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FRI HR 1 021822

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Cross Radio
February 19, 2022 12:35 am

FRI HR 1 021822

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Good evening and welcome to another additional what's right what's left I'm radio pastorally centers, and indeed this is the voice of the Christian resistance on this Friday, February 18, 2022 and tonight we have the Lord of the board is none other than courageous Craig. Good evening everybody have a great weekend. All right with thank you and we have those two were known men of stature listen that of come here to grace the airwaves with her extraordinary election a great wealth of knowledge, you know, Ms. the two Jones John McCurn and John Holman hello Phyllis all learned" from you and all is good evening everyone. Right that introduction. I wasn't sure you were talking about. It's a pleasure to be here about me going about our well it was kindness that introduction was either between what I just said her to good old hillbilly boys boys you want to admit all right as we got Holland talk about you guys really I am ready. Okay were going to get it done tonight. Okay, the title of the message was is this is the last very last part of were doing tonight the black robe regimen marches on and I got that because I would hear from pastors.

Pastors are calling me and encouraging me to continue doing what were doing. I'm seeing some resistance and freedom fighters raising up amongst the clergy. If you guys notice any of I have encountered our brothers to the north there there resting pastors and jailing them for taking a stand and then of course, and over the years we've had a number of pastors in this country a lot that are taken to Stanford the encouragement I'm getting is well.

It's it's it's it's literally exhorting you might say. And so with that were going to get up where we left off the last part that's in Romans chapter 8 verses 35 through 39.

Romans 835 through 39 and so what. Why don't the John Holman one to read that Romans 835 to 39. All right, shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword, as it is written.

Provide sake we are killed all the day long we are counted as sheep for the slaughter may in all things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 35 and 36 we read who shall separate us from the love of Christ.

Now notice what what the apostle Paul says he knew something he knew something, do you think he knew what what what was coming within a couple years.

What would soon happen that the they would be on they would undergo a terrible, terrible persecution of the church and so here it was kind tell them that is soon the church for the Lord's sake was going to realize some pretty painful realities. When you think he said 21 through as it is written for, but I think we are killed all the day long we are, and the sheep to the slaughter, nay, but now look, look in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us what you think he meant by that were more than conquerors through him that loved us while earning that mean that we can live above whatever is happening so it would be when they treated. We live above it. Would God flow with fear conquered. We live above it with Godspeed that's critical. So James chapter 4, he tells us that this lifespan is like a vapor that appears before nested minutes gone the case of where living in a society today that is decided in their minds that God will be what they say God is remember Mr. Nietzsche that was what he said would hear. Now this guy was, he would he would fit in.

He was one of the local people because he made such contradictory statements.

One thing he he would say that he curse God for giving him such great intelligence that he has such great intelligence that he was a responsible to teach our new enlightened the populace that a he went on to say that that God that that had created when men that God had created man, but now through technology and science that it is going to return the favor and God is going to be what man says he is to think that mindset is very prevalent today and the doctor found cheese and the others who earn here at home so here now but then he went on to say my my brothers in the struggle that God that has so tormented you instead your free is God dammit no is Nikkei did you okay and Sammy does that and go ahead early and I know you mentioned it before but what you said about Nietzsche could be in. And that is really quiet I mean! On this frequency in the insane when he wantonly died with Bloomberg literally insane delete delete the often take a listen to some of the decisions made by those in power in this country and say they're insane to what well well in training but there's an agenda, good doing and of course it look like insanity, but amendment the real diabolical people looking well when when you have a country and you're going to increase the economy. So what you do you shut down the pipeline shut down the oil pipelines you put the those that are producing because America under Pres. Trump, a real president under Pres. Trump, a president that was too good for any liberal president that was way too good for any level. Note no liberal could deserve a president as good as Trump was in here now under under common sense and and you know what the Bible says over in Proverbs chapter 29 verse two, and so it talks about a man of understanding that under a man of understanding. Well, let me take you there and I'll read it. Proverbs 28 verse two for the transgressions of the land. Many are the princes that were his legislators means legislators for the transgressions. Therefore, but by a man of understanding and knowledge. The state therefore shall be prolonged and so here we had a man of understanding and knowledge, but it was too good and and for those people that I feel a little crazy like crazy. You have to can you be saying and and fight against God do a fight at a sane person would fight against God. Not a fan person I wouldn't think so. So shutting down the pipeline and begging our enemies to sell us oil would you say that's is either insane or very very stupid or both about that running I diabolical of 800 North America art silk production that was going to come down from Canada course was going to benefit us in the end all oil production domestically here in this country is projected to go whale and so there may have been some kind of an oatmeal cut.

