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Eight Spiritual Blessings

Turning Point / David Jeremiah
The Cross Radio
January 28, 2021 12:24 pm

Eight Spiritual Blessings

Turning Point / David Jeremiah

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January 28, 2021 12:24 pm

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This podcast is made available by this increasing media as to the generosity of our support is your donation today means great podcast ideas remain available to help people look to God daily presentation at our nation today send out all day is a series on spiritual growth comes to a close focus on what fuels the blessings that God gives to those who trust them and for Dr. David Jeremiah turns to Ephesians for a closer look at the specific blessings of believers can counsel wrapping up a series the life God blesses his David introduced his inspiring message. I spiritual blessings for which I hope you have a pencil and some paper and you're ready to do some writing because you cover all these blessings in one message spin this over till the next day. This is the final message nurseries and there are eight points. I never do that because I know that's a lot absorbed but you have to do that with Ephesians 1. In order to get the whole picture and I can think of a better way for us to enter series the life God blesses well.

I know we need to get started because we have a lot of ground to cover today. So open your Bibles to Ephesians chapter 1.

Let's consider the blessings of God in our lives. Talk with you about some of the gifts that God gives us. If you have your Bibles turn with me to the first chapter of the book of Ephesians Ephesians chapter 1, I need to tell you before we get started. Ephesians chapter 1 verses three through 14 is the longest sentence in the Bible. If you read in the Greek language. There are no periods from the beginning of verse three all the way to the end of verse 14. The reason I know that is because I was in seminary and a great class. I have a diagram, it and the diagram ran off the page and onto another page because everything modifies everything else in the just keeps going on and on. I never understood the beginning of my study the book of Ephesians why you would have such a long sentence but I think I understand it now all got started talking to the Ephesians about all the blessings that God has for us and he got so excited he couldn't even take a breath he just went right on through one right after the other, until he was exhausted everything that he had to say and he also did something that's really encouraging to me. He started with these blessings in eternity past and he carried them out all life and ended them up in eternity future so that as you look at these blessings. They consequentially go through and you begin to understand one because you understand the one before it. Now I want to do what Paul did there so much in these first 14 verses that I could probably get five or six sermons just got a 14 verse but if I did that you would miss out on the blessing of seeing all of this in one picture so hang on all 14 verses at once. I want you to see everything God is given you in one big picture, and if we leave this the way we should understand that the way we should. It can be the most exciting chapter in the Bible begins by telling us that one of the spiritual blessings we have is that we have been chosen to notice what it says in verse four, just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love now the Bible tells us that God is love and love cannot live alone.

Love the needs of others, and so God determined that he would bring to himself a group of people that he would choose to come and spend eternity with him and he chose these people for himself.

The Bible says, before the foundation of the world. Now I know that I'm treading on some very controversial territory here when I began to talk about being chosen somebody's already. The word election stuck in their throat. What does it mean when it says Almighty God chose us. Well, I've studied this carefully in the Greek language and in all the commentaries and I figured it out. It means that God has chosen us. That's what it means and whether you like it or not, you can understand it or not, the word of God says that before there was a world before you and I existed before there was anything in the heart of Almighty God. He had thoughts about you and he chose you you single how did I get chosen and somebody else didn't.

I will never be able to comprehend that what I can tell you about this truth is, it's a mystery I can explain what it's a mystery I'm going to enjoy because the Bible says, not because of anything I have done or anything you have done, but the Bible says because of Jesus Christ in eternity past. He chose you, was he talking about is talking about the us in verse three says that he was chosen one is the Bible calls the saints, the believers those who have put their trust in Christ. Those who can say God is my father and who can say Jesus Christ is my Lord. The Bible says God has chosen us.please don't get arrogant about this. If you happen to be a Christian and you say if I'm a Christian. That means I'm chosen has nothing to do with you.

You have anything that you can offer to God and signal line. God chose me know he chose you, in spite of you. He chose you because of Jesus Christ because you were in Christ. You see, God chose his son and secure in his son got chosen. Now looking back on it, we can see that looking forward we may not understand it but simply put it down in her book the Bible says that we can't contradict it. I'm unfaithful if I don't preach it well.

