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The American Flag: Symbol of Liberty or Oppression?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
August 31, 2016 4:20 pm

The American Flag: Symbol of Liberty or Oppression?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 31, 2016 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/31/16.

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The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

From the college campuses to the US flag. We got a fascinating show today.

It's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. So what is it we really want to sing. Do we want to see America become court a Christian nation, are we trying to bring America quote back to God was America ever with God or try to make America great again.

Are we trying to rebuild America or do we just win as many souls as we can.

Here in America and elsewhere and this is gonna be great until Jesus returns and sets up his kingdom otherwise is a fallen messed up world, what should our attitude be again as we been talking last couple days the intersection between devotion to the Lord and patriotism. Where do they intersect, where do they not intersect, 866-348-7884 as I recall, 866-34-TRUTH. I am not. I am not advocating for Christians to forcefully take over America and I personally don't know anyone who is advocating for such nonsense. I've never heard it.

I have dialogue with many believers.

Many leaders I travel in many circles. I've been in many closed-door meetings with senior leadership teams strategizing things that I've never once heard any talk of any type of force, photovoltaic, or if we talk about quote taking over what we mean is when people to Jesus and make disciples.

And when more and more people to Jesus and make more and more disciples until we become more dominant with our ideology just like secularism has every right to do that atheism is every right to do that Islam has every right to do that and whatever philosophy are part of every group has every right to do that here in America because were followers of Jesus. We believe God's ways are best as followers of Jesus. We believe that that God's ways are ways of life, and wisdom that, for example, if husbands and wives would conduct themselves according to the teaching of the Bible if they would raise their kids.

According to the teaching of the Bible. If kids would respect their elders. According to the teaching of the Bible. America would be a much safer more family friend, friendly, healthy, morally strong economically robust country, real simple, if we believe that universities would do better to have a godly consciousness as opposed to a God less consciousness if we believe that the school system would be better if it had more of a reference for biblical principles of morality. If you can achieve something will teach principles that that are honorable principles preached teach principles of purity and responsibility. We believe that it doesn't mean that we are trying to force every one of the schools to be a Christian. I've never met anyone that thinks like that.

What we're looking for is the freedom that our founding fathers intended us to have and then trust to have the influence the best possible influence that we can have. So when I am pledging allegiance to the flag. I'm doing that as a loyal citizen which God calls me to be as much as I can. Whatever country I live in to be submitted to the leadership and honoring of that leadership as much as is possible and when that leadership tells me I have to obey them rather than God. At that point, I respectfully say no I must obey God rather than man and they tell me to violate Scripture violate my conscience with respect not with burning the flag, not with calling them pigs and idiots, but simply say Sir ma'am, I respect your authority, but I must honor God rather than that. That's all we are doing and then we live out our lives in quietness and godliness we we may make a major effort to get our message out that we are not disruptive people going down the streets, burning down buildings are bombing things or anything like that. The sun we conduct ourselves preach the gospel message is received at the maximum input that can and if we view violence is in prayer and spiritual warfare not physical warfare. Some people just don't get it really shocked. Some players become less. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown and Lee sing that song and segment many many years.

But when sing the church with her get saved.

There was no notion in any of our hearts or minds that meant take up arms against the government take up arms against the unbelievers march on Christian soldiers and slaughtering killers, you would know know know know we never thought that for a split second, some you nodding your head like of course we never thought that for a split second to spiritual song with spiritual imagery and that's what it's about.

When Paul talks about spiritual warfare. He's talking about in prayer with demonic powers and forces not fighting human beings in the Old Testament, the children of Israel drove out the Canaanites in the New Testament we drive out demons in the Old Testament, those who disobeyed and Israel were put to death in the New Testament. They are put out of the Fellowship.

There are profound differences in how we deal with things. Yes, there is civil law of civil government in jails and prisons, sentences and things like that but it's not the church that's rounding people up and arresting them and throwing them in jail or torturing them or killing them God for bid and anytime the church has done things like that. It was a complete aberration. So, so I want you to know what some people think about this, and in this is, I mean this is remarkable.

Absolutely remarkable.

We go back to 2012 on the David Paquin show was on the show a few times had him on mind once, and I doubt that either will be on either show we can in the future for quite a few reasons but he's radical, liberal, and his whole show is he brings on people that he may bring on some ungulate KKK person or white supremacist or some radical Black Panther leader… Someone like that the does have a pretty extreme ideology and some of them wanted to use violence, but he'll look at me just the same way as as as a leader in this right wing fanatical group and that's I was sometimes when I've been sent some of the scripts to listen to. I almost feel as if it's a parody like he can't actually believe this but I do believe he believes what he saying so joint will start with quit number 11 David Paquin show 2012 and he's speaking with Rachel to batch Nick researcher, writer and speaker on impact of the religious right and she's talk about the new apostolic Reformation and Dominion theology so number 11. Does the takeover involve kind of a strategic thought out process is it potentially a violent type of takeover of these areas and how far does this movement but potentially go to stress that that printed major architect of commitment in the United States, see Peter Wagoner states that there does not have to be any type of violent overthrow. In effect, he doesn't like to use the word crack. He says that this can be done inside of completely democratic means justify the growth of the movement and growth. The popularity of commitment, so another words he saying that if the movement becomes large enough and outrageous is attractive enough, then they can take this control just it just through democratic means and taking over policy and the structure in the seven mountains okay okay first noticed, see Peter Wagoner's is supposedly the chief architect of this right and of what I want to go back to what this this whole seven mountains thing actually is in a moment, but the I didn't see Peter Wagoner is the principal architect.

He's one leader who holds to these things.

Okay so start there and when you understand the seven mountains of culture influence culture you so that makes sense. But notice the way this code expert. As you may well be well readiness response in question, though super wings is it that you don't have to use force of those. His words of those. His words, you have to use force or is that what she's putting on his lips or of course you don't use force. That's not the way of the gospel. We do not grow by means of the sort.

There can be a just war were Americans fighting in the war and it is a right and just war and Christians are serving in the Army as citizens of America has nothing to do with advancing the gospel in that respect. We don't advance the gospel with the sword. So what are the seven mountains of influence had also told me not to talk about this once is a relevant website, civil culture,, but he says in 1975 Bill Bright, founder of campus Crusade, Lauren Cunningham, founder of youth with a mission had lunch together in Colorado. God simultaneously gave each of these change agents a message to give to the other during that same time Francis Schaeffer was given a similar message.

That message was that we are to impact if we the impact any nation for Jesus Christ and we would have to affect the seven spheres or mountains of society that are the pillars of any society was if you're really going to have an impact. Then you've got to impact these larger spheres of influence so the seven mountains or business government, media arts and entertainment education.

