Pastor John bouquet Ashland County 2015 I was there speaking at his church as I was running against pathetic resident who is blocking our heartbeat bill and he says you know I can't tell you I'm going to vote for and let somebody ask. And there he was standing at the podium on standing next to them and reasonable. If anybody can ask the congregation for who you are and he said Janet told reporter and I just thought that the clinic courage we need from pastors who are willing to stand for those who are willing to stand for the truth to stand for the Bible to stand for the Constitution and you can come and find out more about what your rights are, what your liberties that were not currently using that we need to employ in that to be this Friday at the Weymouth country club. It's a first-class event. It's with David Barton. The founder of wall builders and if if if you can open up the phone line.giveaway more tickets if not you can go to F2 rate number two get tickets before Thursday so that you can come be a part of of this event that I believe is going to ignite and empower pastors to make it different so that we can get our country back and ignite the remnant to put their faith into action. Remove somebody called him and wanted to get the pastor there would probably you'd probably go for that one should apply one argument I would. They would, but I just got have confirmation or comment as I got paid for their meal right so I know Jan is 1888677967318886779673 call in and then select him about some free tickets for this event and I know know you will during that area want to be there a lot more waiting. Got one thing I want to warn the people out there. Be careful on the farmer and rancher and the found out the Russia supplies most of the fertilizer for this country and the good part of the world all last year refuted the boat 300 acres it would cost you if you were planting crops about $17,000 to fertilize this year you're going to pay about double to do half so you're going to spend about $34,000 to do 150 acres. Spend twice as much for half as much fertilizer so some farmers some people I know already who are not gonna plant some crops because they will lose more money by planting going through the thing they will not build get back to lose more money than if they just let the land go fellow and do nothing and actually saving themselves money. This is going to this inflation food is going to go up and I've heard people say the average I looked it up, was formed in $24 a month that were talking food not final paper cleaning products all not just food.

The average last year was $424 and a lot of people are saying it could cost you $1000 or more. So start being frugal is going to get worse. Folks really need to get people like Jim Folger elected, we've got to roll evil wicked people in office and we're gonna have to fight them with truth, justice, and structuring people otherwise you never really rough couple years.

This will not be over shortly. The bad effects of what's happening are gonna last for quite a while and to fix the mess were in it's going take some time and some really bright good structuring people and Janet's fly was a flower back there I would build €40 million.

I do would be voting for you. We've got it out and that goes all over out there folks run for office be like, don't wait for somebody else to do it renewed real Americans to stand up God will equip you if you are willing to go and work for him. I guarantee he will equip you, he will support you and he will see you through. That's called faith. And if you're really how it then God will be there and he will equip you to do his will. If you're doing it for the right reasons. Would you agree with that.

Amen to that.


And that's is a very stark warning paid more for groceries and I ever had my life and you see him using the stickers on the on the gas pumps to Joe Biden pointing I did that. You all to the national average of four dollars a gallon this is crazy. I know you're no longer 67 dollars before too long because the fuel was looking at that Russia is already warning that there's going to be $300 a barrel of oil. Because they're mad enough so that was one of the trips and I believe it's going to go. I don't know for go that I bet it's going to get a lot worse. While I do miss Pres. Trump yet although you are who decided to sit the election out, the elections have consequences were maybe not being engaged in elections have consequences, and bowler integrity and allowing staff to take place as consequences it does. And again, people say you know why Ron because you know that you're still in elections anyway. Well I know this picnic in a in a in a red wave which I do anticipate coming. It's harder to steal an election in in in congressional races all across the country trying to steal every race and it is just to steal the presidency and that's what we saw in in the last election itself is what encourages Christians.

This is our moment because this could be our finest hour. If we rise up now in this very dark time and be a light both to hide under a bushel where we are that city on a hill as Reagan talked about from the Bible. This is this is normal. If you want to know what you're allowed to do what you churches what pastors are allowed to do. I just again strongly encourage you to come Friday morning at the Weymouth country club and its there around 3 Weymouth Rd., Adina and it's 730 in the morning to get your tickets at F like faith, the number two letter F2 grab your tickets. Bring your pastor if you call and I'll give you a free ticket because I really believe this is gonna ignite in people market that is going to lead to a wildfire of Christians rising up of them putting their faith into action and yet taken our country back and take it from somebody knows a little bit about about seeing God do the impossible. Again, we started 11 years ago with the heartbeat bill and now 12 years ago we we we God gave me the idea my husband started by saying why don't you outlaw abortion why you're here to pick a ladder and show two weeks later God gave me the idea for the heartbeat bill which by the way, I do believe stem doubted of of that prayer that we prayed on on the Lincoln Memorial beer at that as we gather together as a nation crying out to God on May 1, 2010.