You might think about this Almighty God has chosen you understand that you remember what it's like to be chosen. When I was growing up as a boy I had a sister her name is Mary Alice, who was one of the world-class athletes in our town when we would go play softball.

She would get chosen before me had to be one of the most embarrassing things in my life. I never could quite get as good as she was tell you one thing in eternity past Almighty God chose you chose me. What is it say he chose us in his son Jesus Christ. Now that's the first blessing would chosen. Secondly he says not only are we chosen were adopted only explain to you what he says. Notice what it says in the next verse, having chosen us he predestined us now there's another word that's just going to blow some circuits in your mind election and predestination. You couldn't get into more controversial words in theology but notice here. He's not talking about predestination as you think about any saying listen out.

Listen carefully when Almighty God chose you in eternity past, he predestined you to a certain thing. The word predestined means to set boundaries so that you stay on course. Now here's what the Bible says God chose you and Brittany predestined you that you would be an adopted son or daughter of Almighty God. This is a great truth because adoption as we understand it today is anything compared to what the Bible teaches us about adoption. Some of you know we have an adopted daughter and I remember what we went through the process of adopting Jan that it was quite an experience to go through all of the interviews and everything else is actually what happened was we got the privilege of raising a daughter who was in our own by flesh and blood, who became our own because we made our own and she was from another family. She became part of our family. Now there's a part of that in this, but that's not what God is talking about here in the Greek times when a person was adopted meant that they were placed as a son in the family. Here's how it works.

When you were born into a great family until you are certain age, you are considered a child but when you got to a certain age they would bring you forward and place.

You as a son in that family. And at that particular moment, you would become a true son in the family with all of the rights and privileges that went along with being an adult son in the family and what God is saying is that when he chose us in the past. He determined that his purpose for us would be that we would be adopted into his family as mature sons and mature daughters, and we would have all of the rights and privileges that every son has in his family.

Now here's the astounding thing the Bible says that because we have been adopted as mature sons in the family of God we have the same status with Almighty God is Jesus Christ. We are heirs and co-heirs with Jesus Christ, so that everything Christ has with the father we have with the father. When Almighty God looks for David Jeremiah. He doesn't see David Jeremiah sees David Jeremiah in Christ, he sees Christ around David Jeremiah and so I have standing with God. Not because of who I am or anything I've done. I am standing with God because I'm in Christ. I've been adopted into God's family as a mature son and I'm now belong to Christ and I belong to God and I am on equal standing with God. As far as rights and privileges along with Jesus Christ. So we're chosen and were adopted. Keep reading and you'll discover that the first thing that happens to us when we become Christians as were accepted. Notice what it says in the next verse, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to himself, to the praise of the glory of his grace by which he made us except in the beloved.

I don't have time to go into all the illustrations I could mass today about what people try to do to get accepted, you see it on television. You see out in culture.

Somebody comes up with a new standard somebody comes up with the new fad.

Everybody rushes to do in the get so that they can feel accepted, especially a challenge with young people these days, wanting to be accepted wanting to feel like they belong.

Everybody is on a quest to be accepted and frankly the religions of the world fall right into that very trap because the religions of the world are simply attempts on the part of people to find acceptance with Almighty God by doing certain good things by following certain principles by doing certain good works by participating in a church bazaar or whatever they do, trying to do enough good works as they can be accepted by God and you know the problem is you can never do enough. God doesn't accept anything unless it's perfect. God doesn't grade on the curve.

You don't get a grade from God unless you get 100%. Nobody can do that we can never be accepted by God. If we have to find acceptance in our own strength and in our own wisdom, and it all works so notice what it says. The Bible says we have been made, accepted in the beloved. Another word beloved is a term that means Jesus Christ three times heaven opened Almighty God says this is my beloved son in whom I am well please. So here what it says now you and I who were chosen and adopted we been accepted because of Jesus Christ we been accepted in the beloved. That's what it means to be accepted in the beloved.

