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TUE HR 2 022222

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Cross Radio
February 22, 2022 11:59 pm

TUE HR 2 022222

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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February 22, 2022 11:59 pm

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The Charlie Kirk Show
Charlie Kirk

Donate and listen to the podcast you are back go. You don't what he was talking about about there being that they never really isolated that this again.

The this whole thing is a hoax. Remember what we told people two years ago in March 2020. It's a hoax of the host. Don't fall for phone bill but into this well why will they not allow an investigation whose keeping that we Republicans are tried and tried and tried to get an investigation started into the know the origin of this whole cold call with thing, but whose art, who is the one number one that is stop. This will either find out here in just a minute. We have a clipboard and play in this. The annual sound. This is familiar, so mighty and you bring up can you hear me bring up the clip with Gov. Huckabee on nasty Pelosi here you go. It's good is coming up in just a minute is coming up and Julia is in their doing something with the other phones are ringing so for your care after phones under control on the board, nearly due mainly to keep bringing Jason and Minnesota pledges 50 thank you, Jason, and not we do need to keep on ready and we need the phones to coupon orient and so he's going to try bring up all he can find the clip what clip okay the one that the did that you loaded about 11 nasty Pelosi Potala. I'll have to get I think I can play therefrom and here and when I find it a lot. I'll come over there in just a minute so anyhow live radio program. Remember were all volunteers. I make a joke about being a highly unpaid professional because were all volunteers and were during the work and that's why your donations read is called Scott Schweitzer's new book, which is new book that's what Schweitzer's new book is the clip that we gave you to put in their and you didn't get it in to okay will if the news is Lisa fluttering about and she flutters in there.

I know how to find okay okay Lisa, bring me that phone over there bring that I will hook it up right here and played from in here okay and I can play it right off my smart Alec phone. I think let me see all the dairy cows started getting technical folks take a deep breath and say here anything you have a now okay let me see let me see if I can pick it up here okay there you go under the tread plate right upon here I'm employed the sin we plugged in here and here you go get ready. It's coming up and let me see.

Okay. We should be able to play it. I think we are back with Peter Schweitzer. This is the block is what were talking about and one you will want to read. It's called red-handed, and it's all about the explosive research that Peter has done this is New York Times number one bestseller. As I said earlier, I know it just fills them that this book is really flying off the shelves, but we want to get back to our conversation with Peter Kevin McCarthy very well may be the speaker of the house after the midterm elections. He has said that he become speaker doesn't help control the agenda, just like Nancy Pelosi as that he will launch investigations into the origin of covert as well as these deals and you talk about with Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. The millions of dollars they pocketed from that you trust will do that I hope will do that. I don't know Congressman McCarthy so I want to take him at his word. But you know. Talk is cheap in Washington.

So in the real test will be if he become speaker account if he takes action. I think the code investigation to me is particularly important to me. It's been out more than two happen in the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has refused for there to even be a committee hearing on the origins of covert.

In one committee hearing to even say maybe we should discuss to see where it came from. And honestly I think one of the reasons as I point out in the book is she and her family have strong financial ties in China, her husband and son have both done deals. There and she's really pivoted. She used to be quite critical of Beijing on human rights that is changed almost entirely so if McCarthy comes and I hope that those investigations happen and he has the power with some congressional committees to actually issue subpoenas. So how about we have subpoenas and have Hunter Biden others actually testify under oath about exactly what's going on. Well, we sure had a bunch of those committees subpoenas when Trump was there. Pelosi and Jerry Nadler and Eric small well and Adam Schiff and all those guys were all over everything, a lot of which was absolute noise. You mention Pelosi and you say that her family also has some deals going on in China.

Yes, serious once big ones yes so it's it's interesting in 1993 she visited China as a congresswoman. She unfurled a banner on Tiananmen Square criticizing their human rights policy. That's pretty amazing that's pretty well and I got.

I applaud her for that. The problem is in the tooth late to thousands her husband hooked up with the financial fund that 80% of their investments were in mainland China.

