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Is He the Teacher of Truth or the Truth to Be Taught - Part 1

Turning Point / David Jeremiah
The Cross Radio
May 10, 2020 11:41 pm

Is He the Teacher of Truth or the Truth to Be Taught - Part 1

Turning Point / David Jeremiah

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May 10, 2020 11:41 pm

Dr. David Jeremiah's commitment is to teach the whole Word of God. His passion for people and his desire to reach the lost are evident in the way he communicates Bible truths and his ability to get right to the important issues.

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Christian groups we can believe in him for salvation and trust in him is Alfred Jesus is able to meet L needs is only one who is fully gold and fully human Today on Turning Point. Dr. David Jeremiah takes a closer look at exactly why we need Jesus with his distinctly true nature from the Jesus you may not know his statement to conclude his message is son of Mary, or the son of God, and we thank you for joining us today for the Friday edition of Turning Point. We finish up our discussion of the nature of Jesus Christ is seeing the son of Mary, or is he the son of God. Next week will talk about is he the teacher of truth for the truth to be taught is he seeking us, or are we seeking him, and finally is he praying for us, or are we praying to him. I think I told you the first data series that all of these questions have the same answer and the answer is yes. The questions are posed in such a way to put these things in contrast and show you how this all works. So today we open our hearts again to this truth about the nature of Jesus is Jesus the son of Mary received the son of God, who is he who is this Jesus. We may not know Jesus is human and he always will be. He became a man, heart, soul, mind and strength.

A man just imagine for a moment how much God must have loved human beings to decide that yes he would become a human forever. He had existed for all eternity.

The second person of the Trinity in perfect and harmonious and beautiful relationship with God the father and God the Holy Spirit and he decided to become human, and he knew when he did it, that he would never be not human again.

There's only one thing that would lead the son of God to do that and that is his deep love for us. You say you sure that's true. Think of this for a moment the disciples were standing watching Jesus up to heaven and this is what they heard this same Jesus, which you have seen ascending into heaven. This same Jesus will come in like manner as has gone when we get to heaven will see Jesus will be able to examine the prints of the nails in his hands and the scar in his side. I don't pretend to understand all the nuances that are involved in that. But Jesus became a man for us. He continues to be a man and now when we pray. The Bible says he intercedes for us at the right hand of the father or what a mystery is all of this. He's the son of Mary is also the son of God, just as Jesus was the son of Mary, so is he the son of God. This is arguably the most important title of Christ in the entire New Testament.

It appears more than 40 times the son of God. In the simplest of terms, son of God, is how the New Testament describes Jesus and his relationship to God the father.

It also shows us his divine identity.

While Jesus was fully human, is also fully God, you say what I don't understand that I don't know anything like that.

There never has been anything like that. How many of you know Jesus Christ is without precedent. There is no one to compare him to never will be anyone like him. He is the individual single most important person who's ever walked on this earth is individually most notable character that you will ever hear about. There is no one like him. There was no one who's ever been like him. He is the son of God and the Son of Man fused together in one person for eternity is God.

When Jesus still the storm with the disciples.

They were so overcome with amazement and they worshiped him, and he convinced that only God could have performed a miracle and they said truly you are the son of God. At his trial before the Jewish Council. His opponents charged him with claiming to be the son of God, which they recognized as a claim of beauty. Anyone claiming to be God could be charged with blasphemy and killed. Think of it.

The only charge they can ever come up with a make it stick against Jesus was that he claimed to be the son of God because he was even the devil recognizes that Jesus is God, the address Jesus as the son of God and the demons recognized him is that when they saw him they cried out Matthew 829 what have we to do what you Jesus, you son of God. I wrote in my notes the demons are smarter than most of the skeptics the demons got it. The theologians who spend eternity in the seminary sometime never did get it is the son of God is a modern-day illustration of might help us. Suppose you mean a man who claims to be the president of the United States. The fact that military personnel greet him with a salute does not by itself prove his claim or use of the title president.

Apart from context is ambiguous, and maybe could be the president of the corporation or some other country you know is that he signs bills and the law, you would not necessarily inferred that he was the president of the United States after all state governors do that even the fact that he lives in the White House would not be enough by itself to prove his claim without put all these things together in a coherent context if he was in the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is saluted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff regularly sits in the chair behind the president's desk in the Oval Office responds affirmatively when addressed as Mr. Pres., and from that chair signs into law, federal legislation, he probably is the president of the United States situation is much the same with the New Testament evidence for the identity of Jesus Christ, all creatures, even the most glorious angels in heaven are expected to worship him.

He is existed forever.

He exerted omnipotence in making the universe and he continues to do so by sustaining the existence he goes by the name Lord and also answers to God. He lives in God's home heaven and he sits in God's chair the heavenly throne, and from that position he sends the Holy Spirit reveals himself to apostles, guides the church by his divine presence as they complete the mission to tell the whole world that he is Lord and will one day judge all creatures, and give eternal life to whomever he chooses such a person must in fact be God is the one thing it's everything. Jesus was not only the Son of Man, Jesus was and is the son of God and just like that, we are transported to the book of Philippians where we read at the name of Jesus every knee will bow those in heaven and that those on earth and those under the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father, so is he the son of Mary, or is he the son of God.

