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The Final Stage

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell
The Cross Radio
February 11, 2022 7:00 am

The Final Stage

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell

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February 11, 2022 7:00 am

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The Masculine Journey
Sam Main

Is it possible to have Mark of the beast without a beast without the antichrist. Everyone's talking about the mark of the beast that the vaccine vaccines are in fact the mark of the beast, we are somehow being tricked that we are in the tribulation. The Antichrist is here somewhere, and that the vaccination pushed by these nations advising these manufacturers is the mark of the beast. Honestly, I must confess I'm sad to hear that kind of dialogue welcome to understanding the times radio with Jim Markel radio for the remnant brought you my olive tree ministries today J visits with ministry friend Dr. Mark Hitchcock they consider prophecy flashpoints that we should pay attention to his government overreach.

Setting the stage for the reign of the most evil Emperor ever antichrist state to everybody would agree. I think that the globalism we see today. People taking more and more control in government is certainly a precursor for what's coming, and a vaccine can be another way to exercise government control over people's lives can be another gateway to globalism it's a further means for people to gain power so that we would all say that some type of vaccine certainly can be used by people in government to gain more power over people. Others are saying will this can be a way for the government to not let your buyer or seller be engaged in commerce numbers they can hold it over your head and said you don't take this vaccine and you not to be able to be engaged in commerce like everybody else. So a lot of people see this is symbolic kind of a symbolic thing. It's not really a mark on the right-hander for that business vaccine that's coming to pass. Glad you can join me for understanding the times radio today we opened the program with a short clip of Pastor Jack Hintz, exhorting us to be careful about what we believe and what we promote a just heard a very short clip pivot Dr. Mark Hitchcock who will be my guest for the hour, but people are suggesting that the mark of the beast is here now, problem is we don't have the beast we don't have the antichrist on scene. That doesn't mean that some tactics being used today couldn't morph into some very sinister happenings.

Once the church is removed and the world enters that terrible time known as the tribulation with a for the hours Dr. Mark Hitchcock, pastor of Faith Bible Church in Edmond, Oklahoma is a prolific author, professor at Dallas theological seminary was one of my frequent conference speakers before we had to close things down in our conference world for obvious reasons.

Here in Minnesota and we are going to look at several current issues for the hour and how they might tie to the Bible were going to be considering as you might've assumed by some of these opening clips that the mark of the beast for going to talk a little bit about the decline of America as a superpower and why there's actually talking now of a Civil War coming to America were going to talk about. Well, there's a bear in the forest and he's stirring that would be Russia and quite frankly a lot more we could get to.

If time allows, Mark Hitchcock, welcome back to the program.

Good to be with you didn't like so much relatively sure I want to start with some info because you've written on it.

You talk about at this information on this mark of the beast and again as I said in my intro. Some people think it's here now, and that's obviously impossible and I think folks need to better understand what this mark that the beast is all about because some are saying today that the vaccine is the mark we need to clarify that the mark of the beast involves loyalty to the antichrist and worship of the antichrist and Mark clarify why it's not possible that it's presently being used by the culturally important point about sometimes people begin to recklessly speculate about certain things and go overboard is a biblical entry point to understand the market to be used as Revelation chapter 13 verses 16 to 18 and in that context, we read about in chapter 13 that this coming world ruler. The antichrist is called or the beast out of the sea is going to help someone who saw a lieutenant who works with him is called the beast out of your really working in concert together empowered by Satan in it have a one world government, a one world economy, the one world religion and part of the institution of all this on the control which can be used as a mark and the word to choose their Mark is a Greek work a lot but she was like a tattoo or an etching of document day three could be something as simple as just a tattoo on the right-hander's visits upon the right hand on the four head decision, one can buy or sell unless they have this mark late eroticism. Mark is the number of a man's name and the number 666 20 put all of that together, what I believe that the mark of the beast is its number of a managed number of his name and so I believe when the Antichrist appears someday, the numerical value of his name will be 666. Hear what you mean the numerical value there something called cattle big word with the word debauchery, and in both Hebrew and Greek, which the Bible is written in these two languages. The letters of the alphabet have numerical value associated with them. She could take anyone's name and you can count up the numerical value of the letters in that name. I believe it's telling us that the name of the antichrist will equal 666 which also saw powerful symbolic number as well because in the Bible, the number seven is the number of perfection. The number seven appears 54 times in the book of Revelation. So it symbolic as well because is never to be able to grade as he thinks he is and is much as he puts himself forward and provide he still just got a B666 Jacob fall short of what God desires. But I really do think that will be the literal numerical value of his name, people will literally be taking his name upon them taking his name on the right-hander Ford said you mentioned earlier it's a Pledge of Allegiance at the mark of loyalty, but it's also the passport for commerce and for trade in the world and that day, but nothing today can be the mark of the beast for a couple reasons. One is to be instituted by the antichrist during the tribulation.

And actually not even until the midpoint of the seven year tribulation.

So were not even in the tribulation yet were not even close to the midpoint of it so nothing today can be the market-based.

