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The Narrow Path 11/16

The Narrow Path / Steve Gregg
The Cross Radio
November 16, 2020 7:00 am

The Narrow Path 11/16

The Narrow Path / Steve Gregg

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November 16, 2020 7:00 am

Enjoy this program from Steve Gregg and The Narrow Path Radio.

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

Good afternoon and welcome to the narrowcast radio broadcast my name Steve Greg or live for an hour each week. The afternoon Andrew this are we take your phone calls. If you have questions about the Bible of the Christian faith. We welcome you to call if you have a different viewpoint from the house. We welcome to call and talk about that as well.

The number to call is 844-484-5737 once again that's 844-484-5737 our first color today is Lisa calling from Hillsboro, Oregon Lisa, welcome to the neuropathic for calling you again for all your doing. My family and I really appreciate you writing I remember meeting you up in Albany right yeah I really did not make the care and I finally came really enjoyable.

We had a great conversation about everything on the way home on a little session I had when I was doing my reading yesterday and I wondering if you sent me the answer I was reading in the D form for 1816 and under. The coppersmith did me much harmony the Lord repay him.

According to work you ultimately aware of him, for he had greatly regret that our word at my first event. No one fit with me, that author Sidney may not be charged against them so if you like anything. May the Lord repay him. According to his work that they that may not be charged against them is the contradicting golfer know know the people. The people who betrayed him.

That is, those who should've stood with him when he was on trial, but they abandoned him because they were cowards. He prayed that that would not be held against them, just like Jesus.

Do you know that those who crucified him would be forgiven and you know, Stephen prayed that the sins of those who were stoning him would not be laid to their charge of this is of this is basically loving your enemies. Now what he said about outsiders coppersmith is different because he says in verse five. You must also be aware of him, for he is greatly resisted our words so Alexander the coppersmith has not simply been an enemy to Paul.

He is an enemy to the gospel and therefore he is seeking to deceive just and in the rebuke of him, and the hope that he'll be rewarded accordingly is very similar to that of Jesus are denouncing the scribes and Pharisees who said you know you not only will not enter the kingdom of heaven yourself, but you are forbidding those from coming in who want to come in and that sort like Alexander. He was his like the Pharisees is not is not Jewish. Probably since he was a coppersmith and probably made idols, but he was resisting the gospel. Now there's a huge difference between forgiving somebody and wishing no harm on somebody who is dumb me personal harm. On the one hand, and wishing no harm on somebody who's supposing the kingdom of God and bleeding to the yield of the deprivation of souls from being saved.

You see the same thing in the Old Testament in Psalms where David sometimes wishes you harm on the wicked. But if you read those Psalms very carefully. Generally speaking, his concern is not for the people who were necessary. Just his personal photos.

After all, when Saul tried to kill him, David wept over Saul's death.

I haven that he wouldn't kill him. He wouldn't you know, take matters into his own hands and he was not even pleased verse happy when Saul died of and likewise when Absalom his own son tried to kill him. He he was very forgiving toward Absalom. He didn't want Absalom to be put to death for that. So only David was a man who could absorb injury graciously, personally, as Paul was in his Jesus was his Stephen was but when David speaks and asked for God to judge the wicked. The wicked is describing are those who who reject God's law who oppose God. In fact you can even see this in a very notable Psalm of his Psalm hundred 39 arts are some hundred and made a finger on some oats on Pacific are so many of them anyway. There's this there's a Psalm where David is concerned about those who are God's enemies and he says I make them my enemies cases I I hate those who hate your law.

Let me see I'm pretty sure I've got it in Psalm 30 some hundred and nine my wrong I could be wrong okay where it is yet ahead of the Psalm number memorize there, but David says, how I hate those who who hate you. I count them as my enemies. He says now notice he adopts them as his enemies, not because they done him wrong, but because they are God's enemies when someone is an enemy of God.

Those who are on God's side have got to take a stand for God and have got to wish harm on the side that said opposing God. But when it comes to people who simply hurt me. I don't have any reason to hold a grudge against them and and David Paul and Jesus. I think all had that basic mentality.

