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Drowning in Deep State Delusion (Part 1)

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell
The Cross Radio
April 13, 2019 8:00 am

Drowning in Deep State Delusion (Part 1)

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell

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April 13, 2019 8:00 am

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One man says the greatest threats to our Republic is in a foreign country. It's the out-of-control progressive movement is a lot of talk about America being a leader and as a democracy quote unquote in the 1800s when women and African Americans could invoke a democracy is that the less exactly right. It's right here these things and let's make America great again. I think of myself will exactly when you think America was great.

He certainly wasn't. When people enslave certainly wasn't. When didn't have the right to vote. It certainly wasn't.

When the LGBT community and was denied the rights to which it was sometimes that phrase echo is that discrimination shares he takes us back to why I think an American pastor never in fact really existed. This notion of greatness today. Jim Markel begins a two-part series with Michele Bachmann ran for president of United States in 2012 shows insights into Washington.

Current events Bible prophecy shared on this program regularly shows a part of Pres. trumps mechanical advisory board will not hear the kind of information shared the next two weeks anywhere else. Jim Markel and Michelle Bachmann. Welcome to the program so that you could join me. You know, we look at news views truths from a decidedly biblical perspective and you heard that little opening clip by a former Atty. Gen. Eric Holder, that is what America's left thinks that America is not great probably never was great until they can control and turn this country into a godless socialist paradise. It will never be great. It will just be a homophobic, racist, Islamic phobic nation run by corrupted capitalism and only spreading the wealth around ridding the country of faith and freedom and turning it over to godless atheists will allow us to be a shining city on a hill. Well, that is called end time delusion run amok, and if we didn't have biblical reminders that the last days would be perilous and evil would be called good Christians could lose heart.

Now we must not, we must be salt. We must be light, we must delay the decay until he comes, will talk about this and much more. For the next couple of programs with my in studio guest. The familiar voice of Michelle Bachmann, who represented Minnesota's sixth District for a number of years, Michelle, so glad you could come back and thank you Jan, it's always a privilege well last time we talked exit was right before the midterm elections we recorded late last late October early in November so much I want to get to hear in the programming but let me just say you are a member of Congress 2006 until early 2015 and I want to ask you. We have three new representatives in the house located Cortez Elon Omar and proceeded to leave and they gotten huge attention and gotten a claim scorn.

You are in Congress in your memory. Have you ever seen new members be treated like this. I mean an amazing way, particularly sort of the acclaim coming their way. While there's always a few in every freshman class that seemed to make a mark, but this is decidedly different because their faces and their voices represent really the two things that happened during the 2018 race and those two things that happened was the Democrat parties mainstream and brace of what was considered a fringe view of government which is socialism which is more of a totalitarian view of government.

And that's what they represent. Essentially, the economic and cultural Marxism that's been in our country, but not mainstream now is embraced as mainstream. They've given voice in a mainstream way to what was a French voice that's been very different view. Also, they embrace the view of censorship.

Quite honestly the censorship that were seeing that's coming through our big tech media, and they want to push and enforce censorship on speech, which we haven't seen before. Americans generally understood that we enjoy freedom of speech protections under the First Amendment and these new people that are coming in are coming in with a different view that says First Amendment speech applies to speech that we agree with. If we don't agree with your speech you don't get First Amendment protection.

That's a very different view than we've seen before and well, you referenced kind of the new mood in the Democrat party. And of course many of them are now embracing the so-called Democrat socialism, which is frankly just nothing but socialism, which after Barack Obama shouldn't be a surprise to any of us that the party has moved so far left like this, but I saw the headline here recently.

Headline said Democrats would sooner destroy America than lose to Donald Trump in 2020, and I think headlines like that trouble. Your average American person who your average American person still loves America we start seeing headlines that certainly there are some in the Democrat party leadership who truly would rather see the country go down then give any honor credibility another election to Donald Trump. This is hard to wrap our brains around what you write is very hard. As a matter fact I think let's talk about an actual example. One example would be AOC Alexandra or Casey oh Cortez, who is one of the freshman who exemplifies this whole view of Marxism coming into the mainstream and the Democrat party. What is it that she's known for the so-called green new deal. What is the green no deal. It has very little to do practically nothing to do with clean water or cleaning or what it has to do with the biggest power grab that government has ever had over our personal lives. Why is it when someone like AOC starts to talk about green new deal that it means more taxes and more control for government work with no outfit on clean rivers or clean air so they have nothing to do with each other so that's what her example is but the formula for gaining that is Marxism and that's what were seeing them put forward to you think Michelle Bachmann, do you think there's any credible candidate on the left for president. To date, no, because again it depends on what your end goal is for the left. They think this green new deal. They think that all of their wild ideals when it comes to the sexual revolution in the government insistence on so many of these areas that we disagree with. They think that end goal is positive.

Now you compare that to the living laboratory right now of the country of Venezuela rate.

Venezuela had one of the highest per capita incomes in the world had had a fantastic lifestyle in 1943 it was really a paradise. In many ways. Today it's descended into hell hole where some reports say that people are living as though they were in the Middle Ages. There are power outages.

