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WRWL 03022022 HR2

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Cross Radio
March 3, 2022 12:04 am

WRWL 03022022 HR2

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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March 3, 2022 12:04 am

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Back in so we are still there. Okay, very good. So Sarah picked it up from there you're running for the appeals court and we visit good people on the my good friend Matt Lynch is on their and we had and I really don't tell me on that court.

Even though there are two Republicans there now. The attic I was appointed by Mike at wine format link is open to feedback my opponent back on.

I we wanted the handbell and have a conservative on the bench but we still have three other liberal and even if I get the win in the primary, there is only the Republican primary.

There's no Democrat that filed domain started to decide whether you have another competitor coming back court are not ready to thank you for giving me this opportunity to get my name out. I know you heard a peep of John includes floors running busy this evening. While I never really had to run before he was appointed Bennett and I knew he ran an out and wanted to beat again but in the knowledge appointed to this the judicial fleet after his big amount of time spent in the Senate was doing things like HB 256 and a whole host of criminal legislation which quite frankly, he should have left somebody with a criminal justice background because he is either trademark attorney and patent finance and he had no clue of what he's doing, because these even read the legislation if it confusing you don't know how you could test with some of the things that he has enhanced his champion and patch.

For example, regarding the mental health of individuals when they commit crime. He considered it with mental disorders can be a factor in determining whether their death eligible have, how can you find out whether somebody would suffering from serious mental disease at the time of the things you can't test back four times. I don't want to go to specific but he just doesn't understand is never blocked of the never been a prosecutor, never been a defense attorney doesn't understand the criminal justice system, but he was the one who is championing legislation.

So then you get things like this where a judge is sentence is now overturned and banned by the legislature. No parole board is going to be deciding and poor Brian's children are going to be going to the parole board every five years to keep this monster in and in the thing I don't understand pastor is we have something called prohibition on ex post facto laws and yet somehow our legislature in Ohio created a Time Machine which enables them to go back in time and grant pool hearings to people who want to get that chance.

So it's really a sticky situation and I don't think they counted on people like me to get upset.

I think they just thought we would get letters in the mail so all you gotta parole hearing coming up and we would just be like sheep: say okay well you know here's here's one of the problems with my biggest problem with the socialist noticed you have the old law in major image and those under the new law. They got flat time with those under the old law for the same crimes wound up doing two or three times as much time as those under the new. The new law for the very same crimes identical crimes and what happens is I know that the parole board only has charge of those under the new law, but because once the old wall or under the old law. Once all those guys are good or dead, and many of the world there. Now I know because I've been going to the prisons forward wisely for 50 years and you have people there that it should've been that of done way more than their time way more than their time should've been out years ago that were saved involved in a crime but didn't didn't directly commit the crime and what happens is there there keeping them in their warehousing them dictate the parole board and there just because she $70,000 your job on this guy should've been out loud talking about.

We have guys there that are 7580 years old. But one thing I wanted to tell you about a fictional 70-year-old people usually don't commit violent crimes. Regardless, know that history actually live in crying is juvenile that 15 1670 we see that all over the country right exactly Alyssa P to stick the kind are not being used commit to really make educated decisions about what to legislate how much mapping we you be exactly right. It's upside down inside out backwards. We should have citizen legislature. Maybe we should all go into the community go to churches football game. Now pancake breakfast talk to Lisa after his first responders five people and find out what the community really want that of having emails. People who step 10. 12 years is 12 years like my opponent in the Senate and out and and really that's the only source of income, or can I my aunt Debbie who discovered my grandmother's body had been very active in prison ministry for decades. She goes to Christian Fellowship in Warren and led me to Jesus Christ and the legislators arrogantly made the case that people like us. People like my aunt people like me didn't understand the idea of Trish Hoover to borrow a term that John Eklund used, which I guess is Hebrew for forgiveness or restoration. So not only did they pass the terrible law, but they lectured about having revenge mindset and I don't have that mindset at all supernatural beautiful way since the first minute I found out about my grandmother's murder. I've been praying for, and this arrogant legislature who probably didn't spend 20 minutes reading the bill and left your Committee Chairman of the author of the bill there putting us in a box of old don't want to give people a second chance which the whole thing is like you said inside out, upside down what you write in your ears. Here's the thing that you see like out there in the L4 is put on the news that the fellow that shot and killed one of the good that was the Iraq Iran will know here, there was a somewhat one. After all, I know one is to put this to one of whom was arrested 16 times in one day.

