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Revival in the Valley of Dry Bones, Part 2

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD
The Cross Radio
April 14, 2021 8:00 am

Revival in the Valley of Dry Bones, Part 2

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD

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April 14, 2021 8:00 am

If your last mountaintop experience with the Lord is just a distant memory, it could be that you're stuck in a valley. But there is a way out, and Dr. Tony Evans will help you chart that course in this lesson as he talks about how God can revive us as individuals, as a church... even as a nation.

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The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD

120 Evans is putting things right.

Starts with a fresh look at what the Lord is saying a lot.

This is from celebrating. This is the alternative hundred 20 speaker senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship Dallas, Texas, president of the headache, dizziness, dry mouth, blood pressure, these are just some of the symptoms are body experiences when we're physically dehydrated. Likewise, our lives suffer when were spiritually parched and empty today Dr. Evans tells us how God can take our dry dead faith and fill it with life and vitality must join him in Ezekiel chapter 37 understand is that you are such a waste of life circumstances are tied to your spiritual foundation and so the base of the economy have now worked out so that we are scrambling to find an answer because we never connected spiritual situation to social dilemma Valley hopeless situation that this whole nation is facing right now, all they have been connected with me and from me now chaos rules in the middle of chaos, God is reminded the property is about a promise he made a promise to his people that promise is stated in chapter 36 verse 24. I will take you from the nations you from all the land and bring you into your only job is really built up yet made a promise I will spank you for disobedience that will come a day when I will bring you back home so what you do want you to prophesy what you speak my word in the situation to drop moments to hopeless situations and I will show you what you think.

I will give them ideas and opinions. I don't want to give them the populous viewpoint of the day nor do I want you to their emotional well-being. I don't want you to give them a psychological analysis.

I don't want you to give them a mistake points of view. I don't want you to give them the latest Gallup poll so they know what most folks think about what will make them feel good about the world become very dry and not willing to listen very dry due to his own. Now they think they got enough education to pull it off or no money in their bank account and credit cards are working for them and they haven't paid attention 18% interest enough Valley Drive, so you may recognize a hopeless situation and we fix this spiritual rebellion that caused this grade. It was spiritual rebellion be put in the slope that we recognize we couldn't fix it profit. The bones drive the word of the Lord of the Old Testament, the prophets would be to ignore the Lord because the Bible said that that was meant for the word of God.

The fan of the church, temple the family for religion, singing songs that was a famine spiritual truth will come for emotional stimulus stimulus package will let me invite you into the situation room was a stimulus package. Mr. like the economy, people, church stimulus package make me feel good today. The problem with what the stimulus package simply makes you feel a little better. You can little bad things look a little better without having to call the problems he is package deal with the group because you can with our feelings while they are legal and therefore you should never did not. They are very unreliable, feeling the very real so you don't skip pumps to feel the way you feel what you feel but what you can do is Michael unreliable as they change so quickly, you will leave you feeling okay but if the wrong person says the wrong thing at the wrong time on your way to yoke the person ride which you think the wrong time in the wrong way all your religion and the good feelings you had you in service. Unreliable. If a person cuts you will use the language straight from the president get you up for the moment, but it won't change the location of your family.

He says I prophesy split them the word of the Lord were not just a stimulation word to their situation word because he said because I will cause breath to enter into them that you may come the life I will put Siemens muscles on you, make flesh grow back on you, your skin and put breath in you that you may become alive and you will know until you realize he says I am the Lord. I saw you coming up with your package is on break until you discover enemies. Nobody else in the Lord. Bones you tell them you got here from the rebellion, but now you in a hopeless state and you know it that's what I want you to bring the word to you been made ready to receive it. This has prepared you to receive it. As you can fix it so you know what my plan what my program is what my prophetic word is what the word of the Lord is to the specific broken situation.

You prophesy my thoughts not your thoughts. Verse seven.

So I prophesy as I was commanded I spoke what I was told speak and prophesy. There was a noise noise. There was a problem and behold rapidly click click click click click click and the bones came together to both got connected to the foot bone connected ankle bone to bone got connected to the leg bone leg bone that both got connected and stuff started to come again stuff that was disconnected confused disassociated related to one another. Stuff that was all like puzzles on a puzzle box when the word of God was spoken and responded to the occurred, web Association and its connection along had been in confusion, frustration, mentation Association and extended period of time when the word of the law was given to people who were now ready to receive it. Very dry and I couldn't think of themselves. Shake, Rattle and roll and baby.

Have due to the proclamation and response, responded in response to the word of the Lord, you have an organization of things that were disconnected on. You got order and you got organization because things are now together correctly order and organization.

So what you don't have the chaos because you got bones now that word is associated connecting in the right place in the right spot with one another. You have and you have all nation but we have a problem that was in an organization and still have no life on organization, but what what all the bones connected. If you're still in the coffin. Don't go anywhere bones that are connected but having bottles connected to me Frankenstein bones that were connected but it all the programs you won't. You can have all the plans that you want to make basement structure that is a double play later in the right spot every person in the right. To me you're well but it doesn't change your problem. It just prepares you for your problem to be changed.

Dr. Evans will come back in a moment with more on how that changing process actually works. Stay with us says to man up talking about things you can see money, status, social media followers was God's command and rise up in society. It's the difference between good and great greatness is achieved, demonstrating every single day legacy middle moments in the sequel to the best-selling kingdom man Tony Evans kingdom men rising challenges meant to overcome the way to leave a legacy of the kingdom in rising. Discover how you just find out more Tony Evans.also makes a great gift.