He also was the co-owner of a couple limousine companies now remember in 2008 Beijing have the Olympics Nancy Pelosi wanted to boycott those Olympics. Her husband's limousine companies both got deals to ship VIPs around Beijing during the Olympics and she literally changed her position to saying I don't support a boycott anymore and it's frankly been all downhill before what she says now is yes there committing genocide. Yes, there are massive human rights violations, but there are larger issues to worry about and we should bring them up and let them interfere. It's outrageous much larger than murdering an entire bunch of people I don't know that's a great question.

That's a great question we should ask her that I did she end of the Olympics. She actually was talking about – saying the athletes to go, but not say anything, don't rock the boat.

I am thinking we ought to be rock and some boats in China right now absolutely love it's it's in this essay, I think the beauty of what Ronald Reagan did when he was president.

We were locked in a Cold War with the Soviet Union is regularly said our enemy is not the Russian people. It's this Soviet government and dictatorship and it's the same thing. The biggest victims of Chinese communism are the Chinese people. So our enemy. I'll use that word is the Chinese Communist Party, which has this agenda which is repressing its people.

The Chinese people are. I think ultimately going to be our best allies if we decide to effectively challenge the Chinese government its legitimacy, which is something we should do here. A lot of the big American corporations. They're not stupid.

They know that there are significant human rights violations their slave labor. There's child labor is exploitation, but they continue to do business there. Why is it that they just look the other way is the dollar that powerful to them. I think it is. I think also some of these leaders have a a certain attraction.

They talk about the efficiency of the Chinese government will force dictatorships are very efficient. There's an appeal that they have an it goes further than just doing business there.

As I point out in the book of Google, Microsoft, they both sponsor with money and technical advice, sponsor research in China and the artificial intelligence which is sort of vital to this tech competition has military application. The laboratories they are finding are known to become connected to the Chinese military so we have a situation where some of America's great company's richest companies are actually subsidizing the Chinese military in their race against us.

At the same time you had Google employees saying we don't want to do any work with the Pentagon because it goes against our moral concern that we that's insane. It is like American taxpayers and American consumers who are making these come companies multinational American companies wealthy. They take the wealth and then they use it.

Basically, to betray the US and the very people that made them rich in the first place. And betrayal is I think exactly the right word and you have a situation were Bill Gates of Microsoft is advising the Chinese government on science and technology matters. He's invested in a company called BYD which is building among other things, missile guidance technology and guess where those missiles are going to be aimed, you have other situations involving of Mark Zuckerberg and the investments he is the founder of Facebook. Of course investments he's made. They all are recklessly engaging in commerce with China. These are smart people they know what they're doing.

The problem is governor. They just don't seem to care. They're more concerned about their business and about their money, it just say our audience. Get the book.

Read it and if you can find that Peter has misrepresented.

If he's been dishonest if these facts aren't right. Let us know because I have read some of Peter's works.

I am just amazed at the level at which he documents what he says.

So if you want to learn more about Peter Schweitzer and how to get the book red-handed as well as the rest of his hard-hitting box. If you go to our website We have a direct link to the way to get the book and all of the things that Peter is doing. Do it for your country safe Schweitzer on a radio program.

The last time to write didn't hear a lot about because of certain technical problems, okay? Do you remember when we had Peter Schweitzer on the program. The last time he had just come out with another book that the other book on the Clinton's right exposing the Clinton foundation.

The absolute total corruption. For these people that are above the law. Those people that can afford to buy the wall that's that's the way they're doing now that partners even with all the crew fell through the book documented book where he had everything just like this new book documented always tease crossties dotted all the proof. There is a hush from the media.

The media does not get the truth out to the American people through programs like this in some of the conservative outlets that Karen put out but great part of America never hears the truth yeah Joe that's what it's why you know they want to keep the don't want to talk about the Durham report all of the stuff is leading right to infect the infection to infective breaking here. I've got this right here Obama CIA spying on president felt we knew that two years ago I was fed.

