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The Old Trailblazer Broadcast

The Old Trailblazer / Pastor Albert Pendarvis
The Cross Radio
March 18, 2020 2:00 am

The Old Trailblazer Broadcast

The Old Trailblazer / Pastor Albert Pendarvis

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March 18, 2020 2:00 am

Today's broadcast is a continuation of the series Hebrews Chapter 11.

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This is the old Jim Daly broadcasters about developing North old rabbit arriving out again on old anthem all day, and let's go get it up that you will get going and get out there were folks are standing around waiting for the trailblazer and I'm happy to have you folks listening in this morning. I will shoot Holocaust back fence till folks are doing trailblazer, known we get many letters and emails from folks ill trailblazer. I just like your old corn pone expression I like where you tell the truth I like the way you honor God with your service. It is what we do with refuting ever, and our thought about that. This past week told about refuting error blazing the trail. The hearts of sinners. And that's what we do know that old-timers used to go across the country did it blaze a trail for the next company to combine the wagon and bug and that's what we do. We we cutting away the air you say what is the error of today trailblazer the area smooth preaching easy. Believing is him know we corn a word you easy believing in what is that that's when the preacher preaches a sermon maybe will good sermon bad sermon. Whatever but he comes down to the closes time, he says out in you folks want to be saved. Are you what you will be ready to be safe tonight. Come on down here and shake my hand and you be say, come on down here. Pray this prayer come on down here. We are baptized that Sarah, my friend.

That's the Bible that that's not the way the Lord saves us in you say will how so will the Lord have to open the heart. Let them see that first we need nobody, nobody want to be saved until he sees Anita.

Most folks that I know are are complacent. Most folks I know are our Sentinel top the world a lot signs good moon rents paid up and got a good job and all those things. Even so, now I need a hard time talking funding to buy this seeking the Lord because they they need need to Lord know but every now and then folks go to church initially come on down here and shake my hand.

This know that's not salvation that's really refuting my friend Doc take my steak, my eternal destiny on the salvation is that Holy Spirit coming down awakening that sinner opening your heart let you see you can put whatever terms you want to honor my friend but you have to come to see that you need to Lord come to see that you need to be washed in the blood because your filthy sinner with real righteousness is used both to have is nothing but feel dear Mr. Schrag, my friend. And so we see that they buy data weary refuting error and I know many folks will have it I get letter. Some folks call me old crackpot. Now, to preach Jesus and all the stuff for my friend. I'm preaching you the whole counsel of God. Christ come to seek and to save that which was what can you put into them since Christ Jesus came to seek and to save that was lost lost my friend knowing about his lost you will be lost if it took a place as a law center crying for mercy, and not my friend.

I don't I don't dictate to the Lord how to save a sinner by know what he does.

I read his word and also I know how you hi saved apostle Paul that man thought he was saved. He'd he studied under one of the will and ability with wisest men on earth at that time Maria got all of the historicity of the Bible and all those same set at the feet of those learned men and was struck down a road going out there to kill and persecute Christian an easy ride along the Lord said Wu's all anti-Pharaoh from that old donkey or horse whatever will and he looked up. Do you know what he said you know we said what was that I have me do Lord, Lord, what was that I have me do. Ever sinner comes to calling Lord, not Jesus. Not sweet Jesus, not King Jesus know those thing. Like many of our charismatic people do today.

Old my friend may ever deceive and I love them. They think gracious people I know. But let's go back to our study. We were looking there about how we often times walk out of God's will in and in unbelief and that's what maybe Isaac was doing but listen, none of us are immune to those things. Isaac presents us a solemn warning of evil consequences which follow. Failure to judge and refuse our natural appetites old have those natural appetite. Don't meal us out to hang our head in shame and confess that time we have followed our fleshly appetites instead of come confessing them – and the Lord to forgive us and break the power of sin and alive, whatever they may be, and then give us a taste. A taste of spiritual discernment.

Now here's what happens in, and I've seen it over and over. Here's what happened. It didn't take overnight, but it but there in that slow dimming of the spiritual. If we don't sit constantly in judgment on our own fleshly appetites as God's children now is got to be a daily dying a daily sitting before us are fresh appetites and judging them according to God's word and forsaken him and asking God to forgive US a victory over those thing folks tell me what to pray for, pray for victory over the flesh. My friend even we go back and repeat the thing maybe over and over and over again that should be that constant judging of our own self. Time and time again. My mouth causes me.

9/10 of my trouble in the final gets it wrong. Your mouth causes you noncancer your trouble and listen and one fellow told me lately. I'm still paying for mine and all of us. And now, how many times have said and did old Dave is safe overlord shut the mouth gate that solves 3914 of the Lord and listen and how you and I need to ask the Lord to shut our mouth a word spoken, can never be recall. You never know what harm is going to do is better never to speak, but how many of us do it and I'm putting myself right down or we all there together that we don't watch it. I'm talking about is one illustration. If we don't watch it after a while we become critical in our criticism.