You. You do wish harm on those who are trying to destroy God's influence in trying to eliminate the kingdom of God. And that's what Alexander coppersmith is or he is greatly opposing Paul's words, which made a difference of the Psalm and talk about was hundred 39 I was right about the Psalm abroad just in fight will quickly when I look to the Psalm hundred. Figure 9 verse 21. I know it isn't missing here looking at the wrong place about my problem is would have the wrong page that'll do it every time. Yeah, it's Psalm hundred 39 versus BC verse 19 and following Davises. Oh that you would slay the wicked. Oh God, depart from me there for you bloodthirsty men, for they speak against you wickedly your enemies. Take your name in vain do I not hate them. A Lord who hate you, and do I not loathe those who rise up against you.

I hate them with perfect hatred I count them my enemies.

Bessie he keeps saying got these the people who rise up against you.

There against you there bloodthirsty men who are wicked and they speak against you wickedly. I hate them because they are your enemies. I don't hate them because they do nothing to me I'm I'm just on your side about this. There's a war between God and and mankind and those who are actively participating in the war against God are are the ones that were operating against also know we don't we don't we don't physically harm them. That's not our place to do but to pray that God would harm them is so is perfectly within our ransoming they have to be harmed eventually must they repent. Of course our prayers would have the subtext, you know, unless they repent, in which case, save them, because we would love to see anyone saved even enemies of God like Paul himself before he was converted he was an enemy of the gospel, but he said he didn't know it. He said he was doing it in ignorance and therefore he found mercy. But when people are simply making themselves enemies of the truth.

We who are on on the side of the truth wager warfare against them back through prayer not through not through physical violence that we would commit, but simply asking God to avenge himself to vindicate his own name in his own cause and so when Paul says, may the Lord reward him according's works that he's not wishing particular mercy on this man. Of course, there is again the subtext unless you repent that be a different story.

Everyone would love it if the every evil person would repent, but if they don't then there simply pursuing a career of opposing the kingdom of God and for us to pray that the kingdom of God among write down steamroll over them and that they won't succeed is very much in keeping with pray in your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So that's the difference between the two things that Paul wishes he wishes well for those who have simply cowardly in their cowardice that have betrayed him. He's not angry at them but he's upset with those who oppose the gospel will not really help to clear up for me a lot not defunded questions about the other things like that that you're talking about it and David and on and not get that just really help that that that in a better contact some of the fat that I had questions I really thinking at night.

Can God think you thank you thank you Kentucky Vita okay Richard in seal Beach, California.

Welcome to the narrow path sermon last week about the prophecies in the Bible.

And of course he was talking mostly about selecting 48 and others, but with my 12 verse for the increase in knowledge and prophecies that happen in our lives and I listen to on the radio's okay. Okay. Thank you for your call well most processes do not have dual fulfillments. At least if they do, the Bible leaves us entirely in the dark about them. For example, when it talks in Zechariah about the Messiah riding into Jerusalem on a donkey that happened you know that happened when Jesus rode into Drew's mom. Donkey on Palm Sunday, but I don't know of anybody would suggest.

But there's another fulfillment current average easy to do that again. In Micah 52 it says the Messiah be born in Bethlehem of nobody I know thinks that's can happen again. It did happen once but usually winced when God predicts something and then it happens. There's no reason in the world to think it has to happen again unless we are given some reason for thinking that what countries would do that well.

If after the first fulfillment of the prophecy. There are there's a recognition in the Bible, usually in the New Testament that another fulfillment is to be sought or has occurred, so we have the fun I wouldn't call it dual. I would call it typology when there's a type in the Old Testament that is a type of Christ and then it's fulfilled in something Christ did, but it might also have been fulfilled earlier in a sense, for example, God made a promise to David's son, that would be born after he was dead at Woodson are thrown after he was – say and and would rain forever. He it says in second Tim second Samuel 712 that the seed of David would rise up after David's death on his throne and would build the temple or build a temple of the Lord and would rain forever. Now of course Solomon was a son of David who ruled after him and did build the temple, but Solomon himself didn't rain forever and we recognize that the seed of David is a term that is also used for the Messiah so that Solomon would be seen as a type of Christ and that he ruled after David on the David's throne. He built a temple Jesus and upon this rock I'll build my church, and Jesus is seated on the throne forever in heaven.

He's raining at the right hand of God so we can say that Solomon was a type of Jesus and as such the prophecy about him.