Let me ask you this. Is it possible that something like this and again were referring more specifically to the vaccine being used today to the fight coven and there are many who suggest that this is at least the beginning stages of the mark of the beast. The vaccine is it possible that it could be a precursor to the mark and the only reason I'm asking this Mark Hitchcock is because along with the vaccine were saying government overreach government control were seeing a sentiment that says you must trust the government. Government knows best and were seeing a sentiment that says government will keep you safe and healthy. Now that's very tempting to people to want to follow any institution that says we're going to keep you safe and healthy. Therefore, could this be a precursor. Yes, I definitely think things like this are precursors. I have no problem setting that out, but it can't be the mark because were not in the time of the next rent and also it can't be the marketers. The Bible tells us to. When people take the mark of the beast. Revelation 14 is sugar doomed. So God is not going to condemn somebody and doom them by taking the vaccine that they don't know is the markets right when people take the mark of the beast during the tribulation. There really knowingly, willingly taking this marker and pledging their allegiance to the Natarajan MLB doomed nothing that we see today is the mark and to identify things. Today is a mark jumping the gun soon but we do receive the way being paid because when you get to the end times you have to call it a condition that citizen that say that's going to be condition begin to accept these mandates and the authoritarianism and willingly submit. This is all leading up to that although this is happening, we should be economy of the world shrinking really becoming one receive dreamlike authoritarianism all over the world. It's not just hear me now this is not a United States of America problem. It is a global issue and Mark have referred to this headline on air to three times its out of Israel national news. It's headlines like this that still further, fear, and the conversation that I'm talking about that the vaccine is the mark. Okay let me read the headline Israel national news. We won't force the vaccine.

But here's what we will do sub headline, Amazon will force it.

Airlines will banks will okay now here's the kicker, you won't be able to buy, sell or trade without the vaccine that was all they had lying in his sub headline on Israel national news. It's things like this that get people wondering, and questioning and worrying sure it's the kind of thing where the government exercises authority you can't buy or sell.

If you notice were seen in our country can go to the gym. You can exactly draw, you can go to all these different places you shut out from this is kind of a trial run. You could say in some ways it's the singular that begin to happen more and more that this is just the beginning.

The next crisis the skin to come along, which will be a manufactured crisis is climate change. Okay I want to go there in just a minute, and not quite through with Covidien and the vaccine.

I'm drawing here on an article you've written.

Let me read two short paragraphs. The covert pandemic is now in at least stage III we've seen Alpha Delta now omicron with each variant. The responses predictable calls for lockdowns mask the persistent drumbeat to get vaccinated, revaccinated, boosted and reposted people all over the world have been subjugated to alarming government overreach and control and the end of the tyranny is nowhere in sight. One more paragraph. This is written by Mark Hitchcock, my guest. What's clear is that the global elites, folks, that's a key term. He's using global elites. It's clear that the global elites and government officials have seized this crisis to stretch their tentacles into every area of life in an attempt to bring about their goal. The great reset, some maintain that global elites have not just leverage the covert crisis to their advantage, but that they purposely unleashed it to foster their agenda to establish a one world government and economy.

In other words, they believe covert is a plan to make and those who have fallen in line with its endless edicts are shameful.

While we may never know the origin of the virus with certainty.

We do know what it has created in one thing we know for sure is that the global receptors are fully aware that the pathway to tyranny is paved with over exaggerated crises and then I'm closing this article with this statement. It's now clear according to Mark's article that the default position of the left is bigger government, more coercion and greater control and I think that's the key. Mark is this greater control and you use the term globally. Elites are in love with control attractor answer always to every crisis ordered real or manufactured is more government control, freedom is never more power to the citizen to tell his power, more concentrated in the hands of fewer.

It's always there answered every crisis as our world goes along organist should cascading crises and covert and others the cosmos to accelerate more more you raise the issue in your article and folks I only read couple paragraphs from his article and covert in the vaccines and all you raised in the article. There's coming a global reset.

I want to play. Click here Speak lend that Glenn does not approach this from a Christian perspective, but he's very cutting edge on understanding the purposes of this great reset and by the way, Dr. Mark Hitchcock has a book coming out in the spring on the reset which will carry I want to play this real quick clip of Glenn Beck and then come back. Mark and talk about it. The progressive era is over. We are now in the era of the great reset. This is the final stage now. Believe it or not, they're not coming out in the open, calling it reconstruction.

They're playing it cool with all of their wording, but if you understand the wording you'll see it everywhere. Listen to this from leaders all over the world and enable us not just to come through this crisis to come back stronger… But this global pandemic has also created an opportunity to build back taking drawing to give their ashy inexperience and inside and enable us to go back and examine even beta with 19th and then he can also be a moment for resolving long-standing conflicts and addressing structural weaknesses for sets of priorities can guide the response to be better build back better. The slogan was used just hear three prime ministers and the Secretary-General of the UN is everywhere and it predates the Biden administration, the European commission use build back better to announce their Covidien stimulus fund, the UN uses it all the time. And guess who else the world economic forum and they make it very clear what this seemingly harmless slogan is truly all about. Let me quote them to build back better.