President Combs transition material by Hillary's operatives this here now this is a very, very, very serious. The CIA was spying on the president of the United States. Remember when that was called trees and you remember now, it still should be called treason by the definition by our Constitution. It still is treason to Combs transition files were provided to the CIA by Hillary Clinton's operatives. This is real sedition.

That's the real sedition. January 6 at hero rioters and got out of hand that should've been held in check. There were just angry and they were lit in by the DC police or FBI stooges or agents got everything started. It was a set up. But the real memo.

The real enemy. Are these people that are really committing treason against America trying to destroy the Constitution that I can equate anonymous in Michigan pledges 500 500 both the phone lines look him his Miranda right now we are we are about to latte one minute here we were at okay right now we are 4402 or 4400 short, we have approximately 36 minutes for 4400. We got you more than $100 a minute and assume 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673 to let me let me read this very quickly.

Last week we documented special counsel John Durham's motion discussing the potential conflicts of interest of the Michael Sussman attorneys that filing was was important for number of reasons, mainly because Durham stated that Sussman's client, Rodney Joffe, a federal contractor with access to central Sentinel dated exploited Internet traffic data demand in name systems or DNS pertaining to the executive office of the United States of America. After Sussman's attorney responded to the Durham's fleet filing a stating that Sussman provided the CIA with executive office of the president data from when Barack Hussein Obama nation was president we authorized that this data was from the transition. Because that's where that's when there would be accessed from steam. If Sussman's attorney is telling the truth. Never is never given an offer on the level that we suspect the executive office of the president data included that from that 74 day the truck transition period between November 8, 2016 election and January 20, 2013 inauguration which would still be spying on the incoming comp administration. There you go, or to scale airway goal and the people that Derek should've been put in jail, let alone spying on the office of the president felt so we have a nation that is corrupt and what we have to do is throw the bums out.

We have to take over our local governments are city governments or county government that people have to conservatives are not like politics didn't want to get involved because they're not there to tell people how to live like the power-hungry Democrats. But we have to get into government geared to have our people get into office. People who will rule. All godly for the well-being of the community. The well-being of the city. The well-being of the state, the well-being of the nation of light from said you know that we have to be there for all of the people, but is good for the country should be good for everyone.

Joe, we have two hours and 35 minutes time to raise enough money to stay in the infant of the month we no one losing the station supposed to meditate lead is been very very close and you will not believe how hard we've had to fight the stay.

I mean we've had that scratch and fight the Stanley station is now we need to hear from you.

We really do. We've got the approximately about 234 minutes left and we still need what I just say 4400, $1100, about $122 a minute.

We have to be of station has to become self-supporting and everything started to go bad in a country of pastor and he took on quite a few stations because he was asked to write people all across America.

Please. We want your show on. We want to show one. We need to truth to be told but that given some really good deals but after a period of time. Those low entry rates get raised because the radio stations have to make a profit and that's what were having to fight against. We have all the stations and were being.

The cost is drawn up and we have to be able to cover the bills or we have to shut down station so each station has to become right now. 888 Jill we have to give that number. They've got to call 888-281-1110 or 88867796, Timothy jumped you know, Eric Holder, the you know was happening. Let me read you this because Eric Holder's left. The selection of the group gave $200,000 to go to a North Carolina judge In re in a redistricting case now. Guess what something very similar is happening right here in Ohio and I had to give an action release will meet. Let me read this post.

Please call we need to hear from you.

I am what I'm looking I don't see any line sliding up at all. They've got the light of those lines have the lineup. Okay, here is a former US Atty. Gen. Eric Holder should know that bribery is a crime.

Or maybe he just learned how to master the art of monetary persuasion under the tutelage of his old boss of former Pres. Barack Hussein Obama nation. In any case, North Carolina Republicans allege that Holder and his leftist election rigging national Democrat.

We talked about this before rigging national Democratic rate redistricting redistricting committee have improperly influenced the note North Carolina Supreme Court justices whose vote could be crucial in improving or quashing the states redistricting efforts reported the Washington Free beacon Anita earls, a death or credit justice on the Democratic judge, who called just to settle on the state Supreme Court received through this wizard due to the fact received a whopping 20 when you sell yourself for money when it what is that called coring Anna Horan, Glenna Horning. She went a whoring okay $200,000 campaign contributing from the D. R and DRC.

