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Vaping, Coffee, Tea And Pot — Part 4

Viewpoint on Mormonism / Bill McKeever
The Cross Radio
September 5, 2019 9:20 pm

Vaping, Coffee, Tea And Pot — Part 4

Viewpoint on Mormonism / Bill McKeever

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September 5, 2019 9:20 pm

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I'm prepared to engage women missionaries may not work. Perhaps the book is 101 will help Mormonism 101. Published by Baker look at your favorite Christian bookstore .1 examines the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from a perspective view .1 Mormonism is sponsored by Mormonism research ministry since 1979 Mormonism research ministry has been dedicated to equipping the body of Christ with answers regarding the Christian faith in a manner that expresses gentleness and respect. And now, your host for today's viewpoint on Mormonism. Is there a health risk in drinking green tea.

Welcome to this additional viewpoint on Mormonism. I'm your host, Bill McKeever, founder and director Mormonism research ministry and with me today is Eric Johnson. My colleague at M. R.

M this week we been going through an article that was in the new era magazine was the August 2019 edition titled fate bean coffee, tea, and marijuana, and as the subtitle says let's clear up a few items that young people today may be confused about when it comes to the word of wisdom. I just want to mention in this addition of the new era magazine. They dealt with a lot of different issues having to do without. For instance, Russell M. Nelson, did an article called your body a magnificent gift to cherish. Then there was another article called more than a body seen as God does. Another one that talks about the brain and body how they work together how I fight illness with faith. Amazing things the body can do and then the preceding article to what were talking about this week is the word of wisdom what it is what it isn't. So it seems pretty obvious if taken a lot of different healthy kinds of issues and put them together to be able to address this issue with the young people and I think you raise a good point.

It should be important for us to reiterate that we are not against the LDS church instructing its people on things that are positive both physically and spiritually, at least in their context.

That certainly their right to do that.

There's nothing really wrong with that except when you carry these suggestions into the arena of making it sin if you don't go along with the restrictions that the church lays down for its members. That's the problem that we have because we don't find the New Testament supporting a lot of the restrictions that the Mormon church places upon its people. Though we would agree that there are some things in the word of wisdom found in section 89 of the doctrine and covenants that are probably some good ideas but we have to be careful in crossing that line of propriety and making things sin that we know that the New Testament certainly does not make sin that we talked about so far they've been in E cigarettes and yeah I think we would agree that VPN is probably not very good for you. E cigarettes are not good for you, probably in some cases not as bad as smoking the real thing but we know that there's enough evidence now show that we should probably stay away from that, when it comes to mochas, lattes, marquee autos, coffee again the hot drinks warning in section 89 has been interpreted to mean coffee and tea, but we find as I pointed out yesterday, there's a lot of health benefits that science has come up with since 1833 when this revelation was allegedly given to Joseph Smith that shows that coffee is not really all that unhealthy, and that drinking it actually has a lot of health benefits not today were going to look at the section here in this article written for young people titled green tea ice tea. Was it saying that very short paragraph green tea and black tea are both made from the leaves of the exact same tea plant.

The only difference is that the leaves and black tea are fermented and green tea. They're not there about tea and against the word of wisdom. Some drinks have tea in them, but don't advertise that fact, so always check the ingredients also iced tea is still tea so you can see that the church does not want its young people imbibing in tea.

Whether it's hot or whether it's cold weather it's green. Whether it's black tea, but if you were to just do a very simple study on the web about the health benefits of listing green tea. For instance, you're going to find that there actually is a lot of health benefits in the drinking of green tea. I have this one article in front of me. It's from Web MD and of course a lot of us when we have questions about health issues. We go to web MD because a lot of these articles are written by doctors or nutritionists who seem to have some expertise on that subject. This article that I came across is called health benefits of green tea. It was written by Paula Spencer Scott.

Here's how it starts Eric which I found fascinating green tea is so good for you that it's even got some researchers raving. It's the healthiest thing I can think of to drink, says Christopher Ochsner, PhD the healthiest thing I can think of to drink that he is affiliated with the school of medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital and the reason why green tea has this benefit. According to this article is because it's all about the catechin content. Catechin is CAT ECHIN and this is a statement by Beth Riordan is a Boston nutritionist.

Catechumens are antioxidants that fight and may even prevent cell damage green tea is not processed much before exporting your cup so it's rich in catechumens. This article goes on to say green tea has been shown to improve blood flow and lower cholesterol.

The 2013 review of many studies found green tea help prevent a range of heart related issues from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure in one Swiss study MRIs revealed that people who drink green tea had greater activity in the working memory area of their brains. Green tea has also been shown to help block the formation of plaques that are linked to Alzheimer's disease.

No Eric.

