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May 3, 2021 8:00 am
Man becomes cannot be located even when males are everywhere. Dr. Tony Evans says the future of our society depends on understanding the difference between those terms to call back to being God defines a man not a culture defines celebrating. This is the alternative Dr. Tony Evans, author, speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship Dallas, Texas, president of the alternative, the very idea of masculinity these days is thought of as best outdated and at worst downright evil today. Dr. Evans begins a new series of messages that redefine the term from a biblical perspective explains why it's a vital ingredient in God's recipe for humanity. Let's join one of today can be recited simply by asking Adam where you missing man has become the crisis of the day, not the missing mail the missing single woman who can't find a worthwhile man to marry is the question of the single parent who's been abandoned by the father of her children.
She wants to know, that child west to grow up with a physically or emotionally absent from these asking the question, however, he phrases it, Adam, where you churches and pastors who have to keep calling on ladies to do jobs that men ought to do because the men are missing in action. The question is that as I stood in a prison a couple of months ago speaking to a group of prisoners in the mail jail.
I asked them all of you up without a father in your life.
Raise your hand, and 90% of the hands with so I looked at them. I wondered where you was talking to you this week, a teacher in one of our public schools and he told me I'm resigning this year. I can't take it any talk about the rebellion in the subordination, the lack of respect coming from the students in his classroom. The question is where yeah because they didn't have a question on the floor is where you living in a day of terrorism where violence due to the absence of the conscience and the dumbing down of decency is raised again the question Adam where you worst of all was that all is that God is asking the question, Adam, where God can find that you should be shot.
We can find anything. Where are you now.
God is mission, he knows all God is omnipresent he exists everywhere simultaneously so God's question about where Adam was was not fundamentally a question of location, knows where Adam is located in the garden with.
So the question that I am raising that God raises with the first Adam and the Hebrew word for Adam means earth, for he was created from the woman was not created from the work she was created from Adam to the public that will get to later. But Adam is earth and God says where are you now let me tell you what was at the heart of the question. The question, where are you was not fundamentally a question of location. It was a question of position C Adam had abandoned his role he had abandoned his calling. He had abandoned his position so the question of where you is the question of positioning Ezekiel chapter 22 verse 30 God says I was looking for me to stand in the gap.
So I would not curse the land but I could find.
There were plenty of mail buddies that I can find a man so apparently you can be a male and not be any said because I couldn't find the man I had to close the land so land becomes Christ with men cannot be located even when males are everywhere in this position and so the league of today is to call males back to being men ask God defines a man not as a culture defines and so I want to speak with you about answering the question about the position of Adam, where are you now ladies there going to be two reactions to what I say today.
Some of you will be frustrated because you will be thinking all here we go with this man. Others of you will be static because the man in your life or the one you hope comes along, will man up to God's definition here is the first thing that you need to understand about a man and his position, not his vocation alone, but his position and that is that it is a position of priority somewhat like that.
But this is not a popularity meeting. It is a position of priority because God says in first chapter 2 verse 12 God created Adam and created work first first has to do with order first has to do with progress in time, Adam and Eve were not created at the same time Adam first, Vinnie God spends a whole chapter Genesis 2, discussing Adam before Eve is ever created for why because it would be the man who would be responsible. The man was created first because God would hold him responsible even though it was Adam and he in the garden hiding from God. God didn't say Adam and he where are you he said Adam where you because you are responsible if you're going to be God's name that you're going to have to accept responsibility for everything he brings behind you. Second third fourth fifth and six first all of this by the way, was happening in the garden.
He's a single man hanging out with God and the God.
In other words, even as a single man. He was living in the presence of God. He was living under the covering of God, something will get into more detail. Another time, but that's where he was going. That's where he was operating he says not only do I want you to do that. I want you to keep the garden cultivated and keeping the Hebrew word for keep means to God will protect. I want you to protect the house want to protect the garden. What is he protecting the house from me.
This is a perfect world knowest not slick as in the garden, Satan is in the God. Chapter 3 the serpent comes up.