He's the one that one of the model that the that the little Oriental model who was there and motor and try to molest her running cam of their and the People's auto bill within a few hours he'd been been rusted over 48 times and they keep letting out and and these are violent crimes to Skype for armed robbery for bidding for robbery okay but there was another one just just recently who you and what about the fee driver who land to that creek. Chris parade and and Wisconsin and and killed five people including a grandmother of my granddaughters, best friend from Milwaukee, prior convictions and was out on bail them. People should get failed when they are not a risk to the community and then not a risk of flight, but this individual has several convictions. Mental health issues and he just decided to ram through prorated other human beings. The idea here is they want lawlessness. These these people these prosecutors, like you said it should've been defense attorneys that they will these they really want lawlessness.

Just like okay tell me what is it that Biden has been flying plane loads employing loads of younger men of military service, age, men who could be fighters in the middle of the night flying these and thousands of men to cities all over the country and all of a sudden the disappearing. What why is he doing this I mean everybody knows he's doing you got always, Congressman complained about it. Okay, he's in total violation of the wall but is he above the law was intended above the law, but I but I admit I don't want to know what you're referring to what the allegedly illegal immigrants that are being well taken from the border and and I say allegedly because I think they're probably a month on the distraction. I don't want the fantasist said any plane loads the from the Florida bust up to Delaware is that we talk about the illegal yeah yeah there's a lot on what I've seen.

I've seen hours of films of these guys come in and in the there, take a minute and in the middle. The Dell wants to or these children on you know without and without any parents okay these young children that are brought in. And Lord knows what these young children are being used for, and then they are taken into the cities and all of a sudden they disappear okay and you well and well that might be part of the child trafficking going on in that it is it is a part of the child trafficking thing affect trafficking examination and so now you know here last night did not use make his feel so good when would Biden says we are all one, we would gotta get along were all united were all Americans, and then to have the Democrats say USA USA are kente with the did for me right envelope. That makes me want to vote for him again. You remember it wasn't very long ago that all of what we were saying USA USA that drove really. We were called Nazis. We were Nazis because we said USA initially and and now all of a sudden, you talk about a Hollywood production that's exactly what you saw last night. Let me ask you just go ahead and start going I'm so glad the culvert is over and you know if any math there and we think who would Biden for this. I don't know if it so it was it was over just right on time and so anyhow. Would you guys like to take some call Sarah sure okay were going to open the phone lines nationwide nationwide 888-677-9673 888-677-9673 and the lily standby for some calls. If you have a question or comment, and you especially about the judicial system of today get give us a call and let us know in Dillards and Sarah needs to focus is to paternal bright your attorney are Jory not all biological dropout. Okay, I did three weeks at the Cleveland Marshall Law firm.

Brian is way too smart and creative to be a lawyer, your sweet thank you. If that's the joke would wind.

I wish I had that here the old Philip had made a lawyer joke and I lost a loss to the head of here. It was really funny but the you know I'm talking about. No well there you go get give my brother I have to admit I don't like not to laugh at the large yet can I tell you a joke I heard Rush Limbaugh, appellant, 1992 in person should clean your RAP said that God called the Washington Post and for them to end the world tomorrow and the Washington Post said can I get an exclusive God should know. So he called all the other news outlets in the next day you were the headlines in the newspapers the New York Times headline said God says world to end women and minorities hardest hit and the headline in USA today said Americans prefer catch-up to mustard to the one hope so anyway. That was Rush Limbaugh there is no cause I just landed.

