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The Mystical Christian

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell
The Cross Radio
May 4, 2019 8:00 am

The Mystical Christian

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell

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May 4, 2019 8:00 am

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Can we be mystical Christians, we don't think so will talk about at this hour.

My friend Paul Netter theologian Cincinnati to kiss Xavier University. He wrote a book with just about perfect title for this concern and he said help. Buddha has often feel better Christian title is book. Thank you for joining. Understanding the times radio Jan Markel radio for the remnants they would talk about meditation good bad and the dangerous living in days of deception and even meditation has been corrected, teachers are putting us in a dangerous direction it comes to meditation and and her guest Jessica Smith discuss this with the island.

Well, this guy here, this is Carl Rotter and he is known as the brains behind Vatican II. He was the Pope John XXIII was in charge of the church. But this guy was the intellectual force behind the changes that took place in Vatican II and he said the Christian of the future will be a mistake or he will not exist at all.

So in other words, in the future. Everybody who claims to be a Christian will actually be a mystic and that is what's taking place right now that were in the process of bringing that to fruition. Sound the mystical Christian well welcome to the program can talk about that for the hour.

Some of you may remember, and by the way, that was the voice of the late Ray Young and I may play another clip of him a little bit later, but last fall I did a program with Jessica Smith revealing how the East is seducing today's church and frankly the Western world Jessica Smith was heavily into all things Eastern mysticism.

That program ignited a lot of interest in people wrote asking if we would talk about the new practice in our public schools called mindfulness and for that matter Morgan is throwing a lot of other issues as well. What are we to do with practices coming from Hinduism and Buddhism that guarantee that anxious and depressed people stressed out people are going to be free from these things if they will just engage in certain practices like well mindfulness, contemplative prayer, listening prayer, centering prayer these things harmless and even healthy.

Actually not what is healthy about going into a trance like condition emptying your mind and filling it with well who knows what.

Let me just make a comment or two here by way of further introduction before I bring my guest on here just one set the stage here for a real short discussion were going to have on what's called mindfulness.

Currently, mindfulness is being introduced to tens of thousands of public schools across America. One group alone. Healthy schools program which includes mindfulness as part of its program is in over 30,000 public schools.

That's about one third of all public schools in America, so program such as healthy schools claim that children behave better in think more clearly when they incorporate mindfulness exercise into their school regimen now again I'm quoting Ray Young and here he says in recent years, a type of meditation known as mindfulness has made a surprising showing based on current trends and has the potential to eclipse yoga in popularity.

You will now find it everywhere that people are seeking therapeutic approaches to ailments or disorders.

It is presented as something to cure society's ills sell these experiences they feel good so it must be good. They must all be good. They must all be healthy. So were talking for the hour about Christian meditation that comes under a lot of different names centering prayer breath prayers contemplative prayer, listening prayer, mindfulness, I just read your quote on mindfulness that sinners public schools, so we are to be far away from pagan practices in some of these quite frankly are pagan statistics show that one in three teachers are using the mindfulness tactics or techniques. I think this is potentially a huge problem. At least I think some of you with kids or grandkids in the various schools that are practicing this need to know about it. Jessica Smith, welcome back to the program. Thanks so much for having me back an honor to be here, not there is solid biblical meditation. And then there is an Eastern type of meditation and we need to clarify Jessica that not all meditation is dangerous today we are sounding an alarm that certain types of Eastern oriented meditation is dangerous. Practicing the presence of God in a biblical way, is spiritually healthy. Many people don't know the difference. And as we talked earlier. There's a fine line between the difference exactly right and what I have discovered that a lot of stars are catching on to the different and there is a massive difference if we look into the Scripture on the Lord is very very clear on what my hope is that by the end of this discussion, Jan will be unable to educate your listeners to be able to pick out that different for themselves. It's really easy to see somebody sitting crosslegged in front of the Buddha statue Ray roaming quietly over and over. We can easily recognize that not the biblical type of meditation what we in wet working on our school. Your mentioning and doctors offices. And honestly, even a lot of churches and with being propagated on a lot of "Christian medication website. What I found was that a lot. Even though not a biblical kind. They are the very beginning steps of the pagan you think I know at first glance, that might not sound like that big of a deal.

After all, it's all called meditation that we as Christians know that Satan is a liar and fever and he will try to conceive thing that exactly what you doing here with the word education are two very antithetical definition of medication to clarify real quickly.

Were talking about mindfulness and people of faith alone. Mindfulness yet another way, the practicing mindfulness beside medication lately. You look at every definition of mindfulness and we can talk more about this later where the popularization of mindfulness came from came from Buddhism. At the very same tactic wet mindfulness at any time there is any thought of mindfulness training. It is medication. Mindfulness is a type of meditation is a spiritual pagan meditation that been masked in our culture basically that one thing that's really interesting to note about how Jan is back original dictionary 1828 I have bring it because I think it's really interesting how Satan twists and turns, analyze and eat the things if you look at the dictionary and meditate.