The family and religion. The repeater business, government, media arts and entertainment education. The family and religion. So how do Christians have this impact. How do we impact business, government, media arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion. Well here's David Paquin's take on this is response to quote Dominion theology with a new apostolic Reformation, or seven mountains sociology click number 12… And here's what David Paquin has to say. It is the exact same mentality. Ladies and gentlemen, if you think of groups like ISIS Poco. Hurrah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, how can we ignore the similarities to right-wing fundamentalist Christian ideology. The subjugation of women, the homophobia, the anti-gay pointer viewed the racism and xenophobia, the willingness to very quickly go to violence and or threaten violence to achieve political goals. Goals which in and of themselves are typically informed by religion. They want a fully theocratic government were religion informs the law, education, and civil society just like the extreme right wing Christians of the US who claim to oppose this type of theocratic state. If you don't see it here either ignorant or your deliberately ignoring it because you see it so clearly I think I've played this clip before on the air sometime back at that I cannot. I don't believe this is satire. I did, I don't believe this is like Comedy Central. I believe David Paquin genuinely believes what he saying and puts radical Muslims and Christians in the same boat and sees both his having theocratic goals. So let us for the sake of those who think like this or for those that might listen to the line of fire and David Paquin shows just in case.

Such human beings exist out there. Irregular listen to both let me help education on this art. Islam was the takeover, meaning when it gets enough influence in the culture majority influence or strong enough minority that can impose its will.

It wants to now impose sharia law on the nation. It wants to force everyone. You either convert to Islam or you pay a tax as a second-class citizen or you must bow down to the standards of sharia law, which could mean that if you're caught stealing that your hand is chopped off, which could mean if you're caught committing adultery that you're stoned to death or beheaded. Whatever the case may be, there will be a forcible takeover, Christians are saying hey, if we really want to impact the nation.

Let us do our best to impact these different areas. These mountains of cultural influence, namely business, government, media arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion so how do we do with the family.

Are we going to take over every family in America we are force every family to read the Bible or else we got require church attendance, and if you don't go to church or penalize no no no no, I don't know anyone in the world that thinks like that is of any any genuine Christian for the crazies out there may be somewhere nothing. Nothing to do with the faith of the do with knowing Jesus never heard anyone talk such nonsense. We want to get impact the family have godly families ourselves godly values in our families when other people to Jesus, help them have godly families, that's our agenda. What an insidious jet there. That's the agenda about government. What we try to elect officials who who hold to our values. To believe in the sanctity of life and importance of marriage and family and and whatever other views we have consistent with our faith worked around the government. We try to elect officials like that and influence those related to high-frequency's principal point that we can have enough influence that we can help work together in the democratic process for ideas to prevail is so evil that's all insidious Democratic no error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown those and those were trying to write God and those and those believe there is only one truth and they have a mandate to impose that truth on the rest of the country is the oil that was shown all care of Cornell University's theocracy watch what troubles me is that that someone Cornell University.

Speaking of a secular Constitution is not a secular Constitution. It is a Constitution based on fear of God is a Constitution based on the recognition like a Declaration of Independence that that there are inalienable rights given by the creator is a Constitution that was written by men who were either God-fearing, and in terms of recognizing a creator God and believing that he had an important role to play government or overtly Christians to make it into secular document. This is to misconstrue if no, no, it was not a document enforcing religion. It was a document presupposing that there would be a moral and religious society, and what I find is that the this the intolerant ones are the ones who have their own specific agenda that that the ones who are the radical left is the ones were supposedly practicing tolerance. They are utterly intolerant and seeking to shut down all opposing views.

Where is when you have the nation thriving. It's when it has the strongest Christian influence which then gives liberty to others to differ boil boy. I have a video on this or Christians try to take over right talk about so-called dominion is there. There may be some groups out there but they're the minority of the minority of the minority that one oppose impose biblical law on the entire nation and in all the laws of the Old Testament that can be applied as a minority of eye of a minority of minority and and I strongly differ with them in private conversation went had it and and publicly, but again that that's none of the groups that the referring to hold to these things, and the so-called new apostolic Reformation amidst the name for. I've been called a leader in it when I actually have no formal association with it.

By the way, was that matter. Critics you know I have to chuckle when I get accused of every kind of thing with groups of I have no association with their groups that I don't work with that and then I'm leader of the zoo should not tell them will be interested to hear that but an end. Unlike some would stipulate a set of ears I differ with other things that he said, but either way.

Nobody's talking about any type of forcible takeover were talking about through prayer, through godly living, to sharing our faith through being disciples making disciples that we have a growing impact on the nation, and it is a growing positive impact, and I would think most groups that have a real serious viewpoint want to do that to the groups funded by George Soros want to have some kind of impact, positive impact, 86634 number to call so check out my video, you can go to the line of fire at all and by the way, the listen to the broadcast. If you still listen to one to listen to the broadcast everyday just go to the line of If you get the first half-hour broadcast and want to listen to the second hour or two.

The second half hour, you will listen to that. Just go to the line of and you'll see. Listen live. You see it in red. Just click on that Boomer ever you are a device you have your cell phone. Your tablet. The computer you can listen anywhere in the world as some of your listening right now in foreign countries.

Hey, a personal shout out. Yeah, big smile for me over here right let's let's get back to one thing that is foundational. We believe in following the Scriptures are almost and we believe to the extent that others will follow the Scriptures that they too will be that they too will be enriched and that, for example, if all of America live by the wisdom of Proverbs we have a very different we have a very different world very different America, and that in turn with impact the world. So check out my videos on dominion theology and another video at what point do we brand something heresy discover the line of chicken legs videos are just click on digital library to see everything that is there. So as we get back to Scripture. Let's listen to some interaction I have with Prof. Craig Keener who is the coeditor of the NIV cultural backgrounds study Bible joy, grip, click number one. This will help you understand what the Scriptures really say subscriber could number one when first discovered the Bible back on next made a difference in understanding capacitors enhance their tobacco coming. And well I think it's like both well over half a million copies amazing but in terms of doing background understanding of everybody and coming not all these notes are necessary to understand. You have to know that much about Pontius Pilate or for someone to truly understand the text. But some of them really make a difference and I really want to see a little literacy people be able to have access to Bible background, typically about 50 to good translation like friends listen you get this this amazing work almost 2500 pages.

It's 20 2050+ pages with charts beautiful pictures constant notes and comments is one of the most beautifully produced Bibles of ever seen and massive massive cultural notes go to asked Dr. SK dear arrector homepage or or reader website. The line of You see it when you order it. Not only are you being a blessing to our ministry as you get this a great get it now is an early holiday present, but we also give you the exclusive to our interview we did with Craig came to listen to an MP3 player that's our free gift when you get the Bible exclusively from our website.

So due to the line of you be blessed all right one more reminder today.

Wow I can't believe it. One week from tomorrow. Our meeting in Brooklyn yes one week from tomorrow and Brooklyn. Everybody listen to men on fire. We set this up just for you. We set this up. I was coming to the city to do some preaching.

I said I want to have listener rallies. I want to get with our listening audience. So here's the deal. September 8 this is going to be seven in the evening at the Feinberg messianic center.

I'm going to do a talk Isaiah 53 the rabbis in the Masai starting at 7 o'clock come out, you don't want to miss it face-to-face meet and greet all my friends in the Brooklyn area will do Q&A after my lecture assigned books for your soul and your guilt will give me some the ways that you can partner with us in the line of fire broadcast and then Saturday night Manhattan. This can be a big meeting Saturday night in Manhattan to W. 64th St. you got that to W. 64th St. I'm doing a talk on Israel and the US presidential election, comparing the positions of the candidates with the Bible that will be 730 Saturday night. Manhattan don't miss the special meetings for more details go to the website asked Dr. Brown a SK DR just click on itinerary to see their services meters I got a full schedule ready for the entities in specialist. The rallies face-to-face.

