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Nebuchadnezzar’s Nightmare - Part 2

Turning Point / David Jeremiah
The Cross Radio
February 11, 2020 12:36 pm

Nebuchadnezzar’s Nightmare - Part 2

Turning Point / David Jeremiah

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February 11, 2020 12:36 pm

Episode Nebuchadnezzar’s Nightmare - Part 2 - 12 February 2020, Turning Point (David Jeremiah) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.

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What you doing tonight how would you react to the life-threatening situation with grace of the project with Terra and sprinkling today on Turning Point Jeremiah as she is held then you responded with his life is on the line, keeping his godly confidence and composure as he approached the crumpled by the conclusion of his message. Mrs. Mike is well. I just love teaching this book because it is filled with intrigue the book of Daniel is a prophetic book, but the first part of it is a narrative of Daniel's escapades in battle and and his encounters with the foreign and pagan culture in his determination to be God's man in the middle of all of this and were right in the center of that part of the book of Daniel. It's really exciting part of the study. Well, let's get back to our lesson today. Open your Bibles with me to the book of Daniel, and let's study this man's life who makes such a difference in show the king's matter.

Write your book and understand the king's matter was on the your connections in heaven and a Christian, therefore, is a man on earth in touch with who is able to bring heaven to bear on the things of earth Christian. That's why these guys couldn't do it. A Christian is a man on the earth who was in touch with heaven and he is able to bring heaven to bear things over.

That's what the Christians is no wonder they were out of their league.

Not only said that any man could understand the revelation of God but they went on to say there is not who could do what they wanted done except those whose dwelling was not in flesh and blood. Isn't that interesting. Sounds almost like good theology doesn't we already know that that you can't do the things that God does. If you don't have God living in you and here were the best that the world had to offer. They couldn't do the job that needed to be no notice next and the Kingsley Cory verses 12 and 13, the king is getting upset you like what he's getting from his men saw in verse 12 he says this because the king was angry very. This and commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babylon and the decree would forfeit the wise men should be slain, and they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slight got a little bit of insight into king medicaments are and we know is nobody to fool around with his violent temper and is extreme penalty is characteristic of a person suffering from a deep psychosis say to you that the king's decree though on the surface it looks like it's a man who's lost his temper because his men will give him what he wants. In essence it's much more than that for here is a man who is working under the devices of Satan and his whole purpose. According to the plan of Satan is to rid the world of Daniel, a man who determines not to compromise his life usually get Satan's attention and I want to say to you that the tremendous truth that we see here is this that Satan inspired Debbie could measure would think nothing of reading all of the whole Babylonian culture of every wise man under the direction Satan included in that group was righteous. Daniel and I want to say to Nebuchadnezzar to all of you the words of second Peter 29 the Lord knows how to deliver the godly men and I came across the most poignant statement by able student of the word of God by the name of Graham scrubbing is an old old teacher of the word of many of his books in my library. He's blessed me often though I've never met him as he was writing about this particular situation. He wrote something that almost catches on fire when you have it in your hand so powerful.

This is what he wrote. He said all this folly of pretension. The process is not to be put on measures wrath and cruelty.

But on that which occasion it these sons of the colleges were trained and paid to interpret mysteries and it is reasonable to assume that the means whereby they could know the interpretation of the dream might also be employed to discover the dream itself. The fact is, they were frauds, the foreign Hebrews studied astrology to understand and not to believe it, just as today the theological student may study evolution to understand not to believe it. Verse 10 shows in one single sentence that all of the astrology and necromancy and Oracle's and dreams and romantic revelations of the whole pagan world for 6000 years are nothing but imbecility's and lie, and it proves that all the religions in arts and sciences and philosophies and attainments and powers of man apart from God inspired prophets and all glorious Christ are nothing but emptiness and vanity as regards any true adequate knowledge of the purpose and will of God. And this is a memo notes is just for free if Graham scrubbing were here today and saw Christian parents considering the possibility of sending their children into a secular environment for their education. He would shake his head in unbelief and I have to honestly say sometimes I shake mine to.

It's not that they don't have all of the subjects in all of the information in all that they just don't have God's input.

So if you go to school like that. What you get is you get a partial and sometimes perverted education.

I'm not promoting any college or any school system. I'm simply saying that God says there are certain things that men of the world cannot, and when it comes to dealing with the important priorities of life that have to do with the revelation of God's word. You better get someplace were godly men stand behind the teaching desk or you don't have a whole of getting the information you need to get on in life, in behalf of God and his program sometimes you can get that in your church and in your home can support what you're getting on the secular campus.

The more that I know about what goes on in the secular campus more deeply committed. I become to building the greatest school system that we've ever had and the greatest God honoring college were capable of putting together because men and women.