It had a it was partially fulfilled in Solomon but it more more fully was fulfilled in Christ himself. And there are situations like that in Isaiah chapter 7 there is a prophecy of course about the virgin bearing a child and he goes on to say before his name will be called Emmanuel before he she'll reach any advanced age. As a child of the two kings coming against Ahab would be death demolished finished and course we recognize in the New Testament that that has a fulfillment in Christ, but Christ is the one who in his childhood the king of Syria and the king of Israel were destroyed by the Assyrians. That's what and we see in the very next chapter of Isaiah that in chapter 8, Isaiah had a son and he calls him Emmanuel. And it says also. Before he reaches a stage beyond his infancy before he knows to say my father, my mother, these two kings will be gone. So there's a prediction that a child be born.

His name will be called Emmanuel before he knows to choose the good and refuse the evil it says in chapter 7, seven verse 16 of Isaiah before that happens.

These two kings will be gone and then the next chapter actually has the birth of the child.

He's called Emmanuel in the chapter and it said of him that before he is able to say, my mother, my father these two kings of us of Syria and Israel will be gone so you can tell that Isaiah's own son in chapter 8 is the. The initial fulfillment of this prediction, but the New Testament tells us that Jesus is also fulfillment of it. Now we could call it a double fulfillment. Or we could say this son of Isaiah whose actual name is Mahesh allow hotspots was actually a type of Christ, and Christ is the what what would normally call the antitype so there are there are predictions that have a short range fulfillment short-term fulfillment at the time there uttered in some person but that person is a type of Christ. And so the New Testament identifies that same prophecy is having to do with Christ, we could call that double fulfillment. Or we could call typological fulfillment, but most prophecies are not like that. Some are. There's a number prophecies about God restoring Israel from captivity in Babylon and bring them back to the land. This happened initially in the time of Zerubbabel, of course, and in the book of Ezra Nehemiah and's and yet the return of the exiles from babbling just like the Exodus from Egypt are both types and shadows of salvation in Christ and that is why the New Testament sometimes quotes these as being fulfilled in Christ. Even though the first aspect of it with them coming back from babbling was fulfilled in the past, but it's similar to the fact that we look back at the historical Exodus from Egypt and recognize that is the type of salvation. Paul uses that whole scenario of Egypt being a type of of the axis phenotype of our salvation in Christ. In places like first Corinthians 10 verses 1 to 6 and well first Corinthians 57 were Paul Tucker, Christ is our Passover and was slain for us that that's looking back at the axis of the Passover in Luke nine.

It tells us that when Moses and Elijah were on the mount of translators with Christ. They were talking with him about the the Exodus that he was about to accomplish in Jerusalem so we can see the New Testament recognizes the return of the exiles from Egypt in the Exodus as having ace service secondary fulfillment in our eternal salvation. Christ and likewise the return of the exiles from babbling so you can read and is a killer.

Jeremiah passages that talk with God bringing back the people from babbling and then it morphs into a passage about the Messiah and us being saved in him. So again, Old Testament events, or persons sometimes are types of a spiritual phenomenon in Christ. And so the New Testament sees them that way. But most prophecies don't have secondary fulfillments when the Bible predicts the fall of Edom, or the fall of Moab. The fall of Ammon or the fall of Babylon, the fall of Tyre. These are the things they were fulfilled in the Old Testament.

There's chapter after chapter of these predictions, and they're not. We don't expect a secondary fulfillment of them. Moab does limit existing rocket fall again think of Edom, so I think that it's it it's a dangerous thing to take a and Old Testament prophecy which is already been fulfilled in history and say Yep that's going to be fulfilled again unless we have New Testament verification for that which, of course, for most things we don't. People often like to make second fulfillments of prophecy in their own imaginations.

Just because it suits them. For example, when Jesus predicted that Jerusalem would fall within that generation and every wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes, in divers places all the stuff he said that'll happen and that generation, it did. It happened Jerusalem fell in 70 A.D., but many people because they thought that that discourse from Christ is talking about the end of the world they say well okay yeah maybe okay so did happen and that generation, but could there be a second fulfillment in the Entente. Well, there could but I know of no instance in the Bible where Jesus makes a prophecy that is later fulfilled and then it's you know it's can have another fulfillment. It generally speaking, typological fulfillment, all happened in Christ that is to say all the prophecies of the Old Testament that might be said have a secondary fulfillment were fulfilled in the New Testament, but to say the prophecies made in the New Testament are and have double fulfillment would be strictly make it up out of our own heads, and that's the thing. When we read about these things.