Back in 1828 original with their dictionary.

That definition is the biblical definition to dwell on anything and thought to contemplate study three involved in the mind to think about even used Psalm 12 as the example sentence of delight and allow the Lord and in his lucky that Kate day and night. This biblical verse of the example we can see clearly that meditate in the biblical sense means to think about your interest in the more I have a whole exhaustive study on my website that will get into now to get the power to litigate your website. It's truth behind truth behind but I'm just slipping here. I want to make, or to myself because school administrators, teachers, and Cetera are being told that mindfulness which is essentially Buddhism is safe is not religious and it's not the same as anything out of the East, but more than that they're being told in one play click pair of teenagers talking about how their lives have been transformed. They are no longer anxious. They are no longer depressed because of practicing this mindfulness, deep down, I keep feeling this pain in my chest. I got kicked out of my house. The panic attacks.

I like many other teens have struggled with anxiety.

My social anxiety really bad anxiety and depression. I used go to school just completely exhausted after snow takes I'd be up all night worrying I felt like a ghost roaming through the halls distress made me sick is a lot of repetition of thinking about what if there is a purpose to walk whether there is any reason to continue forth or to just cut it short.

Take a second and breathe and reflect on what you feel awareness to waive any and all a matter of finding violence.

It really feels like a lease rate can be yourself can be authentic feel safe, safe, I was like on the verge of suicide before taking the class and my family really know what else to do thousand counseling therapists and taking medicine spending the first semester in this class really liked helped me get past that point and not let Blake the mental illness of the struggle was take over my life. Okay the class are referring to the class on mindfulness. Obviously it's helping something that exactly what Satan wants you to believe that helping something on a physical level when really in our spiritual level it's doing a lot to separate people from ethane doesn't care if your back feel better if your anxiety feels better on a surface level because he doesn't care about that stuff here that you fully care. They are separated from Christ. We also have a lot of evidence that a lot of these claims but I think will help my anxiety. Even their thing there scientific claims that helps this, and it helps that there's a brand-new but that can be coming out next month and that I was graciously able to get my hands on an advance copy that is really fascinating into the look and all this is an academic work called debating yoga and mindfulness in the public school written by an Indiana University professor is a very respected among her peers in academic community. It has hundreds and hundreds of pages of research about all of that and what it reveals is a very tactical stealth approach of specifically one person who's really heavily influential and starting all this back in the late 70s at the skillful means of stealth Buddhism is a good term yet exactly what you're talking about here with the kids out of helping with this is helping with that.

Her book that is coming out early next month actually shows that medication and the kids are being told that the parents are being told that but professor can be on the ramp book has clear evidence that there are many actual risks being involved in medication that is raising a lot of ethical issues, she has research that the American psychiatric Association has quote since 1977 called for well-controlled studies that evaluate contraindications and dangers of meditative techniques. I think a lot of it difficult to tell how many common negative experiences there are. Because mindfulness researchers has failed to measure them, and may even discourage participants from reporting that goes on to show that in meditative studies that measured meditation techniques very much the same that are being propagated and even mindfulness got of the same techniques from the catalog experiences include quote, fear, anxiety, panic or paranoia, depression, grief, change in worldview, delusional, irrational or paranormal belief, physical pain, reexperiencing memory, even rage, anger, aggression, agitation and irritability. Even it was fidelity out another review found that there was quote know that medication programs were better than any active treatment such as exercise or behavioral therapy to the subject being presented with very specific tactics being presented as something that it blanketed me superior and it's just not the case is what I want to do for the next couple minutes and my take me more than a couple of minutes about a decade ago, I learned that my alma mater, Bethel University in St. Paul Minnesota was featuring and again the first segment here folks is on Buddhism coming into the church and into the schools heavily. The schools my mama to Bethel University. I wrote an article about it. I went to hear a Buddhist speak at Bethel University was a decade ago now and let me just read a few paragraphs I will take time to read the whole article, but let me read a few paragraphs I wrote this after I attended this event. I wasn't prepared for what I was about to hear that particular evening, Bethel University, St. Paul, Minnesota, sponsored an interreligious symposium promoting some kind of quote common ground between Buddhism and Christianity. One would think of a Christian had an ounce of discernment they would deduce that Christianity has nothing to do with Buddhism and such unions are playing with fire, but a panel concluded. This is again a Bethel University that there was common ground between Christianity and Buddhism. When it came to meditation. Again, this is top Christian college folks granted this kind of meditation could put one in a dangerous altered state of consciousness and maybe that's okay as long as we can find a bit of unity here about 200 students and a few adults were crammed into the symposium auditorium and by the way attendance was mandatory. Okay I go on not reading the whole article folks. I wrote this a few years ago. The three main presenters were a Buddhist monk from Sri Lanka, a Bethel professor who is part of a Christian Zen movement and an active Buddhist layman and meditator in Zen.