I don't know Pam started between the.

The oil producers in the state and and Biden. I don't know but anyway, that allows them to charge more and out for our our oil reserves in this country. Okay, let's let's take a look at this. Go back and take a look at what you might say insanity or least least reprobate. The Bible gives refers to is a reprobate mind now here Obama formally known as Joe Biden wants to increase abortion.

He thinks it abortion that he wants to take off all restrictions from abortion have as much abortion as possible kill as many babies as possible.

27 was to remove all restrictions now. God God has made a very, very clear. He has said woe unto those that harm the little woe unto them, he said they'd be better off if they'd never been born. They be better off. He's talking about those that harm the little ones if they had a millstone which weighed 4000 pound hug around the neck and thrown into the sea. So here now you have the Obama formally known as Joe Biden shaking his rebellious fist in the face of God and talking broke, proclaiming to be a good Catholic and encouraging people to destroy transgress God's dominion that would you say that's kind of insane in my thinking is Jacob who and so here I would say so to solicit a look at this here lease is made all these things were more than conquerors okay they're gonna die and work in a die. Okay, now there's going to be a difference to be a difference when we go through the lineal, what who are the born-again Christians to the millennial kingdom that 1000 year. What are we going to be the rule and reign with Christ so that they more than conquerors. So what about the Democrats during that period. Well, it will not availing go ahead and goes back a rod of iron will of God or the word okay so now he says this for I am persuaded that benthic listen, listen carefully to this because he takes you to the very realm of death, that neither death limitation to the very realm of life, no angels, no principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come. The height nor depth of any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord's help, to say that that will not there's nothing out there he goes to the realm realm of death is there's nothing in all of death. Nothing in all of death that it does lead to the realm of life. Nothing in all of life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, we know so when he says death that would that would regard to the past to, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, not would you say that that statement to separate us from the love God would be would be like saying would be able to take away our salvation orbiting their list their pastor and it's interesting that it starts out with strongest thing. I think it will not listed that and then down to a creature so know those things in that list are not able to separate us from the love of God loves all things that we understand those are all things that we encounter and so know that the area they cannot simply Genesis salinities telling you is separation from God is the loss of salvation, but he's telling it is impossible is impossible to be separated from God. Therefore, it's impossible to lose your salvation that weighs telling telling you that old those cranes load external thing and not separated from God's love and eternal life. All right very good you to pass your test tonight, but let's go over to John chapter I think that yeah yes this is this is this is the class I get are you going to curb the grade I Will it with will see is go to first John chapter 5, first John and and is going to be versus verses four and five, first John chapter 5 verses four 500 you get to read this time incurred because he got to read the first time quote whatsoever is born of God overcome it.

The world and the victory that overcome it. The world, even our faith: he that overcome at the world but he that believe the good news of M when he says here this that whosoever is born of God overcome with the world is that going to be an easy thing for us to do is overcome the world will know unless you are born of God, you can become a number, you can be a number, but he goes on to say the next first and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith so it's it's by our faith is by holding to our faith that we overcome the world. And so how how is it that we overcome the world where faith leaving the road overcame the world and the world to the left of the article was the pride of life and you overcame it in because of the power in a quick note. Okay, so he goes and who is he that overcome with the world, but he that believe is that Jesus is the son of God.

Now an option active ongoing relief. An outward is not just once. Okay so so look Bible says that every demon in hell believes in God and they fear having a fear God, they all known well believe that God exists. But what's the difference between believing in the existence of God and believing on God we will believe everything that the product Scripture say about Jesus is the essence of your faith. In other words, there is only one wearing that you can have eternal life, and get the heaven that is through the shed blood of Christ, so believing that Jesus Christ exists does not result in salvation. There's a lot of people that have an intellectual assent, the Christ lived, but they don't believe that he is through the Bible says is so what we just read okay. What would you say that the standard of authority is there and what we just read what what would be that standard of authority is is that authority something that we can absolutely completely count upon. Is there anything that's anything and in today's world, it just assures what we just went over is that okay is it by itself, is there any other authority that that even compares with what got no no current all so that how much trust can we put in those two verses for which whatsoever is born of God overcome with the world and this is the victory that overcome with the world, even our faith, who is he that overcome of the world. But he that believe that the Jesus is the son of God.