In Revelation, Oren the all of the discourse which talk about things that happened, as they say shortly taken place. Afterward sometimes okay well give those things did happen, we examine what you read about 70 realtors organically did actually then some present epic, but there's also a second fulfillment in the end times right same. You can believe in you want about that, but there's not not a line of Scripture to support your so you're kind of just make it up out of whole cloth. So be careful about people who talk about second fulfillments unless they can show you an instance where the Bible in fact identifies a second fulfillment of the prophecy was fulfilled earlier.

All right, let's talk to Sadock in Los Angeles hello I did turn your radio down at him. Yesterday rated okay yes hi yes okay okay yeah my question to Steve the India and I believe it from the book you wear it where it talks about Lucifer and how God created man and you know cherub Barry Barry importing to God's creation and it specifically starts to speak very detailed about how he wanted was his role in having the thing that began almost close the chapter.

It's been he liquidated until evil was found in my question and if it Lucifer lived in heaven. Where did that evil come from, according to the Bible. There is no inhabit. Yet that that that's one of my question is that it may not know steering me up single hot hot army was Derek creation in heaven. I heard you have to put on hold because there's so much noise underline in the background there. But like I can answer question. First of all your time at Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 12 through oh 17 or so there's no mention of Lucifer in this passage the word Lucifer doesn't appear anywhere in it. But you're right in thinking that this is a passage commonly applied to Lucifer. Lucifer's only mention one place in the Bible.

Next in Isaiah 1412 and even there.

I think it's a mistake to see Lucifer as a proper name because Lucifer just means bright shining one or MorningStar and that being so it's it's said a label, not a name and it's a label that is given in Isaiah 14 to the king of Babylon, and you can see that having anyone can prove it to themselves. Even though the teachers may have told them otherwise you you don't have to go through your teacher safe.

The Bible says something different in Isaiah 14. This prophecy that's supposedly about Lucifer. It says in in in verse four that you will take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say how is the oppressor ceased and the Golden city ceased and so forth such assignment, babbling the city became part of the king of Babylon. It says the city of Babylon has ceased, so this is about the fall of the babbling and its king.

Now verse 12. The biggest is it still speaking to him on the whole chapter speaking to him until you get to all about chapter 11 verse 28, probably, but it calls him right, shining one in verse 12, which in the Latin Bible is Lucifer. But Lucifer is not a name to call this king, the MorningStar, which is what it says is not really using the term in a different event and when the book of Revelation calls Jesus the MorningStar it's a it's a term of reference for a king I like your honor or your Majesty, something like that.

And Jesus is certainly in that sense I king and and is called the MorningStar the king of Babylon is also called that, by the way, another term that is used of Jesus in the New Testament which is King of Kings, the king, a babblings called King of Kings in Daniel chapter 2. So these are royal titles that are not the names of anybody and so the king of Babylon is referred to as the bright morning star and it talks about how his ambitions were to exalt himself above God, which many rulers have sought to do and that how he will nonetheless be brought down to the pits of shale. Now when you come to Ezekiel chapter 28, which is usually applied to the same person.

There is no evidence that same person fact in verse 12, which begins this prophecy, it says Son of Man take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, now Tyre was a kingdom just north of Israel, and there are several chapters about Tyre in this section.

