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Tearing Down Personal Strongholds

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD
The Cross Radio
May 10, 2020 8:00 am

Tearing Down Personal Strongholds

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD

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May 10, 2020 8:00 am

like in sports, the enemy has scouts documenting your abilities and Dr. Tony Evans says the devil cannot wait to use what he knows to trip you up and tear you down. In this lesson, learn how to shore up your personal weak spots and draw closer to Gods protection.

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120 evidences the solution for your struggles and grace of God will raise us. This is the alternative speaker, pastor of Oak Cliff by the president of our national defense system is always on the alert, texting, our country, Dr. Evan says, many of us don't apply the same logic to our personal weak spots. Let's join him as he explains how grace can help reinforce your resistance to the enemy. You are tricks captured say you have not been able to get some of the incarcerated by the evil one drug addiction is a small class has been captured by chemical agent so no matter how much you try, you can't let it go.

Some are called dependent people I captured you all could be parents with long but you have not allowed you to go free.

Some of you to the Christian abuse brutalized by relationship not only on your body but on your soul able to capture you and hold you hostage because no matter how you run not been able to break away from vice grip strong. Some of us don't have stronghold strongholds we have been able to strongholds of the mind, sexual addiction, pornography, for example, stronghold of the mind. Illicit activity captures lines were unable to unlock ourselves from no matter how many times we say when the magazine we keep buying into coming through it many times we say when I got up watch the show we keep trying to get on because we have been captured by a stronghold of the month stronghold in the mindset that accepts a situation at unchangeable, even though we know it's against the will of God. It is unfortunate that Christians have been in the believing that if you have a stronghold you suppose the habit I tried to explain all of us that we thought that's run by angels battling against angels, not people. We want to blame people for stronghold people not make something a stronghold they can set you up to make it a stronghold because what makes a stronghold of stronghold and my people can make it accessible to you why people can encourage you when it cannot portion a stronghold is where you are captured in your mind and jump onto the job. In the movie. My problem is that your problem is your problem sets you up so I can reveal how messed up you want to spend time blaming others, rather than getting rid of the stronghold that we have spiritual one of the reason that you get rid of it because you have not addressed it spiritually. You cannot fight a spiritual battle using weapons of the flesh, that which is born a flash of/John three is that which is born of spirit in spirit and never the twain shall meet.

Number one the first thing you want to do if you're gonna get out of the vice grip of the line that is holding you hostage what it is to remember your position in Christ.

That little statement can set you on the road of deliverance that you can imagine that little statement can set free from things that have been blogging you put 25 no matter what you get if you do not remember your position in Christ, then you are barking up the wrong tree. Let me review your position to success. This has raised us up with Christ seated us with him in happily places in Christ you have been elevated to a position with Christ, who is now enthralled. Although the heavenly realm and that's where you will is in light of that in Colossians chapter 3 verse one.

If you have been right with Christ keeps thinking of things which are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things about all the things on our we have to limit earthly Christians. And that's why we don't have more supernatural deliverance if you sat on it. When solution then you won't be able to get. I happily response is not down the middle, writing, and frowned up and therefore Hammond must be the place where you access your solution. Why say book of Colossians says in verse nine of chapter 24 in Christ all the fullness of the 12. The poem Jesus of God added him you have been made complete is the head over all rule and authority over CB angels good and bad. Verse 15 said, and he had the role of the parties made a public display of having triumph over them throw him. Jesus had already beaten the battle but the devil and his angels. Almost all of your problem. If you are going to be able environment that is the software of your problem you have to hook up with somebody who can and you can show them what is it legal to remember your position in Christ. Your position as a child of God. If you truly say Christ to get this now gives you authority over Satan since you print your position in Christ.

Having been raised with him and see them in the heavenly places gives you legal authority were the angelic realm and all authority. Jesus Christ has granted you with me let go of already saw that you can simply tell the angelic row that attach to you no longer have any rights over my life that you never drive that we have never tried stating with attack and to place on me that what you have no life because I only set free by Christ that your position site want you to remember when Alameda and want your direct number that because it showed up again will you will know you will never call on your goal right you have legal rights in heavenly places all have a lot to ask that you never benefit from. You have legal rights and have secondly why you remember your position. You must rely on God's provision. Turn with me to James for now watch this James chapter 4 verse six but he gives greater grace.

Therefore it says God as opposed to the proud but gives grace to the remember me telling you the Battle of the Bulge grace that I praise you, Gregor Gray's greater then what greater than the mess you don't care what mass is in your life you will write just don't care what you gone through and I'm not underlining you. I'm not saying it was a serious greater grace that is law.