So he's talking about being basically when you believe in Jesus son of God, and that's that your born-again believer right up who became movement and that Craig inquired about that allows the Lord "who overcome the world overcome bonded but victory in our faith in him and the power, the power of the Holy Spirit that works in so I guess the point that we really want to make the people out there listed because you see there's a lot of people talk about whether the Bible is a religious book is is that it a lot of good points in her. I remember fell on death row for 17 years.

I was his pastor before the executing and he considered himself to be quite intellectual and he would lady was study different religions and he would he would compare Roman say well he would care.

The comparative teachings of Christ would boot and others and he would tell you he hasn't quite made up his mind on which he believes in or how much he believes in it or so and so forth until until a couple weeks before his execution and then I I've met with him. He made a begged me to come and explain to him. He wanted insurance. He wanted absolute assurance showing even though remember he he was one who read scriptures when he wanted me to explain to him how he can be absolutely sure that the word of God is true.

That's absolutely that you can absolutely positively depend upon that being true, so what would what would you have told him John.

John, both the conversely home. I got currently no condemnation under under the court to the Bible to our hearts. Here are short can't quite get the right one set our short hair let's that's a ballroom with looking for seven okay which one is it I tell you what you guys listen, ponder this, ponder this. I will be back right after this thing will be right back, take a similar job. He was born of Elizabeth, the son of Zechariah is that my God the father claim #he was as bold as a lion in the new no an awesome man in a big John. John in the wilderness of Judea. There he was, regionally, and it was very loud later for generation of life is more the rent, better listen. There is preached to the center. The Milliron only one way out of that burning, like I the truth under this righteous man, and those that believe promised land that John Johnson chosen by the father to baptize the sun. It was there, and then Jordan saw something was, the Holy Ghost ascended and work with mighty voice thundered. This is my seven in whom I will leave John is none greater than 80 told people about God's never give written treatment of the job was done.

Big nap. John John met 2000 years later in the story will be and hold how he was going to prison being so bold was my God him. It was on. He earned himself a man is definitely out. John now Johnson. Amazing. They perished in the shame John to the Saints Hall of Fame now in heaven above the angels understood John pretreatment sure did a good Baptist that there is one thing John wanted and now it's a terrible matter to lose your own so to call upon the Lord while you still can better take the advice of this mighty righteous man a big nap this John John the Baptist John John that John John the Baptist big John boy, that guy can see boy finishing any have got it right.

That's a kick go it and got it.

I strive to know what your center at one John 318 my little children, let us live, let us not love in word, neither income, but indeed an intruder and that's what your preacher all the time to do a race. Absolutely. James one 22,000 like the manifestation of your that your true believer because you're actually a doer and hereby we know that when you are out the truth of the truth. The truth, the gospel and shall I sure our hearts before him were our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart and know all things, beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then we have confidence toward God's so I mean there's quite a little out of me right there that's how you have insurance in your heart because it's all tied together you have to be a doer you have to do the work was faith without works is dead, dead from anywhere there's my answer is that a family, but if they can get a good grade on the current will get them. I get you an A- by withdrawing well that would give him a test to tell you what he does okay go over lately, turning go to James 122 and then after the anthropic time you half hour of now learned all the new already. Okay… I did start but let me just say this if I was asked to if I was as they take me to a passage of Scripture because it's in James 122 as is, but be doers of the word not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. You doers of the word not hearers only, deceiving your own selves, and I've been preaching this for years and a lot of the prissy preachers that been elected to read that because of the when people say now what is it doer of the word which you say that if you took him over to Matthew chapter 25 in Matthew chapter 25 you started with verse 41 well though.

Let's start with them. Let's start with the verse 34 verse 34 in Matthew 25 is tell me if you think that this is the doer of the word. Then the king's ascent to them on the right hand, come, you blessed of the father inherit thinking and prepared the foundation of the world, for I was hungry and you gave me meat, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in. I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me would you say that's me a doer of the work you absolutely need to. John would you do this, would you pray for our brothers and sisters in Canada.