Chapter 26 chapter 27 and chapter 28 of Ezekiel, all talk about the fall of the city of Tyre and winces you can save this to the king of Tyre. Then he says all those things you are referring to it as is no reference to Satan here or Lucifer and so he does say to him you are a you know perfect in all your ways until evil was found in you are iniquity was found in you mouth that's that's not hard but in heaven as I got entire that the city of Tyre, the king became corrupt. He wasn't initially corrupt, but he became corrupt and it says of him. In verse 18 that he defiled himself with his treating now Tyre was a merchant city commercial city and so by your commercial activity you defiled yourself out. Some people who want this passage to be about Satan, although the passage doesn't say a word about Satan anywhere and it some of them want to say that he fell out of pride well. In Isaiah, the king of Babylon is said to fun and the pride, but Ezekiel says of the king of Tyre felt through his commercial success probably became covetous and greedy and so you know that it's an amazing thing that for hundreds of years there have been teachers who said that these two passages about Satan, but they really can't point out anywhere in the passage that mention of Satan and you can when you read them. Find out who is mentioned in Isaiah 14. I'm sorry I we had a break here and I didn't know it okay to take a break right there. Go ahead and play the pine tree tactical audio teaching blog article, Ms. Nader's teachings in times of narrowband mediation. We think you for supporting the narrow path is Steve Greg remember the narrow welcome back to the narrow path radio broadcast. If you're listening the first half hour. I kind of talked through part of what should've been a recorded message would be exciting. Music played to cumulate were at the first half-hour but we're back now for another half hour were taking the calls and if you'd like to join us with questions you have about the Bible to the Christian faith will be glad to talk to the number is 844-484-5737 that's 844-484-5737 Arctic scholars Rodney in Detroit, Michigan hi Rodney, welcome to the narrow path encircling my call. I have a comment about the earlier call about doing prophecies you when I look at the Old Testament. I see a lot of doing prophecies and I just wanted to bring up two of them and get your opinion on them think that he was more talking about their student independent answer that you gave him that like to I want to bring up the codicil and what I think was Isaiah about Babylon falling hereunder gives record Babylon install and install and then we see in the New Testament in Revelation that I was seated and be a future Babylon that falls also. So we see right, almost like an immediate prophecy in Isaiah and then the dual prophecy fulfilled in Revelation and the other one was I believe was Ezekiel about the angel that marked the four heads of those with a hit with the ink and we Revelation out that we see that also Revelation where the servants were sealed in the four had also I think those are 22 examples of the Old Testament dual trotted acting.

Many others in the Old Testament also okay so so you think that if you read Ezekiel 9 about how six Angels were going out to slaughter the people of Jerusalem because this represents the Babylonians coming in and destroy the city, but God had an angel put a mark on the forehead of those who sign cried over the sense of Jerusalem and that they would be spared you think that that is predicting the same thing that saw you. I think it's like he was talking about with the dual prophecy not only whether talking about something that was happening at that time. Also, I almost glimpse into the future where that exactly was going to happen again in a different scenario. I think I would like a dual prophecy was kind of predicting something in the future but at the same time was good but showing something happening at that time. I think that's more what he was talking. I think that there's a lot of those in the Old Testament, and I think because the terminology is almost exactly. For example, Babylon is gone this fall and using that exact quote in Revelation that that was that was a examples of dual prophecy from the Old Testament so well. You may be right because I have no problem believing that Babel and Anil.

Tessa is a type of apostate Jerusalem in the New Testament, and that Revelation refers to Jerusalem is Babylon, but I mean the Bible is the fact that the that the book of Revelation uses the same language as some of the prophecies Nestlé means that they're seeing it as a typological fulfillment. Though the Army they could, I wouldn't have any objection to it by just don't.

I don't see the necessity of see it that way because Revelation actually quotes hundreds of times from a dozen books or more of the Old Testament and sometimes it mixes the quotes up to me that it will it'll take imagery from Joel or from Zechariah or from Ezekiel or from Daniel or freeze the Exodus and it'll you know it'll use the language from these Old Testament passages to a kind of intermix with its own way of expressing what is predicting not I believe is pretty of the fall of Jerusalem, so we could do that and we could do it would save the prophecies against higher that that is that there Revelation alludes to could tell us that tires fault Alexander the great was actually a type of the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans I that might be making to close connection more than the book of Revelation tense, but it's possible so you know when the locusts come out of the pit and they are you know they have five teeth like a lion and heads like horses and things like that.

The fact that this is your quoting something from Joel chapter 2, which was actually about locust plague in Joel's time, we could simulate locust plague and was a type and shadow of these locust coming out of the bottomless pit could be coming in our marketing market to go to the mat fighting over those kinds of things. There are many many things in the Old Testament and the prophets and in the historical narratives which are regurgitated in their own way in the book of Revelation, and if we want to say. Well, therefore, Revelation says that all these things were a type of the things it's document let's find the problem. I do think that that's animal with the caller was referring to.

I think you are getting an attitude make you talking more about technology things which I think a little bit different in dual prophecy, dual talking about something that actually happened in Old Testament history but also was given to look forward to something else that was going to happen very similar in the future and I think by the wording of that. I think we can be sure that that's exactly what he was talking about in the Old Testament. Well, you know, using different words for. But if you say the same thing. I sent.

