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Enoch: The Walk of Faith, Part 2

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD
The Cross Radio
September 14, 2021 8:00 am

Enoch: The Walk of Faith, Part 2

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD

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September 14, 2021 8:00 am

If you want to walk with God, you’ve got to be willing to go where he goes. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he tells us about a man who did exactly that. Find out how that intimate relationship changed his life and how it can change yours.

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If you only want a job you know Dr. Tony Evans says if you're keeping company with God. Your circle of connections deserves to know what celebrating with Dr. Tony Evans offers speaker senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas Texas and president of the urban alternative if you want to walk with God. You got to be willing to go where he goes today Dr. Evans tells us about a man who did exactly that and how the resulting relationship changed his life.

Let's join him as he begins to me to walk in chapter 11 verse five and six but was taken out so that he would not be was not found, because God took him out the witness that before being taken up he was pleasing to God and without faith it is impossible to please him, for he who comes to God must believe that he is a rewarder of them who seek saw the writer writing the New Testament Christians reaches back to the book of Genesis introduces us to a man with four verses written about him. In Genesis in Genesis chapter 5 and we can see why was pleasing to God, because Genesis 5 verses 21 to 24 says 65 years and became the father of walk with God. 300 years after he became the father of any had other sons and daughters were 365 years walk with God and he was not for God took so here grows as he pleases God.

Genesis tells us why we please God please God, because he walked with God.

So the way you play as God is to walk with God, and it takes to please God by walking with God because you're dealing with the God that you do not see. And you're dealing with things about God that all so in order to please God.

You must let's reverse if you're not walking with God, you're not pleasing God because God lives. God, it was 11 was not in Genesis. He walked with God's people want God to walk with God. This is where I'm going. Join me, but what God is requiring God is requiring us to walk with that is to find out where he is going to join him on his trip so to walk with God means God agree with who agree with: let me stroll with you. Do this he says in verse six that comes to God must believe that he is to walk with somebody and you're not sure that there you must believe that God is you must believe walk with God for success that he is a rewarder of them will diligently seek him until things that God wants me to walk with him and that journey is going to respond to my blip in my walk with him. One of the road when not see God that we believe him.

We don't believe there is a response from him. We must believe that there is a response that we going to get from him.

We all walking with him, seeking to be pleasing to him that he is going to join us and he is going to walk with us first.

Walking with God means you will often be walking against the culture because you're listening to a different drum beat son of a city named after him after him. So he was right, but the silent generation from Adam was not known by man. He was known by God walk with God and was not requested as we want to know your name and have notoriety named after you named after the success name that privilege. Or you can have God knowing your name you want to know your name is the Sabbath and the generation of Adam. He says was not a private Christian against the godliness of his day just as quiet little Christian second in charge when nobody knew longer.but here if you only want on your job. You know you're a Christian you not walking with God. Nobody else is been silent churches giving into ungodliness charges okay godliness no and Bible Scripture with the culture that is popular not accepted walk with God, the ungodly, no right God called said God called just now… Great man and women stand that is great with God can't disagree with God you must take that stand. Joshua said no. So not compromise with ungodliness in order to be popular big-name 1936 pleases Germany in 1936 and was just you Jesse Owens belong to United States but he was in the Olympics and jerk the Olympics in Germany in a hostile environment. The Germans view themselves as superior superior race. Not only were they bad to demonstrate their superiority over Germany that would because that's how he was definitely the most. They have the evil Empire came and sat in his chair to proclaim that in this kingdom. And in this kingdom I'm demonstrating the greatest forgo metals like after just going to put the Shea Nazi is demonstrated because the monkey showed off on don't testify all that you own this place is brightness. You may want to environment you live in a hostile environment but out of the trail you belong to another kingdom. You represent that kingdom of God save Christ don't have as men and women. I thought have that this housewives I thought have his say that I thought have I thought have Ms. Johnny had gone like Justin represent how God is called to represent heaven with you walk with God. One of the realities of the closer you get your own life and the unrighteousness culture in which you live.

Not perfect people. But when you post God you yourself the lives of others as Jesus said of this house has consumed walk with and it was a public walk, not a private if you walking with God, but you want anybody else to notice what you want.

That means you ashamed community election when election goes up, you put a plaque on the cough you put a placket on on your lawn. In other words, you advertise your vote, but it's clear who you vote for the comes to working with you should not be an undecided clear this is.

This is the love up all the boat that because this is why stroll with all day and it's cool to sustain me in every area of my life walk with God and one was a lifestyle could solicit business and how he rolled. This is how we live. The reason why many of us can feel God's presence is that we don't walk with God. We visit him on occasion he wants to be walk with that is included in the totality of all of life not segmented. Dr. Evans will be back with what walking by faith can mean for us when he returns with more of our message in just a moment for so I want to mention Tony's brand-new book. It was just published called kingdom heroes.

