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Dr. Brown Puts His Finger on the Pulse of the Nation

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
September 13, 2016 4:30 pm

Dr. Brown Puts His Finger on the Pulse of the Nation

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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September 13, 2016 4:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 09/13/16.

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The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

We got our finger on the pulse of the nation right here it's time for the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by going 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. There is a whole lot that is going on in our nation we are dealing with a war on North Carolina. Now the NC AA.

The national collegiate athletic Association declaring war on the state of North Carolina we have the ongoing protests at the national anthem before games by NFL players we have more speculation about Hillary Clinton's illness of being off the campaign trail will Donald Trump presses ahead in certain places and catching off catches up in other places a lot more going on a question I just posted on Twitter a little while ago that asks how important, how important are the elections 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

Are these the most important elections in our lifetime. Do we blow things out of proportion. Time and time and time again by saying all this is the big one. This is the most important is is it the same mistake remaking or are there urgent issues at hand. 866-34-TRUTH 784 and do you trust either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

Just asking in terms of your own life if you had to trust one of them with managing something for you with handling something for you with being reliable, let's let's take this away from presidential elections. If you had an urgent matter that you had to entrust to someone of life-and-death importance to you.

Managing of something on your behalf caring for someone close to you. You had to entrust this to someone had to entrusted to you.

The Donald Trump really Clint when I tell you about national security were were not talking about national debt were not talking about Supreme Court justices being appointed just on a personal level. If you had to trust Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton was something let's say that that major decisions had to be made in your absence for your company for a loved one who would you trust more or both or neither Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Just wondering where you're at 866-34-TRUTH 784 and and some interesting allegations that the Republican Party is now less educated and is that why they're voting for Donald Trump because only someone uneducated would vote for Donald Trump.

Yet you know what, let's display this clip quickly could number three Joey this is Meet the Press and David Brooks talk about his Sunday New York Times column, so is on NBC's Meet the Press could number three the last 20 years of you look at how people behave doing huge predictions based on whether they completed college, how often of a vote healthily give blood.

How many friends they have what's their marriage like an interesting chasm settable and open up socially and is the first election that we become see those chasms reflected in the political: and so might question this is really a serious worry. Suppose one party becomes a party of less college and medical field headwinds and I'll be Republican Party. I think that's was another party becomes a party of the tailwinds because they got college degrees and I'll be the Democratic Party. Suppose our partisan realignment overlaps of the class alignment and not to be as extremely problematic photos for visits and I that we were seeing right now. Again, the reason it's problematic is problematic simply in terms of charting out demographics and we don't how to chart them out as well.

Okay, that's one question is problematic because we want to go to college really know how to vote really know what matters and what counts that very thought quite problematic. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown joining us on the 1587884 I posted this question on twitter just moments ago. So just the first several dozen votes coming in your opinion, how important are the upcoming presidential elections. So I gave three options no different than before, very important. Most critical in memory so for is just the first 53 votes is a severe of 28% said no different than before. 26% said very important. 46% said most critical in memory. Now this whole idea of college education and depending on your college education that will then indicate life trends and things like that. I'm I'm all for education of spent years in school and thoroughly enjoyed my years in college and in particular grad school through my through my PhD at NYU since 1982 I have been teaching at or leading Bible colleges, ministry schools, seminaries, to this day. Tonight teacher. We can classify school of ministry. The goal of that being practical ministry equipping as opposed to liberal arts education, but it's education nonetheless at the college level, but my point is this.

I have spoken to many people, and in fact I'm I'm curious I'll throw this question out as well. I have spoken to many grads of secular colleges in particular. In fact, there was a season where I pulled hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them, and I asked them did what you learn in college help you with your life vocation help you with the things that are most important in life help you with your future and the overwhelming majority said no not fully understand that many people go to college. They learn a trade. Whatever it is they may go into the into the legal field they may go to medical field and me going to education and me going to the business world imago to meet whatever but but they they spend years learning, studying, and that prepares them that prepares them for the career that they have. I fully understand that and it's vocational and its practical, but when I pulled hundreds of grads from secular schools overwhelmingly. They said no it did not help them in terms of the things that are important for the rest of their lives going to college did not help them. I'm curious on your end, what your experience was, would you say go to college. Help me because I was in school. It really helped equip me. I'm from a secular college right maybe once a Christian college in very different perspective, but I am curious you call as well. 866-348-7884 but if you will go to the line of and click on digital library look at one of my recent videos. Cal State combats micro aggressions segregation we have increasing censorship on college campuses.