In addition to Holder personally endorsing earls in the 2018 for the Supreme Court now after saying that limited was going on here in Ohio. This is a Ohio value for this action alert and we have the very same thing happening here.

All of a sudden, every one of our Republican Justice Maureen O'Connor. All of a sudden, she switches Joe switches into both with the death of Krantz and by the way the Republicans it was there they get the milk majority so they put the districting out inherently just read this very quickly. Chief Justice Wayne O'Connor is about to appoint a master commissioner to review the appointment maps that the redistricting commission has passed the intent of the death of Krantz and the court is to draw their own maps, not what the redistricting commission approved Ohio voters in 2015 approved an amendment to the Ohio Constitution that authorized the Ohio redistricting commission to draw the maps, not the Ohio Supreme Court the commission with a legislator has the duty to approve the maps, not the state Supreme Court. The folks out there in Ohio. Please read the dissenting opinion now.

Three of the judges, Kennedy DeWine and Fisher date they have a decision and here's what they say we dissent for the majority's pronouncement that the revised Gen. assembly district plan violates article 11, section 6 a and 6B of the Ohio Constitution and is therefore invalid and we disagree with the majority's decision to retain jurisdiction over the case and is set arbitrary time limitations in the new rules for the Ohio redistricting commission to work has no basis in and that text of the Ohio Constitution. Another word somebody But somebody got a lot of, and that's exactly what is happening here in Ohio. Just what would but when he did in North Carolina. He's doing here in Ohio. Artwork happened all over this country. People have sold out the United States of America for fame and fortune for money for businesses so Wall Street, the Silicon Valley sold out to China for money. The NBA did basketball football team sold out for money and we have the politicians selling their souls to the highest bidder for power and to keep the campaign funds coming in okay Joe I can say that anonymous and venue pledges 100 anonymous from Oregon pledges 200 and Betty from Michigan pledges 100.

Thank you think you think I didn't know anonymous was such a popular name in America. Yeah were just kidding folks three. We know that a lot of you have neighbors and stuff that don't need to know you.

Listen anonymous comes through because they'll still send through and there will be a money order and will be made out to us but we know no name and indicate no and knows and then you'll have no signature and money order so there you go to come through, so I've got to do one story here if I can remember back in February, 21, 20, 20 yesterday biting Vladimir pertinent doesn't want me to be president. He doesn't want me to be our nominee, if you're wondering why it's because I'm the only person in this field who's ever gone toe to toe with exactly 2 days.

Two years ago yesterday and what it couldn't do yesterday started moving his tanks into the two provinces now go back there was in 2014 pertinent annexed Crimea and all that was during the Obama Biden administration when Biden was the point man in Ukraine at the time. Right when Crimea was annexed by the Russians.

But what people don't know was he went in to a meeting and this is from the book Joe Biden and authorized by Linda Goodman March 2011, Biden was in Moscow during his first visit with Putin. Remember that kind of afraid of him who was the Prime Minister Russian Prime Minister, not the president buddies only the Prime Minister now during a joint news conference, Biden launched into a closer look soliloquy about his visits to Russia during the Cold War, suddenly VP Biden's microphone was cut off. Then the proselyting was switched off and Putin's aide ushered the media out of the room.

Putin had publicly humiliated the vice president United States. They got body slammed here is our great foreign policy expert who just got pumped. Vladimir Putin set there smiled at him had no fear, no respect and that attorney unsurprisingly news of this very deliberate indignity never made it into the media coverage of the trip, but Goodman sputtered in the book Goodman was there at the time you brave Pres. Biden that you know potent crumbles that the very mention of his name right but a liar you telling me you know dilute plans we hadn't and we have this problem here in Ohio to right now.

We've had to into bills for Kent Constitution carry memory Constitution limited Second Amendment to eliminate.