The future of our families and our society depends on men stepping up to their God-given responsibility as leaders that takes power and perseverance in kingdom men rising. Dr. Evans addresses the cultural consequences of male passivity and chatter stereotypes pending a real-life picture of manhood. At its best teaching men to keep promises instead of secrets to rebuild lives not just engines to follow Jesus more closely than the stock market or a favorite sports team, and right now we want you to have a copy as our gift. Just visit Tony before time runs out.

Make a contribution toward Tony's ministry and will say thanks by sending the book your way, along with all 12 full-length audio lessons.

In his current series kingdom men rising and if you're interested in digging even deeper or to help you share this material with your family or small group. Be sure to check out the companion kingdom men rising Bible study again that's Tony or call one 800 832, 22, where resource team members are standing by around-the-clock. I'll have that information for you again after part two of today's lesson.

Here's Tony, you got me.

Not all women. I don't want to lead is out of God's members. I don't want to sleep a lot and I wonder why I'm still in with both the bones in the right place which positions you for life but give you life you can read the Bible all day and would be a good book to you know the book is still in the valley over Washington. Then he said to me to say to the breath of the Lord come from the four winds (and breathe on these slain, that they may come to life here says bones prophesy to the breath split to the hopeless situation.

The people talk to the wind word breath can be translated one of a number ways breath can be translated when it can be translated spirit say word that notice what he says in verse 14.

I will put my spirit within you, and you will come to life well compatible verse nine prophesy to the breath so that they will come to life. So the breath is the same as the spirit. Remember when the Bible says on Pentecost. The spirit came like a mighty rushing wind. The Bible speaks of the women spiritually talking about the movement of the Spirit of God, because the Scripture says it is the spirit that gives life once is now it is the word of God that gives this is what God do this is the position you supposedly and self by the steps of the word so you make the decision I'm going to arrange my life arrange my affairs arrangement relationship range my finances and arrange myself.

According to the word that gives you and all nation but you know you can make a decision to do that and be frustrated while doing it. You can make a decision to do it and be irritated to do it do it doing it because you made a decision you made no life to go with it.

The prophet what you but you watch this now want to miss you word but don't say things of the spirit onto the word spirit where people want to get the spirit responded to the bottles that will know when blowing out the spirit of the rib bones have reviewed the spiritual call back and mow the Bible called the spirit of true spirit wants to say no when the bones will then call the spirits and bring them so that now bones become a member and begin to mold you know, I didn't know what I did it anyway. God is not CUA both connected response to the word you have been called the spirit in who gives life to the connected Spirit and truth. The Bible says churches have true and dad with doctrine. They know the Bible but they don't have any people talk about dolls, but the bowels of the day, but is not connected to the word of the law. So if you get the bones right on the word. You can call on the spirit blow through and make you a lie and hopeful and fruitful and productive trip to the wind until you prophesy to the bones. He couldn't talk to the spirit and so you can be praying all the countries we got got a temperature. Bones are still in place. You bones are still disconnected your bones are not in harmony you online on your bones order your steps according to my work. You can call on the spirit of the spirit only response to truth what happened in closing what happened verse 10 so I prophesied as he commanded, and the breath came into them, and they came to life and stood on their feet and exceedingly great army. Verse 10 says they still never feet and it was a movie verse one: enter bones and go from dry bones to an army standing on a very long time between Chile and Arkansas. The prophetic word for decades as well… 10 times the bones they call the spirit of the supernatural transformation we going to spend money on stop delaying the bones being as they need to be spirit to come and give life because God wants you to know is revival is when you become alive.

We are dead, individually and corporately and nationally. This was before the social economic situation.

That's not right now.

Talk to God about your own revival starts with you. You'll spot in the Dr. Tony Evans will come back in a moment with a final illustration about what it takes to come alive.

Our faith gets his dry and dusty as a pile of old bones. Today's message is from Tony's current teaching series kingdom men rising this 12 lesson collection offers practical, clear directions for men who want to make a difference for the Lord. As I mentioned earlier, we are offering a special package that includes all these lessons on CD and digital download as well as a copy of Tony's brand-new book by the same name kingdom men rising.

Remember, they're all yours is our thank you gift when you make a donation to help support Tony's ministry. This special double offer won't be around for long, and we don't want you to miss out. So make the arrangements today by calling our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 anytime of the day or night.

That's 1-800-800-3222 or visit Tony or you can also sign up for Tony's free weekly email devotional again that's Tony A lot of times when we criticized up our circumstances, the odds against us can seem overwhelming tomorrow. Dr. Evans will give us hope as he tells us about some important factors we may have left out of the equation. Right now though he's back with a final thought to wrap up today's lesson problem the house, he went out a couple years ago when he went out and it was cold when it was freezing. I called the guy over another criminal bus, it looks like he has broken his book is not working is freedom any actually coherent and fix it because is broken is broken is broken. He came over and looked at my heating with my garage on number all your parts are connected. Everything is connected to way it's supposed to be connected to what you do have a problem in your heater and everybody is a little piece called, and neither she says the job of the igniter is to send the message to the heater is okay to warm up. If the send the message.

It's not that your pots are broken is that they're not getting the word not getting the message that that's supposed to function based on the organization because the igniter is not want to respond to the word that takes care of all the pots it means that the pots and placed in the pot working nights will bring my spirit does not, but you won't get the message. You won't get on Jesus Christ is not working. The alternative Dr. Tony celebrating 40 years of generous contribution. Listeners like you