Then our spiritual life becomes them like Isaac was about to sit in his eyes were dim whatnot but is not allow they may have been dim to. But the reference area of inference is his spiritual and it's a gradual paralyzing.

That didn't take place all at one time, maybe over a period of years every few days he say he saw go kill me dear make me some Vincent that I like not not like I like but like I love and that's what he said that morning, in view of the fact that he was going to give him the covenant blessing instead of spend the night in prayer and meditation. He warned the city's brilliant belly full of that good savory Vincent and then with a belly full he was to walk out and lay his hands upon his son and confer him covenant blessing brother brother. We can't do it.

We just can't do it if our fleshly lust which was against the soul are not modified. The fine edge of our spiritual life will be bloodied and we can ship it. If we live to eat instead of eat to live our spiritual Vincent become defective. I'll tell you what you can't do and I can do you not can't sit down at table, and for liabilities full of food until we can even more. July appetites are satisfied and then go off and have a great prayer meet. You just can't do it. I tell you that right now.

Same way it is with the television.

I don't say much about it but you can't sit and watch the television all night long-night and then go after prayer meet, not challenge you to do.

You cannot do it is impossible and discernment is a byproduct of our salvation and is the fruit and result of denying self and following Christ. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

That's John 812. We need to put that on our refrigerator don't he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Now there's a host here over seemingly the spirit of the Lord is his Canada home.heart hope is to you heart out there in a radio audience and listen hope in the Lord is taken some of his home, is it are you crying out Lord, is it have ideal my spiritual life. My flesh and appetite. Moses eyes were not dim. That's reason he rejected the honor of being the son of Pharaoh's daughter. That's really so the brick making Hebrew slaves of Egypt were people of God. The object of God's sovereign favor and he cast his lot in with him now list.

Let's look at some myth, some of you who will be save you call me right reason you not coming hastily running to the Lord is because of your fleshly appetite stigma eternal destiny know that my friend, you're not willing to deny the deny the flesh to deny that appetite and therefore you not willing to join yourself unreservedly to God's people now let's do some thinking along that line.

Isaac loved Esau because he did eat of the invention. He loved them a call. He did eat of the Vincent nine and that some as Genesis 25, 28, now that's a peculiar statement he loved it because he ate of his Vincent even loving for what he wants. Many of us love individually. As long as they have plenty of money we can get our hands out but the very moment they quit giving then we're ready to kick him out enough so I wish our government could learn that all my friend.

I had to learn it and I'm sure you had to learn just like the old prodigal son when he left home. He had a sack full of money when he sold all those animals that his father gave it and it doesn't it one long before it ran out, and his friends left my friend let maybe you take a lesson in life and no trailblazer all my friend. I've I've had that experience of being the guided bone. Everything the Sorbonne of the rental list below thing, but when you money's gone folk leave folks folk leave you my friend, and that's what happened when you dwell on the flesh now therefore Isaac was brought under the influence of one who could not help him spiritually. Not as a danger unit. There is a danger the danger with you and with me as we brought under the influence of one who cannot help especially Isaac was brought under the influence or Esau who could not hit him spiritually and Isaac overlooked all Esau's failure his his rebellion, his is despising the birthright. Isaac newly despised the birthright. I knew he was a profane man. Isaac newly had no spiritual appetite. Isaac knew almost like we gonna look at that little more in the next 30 but I just wanted take a moment here to thank you folks for happiness with the broadcasts. And I know most folks have a impression about radio preachers all will only looking for is money. No not doing it. My friend we we ask you to help us with the broadcast. If you can. I guarantee you this ever nickel every penny that comes here goes into getting out the radio broadcasts. Most of the money we have here spin is for radio time is very expensive and have been criticized for taking money, I don't take one penny out of this ministry. I don't have Sauer and Angulo signed up a small way and the Lord blessed me with income years ago from little benefit.

I don't and the Lord is still blessed me and Opera thing passes all be paid. I do, I really do paid out where they can get by not not lavishly know, but a good figurine, friend, and like like a real story about one of the open Devine's is getting a new preacher summons boarded today with all into said one of said prayer should Lord you keep them humble and we will keep in poor will is not the right attitude, my friend, if you if you have a gracious pastor, you need you need to happen everywhere you can happen with finances have make sure he got a good adequate salary.

Make sure that he saw if he got anything you need to do that you need to have any fees if he is in a condition like me can't get out do much if you don't like me you so you don't sound like it at all. Will it don't make no different tailbone in 1929 and that's when the Great Depression started a long time.

I blame myself for what been a terrible year on the farm that day that year with just being facetious. You know that the Lord been gracious to me all these years and not but I do appreciate everyone over the hips with Brock and I like to hear from you hear me was she right me let me hear from you email me my email address is pastorate radio mission.awardee. My mom phone number area code 225-664-8658 exit office they'll call me and then give me the phone. If I if you call him if not I call you back with my mailing address. Let me give you that new right me old trailblazer PO Box 1810, Walker, LA 70785 if you would help us with the broadcast would you pray for me combined. God bless you all is in all in