I said that there are things that were predicted in the Old Testament, and they have a short-term fulfillment in some Old Testament event or person but they serve as a type of a later fulfillment in Christ. So I mean I think you're saying the same thing. I'm just calling it typological fulfillment you're calling it double fulfillment, the Bible. The Bible does use the word type. By the way it says in Romans 512 it says Adam was a type of Christ. For example, you know where Paul said that the experiences of the Israelites out of Egypt were a type of our salvation and first refutes 10 six and a number of other places. The word type issues. Part of Peter indicated that the flood of Noah was a type of our baptism so you know I got got a promising types and antitype's technologies different in dual prophecy. Thanks Steve think I'd be future answers. Okay well if we don't see it as a thank you yeah if we don't see this type and antitype. Then we have nothing to base dual prophecy on you know if we save this happen to Solomon but he was a type of Christ in look the same thing applied to Christ. That's fine because because it had a fulfillment after the prediction was made and we could just say okay, it's done now except because Solomon is a type of Christ was a but it happened to Solomon and to Christ which is why he is a type of Christ. Now if we just take the idea that prophecies whenever we want them to can have double fulfillment.

Well, and even women are told they do it when there's no typology involved, then I think we're were in danger and I think a lot of people do that. For example, I had a pastor who told me that lot escaping from Sodom before the fire and brimstone came was a type of the church, be enraptured for the tribulation weather is not anything in the Bible would support that idea. The Bible doesn't say that. And the same pastor would tell me that you know the flood of Noah. The people who are going into the ark was the rapture of the church. The flood was is the tribulation, and Enoch who went on target date in arms or they would say that Enoch who ascended before the flood. That's the rapture and they would say going in the ark is the Jewish remnant in the tribulation going into the ark and ended the flood, is the tribulation. Now those are very neat things to say but the Bible doesn't support any of them. In fact, those examples are being used in support of the doctrine. The Bible doesn't teach at all but actually refutes, but the point is when people just want to make secondary fulfillments and there's no connection to the general pattern of how prophecy is fulfilled, then were were stuck in an totally arbitrary realm of hermeneutics. But if we recognize that there's a great number of things in the Old Testament that are types and shadows of New Testament things and therefore prophecy about some of them is occasionally seem to be at a prophecy about the antitype which is of course the fulfillment of the type as well. Anyway, this is perhaps a little over the heads of some of our listeners, but I think most who have understood the whole idea of types in the Bible would would probably be able to follow the idea.

Thank you for your call to talk to Nathan from Eugene, Oregon. We have some lines open right now. If you'd like to call in before the show ends in about 20 minutes number to call is 844-484-5737 that's 844-484-5737 Nathan, welcome to the neuropathic sequelae McCarthy to read your book and it's great. Thank you for writing it, and that my question is about one of the things you talk about with the difference between entering and inheriting yes and my question is about Luke and Mark, the rich young ruler, what must I do to inherit eternal life. Defendant Matthew, it's just what the thing must I do to get eternal life. I question it.

You read anything into that and and how do you explain both the question and sponsor isn't a question about like being saved, or is it a question of Micah inheriting conflict will be worth wondering what you think about that or am I reading too much into that language. The account right well and in Matthew 1916, the teachers, the rich young ruler says teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life. Now, whether he means that I can have it now or I could have it when the when the kingdom materializes. I'm not sure it's very hard to know exactly how he himself understood eternal life if he was not a disciple of Jesus. He would not of heard the term very often, the term eternal life only occurs once in the Old Testament, and that Cindy and Daniel 12 skidding in verse this was the first to where it says those who sleep in the dust, chiller, or wake some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting shame and contempt, and so that's the only place where everlasting life is mentioned, the Old Testament, so it's not clear what the rich young ruler meant by eternal life, but probably there's a good chance he was thinking of the resurrection of the dead, which is, in fact, when you do inherit the kingdom and when he got you said Mark. Mark says that he came say what was I do to inherit eternal life. He may have been thinking in terms of the resurrection and inheriting the kingdom because eternal life, which is used term used very frequently in the book of John. Although the term kingdom of God is rarely used in the book of John.

It seems to be equivalent to inheriting the kingdom or possibly even to entering the kingdom, but but the difference I made as you mentioned, is that we enter the kingdom now by being born again when you're born again you enter the kingdom of God. And so Paul says that we who have been born again. Have been translated out of the power of darkness into the kingdom of God's own son, but we inherit the kingdom when Jesus returns and inheriting the kingdom is different than enter the kingdom of this respected when you enter the kingdom you enter as a subject of the King you you embrace Christ as your Lord and your king.

