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The Ultimate Extreme Make-Over - 4

Turning Point / David Jeremiah
The Cross Radio
July 4, 2020 9:01 pm

The Ultimate Extreme Make-Over - 4

Turning Point / David Jeremiah

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July 4, 2020 9:01 pm

Do you see Heaven as just a metaphor for resting in peace? This weekend on Turning Point, Dr. David Jeremiah offers evidence from the Bible to show that Heaven is a very real place. Don’t miss David’s stirring message, 'What’s Up with Heaven?'

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Christian walk of the Turning Point. We did envision a DC heaven is just a beautiful full listing in place of the right of the original more offers compelling evidence from the Bible to show that heaven is a conflict of very real price. As David introduced his message. What's up with thank you for joining us for the weekend edition of Turning Point. This is the beginning of a series about heaven and today we asked this question, what's up with heaven. That's not just a locational question. It's the real question is what is happening all about. We begin that discussion right now on the weekend I'm going to talking with you about what the Bible says about heaven. Probably the most misunderstood doctrine in the Scripture unfortunately misunderstood by a lot of God's people we get caught up in the myths that surround heaven and so talk about this and it seems to be very appropriate because the Bible tells us will spend eternity there and it would make sense. Would it not check out the place where you live forever and ever and find out all you can about it. And there's a lot in the Bible about it and talk about all the different aspects of it. So what's up with heaven when we need to know about it more than I can ever tell you say that for sure. But today I want to just examine some certain things that I think might be sort of foundational thoughts as we move forward to talk with you for a moment about the prominence of heaven as I said not being mentioned in churches much anymore but is it surprising how much it seems to be popping up in an irreverent manner.

At least, popular culture heaven is of interest to some people, it just seems so strange that we don't seem to care much about it but you know that heaven is mentioned over 500 times in the Bible in the Old Testament the word is sure my it's a plural word. It means the heights in the New Testament, the Greek word is Alanis and it inspires the name of the planet Uranus, which is the same name. The word refers to that which is raised up or lofty, so the two words from the Old Testament Hebrew from the New Testament Greek speak of heaven is a place that is high and lofty and lifted up and that word is found all over and over and over in the Bible you could not have a Bible. If you took the word heaven out. It would just be a mishmash. Heaven is prominent in the teaching of the Scripture is prominent in a strange way in our postmodern culture just not prominent in our hearts, and prominent in our thoughts and talk with you sexually about the plurality of heaven. Did you know the three heavens sake now try to figure out one you tell me there's three. In fact, when Paul was writing his letter to the Corinthians is second letter he mentions an occasion in the 12th chapter. When he was caught up. He says into the third heaven then later on he refers to that is being caught up in the paradise.

So Paul apparently had a premature opportunity to see the third heaven office such a place as the third heaven must be more than one that has to be at least three cemetery with the three heavens are first of all, the first heaven is what we might call the atmospheric heaven. The first heaven is mentioned in Scripture a number of times. For instance, in Isaiah 55 verse nine. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain comes down from heaven.

The atmospheric heaven refers to that blanket of air immediately surrounding our earth, in which birds and clouds move Genesis 120 says it this way then God said, let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens. The first heaven is the heaven. You see when you walk out into your yard at night and you look up into the sky and you see the envelope sort of that surrounds our earth, but then the second heaven is mentioned in the Bible as well, and that is referred to in Genesis chapter 1 verses 13 through 17. Listen to what it says. Then God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night. Let them be for signs and seasons and for days and years lifted before the lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth and it was so. And God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth the stellar heavens. The second heaven refers to the outer space that contains the sun, the moon, the stars, and all of the galaxies. That's the second heaven. Remember, Paul said he was caught up to the third heaven and this is where we read that in second Corinthians 12 two through four. This is what Paul writes uses I know a man in Christ who 14 years ago is referring to himself. Here 14 years ago, whether in the body I do not know whether out of the body I do not know God knows such a one was caught up to 1/3 heaven and I know such a man, whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows, but he was caught up in the paradise and heard inexpressible words which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Paul is saying there is something beyond the atmospheric heaven there something beyond the stellar heavens there is 1/3 heaven and it isn't that heaven that God resides. In fact, in the Bible we are told over and over again that God is in heaven. We are taught to pray our father who art in heaven, in the book of Matthew chapter 5 verse 16 we are told that were the letter light so shine that men might see our good works and glorify our father who is in heaven. Some 11 forces the Lord is in his holy temple. The Lord's throne is in heaven. Whenever you see that referred to as the place where God is.