We must reinvent capitalism did you vote for that is I didn't I didn't even hear discussed one of the words Joe Biden's campaign slogan, and his main political goal that he and the Democrats are now trying to get passed in the Senate is a UN and world economic forum propaganda line for the restructuring of all of society and ending capitalism as we know it. I know this is quite a charge.

There is no speculation here I am giving you the facts as laid out by world global leaders. This is what's happening right now. Quite honestly, it's the scariest thing I've seen our government do in my lifetime. Whether you're calling it wartime reconstruction build back better.

Or maybe the weirdest of them all the great reset. It is about one thing, the fundamental transformation of the Western way of life. Your life global elites all over the world are united to ensure that this happens. That's their idea of society pushed in force on people like you and me and being told that it's a fantasy or it's not really happening. I been calling out the great reset now for over a year.

It is been really hard to nail down in layman terms. It's exactly what it is.

It is a great reset at the threat that it poses is incomparable to anything I have seen your listening to understanding the time to radio and Jan Markel. I have on the line from Oklahoma Dr. Mark Hitchcock, pastor of Faith Bible Church in Edmond, Oklahoma. The way we carry his book Corona crisis plagues pandemics in the coming apocalypse find that in my online store and olive tree olive tree call my office get on our newsletter lists and you'll find that book offered in those various outlets say just a quick reminder here.

We had a great evening with Pastor Tom Hughes just a few nights ago and you can watch the presentation trending towards the tribulation. Under on our rumble channel allow us a few days for editing here so probably be posted Monday of this forthcoming week, and this was our bimonthly understanding the times event at Pastor Mark Henry's church near Minneapolis, Minnesota revive church Brooklyn Park again won't be posted. Probably until Monday of this coming week. Wonderful evening with Pastor Tom Hughes. Check it out on our website under video on our rumble channel Mark your thoughts on the clip you just heard about it was flashing a working musician. This is the final stage managed and shared eschatology that we are. Sometimes we doubt the you understand this is a final stage of things are working towards this fundamental transformation of the Western world beyond what even said as well. You know they want to eliminate borders.

Everybody will just be a citizen of the world will no longer be a citizen of particular countries and of course we see that happening in our own country today where people can melt vote in local elections you want. Should so it's a breakdown of all of capitalism of borders of all nationalism. What I should behind… Satan is the master global behind these global elites is ultimately Satan because he of the world together before the Tower of Babel under the rule of one man under Nimrod, God came in scattered people all over the face of the earth were gone from tribalism to nationalism another globalism and Satan is bringing the world back together again because he wants to rule the world again under one person.

All of this is happening under the ultimate control and diminutive Satan.

He is the master globalist is a master reset or whose working at all of these things to bring about this transformation again to reinvent capitalism really to eliminate it to eliminate borders more and more social control over people's lives. All of this is paving the way the Satan's ultimate plan to rule the world through one man through the cross so the reset which is not implemented yet. It certainly could be.

They met electronically in the middle of January. They did not meet and mostly can do that in the spring, but they had a huge meeting of about 25 world leaders meeting electronically to plot and scheme global government and Mark I talked about this on here all the time.

The reset could the reset then be the tribulation. That's my bottom line question the tribulation. Shortly will be of massively shot out of a well of all the world Christian. We believe the rapture shall take place first. You talk about a resetting event. Again, you talk about a crisis that people can she's people all the world disappearing in the wake of this crisis, people gonna be looking for someone who can bring some order out of the chaos of you referring to the cross before the man would apply heaven looking for someone who can come and bring order from the chaos and, ultimately, Satan's man will rise the antichrist. People look to have a courses solution to this is going to be the ultimate reset here on earth where he rules and controls everything will start out. The Bible tells us there should be 10 leaders 10 kings to approve three of them at their oath, we cannot give him their authority so to start out with an oligarchy or a group of global elites were leaving the world, but ultimately all powers can be centralized in his hands. The tribulation period will be really the institution fondly of this great global reset and the roll mastermind behind all of it. Ultimately Satan himself and going back to your article on the vaccines.

Reread two very short paragraphs and you say the call to silence suppressed and shut down those who disagree is mushrooming. No longer is dissent acceptable.

It must be quashed when the next crisis is promoted by the (maybe climate change, and I would agree with that. The calls to punish those who refuse to fall in line will increase and intensify. I'm closing here. The shocking surging intolerance and desire for retribution against those who refuse the vaccination or even question it is of faint foreshadow of the tyranny that will engulf the world when the man of sin arrives on the scene and then mark you refer to something that I've seen and referred to myself and that is this poll that was taken January 5 of this year by heartland Institute and Rasmussen reports. We just summarize it here and literally one minute almost 60% of Democrat voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times except for emergencies if they refused the Cove at 19 vaccines. Secondly, nearly half of all Democrat voters think that federal and state government should be able to find or imprison individuals. Again, getting back to the vaccination issues, 45% of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations. If they refuse a covered 19 vaccines. Let's translate that designated facilities as quarantine camps.

In some countries are calling them concentration camps and then the last stat tiered 30% of Democrat voters would support temporarily removing patient's custody of their children. If parents refused to take covered 19 vaccines again marked ear of siding here, as in my the strife. The animosity is growing in America like I never thought I would say knowledge of such a divided citizenry divided on so many issues as depolarization. We see it all the time but to think that over an issue like vaccination.