You don't want to miss it.

Look forward to seeing you there. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I live in a day of hyper sensitivity. It is not just a day of heightened social conscience so that we don't denigrate certain groups of people. We don't use certain expressions that that are considered to be offensive.

That's positive we can become more sensitive to certain things. It's positive. We realize that ways of speech.

We've had could be considered denigrating and insulting and it's legitimate and it's a real concern that's positive we live in a day of hyper sensitivity, a day when if a faculty member male faculty member tells a female faculty member. That's a great outfit you're wearing today that really suits you well that could be considered a micro-aggression because he is now putting her looks above her ability to teach. If you talk to a colleague and say hate about playing a round of golf one day next week during vacation that could be a micro-aggression because that person might not be able to afford a round of golf and on and on it goes in you. You have safe spaces and our people can go so they won't be offended by particular ideas. I am joined by Dr. Everett Piper. He is the president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University. He has an article dealing with some of these issues, but he has been an outspoken critic of a lot of the political correctness in recent years, Dr. Piper, it's a joy to have you on the line of fire. Dr. Brown like letter up before we get into details. How long have you been involved in higher education. My entire career started the working in our Christian liberal arts institution Michigan right out of college, so about 30 years have been president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University for approximately 15 and have exclusiveness just about 2000. We are a conservative Christian liberal arts institution that unapologetic and bold about our four pillars.

We call it the primacy of Christ, the priority of Scripture, the pursuit of truth in the practice of wisdom knows of the four pillars of our mission and how would you say your four pillars compare with the philosophy of education that was held by Harvard and Yale in these other schools in the early days of America author actually were very similar to us. I know that you know that you're well aware of it but Yale initial mission statement said something akin to the F2 Lake right at the bottom is the foundation of all learning the Ivy League schools were founded as Christian institutions because they recognize the current colorable, Leslie, and quite frankly good pursuit of truth. The truth is an objective reality. It is a revelation of God. It is not postmodern construct of man and the goal of the Academy should be to learn something, to not construct opinions but to pursue truth and embracement and honor because of the words of Jesus. The truth shall set you free. All right, just a minute before the break. How would you summarize the changes you have not witnessed in your years as an educator will be Academy and abandon the pursuit of truth we now celebrate tolerance rather than pursuing what crew we now take what common i.e. common core, rather than engage in excellent excellent education are more interested in money and how to get a career when we are in teaching a student what it means to be moral, and moral society immoral people. We've abandoned the classical liberal arts the liberal arts was established with go back to Oxford in 1182 limber rake to give us an education for a free man and a free woman and a Greek culture recognizing that that liberty that liberation classical liberalism if you will, was truly the conservation of time-tested truths of God. Today, the conservative is much more classically liberal to put the progressive left because we believe in liberty and liberation and justice, goodness, and we realize what that it was that you can do no measuring measuring a lot of CS hi friends that's very specific questions about the second-hyper micro sensitivity today and then put your attitude be towards the flag number and it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown, the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown began explicitly to train people for Christian ministry, and even those that were going to go into the secular world to do so is quote ornaments of the church are ornaments of Christ.

Harvard's founders intended code to advance learning and perpetuated pus to posterity dreading to leave an illiterate ministry to the churches.

Dartmouth's model of voice crying out in the wilderness, taken from Isaiah chapter 40 verse three and on and on it goes.

I'm speaking with Dr. Everett Piper. He is president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University.

I have to say with no flattery intended in any way that among university presidents chancellors leaders. He is one of the most bold and outspoken in the nation. Dr. Piper what is your take on this new development with micro aggressions trigger warnings safe spaces you're an educator you have an environment that is overtly and unashamedly Christian. So you do have a point of view that you're getting across on the campus what your take on what's called the snowflake rebellion of 2015 will point blank. Dr. Brown is the pronouncement it makes no sense to completely abandon the rational, logical, it abandons the pursuit of truth, and it replaces it with a motion in hyperbole and exaggeration.

It makes no sense. And frankly it the chickens are coming on the roof.

It's our own fault and when I say our it's our culture's fault.

It is the Academy's fault. We have created this monster. We've taught kids for some lectures by 20 3040 years. But it quote" doesn't matter what you believe as long as it works for you. But it's all about self selfishness self-actualization if you will. We have created self absorbed and the students by teaching self absorption and Richard Weaver told us in 1948, no seminal work that ideas have consequences. What was it point. Ideas have consequences, all ideas bear fruit in a good idea bears good fruit in a bad I get there that like our mothers and grandmothers told us garbage in garbage out. We've been consuming ideological carcinogens for some 4050 years and now were surprised that we got ideological cancer of the heart, mind, and small Dr. recognize that it only in pursuing truth. The truth shall set us free Veritas still emblazoned on Oxford logo and symbol Veritas Latin for truth is the objective of the Academy, not your opinion in Oakland with minimal patch on the back. When you graduate fake.

Congratulations you got a degree in opinion IPO. I hope you'd actually learn something that was true and right and just and real. As a result of going to school here. Not that you just got your own little opinion that would be an insult to you and your kid but that's all you got out of Oklahoma left because an opinion always leads to bondage and slavery in all take a breath. Your opinion always leads to bondage and slavery, Pol Pot and mouth Robespierre knowledge about Hitler and Mussolini all the depth of history at opinion than it didn't… It did not end well but truth sets us free.

What is one of something comes back and insist you're doing the very same thing you got your Christian opinions.

You're trying to impose them just raise up an army of crusaders to what's what you doing differently than these other schools are doing, how would you respond well I would say that indeed everybody does approach the debate under the assumption that there right and her ideas are secured to go there debating what otherwise you wouldn't register breath and I wouldn't waste my breath know what our adversaries and opponents with Barbara even have a conversation with a debate assumes that there is a right answer in a wrong answer or otherwise why bother bother my weight time is the nature being a human being. I live in Oklahoma. When I drive through the branches on my weight down the coast. I don't see the cows arguing with one another. They don't care.

You and I do those that are left of center of us do we bring our assumptions to the table our assumptions don't make us right or wrong. There has to be a referee outside of our knowledge out side of our opinion, in order to have a healthy, robust exchange of ideas.

You can't play football without boundaries or referee and you can't engage in a debate without a measuring rod outside of those things being measured. I would quote GK Chesterton. In summary, I would say that he told us that when you get rid of the big laws of God. You don't get liberty, but rather thousands of little law rushing to fill the vacuum and that's what we Today a bunch of little opinion with a bunch of little laws. Thousands upon thousands of them rings number of them that a brush and fill the pan simple laws that God gave us really Christ boil them down to two.

