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A Superior Covenant (Part 2 of 2)

Truth for Life / Alistair Begg
The Cross Radio
September 14, 2020 4:00 am

A Superior Covenant (Part 2 of 2)

Truth for Life / Alistair Begg

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September 14, 2020 4:00 am

Jesus fulfilled God’s promise to replace the old covenant with a “much more excellent” one. As our Great High Priest, He continues to administer this superior covenant today. Join us for this encouraging message on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


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The book of Hebrews, the writer explains how Jesus represents a fulfilled promise, promise to replace God's old covenant with a new and better one.

Even today, we can be encouraged that Christ ministry as our high priest continues to transform his people today on Truth for Life. Alistair Begged teachers from Hebrews 8 in a message about the superior covenant, I want you to know. He says that Jesus lives forever and he has apartment while he unpacks it in chapter 8. He points to the set up there in verse two. Set up.

Also, I want you to notice that the high priest, our high priest sat down Christ's absence from air, which is what they were concerned about his absence from their is the necessarily result of them being what is and of his having done when he is done when the Lord Jesus offered one sacrifice for sins, he sat down and he sat down on the throne of the Majesty in heaven. Why because the work was done. The finished work of Christ. Even the disciples and difficulty with this. When Jesus said to them, as Abe reproaches that the time immediately prior to his death.

He said I'm going to prepare a place for you and if I go I'll come back and the disciples are all up in arms is able Jesus, you mustn't go away from. As you can away from us. If you go away from us will be stop. Jesus gathers around him and he tells them about the Holy Spirit is necessary for me to go away. If I'm here. I'm just here, but when I go on everywhere when I send the Holy Spirit in all of his fullness.

He will not only be in you, but he will be with you and he will take the things that are mine and he will make them precious to you and he will take the pages of the Bible and he will make it ring in your hearts and transform your life, and he will manifest you in the same chaps that couldn't get a hold of it. In John 14 are explaining it within 40 or 50 year because the Holy Spirit has come and done exactly what Jesus said the Holy Spirit would many people have got an external religion an interest in a cosmic principle of God's way out there somewhere and they got into all kinds of things about this God. But if you asked them to the know God see the distinctiveness of this great high priest.

This is not some arm's-length theology. This is the crux of life.

This is the issue of humanity. This is the Pack's of what it means for God to make himself known for sinful men and women to build a draw near to God.

It is a radical distinctive in Christian living is to even if I say so myself. Verse three every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices and so was necessary for this one also to have something to offer. What was he going to offer you going to offer himself see in the in in act one. They always were going in there with something to remember the story of Abraham and Isaac. Hey dad, we got the knife without the wood we got the fire.

She's one thing missing you. We don't have a sacrifice and Abram looks at his son and he says Isaac the Lord himself will provide a sacrifice pointing us forward because in that moment. Isaac was a type of Christ as he was laid upon that altar. He foreshadowed the reality which was to come in the giving up of the one who would offer his very life for sin. So notice the superiority of this new covenant in verse six the absolute necessity of this new covenant in verse 7 foot if there had been nothing wrong with the first covenant no place would have been sought for another one that say, because God found fault, not with his covenant, but he found fault. Interestingly, with his people and he said you know the time is going to come when I will get a new covenant, and I'm going to write this covenant in the very center of their lives. Marcus Dodds the Old Testament commentator says helpfully. The old covenant was faulty because it did not provide for enabling the people to live up to the terms or conditions that it was faulty. Inasmuch as it did not sufficiently provide against their faulty nests that your external religion. Mr. religious this morning what you've been holding onto is not necessarily all bad in itself, but it's faulty and the reason is because it does not deal with your faulty nests. And that's why you still feel the burden of your sin.

That's why you still have no assurance that heaven is your home.

That's why you still have a conscience that riddled you with guilt because that which you are holding onto is insufficient to deal your faulty nests, the terms of the Mosaic covenant had been rendered null and void by the disobedience of the people actually say in verse eight, and so God speaks in a new covenant in this covenant can't be broken because is going to ensure the spiritual response of those with whom it is made, and that by providing for the internal renovation of their character. See Christianity is not about the imitation of Jesus Christ is about transformation by Jesus Christ.

That's why many people who have embraced a Christian way of life still live in a guilty nests of their own sinful condition because they have never come in repentance and faith to the Lord and Master, Christ himself. The establishment of this new covenant and trusted intimate real in their experience what he is made possible by his sacrifice. See when the people of God could not rise to the heights of his standard. The Lord didn't lower his standards to match their abilities. He determined to transform his people. In other words, you can look out on them and say you know I can see that you're having a rough time with these 10 Commandments, why don't I just make it five Commandments and you're sending so much that this annual deal that were doing is really not covering it all. Why don't we make it a biannual event. No, he doesn't do that. He instead instituted his plan from all of eternity, which is to transform his people. The previous covenant that was established at Sinai, is verse nine says featured the promised blessings that were there in the land of Canaan, but the new covenant concerning blessings which were spiritual in nature and which were eternal in their generation. The old covenant couldn't take away sin couldn't save couldn't justify couldn't make the people holy.