60% of Democrat voters would favor a government policy requiring people be confined to their homes will have to be put in these facilities with the one that was really the most shocking to me is 30% would support temporarily removing parents custody of their children to refuse to take this the word harsh is really enough. These are draconian measures that almost half of Democrats and 60% in 1 Case Would Pl. upon people who fail to do what they think the government should help them do it again.

It's all about following science but so many of these things that they claim to believe have been debunked and have been refuted.

It just shows that not only does the government want to have this kind of control over people. But they have a willing citizenry will also join Graham and wanting to punish people who disagree and then you conclude this article, the call to silence suppressed and shut down those who disagree is mushrooming. No longer is dissent acceptable.

It must be quashed when the next crisis is promoted by the left and again you refer to climate change is the likely next crisis the calls to punish those who refused to fall in line will increase and intensify posts you can follow Mark on his website and get his prophecy updates there Mark L Mark L is good articles, videos and more at that location. Mark and summer even though I'm gonna transition here shortly to the potential for all of this kind of sentiment leading to a potential Civil War in America guess the bottom line for this first part of the programming is it's an illness for which the recovery rate in most categories of people is 99.9%. Obviously, some have had eight worst case scenario and I featured some of those on air, so we are not making light of the fact that some people get very very sick from Cove at 19, but most categories are gonna recover an fairly good time, but this has undone the world and I'm talking about almost 200 countries.

Even World War II basically involve Europe, but this crisis has involved 200 countries.

Yes, you truly engulf the world on a lot of people have been vaccinated up to 20 evocative action it I've no problem without it all really donuts a medical issue, I'm not and I vaccinated all what I'm against your dentist as well as the government mandating not just one reduction but to vaccines, boosters, and all of that. It's the government control over – that is wrong. I think again is a set up for what's coming in the future. Cleared in the Bible, headed towards a one world government and economy of religion were defense not tolerated in the world.

Ultimately, you know how to march in lockstep to the final Antichrist to what you're saying is correct.

There's never been anything which galvanized you know so many of the global elites that we refer to ambitions and control like this issue and I don't think this is the last one but I think this is the beginning. This is the tipping point.

While I think you think climate is going to be next. But if we don't go along with the climate agenda. These kinds of repressive tactics or can be utilized again if were still here the church to be removed tomorrow. Who knows, but if not I think climate is next agree with out of the mandates are coming down to what kind of vehicles you will be able to drive the really talk about putting something on people's cars were to know how many miles you've driven her to drive more than the certain a lot of miles you find without obviously cows without all kinds of methane children control how much these people can even try to reduce the population of cattle and sheep all over the world. All these things, but again, this can be leveraged as a crisis the world can end in 20 years if we don't do all of the right, you don't fall in line. You hate people in Europe for the destruction of the world and so shall be framed in the kind of a context for people to be panicked To follow the Z direction, its history, be more and more measures like this when Cove would finally dodge out the leader crisis visual review.

The next one that's in line. After that I'm sure will be something else with double dominate and overspending maturing to go into that as well on his trillions and trillions drive inflation than the government has to come in and exert more control to try to control the inflation so it's all a cycle of where everything is ultimately headed to the final right of the crushed we carry Mark's book. Corona crisis plagues pandemics and coming apocalypse, and that's in my online store.

Olive trees use views as an viewpoint, olive tree call my office central time will get that out to you or get on our newsletter list, print, and Ian Mark. You have a conference coming up Saturday Fairbury 26 I want to say a word about it.

You're featuring some of my good friends, including the mayor's are Fadi and Jack Hibbs and Jeff Kinley and yourself and a gentleman. I haven't worked with Philip to Corsi. I think tickets are sold out to attend in person, but folks can stream it online for $25 and watch archive anytime after the event is over, talk to me a little bit about this will be at Faith Bible Church in Edmond, Oklahoma. How do they stream this and pay the $25 streaming fee for mentioning Bender a lot of proxy conferences so decided to have one here at the church is the church I pastor in Edmond, Oklahoma and underprivileged beer 30 years is to be our first big really main conference. The church is called Faith Bible Church in Edmond, Oklahoma, but it's Bible your website. There's a pusher that will get you to where you need to be to purchase the live stream and to be able to view it or did you can watch archive you watch part of the live stream watch part of it later on your bill would get online without but it should be five speakers section of the 930 to about 5 o'clock 530 event that they would a long break for lunch speakers that your listeners know about you know this will be a great event. I'm really fired up about our people are locally or really excited about it as well. Excited to see what God will do through every 26. It's a Saturday and that states Bible okay for Oklahoma. Faith Bible where you can get further information and sign up for the $25 live streaming see and course.

The good thing about that. As you can watch at any time after the events he can watch it live for. You can watch archive again Mark Hitchcock Amir's are Fadi Pastor Jack Hibbs, Jeff Kinley, Philip to Corsi and that sounds like a great day Mark, let me just throw in one other reminder here, that is, those who watch this program on YouTube and so I have to keep referring to this.