Tell your pastor that I know my my discretionary income is spent on travel and has the affect candy to travel to Russia and China in the last year that went from St. Petersburg to Moscow and and and I've been to several parts in China taken my mom actually now 86 years old for trip once every year and I took her to both of these as I was astonished at how flexion was and how wealthy country China is and that we have let who is them mom by the KGB be able to go into Ukraine and and do what he's done and were still talking about throwing out latke as retaliations is it crazy already. Okay hey tight.

The snow here is a joke in the world want to Minnesota get ready to go to Minnesota but here's John Adams that this in my many years I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is a shame to is a law firm in three or more, as Congress had good that here you go, here's here's Mark Twain. If you don't read the newspaper then you are uninformed if you do read the newspaper then you are misinformed. Let's go to Minnesota.

John here and there. Are you guys are okay question. First of all, an observation or any use on so strong in your voice.

I do through dry to know because I've been praying for you.

Thank you so much so that when friends that you and that's great thank you my friend and I have a question for the city. Our candidate how you guys experience the prosecution influence of George Soros. You see that in the local areas are harder to do this typically Brian is not a candidate, he is affording me. I've 11th district and obviously you have right now candidate enough for as in the primary that all all over the country that are some of them who are supported by prosecution for physically enough people Veronica prosecutor's office or was supported by start and I think back to where you're getting people cool really are not fair with a mission to charge people properly and follow through with child, and taking them to enjoy the letting your bike with Arctic patient hats and judges, but they should have it a lot lot more politically motivated, politically correct individuals and I don't think that most voters would one elect those kind of individuals, but these are the people in fact with money and money provide a platform whether commercial or bar literature on the huge problem in the country is that somebody like me who who who doesn't have years in the Senate and Larry householder money at donations from the elite political class supporting reporting you have at the octagon radio patient like that but they get amended book book on both the fence right to get money and they can but they want. You got the democratically do this mainly through supporting people's campaigns marking the monies you all you absolutely could be literally wiser office for What he owns those he owns the low to be a body of the know you love what you consider the potent would love to get his hands on Soros of Bakhtin fighting the term oligarch now. Much like we don't have that kneel at. Mark Zuckerberg and that basal sky and their people with a lot of money who use their money for political right to financially enhance themselves and their friends that are stucco. We need reform is that think you guys so much to let someone else talk and think: Lily, we have we have a clip to play. Note here, Sarah and and Brian went to listen to. This is a five minute clip, but this is about here.

The Gateway pundit Jim often stay abandoned his explosive Wisconsin hearing on Wisconsin election. What I remember I told you how the judicial system has lost so much credibility because they refused yearly cases, the election fraud was in your face and yet all of these people. The so-called echo chamber was ill and all those in the media, including Fox News and the media.

They all refused to acknowledge the election fraud.

They were all bought and paid for and so here I want you listen to this and then the commandant of okay go ahead and let them play the clip of a better guy to have on a show on the 10th anniversary of the death of the great and mighty warrior Andrew Breitbart a note today, you guys did a great tribute with the fabulous filmmakers that made the film, hating Breitbart did a great thing on great waypoint today. I got a chance to watch after the show and it was fantastic.

I can't tell you enough other films of film team was just incredible. So is Greg Catania, Andrew Breitbart would've been hit he was. Courage was everything with this guy and he was in the middle of this fight, leading this fight like nobody's business. And I got like this masonry guy with that comes round. Once a generation, maybe sometimes it skips a couple generations but he be so proud of what you've turned Gateway pundit into which is a powerhouse of a gable judge gave woman had this massive interim report forcibly get is up-to-date on it on both shows what you have Gateway had a pretty specific role in this. About this group called Eric and you were marked against but would judge Jackie woman gave you guys a specific shot at today. Walk us through it.


Thanks, Steve and Breitbart.