It's obsolescence is clear for all to see. In verse 13. The contrast is obvious what is there in Canaan in comparison to the reality of heaven what Italy sacrifices in Washington liturgies.

In contrast to an enlightened mind.

A pacified conscience and a purified heart.

There are so many religious people this morning who are holding on to that which is external to but they don't have an enlightened mind you talk to them and they talk absolute nonsense. If you pardon me, you sit down and have coffee with them. They're all over the place.

One thing maybe I believe this and I believe a little of that and I believe a little and next thing he said the world can anybody, with all this because their minds have never been enlightened by the truth. You asked them about your conscience to a purified conscience is a pacified scene I wake up at night. I am bedeviled by things in my past, but your heart is it is new and clean change I do know that was possible for that's the whole point of this amazing quote from Jeremiah which is verse eight to verse 12. Notice what is possible here. First of all, and knowledge of God and knowledge of God. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. In other words, I'm going to make this transformation such that when I renew their hearts.

I'm going to make their hearts the shape of my law and my law will fit perfectly into their hearts, and so they will now say I delight to do your will. Lord previously it was irksome to the previously was only a condemnation to them.

But now it is become a joyful reality now to live in purity and in wholeness and unfaithfulness in the same way as within the bonds of marriage.

It has become a joy it is not that it is impossible to break the bonds. It is incongruent to break the bonds when he puts his law in our hearts.

It doesn't mean that we are past eight but it means that now, as he is transformed as an fashion does. In this way it is absolutely incongruent that we would then fly in the face of his true and when to give them a knowledge of me. My cell thesis. All those who are in my covenant, will have their own intimate personal knowledge of God and the reason the will is by means of my word. The knowledge will not come by way of sacraments, it will not come through a hierarchy of self-styled priests. Each will know God for themselves that six significance of verse 11 is not negating Sunday school teachers Bible class leaders or pastors and teachers no longer will a man teach his neighbor, a man his brother say no the Lord. The reason is they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest man may be able to talk about God, but only the spirit of God can create that knowledge within the heart and this love one stands in direct contrast to so much that is before us today. If you listen to National Public Radio and the expos that they did on the Church of Scientology. It was very very interest for multiple reasons but not least of all on account of this whole aspect of knowledge because as within others systems of religion. The key to progress in the church of Scientology is making your way into different levels of knowledge cost you a lot of money to start at the street level and wherever you are. Santa Barbara, there's one there and you can walk in there and just find out about yourself. Just I can a $50 introduction. Once you make the $50 introduction if you want to go forward. That'll cost you $150 for stage II stage III may take you up to $3000 and if you finally graduate to the level of having the Church of Scientology explained to you. Their theory for the origin of the universe and maybe costing you as much as $10,000 for the initiation to that knowledge. One young couple on the radio confess to the fact that in a period of four or five years they spent $100,000 trying to gain the necessary knowledge to triumph within the church is the exact same as in Masonic ritual and other you're caught up in that I get out of it today is the same nonsense. It is blackness.

It is darkness. You go through the stages stage I. Everybody gets in stage one, stage II is another handshake is another little deal. Stage III is something else, and there are 23 stages. I think it is before you get to a point where you have the knowledge necessary exact same thing in Mormonism listen to even a child tell you about Mormonism and it is immediately apparent. The Mormons progress through certain stages of knowledge until they finally reached the priestly functions that allow them to know the real truth. What is it in Christianity. This is for the boy or the girl. The man in the street.

The whole deal from cover to cover, with no price of admission. It is, it is here for that for the youngest and the oldest to read the Bible and understand there are no hidden passages here. There is no secret rooms there is no special place. It is all in the Lord Jesus Christ and from the least to the greatest, from the youngest of the oldest from the dumbest of the brightest all know he sets because it is from the same book by the same spirit and the same truth. Oh, we can grow in maturity and we can grow in our understanding. But there are no special passageways to special rooms on like the cults there always are on*this nonsense about all laws is your preference and Jesus is just the Sammy's. You know, is one of a group in the smorgasbord of of religious preference absolutely bogus.

You call that tolerance. You want me to accept that his tolerance there is legal tolerance which ensures everybody's rights for which we need to stand right the freedom to profess the freedom to practice the freedom to propagate that tolerance is part of the constitutional privileges of being an American citizen as a Christian I am holding social tolerance respects every person, irrespective of their background or their way of life for their approached things that recognizes that irrespective of their views.

Nevertheless, they were made in the image of God. No matter how messed up I might think them to be within this the realm of social life.

There has to be a measure of tolerance I uphold, but the notion of intellectual tolerance which cultivates a mind that is so broad that it can tolerate every opinion without ever detecting anything in it to reject is not a virtue is a product of a feeble mind. So when we talk about knowing God were talking about will just find a way to know him and come back and let me know and that'll be fine will fit you in somewhere. Another because knowing God is directly related to my final point, which is the forgiveness of sins is this wonderful here and I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. He can forgive a sinner except in a way that is consistent with his holiness and therefore it has to be the innocent. The dies for the guilty.