Although he grew up in a Christian home. These were the three on the panel. The kind of meditation being promoted by the panelist is the kind that brings quote enlightenment, whatever that means. I'm skipping around here. There was not one with of Christianity that was presented to the Buddhist anticipating on the panel. This sent a message to him that he's okay.

Being a Buddhist I go on here at the push was meditation but being a Buddhist means becoming conscious of one's own divinity. This was not clarified had it been clarified could have sent out a huge red flag to questioning students at Bethel University. Okay I'm wrapping this up. It's a long article I wrote after I attend this seminar, which was mandatory. I was an outsider. Obviously, this is just a few years ago. Okay, the students were encouraged to do meditation that would silence or empty. Their minds, keep in mind that some who promote this kind of meditation such as Richard Foster actually tell you to pray a prayer of protection over yourself before you begin. Yet there was no warning to innocent and naïve students and again attendance was mandatory. We heard a lot about those ancient mystics and those Desert fathers. Here we go with the mystical. Again. And mysticism always trumps doctrine.

Bring on the experience. Another panelist talked about the Jesuits, he studied under so is Bethel University, a Baptist red University or Catholic rated try the former a symposium like this is leading these kids straight to the emergent church which goes along with all of the above okay I'm wrapping it up here nothing of the gospel was talked about sin was left out as was a priceless eternity for those following the wrong path. Rather, all that was praised was some kind of a glorious unity in mind expansion that could be achieved through Buddhist meditation again folks, Bethel University, St. Paul, Minnesota, my alma mater. I was present to hear this, I conclude, no one talked about the possibility of opening oneself up to demonic influence from emptying the mind and the wrong kind of meditation. I am reminded that there are students and faculty at Bethel who meet regularly for prayer not using any kinds of techniques and this is not an attempt to castigate the entire University of teachers and students many of whom are godly righteous people. This column is not directed at them. It is directed at some careless faculty who are enthusiastic about their beliefs, who should use better judgment than to present Buddhism Christian Zen and contemplative prayer has some good alternatives for the students.

Your thoughts, Jessica Smith reminds me so much of what that in the Bible. First Timothy 41. Expressly says that in later time will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirit and teachings of demon Satan present the thing at all the medication org meditative in the Bible at meditation.

Christian meditation line between that purposely had Not changed regarding really good at me that even the garden and that she thought it was good to put up a big red framing sign that said this related communicate with the men making good and exactly what you doing here is trying to blur the line between Christian and Rick meditation can get the quote about medication in a way to communicate with the spirit world natural progression of where this type of Easter medication.

Goats get dark peace to esoteric experiences that deepen heightened levels of peace and the patient that are being manipulated by this spiritual round because this is a spiritual practice and there is no way to disengage that even that modern Webster's dictionary will you right now. The first definition is the biblical oneself to engage in contemplation, reflection, economic up earlier than 1820 was not the other one but Satan has manipulated this other definition though and are providing that now there's a definition as to engage in mental exercise such as concentration on one breathing or repetition of a mantra for the purpose of reaching heightened level of spiritual awareness. Dictionary says that he's breathing technique any sort of technique that has the word meditation attached to it. That is the breathing technique or repetition of a mantra or focusing on one thing on the good word even if it's the word Jesus yelling.

This is not biblical medication for the purpose of reaching heightened level of spiritual awareness and a Christian, and no Scripture know that all things spiritual are not good. If it is not on the side of the Lord it on the side of the enemy.

We need to pick this up in my second segment, Jessica Smith, the listening, understanding the times radio me to take my first break of the hour when I come back. We've got a lot more to talk about what about contemplative prayer. What about breath prayers was Rob Bell's teaching people that we need to be warning about this just so much going on that is of a mystical nature were becoming a mystical church. Prominent teachers are promoting the mystical on a daily basis will talk more about it. Don't go away. We have websites all of the features daily headlines two years of radio programming store with two dozen products page featuring all of our videos as well as contact and donate information about text you call us or visit our donate program is posted electronically at our website.

Our YouTube channel and one on Saturday morning ritual squad mail. All of tree ministries for export to Grove, MN 55311 call or something so 763559444 476-559-4444 with John Markel, Jessica Smith, olive tree ministries is carrying a new book by Douglas Stauffer and Andrew Ray reviving the blessed hope of Thessalonians.