For that you know is an old saying if you bought it trucker brought it and that they're being persecuted by Gestapo by the by the Gestapo and I've got a message for the police. There in those crooked politicians in Canada and that's going to be him and my lesson. I met my message this coming Sunday. It's going to be for them. So would you would you pray for our brothers and sisters in Canada because it is the Christians that the that them. Baby Castro hates the most. He hates the Christians but go ahead John earned father, we have the nation of Canada before you and Lord. They are the nation's undersea by an evil cabal literally board we call it the New World order.

These are evil the core they hate you, and therefore they hate anyone that represents you and anyone ever think you like being family family curse and hard-working children. All that is comes from you and they hated so Lord I'm asking you would strengthen the people are. This is a time to stand against wickedness. There is really nothing beyond the court so the last element so all I'm asking the preachers in particular board. This is a big test got current use in the span I'm asking that you would encourage them to stand and lead and board the police in this case it seems like there we can have a free hand Lord, which is very dangerous to the people and unmasking more that you deal with the police to break his abuse of power that they can easily easily. You and we ask and what I on top of it all asked for a revival board ultimately backslid the great victory comes a mighty outpouring of your spirit in Canada. More that's going to energize spiritually energizer people not only to stand against evil but to preach your word and win many souls. So thank you. Now in Jesus, payment, John John and others. The top wall professors in Canada are saying that it's the truckers that are obeying the law and its it's a little Castro and the dirty cops that are disobeying the law okay and so here my my message for the for the police which I tell you what John Holman would you go over to Proverbs chapter 24 in Proverbs chapter 24.

Would you read and then were going to play the clip here in just a minute and Proverbs 24 would you rate starting verse 21 through 26, 21 through 26. My son here. Now the Lord and became an metal, not with them that are given to charge change for their calamity shall rise suddenly and know what the ruin of them both these things also belong to the Mars is not good to have respect of persons in judgment that say a font to the wicked, thou art righteous him shall the people curse nations shall bore him, but to them that, rebuke him shall be delight in good blessings shall come upon them.

Every man showcases lips they give it the right answer. Prepare that I work with out and make it fit for thyself in the field letting me that that's that's good. Now let me let me ask you this year.

Kate, he that saith to the rices K into the wicked, thou art righteous. If you are obeying the orders unlawful orders of a wicked tyrant. Are you telling that by your actions that you think is righteous yet pure banner or a wicked person in doubt is is little Castro to go who came out and said that Baraclude murder and at the five by burning down cities and killing people and things that they were just exercising their their liberties and he supported them hundred percent not want to think on that and then we'll play a clip. Go ahead and go ahead and and play that clip. Craig okay he's coming close.

Hang in there. It's a movie mighty slow to a full scale crackdown and live picture and not a lot of protesters facing off with police arresting leaders of the freedom kindly. They did that just last night and they're moving and to make more arrests today. Just as banks began to freeze the accounts of those linked demonstrations on orders from Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudell and now donors to the freedom kindly are facing harassment after a data breach on crowdfunding site revealed their names and café owner in Ottawa broke down to share her story with Aaron Jesse Watters. Never in my 56 years have I ever experienced country trends towards friends and neighbors to relaunch some hatred towards their friends and neighbors. Unity may have opinions that differ from their they're still willing to publicly shame and humiliate and spew forth angry ventral you know we have been called terrorist for the first 1636 hrs. We were dating with hatred and violence. People threatened our team on the phone telling them were coming to get you working through brick through your window.

You'll pay for this you Nancy supporter.

I personally have been called the disgusting pig of a woman and I should rot in hell are rural shop in Maryville Ontario someone draped a large sheet over the top few days and sign read to me supports terrorist journalists.doc like this.

Business owners against him because they believed in Chile. I'm been alarming to me is the role of the government and I'll infest any really crystallized in my mind the difference between country we live in our northern neighbor. When I saw a tweet like this last week. This is from the police and their tweeting. Anyone attempting to bring material support applies to these guys could be subject to a very scary government and cancel my psychotic. I mean, they have a tyrant now Justin Trudeau is actually a tyrant. I think the fact that he's not only arresting people for speaking their mind and sticking up for themselves. Considering they carried us to the pandemic.