That's where it's at. These men represented the secular viewpoint of their day. But when it came to dealing with the important matters of the kingdom is related to God. They had graduated from kindergarten. Well, that's enough of that. That's very convicting. Some of you so will go on back to Act I is over twos coming up verses 14 to 23 we moved now from memory could measure into the realm of Daniel and the transition is at the end of the 13th verse and they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain, and that takes us now from the king's palace and takes us over to Daniel's house that will raises the transition phrase in verse 14 we read about what Daniel's going to do as he responds to this threat on his life know what you notice. First of all interact to Daniel's problem. Daniel and his friends were not with the wise men who were called to the palace. The first time. But now the king's cutthroat comes after these formalities are followed by the name of area and he's actually called in the text the king's cutthroat is the executioner who's been assigned to go out and find all the wise men cut off their heads comes to Daniel's house and he finds Daniel know what you notice. After receipt Daniel's problem. Daniel's poise is just beautiful and so areata is coming out of his sword within the Daniel's lives there and the Daniel answered with counsel and wisdom to area in essence what the Texas things Eric but insisted I must talk this thing over and the captain of the King's guard was gone forth to slay the wise men about women.

He answered areata Kings. This is great wise.

The decree so hasty from the king sickens McCurry is feeling his throat when he said that what I have an idea that he was very concerned about the hasty action of the king, and so in verse 15 says that areata made the thing known to Daniel. I can see the picture. Daniel is such a charisma person here comes a guy take his head off. Dennis is what's coming for a couple coffee will Saddam talk this thing over is not sitting there in his living room. You put your sword down and are taught in the Bible says that tells him the whole thing. Isn't it interesting that already we've learned that Daniel has won his way into the heart of Ashkenaz who was the head of the UNIX and he won his way into the heart of Mills are replaced – as it is leadership over Daniel and his friends and now he's got areata in his back pocket to what a guy. Daniel's poise in fact if you want to see the way Daniel handles the situation if you marking your Bibles I want you to mark the word you could just see the way Daniel works under pressure. You follow me as I read beginning in verse 14, and I'll tell you the verses.

Then Daniel answered with counsel and wisdom.

Verse 16 then Daniel and in a desired of the king. Verse 17 then Daniel went to his house and made the thing known to him that I verse 19 then was the secret revealed to Daniel and then Daniel bless the God of heaven's he is in control.

He just walks through that crisis with poise and commas and composure when we notice in verse 16. Not only Daniel's poise what is persuasion. Verse 16 then Daniel went in and he desired the king that he would give him time and he would show the king the interpretation. Now notice the king's old man had requested time from the king and they didn't get it the case that you're just buying time. You just trying to con me Daniel Watson, he said, cannot say what your dream is by me little time.

Kings assured that it whatever you need. Daniel must've been thinking as he walked in and asked for an extension you students all know what an extension is.

He must've been thinking that Nebuchadnezzar in a good mood and with lots of sleep was throwing people in the fire. What would he be like what he's been up all night, he's on edge, but Daniel knew that God endowed him with a special understanding of visions and dreams.

So with great confidence. He walks in before the king, and he said you know I can handle this problem. King what I need some more time using Daniel did need more time so we could go look up the dream manuals and figure out all of the differences and all that sort of stuff we find out that what Daniel needed was time for the next point. Daniel's prayer verses 17 and 18. Then Daniel went to his house, made the thing known to have an IME shown as right as companions that they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning the secret that Daniel and his fellow should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. I want you to notice something in verse 17 of chapter 1 we learn that God gave to Daniel and unbelievable power to understand dreams and visions. What will you know that even though he had that gift of God that power from God.

He didn't keep him from praying when the crisis came because he said well you know I got the partaker this out. Praying that I think it's neat to realize that the Babylonian wisemen who sought the answer in the stars, the astrologers, and here comes Daniel and he does them one better listen to his prayer. Daniel desired mercies of the God of heaven. The best astrologers could do was to get to the stars but Daniel knew the God who made the stars and made the heavens in which the stars were. He went right to the top to get his answer. He knew the God in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge and he appealed to the highest source someone has written that Daniel know that if he did not lift up his voice and prayer.

Soon he might not have a voice to lift up that made him an earnest prayer that brings us to Daniel's performance. Verse 19 then was the secret revealed him to Daniel in the night vision.

Then Daniel bless the Lord, the God of heaven. The Berkeley version of the Scriptures has suggested that God let Daniel dream the same dream that he could measure him dream and that was the way that God told Daniel what the dream was Daniel went in that night and he had the same dream that he could measure head so he knew exactly what happened. I don't know if that's true, but it's very possibly the way it happened. So now Daniel knows what the king's dream and isn't it interesting that as soon as he got the answer. He didn't hop on his camel's chariot or whatever you wrote in those days, and buzz over to the kingdom and make sure he dump this thing on the king right away but that's what I would've done. Especially when I understood the implications of not getting it right and delaying the king's patients very long soon as God gave an answer man. As soon as I got out of it off my knees and sat down in the kingdom and I lay that they are for the king and I will decide a sigh really was all over, but you know what Daniel did. As soon as he got the nature of the dream. Verse 19 he had a special prayer meeting appraise meeting got all his friends together and they praised God what unfolds in verses 20 to 23 is one of the most beautiful prayers in this book.