It means that because of Jesus Christ. You have a standing with God. These good things. This is a great truth. We are chosen, we are adopted we are accepted. Now notice forthwith redeemed to say what is that mean well, listen to what it says in the text it says in him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace said pastor Jeremiah.

Why do I need to be redeemed because you're a sinner.

So the Bible says we have to be redeemed and the word redemption is a word in the Greek language which means to buy back or to free and here's the picture. The Bible says that all of us before Jesus Christ comes into our lives are slaves to sin.

Just like that passage says we may not accept that. But if we stop and think about it. Why is it that we keep doing bad stuff. We can't help ourselves were slaves to sin, and the only way we can get free of that is if somebody will redeem us.

The Bible says that you and I are slaves of sin and one day Almighty God came down to biased back and you know what he used for collateral.

The precious line Jesus Christ. He brought the precious blood of Jesus Christ. The blood was spilled on the altar of the cross and he redeemed us back and brought us to himself and listen with the Scripture says in the result of that is the forgiveness of our sins. When we got redeemed. Our sins were forgiven again next to being accepted, being forgiven Scott to be one of the most extraordinary thing to know when you get up every day when you lay your head on the pillow at night.

Almighty God is forgiven you were chosen were adopted accepted were deemed here's the fifth thing.

When light. Notice what it says here it says having made known to us the mystery of his will. Verse nine. According to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself in verse eight says which he made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence.

Here's the deal. When you become a Christian. All of a sudden when you are redeemed and adopted and chosen and accepted Almighty God gives you a new sense of understanding about him and about life. It says here when you become a Christian who wisdom and prudence. Wisdom is understanding the deep things of God. Prudence is figured out how to put them in the practice and then it says in the next verse understand something about the mystery of God.

Now that's exactly what the Scripture says one of the blessings you have from God is when you become a Christian.

He gives you an enlightened mind so that you can understand God better understand life better and it even says you can begin to understand what God is up to in the world.

If you read the next passage.

It tells us what God is up to in the world is bringing everything together under Jesus Christ, so that ultimately all will be under his authority and what is this whole world about from God's perspective it's bringing things along in the world. Until ultimately, that day comes when every knee bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord and everything is brought together in Christ. Did you know that when you become a Christian, God gives you the beginning of an understanding of how life works with the world is about how to deal with the spiritual things that you never knew how to deal with before. Why would you not want to be a believer if you get all of these blessings. Now, let's keep going. When I finished chosen for adopted accepted were redeemed were enlightened and then the Bible tells us that we obtain an inheritance. Now once again I need to remind you once you become a son in God's family have all the rights and privileges of censorship and one of those rights is an inheritance get an inheritance get an inheritance if you not a son or daughter but Almighty God is giving you an inheritance that inheritance is going to be yours someday. Notice again. He started with you before the world began, and he is going to be finished with you ever because he's even got you in mind for the future. What is the inheritance inheritance in the same success I can't tell you what it is but I can tell you what Peter says about it. Listen to these words from first Peter as Peter describes this inheritance that we have blessed me, but God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Now watch this to an inheritance which is incorruptible and undefiled doesn't fail away, reserved in heaven for you. That's what it says inheritance Almighty God has for you is knocking to be messed up by the economy is not going to suffer from the stock market is not going to be taken away by inflation. Nobody's going to steal it. Nobody can get added God's promise to keep you safe until you get it when you get to heaven that inheritance going to be something you memorably not seen stories in the paper about some great inheritance is not of them even come close to what God has prepared the Bible says eye has not seen, nor ear heard the things that God has prepared for those God is a wonderful plan for your future and he's going to make sure you get it because you're one of his own. Not only do you have an inheritance but the next thing tells us that, having obtained an inheritance, we are singled well well is this just more theology notes with the Bible says most women since it I told you to do all this at once. It says that we have entrusted and heard the word of truth were sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise to question what does it mean to be sealed. Watch carefully. Here's the question I would have.