It's a very serious dilemma. There are now over 1000 phony olive tree videos posted to YouTube. They've been hijacked.

They been doctored.

A lot of people cannot discern that they are phony and hijacked and you've got to be careful or you can be listening to it is made, but they've doctored the entire video olive tree does not post as a shocking prophecy. And that's how everyone is labeled so would you watch our video version on our website on rumble or on his channel. YouTube sensors and allows this kind of nonsense to be posted to denigrate legitimate ministries such as this one, they will not take down these hijacked versions of our videos. Big tech is not our friend folks that affects our enemies. I'm gonna keep reminding you because you folks are writing and calling saying why are we posting such nonsensical videos. We aren't they are stolen and they are doctored. Sorry if I sound upset I am. I'll stop there. Your listening, understanding the times radio and Jan Markel. I have on the line from Oklahoma Dr. Mark Hitchcock have worked with Mark Hitchcock for a lot of years and had them at numerous understanding the times conferences and carries various books Mark company books if you written out 35 and you have one coming out with Jeff Kinley in the spring on the great reset. Give me a paragraph of what that will entail. Because we're gonna want to carry it. And this is the topic of the hour. I think some folks get tired of it, but it is so important. Give me a paragraph. The book called global reset under subtitle as you do events in our world today played a part in the rise of the crushed spatially to book is looking at what's happening today and showing how all the things we see happening on Marriott France, which mainly through the world economic forum through plow Schwab suit gobbles meetings and all about how all of this is trying to transform America transform our world and really is paving the way and setting the stage for the rise of the Antichrist.

I know Thomas Nelson will send it to me but I am looking forward to the markets great. I'm so glad you and Jeff did this and that's going to lead me into another article you've written. And it's on the potential for a Civil War in America. In your article you talk about some of the things that potentially could take America down what I mention those things you're citing a Washington Post headline that reads in America talk turns to something not spoken of for 150 years Civil War and then there's a reference to Victor Davis Hanson and Hansen apparently says in an essay which you're citing how, when, and why has the United States now arrived at the brink of a veritable Civil War.

Hansen warns quote almost every cultural and social institution universities, public schools, the NFL, the Oscars, the Tony's, the Grammys late night television public restaurants, coffee shops, movies, TV, stand-up comedy has not just been politicized, but also weapon eyes, the United States stands at the brink of a veritable Civil War and then mark you and your article goes on here many triggers for a second US Civil War are possible. The following is a rundown of some of the most conspicuous recent flashpoints and then you list anarchist groups like NT for issues over election legitimacy gun rights, climate change, global warming you list excessive government control, racial tensions, immigration issues, capitalism versus socialism so I can't summarize the entire article. I want to play clip of years in just a minute or two, but I think a lot of Americans are hesitant to use that term Civil War in America. I think most Americans never thought we'd come to this not think it's definitely true.

My love America so you we love this country.

We pray for Roger started running across different people reciting the show in December, 20, 21, a member of the GCI advisory panel said that the US is closer to Civil War than any of us would like to believe that a Zogby poll just last year found that a plurality of Americans, 46% of Americans believe the Civil War was likely the rock first rubbed other children never even thought about until I started reading some of these things are focuses stunning but when you think about our country today in a gym, not the slightest anybody is so obvious, but were locked in a very fierce ideological, political, cultural Civil War in our country we really have two rival cultures we have really two constitutions in many ways in our country in two ways of life and some people that I've read here recently.

Would even say that what were in battle is really were already in a soft sound of a cold Civil War, hot Civil War and were shootings going on, but I think when we look around. In many ways. So we have to regrade without melting the water, it will get to the other point no one knows but a lot of people who varied not Victor David Hanson is not some kind of a person who just says things without thinking them through that you quoted earlier. So these are very reliable, very intelligent people pursuing, look, this is something that could happen again if sobering to think of something that certainly could happen. Another item by the way this is surfaced, not a surprise to anyone $30 trillion in debt. The country at this point is the same market wasn't listed in this lineup of potential issues that are bringing about the rapid decline of America and want to play this clip. It's a message you gave hereto ago but it's certainly relevant for our time. There's 1/4 scenario, or event one that's actually mentioned in the Bible that I believe best explains the scriptural silence about America. In the end times and that event is the rapture of the church.

One of these days. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the Lord Jesus is unit returned to the heavens. All those believers roamed the earth rely to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, the dead in Christ will rise. That is, their bodies and would be rejoined with their perfected spirits that are with the Lord. Those of us who are alive and remain to be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the arena receiving immortal, imperishable, incorruptible body in a perfected spirit in a moment of time. When that happens, if the numbers that are out there if you know about 8% of the people in America are evangelical Christians believe that salvation is by God's grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.