He's not in the atmospheric heaven is not in the stellar heavens and essence of his residence. He is in the third heaven that heaven which is by heaven of heavens where God resides and it is not heaven, to which we aspire. It is that third heaven, where we are going someday to be with God and to be with Jesus Christ you say that's good we have three heavens, and now I know that the third heaven is where I'm going. Someday if I'm a Christian. So let's talk. Thirdly, not only about the prominence of heaven and the plurality of it.

Let's talk about the place of heaven. John chapter 14, would you just turn there, that's a central passage on the subject of heaven's attorney John 14 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me. In my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would've told you.

I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am, there you may be also. Let me put this scripture in its context. Jesus had announced to his disciples that he was going to the cross and he was going to die he was going to be buried and he was going to be resurrected and then ultimately he was going back to heaven.

His disciples were filled with sorrow and their hearts were troubled. They didn't understand this. Put yourself in their place.

We have a challenge to understand it. Sometimes, looking back on it as history. They were experiencing. As it happened.

Jesus said I'm going to go away and his disciples were filled with anxiety and they wanted to know where and why. How and Jesus gave them this truth in John 14 aces I want your hearts to be troubled will be filled with anxiety about this. I want to tell you something in my father's house there are many mansions and I'm going up there prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare this place. I want to come again to get you and take you where I am, that where I am, you may be also ended Thomas the doubter didn't understand this is the Lord, we do not know where you're going. How can we know how to get there they didn't understand, but we understand it now. Don't we. We know that Jesus was promising something not just his disciples but to all of us and I want you to notice what he says he went to heaven to prepare a place, a place for us. He did not go to change our state of morning. We did not go to place us in a sort of a spiritual bunk so that we would think about good things and that would be our heaven, though heaven is referred to in the Bible over and over is a place and there are many metaphors for heaven in the Bible. For instance, on some occasions. Heaven is referred to as a country and when we hear that were reminded of the vastness of its territory.

Sometimes it's referred to as the celestial city.

When we think of heaven as a city we see in our mind's eye the inhabitants in the marketplace and the commerce sometimes heaven is referred to as a kingdom and when we refer to it as a kingdom. We think of the organization and the government in the process, but the best definition of heaven. In my estimation is right here in John chapter 14, where Jesus said, it's my father's house my father's house. Most of us here who grew up in warm and loving families have great memories of the father's house.

Something about it.

It's like a magnet that draws you back when you move across the country or even around the world or something about the father's house that you want to come back to my wife and I used to drive on the weekend over a thousand miles one way to come back to the father's house just to spend the two or three hours there and then turn around and go back and I've always told my father before he died that I never would forgive them for selling that place because that was the father's house. He said he downsized you know what I mean, like so many people do and I understand that but for me that was bummer because my father's house was gone.

Never was the same scene is something very intimate and sweet and personal about heaven when you talk about it being father's house is no longer an empty space in your minds eye. You see furniture don't you see decorations on his see the warmth that's a part of a home and Jesus is promised us that if we put our trust in him. He has prepared a place for us in heaven. That is, in his father's house, and we are privileged to be a part of living there in that place forever and ever. Please hear me. Heaven is not as some people say an imaginary place. Some people say heaven is a benevolent state of mind a reward for being good. Some say heaven or hell is whatever you make of it in this life. Projection of the best in yourself. Listen to me. Men and women.

Heaven is not a figment of imagination is not a feeling or emotion. Heaven is not the beautiful island somewhere heaven is not merely a thought form. It is not a projection of the best in you. It is not a vision along for utopia. It is not pleasing hold for the invention of man, our thoughts do not make heaven heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. It is a place in the word in the New Testament languages the word to your POS top boss which is a very strict wording concerning a place that you can locate Jesus that I go to prepare a place for you, and I believe that there is a literal place called heaven if you ask me exactly where it is. I don't know that I can answer that totally with authority, but let me tell you what I believe the Bible teaches most of the time when we talk about it when we say it's up.

Don't wait.

Heaven is up. Ephesians 410 says that he who descended is also the one who ascended far above the heavens, that he might fill all things.

And when Jesus was ready to go back to heaven. In his ascension in acts chapter 1 verses 10 and 11 we read while they looked steadfastly toward heaven, he went up the whole two men stood by them in white apparel will also submit a gallery while you stand gazing into heaven. This same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you so I'm going to heaven so we would have to assume that heaven is but which way is up. If we say it is in the direction at right angles with the Earth's surface wherever we may happen to be, then it would be in a different direction from every point on the earth. According to this would be everywhere.

In general, and nowhere in particular, it would be different if you are in China than it is if you're in America limit is try to help you with this.