This book is filled with the prayers of Daniel, but here is a most beautiful prayer the prayer is a sevenfold hymn of praise to God for all his blessings will have time to look at it in detail. Just read it and I'll give you the seven blessing, but Daniel gave to God wisdom and minor is verse 20 he changes the times and the seasons.

Verse 21 he removed Kings and set up games.

Verse 21 wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to them, but no understanding. Verse 21 he revealed deep and hidden things. The hidden mysteries he know what is in the darkness. The light dwell up with him soon as Daniel got the answer to his prayer for wisdom and knowledge about the dream he got on his knees and he said God I just want to bless your name for who you are and to praise and stole your mercy and your graciousness. How unlike us, then the personal nature of his prayers in the next verse I thankfully and praise the old valve God of my fathers, who has given me wisdom and might and has made known unto me now what we desire to be for thou hast made no matter. You know, one of our biggest lies know if I daresay this one of our biggest lies as Christians is this one and we will be careful to give the thanks in Jesus name, amen. I've tried to discipline myself not to say that anymore my praying because I'm finding out I'm not all that careful but Daniel was careful when God answers prayer. He took time out to praise the name of God and the blessing now, that's the end of act two and we come now to the last portion of this and just very quickly. Daniel Nebuchadnezzar on stage verses 24 to 30.

Basically what's going on here is that Daniel comes any tells Nebuchadnezzar what happened that he reveals to Nebuchadnezzar that he understands his dream. He tells Nebuchadnezzar how it happened but there's a most interesting verse, and I think Daniel may be even rubbing it in a little bit if you let us imagine that verse 27 Daniel answered in the presence of the king and he said the secret which the king have commanded cannot wisemen astrologers, the magicians and the soothsayers revealing to the king by there is a God in heaven. Rub it in Daniel. There is a God in heaven who revealed the secrets and make it known to the king Nebuchadnezzar. What shall be in the latter days by dream and visions of thy head upon by bed. Are these four that must've been fun. You know, when you walk into the presence of pagans armed with the power of the Holy Spirit and knowing you're in the will of God and that you're right. You can't be cocky but you sure can be confident that's the way Daniel was that I see one last insight at the end of this section. That is a deep and scoring reminder to all of us of how different Daniel was than we are. You know there's a little contrast going on in the text here that I just want to point out you know when Daniel and areata.

The executioner met Daniel said you had that little talk with him and told him that he could take care of the problem area oxen while going interface with the king and all that Daniel taken all the initiative in finding out paradox ready to bring Daniel take notice verse 25.

Then areata brought in Daniel before the king in haste and said something him. I have found a man did Marriott find Daniel.

He found you, but he was taking credit for something he didn't do. He was so proud that he had surfaced Daniel. He couldn't wait to tell the king, I got your answer. Notice how different Daniel is God's given him the vision and the understanding of it in verse 30 but as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living while I'm afraid if God had asked any of us to handle such an important matter.

We will handle it and we would've stepped up to take our bows just as soon as it was over I saved all the wise men of Babylon. With my wisdom and my great ability to handle dreams and visions. Thank you, thank you, not Daniel C Daniel knew where his power was. He knew what Isaiah says in Isaiah 42 eight I am the Lord.

That is my name and my glory will I not give to another, so Daniel humbly stood before the king and gave God the glory you know what that's why Daniel doesn't end at the end of chapter 2 because had Daniel taken the glory that belong to God, the story would be over other several things that you learn from this book and from Daniel composite picture of this man is growing.

What if thrilling character study. This is there's a man who is composed before crisis courageous before the captain was to take his life confident before God in prayer careful before his success to give praise to the Lord.

And when God answers prayer.

He's contrite spirit.

You know what I think. I think God is just waiting to find some other folks will fall into that pattern so he can bless them is he blessed Daniel and I don't think it's wrong for all of us here to be so audacious as to say Lord, why not me one on me just say it. Get ready for the action. Sure, we all can ask God to do for us what we know he's done for others is not a God who has so special people role special to God's plan for your life and mine probably includes a lot more than willing to embrace. Thanks for listening to the message you just you from the Shadow Mountain Community Church and Dr. David Jeremiah missing would love to live help to the point is touching your life so please want us to point PO Box 338, San Diego 92163 visit our website David Jeremiah/writing company of this series the sequence from the prophecies of Daniel handwriting. You can download the mobile smart phone or tablet searching for the keyboard Turning Point ministries instantly exit program Jeremiah/radio for the tells join us tomorrow as we continue the series that handwriting. Jeremiah taking time to listen to non-peace and Christian