When I read that I'm thinking so why in the world with the LDS church leadership prevent their people from wanting to partake in something like that. That sounds pretty good to me or another question. Why would God prohibit something that is supposedly so healthy. When this is a health code. This is meant to bring health to the people who follow its dictates what you bring up something I never thought about before, but we kind of touched on it this revelation as it's known in section 89 was given in 1833 and as I mentioned in past shows since then science has shown that there's a lot of benefits to some of the things that it seems to prohibit coffee in particular and tea in particular you would think that if the God of the Mormon church is the God of the Bible and he's on initiate, he would have no one in 1833 that coffee wasn't bad for an individual and neither is black to your green tea.

Why did he say here are some things that you can have in moderation, but don't overdo it and I think you could do that with just about everything. Certainly moderation is going to be the key you drink too much green tea drink too much ice do you drink too much coffee that can have negative impacts in moderation. It according to the statistics and according to the doctors. It is healthy.

These are questions that Morgan should be asking themselves if they do, that's a whole other issue but still there's evidence out there anybody can look it up and I think if you are in evidence minded individuals. Some of these things should cause you to have second thoughts as to what the LDS church is teaching its membership that the other subject that it has in this article, VPN, coffee, tea, and marijuana. Of course, is the subject of marijuana and its lumped in with opioids and we know that the use of opioids is a huge topic in our country today because of the dumping of a lot of opioids upon our society, causing many to be addicted to these pain medications and it's kind of a difficult subject, Eric, because you know there are people who do need pain medication, especially after certain surgeries or perhaps certain accidents and I know I I've had surgery for instance on my neck and on my shoulder and in the doctor prescribed an opioid for me to take afterwards for the pain. Now I don't like those things.

They scare me because you can be addicted to an opioid within a week.

I certainly don't want to place myself anywhere near that kind of temptation.

So I've not taken them except maybe one right after the surgery, but I'll try to just take something else over the counter that I hope will take away the pain, but there are a lot of people that are addicted to these things.

So here is one caution that I certainly don't have any problem with. But what is it say in the paragraph regarding marijuana and opioids. Marijuana may be legal for medicinal or even recreational use in a lot of places now but that doesn't mean that any use is suddenly not against the word of wisdom. Medical uses are being studied.

But just like many pain medications such as opioids, marijuana is an addictive substance such habit-forming substances should be avoided except under the care of a competent physician and then used only as prescribed. We get we find in the state of Utah. The addiction to prescribed medicines is rampant.

It's a huge problem in the state and so I can understand why they would probably put out a warning such as this in the new era magazine which, as we said, is read primarily by a younger audience more in the teenage and young adult category. There is a lot of controversy over the use of marijuana.

But one thing we do know about. It certainly does impair your physical abilities to produce a drive and that's a problem that I always had you even in the state of Utah.

The they pushed it through, mainly because they were using the word medicinal and of course everybody jumps on the bandwagon that we don't want people in pain than this seems to work or other medications don't know if you want to believe that the people pushing the medicinal use of marijuana was merely for the medicinal use of marijuana. I'm just gonna say you're awfully gullible because you know if you knew anything at all. They were pushing for the recreational use of it as well and that's what always seems to happen and it should come as no surprise then that becomes the societal problem, especially as I mentioned earlier in the area of driving because I certainly don't want the guy driving next to me to be high on pot. I certainly don't want my pilot who just got in the plane after smoking a joint. I don't want anything like that that causes me a lot of concern and if it was kept to medicinal you might have an argument there.

If the person taking it stays at home when he doesn't become a problem for anyone else. This issue of the driving on the government website called drug it says this marijuana significantly impairs judgment, motor coordination and reaction time and studies have found a direct relationship between blood THC concentration, and impaired driving ability.

So it's been very clearly proven that this is a problem when you have something as every day use of driving everybody's doing that if there smoking marijuana throughout the day or whenever they do it and they go out and drive there impair just as much of somebody's head alcoholic drinks before they've gone out to drive in the difficulty of knowing whether or not a person is impaired after smoking marijuana is difficult when it comes to the use of alcohol. May we a breathalyzer test that can clearly show somebody's driving while under the influence of alcohol is not so easy when it comes to marijuana if the effects of both become problematic, especially on the road where a lot of us spend a lot of our time.

I would think that that would've been taken into some serious consideration before it was legalized, but we live in a culture now were, let's just get what we want. Now let's do it and let's worry about all the detrimental effects later on in and fortunately by then it oftentimes is too late to put the genie back in the bottle or the toothpaste back into the tube and then you have to just live with those effects and that becomes the new normal. So in this case I I'm not faulting the church at all with warning its young people about the use of marijuana and opioids, but I would think there would probably be even more warning when it comes to the use of opioids because of the addiction effect being so much quicker than marijuana which the addiction effect on marijuana is even controversy over a lot of people that don't even think that that's the case, and so there's probably going to be many more studies on the tomorrow were going to take one more category that wasn't listed in this article titled, leaping, coffee, tea, and marijuana.

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