If I can learn is heaven heaven is up but I want you to read with me a passage that gives us a little information on Isaiah chapter 14 has to do with the issue of Satan and his so being kicked out of heaven. But notice chapter 14 for you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north, just underline that last phrase referring to the place where he was, as heaven he refers to it in this chapter is the farthest sides of the north.

Now, no matter what part of the earth. You are on no matter where you are standing north will always be up. It would seem reasonable to conclude that heaven is somewhere in the northern heavens beyond the reach of the astronomers powerful telescope and scientists tell us there is such a place that seems to be somewhat vacant. Stars and galaxies and it is in the northern heavens, and most scholars who want to particularly place heaven in the third heaven section say it's in the northern part of the third heaven. Now when I try to explain that to my wife she said honey all the people who come to our church from the South are going to be real mad at you. Heaven is not in the South. It's in the north just gonna have to take it by faith.

That's what the Bible says and will deal with that whole issue later.

I so heaven is a place as you stay with us through this series, I want to give you such specific details about the nature heaven that you will never again doubt that you know there's an issue that I need to deal with sometimes people say will heaven is so magnificent you know the mind can conceive of. If the mind can't nonetheless not true in the passage that says that heaven is such a place that we cannot conceive of it. The next verse says that it has been revealed to us what it is because it's in the word of God and it's amazing is amazing and it's so much fun because most people know about it. They just don't know if we understood everything the Bible tells us about heaven. We have such a longing to be there.

It would occupy our attention and our thought process. Heavens place, but I want you to notice.

Lastly, that heaven is important because of the preciousness of heaven is a precious place you say will Pastor Jeremiah Weiser precious because everything that is near and dear to you and me everything that's important to a person who's a Christ follower everything that's meaningful to anyone, says that they love God and their followers of Christ. Everything important to them is in heaven.

Everything first of all let me tell you your redeemers in heaven. You know that this is what it says in Hebrews 9 for Christ is not entered the holy place made with hands, which are copies of the true but he has entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.

Our Redeemer is in heaven. You know, we can argue a lot about heaven and its beauty and would take it apart and put back together with its interesting when you knew all that I have a feeling when we get to heaven and we see the golden streets and the gates of pearl and all those other things which are really true. They're going to fade into insignificance when we see the Savior when we are able to get our eyes upon the one who paid the penalty for our sin and hung on the cross the river to see the nail prints in his hands and perhaps even the place with a crown of thorns crushed his brow and put our hand in the side with a spear was Jesus will appear. I believe in heaven throughout eternity is the Lamb of God in our Redeemer, and he will carry with him throughout eternity. The scars of our redemption and when we see Jesus. Heaven will really be heaven. Everything else will pale in insignificance. One author that I read said if he could be in heaven and just people through a keyhole for one second every thousand years and see Jesus it be worth going military sum is going be far better than that.

I don't know how it all works but were going to be able to fellowship with him personally and know him in a way that's even beyond our knowledge of him now. Our Redeemer is in heaven. And then secondly all relationships are in heaven. Arctic.

If you have loved ones who have died in their questions there in heaven. You think about heaven just because of that my father told me for the end of his life. He said you know, one of the things about getting all this countertop is you have more friends in heaven. Then you have on earth and he was right about that is his natural counter was a gradual thing as you get older you hear about somebody was a contemporary of years was gone to be in heaven. And now here we are gone and I in where the patriarchs in our family because our parents.

All four of them are gone there in heaven not care about that in order to see our family in heaven. I want you to read with me. This verse in Hebrews 12 for the writer of Hebrews says to the Gen. assembly and the church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, this is a reference to the population of heaven and the fact that our loved ones are there are Redeemer will be there but I like Windsor thereto, and in order to have a chance to interact with them and people are going to say to me you know each other in heaven, will you just keep coming and I'll help you understand that surely you will receive enough the ladies home Journal ran a poll I can believe they did this for me. It's a wonderful and the question was who would you most like to see first in heaven and here are the results.

31% said mother. 16% said father and 10% said spouse is a pretty sad story).

It there something going on there.

We don't know. I don't know maybe it was the way they asked the question you not mature but redeemers in heaven our relatives are in heaven.

Notice thoroughly our resources are in heaven.

First Peter one, three and four says, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Watch this to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you when you became a Christian, God became the father and you know what God became your father made you an air you are an heir of God and you now have an inheritance and Peter says that inheritance has gone ahead of you is preserved in heaven forever.

Cannot ever go away.

It's not going to be touched by inflation is not going to be hurt by any of the ups and downs that we experience economically.

