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Splinter Groups Kingstons Doris Hanson Part 2

Viewpoint on Mormonism / Bill McKeever
The Cross Radio
September 10, 2020 11:34 am

Splinter Groups Kingstons Doris Hanson Part 2

Viewpoint on Mormonism / Bill McKeever

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September 10, 2020 11:34 am

This week’s series focuses on the Kingston group based in Utah, with all of their controversies, including incestuous polygamous relationships. For more information on this group, go to

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Viewpoint is mainly to examine the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints viewpoint when Mormonism is sponsored by Mormonism research ministry since 1979 Mormonism research ministry has been dedicated to equipping the body of Christ with answers regarding the Christian faith in a manner that expresses gentleness and respect.

And now, your host for today's viewpoint on Mormonism welcome to this additional viewpoint on Mormonism on your host, Bill McKeever, founder and director Mormonism research ministry and with me today is Eric Johnson my colleague M RM this week we've been talking about a group known as the latter-day Church of Christ, otherwise known as the Davis County Cooperative Society it's based in Utah.

There also known as the order or in a more pejorative way. The Kingston clan. Yesterday we had on the show to our friend Doris Hansen and she is back for today's program to talk a little bit more about her personal experiences in this group, let me welcome you back to the show as we were talking about yesterday. Doris we were talking about what it says on the website as opposed to what really goes on in this organization. When you read their website.

I'm sure there's a lot of flags that go off because of your personal experience in this group and would you say that there website for the most part is being truthful to people who might be inquiring as to what this organization believes no, no, not polished real good clean and happy encouraging group in their when you get inside of their inner workings. They are not bad at all is just a façade.

We would love to hear a little bit more about your story yesterday showed you gave us some tidbits about your relationship in the Kingston group, but today we like you to elaborate more on that. So could you tell us about your story and explain how you became a Christian because I think that's important.

Unfortunately so many who come out of these groups end up not becoming a Christian and certainly we don't see that as being a positive thing at all, but you have a relationship with the Jesus of the Bible. So go ahead and tell us your experience in this Kingston group and how and why you eventually came out and found Jesus to be your savior, sharing part of my story before I was born and raised in the group that my mother was a second wife. So I really had no choice but to be part until I became a page, but I won last that I did get out before they arranged a plural marriage for me so I did not partake in polygamy myself that my mother, dad and so I was making the polygamist family and it was not a good experience. I remember as an older child having questions about what we had been taught one of them was their racism to my questions and why would God require polygamy in pain and in poverty to go to heaven and that my questions never got answered that I did put them on that proverbial shell hoping to get answers someday.

One thing I don't understand now and I didn't. Dan is why polygamists are determined that they need to be abused in order to keep people from leaving their religion. You strike people like Holcomb does hold that shame and I was raised in a family that use debuts plus the shame and guilt, and the threat of an angry God and he was breathing flames and smoke out of his nostrils, because we were sinners that God nor did I like my parents, they were mean and they were not safe people. And I sure didn't like most of the adult members of the polygamy great congregation. There is really not much there to live contrast, 16 years old. My father told me that he was going to see to it that I got to heaven had to kick me all the way there now sounded like hell to me and I thought I was already living in hell. So I really wasn't interested in going to their heaven and it was a moment that I made up my mind to run away from all of it just as soon as I could after I turned 18 years old and from that point on I lived for the day of my freedom. I was just tired of living in fear every day of my life and I feared my father in his abuses. I feared almost every adult in the group. I peered at their rats and their interminable lectures and course of my future in the group, and every other aspect of my life. It was not a pretty life and just a few days after my 18th birthday I did run I had packed a small box personal items and under a prearranged plan.

I took off in the middle of the night and when I got in the car and we had gone down the street and turned three or four street corners behind us, but no one is following a chasing, as I had a sense of freedom that was indescribable. I never had to fear my father's abuse of authority again.

He would never beat me up again and it was wonderful experience.

Unfortunately I was young and naïve and emotionally still a child. There were no safehouses or shelters or anything else available to help escapees like me. I ended up in a situation that was just another form of entrapment, mind control, I told myself this was better than the polygamy group to me several years to get the resources and the courage to get out of it, which I finally did, but it would be 25 years after I ran away from the group before I became a Christian I called in my wilderness wandering years. I was never truly happy and all the guilt still buried deep within me and I had no desire for God or for church or preaching to eternal damnation because I didn't march to the tune of some angry, sadistic, greeting God, which was the polygamist teaching of God course I didn't have a clue that the polygamy comes falls. I was essentially running from God. All those years that one day is like God was done with me writing probably many moved around in front of me and I crashed right into his open and loving arms. I was not searching for him. He he allowed me he brought me to the point where I just crashed right into them. What happened was the customer bought some books in my office where I was working and he said he was done with them.