Russia has been sending people and because the country has devolved into absolute chaos. That's a living laboratory of what AOC and her comrades want to do here in the United States. That's the fruit of socialism Venezuela that is the real-time example of what Bernie Sanders and all these people on the left want to have. But that's not America for the America that we have known and again America is the longest running constitutional republic in the history of the world. There is no older constitutional republic or one that's lasted as long as United States of America. That's because we were built. Undoubtedly, without a shadow of a doubt on godly principles by godly men and women who look to the Bible as their inspiration. That's a fact.

That's not an opinion that is a fact that is not the view of America that the AOC types of the world want to see that is not how they see America their policy prescriptions are in line with Venezuela's and again we have that living laboratory of what you get with squishy outlets. So for them. Venezuela is a raving success story. We look at that and say but people are miserable there suffering their dying. Why would you do that to people they don't care what the end result is they only care about the type of system they want to put in place and is it interesting every time. Their system takes away control from people and puts it in the hands of government versus God's view of government which was take the control away from a tear in us centralized government and put the maximum amount of control and authority into the hands of individuals, the family, the church and social institutions mark live-in and I get several quotes memory today.

He says the greatest threat to our Constitution into the Republic is in a foreign country. It's the whole progressive movement. These people are there very very troubling is a matter of fact there is even of new movements called Jack said this is Jews who are leaving the Democrat party. And of course they been loyal to the Democrat party since the 1940s. You know what folks the Democrat party right now is on overdose with anti-Semitism with anti-Israel is him with it to Netanyahu with anti-anything that stands for Judaism on the display. The short clip that shuts landing the Democrats for failing to take tougher action against Congresswoman L had Omar's anti-Semitic remarks. The Democrats have become head size is that the government has ideally thought it had a group of Jewish millennial's college Exodus, agrees. They are encouraging Jewish Americans to walk away from the Democratic Party the groups as quote we reject the hypocrisy of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism of the rising far left progressive Democrats and far too many old-school Jewish organizations take our support for granted, there was more on the movement is former Trump campaign staffer injects. It is spokesperson Elizabeth was with more assertive beginning Exodus means what obviously the plan Exodus, but we left Egypt and now are leaving the Democratic Party.

What if you decide to do this and start this movement. I thought it was time. Obviously we saw a lot of anti-Israel policies that start under the Obama administration got worse and worse and include CNET in class and our TV screens.

The last month. There is anti-Semitism in the Democratic Party they can hide it whenever they want it failed to condemn it, and how is there so it's time it was with how much does this hurt the credit for the fact that it's only going to have a resolution voted on in the floor. Nonbinding, perhaps with Congresswoman Omar's name on it and then at the 11th hour because of all the pressure from the left parties left.

They wound up not leaving her and it was not about anti-Semitism was just generally about eight support. I mean the scariest part obviously was not the original anti-Semitism it was the lack of leadership coming into play when they were supposed to come into play condemn what happened and they felt so not only did Semitism the side of a hill on Omar get worse and worse. Fino by proving the chat support is in her own party leadership fails to condemn that it shows that they are part of anti-Semitism in the presence and everyday that's what's happening and I can't and I showed he went to Congress back in 2006. Expect to see something like this at Jackson's know because Israel was always a by party. It was a punishing artist in exactly and the organization AIPAC which is the American Israel political action committee. They have deemphasized differences between the two parties and they've emphasized the unity that both Democrats and Republicans had over Israel.

Inevitably, you would find presidential candidates on both Republican and Democrat seeking to speak before the AIPAC conference because they wanted to get their bona fides establish that they were pro-Israel. It's been just an article of faith right because in this country has historically been a pro Israel country and again I want to go back to our prior conversation that we had the most important building block in any society, and in America in particular is that magnificent cultural and religious foundation that is the basis of any society. If you look at the outworking of any society where there is Venezuela, Israel, Russia, Pakistan or the United States. You have to look at what is the religious base of that nation. What is the cultural basis and what we take to lightly and have held too lightly and with taken for granted the magnificent foundation that the United States was built upon. That's what we've seen essentially Jack hammered in this 2018 election by those on the extreme left is Jack hammering the very foundation of this country one of those building blocks is the Judeo Christian block that we stand for biblical values, and we stand for the pro Israel bipartisan pro Israel perspective in this country. And just like that in a matter of less than 60 days with this incoming never seen before. Embrace of radical anti-American socialistic values.

Isn't it interesting that those values have included a virulent strain of anti-Semitism is all the lemmings on the left meaning the followers on the left have quickly jettisoned or cast aside this pro Israel perspective and now the Democrat party led by Nancy Pelosi in the House of Representatives through the Jews under the bus. With this resolution because again it was, not just one comment, but comment after comment after comment at anti-Semitism by this one particular rows on Congress were actually both Muslim congresswomen have made one anti-Semitic statement after another and she went too far.