We love dearly and I know how close you were to, especially with your work Breitbart so we miss him dearly. Today we did put up a nice tribute to her and I are talking to him as far as judge Gittleman Justice Gittleman explosive testimony today as Boris has been reporting forces right on one piece that we were thrilled that he mentioned he finally getting people start talking about Eric organization called the electronic registration information Center just just a moment reported on this several times in his speech. We put out an exposé on Eric back in January for different pulse reports we had on his Eric organization it was meant to be an older cleanup organization and what is is actually just an organization. The blue states left-wing organization registration and register people so they were supposed to cleanup organization and dollar and 31 states and what they actually do it throughout their registration or motor driver of voter registration is outrageous on we exposed that Louisiana already has brought this Eric organization is going to a different system, but the sad thing is working in all of these states today when Eric today when I Gittleman starts talking about Eric boundary is David Becker started tweeting like crazy and because we reported on this in January. This was one of those direct hits the we were right on target. Because NPR is immediately asked Us and so now I gable many reports on it.

The record on a listed on twitter. This is a guy who found this organization with the Department of Justice. He went to this you wrote one of started Eric was spotted by some Soros dollars media. Boris spends this now, but today 31 states a lot of conservative states, uses, uses this group and what we found is that they're all wrong. This is happening. And of course the best one of the main things with the left. They don't want these corals thought they did with deposing Catherine Jim. We got up I forget if you question what you go because you the publisher with your twin brother, the editor-in-chief, I guess of the Gateway pundit woman was part of her sites is today. Is this a big deal. RP wasn't as another wild goose chase because his audience is focus on taking down the Democratic Party on November 8 we guy get everything cleaned up and we still gotta get answers and hold people accountable for November 3 in the way to do this decertify electors which prehistoric is this a big as big a deal as Boris and I think it is absolutely, it's usually to see the reaction on the left page.

It's panicking as they should be. They were exposed today and this is just a start.

And thank you Steve for all the work you've been eating from the beginning.

Boris is an outstanding this is a great day for you.

Steve Baron and I thank you for being the leader today and was years ago. I really appreciate that. Well the kind words, but nobody already you know you're the first guy you'd prefer the sky to partner with Jim half your hero Gateway pundit is the best we love you guys. Love your brother did the work you guys are doing is as fabulous as the first thing a check in the morning so thank you very much hot right, those guys talked all around with the with the failed to to say was that the judge there of that Supreme Court Justice Michael Gittleman.

He called for the certification of the Wisconsin 2020 election results as soon that's big nosed called for for that election to be decertified because of the election fraud Philly phone. Hundreds of thousands of illegal votes there in Wisconsin and Georgia, Pennsylvania, Detroit over and that's that's the big news. Most guys talk told about everything but old and especially the woods. Big news also coming out of the Arizona no, here's here's what this is one of the reasons the politics is lost the credibility especially of the.

The fake news media glimpsing the lame stream media look I was in a trump trainer out of Arizona. They had a trump trainer that was 93 miles wall 93 mile long country they had out there was in Los Angeles are out there with boats they had boats up there and I don't know how many thousands of boats out there. I was in Sarah trump train here in Ohio where Courtney Downey we want to jog a portage and then the trouble but here even the almond.

She may never get involved in politics. The Amish always 05 28 Amish buggy after Amish buggy of Thelma's buggy lined up holding trump signs up there. I know that I was after that I would've loved and so not listen to trump Simon relevancy to this is something we called common sense and I think it's illegal nowadays. Common sense would hear you have trouble going out 50s 60s 70,000 people showing up you got Joe Biden going out and you haven't half a dozen or dozen people showing up okay and so here no to tell me when you see this, since we see this and then on the election night were watching the numbers that we see trump way ahead and then right before our very eyes. We watch the numbers in verse watching flip upside down and then they tell us who are you going to believe us the fake news media or your lying eyes and there you go right right at that point you see I want to after you expect NBC PM P MSNBC Martin Hill what's in a Medco or these others. His yeah for me was all five of those swing states. Counting at the same time, yeah, and didn't report back until eight hours or so later and they all just happened to magically go the way of Joseph Robinette did not assert something different to this time, the echo chamber. You know you see these people are actually contracted liars. Now I'm not talking about NBC, ABC, CBS and then Fox News not to. Another words that they don't call light. The cold cut they call it a narrative contracted to stage of the narrative and you agree to that, whatever, whatever that narrative is what we know that is always a lot, you know, and so I don't expect Rachel Medco or any of these others to the diligence, but I Fox News.