I did not think I would see the day when we would have to have a discussion about reviving our hope in the rapture of the church, something that has to be revived is often expired.

And yes, discussion of the pretrip rapture of the church has been on life support find this excellent book.

In our store up all of tree in our print any newsletter or you can call a central time.

763-559-4444 763-559-4444. This ministry is committed to helping the entire church to keep looking up and expecting his return.

Even if vast portions of the church have little interest in doing that. We will keep reminding you that the trumpet and the shout could happen. Even today, and I promise you don't want to be left behind. Check out reviving the blessed hope today all sort of documentation within the spiritual round and teachings about people having salute. Psychosis. The fact that, as a result of this demonic what's really at the root of the appeal feeling of what you doing on an energetic spiritual level, spiritual realm and putting things into motion that is not biblical because either of whole practices guide doing exactly what he's been doing for thousands of years to look good. The East has tried to seduce the West and in recent years has successfully invaded the church as well. That is why we feel is essential to be aware of meditation is rooted Buddhism dualism, New Age and more popular to the mind. When we met at has consequences. No more with John Markel, Jessica Smith reported last year that middle school students were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith known as the shahada which pledges allegiance to the prophet Mohammed and the Muslim God a lot.

Now, the American Center for Law and Justice has received complaints from parents in 11 states so far about teachers incorporating Buddhism-based mindfulness practices into daily curriculum of elementary school age children and welcome back. We are spending some time here talking about the mystical because the mystical. Again the East is seducing the West, seducing the church. It's just seducing the culture. Buddhism and Hinduism. All these things from the East that are very, very dangerous, particularly spiritually dangerous are moving in trying to capture minds" on mindfulness remove on some of the things to talk about contemplative prayer to talk about probably centering prayer. I want to play clip of Ray Young and on all of this. I want to play clip of Rob Bell in his big push for proper breathing is asking to get us closer to God. And that's what all this is supposed to be doing is getting us closer to God.

How about opening our Bible and just reading the Bible and getting closer to God.

But no, we got have experience experience experience. In this case there are all kinds of experiences, but in this case. These experiences are literally demonic.

Mindfulness is a form of meditation there are many forms of meditation including contemplation.

But mindfulness is the type where you bring your full mind to an object. Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment which can be developed through the practice of meditation and other training.

It is all rooted in just blatant Buddhism last segment I told you about the session I went to at Bethel University, St. Paul. They had a Buddhist monk from Sri Lanka who talked about all the things were talking about how wonderful they were and those present that were representing the school, went along with it. This is how we can find common ground that was the theme of the evening is that Christianity and Buddhism can find common ground through meditation and this is where this topic gets scary because folks cannot find common ground with Hinduism, Buddhism, and things of that nature. Jessica Smith was with me several months ago.

She was formerly very entrenched in all things Eastern mysticism and I've asked her back to discuss. We started out anyway with mindfulness or Jessica, let's continue with mindfulness discussion in your website again is Debbie Debbie Debbie.truth behind truth behind and you can find lots of articles on these topics.

You also might want to check out Jessica's book at her website.

The shattering and encounter with truth. The shattering and encounter with truth best and Jessica's book discusses some of the topics were discussing today okay you have a couple of quotes I think even from the gentleman who founded this whole movement back in about 1979) ran a professor of academic work that was any relief in debating yoga and mindfulness in public schools at her but will be released in early May. Interested in learning more about this than just the stealth Buddhism tactics all done for the link in my resources on my website. Basically, she explained that just completely unveiled the strategy of basically one man but a lot more have come along fence to Buddhist meditation and present it to society as secular.

That man's name is come by then John cannot vent his Jewish-American molecular biology PhD and Prof. of medicine and to read you Jan, this quote straight out of hanging on the ramp, but because it's really telling him he was at the University messages at medical school like I mentioned he quote was first exposed the Dharma 1966, while a doctoral student at MIP. He trained as the Dharma, which is Buddhist teacher and then it goes on to list just all these different types of Tibetan Buddhism all sorts of different Buddhist types and styles of meditation, Hindu, Vedanta and other spiritual resources and equipment on essay although still studying with Buddhist teachers, then stopped coming himself Buddhist. Once he realized he quote would not been able to do, but I did and quite same way if I was actually identifying myself as today, going on to say a non-Buddhist public identity allowed, then to introduce Buddhist practices without raising concerns about Buddhist evangelism in 1979 he founded the stress reduction and relaxation clinic.

