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The New Heaven and The New Earth - Part 2

Turning Point / David Jeremiah
The Cross Radio
July 21, 2020 1:49 pm

The New Heaven and The New Earth - Part 2

Turning Point / David Jeremiah

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July 21, 2020 1:49 pm

How would you define 'heaven on earth'? A favorite place? A cherished memory? One day for believers, 'Heaven on earth' will be a literal way of life! This weekend on Turning Point, Dr. David Jeremiah explains it all.

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Are you going to non-Christian men on his always a leader that is constant and unmovable very symbol of the room of the girls would visit one day even the earth will pass away while Turning Point of the Jeremiah takes a close look at affluent world and the perfect world that's promised to come from revealing the mysteries of heaven is guided with the conclusion of the new heaven and new earth friends. We hear a lot today about global warming and how were ruining the earth and there some truth in all about. We are supposed to be taking much better care of our planet Earth than we do what the Bible tells us one day God is going to destroy everything that's on this earth is going to burn out all of me imperfections and reconstruct heaven and earth is called the new heaven and new earth, and that will be part of our our future as we as we go to heaven. I'm talking about that in this series, and now let's find out more about the new heaven and new earth.

As we open our Bibles to chapter 21 in the book of Revelation. This passage is your Bible. He's going to make all things since it is new to the Greek language that are translated by the word new is translated here. That means not as opposed to having not existed before.

It describes something that is not in time but in quality. In the case of the describes not something that never existed before, but rather something that has been in existence has been made and refreshed from the decay of the past.

In other words, what Peter is telling us is that in that moment of time. At the end God is preparing for the eternal state. He is going to do is going to destroy all decay disobedience and disease and everything still will be inherent destroy all of that is not going to destroy the world is not going to annihilate the currently live. He's going to purify he's going to make it new in the sense of being fresh he's going to make it new in the sense of being applied from all of the old corruption now since this is such a different understanding of this passage that is often presented and I believe I knew what this meant. I wanted to be sure that I wasn't the only one who understood this know if you're the only one who believes something from the Bible, you probably better not go around talking about it it's not true right so whenever I come something like this run got a little bit of a change in the paradigm of prophecy I go immediately and I try to find everything I can read on it to make sure I'm not the Lone Ranger out here hanging out on a limb by myself. Not that I'm a coward or anything that you understand what I'm saying. So I read numerous commentaries on these passages.

And I want you to hear what a couple of other people have said. First of all what Henry Morris says about this passage in both the old and New Testament passages, the words for new mean new in respect to existence. That is a new heaven and a new earth could be properly translated. A fresh heaven and a fresh birth. It is just like the first, except that all of its agelong ravages of decay have been expunged and it is fresh and new again, William Henriksen, who is a very well-known commentator writes a persuasive, the first heavens in the first passed away the very foundations of the earth have been subjected to purifying fire every stain of sin every trace of death has been removed out of the great conflagration a new universe is been born the original implies that it was new but not other is a new world, but not another world.

It is the same heaven in the same or gloriously rejuvenated. John Piper a more modern scholar has written what happens to our bodies and what happens to the creation go together and what happens to our bodies is not annihilation should our bodies will be deemed restored and not thrown away. And so with that heavens and the earth when God created the heavens and the earth in the book of Genesis. I just read it again this week and over again as he completed every part of the creation. What did he say God saw that it was what good is my last statement what he say. And God saw that it was very good. There is no evidence that he is ever changed his mind's purpose is not to abandon his creation's purpose is to restore it was as if God would have to not like the present world. Satan would have won a great victory. Satan would have succeeded in so devastatingly corrupting the present, but got nothing with it, but blotted out totally in existence. But Satan did not win such a victory. On the contrary, Satan has been decisively defeated, and God will reveal the full dimensions of that defeat, when he shall renew this very rich. Satan deceived mankind, and finally banish from the results of Satan's evil machinations, Randy Alcorn writes God doesn't throw away his handiwork and start from scratch. Instead he uses the same campus to repair and make more beautiful. The painting that was marred by the vandal. The vandal doesn't get the satisfaction of destroying his rivals masterpiece. On the contrary, God makes an even greater masterpiece. Part of what his enemy sought to destroy right we talked about the information and the interpretation not want to give you an illustration innocent wonderful illustrations right in the Bible right in the same passage of second Peter, so I was open on the second Peter and I want you to see something that will help you realize how accurate this interpretation really is read with me from second Peter chapter 3 verses five through seven second Peter chapter 3 versus 5% Mrs. about the flood took place during the time of Noah, are you with me.

Second Peter chapter 3 verse five as they locally forget that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water, but the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word are reserved for fire to their judgment, the provision of ungodly men. Now look at this possibly have to do with the new heavens and new earth listen carefully, because this is key.