These truckers were the one when we had all the shortages of supplies. They were the ones delivering the toilet paper.

For example, that this country was at a loss for in the United States and Canada played a huge role in supplying all of us while we work will be locked down essentially and so now that they're no longer needed or I guess we just don't care about inflation anymore, so they are now being wasted and in all this energy on truckers who are trying to do their jobs.thanks think it's I mean it's crazy. I know that the dog thing was to talk about later, but I can't get over the Pats are actually threatening owners of animals that if you in fact a government that will kill your doctor simply disobeying the order is is basically one of the tweets that we had lined up. It basically states that if you are unable to care for your pet.

We will take your pet away at your expense for a week and if you don't come back and claimant to basically kill your dog the autocracy is extending to details on sanctioned euthanasia and sees what were looking to the government discussing talent frankly policy, especially in conjunction with little puppy truly not meeting display and frankly it conveys the heart with disregard for their community, perhaps rightly ensued, with many notables Wayne for example, Congressman Jenny Faison. I tweeting out a government that will kill your dog for simply being there orders on a public demonstration will eventually have no issue killing you anything. Trudell is a fool and a tyrant former Sen. Orrin Hatch wing and also he said we are taking away your puppy is a great way to show you that we no longer worry about the optics.

This crackdown he's exactly right.

El Salvador's president you guys calling for more international condemnation between what would happen if the American government to its political opposition might there probably be different and an even more pronounced Are just an average Canadian family. In my opinion he treated this is an unusual form of cruelty, how will your relationship with your community survive.

That's really you know either working-class people. How do you expect them to trust you again just entry a bar had even matter to you, and I predict the answer is that relationship will not survive this. And by the time it matters to the government. It will be too late and is eye-opening to be very powerful Emily are exactly right Jimmy very featureless and taken the time to actually go talk to the truck. Truckers mean elitist. No one actually go talk to Michelle Goldberg of the New York Times.

She found there were plenty of people on the streets. He seemed genuinely baffled by the media's description and then as part of the far right and infuriating. In some cases on board I can is pandemic restrictions which have been stricter than America is where you come in Jenny at the National Post reported during Anna Conway, the provinces of Québec and Ontario.

Close schools and impose blanket bans on indoor dining jams in bars and Québec connected a 10 PM curfew. I just think you can last 10 PM curfew that the person I empathize them both with in this story is actually the gelato storeowner because I look like a guy who gets paid in gelato.

I want to make a good point about these truckers because I talked nonstop truckers on the phone on my nationally syndicated radio show would you listen to, Monday through Friday hundred stations hey girl I talked to somebody. Truckers accept the stop talking to truckers because I'm starting to say the word, a boot you understand their accent but I want to go that earlier point that this is not a conservative moment. This is a freedom moment. These are just objective observers seen flimsy science used as a justification to trample freedom and are not necessarily anti-VAX but their very anti-autocracy and not what's going on here, but the one thing I would say really quick. As a former New York city cabdriver I normally am condition calibrated to hate anyone who causes traffic. Like when you sit all day to Go get Manny to guy for getting hit by a bus you. How dare you to the marriage condition. A look both ways, but I have so much empathy for these truckers. Why, because the longer they stay, the more it exposes just how shallow the entire left-wing playbook is okay decrying them as every word salad term you can think of, none of which is supported by fact Trudell has lost the empathy on his side.

We use the word freedom were told by Canadian freedom.

The far right are malleable not seen and says whatever that means.

A reminder taken from a president who I know I don't know that I love very much. Here's a reminder.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction in the blood stream. The only way they can have freedom we have no is we put them with the lessons of how they in their lifetime with the same if you and I don't do this and you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free silver reminder taken. I think we all believe that the United States has shared values with Canada until this and it's a reminder that how important it is to preserve and protect the freedoms and rights that we have here in the United States. Even if you're against the truckers. Even if you don't believe in them to Jimmy's point causing traffic. What have you. Anyone who is read history should be very afraid when the government exercises extraordinary powers against a certain group of people because next it will be you. It will be the group you belong to, and particularly when it's a wannabe Emperor haircut with an ego like Justin turned out very well say why description already there you go. Now let me just say this I you. Here is my message to the police officers that you just read another Proverbs that those that the give honor to a wicked and evil men. Let them be cursed. Let them be accursed for doing that. So here little Castro has turned in my opinion those cops those cops that are going after and they're not obeying the law. They are dear blue their obeying the fear little Castro more than they do, God and country, and they are not obeying the law completely seen that the top law professors in Canada tell you that that's the truckers that are within the law is little Castro in these place that are disobeying the law.