Now the Center for mindfulness and medicine, healthcare, and society with its signature mindfulness-based stress reduction program at the University of Massachusetts medical school by 2018 guide this Center for mindfulness and medicine had enrolled 24,000 patients certified in the house and instructors on 740 mindfulness-based stress reduction programs and medical settings across 30 countries and has now become a model for innumerable mindfulness-based cracking this in hospitals, public schools, prisons, government, media, professional sports and business and another quadricep from one of the teachers trained said we never lead with Buddhism but rather with science research in psychology some mindfulness training became acceptable all kind of institutions that the key to its mainstream success and the book goes on to give authority of the research. After research of different teachers giving quotes along the same lines about how it even the quote stealth Buddhism Buddhism yet exactly how in the skillful means of getting them into the mainstream.

If we can just resent it at science really interesting how finally it's been documented and released.

What will be soon here coming in early May that all of this has been strategically presented as something it is not I want to move on to a few other related types of exercises again. All they come under the category of meditation. How often does the Bible talk about meditation talks about it continually. It's something were to be doing just quote you here Jessica you write this that there are two types.

There is nonbiblical meditation. In other words, mindfulness is one name, but there are countless names of approaches all rooted in opening oneself to the spiritual realm with the beginning practice of focusing on something in object the breath a sacred word or word which leads you down a path away from the Lord.

No matter how innocent it seems at first and is all spiritual deserves that kind of nonbiblical and then there is the biblical meditation which leads you closer to God because it is how he instructed us to seek him okay so we got two kinds of meditation. We are really looking at the nonbiblical, but honestly Jessica we get to contemplative prayer. Let me read some names of people who are promoting this contemplative prayer there rather prominent in the Christian world. I gotta say what their promoting is not really biblical.

Dallas Willard, Thomas Keating, Thomas Merton, Rob Bell promoters of the emergent church. Richard Foster those who are representing or speaking for the ancient desert fathers limit display clip here of Rob Bell and how he's going to be promoting all the things were talking about, at least in the realm of meditation going to bring us closer to God and place it upon your belly 1 Hand Pl. upon your chest was brief for moment showing nice big deep breaths. Central to the Christian tradition for thousands of years have been disciplines of meditation reflection, silence and breathing now from way back when our ancestors understood that there something divine about our breath, take a moment as you breathe deeply to invite the God who made the universe into your breath. I wonder sometimes when we feel as though God is far God is thinking. I gave you breathing. I can't closer it is God is close as breathing. I think what he goes on to say, Jessica's, you can't get much closer to God and through breathing and breath prayers. What's wrong with that. I was shaking my head as I was looking for that because that is the absolute top of what the Bible said and so confusing if you don't understand or not really familiar with all of this.

It seems like there's so many different types of medication at the right reading this after saying this, and content give us breathing that make sense. But no, let's just cleared up. Really, simply guide there are two of meditation.

Sure, there's a lot of different approaches Satan side of meditation there are two types and how you can easily discern number one pick you to Scripture and praying with thoughtful focus to the Lord. This is not my opinion, this is straight from the Bible added an exhaustive study of every single time the word meditate comes up in the Bible. Using Strong's concordance of the King James version and I had typed up on the website. You're welcome to go there and really encourage you to because in looking at the Scripture in the context of the Scripture and the definition of meditation within each of those and I left that Greek and Hebrew word used and what is sexily to do for yourself what the Lord meditation is very very good think about my word to turn to him and think about what he's coming word on his law he wants us to meditate on his word on his (described in the Bible on Scripture, not some esoteric experience to the one side we can recognize it from the Lord is somebody pointing to Scripture, SME, pointing us to think about the Lord is somebody encouraging us to talk to the Lord Jesus explains prayer as the Lord explains probably can talk about a little bit with the blood of prayer and centering prayer but we can recognize it from the Lord year.

Focus on the breath you can just rest assured that that is just a straight giveaway.

There's all sorts of other approaches.

Relax let go of your thoughts.

Clear your mind anything that says focus on one thing and just repeat after me I am powerful. Repeat after me this. Whatever the word may be sacred words even can be. The word GSS which sounds really good. I was extracted Buddhist meditation that I can plug the word Jesus then and he was still a Buddhist meditation type of meditation that has letting go of thoughts or focusing on one thing, it can be an object, it can be simple it can be even something that biblical has a biblical word attached to it, or they say you think about Jesus and let go of all other thought anything like that, guys. That is, that demonic constantly to even say that some of you I'm sure counsel, thank you. This is it is a spiritual path that is intended to take you somewhere even if you feel quote unquote feel feelings of peace. As a result that the manipulation from the spiritual realm.

It is supposed to go deeper and deeper it will drop you deeper and deeper into centers of euphoria into trancelike stage is the longer you do it and the more you go into it. The beginning stages that are being masked in our culture that I just wanted to reveal to those of us who love the Lord and who wants you discern these things in and of the Lord instructs us to do your listings.

