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The Old Trailblazer Broadcast

The Old Trailblazer / Pastor Albert Pendarvis
The Cross Radio
September 4, 2020 1:00 am

The Old Trailblazer Broadcast

The Old Trailblazer / Pastor Albert Pendarvis

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September 4, 2020 1:00 am

Today's broadcast is a continuation of the series Demon Possession.

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This is the old trailblazer broadcast dispatch Alpine Dorothy old trailblazer riding out old man come on let's go get up yo laser thing got to get on down there where folks are standing around waiting for the old trailblazers show up while we doing at this point I wanted old radio requires gracious old blood song let our folks here get ready for God's message don't know trailblazer so you are you listening if you will.

And then we'll talk about all in and in a and and and and will and in and will will will will you look away see that unveil Christ, my friend. You know the story than when the Lord spirit left him on the cross passed by the temple there in Jerusalem and rent that veil from top to bottom. Why what did that. What did that signify would that accomplish no longer no longer do we need a high priest to go behind a veil. That veil has been rent split down the middle of our blessed Lord, as he ascended back to his father. All my friend that's one of the greatest truths that I could ever take Christ.the center you enjoy these gracious old song we have nine CDs by radio car got about 18 songs on each one of them. Although blood song and a for five dollars each and I tell you this. If you have someone love one on the sickbed is not able to be up and around. You write me, tell me and I'll send you one form free and postpaid that you take their little list of these gracious old blood so had a man wrote me the other day I mentioned about the rock song that they play in any churches now rock Christian rock they call and I took issue with that he said was wrong.

Christian rock city does not glorify my blessed Lord does not glorify my blessed Lord and God saw Sandy ice anyone of our radio requires a take 20 CDs and he said he goes to nursing home twice a week twice a month and he don't take it with a mouse so I believe those mostly elderly folks will enjoy our radio car these great oh so if you do you write me, let me know. You tell me I just can't afford at file right now send you one free and postpaid.

Let's get back to our study we looking at baptism with the Holy Spirit and in the next message or two. We gonna bring you studies on baptism with the demons. Let you look forward to let. I believe these are timely studies. I believe I believe we all be paying attention. So let me emphasize this one truth again were doing was speaking in our last study baptism with the Holy Spirit and being filled with the Holy Spirit are two different acts. Now let me call your attention to another fact you never find the word infilling of the Holy Spirit in the word of God is always filled the Holy Spirit does not come from without and feel a believer he's already there indwelling the believer and he feels a believer from within. That's for multitudes have made their mistake and gone astray, and been led astray by Satan. And I've had folks asked me pastor did the Lord say tarry until you be endued with power. Yes. But he didn't say seek the Holy Spirit because you receive the Holy Spirit the moment you say nowhere in the New Testament after Pentecost. Will you find that it says pray for the Holy Spirit is not there. We been asked a question here. Have you received the Holy Spirit since you were save my answer is I receive the Holy Spirit when I was saved when when I was saved I was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Now we also asked this question. Have you been baptized with the Holy Ghost. I was baptized with the Holy Ghost when I was saved Christ, and I became one. Then, have you been filled with the Holy Spirit. My answer is yes sir and yes ma'am.

Now this notice we started mentioned this in the last study before we went off there.

Some of the evidences of being filled with the Holy Spirit is given in God's word in Ephesians 580 518. I hope you would then read, be not drunk with wine worrying is excess but feel with the spirit speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things under God the father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God unless noted some of the Bible, evidences of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

I heard individuals that have been baptized with the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues as an evidence they been baptized with the Holy Ghost now going to show you that in our next study maybe that the Scripture says here speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual song singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. Did you notice those word read again you see when your Savior made a new creature in Christ baptized into Christ.

Christ becomes your Lord and Master is real. In reality, he's your Lord, you know from whence he brought.

Therefore, when the Holy Spirit takes charge of your life you speak to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual song. In other words, you have the Scripture meditating upon God word you're making melody in your heart not to Jesus, no less. Get that straight right now, not the Jesus I wish you'd wish to write for that little pamphlet I have only on the conception of the inception of that tongues movement back there in early 1900 and I'll send it to you want outstanding things was those group of folks preeminence and and and all those things that they did. They always call the Lord Jesus never did they say the Lord Jesus Christ never did they want say that it was Jesus.

And it's the same way.

Now my friend I meet folks in the grocery store have a Jesus day, sir.

Have a Jesus day I have people call me me to sell T-shirts here to church with the inscription on the front of him.

Have a Jesus day. Mr. Sweet Jesus day that's all. Abomination my friend, I'm not in Lord name is the Lord Jesus Christ, when the thief on the cross, turn to the Lord.

He said he didn't say Jesus Jesus.

What you save me, no, no, no, and all the humility of his heart. He said Lord, remember me and that's with us what God's child. When the Lord saved you, you know, it's because he's the Lord Jesus.

That's his humility name got found the people named Jesus across this country now especially Latinos name.

The key is Jesus. But listen in a column. Jesus all my friend listen listen is a vast difference here will show you that one of the day. Now that's one of the evidences of being filled with the spirit, you're not taken up with dreams and vision and experiences you taken it with the Lord you find your delight in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now before we leave this before we leave.

This was a good no giving thanks always for all things under God the father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that individual who is saved and feel with the Holy Spirit finds Thanksgiving. In everything he's always doing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ never gets thinking God for saving and making him save a name for Christ sake. Then again another evidence is found in Ephesians 521 submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God, as Paul said in honor preferring one another. We have to finish that up in our next study, and then will move in baptism with the with the demons.

I hope you stay tuned. Would you call back over the back fence. Next time, no trailblazer comes on to say hail with our neighbor. No trailblazer on the like for you to tune in attorney in here and if you would even listen to trailblazer for a long time.

It was about this. You wouldn't you would know you and go to cafeteria and eat without a patent for which you now know some folks listen to me tell me how much they praise the Lord for little trailblazer and ate it never hit me with a nickel for my friend, you wouldn't go down to the cafeteria need a big launch in and rare back and think this thank for any and go off without pay in which it now and in the Scripture says Willow man rob God is you have robbed me at times and I know lots of folks that I know folks that I know they quit going to church because are not satisfied with what's being preached and taught the quit going to church. So in essence a quick quit giving them money.

My friend, don't do that. Be ashamed be ashamed. Look yourself in the mirror and see if there's any shame there for you Robin God. Somebody has to pay for these broadcast my friend once you hit me with a legal battle. Coffee can in the backyard. Send me $100.

I had a fellow do that one day send me a Folgers coffee can with the $20 instead.

That's all had passed, but would you do that for me.

No trailblazer just a pole sinner saved by grace. I have nothing else to offer except getting out the gospel ever nickel every penny you see in here goes for getting out the gospel and would you remember my mailing address is still trailblazer PO Box 1810, Walker, LA 70785 and in my website, radio go there and look up how you can find a live streaming here this Sunday night with night services hear them o'clock every Sunday morn. Until next time.

Goodbye God bless you and and and and