And that's entering his kingdom as one of the subjects but when you inherit the kingdom you actually inherit a scepter and thrown enter crown. In other words, those who enter the kingdom as servants of Christ in this age when Jesus returns will inherit the throne to reign with him. That's what Paul says in second Timothy two verse 12 he says if we endure, we will reign with him error in Revelation 510, the, the inhabitants of heaven say that God has redeemed men from all nations, kingdoms, and tongues, and so forth and says they shall reign on the earth.

That's the future. Jesus said to his disciples. Blessed are the meek, they shall inherit the earth. So in the rich young ruler. We don't really know what his frame of reference was he was not a follower of Christ, so he didn't really probably know or understand certainly not any better than the disciples did what Jesus was talking about, nor did he have much Old Testament information on sources. What must I do to have eternal life, as Matthew recorded or to inherit eternal life is Mark.

Has it. Whichever term he used it's it's it's not clear how he he meant it so we don't know but we do know that the New Testament speaks of inheriting the kingdom of God. When Jesus comes back as we Seifert, for example, in that Matthew 25, the parable of the sheep and the goats and says he'll say the those on his right hand when he has come back inherit the kingdom that was prepared for you from the foundation of the world so they inherit the kingdom as they inherit thrones and reign with Christ. When Jesus comes back, but I wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't worry too much about the rich young ruler's wording since he was inquiring from her point of view. It was very inadequate compared to what we would know now from you reading what Jesus taught in general and with the apostles taught. Later he he was coming… Stranger just a man with Jewish background, but not much understanding. I'm sure of Christ's teaching. Okay. I think the Bible kind of showed the rich young ruler have got the cart ahead of the horse and need to worry about following him rather than worrying about what happened. Eternal life. I think probably you know it's hard to know exactly how the word eternal is to be understood and how he would from circus word ion is can mean pertaining to the age or meaning the messianic age. So a honest life though it's translated eternal life. There in many Greek scholars say it should be translated and what messages inherit the life of the age and that would be of the of the messianic age.

Again, there's some ambiguity about the word itself in the Greek but also about what the background is of this man whose asking the question since we don't know how much he knew about anything other than Judaism up before he came up to Jesus and you Judaism didn't have real array of complex revelation from God about about the inheriting of eternal life policy has not yet nine while Jan and I don't know what he I don't know what he thought, so I can't really answer for you yet.

Thank you very much and have volume 2 of the book will be out December 8.

I guess it's already out on Kindle all right. Thank you Nathan for your call governorship.

For those of you who don't know you started, I've just recently written to a two-volume work on the kingdom of God, volume 1 and two, volume 1 is out. It came out last month. Volume 2 will be out in December.

Although it's already on Kindle both crease on Amazon. The book is called Empire of the risen son and book 1 is called there's another king in book 2 is called all the kings men, not the first book talks about the kingdom of God explaining the biblical teaching on the subject.

Book 2 is really about discipleship about living in God's kingdom now, and so again, the first book is out. The second will be up to less and less of the month. All right, let's talk next to Mark in Vancouver, Washington Mark, welcome to the narrow path. Thanks for calling quickly referred to Roddy from Detroit that I have a couple of other examples of the dual processes in the course Matthew across what he reference the 40 pieces of silver pertaining to Judas. Obviously, that the situation Zachariah did pertain to something that was happening at that time Zachariah also as you notify just listen to your Isaiah 7 lecture recently that Isaiah 714 concerning Isaiah 714 clearly was originally about signs of Isaiah clearly also Matthew you nobly about two obviously Jesus himself right. Okay, now here's the point though that those two things were obviously filled in the first century of the time Matthew was speaking. But when Matthew and in chapter 24 speaks about the events which clearly pertain to the 70 A.D. destruction of Jerusalem would not at all be a stretch in light of what we just talked about suggested those conditions and and and aspects of what would happen if immunity could also be projected to the end of the eighth Matthew obviously live 2000 years ago so he could clearly comment on Isaiah 14 the FM 14 is being overly fulfilled in Christ, as well as the original Isaiah there and also likewise with Judas that was that he had hands-on experience with that type.

So again, given those two factual occurrences of what we just talked about is not overstretched to project those 70 A.D. occurrences which you spoke about to also dual fulfillment at the end of the age correct. Well, I'm not sure how much of a stretch.

It would be would certainly not be evident in the passage.

