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When You Cannot Buy or Sell

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell
The Cross Radio
April 8, 2022 8:00 am

When You Cannot Buy or Sell

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell

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April 8, 2022 8:00 am

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Understanding The Times
Jan Markell

The digital dollar is in conspiracy. It will be reality very soon.

We're now close the second coming close to the raptor close of the tribulation and we have the same problem. No one is discerning the signs of the times you and I feel and that Plugged into understanding the times radio with Jan Markel radio for the remnant brought to you by Olive tree ministries agent talks to two pastors ran a full house and Mark Henry the book of Revelation foreshadows a global digital monetary system, but could the church be here to see this as world governments are now introducing the reality of this new cashless society can her guest. Talk about that this hour.

Here is today's program signed an executive order today directing the government to come up with to regulate currency follows what the biting ministration is calling" explosive growth of digital assets in recent years the order, the government will ordinate efforts with financial regulators to get an understanding of the risks and benefits of crypto currencies.

Directive also calls for the exploration and consideration of creating a digital form at the US dollar welcome to the program. Always glad you can join understanding the times radio will bring on my two guests in just a moment, but I feel I need to set the stage for this discussion today we are having a special understanding the times evening in just a few weeks and I've invited the guest for that evening Pastor Brandon hold house on air along with the event, cohost Pastor Mark Henry to join me and were going to talk about some current event issues that I think you will find of interest. Are we moving to digital money. The answer to that is yes, but how soon and what does that mean for you and if you think that it won't affect you. You are misguided.

Mr. Biden signed as you heard in that little clip, an executive order asking the federal government to regulate this digital money were going to talk about that it's going to be programmable will explain what that's all about. And I will open the hour with a comment because were going to open our discussion with just a different topic for just a few minutes here because I think it's so important that is what I am hearing throughout the media.

Let me just give you a couple of examples we've got Fox News digital headline saving Ukraine looking for a world leader to stand up we've cut Mel Gibson the actor saying someone needs to arise from the ashes and's gave us a few weeks ago you heard me play the song about Volta merit Zelinski can one man save the world. He was being called a Superman. Another headline why our world needs a new kind of a leader and my guest and I going to talk about that for a moment, let's just play the clip talking about something that happened way back in 1956, 57, and it sent comment very short about a man by the name of Paul Henry Spock, SPA, AK, and what he said almost 65 years ago in the face of the global threat of the coronavirus, the world is longing for leader Paul Henry Spock was a former Belgium prime minister in one of the principal architects of what is now become the European Union's words.

In 1956 regarding an economic meltdown in your seem almost prophetic in our day. Spock wrote, we do not want another committee. We have too many already what we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking so such a bad beating God or devil. We will receive him. So the world is ready to receive a God or a devil who will make sense out of chaos. After Brandon hold house pastors Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield, California at the privilege of ministering there on two occasions, Pastor Mark Henry is the lead pastor at revive church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. That is a northwest suburb of Minneapolis and he is the host venue for the understanding the times every other month events that we have put on there since last August will say more about this event because were bringing Brandon hold house to the Twin Cities on Thursday, April 21 two want to mark your calendars. Thursday, April 21 Brandon welcome back to the program. Jan thanks wrap me again Mark Henry thanks for coming into the studio jazz great to be with you. Okay gentlemen, I just read some headlines talked about a song can one man save the world Mel Gibson. Someone needs to arise from the ashes and save us.

Brandon what is and say to you, Satan has perverted the messianic longing for Jesus to now they want a man to save their planet from all the crises that are happening in the world that Satan's tactic is to pervert that true messianic longing for us to have Jesus on the throne we answer a thousand years.

What we have seen from these globalist leads is they have actually caused crises. Food shortages were on the brink of World War III economic energy crisis. These and now they're talking about a global climate Armageddon that's coming our way. They have actually created chaos. This is one of Satan's tactics, and out of that he gets order that's over Tennessee with a new world war that's going to be formed. That's how Satan manufacturers and help evil people and the elites manufactured this perverted longing for a man to solve the problems. It's been well-planned and it's working Mark Henry in one of your messages a few weeks ago.

You even quoted the song can one man save the world again referring to Volta merit Zelinski who is being called a Superman and that song obviously you picked up on this longing for a Mr. fix-it in the world as well. Absolutely no Jim, I trusted Jesus.

I start reading through the Scriptures got to the book of Revelation get to chapter 13 and Satan creates this antichrist personality that's gonna control the world to control economics can control the religion of the world and the world is crying for that right now. It's an amazing time to live and we can trust out the little but I'm so shocked because the clip and the quote goes back to 19 Cedar 56 or seven Paul Henry Spock, you believe you might've been head of NATO you had a role in European Union Spock said back then, there was an actor who is reading Spock as I played the clip being God or devil. We will receive him. That's shocking.

People don't have God they don't have Jesus and so they are desperate and if you don't believe there's a God and you don't believe there's authority of God you believe is the King of Kings and coming glory, power and majesty.