Peter gives to us to keep understanding buyer by telling us about water helps us comprehend the meaning of the final purging of the heaven and earth by describing the earlier verification that took place in the days of Noah not want to ask you some questions flood in Noah's time annihilate the earth didn't the flood was certainly destructive and cataclysmic, but it did not obliterate the world.

God preserved Noah and his family so that they could re-inhabit the world that was made ready for them by the cleansing flood in the same manner God will not cause the present to cease to exist by the fire that will come at the end of the age. The fire will have a much greater purifying effect upon the world, and water did, but it will not destroy the world and just as Noah and his family were protected in the art. God's people would be protected in the new Jerusalem, which we discovered recently is not on the earth yet, but is hovering above the earth that will be our market safety during the purification of the earth.

So we have the promise of a new heaven and earth and we have the verification of the new heaven and earth, and now want to give you. Thirdly, some principles of the new heaven and earth. When this new heaven and is finished and God is purified and it's still the same are still the same heaven, but it is been purchased and made fresh in all of this, since things are gone and all the evidence is not signs of disease are gone to be like them. Well go back to Revelation 21 with members want to let me give you one thing we know for sure this will shock some of you maybe disappoint some of you, but I hope you be all right with it when we get done. Revelation 21 one says now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no more sea. All of us to move down here to California so we could next to the ocean. Telling me that I moved out here for nothing because when God gets done with this place is going to wipe out that's what it says is there would be no more sea. You understand the apostle John says there will be no more see no watch carefully since three of the globe. Today is underwater on without any see would certainly from his vast knowledge of creation. Once again Dr. Henry Morris explains the nature of the apostle statement was made in faxes Henry Morris no need for a C on the new earth.

The presidency is needed as a basic reservoir for the maintenance of the hydrologic cycle in the new earth.

All men and women who live there will have their glorified bodies with no more need of water. The resurrected bodies will be composed like that of the Lord Jesus of flesh and bone and apparently with no need of God to serve as a cleanser and restore of the body splash as it is in present this, in turn, he says, eliminates the major need for water on earth but is 90% water and present-day human flesh is 65% water. In other words, the way that we live ecologically in the New World will be totally different than the way we live now so I can imagine a world that's beautiful without the sea forget that in the new Jerusalem, flowing down from the throne of God. There is a river and it is a great river that runs out in the tributaries and its freshwater not saltwater because you sea salt is a preservative so that they can take place. But in the new heavens and the new work will be no decay will be no need for salt and freshwater smoke flew out throughout the world and it will be more beautiful than anything you can imagine the trees that are growing side-by-side along the river different fruits every month which you can pick off and eat and with leaves that provide a quality of life is beyond anything we have ever known. So give God just a little bit of credit here that if he made the seas in the first place, and they're attracted to us when he remakes the earth and makes it fresh. Watch what he does no more see the removal of the sea is the first thing I want you to note, secondly I want you to note the reversal of the curse. Notice verse three of chapter 22 in Revelation Revelation 22, three, and there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it and the servants shall serve him know what is the curse.

The curse is a particular event that took place in you. Remember when that happened in the Garden of Eden because man violated God's commands.

God cursed the earth. Let me refresh your memory back with me to the book of Genesis chapter 3 Genesis 3 and following verse 17 the curse, then to Adam. God said because you have needed the voice of your life and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying you shall not eat of it.

Curse it is the ground for your sake in toil you shall all the days of your life with thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you and you shall eat the field in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken to dust you are and to dust you shall return. That's the curse. The curse of death and decay. Now the Bible says when we get to the new heaven and a new earth will be no more curse.

The curse will be sent out loud. The curse will be reverse.

Can't wait till they reverse the curse. Can you rent on the new earth. The curse is reversed.

The sense of labor and toil that accompanies our care of the ground in our pursuit of food will be returned to the way it was in the garden before the fall. Ground will longer produce thorns and thistles. And we ourselves will not be returned to the ground and that because we will never die because of man's fall into sin. Curse was pronounced over this creation and God sent his son into the world to redeem that creation from the results of sin and the work of Christ is not just to save the wrong of blood. People Christ is nothing less than to redeem this entire creation from the effects of sin.

That purpose will not be accomplished until God is ushered in the new earth until Paradise lost becomes paradise regained. Finally, the third thing not only the removal of the sea and the reversal of the curse. C. The restoration of all things. Ephesians 110 puts it this way, that in the dispensation of the Phyllis of times at the end of time God might gather together in one all things in Christ, no watch this, both which are in heaven, and which are in earth, in God's plan of the ages is to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head Christ. Today there is a great separation between heaven and earth.

But when Paul uses the term all things he's being very inclusive.

Nothing will be left out.

Christ will make heaven and earth and heaven and separates heaven and earth will be forever demolished. There will be one universe, things in heaven and on earth will be together under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ and God's plan is that there will be no go between the spiritual and physical worlds.

There will be one cosmos, one universe united under one Lord forever and never this is the unstoppable plan of God. This is where history is headed.