He so big will be problems in the God because the snake is in this clickable call stuff the snake will try to stare scope out the snake will try to get you away from God. There is assortment in the garden, and your job is to keep them out because you responsible for the garden to keep the devil out because he tried to get provision and protection that is the environment that Adam was responsible for many give them another instruction. Verse 16, Genesis 2, the Lord God commanded the man saying from any tree of the garden you may eat freely, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will shall not die, he gives them his word his commandment, not his request, his commandment, why because a male who plans to be a man must position himself under divine authority which means God's word have the final say so.
Not his posse not his friends not his homeboys.
Nobody overrules God not even his wife because God is saying. Chapter 3 because you listen to your wife. All hell has broken loose in your life, because as much as you love her. She's not supposed to overrule that his job is to oversee the communication and the operation of God's word in history of influence, starting with his or as Joshua said, as for me and mom's Joshua 2450. This is how we roll. This is how we will! How's this is that we have no phone here.
God commanded me, the commandment but noticed the command. The command. The command was a happy comedian see week we look at the negative possibility for metric. The first part command.
The first part of the command was livid up the first part of the command was from every tree of the garden you may freely eat the first part of the committee single man she tells of the first part of the commanded is all that I have given you maximize my creation maximize all mess with that tree member Don Cornelius and will train you member scramble scramble bulletin in those letters refer to a particular single or particular musical group or particular song, but the letters were all over the place and so to get a couple of the dances and then have to unscramble the scramble bulletin so they would get 60 seconds to get the letters in order so that they can identify the group or the single or the song, and so they had to work out the scramble board to seek one of the reasons when trouble is men is God's word have gotten all scrambled up in our job is to get letters in place. He says the day you eat of it you going to break relationship with me that is like unplugging something in your house. It's alive when you plug it in because electricity flows once you unplug it. The instrument can't function anymore and what we have today are males who don't function anymore because there because has entered into him or the relationship or the scenario or the parenting or whatever the case may be, he says you are to carry my word. What is the problem with history in the middle called the tree. It was a Google tree because it tree of knowledge is Google is in an entry. This tree was full of data, data, good data bed tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so the tree was not bad it had evil also had good result. What you need he knows that good stuff. Why because Adam if you're going to be the man that I want you to be created you to be you want to be operating like you're supposed to be there. I want you to live by revelation.
I do not want your cute little raisin to determine your actions. I want divine revelation what and when I'm ready for you to know what I would tell it to. Don't go out apart from me you one of the problems today were so many men is that they gone so secular to some college stuck in some truly wanted to hang out with the wrong folk and they've gotten on the deposition of manhood mass and so that they're not able to function in the way God wants them to function and we wind up as mending dead men walking got the title. We want people to recognize the balls on the million week we won't title without the responsibility just like men today.
Adam was given responsibility that Dr. Evans will tell us about that when he returns just a moment. Stay with us now.
Man must strip the rip stop listening to the worlds definition strength discover which is much anticipated sequel to the bestseller King's only evidence memorizing causal and mental break free from that, it just ask it influence those around the measure of a man's body's main guys like you kingdom memorizing and putting the work to find the tools you need to rise to the occasion as a kingdom that find out more, you start a war kingdom man released nearly a decade ago, has helped hundreds of thousands of men understand who they are in the role God designed for them and, at long last, Tony's powerful follow-up book kingdom memorizing is now available for you get it and learn how to be inspired to break past the obstacles of helplessness, boredom and regret.