Then there's this natural propensity is that we need someone that I don't care who it is or is that desperation why our world needs a new kind of leader.

Another headline talks digital saving Ukraine looking for a world leader to stand up subtitle to that the world has rallied behind the church Chilean figure of Ukrainian Pres. below to merit Zelinski in defense of his country. This has been a phenomenon that I have just been overwhelmed watching and that is again they called him Superman and that song Mark things are happening at such an astounding speed that I can keep up with it and that's what every watcher of the times is saying, and Brandon, you would agree.

You do a prophecy update at least once a week, sometimes more. You can keep up with that either Kenya I can't. There's so many things going on there's convergence of so many activities I can't keep up at a main thing that you see with these desiring for a leader is what Satan is peddling his fear, or threaten someone's life that has worked very well psychologically and a lot of people we went through two years of being afraid and now here we are afraid World War III afraid of our economy shutting down people now that don't have faith. They operate on fear and that's how they're able to manipulate these people into desiring a Superman or someone to solve the problems. Here's what's going to come along and I don't know that it's going to solve any problems. I think it's going to create huge problems that's going to be a new form of current save and the Bible talks about it heavily in the book of Revelation be a one world type of the system. I want to play a short clip happens to be Glenn Beck and folks we don't look to Glenn Beck for spiritual advice, but he's written a book on the great reset which is fantastic and he's got some insights here, particularly on the coming global digital currency and I want to play it and then come back and I want to spend a good amount of time talking about this coming digital form of money that if the Lord tarries were all going to be engaged in using in the very near future. This is what happened in 2008 and our problem with credit default swaps is bigger than it was in 2008. I don't know if that's the piece or if it's gonna be a collection of pieces, but we are going to go to a different currency and each of us have to decide now. You have to decide now am I going to be a part of that currency because that currency is programmable read it for yourself.

Go to the Fed or go to the treasury. It's programmable, which means it will follow you. They can cancel at any time they can say it doesn't work at these stores, etc. etc. and they're doing that because of modern monetary theory, which I explained in my book the great reset the second half of modern monetary theory is programmable money. It doesn't work without programmable money. But that means they can treat you like the Canadian trucker and completely cut you off.

This is not the mark of the beast. It is not, but it is the technology that would allow that to happen where you can't buy, sell or trade unless you kneel.

Well, that's what's coming. We may not be kneeling to the beast. What you will meal your question that you have to answer is far you willing to kneel or not and if not, what does that mean to your life and how do you survive if your cash doesn't work anywhere. Mark Henry, how soon do you think cash will be gone janitor current pace. I was thinking would be a couple years out. As you can look back in history how the unfold. These things but at the current rate I wouldn't be surprised if we see it you currency for United States by Christmas time really Brandon your thoughts on that. I would agree. When you read the executive order from Biden is giving the Treasury Department, office of Atty. Gen. and the Federal Reserve 210 days to get this back to him marks exactly right. I've even heard people estimate 6 to 7 months before this is enacted really yeah it's going to happen quick. I have heard you say Brandon Althouse in one of your updates. Quote if you don't play ball with their values, you will not be able to buy or sell. So just what will be their values. The values that they're using.

We have heard this term before CSG and PIE ESG means you've got a go green. You gotta want to save the planet. That's the environmental score your social scores or social justice court.

What is your views on LGBT transgender governance is for you have people on your staff. LGBT trans and then the die score is diversity and inclusion and equity that is going to go into how social credit scores ran like in China where they will limit you or allow you based on the scores to buying cell, they can restrict what you can buy, they can actually reward you for having a good ESG score or a die score. They will control how you sell how you by based on how you comply with their values. This is going to be spun positively and this is going to redistribute wealth. They're going to say this is going to slow or stop crime they'll say this is going to bring rich countries, down redistribute the money they going to say this is going to put every country on a level playing field. The sounds Marxist to me. Mark Henry, what are your thoughts as we say things like that that whole modern monetary theory has four basic elements to control the wealth the production, the price in the spending. Brandon was just talking about the spending element in all of these have to work in coordination to pull off what they desire to do and it fits really well as you read Revelation chapter 13 with the antichrist control of everyone's buying and selling Revelation 13's coming to pass. People need to trust in Jesus because he's coming soon.

Thank you for saying that I have an article in front of me from the hill, not exactly a conservative bastion of reporting.

Let me read two short paragraphs headline. Biden is planning a new digital currency. Here's why you should be concerned whenever the White House says it's working on a plan that would transform a vital part of the US economy and that the administration is doing so with the highest urgency.

It should go without saying that the press should pay close attention to what's going on. Even more importantly, the pressure eagerly and comprehensively inform the public of the potential risk associated with such a proposal and then the last paragraph.

Unfortunately, that's not happening today in the effects of the media's negligence could reverberate for decades to come.