Understanding the times radio Jim Markel in the line from the West Coast, Jessica Smith, you can learn a lot more and her website. Truth behind I had around here last fall. We talked about so-called Christian yoga, which is an oxymoron. You can go to my website if you'd like to hear that programming all of tree you get to my website good. My search engine just typing Jessica Smith and comes up. It's about 5 to 6 months ago she gave her testimony she was entrenched in all things Eastern and we just gave a warning. Back then, we heavily stressed that Christian yoga is since no such thing. We stress the danger of lots of things that are coming from the East reiki. We talked about that a little bit as well and you can find a lot more information again at her website.

Truth behind you. I opened up this particular segment because I just want to read a few words here from Roger Oakland was kind of a I would say an authority on what's known as contemplative or contemplative prayer. It's all in the same genre here of meditation that is not safe and that is not sound in Oakland says this what is contemplative prayer. Here is how one promoter defined it. Contemplative prayer in its simplest form is prayer in which you steal your thoughts.

This puts you in a better state to be aware of God's presence and it makes you better able to hear God's voice, correcting, guiding and directing you is that definition sounds beneficial to one's spiritual well-being.

Consider another explanation that provides an even clearer understanding.

Its practitioners are trained to focus on an inner symbol that quiets the mind.

This is contemplative or contemplative prayer. When practitioners become skilled at this method of meditation, they undergo a deep trance state. Similar to auto hypnosis. Contemplative prayer is making a big comeback again, this is Roger Oakland, first discovered by monks in the third century who isolated themselves in desert monasteries. You can now find practitioners and promoters in many evangelical churches today finding out what occurred in the past helps me to understand the present. Furthermore, this idea that we need to go back to the past and find what Christian experiences were effective, and then reintroduce them into the present is the central theme of the emerging church movement that is becoming so popular today. Jessica let me address this to you.

Contemplative prayer uses what is called the sacred word.

The idea is that when thoughts start to come into your mind. You focus on a sacred word to bring you back to just resting in God. The word is not spoken.

The word is in your mind. These words are taken from Scripture. Some of the words friends. Jesus, peace be still, etc. what could possibly be wrong with that. What trauma that is that not biblical instruction at the end of biblical instruction as actually occult instruction, prayer, occult instruction in meditation. This is exactly or explaining is exactly meditation techniques that I was taught at Buddhist type of meditation that you learn to quote open oneself to the spiritual around the demonic spiritual round.

Of course I didn't know that when I was doing it once I became a Christian and Veria spiritually eye-opening way that became very apparent, and that in fact, the Bible makes that very clear to either one of the seas. Promoters of this. Richard Foster says that before you enter into praying this contemplative prayer method pray a prayer of protection over yourself. Why on earth would anyone have to do that if it were safe.

Well that's exactly right. They think it is not biblical. The Lord never instructs us that we have to pray protection before we approach his throne of grace action before we do any sort of biblical meditation because were all were doing in biblical action is focusing on what Jesus tells us now that brings up a really good point Jan because it's really interesting that they would have to pray protection because that's what we had to do, and Buddhist meditation.

In fact that's what the mindfulness centers they actually have a release form that have to be signed by the adult minute not the kid that I read about getting on the ramp book as well that all sorts of different things that can happen, including a history of trauma abuse. Bringing up all sorts of things on very traumatic level that they have picked up and sign a release form and there's all sorts of documentation within the Buddhist spiritual realm and yogic teachings about people having absolute serious psychosis all sorts of serious side effects that come up as a result of this, because it's demonic what's really at the root of it, feel feelings of but what it's actually doing on an energetic and spiritual level that activates the spiritual realm.

And it is putting things into motion that is not biblical because either occult practices, guys, and Satan is doing exactly what you've been doing for thousands of years. He's not asking them to look good in the Lord really say that just like he asked did the Lord really say that will, of course he did.

Let's look in his word to answers not look at what other people are telling Dr. Candy Gunther Brown says this is goes back to mindfulness promoters of secular mindfulness.