It's a close look at the Bible's faith Hall of Fame, and it's full of ordinary people who did extraordinary things by taking God at his word. It teaches us that spiritual reality is about much more than we can see or touch and shows how much we can endure, overcome and accomplish when we act as though God is telling the truth. We want you to be one of the first to receive a copy of this new kingdom heroes book as our thank you gift when you make a contribution to help us keep Tony's teaching on this station along with it will send you the companion Bible study workbook and all 13 messages in Tony's heroes of the faith series as a bonus, you can get the messages from both volumes on CD and digital download this limited time offer won't last long, so be sure to get in touch with us today to get the details and make the arrangements.

You can do that that's Tony or reach out to our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 anytime of the day or night. That's 1-800-800-3222. I'll repeat that information for you right after part two of today's lesson and this coming November Church of Jesus Christ traveling with Dr. Tony Evans retraces the life and human journey greatest being who ever walked this are we here in Capernaum place where Jesus most of his miracles is in this place, demonstrated some of God traveled the streets fields and synagogues were the location of the most powerful recorded in the Bible place like Galilee have the right journey with Jesus theaters November 15, 16th and 17th with Dr. Tony Tony times was the compensation says God took him first.

511 40. The witness that before he was taken up he was pleasing to God.

He was taken up with walking with God testify God testify with his special presence that is with me.

That was a similarly God and validated him. That was a supernatural presence.

That was a supernatural witness.

God answered prayer. God showed up and show all God's Spirit of God direct the one reason that we know God is with the light from him that if you're close enough to hear me why you know when you let someone scream, the proximity is so close that you can hear their voice walking would give you directions. You will redirect you proximity is not what God says God testify. God validated him verified him 100 different ways. But he says will walk with me, even though they don't save me but please save me testimony from God's now if you're not used to walking. It takes a little practice when the newborn babies won't fall down a few times used to walk and exercise program, you just are not walking and I bought the sofa because your body is not used to doing is not used to doing that so it's going take a little bit of practice. What helps you walking is when you walk in with somebody because somebody else can help you out and keep you going by the conversation that's taking place during walk because the conversation is taking place to from the frustration from the perspiration of so when you're walking with somebody on your own because the showmanship helps distract you from the pain of walking with God from being a religious Christian walk in Christian Sunday Christian to be a week all year Christian.

300 years say go take a I'm learning slowly how to live in the world of technology. I had a meeting that I had to go to and I had to take some of our staff with me to this business meeting related to church and I said print me out the direction I was driving on staff to this meeting. I'm driving with one hand. What a piece of paper in the same paper as I drive to get to the place in the passenger side past past past what are you going to let you know is right in the middle of this call is been there but if not you voice that I've never heard this one you may not be with God to include them in everything when you get up to open up your mind against thoughts to give you the right decision-making power to date Holy Spirit to show you relate to speak to them how to stay away from that walking with God and he's going to experience his direction and that I love how it ends, because it says he was not for God. How you will determine how you say that again how you will determine how you got the same was walking with God and he was not for God took him how I was going for 300 years they welcome God included on everything about that with this problem but I got the money we got when we do initially after year after year after year 300, 300 make this walking like you been doing used to walk the walk date, God puts on his tennis shoes inputs on finishing walking and they chilling together, they just walk in year 300 hits we have 300 hits see what time it Dr. Tony Evans with a message about the special relationship God has made available to each of us when we choose to walk with him. And if that's something you want to do but have yet to take the first steps now is the best time ever to begin just visit and click on the link that says Jesus there.

Tony will explain everything you need to know about what it means to be a real Christian, and how to start a brand-new lifelong journey with the Lord. That's Tony and while you're on the website.

Don't miss out on your chance to take advantage of that special offer. I mentioned earlier, it's a three-part faith resource package including all 13 messages from volumes one and two of Tony's current audio series heroes of the faith, along with his brand-new book and Bible study kingdom heroes, they are yours with our thanks when you make a donation to help keep this listener supported program coming your way. Just visit to make the arrangements or call our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 were team members are standing by to assist with your request. That's 1-800-800-3222 or when God tells us to do something we would've done anyway. It's pretty easy to obey. But what about when the Lord's instructions are a little bit out there, take us beyond our comfort zone. That's what Dr. Evans will talk about tomorrow as he takes a look at the life of Noah. Right now though he's back with this final story to wrap up today's message is never seen. My spirit upon all ready to be offered up. I finished what I meant to do this with charge a couple weeks ago not to see whether it's bread is one good one to find alternative reading things