I could have been if I wanted to give them to someone else, you may want them to not know this person was. I've never met him before my life.

It was only one of those God things I never tripled books and a few audiotapes, all of them were religious and I didn't do religion and so they just sat there for several days but one day I decided to look inside one of the books to be real careful not to get suckered up into some mild religious entrapment. But the book that first got my intention was entitled mom and Mormonism and made my dear book I read three little words that change my life forever. And those words were God's you and I was literally shocked.

I had always thought God hated me that he was out to get me.

Now I'm learning that God loves me and I had to know more and so that's where my journey began. I was in that book where I first discovered the violent and deceitful and ungodly activities of the early Mormons in polygamists and I knew from then on that the Mormonism God was a real that and I was somehow released from my awful fear of pursuing the topic of God will during that time I had started reading the Bible a little bit. One day I landed in Ephesians chapter 2 verses eight through 10, which tells us were saved by grace your faith and not by works, and I was blown out of the water. I could hardly believe what is reading this, of course, fueled further study. I came across Isaiah 40 verse eight tells us that God's word will endure forever will have been lost had been corrupted. I'd been taught and I knew at that moment that I could trust every single word in the Bible. I was hooked. Well, I became a Christian by prayerfully course accepting the truth in the person of Jesus and his sacrifice for me on the cross and thanked him for paying my sin debt and assuring me that I would go to heaven because of my faith in Jesus and his works not to my own attempted good works. I had a lot of learning to do, but I knew that polygamy had nothing to do with works for salvation and I knew the polygamy group, even all of the Mormonism was not and had never been the kingdom of God is a claim I wanted desperately to share with all this good news with my siblings as I have 15 of them and I thought they would all be as excited about race as I was, but they weren't. I hit a brick wall with every single one of them. I was rejected and so is my message and of course that's that was my first severe disappointment. Sadly 25 years after I had escaped.

There were still no resources. There were no Christian outreach is Evernote helps organizations that help women and girls who escape from polygamy. Escapees either faded into the woodwork and they were found and forced back to the group will I wanted to be instrumental in helping people not just leave polygamy but to learn and know the true gospel and a true Jesus and the true salvation experience. So in a nutshell, that's how I came to learn and accept the true gospel is an amazing journey from a light to the truth that is an amazing powerful story.

Doris and did you ever get a chance to meet Granny Geer who wrote the book Mormonism may not she was EL at the time I got saved and I think it was just a few months or maybe a year or so after I became saved that she passed away was unable to ever meter. I was sad I wanted to. She wore a prairie dress wherever she went, and I had a chance to meet her and get to talk to her. She was an amazing woman that you have a Christian ministry today and is called shielding refuges. We talked about earlier.

You tell us will bit more about your ministry and what you're doing to help those who were involved with polygamy at the moment I became a Christian I wanted God to use me to help polygamists know that they don't have to do what they're doing to go to heaven to stop her share their husbands to please God. I grew up in that environment so I could relate to people who relation polygamy but God had other plans for me in the first few years had me. It wasn't until the spring of 2008 that we launched a shielded refuge ministry at the same time that the DVD lifting the veil of polygamy was released Main Street church in Brigham city had produced many very good DVDs. Can Mormonism and this was one of them and I wanted to help people leave polygamy but also to be sent to not experience years of wilderness wanderings that I did. The truth is what eternal good does it do to reject the lie but never find her breaks the truth, and the primary purpose of children refuge ministry is to bring biblical truths to polygamists. We do also help them escape. If needed, and we help them after they get out. We disciple them and offer eternal help, but our main purpose is to bring them the good news of the gospel of grace, who God really is, and who God is not you have a website shield and We encourage our listeners to go and check out your resources there and you have a TV show as called polygamy what love is this you been doing this for number of years. Can you quickly tell us a little bit about the ruckus that you do.

Yes, we started our show in June 2008. It was a live show on TV.

20 but that their station sold in a change to programming, but we continue to take the weekly programs and then release them on our website Roku TV and MEL and YouTube. We discussed Mormon doctrine of Mormon polygamy interview X polygamists or even ask Mormons who were so negatively impacted with Joseph Smith, polygamy, and so on. All of our shows that with Kate and there's hundreds of them at this point can be found on our website which is what love is. sure thank you for being on because I think a lot of people need to hear your story and if nothing else, realizing what a lot of people are going through here in the state of Utah that belong to groups such as this. So I think your story is going to be very encouraging to those that are listening. Doris will quick if somebody wants to get a hold of you. Do they get a hold of you through shield and or is there a better way they can get a hold of me to children and or from what love is. or they can email Sansone she's with you and refuge ministry shield and thanks Doris again for sharing your story with us. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Thank you for listening this research ministry. We visit our website and request a free newsletter research us again as we look at another viewpoint