Remember we had to build sitting there in the been held up, held up in the get the complete and total support of the people of Ohio but there held up by rhinos Raymond Reynolds not by the Democrats by the rhinos all right. Look, we got some pretty good Lord we have dug from new jersey pledges.

A thousand thank you judge whether it is that I believe it's May as it may from Chicago is made from Chicago pledges 200 think you may and Ray from Philly pledges 200 think you of great but there you go to one and all, everything, everything else now you know. Too often we've we've gone after the clergy, both here and in Canada but there was a story out late yesterday the clergy are warning could go to step back from the blank out from the brink. We are deeply concerned that you do not appreciate the significance of God's wrath. Dozens of members of the Canadian clergy have written an open letter to Trudeau and other officials charging them with ignoring brush aside and insulting the nation's residence and using every and all using our needs at their disposal, but the they put it on the Liberty coalition Canada online and they put their names to it and they went on to say you know God's not happy with what's going on and use faith and he said in response to your there.

The protesters singing, praying, dancing, speeches about the Constitution patriotic love your government not only refused to meet you've insulted degraded light about them and are furthering dividing a hurting and broking nation and a set as ambassadors of Christ and blah blah blah.

We do not hesitate to fulfill our responsibility of the servants of the living God by unapologetically reminding you that Jesus Christ is Lord and King, and the ruler of the kings of earth he sets up kings pull down the mighty from their throne and none can stay his hand went on to telling them not to be wise. Oh, King, remember this Psalm to be instructed you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling tests.

The sunless TV, angry, and you perish. When his wrath is kindled but a little blessed are all those who put their trust in him.

Anyone on the tell them you are not king or ruler of Canada. You are a servant, you have no authority to remove the rights of the people. So the church in Canada. Finally, there are some pastors who are standing up and speaking out and we need to pray for them because we know that the government will go after them for this one ready Harry from Germantown pledges 50 and 89 from Texas pledges 20 until first of all Germantown is that there Ohio yet is held down by consent Vincent Columbus and now here and first limitations of them. God's Word, the Bible does not standard. It tells you that our rights come from God our rights, that the difference between a right and a privilege denied again using the highways with motor vehicle is considered to be a privilege for gay travel is a right and 1/2 men are our rights come from God and and could no during Canada. He doesn't believe that he believes that the rights granted to you by his dictatorial state limit the former Chief Justice. She said according to that Canadian their government documents the rights to recover from government not God, that's only in our Constitution let you know what know it's in it's in God's Word, the Bible.

It's in God's Word the Bible, King James Bible tells you is secretive that God grants people their rights not not the little Castro located Sylvain men already in the amendment to defund Biden's vaccine mandates fails after four rhinos after four rhinos mitzvot Republicans temporarily held narrow majority in the Senate with with three different grants absent so they had three death grants and said they couldn't pass this through before rhinos senators doomed an amendment that would have banded funding for the Biden regimes coven vaccine mandates by failing to show up for a vote last week and wonder how would they got for that. You have your name. Oh yeah, Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Jim, I'm off of Oklahoma and Mitt Romney of Utah from the area would have to be in there but Mitt Romney, Lindsay Graham absolutely Graham always talks. One of those a toxic heck of a good fight but when it comes to walking the walk, not so much you across the aisle to go to the other side and within the visual he's done in alignment already here were selling ourselves out folks, we gotta get rid of these rhinos when the election comes is not just the Democrats that have to be tossed out of office. We have to have people stand up and running till we've got about 10, 17, 18 minutes and we need 2500 2500 $200 left 2500 the traits of and we can about 18 minutes so folks out there somebody out there so many others is just make a pledge at 2500 and we can go with it and with the rest of the program. This program out would rather be working on that telling people there's so many things going on here want to talk about that about this Queens Queen Elizabeth. She had to the coated and guess what, they treated her coven would either make them just to hear here's what 94 and she is on light duty, but the little healthy kids have to be vaccinated and masked with the Queen at 94 is on light duty only because she is getting the correct medication you know it's been an amazing thing. People parents are finally standing up nation of the new parents. Yeah, long ago we told you please remember two years ago we told you this whole thing is a scam. Don't fall for don't bite look, look, member global warming we've had over 30 inches of global warming appear in the ground of folks in an intelligent and has not been any fungus at all, one time and we got a bunch more that coming told by this you cannot believe anything he cannot convert innovators in control of the weather at very plain in the book of Job, that it is God himself, and control a brings the weather for as per mercy, for judgment or for the land and the that's his domain were not going to be able to outdo God. I guarantee you that will in Genesis chapter 8 the last two verses. He tells you he tell God you guys were guises look as long as he keeps the earth he's going to keep the climate and keep the seasons you got off God's word. God's word and that Joe the reason you haven't.