There had to be response at the national level. Everyone assumed that she would be removed from the foreign affairs committee, everyone assumed that there would be a resolution that condemned her because there was another resolution. Prior to that, condemning another person in Congress is a thought for sure this would happen, and then band the Bam overnight in a matter of two days. This resolution was rewritten just throw everything in the kitchen sink to make the perpetrator. The victim that she was a victim of quote as llama phobia, or any other. In other words, they rendered this resolution meaningless. It was meaningless. So the Jews were thrown under the bus at almost immediately the AIPAC conference came around the corner and every single year.

I've been there to hear of your year after year. At this conference and Democrat Republicans go up to the microphone and talk about their love for Israel. Their support for Israel how they stand for Israel and because somehow these Muslim members of Congress had made it appear that support for Israel was actually a republican virtue which it is never been before. Then all of a sudden the candidates for president on the Democrat side. All announced one after another in a matter of a couple hours time I will be attending the AIPAC conference. I don't want to seek the support of the Jewish contingency in AIPAC and that was astounding that those in the Democrat side. Many of you who may receive financial donations they receive backing from Jewish individuals Jewish organizations Jewish donors now that you're all that under the mountain because it was considered to be the cool kid on the block to diss Israel that happen literally in a matter of a couple days and literally in a couple of hours when it came to the Democrat candidates for president. They aren't even fair weather friends. They are false friends to the Jewish state. Your losing understanding the times radio Jan Markel here. I have been studio Millie voice Michelle Bachmann. She joined me to three times a year with a little bit of update on current events. We try to tie them to the Bible. We also try to tie them to the fact that the king is coming sooner rather than later will talk about that as we move more and more into the programming and Michelle I wanted I don't want to dwell on at length about it, but I certainly want to touch on it with you here in studio with me and that is the Bible speaks a lot of end time lawlessness and you and I know that's gonna really manifest in the tribulation that the tribulation is casting a huge shadow on us even today, but who would have ever thought that those particularly on the left would be literally obsessed with the duly elected president trying to get them out of office and these folks will not rest until They Dr., Donald Trump with resignation impeachment, even death in office.

That's all they can think about and thus the American public has gone through a 22 month ordeal involving 19 lawyers 40 FBI agents 2800 subpoenas 500 search warrant 500 witnesses in this collusion delusion, how and and we might have to pick this up in my next segment but how did our intelligence community gets so corrupted. Well, it isn't that the community is corrupt. It's the individuals were put into the highest positions of power were corrupt and I think one of the most laughable comments actually was CIA director Brennan who had said oh I must've gotten bad information when it came out, what, when the molar report cleared Donald Trump and when we realize that hoax had been perpetrated on the American people for two years.

As you said so well. The only response of the guy who was the lead heckler at the pack CIA director Brennan was to say well I guess I must've gotten bad information. You're the guy who generates the information you're the head of the CIA.

That's what intelligence is.

You go out and you gather information on what's happened you created the evidence the false evidence that was used to bring up a phony case against the present United States even worse than that, the previous administration. The Obama administration use the FBI, the CIA and other instrumentalities of the federal government to make a false claim against Donald Trump was running for president of the United States against Hillary Clinton who is in Barack Obama's party so he was using the government and all the means of government to spy on a candidate.

On the other side and then use phony false information to make a case in federal court, essentially against the then sitting president Donald Trump would never seen anything like this but this is never happened before. That's why we need to shine a spotlight on the Obama administration and the very small circle of people who tried to pull off this high east of the American election. They tried to steal the election affect. They called this their insurance policy in case. Hillary Clinton couldn't win on her own. They wanted an insurance policy to make sure Donald Trump had no chance of winning because they were using the FBI and the CIA against Donald Trump. Then they made up a fake phony false story that he was colluding with the Russians to hack into the election and throw the election when in fact it was just the opposite. Hillary Clinton had paid for a phony memo filled with lies that the FBI then used as its basis of its investigation. The whole thing was made up and it was online. You can't even believe this would happen, but what you just said is right. This is a level of lawlessness in broad daylight by the president, the former president Obama by the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by the head of the FBI. James call me by the head of the CIA, John Brennan, if somebody pitched this movie to a Hollywood producer you'd say forget it. Nobody believe that, but it happened but I want to ask a question and one am going to ask it to you in my second segment, which were heading into in just a minute or two and I want to ask you this question is, how powerful is this deep state and then beyond that, what is the deep state. Folks will talk about that when I come back come back in just a moment. Don't forget I'm hidden to Toronto, Canada Saturday, May 11. I hope to see all of tree followers there and that'll be the awaiting his return conference on Saturday, May 11 at church on the Queensway of Mercer Fadi Jack Hibbs, Barry Stagner. Yours truly, I'm waiting for word on whether it's going to be live streamed or not, and will have that info for you and another couple of weeks. Tickets, behold, behold $15 I hope you go and check them out and that I'll meet you in Toronto back in just a minute or two don't go away. We hope you are finding this information informative story up to date on the side of her times other website weekly radio visiting our YouTube channel. Markel reading daily articles and headlines to your website by attending our annual conference.