And then it references back on March 9, the Biden administration released an executive order instructing a long list of federal agencies to study digital assets and to propose numerous reports about their use and proposals to regulate them posing here, but there is an even more important part of the executive order, Pres. Biden has instructed the federal government and the Federal Reserve to lay the groundwork for a potential new US currency, a digital dollar and again Mark you just referred to Revelation 13 and again there's coming a beast system one world government one world currency, one world religion. One world economy were just seeing all of this starting to gear up. It's like I hear the states of the four horsemen of the apocalypse over a ridge. I know I don't. But I'm I'm dreaming of it. While the audit return. Christ is similar for reason. He can show up at any time just right. Go ahead Brandon. People need to realize, yes, start as a American currency, but they've already said in the executive order that they're going to push past the two multi countries and experiment with maybe a Mexico Canada union and then it's going to expand into globalism in the executive order.

Biden talks about the need to lead in the world's economy. This is for global governance is using all the terms that he outlines and that this is going to go global. If they go global with this the nations of this world will lose their sovereignty because it will be traced to a central bank that controls all the buying and selling of all the nations. This has huge ramifications for the beast system with the global government. They knew they had to get the global economy outlined like this in order to get the global government were one step away from Sharon so that's how close we are to the tribulation. Good point. Just a quick comment here folks, and I think it's important because the world governments Summit met couple weeks ago March 30 and 31st in Abu Dhabi and Dr. Pippa Malden grand, a top American economist who served as a special advisor to former Pres. George W. Bush made a statement that I think confirms what we've been talking about will continue to talk about.

She stated that a cashless society is looming in the very near future.

Not in a year or a decade, but that it's around the corner. This is at the world governments Summit, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Let's just listen to about a minute of Dr. Pippa Malmgren what were seeing in the world today. I think as we are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to and I'll say this boldly were about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one and the the new accounting is what we call block chain. It means digital means having almost perfect record of every single transaction happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what's going on. It also raises huge dangers in terms of the balance of power between states and citizens in my opinion were going to need a digital Constitution of human rights. If were going to have digital money but also this new money will be sovereign in nature. Most people think that digital money is crypto and private, but I what I see are superpowers introducing digital currency.

The Chinese were the first Lee US is on the brink. I think of moving in the same direction. The Europeans have committed to that as well and the question is, will that new system of digital money digital accounting accommodate the competing needs and the citizens of all these locations so that every human being has a chance to have a better life because that's the only measure of whether a world order really serves. So who is this gal Pippa Malmgren she's a globalist and an elitist, and these movers and shakers are very open about their intentions of changing the way the world operates the entire great reset hinges on two things. The establishment of a global currency and a global digital identity for every man woman and child in this is why I keep referring to these things here. Understanding the times are radio this Pippa Malmgren is warning us.

The system is at the door and once it's here.

Nobody will be allowed to buyers sell without becoming digitized, born-again believers, we may escape the worst of this is the church is taken out in the rapture prior to the formation of global government and the antichrist system, but again we are seeing the formation of several things that are going to blossom in the tribulation.

The formation of them is happening as we speak. If you just joined Mayor listening to understanding the times radio and Jan Markel. I have on the line from Southern California Brandon Holt house pastor of Rock Harbor Church best website for you. Pastor Holt houses Rock Harbor yeah that's perfect in studio with me is the familiar voice of Pastor Mark Henry and that is a revived church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. By the way Mark, you actually have a new book out that we are carrying in my online store called the man code 12 essentials every man needs to know. Give me a paragraph.

Why should folks even look into it in on this day were we talk about the crisis going on around us. The question is what we do we need really good men to leave their homes and their families and churches. We need wives to build the strength in their husbands and raise godly sons and these 12 essential things are things that I discovered in the Bible, plug my own personal life that was really broken and my kids is been a blessing.

A lot of folks in the title is the man code 12 essentials every man needs to know. You can find it in my online store olive tree mark one of the reasons were even featuring Brandon Holt house is you and I have been doing since last August. We call it understanding the times and it's every other month were trying to feature some event speakers topics that help people better understand the time to become watchmen on the wall we've invited Brandon Holt house for Thursday, April 21 at your church and they can live streaming yelling and also to have an out.

This can be available April 11 Jan Salerno Bill funds in the Apple Store the app store the Google play store Roku all that's gonna be available okay if you don't want to do that focuses Mark Henry where you can lifestream this event from 7 to 9 PM that central time. If you're in the Twin Cities you want to attend the doors open at 6 PM central program is 8:53 PM, Pastor Brandon Holt house will be our guests. We can be talking about a lot of issues we have a panel discussion.

We have Q&A you can submit questions online. We've had probably close to a million people watch electronically since the various programs began last summer want to say anything more.

Mark Jen.

These vents have been fantastic people from all over the English-speaking world have joined us and we been able to minister them, encourage them to share the gospel us would encourage people not only to join and watch, but the Senate to their friends who don't know the Lord Jesus because we always present the gospel of Christ.

Bottom line is Jesus is coming, the need to believe in him.

The address is 7849 W. Broadway in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. That's formerly Brooklyn Park Evangelical free Church. I've been the many activities there and so have you. Again, that's Thursday, April 21 at revived church and that 8:53 PM central Mark and then we posted electronically.

My website Mark Henry website.