Here's one that you will love these. Both there are no wrong answers to that question. He's both.

If you accept one you must accept the other cannot be one without the other.

Because if he is one without the other, he destroys what he claims to be. If he is not the son of God, that it doesn't really matter whether he's human or not. If he is not human. When we have been lied to and who cares is the son of God and the Son of Man, and as the son of God and the Son of Man would call him Jesus, and he has this unique role in our lives. Some of you may wonder about this whole business of Jesus being fully human, and why he did certain things and didn't do other things.

I would just explain that to you in the best way that I can in this simple way when Jesus came to be one of us. He did not lay aside his deity. He did not put it on hold.

Here's what he did he voluntarily determine to not use his abilities, his attributes for his own purpose. When he came to this earth.

He put aside the independent use of his attributes say how do you know that will let me ask you this question. One of his attributes and sees on the present was Jesus on the present when he was here know he was absolutely totally consigned to living in the body, and will place called Jerusalem was a still omnipresent yes, but he put it aside. He voluntarily determined not to use those attributes while he was here so that he could fully identify with, guess what were not on the present and were not omniscient and were not omnipotent.

Here's what I know is so important about why Jesus had to do what he did what he came and why this is also important. First of all we need Jesus to show us God of the Bible says God is spirit. How many of you knowing spirits don't tell me we don't understand spirits watch TV programs about it but we don't know anything about really how how do you know a spirit. The Bible says in order for us to know God, we have to know Jesus because Jesus brings God in the focus for us. On one occasion Philip one of Jesus disciples said to Jesus, Jesus, show us the father, Jesus, scolded Philip my liberty said he said Philip have I been with you for so long and you have not known me, Philip has seen me has seen the father of the words I am the God you want to know I am the father can be seen. I am the one who came to show you the father when we study Jesus were getting to know God.

Not just because Jesus is God because God is Jesus. Jesus is the one who shows us who God is and what God is like. In other words, God gave us Jesus and now Jesus gives us God. The Bible says in past days, God demonstrated himself to us through the prophets, but now in these last days he has sent us his son and his son is come to show us who God is number two. We need Jesus to show us God, but we also need Jesus to save us from our sin know that something we all know, but I want you to know it in a different way today. First Timothy 2526 says this, there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ, who gave himself a ransom for all, what Paul said to Timothy is that Jesus Christ came here to do what no other one could ever do. How many mediators are there class, how many somebody says I don't like the fact that you think Jesus is the only way to have it doesn't matter what I think it matters what the Bible says Jesus said I am the way the life and the truth and no one comes to the father except through me is the one way to God. That's what Paul said to Timothy is the one mediator and the one God between God and men in Jesus Christ we have this perfect and true mediator, since he possesses the nature and attributes of God and the nature and attributes of man. He is the God man and therefore the only one who could righteously and perfectly bring peace to these two warring parties. Jesus himself said that he had come to this earth for this very reason for the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost not told you before that my picture of God is the picture of the cross were hanging there between having American my mind. I see him reach up one hand to take hold of the holy father and one hand reached down to take hold of us and he was the only one who could at the nexus of that cross bring us together so that we could be saved. Jesus had to come but we cannot know God. He had to come or we can be saved from our sin because there was no one else who could do it.

Number three. We need Jesus to set us free from the fear of death is what the Bible says in Hebrews 214 and 15.

Since the children that's us have flesh and blood to Jesus to shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil and free those who all of their lives are held in slavery by their fear of death how that describes so many people you and I know today. Jesus became the son of Mary, and he accepted flesh and blood so that he could do what we could never do confronted Satan, and he destroyed him. Satan is a defeated and disarmed enemy. One day his sentence will be carried out. First John creates is for this purpose, the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

For this reason Jesus came to destroy the devil's works and the only way he could destroy him was to rob him of his weapon. What is Satan's greatest weapon is physical death, spiritual death and eternal death. When you have a weapon. It's more powerful than the weapon of your enemy and weapon for Jesus Christ is eternity. You have everything you need to take him down.

Now Jesus took away Satan's power of death. He died and became victorious over it. He walked out of the other side of death and I don't know if Jesus ever did a high-fiber anything like that but that's what I think should happen at that moment he walked out of death and on the other side you destroyed Satan's power over death was totally vitiated.

That's why Jesus said if you believe in me you never God will never die spiritually because Satan's power to do that to use God's only die, but it's not like the Bible says in Psalm 23 that day though I walked to the Valley always love this.

The valley of the shadow of death, you know that Christians, we don't go through death we go through the shadow of death for Christians is still better physically, but it's totally different. I know that I've been watching us for 50 years.

I've never seen anything different.