That's all we needed. That's only needed and we wouldn't have to have all of the government large estimates bureaucratic fiat telling us how to live our lives. Everything from what bathroom to use to pay our taxes and how to engage in a debate on our campus is not being relegated by government because we've given our souls and our minds over to Caesar. Rather than worshiping Christ now GK test Chesterton similarly said that people don't believe in God completing nothing. They believe in anything so it's it's a similar kind of thing here that you talk about and in the educational world. This younger generation has often been referred to as generation me and of course it it's reflected in say a taking selfies it's reflected in what you put on social media kind of all or about me and the world revolves around me and the world revolves around how I feel about a particular thing, not is what you're saying true is what you're saying accurate, but how it feels to me, and it may be different than my truth and my reality. So we don't want to blame the younger generation is if they just brought this on themselves. There is an environment in which they been raised, how far would you trace this back this shift towards a me centered mindset and the universe is defined reality as defined truth is defined by how I feel about what whatever date you want to put on the advent of postmodernity would be the date that were talking about here. Postmodernity celebrates me as it celebrates narcissism that celebrates the spell it basically is the original sin that we don't need God to tell us what's right or wrong, good or evil any longer that we can decide and we can defined it. We can eat of the apple of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because we are as gods we rise up to define everything in our own image. We don't need be on Monaco day any longer any irony of that is when we discard the Monaco day. The image of God. We basically become the model dog image of a dog because we we got diminish ourselves. We digressed into nothing but accumulation of appetite inclinations identity becomes nothing but what our appetite leads us to do, which is the problem of the sexual debate. Today we claim that our inclination is our ultimate identity and therefore we abandon the Monaco day and except for my coat on the definition of what it means to be human. It's the ultimate it's below ultimate insult of the human being to buy this postmodern much in the midst of all this are or are you are you running into an increasing hostility in the educational world's to the simple Christian values you have as an overt Christian school just looking at that gay activist website campus pride and of course you're pleased to know that you're on their shameless the absolute worst campuses of for LGBT Q use and it's it's quite a wide-ranging group at seminaries like as Berean schools like Viola it's it's Seventh-day Adventist school, it's, it's quite a wide range you know that there there a lot that I'm looking at on this list this morning.

Schools like Brigham Young, but you actually fact-finding. Aside from gay groups try to pressure you that there's actually pressure within the educational world are crediting societies to hold to Christian views today to some extent.

But there are many out there who are actually celebrating our courage and our comp recognize even if they're not Christian absurdity of the snowflake rebellion in the micro aggressions of the trigger warning is the antithesis of what it means to be a classical liberal arts community. I had atheists write me letters and say I don't agree with your religion and I don't agree with your politics, but thank you for taking a stand for freedom.

Thank you for taking a stand for an intellectual exchange of ideas that is unencumbered by politics and power. I have a Fulbright scholar from school and prominent school in Florida who wrote me a letter saying I don't agree with anything you say about religion and politics.

But thank you for taking a stand for academic freedom and academic liberty.

So I think they recognize that we created a mess and the monster that we could produce. We created is turning around to consumer Donnie LGBT Q thing I would say that when we got invited by the human rights campaign for petitioning for a title and exemption with regard to the transgender mandate provide accommodations, bathrooms and locker rooms to transgender students, and we said no. I wrote an article and I titled it pro woman and proud of it pro woman and proud of it and the reason I wrote that article is better. How in the world. How in the world can I be title IX compliance.

If you require me to deny that it might lit up female is a biological fact that I deconstruct her into being nothing but a fabrication in a panic. If a woman doesn't exist empirically any longer.

But how can I be pro woman and I suggested to the human rights campaign I'm pro woman.

I believe a female back sprinkle with Abby. She is an ontological biological reality and she should have the right feet against others. She's not against the he feels that he's she come back I will get stuck. Piper's take on the recent controversy: cabinet flag American flag on file in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown and he has rightly said that this is not a daycare. This is University. My heart will then you need to be in the nursery, not at the University. If the professor challenges your views.

If a student expresses something that differ with then you don't have a tantrum over you engage it.

That's what you do with universe. I went to all secular schools got my batches from Queens College and Masters and PhD from New York University and I did not study did not study with a single person that believe what I believed in. Some were quite hostile and that's helped me to grow was challenging but it help me to grow but what's the hurt my feelings. That was the last thing on their mind. Dr. Piper quite it. Quite a day were living in. I've written an open letter to NFL quarterback calling Her neck and then followed up with another later another article on separating the value of black lives from the black lives matter movement talk about some of the mixture in the the negative radical element that some of these things it's informing some of these things, but what was your whole. Take again as an educator Christian educator as an American you know our history is far from perfect wheat. You know were far from perfect this nation today. You also know what's made us great is biblically-based principles to the extent they been incorporated into our country's history was your own take on this and what should our attitude be towards the flag well. My take is that so, during their diversity we are not a guy's we celebrate unity. We celebrate the oneness of the body of Christ, we do not even commit by policy.

Any student organizations that celebrate division. We do not allow ourselves to start labeling people by virtue of race or by virtue of inclination if you will. We do not participate in graft because it's the oneness of the body of Christ, which celebrated don't cut the baby in half and expect to continue to live.

You got a dead baby. Likewise, you don't create a diverse city rather than a university and expect to have unity and selflessness.

When we continue to emphasize victimization. You don't get virtue you get print and that's what we have right now. Victimization produces vengeance not virtue with regard to the flag, I would say this Dr. Brown are flag is in our national anthem represent an ideal it's our purpose or mission of the nation. It's an objective good if you will, to be pursued just like fruit like I've been talking about. It's the glue that binds us together. The goal of one people are united states that the can to the yard markers if you will the sidelines in the field of play, be ideal to make it possible to play the game you can't play football unless there are boundaries in referees and no player wants to be wanted to be a free-for-all with everyone to himself. You must have fences if you want parent Freedom like Chesterton Peck got a have a law.

If you want to have liberty Should be celebrating bag required rather than disparaging without it. He and all his buddies would be subject to the rule of the gang like Horwitz told the rule of the gang or the tyranny of one to the capriciousness of power that comes with mob rule or madman's concerns were: deaf ears. If there's no anthem or no referee to appeal to be ideal, represented in our flag and enter anthem in America is what gives this man greater freedom and happiness other than hapless then was ever dreamed up by any generation or any country or culture that preceded the ideal of the American flag is what he should be celebrating because of what it is given rather than what it has taken away from you and if you summarize so much as you get a minute, what is it that makes America great hugs. We have our flaws but to the extent we are a leading country in the world and an exceptional country in world history had boil it down.

What is boil down to that we have been endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.

We recognize that our rights do not come from government. They do not come from man, but are right have been endowed to us by our Creator that there is a fellow evident unalienable fruit judges. The debate judges righteousness judges justice and gives us a means to judge that in the United States, it doesn't come down to what you think Mr. Brown or what I think ever Piper it comes down to justice with a J in truth with the P that we have self-evident truths that give us the ability to pursue purpose to pursue happiness, which is the antithesis of hapless because there is an objective measuring rod outside of the thinking matter. All other cultures and all of our other government to Ben about man in power hours about time-tested immutable truths that are given to us by God's very very well said, articulately, eloquently and clearly folks will find out about your school where they go to www.okayww.ed you can call me on twitter at Dr. Piper that BREVERETP PIP ER. Awesome. Keep up the great work. Keep speaking out. You are anything but alone right looking to effect revenue. God bless.

All right clearheaded to the point he sums he thought these things through for a long time, but he could share his wisdom with all of us today.

I friends. Let me encourage you to check out are completely revamped websites. If you've not gone to her radio website. The line of go there. It is beautiful. It is user-friendly.

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That is what enables us to do what we do to broadcast around America and the Internet around the world. When I pray about it.

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It is, is it worth that to you to help us continue to speak out then become a torchbearer today.