Avoid using the loaded words Buddhism or religion and may even steer clear of mentioning spirituality or meditation, but the practice is essentially similar to that taught in many Buddhist basic classes of the hope expressed by certain key leaders in the secular mindfulness movement is that introductory classes alleviate suffering for all practitioners while providing at least some of them with a doorway into deeper explicitly Buddhist meditation. This all goes back folks to stealth Buddhism that's basically what's going on we get into some of these practices it's stealth Buddhism and its blatant Buddhism and yet it's being promoted Tuesday night and church basement. Let's all get together and practice either mindfulness or contemplative prayer or listening prayer or centering prayer or breath prayers. That's what Rob Bell was talking about in that little clip folks you're flirting with demons we be any more blunt than that your flirting with the demonic, I'm coming back in just a minute or two to wrap up our don't go away just want some answers to the dilemma of Eastern religions are in the classroom and the church are closing so I also just what is proper Bible talks about tuition almost as much as it references music highlighted some of the dangers just what is biblical. Why not save the date of Saturday, September 21 for understanding the times 2019. Tickets go on sale June 1 $25 and include lunch will be selling general admission seats only and no assigned seating figures this year and to Dr. Robert Jeffress_40 Foster judgeships. John Marco help you understand the times become watchmen on the wall once again is Grace Church parade and a soda just outside of Minneapolis to Junior's timely fellowship is unparalleled as you make friends for life, save the visitor websites conference page for a list of hotels and other pertinent information. That's all of three views.or all of three views.RG thousands of new September 21 just outside of Minneapolis how you think of my because the house mindfulness there under so many programs down so good fun, secular, and just ways of losing what they do is they slip away because a lot name that would be impossible for me because not we love hearing from you.

We are doing all across North America and around the world electronically. Your notes and emails personal to the olive tree ministries to why this is possible between 52 Grove soda 55311, Box 1452, Grove, MN 55311.

All gifts are tax-deductible to contact us through our website. All of this review study for all of three or call is something 576-355-4447 6355 44440. Here are John Marco and Jessica Smith for all of this important book called the signature Jesus and author says if you do this kind of prayer you love the signature Jesus on your prayer life uses the first step in faces and stop thinking about God. At the time of prayer every time I show this people laugh or laugh except Mennonites in the Manitoba Canada. None of them laugh every calorie traveler place was Joseph really starts chuckling. But see, this is mysticism. This is mysticism is not think you have to stop thinking you have to go into a trance. So the first step in this kind of faith is to stop thinking at the time of prayer as a normal you will pray all the time and you think you have a thought that you express it, but this type of so-called prayer you have to stop thinking Brennan Manning.

Many of you probably heard of him, met him in person and he says that you choose a single sacred word or phrase about moving her lips repeat the sacred word inwardly, slowly, and often took it up to the uses in the book did you do that you will hear the voice of God directly.

You will hear the voice of God.

Again, it was the late Ray Young and I think one of the authorities on the topic that we've been covering for this hour, which is various kinds of meditation that sounds biblical but you know what it really is, and it's another practice is just dangerous. I think we've made that point were going to kinda wrap things up here because we actually want to talk about some kind of meditation that's good meditation. Let me just quickly say before I do that I know you are running busy crazy lives, so we post the program electronically. Every week we posted Saturday morning to our website. Olive tree olive tree we posted to our YouTube channel and we insert images there so you can see what were talking about the YouTube channel is Jan Markel so should like to check that out early Saturday morning, tens of thousands are accessing the electronic and then if you'd like the program just downloaded to a device of yours, sign up for the one mobile app we also air in one and we've taken on a new network life FM network 25 new stations bringing our stations up to account of enclosed 850 stations now across North America plus or broadcasters. If you write to us. Would you always tell us just what you're listening to that helps us here in the office. Catalano wrap things up here and by the way next weekend I will be ministering in Toronto, Canada. Please remember me in prayer, wouldn't you. That's for the awaiting his return conference with the mayor's are Fadi Jack Hibbs and Barry Stegner. I had hoped to have live stream info for you. I don't feel have to contact behold for that information. I do know that DVDs will be available a few weeks later. Remember, it takes time to edit DVDs and replicates so all that info has to come from behold kindly don't contact olive tree ministries because we can help you join meeting some followers of the ministry in our Canadian audience, but Jessica Smith and she was my guest last fall and she's my guest for the hour. She's on the West Coast. She had a lifestyle in all things Eastern for number of years came to the Lord. More recently, and now is sounding a warning about the various things that come out of these reiki yoga so-called Christian yoga you can find all this at our website truth behind you. and we've spent the hour talking about.

Well, the lure of the various kinds of meditation that are not biblical but Jessica Smith, let's talk for a few minutes about some good ways to meditate we can open our Bible for one thing, but go ahead and talk to us.

I know that after the program might be thinking what about reading that and just relaxing on it clear that for anybody who might be thinking what can I do that it's okay to sit quietly. It's okay to relax other things that the Lord gives us something that were able to do that. Good for us. Okay to breathe deeply. The Lord did give us our breath where it gets into the occult is when we using our breath in a way that is spiritual practice is the same thing as I make the comparison with the Ouija board. There's nothing wrong with the letters on the Ouija board. But when we interact with letters and such a way as we put our fingers on them and in a cultish practice, like the Ouija board activates the spiritual realm were doing something a cultish going open us up in a very dangerous way. Same thing with her bringing her breathing is really a good tool. The learning network stress that nothing wrong with that.