Here you have an inheritance in heaven that is preserved for you to get your name on it. Your inheritance resources are in heaven. Number four your residences in heaven now not just talking about where you live on talking here about your citizenship. Philippians 320 says it this way for our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ friends, we are not citizens primarily on this land when you get your passport and you have to put down where you were born in your place of residence. You usually put. I was born in Toledo Ohio and I live in San Diego County, but my real residences in heaven. I am an ambassador.

I'm on a visa down here and I'm just trying to represent my country best and represent my Savior. Best this world is not my home, I'm just passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue and my citizenship is in heaven. That's why Paul tells us, set your affection on things above and not on things below, because once again, if you forget about heaven and you never look up all you got to do is look around and I'll tell you what, looking around to get real depressing.

Amen. That's why we need to look up.

We need to be reminded that we are citizens of another place in one of these days were gone home to the homeland and will be at home with Jesus forever redeemers in heaven. All relationships are in heaven. Our resources are in heaven are residences in heaven. Our reward is in heaven. Matthew 512 says rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven.

One of the messages during the series on the devote to the rewards of heaven. Did you know there are five crowns that are available to those of us are Christians that we can earn while on this earth are you in the running for a crown.

Did you know that such a thing existed. Some people say well it doesn't seem spiritual to me. Looking for reward I'll tell you something, God is into rewards and all through the Bible, God is into motivation and religion. If you don't believe that you read the Scripture, God wants us to be faithful. He holds out for us a crown that we can aspire to and one day in heaven were going to get our rewards, crowns will be given to us and then were told to cast those crowns at the feet of Jesus in an act of worship that will be unlike anything we've ever experienced before.

I pray I will be empty-handed. I pray I will be in the line with no crowns to get back to my Lord, our rewards are in heaven and that our riches are in heaven. Matthew six says that when out to lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven were neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Let me just touch on this briefly the way you send your treasures to heaven. Listen to me. The only thing that's going to go from here to there and the only way you can get your treasure from here to there is too invested in the things that are going there.

The only things that are going there from this earth are the souls of men and women and the word of God. So if I were you, and you're trying to build a little equity in heaven I'd be investing myself.

Both my personal resources by way of talent and time and treasure and the eternal souls of men and the turnaround of God because when you get to heaven. That's the only thing you're going to see that went on before you that's invested there at this present time are you headed toward your treasure.

I hope you are finally and were finished our reservation is in heaven. This is the most important thing. Revelation 2127 says this but there shall by no means enter into heaven. Anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life. The Bible says that in heaven there is a book a registry's called the Lamb's book of life and the names of all who will be in heaven are recorded in the book somebody says I wonder if it's computerized. I don't know, but it's a book however you want to say and there's a place in that for your name and phone line.

Jesus said to his disciples. On one occasion, nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven asking this question is your name written in heaven.

You have a reservation in heaven because one day you going to stand before God and he's going to say to you, why should I let you into my heaven, and if you can't say with authority. My name is in the book. I have a reservation. I have put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Savior and therefore I qualified to come in. If you don't have that power that strength that confidence you will never ever be in heaven. In that same chapter where Jesus said in my house are many mansions.

He tells us how to make the reservation.

I want to tell you something. That's the greatest good news.

I could ever say Almighty God is still accepting reservations for amen. If you never put your trust in Christ, not too late. Not too late yet. Amen. Dear member I read to you from John chapter 14 and I said that when Jesus got intelligently where he was going the Thomas the doubter member Tom is always question everything, so the Lord, we don't even know what you're going how can we get there we don't have a map we don't know anything.

When I get there and I don't know if you've ever connected these verses because their very famous verses. But Jesus spoke to all the disciples in verse six and he said Thomas I know you don't norm going and I know you know how to get there but let me just put your heart of these. I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father but through me, tell you with all sincerity in my heart. Almighty God is inviting you to the banquet. He's inviting you to come and receive his forgiveness. He wants you to become a Christian by receiving Jesus Christ on the cross who died for you pay the penalty for your sin, who was raised again the third day that offers to all who put their trust in him salvation full and free. Have you done that you have your name written in the Lamb's book of life. You know what, if you haven't been doing today and I will invite you we have your jointed.

I study pride weekend edition with Dr. David Jeremiah. You can hear this and other programs and give more information about a ministry by downloading the free tending toward my burlap smart phone or tablet or by visiting our website. David Jeremiah.04/radio David You can also view Turning Point television off regular channel 17 Sunday mornings at night and on I CCTV Sundays at 6:30 AM and Friday afternoons at one.

We invite you to join us again next weekend is Dr. David Jeremiah. She is another powerful message from God's word right here on Turning Point, weekend edition thanks for taking time to listen to on tonight strength is increased in size and all