The reason you're not hearing anything and that the fake news media about the fake Russia Russia Russia probe and that by the fake news media is because they were all conspirators. They were all part of that they heard the radio was handed back it was the driving force of everything purposely putting out false information that they could be charged with the date they did.

This is treason. Okay Jane from Philly pledges 100. Thank you Jane from Philly was still, I got I got a keep giving those numbers because we've got 15 minutes left and were still 2500 short so 88828111108882811110 or 888-677-9673 let's 888-677-9673 folks. We got to hear from you got 15 minutes left tonight 15, just 15 minutes left to raise 2500 bucks.

We gotta get it done then we have to learn that we have less than actually two hours to mojo to get enough done for the entire we were actually planning on going another day. But guess what this was going to happen Thursday to say thing that happened last Thursday radio another ice storm and everybody's getting prepared for it yet. One week ago and then do so you know this and that which was to get a ton of snow on top of that so we don't want to try to have to bring in.

The folks out here and there warning its hazardous hazards have so hard through most dangerous are not thinking earlier reductase, the president and vice president are just so ashamed of our country tighten told another big whopper.

I don't think most people heard it but fight in a couple days ago I was talking about how when he was young he grew up in a family where the price at the pump was felt in the kitchen. He returned to Tallassee he fills her pain. He knows what it's like to have high gas prices affect the family, but that's a fair bit.

Nobody caught it. Biden didn't endure food shortages because of pricey gasoline well simply because he was born in 1942 when Biden was growing up the price of gasoline with a flat it was cheap folks didn't fluctuate back and up until about 1970, the dollar was defined as 1/35 of the gold announced and prices of commodities were stable, just didn't go up and down. It was very very stable and so this claims about knowing the gas went up. We didn't have money to eat. I think it's well recalled, and outcome mentor out here but it would've been a great teachable moment because you go back and realize for many years there with the dollar fixed the value fixed on goal. We had a more stable economy. We didn't have these wild fluctuations until we went off the gold standard and once we did that, we've had all kinds of other problems so there's no this for a night like tonight I could go into a little economy, one in Philly notices that the sin on over so there's a lot of people that name is is I think there copycatting that is all right a none in Philly pledges 500 that takes his than the 2000 we need 2008 were getting their yet we are, we had 12 minutes left. Now I remember Jill back and I remember buying gas. I had a muscle car back in 64 became a 63 421 tonic Pontiac and them I was. I remember complaining Joe and editorial intake complain because it cost me five dollars. Joe, five dollars to fill that thing and yes a $0.25 a gallon Dell in the complaint well extracted mileage is so prophetic, but the rest of us that added the card that what you like.

I had a 283 Chevy engine they got a lot better gas mileage and not at five bucks at last all week for gasoline. When did they start getting cars losing service in South Dakota okay anyway, it was Biden not only Biden but get this Paris is over.

Remember, in Europe only has he was talking about how Europe she gave him a lesson on wars Europe right I heard that I wireless for 70 years I think.

Did she forget about the Yugoslav wars did she forget about Russia's attacks on Georgia and Ukraine.

The Berlin wall came down to sweat three decades ago.

I mean that Yugoslav wars then we had the there was a whole lot of people killed and enslaved during that and in all did.