It was October 2010 just, you know, nine months later, 10 months later God gave you that idea and it is now what using the bring the killing to an end a beginning in Texas. The difference in Texas all the other 14 heartbeat lost 13 of them had a criminal penalty but Texas as a civil penalty which allows for citizens to sue if you violate the Texas heartbeat bill you can sue, not just the abortionist but the anybody who aids our best in the abortionist. The clinic escort. It's the it's the insurance company that pays for the killing and so were seeing 40,000 children save the year and so guess what it once you seen Goliath fall. There is nobody who can tell you it can't be done, and so I know that what that those that occupy our land right now are not the ones who need to be running this place and it needs to be Christians who rise up and replace them that you want to know what your five smooth stones are you going you vote yes or no decision on everybody's been watching all the news. A lot of these pictures look terminable terrible pictures of the middle soldiers died in people guidance okay real caller was the name Road how I again and I'm wondering like what does one.

What can one do you like in the blue state yellow outing Ohio wondering how can I wanted to get a ticket for my pastor but my might be a little too short notice coming from the East Coast. Yeah that's a good point that you know what I tell people you know when we were in Ohio was was really more of a purple state backing in 2010 when we first conceived the idea and I'll tell you this, just introducing the bill.

Save the life before this bill ever passed out of committee so you can actually stabilize just by introducing a bill that Dick declares that not only does abortion stop beating heart. But with the heartbeat bill a beating heart will stop abortion BDI-II V outlet beating heart will stop abortion.

That's right.

And so you can stabilize just by declaring that just tell you whenever we remember we brought in the youngest to ever testify.

We brought in the ultrasound which showed that babies beating heart, not only in Ohio and other states, but also in Congress and in the U.S. Congress in the judiciary subcommittee. We showed little baby Lincoln 18 week old baby Lincoln. He was barely committee. The room was silent when his heartbeat was speeding there on the on the screen. Even the protesters were silent. In fact, one of the women had been disruptive moments before was seen wiping tears from her eyes. So even in New York introducing a heartbeat bill can reach even the hardest of hearts, and he can reach America that that you don't tell you is it it it it being salt and light in this dark and decaying culture and and honestly that is probably the biggest challenge of the country is in New York and in California and some of these companies more for your deep blue state but you want to know something you'll awaken the church and you can take it back cover? Quick career getting short on time as a way that's going to be a copy of the survey could get later on CD or something of the event. Yeah we artwork film and it and I intend to make it available to those are members of faith action doesn't cost anything to join. Just click the button to join us and you cannot cook it will get your copy by email at least part of the speech Anyway you can get a CD of the event.

Ambulatory yet will make it available by link posted up online you can you can watch it online. Okay, we could certainly burn it to be a lot. I am not able to sell.

We are in agreement with that with David that you can actually order on his his talks right from wall builders website so I'm not able to spell it but I will make it available to those that that that are on the can join our email list, but otherwise you can get the get all his materials directly by CD by video harbor you want to go shot at the actual builders window caller regarding our folks were getting the program we need to do one of the most important things we need to talk to the people about you and I've been talking as born-again Christians but a lot of people haven't accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and war going on I was thinking tonight what to say. I got to thinking about the song of Moses back in Exodus 15 for talks about God as a mental war, the Lord is his name and Moses was talking about. The Lord is my strength and song here is become my salvation. He is my God. I will prepare him an habitation. My father's God and I will exalt him. The most important and we can do and what Moses explained it. Prepare him an habitation well what is you will have an habitation. He wants to be in your heart. Jesus said I am in the father. The father in me and I am in you while the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the only way you can get the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and have God prepare him an habitation and have him be your Lord is to call upon his name, repent of your sins and repent, be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, God will if you know of a repentant heart call upon the father and asked for forgiveness of your sins.

Put Jesus on that cross will hear you.

You will accept and you will forgive and then you asked Jesus to come into your life to be Lord of your life. All of your life without real innovation and he will come in July through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit you will become that born-again believer a child of the kingdom of joint and with Jesus and everlasting life, you will become a little son or daughter of God himself and you will become an eternal being of God's God's word on it and you met any of the brothers and sisters, born-again believers, that is regretted being saved, being born again not want not want the voice of the Christian resistance was right.

Posted by Pastor Bernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry. Please visit us online at www.WR WL next time for another edition of what's right what's left receiving program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content