Click on that on the website and asked her to, which is donate or light a it says donate click to do that and then just click monthly support read all the benefits all the ways for back into you as you become a torchbearer. My bottom line today really want to grow in grace, the truth, whatever the cost from the college campuses to the US flag. We got a fascinating show today. It's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. To what does business speak for you. Understanding for racial justice in America.

Understanding for equality under the law, you're standing against prejudice and things like that.

This is also speak for you.

We are committed to disrupting the Western prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and villages that collectively care for one another, especially our children to the degree that mothers parents and children are comfortable that speak for you about this queer affirming.

We gather we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking and how about transgender affirming. We are committed to being self reflexive and doing the work required to dismantle cyst gender in the heterosexual privilege and uplift black trans folks want when the world is for them to do with me, but that is from the black lives matter website supported by radical leftists allegedly apparently like George Soros and with an extreme radical social agenda by cause, I cited in my latest article.

If you go to the line of you'll see it. My latest article I document this and I document some of the radical changes in Collin Renick quarterback Collin Was, you know, set out the national anthem intends to continue the do so, and apparently since he got romantically involved with this idea, who is popular on MTV. She is of Egyptian dissent. She is a Muslim and involved in black lives matter Fox News pointed out that he started an Instagram account. Four months ago and the main things on the Instagram account were were pictures of him playing football or football related. The 31 of his last 42 posts have strong social justice connotations, often featuring quotes from radical Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X Black Panthers valuing Newton and cop killer Asad to show core during the Sunday news conference about the flag flap cabinet dressed in a black hat with a large white acts and a T-shirt that featured photos of Cuban despot Fidel Castro and Malcolm X. Yet this does that represent US African-American when you say black lives matter is that what you mean that you want to be associated with these radical leftists and disrupt the nuclear family that you is that your heart I am strongly encouraging ongoing awareness where there are issues of racial injustice in America apparent disparity in prison sentences.

Other things like that. The negative effect of the Democrat welfare system on the inner cities. Yes I'm I'm urging my black brothers and sisters to continue to help us raise awareness about these issues because much of white America still does not realize them but disassociate yourself. This is my personal advice disassociate yourself from these radical left social disruption. Movements like black lives matter in their play of ways to get the message out without using that slogan as well assess 70% of black voters in California 2008 voted for proposition eight and help secure its passage. When they came out in large numbers to vote for the first African-American president. They also voted to uphold marriages -1 memo the exact opposite of what black lives matter. In Sanskrit we come back, have a fascinating interview with Chris Amos, Pastor Christ Fellowship Church in Chesapeake, Virginia, a former policeman that yes one time shot and killed black suspect Lindsay have to say her plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown says, and a pastor have to say to NFL quarterback Collin Nick about sitting out the national anthem does: carpeting have the right to do that. Sure free country.

Absolutely that's one of the things that soldiers have died from the field and when police protect him.

Maybe going in and out of the game.

Whatever happens in that context. When that's the situation they are protecting him so he has the freedom to do what he wants to do, even in this regard. But what is a retired policeman have to say to Colin Reinecke and there is in an open letter by Chris Amos posted on Facebook that went viral. Much the pastor Amos's surprise is Pastor Christ Fellowship Church in Chesapeake, Virginia brand-new nondenominational church plant that's committed to becoming one in Christ by keeping Christ first and he is a former policeman and as he says in his open letter. I'm a retired police officer that had the misfortune of having to shoot and kill 19-year-old African-American male. So Chris, welcome to the one farce. Thanks so much for taking time to join us today.

Thank thank you sir to be here now. Chris went when you wrote your open letter what you think you will. It's eloquent, it's powerful you could write it. I could never write it in a thousand lifetimes because I haven't lived what you lived, what we were expecting to happen you know not anything like what did happen. Facebook is one of those things work. It's not a video or little Meme picture. It pretty much gets ignored. So when I post it. II couldn't fathom people actually taking time to read it. I heard about Colin remarks over the weekend. I pulled it up online Sunday night. Woke up early Monday morning couldn't sleep, tossing and turning it and just kind of felt led the pin that in that letter and honestly if the fat down it. It took all of 15 minutes and it was out in the town since it has exploded its employees is now II don't even know were posted on I got it text last night.

Dan Ben Carson is even shared it now so it North toothpaste out of the tube and there's no putting it back you not had folks a lot of folks text me Stanley. Haakon stated that they hope Collin read that they lament over the fact that he never will. And not tell him that it's not about him now. Cut about me.

It bigger and more important than that and you know it's going to is going to do what what I believe you know the Lord wanted to go where the Lord wanted to go, yeah, amen.

It has this foreign you we are on national radio talking about Chris. What happens when when you, as you say, had the misfortune of having to shoot and kill a 19-year-old African-American male. What what happened. I was in uniform patrol bicycle patrol in my partner and I were on the community that which is ravaged by drug marijuana primarily and it was a Wednesday night about 730 at night we we roll into that neighborhood on the bike and I like that it rolled banana an older gentleman pastor that is given. And so we know to gather up their deal and by that it would turn onto a street in which you know that's where the drug open-air market tended to be and we see a guy leaning into a car. Another one your guy standing next to him. So we speed up and get pretty close. I don't see it as well, but it's dark out, but the look out these at first that he takes off and then the guy who was leaning in the card dealing.

He takes off in a separate direction and I follow the dealer. My partner follows the lookout or chases after you not I catch up to him pretty quick, bike is running and Yellen Adams that just give up. You gotta be getting tired and I can out run this bike to try to get in his head to get them to stop. Realize he's not going to pull up alongside of them close enough to touch them. Plan a what could lunge off the bike on the hand he break my fall as we hit the ground and handcuffed him, and that's the end of the story, but planets often don't don't don't come to pass, like we think they make and this was that date I got on the petals and more preparing to lunge on the hand. He spun, I didn't see anything in it and it was dark until there was a loud splash and a thought in my chest reshot me in the chest.

I locked the brakes up went airborne over the handlebars. Another flash another bank that round went through my left by I hit the ground.

EIN monad ingrown and enroll around. He probably thought I was dead so he turns to run.

I slowly start reaching for my gun rolling onto my side. He sees movement he turns back and he is coming back towards me as I draw my gun out of the fire simultaneously they for the first time him for the third and and Dr. Barlett by grace regarding Mr. by the wrath of God. The EER passed away.

He was pronounced Dr. on the street and I got to go home later you are married with with kids solicits processes first emotionally. What is a duty you not the time. I love the Lord and I have all back story that I won't even get into your but it was one, hopelessness and despair. I came to the Lord, you know he eat lifted me up out of the mire and gave me peace and hope in all its type thing so when all this happened, I'd I knew you know the Lord was in control and so emotionally, physically, and was a night sleep. You know could see God's hand in it. Even at the on that.

Not glad I went through it if I could turn back time and change it.

I would've but I've seen how God is used.

And I was able to go to several churches and in our sheer testimony brag on the Lord about this experience and insert a first report churches.