This Jesus guy up on the Carson City yourself. After all, he never did anything wrong and in the spirit of God drops the pen in your head. This is because you did everything wrong and act one. The principal was established, the innocent for the guilty and enact to it is God himself and all of his innocence, and in the fullness of his humanity who dies in my place on the cross so that me and all of my wretchedness, no forgiveness of my sins sums as I don't need to know forgiveness of my sins I been doing very well lately. How well I just take one you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.

Have you for every day of your life. Every hour of every day, every minute of every hour love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

No kidding. You need a Savior. You have to admit to being a rapist, you have to admit to some penis sin that you decide it is the sin that really needs taken care of. But you have the sort of bourgeois professional nice little you know sins you know forgiveness of your sins's is the amazing truth. The covenant I will come and I will marketing your life and I will.

I won't even remember your sins anymore Buddhists don't know that deliverance in Buddhism only comes as a result of self effort trying to abolish the desires in my life.

If you meet a Buddhist, as I do from time to time. Last I was going up askew right in New York. The guy told me was a Buddhist I asked him how he was doing with his doctor. He nearly fell on the chairlift.

How would I know about Noca. Why don't know a great deal about it but I know that in Buddhism that's the deal.

The Noca can deal with the Noca.

That's the problem and the only way to deal with Dr. is somehow or another by self effort. That's why Buddha's dying words were strive without ceasing.

Positional forgiveness. Hinduism offers no forgiveness. All they have is karma. Everybody in Hinduism meets the fruits of their own wrongdoings for which there is absolutely no forgiveness. They live their lives in an endless cycle which they refer to as some Sarah an endless cycle of reincarnations from which there is absolutely no escape.

There is no possibility of forgiveness of sins they read this And I will forgive your sins. And I will remember your wickedness again. They have nothing like this is what you need to speak to these dear people say you know you have an answer for your sins say no. I believe in instant karma. Lenin was into that same in Islam, the Koran is no forgiveness of sins no message for sinners who deserve nothing from God except his judgment of no merit to plead they understand sin.

What is the symbol scales scales, the bad, the good the good the bad. Hopefully the bad will do the good. Hopefully will make it there. What*across cross across with no one on why is he left. Why did he leave to sit down. Why did he sit down because his work was finished.

If you don't know Christ. Your urine just fall down on your knees and asking to see right now and if you do, where to be out these dogs going crazy with the good news for many of our well-meaning religious friends who are dealing with copies and shadows and have never encountered the reality Jesus said I will forgive yourself.

I won't remember wickedness again. That's an amazing invitation to receive forgiveness and if you're hearing this truth for the first time you'd like to learn more about what it means to follow Christ. To understand God's saving grace is nothing we can earn on our own. It's a free gift given to those who believe we will encourage her to go online to watch a helpful video presentation.

You'll find it story your listing to truthfully. Please stay with us because in just a minute Alastair Baird will conclude today's message with prayer. As you interact with friends and family. You have the opportunity to talk to others about the free gift of God's saving grace. We have a collection of books we think will help you communicate that truth more clearly. The first book is called, have no fear. It addresses the fact that so many of us feel a sense of insecurity when were introducing others to Jesus were not always sure where to begin, and we want to explain the gospel as clearly as we can. This book have no fear guides us so we can talk to friends in an easy natural way. It gives us tips for staying on topic and suggestions for how to make the Scripture, the central focus of our conversation. The second book titled the word wonder.

One is a presentation of the first chapter of the Gospel of John. It includes the text of John's Gospel along with discussion questions and notes that will be helpful for people who are new to the Bible now because this book. The word one to one is designed for discussion or including two copies, one for you and Wondershare. So when you give a donation to support truth for today. You can receive this three pack of books.

One copy of have no fear. Two copies of the word wonder one you can give online the Truth for or if you'd prefer to call us. Our number is 888-588-7884 now as we conclude today. Here's Alastair with a word of prayer.

Our God and our father.

I cannot tell why he whom angels worship should set his love upon the sons of men, or why a shepherd he should seek the wonders to win them back. I know not how to know when it is a thing most wonderful.

Almost too wonderful to be that God's own son should come from heaven and died to save a child like me. Father take deafness from our years in the hardness from our hearts, and the pride from our minds and layers low at your cross so that in taking whole visit where the very feet of him glad that we might be forgiven. We may rest in. Nothing else and no one else that we may be able to see. I need no other sacrifice I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus die and that he died for me reminders of your victory end of your triumph that one day every knee will bow before save us from arrogance and presumption give us tender hearts soft ice genuine compassion for our neighbors and our friends for Jesus sake, we ask tomorrow. Alastair continues her studying the book of Hebrews teaching us what it truly means to cleanse our conscience on Bob Lapine.

The Bible teaching of Alastair Begg is furnished by Truth for Life learning is prolific