They call themselves fair and balanced and Brett bear who looks you in and calls fair and balanced. No hear something was different this time. You might notice this when they did the echo chamber instead of just saying where's the evidence is they all did Neil Caputo, Chris Wallace, but before but for the dead, that they all did this the Susan Smith where's the evidence they all did that for all that the that little skirt you mentioned Susan Smith. I knew Fox was in trouble when Rhonda think this one. The primary interview with her and he said we don't need a socialist to monkey this up. Susan Smith comes back from the break, apologizing for Rhonda fantasy is racist comment I could not believe my eyes. All not only that, but when she remembers she said we don't we don't mention George Soros on this program. We don't mention to Ryan.

He remember that you paid for. Bought and paid for and so with election fraud and I'm at fennec.

I think that women continue having election fraud until the paid political operative billing and hobbit balance in left alone is not truckloads are stopped. Well, you'll have it until listen to this. The think they just think about this. Just as a novel idea. What if prosecutors prosecuted election fraud whatever whatever what if the courts would hear the cases exactly how that big no date started with elevated no election fraud that the liberal right now.

I wear now, I significant, but it wouldn't change the election well actually I think it a collection box number much much higher daily staggering but very few do. Because there could be excused. Do we have monitors rehab rapist may have violent crime. Now, how it will unfortunately when they went. When it taken fetcher.

I'm guarding the public that demand faith in the prosecution. Well, I think you going to see some of that come this this November but I did like is a look, the death of credit crime is collective know that there is no way in the world they can win a fair and honest election. They know they can't win for nonsolution so they're going to push like like Joe Obama was doing last night in the to have two to legalize election fraud. Basically that's what he what he wants to do. They want to legalize election fraud to have people vote early and often as many times as you want. Coming that's the reality of of what they want, but we have to enforce that and have the courage, the honest in whatever honest judges and that we have to have Devon find the courage not be afraid of burn load murder on the doorstep or at the forthcoming and intimidating to make it a mean face at they've got to do their job a lot tractor at Lake County character Jim had emailed me. We are still far at the bottom. Probably the best thing for because now people are our call to action and people are not being quiet anymore. Whether there home and now and and disabled out or acted in out in the field of people to collect data and managing.

I think he got a point. We reached rock bottom think you and that is anecdotal, but I had neighbors across the street in November 2020 and that it was a legislative the little girl had two mommies. Okay, these are exactly conservative Republicans and I saw one of them and I said when you get that sunburn and she said no.

We were in the trunk boat flotilla.

I'm like are you kidding me to acknowledge the third one we've done that Donald Trump had not only was the most outspoken pro-life candidate.

I can remember from the Republican Party. What, in addition to that, he was able to bring in people who work very nontraditional and I never seen the kind of grassroots support in my entire life. I think it's obvious to anyone with few functioning brain cells that this guy won the election and even my cracking Democrat yeah okay time for can yeah yeah we we we witness election front. But here's the thing. The I believe it was November 8 of 2016 when when he went 12 won that election that very night.


That very night the 12 won that election against the queen of mean Ms. Hillary. But anyhow I told you I said the next election. You're going to see him president election fraud, you're going to see election fraud like you've never seen anything like okay and Mark Zuckerberg was saying that he could sway at least 15 million votes that hate that they could buy at least 15 million votes he could flip that money he was saying it. And so, in fact know what we were just talking to their net organizations so you mentioned in the clip, Zuckerberg gave $69.2 million to this organization and so ever. Yeah well yeah I'm a total of 300 million in just Wisconsin that was 315 million. Oh my gosh, so I mean they buy in these elections that didn't look in Georgia. You know those those drop boxes.