Having heard all that I've said okay God love me in the past and take care of in the future. What about in between.

What about now.

I mean I'm in high school. I'm in college I'm trying to build my family. I know God loves me in the past is going to take care my future man I'm trying to make it now. What if I don't follow through. Listen to what the word announces he has sealed you with the Holy Spirit of promise. One happened to you when you became a Christian was that the Holy Spirit came to live within your heart and the Bible says that Holy Spirit is the guarantee the seal that you going to be okay.

The best I can explain it is what happens when you send a piece of registered mail when you go to the post office to send a certified letter piece of registered mail. You fill out a form and then you give him a letter and they take a stamp and a stamp on the seal of the letter so that if anybody tries to open it. You can see what the Bible says that the Holy Spirit who lives within you and me is the guarantee that what God promised from the past is going to fulfill in the future. How do I know I want to get what God has for me, Holy Spirit is in my heart.

How do you know the Holy Spirit was in your heart to see witnesses with my spirit that I'm a child of God simply says how you know your Christian will. I just know that I know how you know that you know what, there's this inward thing that I know the Holy Spirit in my heart that's the seal that proves and guarantees that I want to be in heaven someday this one last not only are we sealed but were secure.

Notice in the last verse, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his glory. What is it me, it means that the Holy Spirit is the proof positive that you and I are going to be in heaven someday that God is going to take care of us when it says he is the guarantee. Some of the older translations. Maybe you have an old King James Bible says the earnest of the spirit.

One is that what it's like a down payment to go and buy a house to put money down and when you put money down.

What that means is that you're planning to come back and pay the rest of it over period of time your down payment is your earnest money.

Now the Bible says that the Holy Spirit is the earnest of our inheritance.

God's given us part of what is going to new force already and it's a guarantee that one day in the future. He's going to give us all the rest, so we can be certain that God is Medicare force not once in a while someone will come in on regular controversy will hear someone come and say to me pastor. Do you think a person can lose their salvation. Well let me ask this question who has been doing all of these things we've been talking about who choses God would not put us into the family God who accepted this God who redeemed us Christ who gave us an inheritance. Christ, who is securing us the Holy Spirit who ceiling us the Holy Spirit. If you go through this. The Trinity is involved in all of it. God thought it Jesus bought it in the Holy Spirit wrought it.

It's all in God.

So I'm asking this question. If I were to lose my salvation. Somehow I got a kick out of God's hands between being chosen and being secured. How can I do that when life all life.

How do I get away.

If God is the one who's doing it, not me, then the problem is mine. It's God's so I know because I'm a Christian. In spite of all of my flaws and failures and mistakes. One day I went to be with Almighty God, because God wanted the son bought it in the Holy Spirit wrought it. I want to be with God someday.

One of fitting into our month of discussing blessings we've been talking about the life God blesses and today we been examining the spiritual blessings of Ephesians chapter 1, I hope you'll join us on Monday as we begin a new series called making sense of it all and the first messages, how to have courage when for team drains you anybody tired show this. The strangest thing is that we've all been sheltering at home. We've not been doing a lot of things where used to doing and all of us are more tired than ever been before.

Because stress makes you tired of pressure makes you tired will learn some things about that Monday that maybe will help us as we go forward for you to go to church on Sunday. Watch Turning Point on television this week and will see you back here on Monday for the next edition of Turning Point right here on this station a message today resided from Shadow Mountain Community Church and Dr. David Jeremiah senior Boston. Would you like to tell us have tending toward minutes this to you is right plus Turning Point PO Box 3838, San Diego, CA 92163 or visit our website at David Jeremiah/lighting real property of Jack country, with God's blessings just for you 100 inspirational leavings and reflections is yours for a gift of any amount that still have Chris today with you daily devotional for 2021 spring day.

There is no copies of.

It's a great way to get a dose of biblical truth us real coffee.

When you visit David Jeremiah.Oak/radio I'm Gary who clicked join us Monday as we begin the series making sense of little tending point with Dr. David Jeremiah, thanks for taking time to listen to find a nice trim piece in size and all