We have an increasing attack on freedom of speech we have a reigning political correctness that shuts out other ideas and instead of even say studying the classics or studying American history. You will get someone's perspective on the classics, or someone's perspective on American history and what you end up is learning someone's ideology rather than learning how to think on your own how to think critically on your own and and reading and dealing with the primary sources which is what's so important picture taking a class on the Bible and the only exposure you have is from a former evangelical who is now a very zealous atheist and they are going to teach a course on the Bible and that's what the course is, here's the person perspective of this professor on the Scriptures, and that was your only introduction to the Bible picture that verses in this class were going to read the Bible and understand its purpose and history and understand it in its literary and historical context, and then you draw your conclusions, you would get to completely different classes completely different perspective. Now, a few years back, friends in North Carolina when there was a vote on redefining marriage even though Democrats outnumber Republicans in North Carolina about 3 to 2.

If I'm correct, even though the side wanted to redefine marriage outspent the conservative side that wanted to leave marriage intact as it is outspent them at least 2 to 1.

The vote was overwhelming, decisive and strong. 61% said do not redefine marriage 39% said marriage should be redefine so is a very very strong vote and if you look at a map of North Carolina.

You'll see if you want to paint it red for those its adult redefine marriage and blue for the ones that said redefine it because that would largely be the difference between Republican and Democrat perspective, you would see that except for I believe four counties in the state. All of the others said, do not change marriage she would paint that read over the counties that fully the other way while Mecklenburg County, where Charlotte is located and the counties say Raleigh where the capital of North Carolina is and these are considered to be the hubs for education. This is where the universities are located that the major universities and this is the research and tech hub so I had someone call my radio show, a young woman who was in college that and she said I am so proud of my County that we voted for same-sex marriage and I'm so ashamed of the rest of North Carolina and the fact is, these other people really don't understand they're not educated, they don't have the facts that the more I spoke with her, the clearer it was that her views were as bigoted as anybody's.

There was her views were not based on careful interaction with the arguments pro and con. They were based on a gut level emotional stand in one direction and a negative caricaturing of those on the other side without really giving thought to what is the meaning of marriage. What is the purpose of marriage in society how to specific children in the coming generations since open the door to other things. Is there a reason that despite homosexual presence throughout history and even celebrated homosexual presence in some cultures, that marriage was never redefined historically until recently knows not based on that it was it was based on who should be made to gaze or live. A friend and why can she marry partner in other words, the same argument that you could use for why can an adult father marry his adult son, if you want.

Why can two adult brothers marry or what ever whatever bottom line is this her basic position which I ended up putting out an article formers is, why should the the backward bigots be allowed to vote and end because I am educated, secular universities, but I held to these conservative views that would somehow put me in the class of the back would bigots and then Gov. Perdue, the liberal governor or previous governor of North Carolina and to apologize these common subsequently but after the vote went through. She was ashamed of North Carolina's is what we Mississippi all yeah those people in Mississippi those uneducated hex. It was like the city mouse country mouse thing Williams city mouse has something to learn as well about life so it's an interesting perspective, but you'll hear it more and more at and in this is the feeling you'll get that the educated, the elite, the progressive, the wise ones… Should lead our nation. They are voting for Hillary Clinton course. Of course they voted for Barack Obama, but pot educated the basket of deplorable the racists. The Islamic folds the homophobes, the xenophobes ones are all like David Duke, former grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Yeah, those ones without college degrees.

They're the ones being duped by charlatan like Trump now I am not making a statement here of endorsement for Donald Trump.

You know the depth of my disagreement with Hillary Clinton and my prayerful hope that Donald Trump will continue to listen to godly counsel and will grow into what he would need to be to lead our nation but I'm talking about the mindset I'm talking about the judgment and you have it on the campuses as well, which are overwhelmingly overwhelmingly pro-liberal at one time on an honest exchange of ideas and it's just clear that the liberal views Windover talk about the suppressing of other ideas. The censoring of other ideas.

Select CNN recently did when there is a Trump supporter who was put on TV as a hero because he saw there was a child stuck in a car in hot car two-year-old child could suffocate and he broke the window over the sledgehammer. Something got the kid out and eat his ragged T-shirt. It's a Trump 2016 and when it first aired on CNN headline news that just aired like that for the next only blurred the blue T-shirt out.