I went into were all African-American churches and they open their arms and hearts to make an and him he just took me and his family. Not sure that would happen and that the environment were now yeah, but that is 96 yeah they did it and get this family. The family a God thing that will increase that the gentleman that said to get them drug dealers. There was the African-American though yes it was ripped out there and I did know one, but I undercounted the environment he spoke Lipton and it was tough yet. It was hard and it was an area that I was a on the forefront of one of the places we would patrol because of folks like this that you know, but a side note, I looked at the folder of this shooting a year later, I wanted to see the notes I wanted to see the pictures that I just felt like I needed that foreclosure thought pullout that the folder of of the rest of my shooting it from our homicide Sgt. and I'm reading through the notes. Come to find out there was a young girl who came for dinner. There a lot of witnesses is no shortage of witnesses when a placement involved in a shooting death of a morning than their didn't know anything about it if you put it, a camera news camera in front of their face. A lot of folks will be willing to say what quote they saw which they didn't.

Well, there that existed that night to you know there were a lot of witnesses that saw me shoot first and do that is a get out just crazy crazy stuff found out a year later I'm reading through this. This folder there was a young girl and African-American girl who I had befriended and she had dropped out of high school, I got a go back to high school and you know what encourager would fear once twice a week and how are you doing and when you graduate.

I'm not gonna be there with the graduation gift that got to do what I could for her.

Unbeknownst to me, she came for work voluntarily. She came for two investigator and yes I know that this is what happened and everything she said just corroborated everything I had told the gators and she was out there.

I didn't know what time but she was out there.

She had the courage to come forward and because you have some some of the troublemakers. If you were if you will work on her peers or folks get out much closer in age to her than to that old guy walking down the street that that a ghetto fella, but she came forward and the men a lot to you. No evidence after the shooting and to this day I have no idea what happened to you, but I was thankful she was there that that night Dan and if Chris you know in your open letter to contact me on Facebook that during the time when you had to step away of success in recovery and then investigation.

Whatever the shooting that you were living on about $3000 a month. While on leave, and that point supporting a wife and three kids under seven years old and you also note that this very copy nose had to work a supplemental part-time job in order to support himself. This reality something folks need to know the attack on police coming today get a better half of the knowledge of the letter, let's talk about that heavenly bad apples are there really what about seven colleges that killed three here again is Dr. Michael Brown, are you suggesting that you don't think any progress has been made in the last 50 years, known as been a lot of progress and we still have work to do, and over that period of time. A lot of people have died unnecessarily of because of improper training firm for some of our beliefs that was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar speaking August 30 with Jake Tapper on CNN I'm speaking with retired police officer Chris Amos, now a pastor he's received multiple awards twice was selected as officer of the year. He was awarded his department's medal of valor Purple Heart and life saving metals. Chris how you feel when you hear criminology Jabbar say that on national TV you find yourself more in agreement with him disagreement with him. You stand everybody has opinions.

Everybody had their own personal experiences, I can only speak to what I know and I know our training is pretty intent as police officers on other situations and circumstances of police officer finds itself that that no amount of training can really prepare you for an it. It's really easy to to analyze them and be that Monday morning quarterback after the fact. But when you find yourself in a situation and you've got second to react and respond. You know that's a hard hard place to be had you not talk to police officer last week that Chris I can even do a traffic stop now without two or three other people stopping not even involved in the stock and pulling their phones out and so there I am the on one or two or three people in this car out to and three other people have metal things in their hand pointed at me.

I hope and pray their phones but all it takes is for one time for not to be a phone. It could be a God. And this is just during a simple traffic stop that police officers now are facing across the country and and and that kind of constant stress. I mean it's a hard thing as art that are the bad apples. Yes, there are other bad cops. Yes, there are and no one in my opinion, no one should hate a bad cop more than a good cop because no one makes a good cop job harder than a bad cop or a dirty cop. I got two sons on the force. No one makes their job harder than to one another post goes viral up some policeman needlessly beaten somebody or multiply multiple times shooting someone that that affects my board in a law enforcement is that it's a strange occupation. It a teacher can molest the child in the classroom and no one will think less of the teacher in the classroom next door across the hall, but if a police officer does something in California policeman in Virginia will bear the brunt of it the way you know that just at broad stroke 1000.

They all do and they lash out and if somebody speaks up is that hey wait a minute, the responses well were not talking about every body we know they're good policeman, but nobody ever prefaces there there there there comments with that they always just unload on all of us, yet it is very true and easy, And he did what he did, but people are not saying that reflects on all of the NFL or other players, and so much you have, but it happens more with Lisa but again you send your open letter to come There almost 800,000 law enforcement officers if there was any if it was it was 10% that were bad apples and working committing regularly violent acts in an engaging in acts of racial prejudice, whatever. Then you have dozens and dozens and dozens of videos every single day, all over America. So it does not diminish the wrong that's done by bad Abacus as a person in authority. Absolutely not. So Chris, since you served in and African-American communities.

Obviously you're there to help you not there to hurt your there to help. Why is it that often that white America sees police more positively than black America does and I'm giving a broad broad, overly broad description. But why do you think that is not. I don't know you know I think from the responses I've gotten in a private messaging.

A lot of you know a lot of African-American, young, old, male-female sworn civilian have voiced their support.

They would never posted online. So I think there's some some fearsome blowback you mentioned is much there. You know if somebody knew they were saying that kind of thing.

I think part of it is, you know, in a sense, Andy Griffith and Scott have done policing a disservice and that police officers Dr. Brock are major are major responsibility of law enforcement.

Yet no one no one like that. Whether you're a Fortune 500 CEO or whether you're living on food stamps.

Nobody wants to be pulled over, somebody wants to be issued a ticket know what about the very nature. What we do is document elicit a whole lot of fanfare because were not popular you know policeman if if policeman fall fall short in NAB alive, if not most policeman is just plain what what I would consider like our our customer service we could become a bronc. We can be, or abruptly can be kind of rude we can you know we could just come across as you are just jerks, but that's a far cry from taking a gun at every chance we get in needlessly shooting someone murdering someone put a notch in our our gun belt that that is the exception that that is not that is not Chris. One time I was pulled over for going through a red light. What my New York habit of speeding up into yellow light and I was in Pensacola, Florida, where they can have the opposite habit.

There and II had just I was writing a book and I was just meditating on unconstructive rebuke and different things like that in God's correction so the officer you know got my info, but when he when he came back when he came back over to talk with me. I thanked him for doing his job and told him what a blessing rounds is always an element already wrote it up it's too late. I said no, really. I just thank you, for I knew he didn't hear that much but on behalf of many of us who have been pulled over many of us whose lives have been saved.

Many of us have been protected. Yes we all stand against the bad apples and want to see injustice exposed, but we thank the overwhelming number of you that are served now your son serving here at the risk of your own life so so thank you sir, and in May. May your letter, speak to many hopefully to calling card for Nick as well. Thank you Dr. Brown forever. God bless you and blessings on your pastoral ministry. This is probably more challenging than vena cava] yes where you know I got the pivot probably probably a little less dangerous. All right God bless you man. Grace to you. Thanks so much.

All right if you want to read that. I'm sure if you just get online and search for Chris Amos see HRIS Chris Amos open letter, Responded to read. It's worth while. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 664 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown is simplicity, humility by these canonical keywords. We are told that we may recognize saints yet Mother Teresa regards himself as mandated by heaven, which is hunky motorist. She lends spiritual solace to dictators and wealthy exploiters which is scarcely the essence of simplicity and she preaches surrender and frustration to the pool which a truly humble person would barely have the nerve to do when she speaks about private or public morality, opposing family-planning.