I just really wanted to clarify that people are concerned will. Is it okay to sit quietly and just relax and breathe of course and as part of biblical meditation.

Again, feel free to visit my website and I talk about this more. It's really easy to learn what biblical meditation is because it just focusing on Scripture anything that's pointing you to Scripture, Scripture taken out of context. Some of the Christian meditation. I'm sure I like to think I'm sure there's some good one.I haven't looked into very many of them, but the one that I was just kind of checking out. Just be careful. Guys use your discernment. Make sure things will line up with Scripture.

If you're doing any sort of meditation practice. Make sure you are not letting go of any thoughts. If somebody is instructing you to sit quietly and relax and let go of your thoughts that should be an automatic red flag and anything nothing wrong, of course, was sitting quietly is a good time with the Lord in quiet peace. Jesus would get up and go spend time and meditate.

But what a lot of people will deal who are proponents of this demonic medication which is exactly where it leads nothing that we were going to faint and she meditated meditating a science says it's good for you and then I'll point you to these other practices don't be deceived, the Bible, the Lord tells us that God is not mocked. Galatians 6. Seven.

Don't be deceived guy for whatever man so if you can reap the same thing in here and we are sowing seeds of meditation that is a cultish REIT that are not the ones that we want not address the Lord to push us further away. However, if were upon the Lord's instruction were focusing on Scripture for focusing on him for speaking ham and a prayer and thinking about his word and actively praying to him and then working to reap the benefits of a closer relationship with the Lord. Jessica let's just say I'm even a grandchild comes home and tells her grandparent in one I did one of these crazy little exercises in class today and that they called it mindfulness impairment grandparent does know quite what to do. What should they do obviously they should contact the school, but that's probably not could to make a huge impact on the school but what kind of advice you give to folks like this that a really good question Jan, I would encourage parents, grandparents, be proactive for your child to come home and tell you something about mindfulness because they want to because of even even being called nine there under so many program names that sound so good and fun and secular and just ways of moving and then what they do is they slip it in the way goes a lot so many names it would be impossible for me to call not Jan mentioned at the beginning of the program.

Just one pregnant and one in three school funds silly names like go noodle or my name there knockout mindfulness practice it and you won't know that the parent what I would do is go to school teacher and then go to the administrator and say that I would like any information on any program are my child program.

I want the name of it and then go and do that research yourself because I looked at what he had recently myself because I may contact me to the email to this raised a red flag and I had heard of it.

It was the go noodle one and I looked into and at first glance it looked like a fun active getting hit that others see getting the moving around the mean of course that sounds great doesn't want their child moving in getting their wiggle that handed create an account, said the other teachings and sure enough as they scroll down among all the fun the silly activities. Then there's this whole section on mindfulness meditation called mindfulness meditation. Mind you, that's what you have to really be educated in this guide, and you really have to be proactive with instruction on the cold flow and about calling breath.

This particular one with just let's calm down and let take a deep breath. Notice your breath and that was the beginning of it.

Now notice this now notice that you hear things like that that is the beginning stages of this mindfulness meditation anything is focus on now let go of your other thoughts now right called stealth Buddhism for nothing. Making it in here so be proactive and then went to find something like that here teacher take it here administrator in saying this is antithetical to my belief and I don't want my child this really doesn't even belong in school and contact the ACL J Jan you mentioned that they were fighting that because people from another state who contacted them about us well on their website they are encouraging parents. If this is in your child's school, which honestly chief of art probably is probably just don't know about it contacting for you to contact a field day but yet do not let your child don't let them participate and keep being a voice that stand for truth and said you know were not.

Now our child to take part of this reasons why feel free to reference my website. Also, I plan to come up with more resources in the future. I'd like to have a resource you can just hand you administrator the this is why my website and print up and say this is why I'm taking my child and were opting out of that because I know it can become overwhelming to explain, but I haven't done that yet we do a little one great hold. Yet that is coming truth behind you and Jessica is going to have a baby any day here, so keep this in mind folks, when you start writing here in the two weeks got two little ones and another one coming any day Jessica, thank you for giving up the hour, in spite of all that, I just need to go out of the program. I just want to say this is the Bible talks about meditating on God's word and his laws throughout Scripture Psalm 12 says the man is less whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his lawn day and night. The Bible directs us to think scripturally by bringing God's word into our everyday thought life in recent years, mystics have come along and made a simple and important practice actually very dangerous in the East always tries to see this the West and I hope this hour is made more aware of some of the dangers of turning the biblical into the mystical want to thank you for listening and will talk to you next. From this information help deception. You can be deceived. Thanks to all of the news voltage and fight you for trusting over seven times rude since tries to present the truth in our times grew more perilous it is more tell of her just several times what