You can watch it at your leisure. I don't quite leave the topic that we've been on here Brandon. I think what I hear you saying.

And I've heard a message you've given on this is. This would actually a weapon eyes banking, why don't you explain what you mean by that, if we just simply went to digital currency what the White House wants to do is have a central bank digital currency that we have a central bank probably include the Federal Reserve that all of our banking would be done through that virtually that would eliminate local banking they would control that currency. The implications are far-reaching. That means if I want on the wall for a house or a car all my banking would be through the central bank digital currency. That's a scary prospect but that's what they're proposing and then through that what they plan to have his values economically. They want to push on us. They want to push on us not to own property anymore yeah they will do that by 2030, but I think they might want to do it will be quicker than that and what you're developing through the digital currency is what we call the circular economy in a circular economy means cheap products are made from recyclables and then the rented out once you're done running about you turn those back in and are made into more cheap products to very utilitarian idea products but really what the economy will look like. Is there will be no nice things to buy, they will only produce that which you need. It reminds us of communist countries you can't do anything except food and some drab clothing there and determined that these niceties of life like being able to drive your car that's going to be limited based on how much they limit your gas or your pollution to the planet. Based on your carbon footprint. This has far-reaching implications to where they will control every aspect of our life that some of the things that people need to realize that were that close that we could see of this in six months you're going to experience it.

I am playing another clip here and this comes out of the UK but it's talking about Western world heading into this and they can emphasize the programmable aspect of all of this, and folks, this is what I think is the take-home is eventually before the tribulation. Certainly, during the tribulation. You can only spend money on goods that the government deems proper and essential so the UK's coating the head of the G7 group is the world's most economic evolves. Countries in the UK, which has the G7 group. All counsel who does all economy Chancellor of the Exchequer things wishing sonic he put out this video saying that what they want to do is bring in this thing called the central bank in digital currency. They want to replace the epic money with digital money as a competitor, that's a bit coin" of money right but instead of being decentralized currency.

It will be controlled by government. Its digital currency but controlled centrally through the banks since it having a bank account with whatever I just be sealed.

Bank of America will have a bank account directly within the American context with the fact in the UK dotted with the Bank of England. You have a postal bank account and you given digital money in the account musical central banking digital currencies Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK. Zoe announced their intention to do this is the G7 group and if you look up the cells terrified the telegraph newspaper central bank digital currency that one. This unofficial cause should be programmable see that woman know what I do.

It is the saying everyone knows that with inflation over 5% is now 5.4% right off yet money the paper money is increasingly becoming worthless and we had its was a big disaster.

The Fed was to raise interest rates when so much debt. If you raise interest rates people to suffer because everyone living on deck as Western economies so they realize that this kind of the lifespan of paper monies false coming to an end because of the 2008 economic question particular to the bringing in these central banking digital currencies was that what programmable and that is what I said in the article and that Charles put a video out saying this as well. They said that this money that you would unfold look at having paper money have this digital money, it's programmable so that you can't buy son foods or if you do something that your employee doesn't like is when the article you will get to spend your money and otherwise it's not money. The vouchers that food vouchers and they can be programmed so that like the Chani social credit system that if you try and use them on to something it what what you say want to buy but I may want you to buy box which is one of the examples used. If you start to try and buy on healthy meat. Just what what your top you talk you called call by the thing because you've met your quote so that month, about its you have to buy something out of a vegan milk so it won't just be money in the sense of the way we have dollars or pounds today. It'll be something that's controlled in terms of your ability to distribute was one calling a voucher is a coupon. But even a coupon if you have a coupon to buy bread still buy the bread like theirs ago by see that coupons vibrate what you called is my brother with a brides right you feel like you're sounding the alarm yes is people that don't understand what is going on so health would offer you is the video for group of the wealth. Seven. Most developed economies. The G7 is launching a set of public policy principles for retail central bank digital currencies. CBD sees central bank digital currencies could be a digital version of money.

A bit like a digital banknote because the guy who runs our economy in the UK's names the transfer of Exchequer and here is the article Bank of England tells ministers to intervene on digital currency programming And is a quote from Eos with digital cash could be programmed to ensure all is only spent on essentials or goods which an employer or government deems to be sensible but you need to get acquainted with that term.

CBD see I actually talk about it in my spring print magazine newsletter which is going to be out here any day you can sign up for that on my website.

Olive tree olive tree or call my office and sign up for it but get acquainted with that term. Mark your thoughts to that clip you just heard you Janice exactly what I've been trying to share with folks and I got a personal illustration.

I think that might help people wrap their minds around that I was going up to Northern California going to backpacking trip driven all day came into a retail store to buy some product just as I was going into the mountains with the middle the night and I give them my credit card and my credit card wouldn't work and I'm standing there. I'm a thousand miles from home and I can't buy anything. So imagine there and have the programmable money you go to the gas station to get gas so that you can go to work, but you've already used your allotment of gas and so now your credit score keeps you from purchasing the fuel folks, this is things you need to get acquainted with before it suddenly manifests and you don't know what he gets you I wouldn't make a quote or two from John Whitehead Rutherford Institute, I quote him in my spring magazine as well and he has some brilliant insights into what were talking about talking to Brandon holes house pastor Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield California pastor Mark Henry revived church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.