For example, defining abortion is quite literally the greatest threat to world peace.

She takes on the grim and tedious terms overzealous and the fanatic, the voice of the late Christopher Hitchens and of the many things he did that were unpopular perhaps one of the most unpopular was attacking mother Theresa this is Michael Brown you're listening to the line of fire, and I want to take a moment to discuss Mother Teresa 866-34-TRUTH 87884 number to call and grip of the seven this is AP news. This is why we bring up Mother Teresa. This is what is in the news regarding her today Mother Teresa of Calcutta, unknown who dedicated her life to helping the poor will be made a saint of the Roman Catholic Church at a Vatican ceremony on September 4 were in Yugoslavia in 1910, Teresa traveled to India at age 18, and taught geography in a convent school 20 years later, she opened her first school in the Calcutta slumps. She was honored by many world religious leaders, including the Pope and the premiers, your God, the NRC morale for British Queen Elizabeth II died in 1997 at age 57, I, I, I, he completely dismiss the Christopher Hitchens attacks a Mother Teresa in terms of her being some bad or evil person and at the center of your being being fallen of centerpiece. We understand that for the theologians listen and I absolutely reject the Catholic doctrine of St. use biblical terminology, the moment you're born again you recite. I sent an act like a saint.

I understand that but the moment you're born again recite. That's the truth quoted Scripture to the saints in Corinth really act like saints. He read the whole letter. But the moment you're born again you are set apart his holiness. The Greek word for St. to set apart as holy your holy one I think of getting up and greeting everyone in church on Sunday. Hey, every all you sinners out there.

Great to see you as opposed to all you saints bless the Lord, it will saints them over, say so.

This idea of you become saints to become St. Paul referred John the Baptist was actually Rabbi John. The rubber yoke on the Mercer sense of different St. John the Baptist, but be that as it may be that as it may, I completely reject this whole Catholic method of sainted if you're Catholic has meaning to. That's between you and God. But I reject the biblical okay but Mother Teresa said a lot of exceptional things about pro-life Avon about Jesus. The question was, was she Mary first, Jesus second in her mindset did she have an appearance of doing good but really didn't want to share a little bit about the just briefly just become a Catholic. As you know most of our Catholic basher, which means that I will devote my shows week after week to just find the latest news to best Catholics I have friends of mine that are not Catholic bashers but have debated Catholics and, of course, take issue with Catholic theology, as I with on various points and I certainly believe there are safe Catholics, but not primarily because of Catholic doctrine, but despite certain doctrine deposit would be pointing to Jesus and pointing to the Bible and point to the cross than the other things else from different but Mother Teresa very interesting life and a life that challenges many of us so I want to comment on that.

Come back in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown so so for a moment for a moment I want to put aside differences with Catholic theology right and I just want to talk about some interesting things is a life Mother Teresa.

This is why the need to preface it like that because there are some folks the moment you say anything positive about a Catholic, they will accuse you of being part of the world ecumenical movement and false prophet and a member of the illuminati so for the sake of those who are listening with that mindset. Yes, I qualify my comments if you will weigh in with your own view, go ahead 866-34-TRUTH 784 against repeat what I said earlier, I disagree with this whole Catholic process of civil becomes canonized becomes sainted, though biblically speak if you use that word, the more you're going and you become a saint and were called to be saints. The motor born again your cold holding that a call to live a holy life expected to live a holy life by the Lord with his help, but was very interesting about Mother Teresa is her own story is that she had this tremendously intense spiritual encounter, and based on that or inspired by that completely and unconditionally gave herself to serve the poorest of the poor and in lived with tremendous simplicity and whatever monies came through her hands did not affect her lifestyle and she served the hurting and the poor people that most of us would avoid because of their condition being so repulsive as she gave herself to them so that they could die with some type of dignity and she did it because of her belief in Jesus and if you read her letters and writings you'll find many expressing tremendous devotion to Jesus's expressing tremendous love for the Lord now again Dr. Judge I'm not I'm not her judge right. I'm simply talking about some of the spirituality she expressed as a Catholic woman. What's interesting though is when you read about her life, which you really challenge us in many regards not to lay guilt trip on us but to challenge us what it means to serve what it means to to to love the lowly and the hurting for the means to care for those who cannot offer anything back that she has this intense spiritual experience and now completely gives herself over to God's service and to serve the poor and the hurting and for the rest of her life never experiences God in that way, and for the rest of her life is spiritually hungry and thirsty and desperate and hurting, and yet she continues living as she lived. Because of the commitment that she made. She continues living as she live because of the encounter. She once had that you can read a million things into right you can have all your answers and reasons for that, and it's obviously something that that raises lots of questions, but it speaks to a level of devotion and service because most of us if we don't have some type of encouragement from the Lord. Ensemble level in an ongoing way if if we don't have some fellowship with the Lord in prayer in the word. If we don't have some encouragement from the Lord with with people being helped by what we do if we don't have some thank you somewhere or some sense of divine affirmation or approval somewhere and it's year in year out, year in year out, year in year out were serving in difficult situations that would break most of us that would cause most of us to question my really doing God's will. So Nancy a few years back. Read a lot of what she had to say and sent me a bunch of the quotes, but what struck me was her agony of soul, of wanting to commune with God and not finding any communion with him. It was in that sense, like a hell on earth. After experiencing him in that intense intense way so she said this, Jesus has a very special love for you. But as for me, she's writing to us in the vendor. But as for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see listen and do not hear the tongue moves in prayer but does not speak there is a tremendous example of courage and sacrifice in her life that we can learn from and when she speaks about life and she speaks about pro-life share tremendous courage, wasn't it at a prayer breakfast attended by the Clintons and and and Al Gore. If I'm correct where Billy Graham was ill and couldn't speak, and Mother Teresa took his place tiny little Mother Teresa and proceeded to speak of abortion is the great sin in the land of America basically said when the mother kills her own children. What else is left and it was how can you go any lower than that and spoke about the spoke about the sin of abortion as that which caused tremendous sin and and had a ripple effect throughout throughout the nation. And of course she did this with compassion for the mothers and compassion for the children and their right in the presence of Bill and Hillary Clinton I I'm almost sure about this. I remembered those in those days I was preaching for David Wilkerson and I remember him commenting on it. I am almost sure it was during the days I was preaching regularly for Pastor Dave New York City from some of between 91 and 95 and I remember him talking about that this year he got sent a prophetic message to the White House or to to to the president of the administration. With this little woman coming over from India and and brings this great word, so there was tremendous courage and tremendous insight about the pro-life movement. A chapter that I wrote recently about developing a culture of life report that to come out about a year from now. I have, I found some very, very powerful quotes from her. So, enough said get your reader letters.