A Christian dies different than anybody else because we don't experience death we experience the shadow of death boundary. Barnhouse was driving home from the funeral of his first wife and his children were overcome with grief as he sought some word of comfort for his kids a huge moving van past them and it shadow swept over the car. Dr. Barnhouse, the children would you rather be run over by a truck or by its shadow shadow. Of course at one of the children it's harmless and Dr. Barnhouse at 2000 years ago the truck ran over the Lord Jesus, so that only it shadow would have to run over us. He is the Savior of the world for Christian death is just a shadow.

No longer is if the true substance of our fear.

It's just a momentary obscuring of the light we need Jesus to show us God we need him to save us from our sin. We need Jesus to set us free from death. We need Jesus to sympathize with us in our weaknesses is what Hebrews says we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses.

Why was it important for Jesus to become a man so that he could experience what we experience. Have you ever tried to tell somebody your problems and in your heart you knew they didn't have any clue whatsoever what you were talking about. We always come up with.

I know how you're feeling. I actually said the people one is going through cancer no you don't. If you've not had cancer. You don't know what I'm feeling so don't give me that pious jargon. You only know what somebody's feeling is if you felt it yourself natural. That's why if you been through something everything's different. You know when you go through something God gives you ministry you never thought you never have. Now you can really say I know what you're feeling and you can help.

Jesus became one of us so that he could sympathize with our weaknesses.

I want to say something to you hope will be an encouragement to not know what you're going through day.

I can imagine I hear enough during the week to know that it's represented about what we all face life's difficult life is hard not getting any easier. Can I get a witness but here's what I know that so wonderfully triumphant for everyone of us is not anything you are ever going experience or experiencing. Jesus doesn't understand in some way keep his parents that all, and when you go to him.

He's able to sympathize with the word sympathize means very wonderful word that means to suffer with to be with somebody in their suffering. Finally, we need Jesus to strengthen us in times of temptation. I say this until last because I think it may be the most relevant thing in the list for most of us today because surrounded by temptation, on every side of every one of us.

Temptation is everywhere you can go anywhere you can do anything you can be involved in anything that you are not ultimately brought before temptation all the time. Here's what the Bible says in all things Jesus had to be made like his brethren for him that he himself suffered being tempted, he is able to those who are tempted and 415 says we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with us in our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin is what the Scripture saying that in Jesus we have somebody who can help us with our temptation. But here's the problem we have with that.

The Bible says that Jesus never sin. He never yielded to temptation and I'm saying is that supposed to help me because that's not my experience, going to get help from somebody who's never sin and that doesn't even seem like that would be real temptation is represented in theology is a doctrine called the intractability of Jesus Christ which says not only was Jesus didn't say, but he couldn't sin jumping at our discussion today, but I'm an attorney that most people don't take these Scriptures with anybody because they just assume now Jesus could never since he can help me so I want to disabuse you of that false thinking is how CS Lewis explains it is a silly idea's current but good people do not know what temptation me. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it after all you find out the strength of the German army by fighting against it, not by giving in to find out the strength of the wind by trying to walk against it. Not my lying down a man who gives into temptation. After five minutes simply doesn't know what it would've been like an hour later. That's why bad people in one sense and overheard little about madness. They have lived a sheltered life, by always giving. We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we find it in Christ because he was the only man who never yielded temptation is also the only man who knows, to the full temptation means he's the only one who lived through it all felt every issue but he's the only realist among us synthesis I can trust that he understands my temptation because he spent way more temptation than I'll ever feel and he's been victorious. So there you have Jesus the son of Mary, Jesus son of God.

So here's a question. Who is Jesus to you. Naturally, the most important question we best so far is Jesus your Savior. Have you put your trust in him. See living within you, living his life out for you. Did you know that you can become a Christian. Right now, right where you are. All you have to do is ask Christ into your life.

Ask him to forgive your sin, repent of your sin and say Lord Jesus, I want you to come and be my Savior and live with in my life and be my guide and direct me forward or do we need him now as never before. And if you've never put your trust in him. I hope you will do it today and when you do that, would you get in touch with us and let us know so we can send you some information to help you get traction and get started in your new life. What a great time for you to build a relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful for your prayer. Thank you for joining us and thank you for making this your address every day as we open the Bible together. Well it's Friday and that means we have a little break in our daily broadcast but it also means that we introduce to you our television ministry, which is on now everywhere watch the television program be part of what were doing learn the word of God be an ambassador for Jesus Christ to be a blessing to someone today when we need a lot of questions can be a blessing to someone today.

God bless you have a great weekend David Jeremiah and I'll see you again on Monday right here on this station makes it you have just originated at Shadow Mountain Community Church with senior pastor Dr. David Jeremiah with us the difference tuning point is making a like to Turning Point, PO Box 33 I San Diego, CA 92163 visit our website and David Jeremiah dog/right ask for copy of David's Jesus, you may not help me with Christ, and we discover the joy of salvation and also download the free Turning Point model favored smart device searching your app store for the keywords Turning Point ministries instant access 12 programs and David Jeremiah dog/radio join us Monday as we continue the series Jesus, you may not tuning point with all