We also offer a printed newsletter, we know you lead busy lives that's the program on here posted to our website almost and to our YouTube channel on Sunday morning with Jan and Michelle Olive tree ministries is carrying a new book by Douglas Stauffer and Andrew Ray reviving the blessed hope of Thessalonians. I did not think I would see the day when we would have to have a discussion about reviving our hope in the rapture of the church, something that has to be revived is often expired. And yes, discussion of the pretrip rapture of the church is been on life support find this excellent book.

In our in our print any newsletter or you can call the central time. 763-559-4440 476-559-4444. His ministry is committed to helping the buyer to keep looking up and expecting his return. Even if that have little interest in doing that. We will keep reminding you that the trumpet and the shout that happened even today, and I promise you, you don't want to be left behind.

Check out reviving the blessed hope today. He used money out of the United States treasury funneling it through phony organizations in Israel to actually defeat the Prime Minister Benjamin that now think of that he actually used our government to hire people actively on the ground, defeat Benjamin Netanyahu with US tax money.

We love getting listeners pillow so you listen the air on well over 800 radio stations all across North America. Write us all of tree ministries. Box 1452, Grove, MN 55311, Box 1452, Grove, MN 55311 writers through our website almost reviews the jury were called circle time 76355944 763-559-4444 number. You could listen to the program on your phone. I downloaded one mobile back to John Markel and Michelle Bachmann, the president of the United States Donald Trump will be remembered in the Middle East for thousand years will be remembered by our enemies as the enemy, and he will be remembered by our friends is the great UC. They view him quite differently than CNN and MSNBC in the New York Times and Washington Post and all the rest. The relationship between Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu is unparalleled unparalleled. The 20 and will the liberals in Israel throw Bibi Netanyahu out the way the left throughout Churchill after World War II, we the American people throw Donald Trump stays between us and the insanity on the left and welcome back and were talking a little bit this hour about the insanity on the left left is lunacy through segment. We discussed some of those issues a little bits we got some new congresspeople in office that are a little bit troubling and what they espouse an account of going out of my first segment saying that when we come back into this segment wanted to talk to Michelle Bachmann and she's my guest for the hour shall be back next weekend as well ask her. Lou bit more about deep state. We keep hearing about the deep state Michelle help us understand the deep state. I don't know how powerful they are. But I'm getting the impression that they really control things both sides of the aisle, Republicans, Democrats, members of the deep state. This is what Donald Trump is pushing back against 24 seven 365. All of us are concerned about how much power they have. Can he ever make any headway as long as the deep state is entrenched as they are, will think of what the challenges that Donald Trump or any president would have and the challenges this there are literally millions and millions of permanent employees in the federal government and these permanent employees, some of them are made civil servants so that they have a lifetime job and ones have been put in two very sensitive physicians so they can stay there forever. It's like a tenured professor so they can stay there and many of them that are in their have the ideas and mindset and ideology if you will, of these three new female freshmen in the Democrat Congress. So they're coming in with the mindset that is at odds with the American Constitution and the American way of life. There are people who are in the permanent bureaucracy, permanent government employees and if they have positions of power in let's say, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, or perhaps there in the State Department are there in another department and the federal government. They have access to information. Many of them are actively full time sabotaging the orders and directives of the present United States Oak Donald Trump, for instance, will have an order in directive regarding Israel and there may be people that are in the State Department who want to undermine and undo what it is that Donald Trump wants.

Maybe they will slow walk. What he said.

Rather than implement immediately the weight or maybe they'll undermine in another way. I'll give you one actual example that occurred. A friend of mine was appointed as a cabinet secretary in Donald Trump's government, and he told me that he was undermined by the deep state because somebody was a permanent employee picked up the phone and called a reporter and said ask for this particular page in a freedom of information act request.

So look at this page and ask for this particular item, while nobody would know that unless you are an employee in the government. The point is, they were suggesting that this cabinet secretary had missed use his travel vouchers that never happened. Every single travel item that this cabinet secretary did had been preapproved by the ethics department in that cabinet, but they wanted to raise the question that may be something was wrong while the media went wild and wrote stories that this cabinet secretary had misused his travel when in fact he hadn't and it was a lie after lie after lie, but it was people within government foretelling the lies from what was presumed a position of authority in a position of truth, but it wasn't. They were lysed so the deep state are people who have permanent jobs within the federal government, and there are millions of people.

Not everyone is against our government who works for the government. Not everyone is a part of the deep state, but you don't need everyone, if you even have just 100 people who were in line with the goals to advance cultural and economic Marxism more to advance the goals of Islamic Jihad.

For instance, and they have jobs within the federal government they can do very serious damage. That's what I'm talking about and that's what the concern is if there are people that have permanent jobs in our government who are undermining our government. Nothing we can do but pray. What we need to pray, but also this is how I pray. I pray according to the Scripture which says we need to pray, to expose asked the Lord to expose the hidden deeds of darkness, and he has remarkable ways read doing this where you could only say it's the hand of God who exposes the hidden deeds of darkness and that's one way I would ask your listeners to pray to please pray that God would expose these hidden deeds of darkness, and he does trust him.