They were only were they were showing people committed and the average person went to the dropbox had 2800 balance that they would come and drop and they were plates admit it was unbelievable that the out in-your-face election fraud people again and and the American people. We enough is enough is like, you know, our intelligence is been insulted and our integrity is been insulted and we've had enough of this, I mean just totally enough so that we do we really need to have our state legislators and you know even their Pennsylvania you have some good honest state legislators there to try to get a recount and end of an audit, but then you had rhinos rhinos that faked they took control. They didn't want a genuine audit and that and I can tell you that that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is as corrupt as his group can get. I Devon I would have nothing to do with them at all. Yeah so I like what Blackwell has said many times when you have 88 counties and immediately separate systems, and I know were not all people balance in certainly not Florida. And I know Ohio does not have all paper ballots but when you have a decentralized system with local accountability, then you know it's good to be less likely to have the sort of fraud is Democrats they want to centralize everything.

These computer things that were investigated from the mileage said a word to million machines going all over the world and are not supposed even be connected. It's it's it's lightning it just makes me pray for the hasty return of the Lord to be very, very blunt because these are dangerous times, that's for sure. Yeah, hopefully we need to pray for that. Anyhow, but what I can tell you this what you think about this America is standing in the shadow of an angry God. God is very angry with America very very angry with America America.

Our sewers run red with the blood of innocent children know when they tell you it's 65 million is twice that Brian I know because I've talked to these abortionists over the years many of little coming out of come out of the Killeen industry and they'll tell you confidentially that the only it's is a common practice within the child Killeen industry told account for one out of every two babies you kill in the and so is is is mortal. It's more than 120 million in the sewers of one red and the blood of those witnesses have cried out, and people think well he know myself I would never have an abortion because, but I will not interfere with someone that does because were the Bible says your blood guilty to read Proverbs 24 verse 10, 11, 12 God says your globe, your blood guilty you go to lose that argument, and so how one remarked powerful moving that everything is one made regarding Chinese girl being killed and he would have scattered skeletal remains of fetuses all around areas with it, could actually see them because they were just buried one on top of another.

It would horrific and its people to just see the actually see some of that footage. I think wondering and more people become so cold you know I said here a couple years ago in North Carolina. We were having dinner there was 22 mountain yard no mountain yard to the really actual indigenous people of Vietnam. Are these the original natives of Vietnam mountain yard those of the men the fault with us during the Vietnamese war against the North Vietnamese communist and and when we we pulled out and left many of them there but I sat there with these pastors that had gotten out of North Vietnam and I could tell you some stories just unbelievable but the one pastor got a phone call and edit one of the smart phones you know you can you see who you're talking to his daughter was sold to Saudi Arabia because she couldn't pay her debt by the North Vietnamese sold Saudi Arabia and she called, they allowed her to call her father and and he could see her and she told this is the last time the last time you'll see me because today they're going to harvest my organs right yeah right there in that that was just unbelievable. That's that's what they did there, and so we did have time to get some mud and some others out in the one lady that we got out of there cost 500 bucks to get her out know no one 500 when they raised the blade was 5002 by her back but she said that she had witnessed two young young teenage girls written these girls being frozen to death. Quick frozen alive to death over there, to be preserved for the organs. So that's these things are happening in the world and you know what the all that is all of that of Sarah Brian is signs of the Lord doesn't return.

It's is because it's is assigned to the Lord is showing us how the wicked, the depravity has become so great that the his return is much closer to now is the time we fight like Christian soldiers will arise upon the cross so anyhow. Sarah telephone so they can get involved and help you get elected.

Well, call me. My name is parent, or might count on it. EL 540 500 I went to give you all my personal talk on call me I will tell you how you can volunteer time. You can donate, you can go on my website electrical work but I really want and anything need you to spread the word you want.

I mean it it clear now more than ever that unique strict constitutional judgment on your bench and and when somebody said who they are believe that my opponent with the divine appointee never ran for the court. It is a liberal leaping category. Political voted again in a heartbeat. Bill voted against stand your ground and then add at Ryan Clark will will tell you had ruined any lines of victims of murderers because they have now go to hearing every five years and and and and champion these kind of causes.