That's about 30 million people that will disappear in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, you say well, a lot of other nations will lose people as well, but if you go to the Middle East and Europe and most of those places. It's less than 1% of the people would say that the believe that salvation is through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone correct this nation the salt and light will be gone in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye will be dating voids left in every strata of society. Jeff Kinley has written a book called the end of America describes it really vividly. This is not a single believer will be left on American soil. Imagine that for a moment with our country's soul now removed, shall become a zombielike nation wandering aimlessly toward her ultimate and inevitable demise in this miraculous moment, the complete departure of Christians is not the only thing that will change everything will be altered. Following that split-second departure government states, communities, militaries, schools, churches, colleges, hospitals, universities, families, marriages, natural infrastructures, everything will be a single pocket of society. The remains unaffected is for all practical purposes, God will have left the building says with anarchy and chaos raining. America will be paralyzed and officially no longer a major player in world affairs like a heavy blanket darkness falls on the entire notion you're listening to understanding the times radio and Jim Markel have on the line from Oklahoma Dr. Mark Hitchcock, pastor of Faith Bible Church, Edmond, Oklahoma, and professor at Dallas theological seminary with Carrie's books over the years many of his books. Mark we just talked about the reset. The reset is on the horizon. The reset very well could be the tribulation. If so, the rapture of the church going to happen momentarily and again that will be what decimates America. I believe it is the biblical event of spoken of, when you think about the salt and light. You should be immediately extracted from this country.

30 million people. Believers immediately taken out of this world America to become a second or third grade power over not think about $30 trillion and the music the 30 million may be most productive people out of the country. I think the rapture will be the ultimate final demise of America.

But Duckett also even happened in confluence with these other times as you get this – a filter that exacerbated the you've got to the corrosive effect of sinfulness in our country. The confusion it's out there in our nation. We can even decide what man is in a woman is all of these things renders Romans one downward death spiral towards the wrath of God, and I think you put these things together of the economic scene of inflation just the moral dissent and corruption of our country and then you put an event like the rapture on top of the Americas shall be reduced in America's not mentioned in the end times and process of the word American United States don't appear in the Bible that we were the great power we are today economically and politically. You think would be mentioned somewhere in Scripture so to me, the silence is to generate something happens again.

There's all these plausible scenarios about what could reduce America but I think the rapture in conjunction with these other things to me much the most sense in conjunction with all the other things that we talked about. We listed which are legion. Sadly, again, it's hard for Americans or hats their brain around the fact that this nation, that's only been in existence for a few hundred years. They look at the year of that around forever and ever in the Middle East as well. And for some reason God had this nation become prominent in the shining city on a hill for a rather short period of time, but try but you look at the other great empires the world you will get Babylon back of the book of Daniel Medo Persian Empire. The Greek empire.

The Roman Empire empires that when they were at their zenith in their clinical you no one thought that anything could every bring them down when you look in Great Britain that an empire would never stop today diminished order of powerful country in many ways, but they don't last long. They go through cycles drag nations doing great powers that look like real work and I preach the gospel, and not want to do everything I can to she America remains a great nation primarily to glorify God and to send the gospel through the world to support missions.

That's what we all want to see but we have to also face reality of what were saying in the world today inside the there's things are happening in our country today that have never happened before.

If they're not reversed in some way to revival and really ultimately repentance were to go the way of each other great empires.

You can learn more about market Markel and keep up with this privacy updates their and again for info on the prophecy conference February 26. It would be Faith Bible that's Faith Bible church, Edmond, Oklahoma Faith Bible that's the church he pastors. I'm moving into sort of a final topic here for the hour mark and I think to introduce said I'm going to play a clip of you and Gary Stearman talking about. Well, there's a bear stirring in the forests that would be Russia, and Russia is threatening. I think it's imminent. I'm moving into Ukraine and my concern is loss of life and bloodshed can be overwhelming. I want to play this real quick clip and come back and talk about it. Talk about something this in the news. Russia's words slid back to the back pages the newspaper for number of years but not lately.

Suddenly Russia is rising as you say in the title of your book, but I was trod I was watching someone no longer on the news there said Russia Russia Russia there were things about Russian horse with the breakup of the Soviet Union back in the early 1990s. Every thought that the Russian bear donning the permanent hibernation Russia donning to… Cursory seem a lot of aggression with Georgia with Crimea in the Ukraine or do a lot of aggression all the hoopla around the elections. The presidential elections in tampering with and so are Russia's everywhere and they really are extending their footprint throughout the Middle East are really attempting to do throughout the world. Chapter 1 of your book is entitled there's a bear in the woods and that's kind of a fanciful way of symbolizing Russia, but it's biblical because there is a bear in Scripture whether it is and what's so fascinating to me is about the Bible.

To me this is a great proof of the inspiration of the Bible over 2500 years ago the Jewish prophet Ezekiel writes about a group of nations is can attack Israel man, one of those nations it's mentioned is Russia and here we are his rules back in the land since 1948 almost 40% of the Jews in the world are there and at the same time that's happening Russia now is rising to become this great menace in the world and I think this is a foreshadow or setting of the stage of exactly what Ezekiel predicted so long ago. It's in the headlights yet. Ezekiel talked about so long ago, here listening to understanding the times radio I'm Jan Markel I have on the line from Oklahoma Dr. Mark Hitchcock we are talking some current events and I've moved into the situation between Russia and Ukraine mark. The Soviet Union broke up in the 1990s Mikael Gorbachev then was painted as such a good guy and the Russian bear had been neutralized and for that matter. Mikael Gorbachev even came to Minneapolis Minnesota and the whole state just melted down over this newfound hero who gave up the Soviet Empire in the early 1990s to some it might have looked like I owe the Soviet Union's gone away.