We also help with that other of the Christians were fighting the Muslims there are and what country is like the T20 Christians were fighting generative services in the late 90s. It was how they direct our government sided with Muslims against the Christians made out of Yugoslav live in doing that in France and been doing in Britain to downside and elation she didn't know her history she was trying to tell the Europeans about wars, so I never got a lady that knows nothing and gets caught telling offers Regatta president to Tell the truth hidden in a great storyteller. You should've gotten a job with Walt Disney along with uncle Remus is that of a politician he should of been a storyteller, but Joe, you know what is freedom. Freedom is on the rule because 38,000 strong trucker convoy 38,000 strong convoy is heading coming this coming Friday from from heading from Los Angeles to the DC 38,000 truck strong while they claim by the time they get to DC, the government could take like 1012 days ago a lot of stops in speeches and people join. I think they estimate 100,000 trucks.

By the time it gets to DC within nobody there to be something leaving that's freedom floats freedom week we hope we don't see what happened in Canada happened or will you know that you know the Joe Obama was it was behind and they were talking about that they're working right along just as right at the time Joe Obama quietly extended again. The so-called left emergency. I now hate the very same thing. He quietly did that exactly the same time that the little caster didn't Canada right in there putting up fences around the capital remain is called in the National Guard.

I'm afraid he is been watching Trudell is going to be tougher on the American truckers that ever was uncertain K and in and in Minnesota pledges 400 that takes us down to 1610 in San Diego pledges 25 so I think down to about 1575 we got and we have a product with the eight minutes minutes left and just remember if you don't call them. A lot of people don't call in during pledge week but they send their donations in and if you do that, just write to us W RW L ministries. The address is 147811 4781 Sperry Rd. SPE RR Line Rd. in Newberry any WBUR why OH 44065. That's W RW L ministries 147811 4781 Sperry Rd., Newberry any WBUR why OH 44065 or you can go find out if you're driving down the road can't write it down, go to W RW L.O RG and you can find that information there. So a lot of you have allowed us this really don't want to call and so just they can send your pledge there. Jill listen to this this this is amazing. I may be preaching was willing. Leslie changed it and sending on hypocrisy only guides when the Bible has a lot to say about I buy or does it and here we were seeing all of these people unlatching all of them out there without wearing the mask forcing it. In other words, within the Democratic within the collective. If you can do that if you can force your will upon people and in other words, make them do as you say, not as you do to one's high hypocrisy is is is something to be as deplorable to listen hypocrisy is an evil thing to to the death. The credits hypocrisy is something to be embraced.

Did you know where it says that right in God's Word, the Bible Isaiah 32 and worked in that book, and it's right in there okay and so to them is something to be in place to us is repulsive about in the high hypocrisy and I've and I've heard them boasting they boast about how we've seen it lately seen how the governor there in California.

How they've had their big dinners and nobody was wearing a mask, yet the were putting people in jail for refusing to the same thing lately. The school boards of going out you had some some hypocrite of the school board just reason I think you know, but I'd watch the woman who stood up and she talked about.

She showed pictures of the president of the school board who jumped up and ran out the door and the high hypocrisy is amazing. All right we we have little in Vista California pledges $10 out of focus. We get five minutes. We have five minutes left at 88828111108882811110 or 888 MEC 677-9673 if they were getting another update here limits it with the update is in this one here is that the limits of the here we just had that one before.

Yeah, you didn't change anything.

Currently I haven't heard certain steak tonight. Certain places that are typically heard anything from Arkansas. No, I didn't see anything from Arkansas to Loretto nothing from Colorado tonight.

We deafly didn't want to hear from Colorado with a California we've had in River Texas or Florida.

We had Philadelphia if we had New York. We had let me see what we get some more coming in right now. Reggie from South Dakota Reggie from South Dakota pledges 200 okay Claudia from New York pledges 200 a ligament you got to Claudia's of their OIC 30 go Claudia from New York pledges 20 Claudia from new pledges 20 and so let's get this down there clothes you don't want to scare the car. Claudia like that. You are on a fixed income and somebody to start setting zeros.