He will a lot of things here still in my mind. 70% of evangelicals apparently continue to support Donald Trump and that's great I think and we when I talked to before it. This program even began, you said to me this isn't a word for word quote but it's pretty close that what Donald Trump is done in just over two years is really more significant than what Ronald Reagan did in his administration. And that's quite a statement. Evan said that there are still plenty of people pushing back against Pres. Trump.

My goodness was so that the never Trump movement. There are still conservatives that would never think positive thought about the guy, but tell me why you said to me that what he's done in just about two years greater than what the Reagan administration did while I'm glad that you asked the question because think of what Donald Trump is labored under from even before the day that he took office.

He's had this Russia hoax over his shoulder so it's like he's been laboring with a 2 ton weight on his shoulders like a boulder on his shoulders. Now that's been lifted. He's been cleared by this report. There never was any illusion that was all a lie which he is a managed to accomplish with the tax bill which is not only cut taxes but he promised that he would get rid of two regulations for every one new regulation that comes in and I have had more job creators say to me, you know, taxes are one thing we have to factor in the cost of taxes and every item or service that we sell. So would pass along the cost of the tax, but when it comes to regulations. That means that we may not even be able to manufacture. We may not even be able to produce. It's extremely expensive to be in compliance with government regulations. Many of them are nonsense of the contradict each other. So Donald Trump is actually gotten rid of 22 regulations for every regulation is put into place. That's why you see all these companies opening manufacturing plant we have the greatest manufacturing renaissance going on it.

Now that we've had in modern times in America. So we have companies that have moved back to the United States there creating more jobs. This is the great just a job market ever for African-Americans.

The greatest job market ever for Latin Americans for women for disabled people for young people. We've never had more Americans ever in the job force than we do. Right now you don't hear this on mainstream media. So that's just on the economic perspective, the president has been over performing.

We have fine-tuned a humming economy right now for items that we are concerned about biblically.

This president has done more to advance the pro-life movement and the pro-life cause than any other president has ever done. Just this week, Secretary of State Pompeo had announced the Mexico City policy would be enforced even wider than it had before the Mexico City policy says not one dime of US taxpayer money will go to pay for foreign abortions. Will that should be a given, but that isn't the way it was under Barack Obama, we were paying for foreign abortions.

Abortions of people in other countries.

Not only have we said no to that. But now my Pompeo or Secretary of State is that even those nonprofits that are contracting with other nonprofits. They can't perform abortion so that policies gone even further.

Plus defunding of Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions in America. Planned Parenthood is being exposed for their deeds of darkness and were pulling back money from Planned Parenthood as well. Through the trump administration. So that's just on the pro-life issue on the area of religious freedom. We are doing more to advance religious freedom and to protect Christians. The poor being murdered and persecuted in the Middle East like we have not seen before. Christians can now flee to America that's right couldn't under the previous administration. It was very, very hard, Barack Obama practically 99% of the people that he allowed in under the refugee resettlement programs were Muslim.

Certainly non-Christians now that has been completely flipped on its head and Pres. Trump is now allowing in persecuted Christians. People who are literally are being persecuted and he's offering them protection in the United States and perpetrators almost all of whom are Muslim are not getting access through the refugee resettlement program, so this is a complete turnaround, but on so many different areas. We talked to pastor Andrew Brunson that the president would not relent until this pastor was released out of Turkey.

Now I I spoke to pastor Brunson myself at the national prayer breakfast and he is back and his ministry has continued so that's in those two areas we could go on with the president has done with standing for righteousness in so many areas one being Barack Obama had demanded and commanded that our military services have literally go out and recruit people who are transgender to come into the military will cost about 1/4 of $1 million to do sex reassignment surgery. Why would you recruit people who would come in and have sex reassignment surgery and beast on the sidelines. It made no sense.

So Donald Trump got rid of that mandate and that requirement, he has stood up where most Republicans wouldn't dare to stand up. Donald Trump has had the courage and the fortitude and I will say to your listeners. In my lifetime I have never seen a more biblical president. Then I have seen in Donald Trump. He is so impressed me with what he's done and we haven't even talked about Israel what is going on to advance his will is highly biblical and I would say your listeners.

We will in all likelihood never see a more godly biblical president again in our lifetimes.

So we need to be not only praying for him.

We need to support him and my opinion in every possible way that we can puncture listening to understanding the times radio Jim Markel heaven studio Michelle Bachmann you here on this program frequently giving updates some Washington insights and some 07 geopolitical issues that we deal with as well, but Michelle want to just head for a few minutes here and Michelle be back next week so we can continue our discussion, but it was three years ago, almost to the day when then president Barack Obama made this statement and I want to build on it. Just a minute or two adult learners. Just as with Michelle Bachmann us actually put the lid would bring about the biblical end of this other legacy, and lived in Washington. The show three years ago. You and I did a taping here in the studio and we talked about some similar issues. We talked about how the clock of Bible prophecy is marching forward. It never stops in the system. US presidents play a role in that some of their policies and you and I discussed at that time three years ago, almost to the day home. President Barack Obama was advancing prophecy clock so as we were talking today. I said to you I can want to get your take on just how present Donald Trump could be advancing that clock in first thing that popped into my mind and we got time yet so were going to be discussing exactly how US Israel relations are moving forward would be some activity. Genesis 12 three God blesses those who bless Israel certainly Israel's boundaries are being affected. Hopefully in a good way.