This is where were all going to a new heaven and a new earth. I know what that means to you the changes your whole paradigm of the future literature is an absolutely remember what I told you the new Jerusalem was not heaven.

It was the capital city of heaven Jerusalem during the eternal age group sin and it will rest upon the earth. Ask a question if you get all the way to the end of the Bible and all the judgments are gone all the tribulations got all the learning was gone.

And then God says I want to make all over again. What purpose would there be for the earth if we were going to live here, you say like what I was going up and I'm all disappointed now live on this earth, you won't be disappointed if you stop for a moment and think the lesson is what most moderns would call a paradigm shift. How does this change your thinking.

Thoughts number one gives you a new appreciation for the world in which we now live in wants Christians, we have a reputation of being very poor ecologists. We have a reputation of always mouthing the tree huggers and all that sort of thing you know, I don't know that that's necessarily true. I don't believe that's true, but I understand why it could be true because you see if the Christian believes that this world is just a temporary thing. This not have a purpose in the future and our home was up there is no good in its trashy units to be totally destroyed.

Why would you spend time trying to take even though that's one of our commands in the part of the book of Genesis to care for the earth receipt when you understand that this is not going to be destroyed but refreshed when you understand that this earth in some measure that we may not fully understand is going to be a part of your future destiny your future home forever and ever look at this world in a whole different way since I've been studying this is true when you sit on your porch look out over the valley and the lights are all on and I was out there the other night thinking since I can imagine what will be like when you take all the negative stuff out of it and it is pure and perfect just the same different category, with none of the ravages of sin, with none of the smoke from LA with none of the other stuff that comes down here to pollute our beautiful city and will be fresh and new, and there will be no more death no more dying and no more pain, no more sorrow. Tell me it's not heaven. I actually wondered sometimes in my own heart.

As I looked at the beautiful places Don and I have had a chance to visit Scott this talk this now, I realize he's going to take this and elevated to a whole new level will be our eternal abode will have access to the heavens and the earth made new by Almighty God is wonderful thought.

I'm going up and I'm going around and be on this earth with Almighty God. So it gives you a new appreciation sometimes when John says not to love the world. We misunderstand is not talking about the created world is talking about the world system is the system of the world.

But don't stop loving the world.

This is my father's world world.

He's created this credit God by this world. Sometimes God created this in the beginning yes we've messed it up for the one day praise is going to come back and just fix everything that's been messed up in the world that he created when he said he liked will again be the pristine world of our Creator God shall live and reign with him forever and ever. New appreciation for the world in which we live. And then secondly, and lastly a new appreciation for the role to which were going little girl was visiting the country and she was struck by the brilliance of the night skies. She said her mom mom. Listen to this. If heaven is so pretty on the wrong side. What in the world is look like on the right side. That's my sentiment exactly the right side of heaven is certainly splendid beyond comparison is a place characterized by laughter without tears in life without death and singing without warning and contentment without crying in pleasure without pain and Savior Jesus Christ will be there in a loving heavenly father will be there in the blessed Holy Spirit will be there but will be a new heaven and a new word crowned by a resplendent city, new Jerusalem, and my friend going there, going and I don't have all the answers. I can't figure it all out but the same God who magnificently created this world is going to refresh this world and one day we are going to rule and reign with him in this perfect place called heaven, and the only way I could tell you that that can be yours is by giving you the same formula that God gave me.

It's he said through his son Jesus. I am the way, I am not one of the ways I am the way the truth and the life. I listen to this. This is very exclusive. This is really not politically correct. This is just biblically correct is what he said I am the way the truth and the life no man, no man comes to the father except through me. You want to live on this earth, refreshed and made beautiful by the Lord in the place we call heaven and the new Jerusalem better make sure you have major peace with God through Jesus Christ.

You do that by confessing your sins and accepting what he did on the cross and you ask him to be your Savior and Lord, and right now right here, right where you are tomorrow to talk about another one of those questions. A lot of people have tomorrow's lesson is called what on earth is the millennium that term more than pleased to hear it.

In years past, but it's never in reference to what can happen in the future I will explain to you what's going to happen when King Jesus is enthroned on planet earth for a thousand years any reigns and rules over the planet that has been reconfigured and renovated tomorrow morning open the door to this question and once again in the 20th chapter of the book of Revelation, tomorrow's lesson what on earth is the millennium so grateful to have been with you today will be back tomorrow and hope you'll join us today from Shadow Mountain Community Church and senior pastor Jeremiah Wright until his head. God is using Turning Point in your life right through us. It any point. 38 San Diego, CA 92163 visit our website at David Jeremiah adult/radio revealing ministries that have been informed about your amazing gift of any amount you can also download the free Turning Point favorite smart device in your answer the keywords Turning Point ministries and syntaxes programs results visit Ontario join us tomorrow as we continue the series revealing the mysteries of heaven Turning Point with the Friendly's and