That is a northwest suburb of Minneapolis say I'm in a play a quick clip here of Dr. David Jeremiah because some handy if you write me and say you know what you would rather not be born for such a time as this. And yet God intended that all of us alive today be born for such a time as this. Let's let Dr. David Jeremiah expressed that he does it so well and all my friends how many clues there are in the word of God about the days in which we are living in the time what is yet to come. If you want to know what the world is going on. You have to turn to the Bible for some answers that you ever ask yourself this question, why am I on this earth at this particular time.

Did you know that Almighty God could have dropped you down along the landscape of history, any place he wanted what he put you here.

We put you here for now. God wants you here for now. So don't complain about not having lived at a different time or wish you could live in some future time embrace the fact that God is giving you this time and find out everything you can about how to live this time in the Holy Spirit power but he wants to give just a couple of comments here then a minute returned my very special guests and I hate to say. Apparently issue another word of caution to our YouTube listeners that the fraud continues to be perpetrated on YouTube against olive tree ministries hundreds of videos of ours have been stolen, altered, and more.

Here's an easy way to solve it. Look for the number of subscribers are channel has over 156,000 subscribers. The fraudulent channels have just a few subscribers, but people continue to be fooled, so I'm continuing to make this very unfortunate announcement about the fraud going on on YouTube. You can always listen on a rumble channel on our His channel Christian television light source part of one Just be careful on YouTube. Again, there's hundreds of altered stolen videos and I'm told the perpetrators trying to raise money by using them were going to move on here because we got a lot yet to deal with.

We talk heavily about the coming crypto currency. The digital dollar. Our cash is going to be turned into digital money any day.

Banks could shut down and next weekend. That could happen then we just don't know them just quote John Whitehead respected head of Rutherford Institute, and he talks about the Orwellian lack of privacy, he says. So what's really going on here.

Despite all of the advantages that go along with living in a digital age, namely, convenience. It's hard to imagine how a cashless world navigated by way of a digital wallet doesn't signal the beginning of the end for what little privacy we have left and leave us vulnerable to the likes of government thieves, data hackers, and an all-knowing, all seeing Orwellian government state. He says secondly were already witnessing how easy it will be for government agents to manipulate digital wallets for their own gain. In order to track your movements monitor your activities and communications and ultimately shut you down and then he says a government issued digital currency will give the government the ultimate control of the economy and complete access to the citizens agrees pocketbook. While the government might tout the ease with which it can deposit stimulus funds into the citizens accounts. Such a system could also introduce what economists referred to as negative interest rates, and then he is closing here digital authoritarianism will redefine what it means to be free in almost every aspect of our lives and then he says the ramifications of a government, any government having this much unregulated unaccountable power to target track round up and detain its citizens is beyond chilling. That is John Whitehead respected director of the Rutherford Institute, sounding the warning, which seems to be spelled out in Revelation 13. Again, global government, global currency, global religion, global leader way open the programming talking about the longing for a leader. I have online from Southern California pastor Brandon holes house Rock Harbor Church Rock Harbor He will be our guest at the next understanding the times evening and that would be Thursday, April 21 here in the Twin Cities area will be held at revived church 7849 W. Broadway, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota pastor Mark Henry is in studio with me and that can be live stream 8:53 PM central time.

Mark in its archived olive to start working under video watch at any time at your leisure watch at any time at your leisure. Owen, let me add that we also make a DVD of these events suggest call my office or you find in my online store olive tree' market want to say anything else about this event.

Janice will encourage all the listeners to get some friends invited him over to your house. Watch it together were seen parties like that gather throughout the country around the world and God's minister to a lot of people. Pastor Brandon Althouse will be our guests and many of you watch Brandon his prophecy updates his messages. Brandon and I know you're heavy on the rumble your address.

There is one RHC Bakersfield of the search that the find us right.

I think you're still doing some sermons on YouTube as well, correct some that doesn't require as editing a bunch of stuff so vocation up with some stuff on YouTube. Bud's word rumble primarily and bid shoot okay is another thing. And then we are working to create a new website where we will actually video host our own videos. You began a networking program some time ago. I think we had Introduced it on this program months ago. Basically, you're helping people find churches answer some theological questions. Talk to us about it and how can they get this help from you, we started because we got flooded with a lot of people asking us questions looking for churches S number one thing. They are asking.

We decided let's build a network of churches we know of who we've researched that are somewhat legitimate and not every church is perfect obviously is right with enough background research we can recommend that Hegel try this out still talk to the pastor and we've done that for all the states were now doing that in England and Australia in different places and that's going to be on our new website.

We actually developed and out where it's just basically church tracker that's gonna be able to be seen by anybody going to our website they can look for churches in their area might have to drive, but at least we have verified what we can find for them. We also answer theological questions. We actually are doing counseling because their local churches are not helping them.