Instead, replacing them with power significance and influence. We are excited to be able to offer this book to you today in a special double package deal, along with Tony's inspiring new book. You can also receive all 12 full-length audio messages in his current series of the same name kingdom men rising together, these resources can help you live up to your highest potential. What you learn from the real life struggles and challenges of other men as they seek to fulfill their purpose for God's kingdom right now. When you make a contribution to support Dr. Evans work through the urban alternative will send these resources to you as our gift way of saying thanks for making this ministry possible. Just visit Tony to get the details and if you want to go even deeper into this important subject or are looking for a good way to share this beneficial material with others. Consider also getting a copy of the companion kingdom memorizing Bible study again all the details are or you can reach out to one of our friendly resource team members to help you with your request. When you call us at 1-800-800-3222 again that's 1-800-800-3222. Here's Dr. Evans, now with more of today's message. Guess what Adam's job was to be he was to make sure this information got transferred because when the devil asked the community from the tree. She said not only can I not eat from it, I can touch so what I am told I was sweet on Hon should don't eat from the tree in case you didn't get it going go near when you can brush up against. He wants to transfer ask you, are you going to church today. I got asked you why not ask you what you will have emotions the spiritual responsibility spiritually leading all yes I don't know what to do yet you do not already gotten what you gotta do is take what I say family discussed the sermon that we had on Sunday. You have absolutely nothing to do with it. Who knows Moses was responsible and visit places things in order to get things in the proper place. God says not raisin but my must define you before I give you a woman because when I give you a woman and then when I give your family and I give your culture I give you a career that I give you all this stuff it will be managed by me through you. It will not be managed by you.
Apart from me. A man is to be the vehicle the flow-through from God to those entities, family, church, society that he flows through as the first point of contact. Yes women you have your own personal responsibility and relationship with the Lord. That is to be primary. The Bible says even a husband can't overruled God in the light of his wife, but at the same time God has a process that he prefers the flow-through. I know in this day of being politically correct. That's not a popular position.
I trying to be popular. I'm trying to be biblical, human reason was never the government divine revelation was that if he was small, we bought a bicycle back then they didn't put it together for you to put together yourself a cape became only nuts and bolts and screws, washes all the stuff all the stuff anything book of instructions. Eight hours later I Evans comes to garage and give me a piece of interesting that I didn't want to hear.
Basically said could be this could be that the bicycle make knows more about bicycle assembly agreed one could it be that the man knows more about the man who many men say my wife while Jay might as well change which manual are you you as you will.
I love being a man and one verse 19 out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky and brought them to the main to see what he would call and whatever the man called a living creature. That was his name know I love you and I get the name stuff. I get the name stuff with the name something to the bottom when you got the name stuff you got only when you got the name stuff you can exercise authority over. Now you can just go name anything that the name would God brings you once God brings it to you.
You get the own name and everything I can get my hands on and giving it back to God. God gives you the ability and authority to do that. I know that we as men even if you had strength, God is asking us today, where, but that's where the good news because in the Bible. There are two men name you got the first data in Genesis 2 and three and the Bible says in Romans five below it. All race in verse 18.
The following Romans five below. It all right but in Corinthians chapter 15 2245 and 47 number two is called the last Adam number one got us out of the God, the Bible says is a life-giving spirit onto back into the Don was adamant Matthew up at the last pick you up to be like daddy be like your granddaddy be like the people who influenced all remain Dr. Tony Evans will come back in a moment to wrap up his message on why men matter with the final illustration. As always, today's message is available in its entirety on both CD and digital download including portions we didn't have time to include in the broadcast. Better yet, you can also get it is a part of that special double offer.
I mentioned earlier, all 12 full-length messages in Tony's current series bundled along with his powerful new book kingdom men rising will send them to you as our thank you gift when you help support this ministry with a generous contribution and don't forget Tony has created a complete companion Bible study that goes along with the kingdom memorizing series get all the details and make your request you can browse through our huge library of resources and sign up for Tony's free weekly email devotional again that's Tony Avenue or call us at 1-800-800-3222 were team members are standing by around-the-clock to help you with your resource request.
Again, that's 1-800-800-3222 men grow up in a series of hoods, babyhood, boy, hood manhood, but making it all the way to biblical manhood takes a certain kind of growing that Dr. Evans will tell us about next time.
Right now though he's back with the final story to wrap up today's lesson God in the mountain climbing incident was a man in front the man in the back. There were two men in the middle climb of the mountain to get them up there safely.
That was God at the front name Adam God at the back name Adam dismounted, but the problem is Adam and all the folks were tied together by the first Adam slip and when the first Adam slip. He pulled the two men with him and follow the precedent but the last and plowed it into the mountain so that all the men that were good climb back up. Adam Smith Dragon the men down on the mail that thing you may take you back to what you think you know where you the alternative, Tony celebrating 40 years of think things generous contribution