It is true that there is arming certainly distribute some bad times at the end of the age saw him accept that. But that doesn't mean that the specific things prophesied in Matthew 24, which all happened in the first century can be expected to recur in the same way order that props who described in any detail of any anything that will happen in the future it might it's not it's not too hard to imagine that things like you describe could happen it many times in history and prayer. It preps at the end of the world to the passage gives us no reason to see it that way and I'm always nervous about trying to give an interpretation of passage where the passage itself has nothing in it to warrant the interpretation getting so to say it wouldn't be a stretch to see it as you know, the first of two fulfillments.

While I don't how much of a stretch.

It is it's it's it's kind of in a sense it's made up out of whole cloth, so anyone could say why do I still believe it's true. I think that is his fingers. A second facility in the age well III won't say there can't be. I'm just saying that I certainly would never say there will be because the Bible doesn't give me any information to warrant such a prediction.

That's just my position appreciate your call. Let's talk to Nicole in Massachusetts. Nicole, welcome to the narrow path and turn the radio off. If you would like to talk about and I know that we cannot be on not well spy you know everything I've really got to try to not but when I do I really and I know I like. I only use we often so I mean we can't really avoid but I'm confused as I file no people coming each can't be part and I know that I don't know why So hard to make out so I how do you think on Wednesday after the well I got doesn't like soon, obviously, and therefore we we should not want to send. When we repent and become Christians were putting our life of sin behind us with the intention of being obedient to God.

From that point on.

That's our intention.

But everybody has made the new year resolutions knows that they know our intentions are not always realized, and so I made what what makes a person a true convert is the fact that they have in fact you determined that there to follow Jesus and that very following Jesus means instead of sinning instead of being disobedient to Jesus and be obedient to him, but we have be realistic. Also it says in first John chapter 2 in verse one. He says and and to Jesus first one he says so little children. He says these things I write unto you, that you do not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous out Johnson I'm writing to you so you won't send that is of course every Christian's goal is to not sin, it's every Christian's determination because they have repented of their life of sin and now they are determined to be followers of Christ, which is not the same thing is sinning, obviously so he says I'm writing to you so you don't send.

That's the ideal and that's what Christians need encouragement about and yet he says but if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous who is the propitiation for our sins so he saying we we of course want to not sin, but unfortunately sometimes people do and because they do we need to know that we have one who's made a sacrifice for sin. One who is an advocate for us before God and that is Jesus Christ the righteous. So there is a recognition there. That sin is not the way of life for the believer, but as James said in many things we all stumble so stumbling happens. Sin happens we are happy that it does, and we shouldn't be. We should be apathetic about it either. We surrender is that God doesn't want us to sin and therefore, since we want to please God. We don't want to sin either, but if so, when you feel bad that you send. There's a place for feeling bad about sinning because just like you. There's a place for feeling bad.

If you have a it if you spoke rudely to your parents and didn't respect them and you hurt their feelings or something or to your husband or wife or children and you you know you realize that you you didn't do it should've done and you feel badly about anger and rightly should it should lead to apologies.

Of course in first John 19 says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So we have to hold these facts in our minds all the time. One is that were not supposed to sin and we better not sin, but we do sometimes.

And if we do that we need to confess our sin and he'll forgive us our sin and we need to realize that we have him as our advocate before God. So we don't live in condemnation.

Now the devil wants to condemn is the accuser of the brother, and therefore he'll try to even after you've repented. He'll try to make you feel guilty because he's he gets a lot of mileage out of you feeling guilty.

It prevents you from having confidence toward God prevents her from being able to effectively pray and and and change things in the world through prayer, the devil doesn't want you to pray and change that verso to make you feel condemned is the best way he has to neutralize your prelude. Your prayer life and therefore your spiritual power and this is a war person is always glad to neutralize the power of his enemies which includes us so you don't don't don't let the devil put condemnation on youth youth send and if you have truly repented of it confess to sin to God. Just know he he forgives it and you know it now God, by the way is probably not as shocked at your sin as you are because God knows people sin all the time. You should you should see the kind of stuff he sees everyday going on around the world are probably a lot worse things than what you're doing but from your point of view is still not okay. We know that God isn't zero blown away sin. God can't believe you did a horrible thing like that you surprise. He knows our frame members that were just he knows that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. But we still need to be determined to live a holy life and obedient life. So when we have sinned, we repent and then God forgives and we move along and try to do better next time you listen to the narrow path radio broadcast.

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The narrow Let's talk again tomorrow. Regardless