I get scary. Yeah they might they, Democratic politician and really don't want to go there. Okay we got four minutes with four minutes left and were down about 1400.

We have four minutes were done about 1400. You don't talk about their that the Lord touches somebody's heart. God is blessing people with the ability to make a very good living in. This is a good way to Lampson crowns and treasures in heaven, letting your donation work for you and God says that you support a ministry doing his work that well.

He will bless you that you get to share in all the rewards are member this ministries more than just the radio King's word school of the Bible there is a prison ministry there is a right to life, ministry pastors event in hospice are still are as a trucker ministry and there's some else I can't remember another something I'm missing that anything that honors the Lord in any of those works.

You get to share the blessings for you support the ministry.

Listen to what Biden says to Joe Biden sanctions Russia listen to this warning America of the economic costs of defending freedom. Defending freedom Joe Biden is targeting to my hypocrisy about defending freedom if he had his way, he would take away our every single freedoms that we have is already the economic costs he's already done it by shutting down our pipeline, but allowing the Russian staff there pipeline into Germany, and now your Europe is dependent on Russia for energy we use today. We in the past, just all year ago. Curtis set natural gas and energy to Europe, but we can't now because the is closedown or natural gas pipelines are oil.

I basically turned off the energy expected all over me has he's bringing the inflation he sees trying to break the back of America you going to have you going to see them with housing collapse everything he's doing is to destroy America subsidies.

The rent is up 50% or more housing the cost of housing in their Joe Biden in the death of Craddock.

You know the intense and erratic party of the real enemies not ration as much, not even as much China is the death of credit collective here that limited what freedom is, a Virginia teacher was fired Joe for refusing to call a girl or boy now see you got fired unit.

If you're forced you will call that girl or boy. Okay, no states unclean Supreme Court had the opportunity to decide whether local school board violated the teacher's legal rights. Now that the court has the opportunity to do that we can see what happens. A lawyer for the French teacher Peter Fleming asked Tuesday that the Virginia Supreme Court take up the case of lambing the West Point school board. The government can force any Virginian to express messages that violate their core beliefs. Chris Shen Deville told the daily signal for arguing for Fleming before Virginia's highest court.

Joe, you got about three minutes. Can you do it. I sure can. The one thing that we do at the end of every program is tell you how to become a born-again believer because of the most important thing in the world is about where will you spend eternity resuspended in heaven with the saints and our Lord, or the Satan in hell. It's one of those things God is a holy, righteous, God and he can't have sin in his presence. So he realized the body is what sin the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and so he sent his son to be that sacrifice, the Lamb of God, the take away the sins of the world.

Jesus Christ came from the father to go to the cross of Calvary and he came and took your place my place paid the price for our sins. And if we are willing to accept what he did for us if we repent in our hearts that are sin caused him to go on the cross, caused him that pain that suffering that we call upon the father and asked for forgiveness. Forgiveness of those sins of put the Lord on the cross, we will be forgiven if we have a repentant heart.

We truly are. Sorry. And then we can ask for Jesus Christ to become Lord of our life and the Lord all of our life that we give ourselves to him completely without reservations and we ask him to become our Savior to become our king to send us the Holy Spirit indwelling of the Holy Spirit and that is our down payment on everlasting life.

We become a born-again believer a new creature, a new creation. We become a joint heir with Jesus and everlasting life, and we become part of the family of God. We are given a gift that cannot be taken away. Salvation cannot be taken away once it's given and this is the biggest biggest decision ever. It's not what car you drive what house you have, what job you have is your relationship with God that personal relationship for Jesus Christ is indwelling in you is that I am in the father. The father in me and I am in you that makes you part of the family of God forever and that something you have to do. Nobody can do it for you. Nobody can save you but Christ and you have to ask him. And God does exactly what he says he always always wear out a time for tonight so as we do this every night.

This time we went to see good night God bless and always, always, always keep fighting the fight. Thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance is right. Left posted by Pastor Ernie send their to learn more about our ministry. Please visit us online at www.W IW and not on please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left preceding program is sponsored by right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content