The pastors are simply not equipped to answer a lot of the things that are going on the signs of the times and just simple Bible questions and counseling. The other thing you do there it Rock Harbor church and I met your people and thank you for hosting me on two occasions since one of these two winters ago you got me out of the Minnesota called Bennett Bakersfield, California. I got up to about 40° temperature, which has little bit of a shock.

I so appreciated meeting all the folks there but the other thing you do and then I'm getting into a different topic as you cover the fact that the King is coming you do Bible prophecy updates all the time. Again that's missing and so many of our churches. So thank you for doing that. Brandon you tell me something off Aaron I want to talk about it for a minute or two and Mark please I want you to come in on this discussion. This is a little different direction. I hadn't even planned on it, but it's so important. You told me Brandon Althouse that what's increased that you're dealing with now more than ever before. Demonic activity towards believers talk to me about that. I think with all the things that are going on, we see the demonic world has ramped up in what I have seen in the last 2 to 3 years is high demonic activity towards believers and I'll tell you the reason why as we sound the alarm we get the truth out and we encourage these believers to do that – to do. It may help people were unsaved, but some of these people that are unsaved have been tapped into the a coal as these believers are helping these people get out of that the demons are actually harassing believers.

So we're getting 2 to 3 maybe four requests per week asking what do they do because they're getting harassed and harassment includes being cussed out by demons. It includes things banging around in their house drains not just simply a regular dream, but demonic harassing drains things that they see apparitions to intimidate Christians to stop getting the truth out and stop helping people get out of the world system.

I've never seen it before, like this when I start a ministry 20 some years ago I might see one demonic activity once a year that I had to deal with now it's 2 to 3 a week. And Christians are having more and more paranormal activity happening just to silence them and to intimidate them not to evangelize, not to help these people and it's a new thing that we've had to deal with what we've had to do a lot of training on demonology and same technology with our staff. Mark Henry can you speak into that place Janina was a troubled and preach the gospel in other countries and other continents we've seen a lot of demonic activity. But what's fascinating over the last 15 years or so. As we moved towards us rebellion towards God. This high handedness is manifesting itself in the decline of moral became to find a woman apparently framework in our children being assaulted with sexual ideas are so perverted as were seeing this. Is this demonic level increasing here United States and now we seem Christians oppressed attacked, but here in America now in effect over this last three or four months.

I'm noticing more and more people showing up who are demonically possessed in services, creating disruptions, it's happened several times. It's very common in Africa you be preaching someplace and some will come in and be disruptive for the statement possessed were starting to see that happen.

Now here in the United States so it says in second Timothy three in the last days, evil will wax worse and worse. Clearly that's what were saying, but exactly were see in January to the book of Revelation and second Thessalonians. For example, and it talks about demonic activity increasing in the last days definitely seeing that here in America right now. How would you advise a listener right now who's saying this is what's happening to me. How do I deal with it if you're being oppressed right now by a demon. Maybe in the middle night I've had friends being choked out about manifestations ice will encourage it. Call out the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus save me rescue me and I encourage people to play godly music. Your member in the book of Psalms, David ends up playing and the demonic manifestations that were coming on Saul end up leaving the reading of Scripture.

But calling out the name of Lord I'm just telling you God shows up in big ways we lean into him, Brandon Althouse, you said something about one of your church attendees are members. The apparition was literally shaking him. Is that right yeah that's when you're at the level of oppression in demonic activity where they physically manifest. I've had people been thrown around rooms even the dogs saw the gangs and start their thoughts for some reason concealed. I've had people who have been pinned down. Can't get up. They call that sleep paralysis, but actually when you look at it it's really demonic holding and the only name that frees them from that is Jesus, but in the sleep paralysis. They can't get the name of Jesus out of their mouth and so they have to try really really hard to what we do list for different things that they have to be looking for why this is happening to them. First off, have you brought in any objects from the occult into the house. We had a lady that was given a gift from India. It was a white elephant that white elephant was an idol in that idol brought demonic manifestations in their homes, less the first thing we asked him to do that you brought anything into the home. Second, are you involved in the occult in any way. Prayer centering yoga could be anything in the second thing is, are you related somehow in friendship very close with somebody that's having manifestations are either possessed or Oprah. Then the last one we say is are you helping somebody get out of the occult.

When we give those four things to people.

It'll be one of the four that they come up to get out on helping someone get out of the vehicle and sometimes even the Christians themselves have tapped into the occult. Some way because was happening. Christianity is the abroad of cultic practices into Christianity and baptized them and said were doing centering prayer were doing Trento meditation and it Christianize it, and opens them up to the vehicle reach Pastor Brandon Althouse Rock Harbor and reach Pastor Mark Henry revived Brooklyn Park.Oregon revived Brooklyn GIs want our listeners to remember this, the greater is he that is in you that you that's in the world. What time or going in this village to preach and was controlled by demonic influences and literally the African pastors told we can't go there will all be killed. I am back to that verse in the power of the gospel delivered people there people trusted Christ Jesus builds his church. Greater is he that is in you that he that's in the world and if you got some of those white elephant things that have been demonized and use us like her to do exactly what they did in the book of acts.