Happy days are here again.

Well, not according to the Bible, correct trod the nation Russia to refer to approach and Ezekiel chapter 38 was a great notion that the Bible says is gonna rise in the end time attribute is power from the north to be the leader of a group of nations or wrongs mentioned there is both ancient Persia.

A lot of the Islamic nations are mentioned as well.

Turkeys part of this so it's a coalition of nations will attack Israel a million times, then rushes in the headlines every day of the rise to power under Vladimir Putin.

Now he should be president till 2036 will be 84 years old so you basically the permanent czar, now of Russia.

As I mentioned in the video there they took George rather taken Crimea. No got 100,000 troops at the border of Ukraine supposed to go to hundred and 75,000 troops. America now were sending more troops to Eastern Europe. Such a real standoff between Russia and the United States as being part of NATO, which when you read Ezekiel 38. That's exactly the alignment of nation Jeff Russia and the nations, then their orbit against the West against the Antichrist and his nation so even the way the nations are aligning today really fits what we have it. Ezekiel 30 what's happening over there today is Vladimir Putin should some time back to the breakup of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical disaster century. Like a mother bear robbed of her cubs is wanting to bring the Soviet Union back together again. That here just a few weeks ago there was a lot of civil unrest and politics stop, which used to be part of the Soviet Union who did the call to come in and help them the cold and Russia they still have all these nations really in their orbit and under the control again. One of the nations that they don't want to be aligned with the West is Ukraine actually what all this is about.

They want a clear statement of Ukraine will never be part of NATO. They want Ukraine brought within their control within their power and all of this again is just setting the stage for what ultimately cannot happen as Russia, the great Northern bears you one day come down and Israel in an attempt to finally wipe out the K people. Let's talk about that for a moment because first of all, what's happening between Russia and Ukraine is not God can make it is not Ezekiel 38 and 39 and that's called the Russian invasion of Israel where you put the timing of that.

It's also called Gog and Magog where you put the timing of that. I put it in the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation. A lot of Bible teachers put a different place of the reason I do that it shows there and Ezekiel 38 when this invasion occurs is really going to be at rest and living securely. Which by the way, the passage of federal gonna be in the land.

When this happens without preconditions already in place are there now there are 6 million Jews in Israel but it says is On their rest in living securely in the only time I know in the future other than the millennium is will be arrested securely during the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation when Israel will be at rest and have a guaranteed piece from the antichrist so that makes sense to me that that's what will happen to some will say will Israel securely living at rest and secure that you can go there, go on tours which I have many times, but it's an armed camp when you're over there on high alert constantly to me, to say the rest of living securely today is stretch so I put it in the first 3 1/2 years after the rapture. During the first three and half years of the tribulation is with you and let their guard down and have the covenant with the antichrist and the Mets.

When this invasion of Russia and a lot of Russia's Islamic allies will take place in the land of Israel.

Those participating in this invasion again with that Russian was gonna run Turkey, Libya, Sudan and the maybe some other nations but those are blatantly outlined in Ezekiel 38 and 39. The interesting thing is Mark Hitchcock.

That it's not Israel they're not the miracle worker.

In this invasion, though they're going to be very victorious and the passage suggests that God does this, not America.

Matter fact, no nation gets involved. That seems to be the implication. Ezekiel 3039. No nation gets involved in a major invasion of a free country like Israel, but God gets involved, but try to be reported on residual 38 round versus 13 to 16. It talks about how some of these nations issued a lame protest yes to what's happening. Which reminds us a lot today of the United Nations and what many nations there is a discussant on a diplomatic protest. We don't really do anything. So sit on the sidelines and innovations coming to Israel and but as you said God one is going to take action.

This is gonna be in Old Testament God is gonna rain down fire and brimstone is not be infighting among the nation's death by friendly fire diseases can be poured out on him.

It's cataclysmic. We talk about Israel back in June 1967 to six day war.

I call this the one day war when God is in a comedy cannot destroy these armies as they come and Israel, and it shall be really a watershed moment for the nation of Israel in the end times of many of the Jewish people will turn to God because of his great deliverance.

She brings about what we see the value would Russia all their expansionism and aggression in the world today which part of this build up to what we see this prophesied in the Bible again over 2500 years ago to just another proof that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant word of God, who could've ever predicted something like this 2500 years ago, even 50 years ago Lisa clarified God Geo G is the leader in the Gog Magog invasion Gog is a reference to the leader and could that be Vladimir Putin.