And so, in my opinion these cops have no honor. They have no integrity.

There in my in my way of thinking they're no better than at the file or burn loot murder or ISIS. If you will remember, burn, loot, murder. They're the ones that think thought it was all right to kill cops right from fry them up in whatever they said that they're breaking the laws of Canada more important there breaking God's laws. Remember what he tells in Isaiah 3. Those that beat the face of my people and so they betrayed God in their betraying their countrymen right now and there'll be a price for that want their fellows running absolutely and drama Kernan Road track on the duties of police officer right job that an accident still on international cops or Christ website yeah I never took down the police want to see what the real duty is before God and man. I would highly recommend that they go over to international cops for and read the track that John wrote to explain specifically. In particular, what they are to do what they're going to have a righteous standing before the Lord. Okay you fellas know who Lieut. Shane Lamont is month he's he is a Metropolitan police officer that his wife has been suspect light, but he has been suspended and placed under criminal investigation for trying to prevent political violence is launched at a fundraiser to pay for legal representation.

His wife is an attempt to clear his name. Here's a guy that was actually doing his job and he did it in the wrong place. It was a DC cop and you know having having honor and integrity. There's no place for you to be there humming. This is where these are dirty cops to kill women leading to death, and that they go on in unpunished because of the extreme and complete and total corruption of the DC Mayor's office and the police department and they working directly under nasty Pelosi, but Lieut. Shane Lamont has been the in the department for 22 years and working in intelligence for last four years is now under investigation by his own apartment as well as by the F VI you. I don't know what the FBI sometimes big fat lie. I don't know. But anyhow, in the Department of yeah what political I know his name but I know I know what I know you know about him while he tried to separate the fight, developing, or even try. Separator quite developing between might become supporters and black. It was not as it was the proud boys to tell employees an afterthought, and burn loot murder right so he stop the violence. At that point and now he's being investigated may be fired for you how corrupt they are pestering well is because you is because that was a false flag, and the corruption was that was supposed to have violence they were going to blame it on all of the protesters as being violent right wing extremist Teresa so and so forth as a cop that actually did his job and to be hundred the DC Police Department and actually stand in and do your job being a claim cop and a good cop is not accepted. There is no playing that reinforces what I've been playing with pop is all rotten rotten.

I mean that you see will you. I mean, that's unheard of a Police Department has an officer on charges because he stop thinking.

It's almost like low-end types of but that's the corruption that we have now with all levels, especially in Washington everything everything in Washington is tainted by total corruption hating America hating God hating on major logos that element you see in Canada is right here. I needed to saturate Washington. Places like New York and California. Some of the state is here is here what they are doing in Canada, Joe Biden, the FBI justice department, the O would love to make love to be able to do all by by all Macy's They got plans to doing that to us to find (and I know without a corrupt, lying stolen 2020 election were covered if we speak out about the murdering that wasn't included by Kyle C. Working with the Chinese communist and the Eurosport are suppressed.

Secure the literally suppressed and untold numbers of people died by the lying murderers in Washington. They were as genocide.

You know what I know and more more people are finding it out and out by telling us by referring to us.

Are we going to ever standdown at all. Looking to spend a minute we get you standdown what nothing and so the folks out there listing to us is now at a time will I had a phone call today that interesting phone call but I'm coming up against the brakes. I can't really get into it, but that when we come back from the break here this coming up will talk about that so we were going to break-in, but with what we have 30 seconds is okay so we got about 30 seconds then we go to talk about my phone call today, which a lot of people feel this way.

There's a lot of people feel feel this way but do not tell you what I told the fellow so were were down to about 10 right nine. We there taken away. Thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the Christian resistance to support this ministry and to WR that you are mail your donations to what's right what's left ministry 14781 Spear Rd., Newberry, OH 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program. You can check out the The word once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministry.

The voice of the Christian resistance.

Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next