He's dropped terms like occupied territory. Things like that. I think another thing that comes to my mind as we speak is the rush to this one world system, the rush to this globalism Chris Donald Trump's pushing back on that. He just keep saying I'm a nationalist I'm not a globalist but if you tell me how you feel Donald Trump is advancing the Bible prophecy clock by think that the prophecy clock in the Bible is one that is centered on Jerusalem and centered on Israel and if you want to know where were added in history you look at Jerusalem, and then you look at Israel and the compare and contrast between our former president Barack Obama who was anti-Israel in every measure that he took.

He wanted to preen about like a peacock and pretend that he was pro-Israel he wasn't. He was anti-Israel. As you could be including many people don't realize he used money out of the United States treasury funneling it through phony organizations in Israel to actually defeat the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not think that he actually used our government to hire people actively on the ground, defeat Benjamin Netanyahu with US tax money that's illegal to do something like that. That's what he did. That's brazen versus Donald Trump, who on his own as a private citizen teaches cut a commercial in favor of Benjamin Netanyahu that was run in Israel so people could see that he didn't do that with the United States government or the instrumentalities of government. He did that as a private server to stand with the current leader Benjamin that now because he sees that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East is the freest place in the world for any Arab. It is the freest place it in the Middle East. It is the freest nation in the Middle East for women if you're gay, it's the freest place to be is the best economy in the Middle East so Donald Trump has stood up for the boundaries of Israel. He stood up for Jerusalem as a capital that's where the difference is he has stood for the boundaries of the land. He hasn't put pressure on the people of Israel to remove themselves from the land and he has stood up for the capital of Israel. We know that Scripture says that Israel will be a nation that all the nations of the world would come against. Why would all the nations of the earth come against a nation that was of no account. Israel is now in its strength and Donald Trump has helped to strengthen Israel in its current state used term with me earlier today I found it to be fascinating term I think I need to discuss it with you and he you talk to me about how everything is being so influenced by this multibillionaire cabal as well and when should explain what that is.

But secondly, you reminded me that this multibillionaire cabal all want one thing global government, which folks, that in itself is astounding that the real movers and shakers of this world have one thing in mind that's a one world system again that leaps out of the Bible heavily out of the books of Daniel and Revelation relation 13 paints a picture of one world government that's crystal clear Mistake in Revelation 13 Michelle give me a definition of what you mean here about this multibillionaire cabal for small who are they, well it's interesting that these billionaires all have. It seems the same end goal in mind billionaires like George Soros is billionaires like Warren Buffett billionaires like Tom Stier or even Bill Gates. They all of been on the same page when it comes. For instance just one example to advancing the goals of the Planned Parenthood there very much a pro-abortion community. They believe in advancing abortion all throughout the world. And yet at the same time. What's the biggest problem that the West faces it's a demographic decline. It's not enough people that are being born in these nations are starting to now thin out and lose populations. And yet, why is it that these billionaires all have the same goal and the goal is one that mirrors what the Bible predicts will one day come that there will be a one world government with a one world religion. It will be us a cashless system where people will only be able to buy and sell with the mark of the beast that the Bible talks about. It's very clear what that goal is, and it's dominated by control by a very small cabal of people and so people that have all this money more money than we've ever seen before concentrated and very few hands. It's interesting to me that the outcomes they're looking for are fairly similar and yet if you look at the UN, which was established in 1945.

Their end goal has always been the same. They love international government they love international criminal court.

For instance, where that court would have sovereignty over all the people of the earth. It's extremely frightening because those values are not in any way in sync with American values. That's why Donald Trump is so different and so unique. He is not a globalist. He is not a one world government tech. He rejects all of that. His leaders that he has appointed in his government are also not one world or's they agree with Donald Trump's position. Donald Trump is about America. He was a strong American independent America as sovereign in America that is different than what the multibillionaire cabal wants they don't seem to want to strong America. There are all they were no borders therefore watching this invasion is you and I talk we have never seen an invasion on our southern American border like we're seeing right now. Literally tens of thousands 100,000 in a month are pouring over labels never been vetted with the highest number of measles cases right now. So far this year than we had all of last year's overseeing disease, poverty, crime, all pouring into our country and yet why is it that the multibillionaire cabal says this is funny but they love it were heading in the my closing segment in just a moment or two folks for this particular program were going to continue with part two next week with Michele Bachmann will give you an update and what she's doing as well. She's traveling the world.