I know that speculation, but it could be good and that Mark Galpin asked that a lot of people say this leader, yet God is mentioned like 11 times in Ezekiel 38 and 39. There's a great quote I heard some years ago by Joel Rosenberg of Sherman and your listeners will know who Joe Rosalie. He made the statement. One time that he says we can't say for sure that Vladimir Putin is God because he certainly Gog – that's a really good way to put it is godlike if he is not dog which he may not be what he certainly paving the way for someone who come along who is Gog enclosing here with another clip that happens to be you and Ron Rhodes and Ed Heinsohn on the John anchor Berg program and why my playing this because it is such an uplifting few minutes and we've talked about heavy things this hour, including the decline of America and possibly war in parts of Ukraine and coming Russian invasion of Israel and I'd like you to focus on these few minutes folks of a conversation that I find fascinating Mark. Where did these Thessalonians get this idea Paul had been at Thessalonica.

During his second missionary journey for at least three weeks time.

And when Paul was there and this is fascinating. These are people came from paganism to belief in Jesus and Paul was just there a few weeks and he taught them about Bible prophecy is fascinating because a lot of people would cite the value of the last thing you want to talk to people about and get them confused about his end time prophecy or lease don't tell new Christians about it.

Paul was there a brief period of time and told these believers about the antichrist. The day of the Lord, the rapture taught him all these truths and Paula taught them that Jesus could come back at any time in first Thessalonians chapter 4 pulses we who are alive and remain so he includes himself and not because Paul believed that Jesus could come in his lifetime as well so Paula clearly taught them this idea that Jesus could come back at any moment and they were to be waiting up for his coming. Yeah, they were waiting for son from heaven be raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. We've got unpack these really critical words, what is it mean he delivers us actually delivered us from something the wrath the coming wrath. Paul uses the definite article what does that mean in terms of this whole subject of the early Christians in the church. Did they believe Jesus could come back at any moment, and should we believe that Jesus could come back at any moment in the rapture okay and were looking at this verse in first Thessalonians, and he says we are waiting for son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, and there is the key part who delivers us from the wrath to come. Ed, what is this word delivers us mean the idea of a dramatic deliverance with continuous action that he is in the process of delivering us from the wrath that shall come. The question in Bible prophecy is what is the wrath that is coming in the future from which we need to be delivered yeah and Mark. I love George Milliken. He says this word deliverance refers to a mighty act of power.

How do you apply that to what were talking about what you just think about the events are going to happen when the rapture occurs, the Lord's gonna descend from heaven with a shout, the voice of the archangel all the dead bodies of believers wherever they are coming in the grave. Some of them have been burned at the stake. Some of them have been eaten by wild animals and you think will world the bodies are similar, so there's not a maverick molecule in the universe. The Lord Jesus is going to put all of those bodies together there to become immortal, incorruptible, imperishable bodies and then those who are alive in a moment of time organ to be caught up to be with the Lord and receive that imperishable body in a split second time the power to pull that off.

It can only be done by the one who is created all things.

It's a mighty act of God's power and God's deliverance to underline that to because even in the book of acts, or when we witness the ministry of Jesus himself. Jesus would resurrect someone from the dead and people witness the incredible power just in that one resurrection, but consider countless resurrections around planet Earth at the same time, countless transformations of living Christians. It's an unfathomable amount of power with God.

It says nothing were talking about an omnipotent God who is perfectly capable of doing that and much more. Mark Hitchcock.

I played that intentionally because as I said we were talking about some dark issues here and for the hour and I wanted to end on that wonderful note that you three gentlemen have been a dialogue with John anchor Berg you have anything you want to sum up as a concerns that little clip we just played but it is our hope in this world we live in a new, even when things in this world are going well. Still, that's our only hope we don't have it in political parties or leaders. It's all in him said, "I know you probably heard this before. The darker the outlook you brought it up, walked the Lord told us he single coming in my sadness, but it shouldn't surprise us as we see these things happening around us. We should cause us to have a neater greater sense of urgency in our lives to live our lives for the Lord to be sharing the gospel those around us to have prophecy conferences immediately gather and talk about these things.

We encourage and stimulate one another to love and to good works that are hope were not hopeless filled with hope. We have an abundance of hope in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. But we do want to warn people about what's coming to this world.

If anyone is listening is without Christ, they need to flee to Jesus Christ for salvation to pay defendant force on the cross he died in our place and will give eternal life and the forgiveness of sins to anyone who will come to him and trust in him and perceive him to be their Savior.

Thank you for that emphasis Mark again. We carry marks current the Corona crisis plagues, pandemics, and the coming apocalypse in my online store. Olive trees learn more about market Mark L and he just gave the invitation, ordering summary about the importance of salvation and I want to go out of the program talking about the same because we have looked at a number of issues today that serve to remind us how very late.

The hour is and that is why the Bible says today is the day of salvation. If Jesus Christ is not the Lord and Savior of your lifetime could be running out for you to make that decision.

It says in Romans 1013, that all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved.

Do it today. Won't you. Eternity is a long time to spend in the wrong place. Time is winding down.

No one is guaranteed tomorrow. I want to thank you for listening and we will talk to you again next week. Contact us through our website.

Olive trees that's Olive trees call a central time at 763559 763-559-4444 may only write to all of the ministries of Jan Markel Fox 1452 Grove, MN 55311 that's Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311. All gifts are tax-deductible. We have considered prophetic flashpoints for the hour. Time is running out and nothing is happening by chance God is orchestrating all of the stunning global events to remind us that everything is falling into place