Start up your fireplace and throw the thing in their that's exactly what we do around the world again. Hope you'll join us Thursday evening April 21 online marketing dream and You can live stream this event from 7 to 9 PM central time. If you're coming on out to the church doors open at six and that's revived church. Some of you will remember it as Brooklyn Park evangelical free.

Only the name is been changed and that 7849 W. Broadway, Brooklyn Park Northwest suburb of Minneapolis no cost, just first-come first-served. Brandon Althouse will be our guest of the panel discussion will have Q&A can submit questions online. Gentlemen quickly let me just hit a few things we have potentially some very troubled times ahead. Everyone including Mr. Joe Biden is telling us food shortages are coming.

Others are being more blunt and saying famine is coming.

We have the breadbasket of the world, Ukraine, Russia, totally upset because of this terrible war that began in late February. That's the headquarters of the wheat harvest, fertilizer, etc. everything is driven by fuel and energy which is now through the roof. We could go on the economic problems we were told they were going to be temporary. Well that's laughable. Going back to this global cashless society and put me ask you both. Let me start with you Brandon, how do we cope with the new normal. It's inescapable. It's going to happen yet we could be rapture tonight if were not good rapture closer to the tribulation rental experience this. So now it's not a curable problem.

It's a coping problem. So, that being the case, what we have to understand from a mindset is okay. The Lord still has us here and why does he have us here while Yaz is here for a mission.

He wants us to get the truth out and warn people before it's too late if he has put us on mission here that means is going to provide for us.

Now that doesn't mean that our economic situations.

Guns remain the same. We could get hit economically, but we still will be able to complete our mission based on what God provides. People ask me all the time.

What am I going to do a say look, I don't know either were just gonna wait till we get there and the Lord will show us what we need to do I get were at a red seed crossing right now were hemmed in. But as we see whether snow, Shadrach, Michigan to Bendigo or Daniel in the lion's den God will deliver at the time when it happens. Well said Mark Henry please add to this yeah Jim, as I think about going forward were not gonna be able to dodge the bullet. This digital currency is going to happen and if the rapture doesn't take place. You and I are going experience it, and people can say you know are you gonna put up with this well Jan you and I can't create our own currency, so I think I go back to the Bible is 2200 verses in the Bible and finances and we need to become familiar with them, navigate them lean on the wisdom of God versus like store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Jesus emphasizes that Matthew six.

Another key verse is found in first Timothy chapter 6 verse 17 says do not put your trust in the uncertainty of riches from you might have $1 million right now in your net worth, or in your assets friends don't put your confidence in that put your confidence in the living God because when this currency transition takes place. You may lose 90% of that and you say that's fine. I'm in overcome her in the Lord Jesus, am a citizen of heaven, I'm following the Lord. Another versatile sticks out to me and ties. Would Brandon just said is James chapter 1. If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, God gives us wisdom in the book of Proverbs gives us wisdom in the book of James. Christians have navigated difficult times, God's given them wisdom, God is going to give us wisdom. This is a time to grow in our faith in the living God. And I've heard you say Mark Henry stock up like 1/3 world country. What you mean by that. Yeah living through difficult times. We just got look back to our own family members that cross the West. I tell people all the time of the Oregon Trail. Look at what they had in stock up along those lines. These folks have lived with a lot less of live without technology in the passive, lived without some of the blessings as I traveled around the world. We got many many Christians right now 20,000 Christians in East Africa that are currently working with and I tell people if you plan like they do, you can appeal to him whether this is gonna be okay. Trust in the Lord. They are facing the glory of the Lord they seen the provision of God. You see, in the same sort away Brandon Althouse you want to add to that yeah one of the things I had told her people is Paul says in first Corinthians chapter 2 that the Holy Spirit compare spiritual things with the spiritual and this is another way of getting wisdom. In other words, the Holy Spirit combined spiritual truth with the spiritual words of Scripture. What I have noticed is it's one thing to read the Scriptures. It's another thing to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth from that Scripture and a lot of Christians have denied with the Holy Spirit has been impressing upon them as they read Scripture. So as they read. Perhaps something about the coming world government. The impression I get in the Holy Spirit is. It's happening, it's happening. They need to accept that.

Otherwise, if they deny that that's happening that's putting Christians in having no discernment about what's going on in the world.

They are denying with the Holy Spirit is impressing upon them.

Paul mentions that if you want to become spiritually discerned. That's the term he uses in first grade is chapter 2 what each person has to do is see what the Scriptures are saying and do not reject what the Holy Spirit is telling you about that Scripture does right now the prophetic word is being impressed upon those who will listen here and someone like you, and someone like Mark Henry can see the signs of the times who were not denying with those birds telling us it's happening, but unfortunately too many people are denying this all Brandon, this is hyperbole or just the fear monger telling us that were going to go to a digital currency that is a believer who is denying the Holy Spirit's impression upon them about that. My admonition is if you want wisdom to discern the signs of the times listen to the Holy Spirit these impressing upon it now. All right I wanted play one more clip because Brandon you just introduced it.