It is absolutely fascinating. Joey grab clip number four I want to, yet was, it was a prayer breakfast right okay I had that right grab clip number four I want you to hear the voice of Prof. Craig Keener, then I'll tell you why I'm playing this ancient biographies which is what the Gospels were often began by praising the subject's ancestors swing ancestors were significant, or by praising the subject's upbringing or by recounting significant episodes about the subject's birth. Her childhood the pretend leader greatness ancestry seven generations back could affect your taxation status in ancient Egypt. So those who had really significant ancestries in particular would keep track of their ancestries. Priests would do that. Somebody descended from the royal line obviously would include the Messiah and we do have other sources that suggested Jesus relatives were descended from the royal line or hill before a Roman Emperor because of that right. So Craig Keener is giving cultural background to the Bible, explaining the purpose of genealogies and last week I had Craig on with me a week ago today so we may have missed the interview and we took two hours and discuss the importance of understanding the cultural background to the Bible putting verses in the original cultural context and as you do. You have many, many aha moments all now that makes all that's what that verse was about all that made sense. Picture this, reading the news, but you don't know what year it is. You have no idea what's going on.

You don't know what country you're talking about.

You don't know the names of any of the players and you hear that some of them, And it didn't stand up during the national anthem of of a football game but don't know what football is, you don't know, Catholic is you don't know what the Star-Spangled Banner is you don't know what the issues are in 21st-century America. You make had to tell her that no so many times in the Bible, you can obviously get certain information certain standing but there certain verses you look at signal was mean and then you get the cultural backup all all okay got it in the light goes on. So I was so impressed now that the NIV cultural backgrounds Bible is out 2350 pages worth.

I was so impressed with this that I I decided to offer it. This way sees me this this week to be at the page of the page said Wade Thiessen wasted week this week, together with the it the interview I did with Craig. So to our interview can listen to on your on your computer, your MP3 player with you right now the book of Joel Everett the commentary to Job super interested in Job and and here their whole page articles to pages on how the book of Job differs from ancient recent thinking and and then another article on ways in which Job thinks like an Israelite and then where there is morning and Job to boom. There's a picture of ancient Egyptian morning rights offering the entire cultural backgrounds Bible to gather with the submissive to our interview get on our website. Consider helping us as you do, but you also get in the 67th early holiday for Esther to round out the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown but every spirit of God speak to us to change or as we as we hear God's voice in the Scriptures on that's that's how he read the word spirit and truth.

Right spirit and truth Scriptures and power of God got open my heart teach me leave me and then you study and then you learned that was the voice of Prof. Craig Keener yeah I remembered some I remember the prayer breakfast being during the years and I was preaching at Times Square church.

So between 91 and 95, so thanks man. It was February 3, 1994 Mother Teresa gave her speech at the National prayer breakfast in DC, in the presence of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, she said, I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion because of the is a war against the child a direct killing of the innocent child murdered by the mother herself that wasn't controversial. She also said the way to plan the family is natural family planning not contraception. So yeah, that was very clearly spoken by Mother Teresa right tell you what, here's what you do.

Here's what were going to do. Joey give universe any verse Howard Matt give universe any verse you open up to the NIV cultural background.

Bible and Caesar were not asking me about this verse were asking the Bible just can't throw me a verse appear on the screen and as soon as I do. I'm gonna open up to that. So Joey Matt Howard, surely you have a verse you're curious about this for the Scripture reference of how John 316. Come on man you need cultural background for John 316. Well, thankfully it does explain that God so loved the world means in this way God loved the world he normally taken Smitty love the world so much. We did love it so much as to send the sun but in this way God loves the world and Craig can assist Jewish teachers emphasize God's extraordinary love for Israel, self-sacrificing love for the world.

However, this exceeds that love God's loving character here fits the Old Testament. So what happens on the cross. Now even even exceeds the love of God that was expressed for ancient Israel but yet there is even a practical note on God so love meaning. In this way God loved the world how did Sandy verse.

I did, I did all right. Joey says Galatians 311 and these are the notes the. The New Testament prepared by Craig Keener the Old Testament by John Walton. These are then the two men if I go to pick two men, one field test one for the youth I would've picked these two men so Galatians 311 1st to 3, 11 to 13 so really we 311 first clearly no one who relies on the laws justified before God because the righteous will live by faith. So I'll read that on 311 Paul links with Genesis 15 six. The only other texts that include both the word righteous and face together so havoc of two, four, and Genesis 15, six are the only two verses of the only two verses in the Bible that have the word righteous and face together and Paul draws on that to notice that the righteous live by faith.

All right match ask about Genesis 59 yeah that ties in with 3418 good good that the cutting of the covenantal pieces why did Abram pass through them and and by the way, you don't need me to do this. Okay, this is like bedtime stories you get the Bible for yourself right so Genesis 15 and all look at this, check this out.

We have to hold pages on ratifying the covenant all right. Controversy remains about what kind of ceremony is carried out in Genesis 59 to 21 one whom to the what.

Whom do the pieces represent possibilities, sacrifice for oath God if you reneges nations ready as good as dead Israelites in slavery who do the birds of prey represent nation seeking to seize available land. For example, Genesis 14 to plunder Israel whom do the implements represent God and or Abraham. So it wow I'm in. This is an in depth discussion here, an in-depth discussion and what what's what happens here is the cutting of the covenantal pieces you take animals you see in Genesis 15, decedent Jeremiah 34, which also habit in near Eastern literature outside of the Bible. What happened was, you would cut these animals up into two pieces right so it's a bloodied gory mess and then let's say two Kings made a covenant and they would take an oath to their various gods, whatever it was. May the gods do such and such to me.

If I violate the trances, notice, may I be like these bloodied animals and they would walk through the pieces together which we also have in Jeremiah chapter 34 these are the two times it's mentioned in the Bible, Genesis 15, and Jeremiah 34 so 3418.

They cut the cath into the footnotes says the ritual of severing an animals body as part of a covenant covenant making ceremonies found only here in Genesis 15, nine and 10. With reference to the article, it is mentioned ancient near Eastern parallels from the old Babylonian Mari letters in the 18th, the eighth century BC Aramaic text of the superior treaty between Oregon and yar in the arm length both described cutting an animal into the symbolic aspect of this type of sacrifice is to provide a graphic picture of what happened to the covenant breaker when the lender was imputed to factor debt slaves. After the Egyptian invasion attempt to lift the siege of Jerusalem. They broke their solemn oath to Yahweh and laid themselves open to horrendous punishment.

In other words, in other words, may this happen to us, may we be like. These pieces significantly in Genesis 15 as Abram is sleeping a flaming torch passes through the pieces which would point to God passing through the pieces and making a one way covenant with Abram while he slept. I'm going to give the land of Israel to the sentence. That's why we say although the Sinai covenant was conditional. The promise to Abram was unconditional. I drive time for one more yeah Joe, a man I did earlier in the week where callers could call in with her questions and sure thing. We will we will maybe open the phones together tomorrow where folks can call and I'll share with the cultural background.

Bible says I Joey having fun first drink.

The first Chronicles 2618 is for the courts of the West there were for the road and two at the court itself.

Here we have a note saying the Hebrew term par bar is thought to be a Persian lumber and it is it is an obscure architectural term that may refer to an open colonnade with pillars, its location is west of the sanctuary to the rear and on this page. A picture of an ancient temple, so there you have it here so you get this from a website.*A brownie escape your when you purchase the NIV cultural background study Bible from us. You're helping us in the ministry work that we do. If you can include an additional donation that would be awesome and and we are sending you with the Bible are exclusive to our interview with Prof. Craig Keener to listen to on your MP3 player or your computer all right. My bottom line today. She for social justice.

He blessing on America is to live by the principles worth ability