She is still ministering at United Nations with some astounding stories coming out of the UN good stories. I will be back in just a minute or two don't go away. We are always delighted to feature Michelle Bachmann setting time radio Jenna Michelle been friends and coworkers in ministry to the kids love ministering to run the believers around the world as well as showing the truth of the gospel lateness of the hour of a call to holy living combat. The darkening tide of our times for just a moment. Why not save the date of Saturday, September 21 for understanding the times 2019. Tickets go on sale June 1 for $25 and include lunch will be selling general admission seats only and no assigned seating figures this year include Dr. Robert Jeffress_40 poster objectives Dr. Judy for. Jim Marco will help you understand the times become watchmen on the wall location once again is Grace Church of Paris, Minnesota, just outside of Minneapolis to Junior's timely fellowship is unparalleled as you make friends for life. Save the date, is that our websites conference. For a list of hotels and other pertinent information. That's all of trees used or followed to will 3000 review, September 21 just outside of Indianapolis. Your prayers matter. They made a huge difference on the international level. We need this at the UN again this is a body that is overall anti-Israel is the body for all the seats one world government. Joe Martel and Michelle Bachmann grandpa part one of a two-part series next. Please keep Michelle in prayer. She ministers around the world on behalf of the Jerusalem prayer breakfast. She also serves with United Nations bringing the gospel to ambassadors and other UN personnel, Jenna, Michelle, closing off today's programming through drawers next week on their online part two yesterday wanted to destroy capitalism and replace it with social and want to nationalize energy all the green new deal. They want to nationalize healthcare: Medicare for all single-payer.

They want to. Well I want a 70 to 90% marginal rate tax on certain individuals. They want free college. They want a guaranteed minimum income from birth a guaranteed federal job for those who cortical confinement three months of taxpayer financed family leave expansion of Social Security which is already going to go bankrupt. According to the trustees in 2034. I just got started.

Donald Trump stands in the way that Utopia that paradox, they must destroy and welcome back were wrapping up program number one with Michele Bachmann to be back next week I have to make a comment because we open the entire program some 40 minutes ago now with the clip from Eric Holder and he said something like, when I hear these things about let's make America great again.

I think to myself, exactly when did you think America was a great Mr. Holder, if I could reply to that when America got the gospel to the ends of the earth one Americus has stood with Israel voted for independence in 1948 motor Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem a year ago when America sent aid to hundreds of nations who were devastated by natural disasters. When we helped liberate Europe during World War II that I really need to go on much further when we went to war in the mid-1800s to free the slaves and Eric Holder again he demonstrates the utter insanity of today's leftist lunacy. And that's kind of what Michelle Bachmann and I been talking about here for program number one on understanding the times radio. Let me just quickly say that we got active presence on social media and check it out. Instagram olive tree ministries on Instagram Facebook and twitter extremely active.

Check it out. Camera kills all of three ministries on Facebook find us on twitter at Olive tree men. If you do write to us. Would you always tell us how you listen to your podcast or are you listening to one of our well over 800 stations you listing online on our website.

It helps us to process things here in the office.

The program is posted to our website every Saturday morning. It is also posted Saturday to our YouTube channel under Jan Markel and we have now added visual images so work give a new illustration of what were talking about on YouTube. Don't place you can see it on our YouTube channel check it out is me and that's the Jan Markel channel on YouTube. Posted on Saturday morning and we got tens and tens of thousands watch and on YouTube and following on the social media now Michelle I want to kick back because I think we need a little bit of an update in next week. We've got lots of things we still get a cover right now you are serving as cochairman of the Jerusalem prayer breakfast you're still serving at the United Nations. Are there frequently. You gave me some stories before we went on air today. You're actually ministering to some ambassadors at United Nations one even prayed for salvation thanks to your influence and you prayed with that particular individual. Talk to us. In my audience because they follow you. They pray for you they write. They send emails what is Michelle doing, where is she now give us an update on what you're doing. First of all thank you to your audience. For all the prayers. Never underestimate the power of prayer because it is God at work when we are firing up our prayers and I have seen it at the United Nations.

We've laid a lot of foundation of praise and worship and prayer at the United Nations and were seeing now the fruits of that I did have the opportunity I've met with over 50 ambassadors now one-on-one at the UN. I make personal meetings with them their 193 ambassadors I've met with about 1/4 of them now at this point and also we've held different seminars at the United Nations. We help hold small group meetings we've held church services and we also hold Bible studies for the over 10,000 permanent employees that are at the United Nations. This is of very strategic place.

It is the only place on earth that all the kings and prime ministers and presidents of the earth gather once a year they gather the third week of September but then they do their work. All through out the year so it's a very strategic place to bring the gospel. It's a tough place.

I won't kid you. It's been a very tough place but you begin with prayer, praise and worship and prayer, and we are seeing that there were fruits just recently I had a chance to pray with three young people.

There are people who gave their personal stories of being transformed by Jesus Christ after the people had made their profession of faith in front of a group we had young people over 30 young people rush up to the table afterwards and tell us they were from South America, Central America, Mexico. They said we never heard this before because everything that gets pushed on them is everything but man woman marriage for the pro-abortion agenda. The culture of death and they said we never heard this before this is all new to us and so I just was prompted by the Holy Spirit to ask if I could pray for salvation for some of those kids and I did.