Grace your mess. Grace, then your problem the way God added to the mass that we brightening him by getting up writer writes yes I got greater grace is right right but your attention in the Barstow writer writes God has an exhaust that will supply all over, what children like Matthew and Bob have more mass awakening the masher.

Remember the masher and he still writer writes an exhaustible supply, you must remember your position but you must use this provision. Now how do I get this right given this goodness that is greater than my mess. How do I get it out for us. He says in verse seven, submit to God submit to God submit to God, submit and submit it to God.

Know you nonstop on because if you were submitted to God you wouldn't do what they were doing a chapter 4 verses one through three. One of the sources of your quarrels and conflicts among you, and the fourth of your pledge that wage war in your members. You do not have. You commit murder and cannot obtain all your not submitting to God, if you still fighting for yourself and make it happen for you. You're not submitted to God to make it on the inside.

I am going to do, not submitted to God telling you how strong you are not any more strongly what rights we got a problem because we are not submitted, the bulk of the pulpit, not the one, because oftentimes the definition of the word submit is not fully given that I will apologize and I want to give you the true sides of submission.

If you go to be submitted to God because you want greater grace. The word submit has two components in order to submit the first component of submit surrender normally when people say submit another synonym but we commit without surrender limitation when I do my thing I want to commit themselves. Christ come down come down and say what I cannot do this anymore not do that anymore. Make a commitment and you really mean it. But then you go off because commitment can't work unless it is preceded by someone you say well what Richard surrender surrender.surrender to God unable surrender to surrender as I am not able to look at when a man surrender little while. I went up to surrender that throughout the white flag in the long the Bible teaches greater grace from God. Surrender the white flag and say I came when Dr. comes back in just a moment centering on one of the key elements of that surrender first. So if you had a hard time getting into God in order to experience the power of his victory.

You can make the first steps toward change with the help of Tony's book called winning your spiritual battles. This quick but powerful read will offer you hope and guidance as it helps you identify areas of spiritual weakness and prepares you to stand firm against the devil's attacks on your life is a valuable resource that you'll be glad to have at your side.

Request a copy of winning your spiritual battles right away and will send it to you as our gift and appreciation for your contribution toward Tony's ministry as a bonus will also include his two volume series on spiritual warfare both on CD and as digital audio downloads you can begin digging deep into this important subject. Right away, visit Tony today for details on the special offer before time runs out or call 1-800-800-3222 were the friendly folks in our resource Center are always on hand to help you. That's 1-800-800-3222 20 will come back with more of today's message right after this roles of husbands and wives. The source of our authority as believers. Understanding the concept of grace, meaning spiritual battles are all important subjects seem as different as night and day surprise you to know there's a common thread running through all you can discover what it is like taking the responding patients in the Tony Evans training center 151. You'll dig into the powerful themes of this book and make new discoveries about what Jesus death accomplished how to maintain unity home church spiritual armor is all about.

The course includes custom content from Tony not available anywhere else work through it at your own pace. Collaborate with other students get your specific questions answered online form connect with the Tony Evans training Center Tony It's like having a seminary on your smart phone or other device. Start today Tony submission to God. To him, God is no way to draw near with the dog without giving them time. Jesus said in Matthew 721 something to lick about fasting and prayer, the God's presence with praise and prayer, and only worship God on Sunday morning. Mary God occasionally. Let me tell you about the devil he got an allergy but if you have valid certain times of year when the pilot is it irritate you run run just irritated. Why because the pilot has infiltrated so that is something you want but you want to talk about it. Allergy and you fail safe and is allergic to prey's is allergic to crap.

I would have stopped it around in the making contact with God as a way of life to God.

Turning worship and thought well I gotta vacate the premises because it gets allergic.

Some of of never have to worry about that because the pollen of praise and prayer never filled the air. We never filled the environment. So why did all is allergic around us site that honestly time. Even our presence because they know the environment with the praise of God and God the praise of people when we don't bother with Randolph because it's too much, unlike what he is drawing near to God.

Human effort cannot stop spiritual foe, repent of your sin is the next remember your position reliable God's provision repent of your sin.

He says in verse eight. Cleanse your hand your statements purify your hearts, you double minded. Be miserable in morning weeks. Let your laughter be turned the morning and your joy to gloom yourself enough to God.

The call of sin. Sin God can help some of us could we don't slip what we do is make mistakes Jesus never diaper mistakingly.percent or it was how I was raised, you cannot pass the same day when people are not willing to all that personal responsibility we live in a blame society where this is a golf day. That didn't happen near the golf. How would that happened have the golf that you want to today and a national public God and Jesus Simmons and purify your God then considers you plow, that's why.