I was gonna perhaps not use this but Jack Hibbs here is going to build on what you just said everybody I want to just give you this word of encouragement in this word of exhortation, meaning this all around the world right now there are these things that are taking ways that even now publications. Fox news CNN. They've had people being interviewed were there dropping the word are we in a world war. Regarding the cyber attack aspect of it. I'm not sure if you're aware of this but this is the first time in history where cyber warfare is now in full scale operation and so were in a moment that's different. You might see what was crazy and what were why was present World War II and what's the big deal no time goes on minutes World War I as World War I because it was world war one World War II was because of World War II were further down the road friends. According to our Bible and according to time itself. Time will eventually run out now from a biblical worldview.

We look around at the world scene, we see what's going on.

Believers no something that most don't and that is these things are happening now.

When for the first time. Key elements are in place that the Bible said would have to be in place for the answer, number one Israel back in the land.

May 14, 1948. We know this, the Soviet Union broke up. Now it's Russia. Ezekiel 38. Listen we talk about the nation of Iran is not its name.

The Bible you can't find the work of Ron in the Bible to run a white because the Bible goes to its beginning. Name which winds up being its and name and it's called Persia.

Listen were moving down the track as it were, on the back of the train going down the track and were nearing the end of the train tracks. We know this, so don't write off world events like c'est la vie you know it's always been like this. It's never been like this. It's increasing Jesus put it there was this way where watching birth pains increasing the warning regarding the delivery Jesus and a woman goes through the quickening. It's when the birth pains get more frequent so I would encourage you and exhort you this way. With all that's going on be involved be engaged with the things be careful. Don't believe anything that's not filtered through your Bible. First, okay.

Don't fall for anything. But let's be honest, nobody knows what is going on in this world right now is another reason why we know something's up because we don't know, confusion, huge nation rising up against nation threats.

It's a big deal. So don't let somebody tell you how talking up layouts.

We don't know what we do know what the Bible says is how things are to come together. God knows the story Bible prophecy. I want to encourage you in one exhort you, don't panic, don't worry but also don't fall asleep, be vigilant.

Now leave you with this God acknowledge the sons of Issachar, the tribe of Issachar that those believers in Issachar. They discern the times and the seasons that Israel was experiencing. And they knew what Israel should do next. That's what were to be like you do the same. People looking up as your involved have your heart full of hope. At the same time get your hands into this mess. Let's do all we can for Jesus it's advances gospel and let's get ready because wearing see some amazing things either around us are on the way up to bless you guys. Brandon hold House Rock Harbor what's the time of your services, eight, 930 and 11 we live stream at 1100 Mark Henry your services are nine, 10, 11, you now have an incredible traditional service at nine into contemporary services. In my right dismantlement were thankful for all the God is doing in these last days in building his church absolutely you want to wrap it up. Mark yeah Janet, as I just think about our friends. Christians should not be unsettled friends. Remember what Jesus says let not your heart be troubled, is not just a suggestion.

That's a command from the King of Kings and Lord of lords. Don't let your heart be troubled. Believe in him grow in your faith and confidence in the Lord through these difficult days and if you haven't trusted Christ, today's the day of salvation. You really need to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ is the son of God came into the world, lived a sinless life, died on the cross rose again the third day, the wrath of God was placed upon him, he became sin so that you and I might have the righteousness of God in you can trust them today believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Brandon down to 30 seconds. It's all yours.

I want to admonish the believers in these last days.

Things are and get rough word and is perhaps he some rough times but we've already overcome the world. So what we need to do is be about our father's business and gives me people and that life in men as possible. You've got to share the gospel and I know you're going to get a lot of rejection, a lot of pushback, but we've got to do our job and furthermore we are watchmen on the wall. God says he holds us accountable if we do not warn people of what's coming. He says I will hold their blood to your account so we've got to do our job in watchmen on the wall and come on out in person Thursday, April 21 revive church, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, 8:53 PM or live stream cells central time and programming is always archived at Mercury ministry' and olive tree is not organic. A lot of the program quickly here.

Thank you, gentlemen. Both are sharing the seller with me appreciated so much I want to encourage you folks to encourage do you have any idea how many people are discouraged today says in Hebrews 1025 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of somebody encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near. All the more as you head into the last days commit to encouraging just one person this week or more. If you possible. I promise you he will make their day. A lot. Thank you for listening and will talk to you again next week. Contact us through our website problems to that's olive to call a simple time at 763-559-4440 476-355-9444 male when you write to all three ministries of John Markel Fox 1452 Maple Grove, MN 55311 Xbox 1452 Maple Grove, MN 55311. All gifts are tax-deductible. God called you to be a part of this generation to shine a light in the darkness to give someone a cup of cold water and to tell them about eternal life available through God's son, Jesus Christ.

Don't grow discouraged. Just know that today's events are allowing everything to all conflicts