I prayed one-on-one for salvation with some of these young people. Now they'll be going back to their nations as new creatures in Jesus Christ and they will impact their world and so what this is is little by little bit by bit never despise small beginnings and were seeing this at the UN.

And so what I'm saying to all of you who are listening is your prayers matter. They've made a huge difference on the international level. We need this at the UN again this is a body that is overall anti-Israel is a body over all that seeks one world government. This is where we need to have prayer, especially right now in God's time clock in the prophetic history that the Bible is written, prehistory.

We need your prayers so that is on that score. Also, is the cochair of the Jerusalem prayer breakfast. We are going all over the world right now meeting with leaders with presidents with prime ministers with kings, even in Muslim countries know you talk with them this very unfriendly of all the doors that God is open to talk with these leaders about having a pro Israel perspective in conformity with Genesis 12 three who's going with you. Who are some of the others that are speaking as you are. I had mentioned you had gone with Joel Rosenberg that wasn't a fortress and prayer breakfast that was for Joel Rosenberg think I've gone also with Jerusalem prayer breakfast were read met also in Muslim countries. I won't say the name of the country for certain reasons, but we are going and where making out pro Israel pitch to them to work with Israel to bless Israel if you will, and also regarding Jerusalem were asking them to consider moving their embassy into Jerusalem and we've seen it. We've seen it with Guatemala. We've seen it with Honduras. Just this last Monday, Romania announced that they are moving their embassy. These are steps that no one ever thought possible. Two years ago and now the United States the biggest nation, the most powerful nation on earth made that opening announcement to Israel, but now other nations are following suit is a really what were seeing out is the playing out of Joel chapter 3 and Matthew 2531 through 33, which is the separating of goat and sheep, nations, and the basis for a nation to be either gold or sheep nation is whether or not they are favorable toward Zion, whether they bless Zion were seeing that in effect is a warning and it is reaching out with that word to nations that now is the chance to turn to be either a sheep and make the choice because from the beginning of time with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden man is that choice we've had free will we get to choose life or we get to choose death and part of what were doing with the Jerusalem prayer breakfast is going around the world to speak with leaders on their nation coming into a time of blessing as opposed to a time when rehearsing what you have coming up. As far as travel well-nigh here going around the world.

I am, I have recently been in Norway where I spoke on national television for an hour. I gave the gospel. Believe it or not on national TV in Norway.

I gave the gospel and I talked about the Christian heritage how Christianity came to Norway and then how Norwegians brought Christianity to the United States and bless the United States. So I've done that but I will be going to the United States to speak in San Antonio will be speaking in South Carolina will be going to the Ukraine.

I'll be going to Israel be going to a rock. I'll be going to Uganda. I'll be going to Israel again. I'll be speaking at the Hague. I'll be speaking in Amsterdam. So God has opened up doors of opportunity like never before to spread this message and to talk about the date and time that we live in that this is the time for nations to get right with God. That's really what this is for nations and having that opportunity to get right with God. How can my audience pray for you as they follow you. How can they pray for you.

What I would ask for prayer for myself and for them is that God gives us the ears to hear, and the insight to live out our faith. That's what's really been struck with me lately how imperative it is for each one of us. Whatever our sphere of influence that we are living out the faith, living out Christianity, living out the truth of the Bible. If we are that living letter where ever he has placed us this whole world gets turned upside down.

That's what happened with the original apostles the world was turned upside down because they became living letters of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's what we can do if each one of us does that quite literally it won't be us that doesn't that's the first thing you realize it has nothing to do with us as individuals. It has everything with us being like a garden hose in the Holy Spirit is like the water that comes through the hose. So think of it that way. All we are is the vessel it's the power of the Holy Spirit that does the work. So open ourselves up and we will see the gospel transform lives.

I've probably had more freedom in my life in the last year or two with presenting the gospel sharing what the gospel is in asking people to pray to receive salvation. I've probably been more free lately than ever before in my life and I want to encourage people.

It doesn't have to be weird or creepy. It is very simply just speaking truth to people and it happens people are hungry for the word of God folks are in a pick this up again next week and part two of my two-part series with Michele Bachmann. We will encourage you even greater next week because there are credible things going on around the world.

I know we see dark headlines, but go to see beyond some of those headlines and will talk more about that on next week's programming citizen. Isaiah 33 six that only God is the stability of our times. Politicians are not statesmen that are not kings and generals come and go. God wants to offer you you stability as well shows been talking about that he of this closing segment also wants to become your Lord your Savior and to take control of any life that is headed off course turned to him today. No one is promised tomorrow. Eternity is a very long time, particularly in the wrong place.

I want to thank you for listening and we will talk next week know you wanted to move again next week is really important to contact us.

All three ministers 1452 Grove, MN 55111 452 Grove, MN 55311 contact us online that's all of tree views. RG color circle time at 76355 94 763-559-4444 for trusting over seven times radio droning stitching and corruption in high places sold in life