II urge you to get involved in all of your local elections, not just the judicial elections because we are going to be losing a country if you don't if we don't have Christian conservative voters coming out. Amen. It's you know it's it's because with the Bible because of the sin of omission to refuse to get it out the way to be salt and light so right now we have pastor how he wants to give an invitation for you folks out here because the time will come when there'll be no more politics, but the day will come, each and every one of us, when will stem before the Almighty judgment pastor how you there right yeah the Bible would probably commendably gain the whole world political in the Democratic party, the one rotors and that everybody like that there killing people that are killing their own people the tortured people all to get more control, more power, and what goods are going to do it because her first second and held in which the could give it all up and then have another chance to do right in the Bible says, except ye repent, you shall all likewise perish. Everybody, this is my voice right now I believe you'd rather go to heaven. Go to hell. Most of you been lied to all your life you been told that your good works are church membership, or something like that is going to get you to heaven.

But the Bible says not Jesus that I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father but by me.

John 14 six is when you go to Jesus Christ and admitted him there without him in your heart you just a dirty rotten lozenge they consider on your road to hell. That's what repentance is admittance on the God he knows already one sin we keep you out of heaven. And we sin every day of our lives in the order date, but the book Bible says the blood of Christ you know in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 17.

So when Jesus died on the cross was allowing him to pay the payment in full purpose and you and I've ever done. And in that payment was then done at all, and it was complete, but the payment of don't become yours automatically.

John 112 said, but as many as received him, to them gave you the power to become the sons of God. If you want to go to heaven. You have to really go to God and that the fact that you're a sinner and you need his forgiveness and then you get up early and asked Jesus to come in your heart.

The Bible says that whosoever shall call upon the name the Lord shall be saved and God hears me talking to you right now God knows was going through your mind through your heart right now. Listen folks you church membership income, the Savior, the Pope can save in the Catholic Church can save you. Your uncle Harry and aunt Sue can save you.

Only Jesus can save you and that happen right now. The Bible says his knock at the door of your heart.

Revelation 320, looking up at the door and invite him to come in will come in and give you the payment you gave you on the cross because salvation is a free gift. Ephesians 289. You can't do anything to earn it or deserve it. Now he's knocking at the door of your heart is offered to give you the payment you created your place on the cross so you could have eternal life.

If you want to receive her right now pray this prayer with me all Egypt the words of time.

But even though we were praying together be directly between you and God is only you can asked Jesus come in your heart and Savior. So when you say we pray. Oh dear God please forgive me, a sinner, Lord Jesus. I believe you died on the cross and shed your blood to save my soul and I hear now ask you to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins and save me.

Good Lord Jesus save my soul and give me eternal life in Jesus name, amen. Not you pray that prayer first John 513 says these things I written unto you that believe on the name of the synagogue you may know that you have eternal life, but that you may think it wishes to report that you may know, because God made you a promise. If you were sincere just now in US Jesus come in your heart that is in your heart right now and nobody can ever take that away from you. If you're saved in your say permanently.

Now God wants you to grow in Christ. Get yourself a King James Bible reading it, pray to God every day walk with him to ask the quench of any sins daily that come between you and him that's working a good fellowship with them and tell others to be saved. Jesus is keeping you here right now is been taken straight to heaven because he wants to use you to tell other people how to get saved good things and so Sarah you got 30 seconds to say good night Brian, you have 30 seconds to say good night thank you so much And there's I appreciate it Comical that only all I'm running for appellant 11th District Court of Appeals in Ohio.

I want your vote for the name third, or if you do the thing ;-) so much so I think Sarah and Ryan, go ahead.

You got 30 seconds. Yes, pastor standard great to speak with you again.

I feel like I'm 22. Once more, I want to say thank you for your ministry and everything you've done in the unborn have always been so central on my heart the innocent unborn and the fact that we have innocent elderly people in our state that are being murdered, and legislators who were earning the behalf of people who didn't ask for it. We gotta stop the development that we are all the time we got have you guys back soon, Jenny. Let's go back bullet doesn't let a lot thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance was right. What's left many ascenders to learn more about our ministry. Please visit us online at www.WR W. M was right preceding sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content