16 he opposes the proud but gives grace to the compost that lawn I cannot. I cannot mask on my background still messed up. I am not.

He opposes the proud why because every time he sees you too proud to come to him and confessing him where you messed up you remind him of another person event like Satan said I don't want to submit to you before you do this every time you are proud to report that since I said, that's my fault must God take pride in what you are proud when you don't come to him and called must repent of sin. Finally, you must resist the devil's backup diverse.

Seven. Submit therefore to God. That's one side of the coin, the other side of the coin is resist the devil and look at the promise associated with verse seven and he will flee from you talk about this.

Resist the devil and some people got regifting boot camps who can actually pay money to go sign up for seminar on how to resist the devil. Well, let me help you save some money Six Same, Save Yourself. Therefore, under the Mighty Hand of God, That He May Exalt You That Is Talking about Your Child about Your Suffering about Whatever You're Going through Casting All Your Worries on Him Because He Cares for You Being so Spirit Be on the Other Side of the Devil Prowls about like a Long Line of Thinking Somebody to Eat up Anything You like My New Joy and Happiness, the Dignity and Responsibility for Your Family and the Kids All the Time Sicking Someone to Do about What You Do.

Verse Nine Says, Resist Firm in Your Faith First Dance after You Have Suffered for A While God of All Grace, Who Called You in 2020 N. South Billboard in South Perfect Compound Strident in Establishing Resist Cinnamon Okay. I Noted How There Is Only One Way to Resisting. One Day He Came to Jesus and Say You're Hungry You Got Jesus Said What It Is Written, Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone, but by Every Word That Proceeds Out Of the God Let Satan Does Not Let Satan to Say Which Is Longer What You Heard on Sunday Got a Job When It Is Written, Thou Shalt Not Tell the Lord Thy God Will Put into the Mountain All Roman Empire. But Jaden Said It Is Written Shall Worship the Lord Thy God and Serve Him Only the Bible Says and Satan Want to Because They Know the One Thing That Always Brings Us down and Spoken Word of God. When You You You Tally Him Back and Ran with Christ to Six-Said It with Him on Things about Things Better Now, but You Can Quote What You Don't Know What You Don't Know What You Know When Said, the Methods Would Tomorrow on Some of You in about 10 Minutes to… I Haven't Said You Say about My Mama Said She Would Go out Walking Our Way. No Way… I Say but the Sign Is Free. God Said I Was Now the Trunk Wanted to Say Hi Because A Lot Of God Is and Satan Will Relate to Some of You Want out Here Today Said I'm Not a Big Trike You Set up the Power of Positive Thinking Note of the Power Biblical Free in Christ. Christ Dr. Tony Evan Sharing How You Can Break Free from the Habits and Thought Patterns That Hold You Captive Come Back in Just a Moment. First I Want to Let You Know the Today's Teaching Is Just One Part of Tony's 12 Lesson Series on Spiritual Warfare Collection That Will Equip You to Fight Back against the Devil's Efforts to Destroy You by Using God's Power Instead of Your Own. Don't Forget You Receive This Important Two-Volume Series on CD and Downloadable MP3s As Our Thank You Gift When You Help Keep Tony's Teaching on the Station by Making a Contribution, but Only for A Few More Days along with It. You Get That Helpful Book. I Told You about Earlier Winning Your Spiritual Battles Requested Today for a Resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 Open Day and Night, or Make the Arrangements I repeat that for you after this important thought from Dr. Evans, one of the great things all of us need in life is hope.

Hope is expectation about the future things will be better where I'm going than where I am aware of come from the greatest hope that's given to us by God is the hope of eternal life, that when this life is over, we immediately intro to God's presence and don't have to worry about the scourge called death. So if you want to bypass death you can do that because there is the hope of the gospel, the good news that anyone comes to Christ for salvation recognizing their sinfulness and the need for forgiveness will be given that salvation when they come to Jesus for it.

If you don't know how to get your new life with Christ started just visit Tony Avenue and start org and simply click on the link that says Jesus.

Tony has a quick video that explains it all and you find some free follow-up resources there as well. Again, that's 2011' and one more time.

You can reach our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 recent events have really disrupted our routines and circumstances. Dr. Evan says if we take a look back at the life of the prophet Elijah.

There's a lot we can learn in times like these. Next week will explore how we can recognize the things God provides for us even when they look like they're coming from somewhere else. Be sure to join us, the alternative Dr. Tony have you made possible by the generous country