God forbid that a Trump supporter should look like sunlight, compassion, kindness, or was heroic. I would write back with you because 8664 error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown before I go on one question, how important are these upcoming elections interview. Another question do you personally trust your Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump if if there was an issue where you had to entrust something to them personally would would you be willing to do that puts on the presidential issue for the question and I mentioned this just in passing the NFL protests have gotten to that yet in NCAA declaring war against North Carolina Senate they are pulling their pulling championship games from North Carolina because of North Carolina's HP to you talk about political correctness gone completely amuck a whole bunch of things to discuss with you another question I put out your college education. How did it help you habited equip you for the future.

866-348-7884 the skill of the phones will start in Brooklyn, Sean. Welcome to the line of fire very well, thank you all on the right leg, our government and change anything, anything, it made painting or Latinate year and all Obama in order to make change or act change change that. My take on how critical it Eric, but she hadn't glad you any trouble or report Hillary I did not matter I wouldn't vote either. And I believe that either of them show value and love their brother. Obviously I got ongoing about lightly area for my children and for our meeting in college education question. I have a college and I've been in my career aired in my career aired before I go to college.

I only went to college commitment not hire any more viable in all reality I don't believe it had anything my career, I believe that you all just just over real quick and I appreciate you weighing and so concisely, different questions on this real quick overall life overall equipping for life for who you are as human being just beyond your career to college, play a good role in that the classes that help shape you or is that something that's really need to hear their college.

You environment that I would shape my life negative. Negative audit yeah on your college now and deep knowledge of our liberal all the way and I I liberal shall wear and our net operating yet understood's are understood and how the college is God is radically liberal as there are so many of them is a whole other question I address it in a book that will be out the year from now. So tell you more about that as we get closer. I thank you Sean for weighing in 866-34-TRUTH 87884 hey look, I have a problem with some young people voting, they have very little understanding of certain issues because of their age villages only so much you can trust them with a certain age and get their vote counts as much as the person whose carefully examine the issues for decades. But hey, if if if a young man or young woman is old enough to go off to war in 18 you better believe the need to have the right to vote. In 18 and if you knocking the rights voted until 20 or 21 then don't expect legal fight for the country either. So on that level you can have it both ways.

Hate go back to the phones in the moment, but tomorrow at the same time, I'll be interviewing Jonathan Kahn about his new book, the book of mysteries, it will be a real eye opener for you and I can ask him a bunch of questions as well about knows Mr. the streets a book and did he prophesy things didn't happen. It is people are asking that or or two things happen just as expected, but you can you can get the book. We got a tremendous package go to the website asked Dr. Brown a SKDR asked Dr. and you'll see it right on the homepage. You see the special offer take advantage of it right back to the phones. Others go to New Jersey, reverent Christian, thanks for calling on a fire back your epidemic. All the poblano coloring recorder about torture global good. How about questions? How do limited lifespan strong and noted that we could make it look at Pres. I Janet I get… Here's my thinking back about what Goodlatte would think, think about what you would have hardened pop in the ID get mad views where we could we could beat that with the Lord and depart good. I attempted to change graphs order and no growth in defense of stringent mileage on nonslip Lincoln is proposing alright so now she is: what the basket of Arthur Russell about how the shoot boat but you looking good. I the portable is given that marriage on your good yet limitless in the courts of the global yet limit. Let me say this. Or, and I appreciate your passion and fire over this lease it is finally yes there are many questions about Donald Trump's character, his honesty is his unfaithfulness and marriage greed, pride for sure, but I I would if I if I had to choose between those things and work with someone to help them move forward versus someone who is committed to killing babies and feels in the womb. The woman's right to do it and feels that's part of her Methodist Christian faith and redefining marriage and as part of her Methodist Christian faith and then you add in the other character issues. The question of trustworthiness and honesty with Hillary Clinton. Oh yeah Sarah mom with you on that point. Absolute it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 66343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown is a joy it is joy to on the line of fire. 286-634-8784 the number to call before I go back to the phones. Just saw this article sent to me on LGBT Q so obviously gay website. South Africa bars American pastor over anti-LGBT hate speech. The article from the Associated Press, South Africa's bars American pastor who has made anti-gay comments from entering the country loose a gob of the home affairs minister said Tuesday that Stephen Anderson members of the faith were Baptist Church of Tempe, Arizona will not be allowed to travel to South Africa because they allegedly promoted hate speech goddesses. South Africa still struggling to curb discrimination. Despite laws that are among the most put progress in the world is as the country does not need more hatred advocated for people Anderson is made harshly critical comments about homosexuals is church website lists a sewing marathon in Johannesburg on Sunday. Activist had erred South Africa's government to bar him from entering. I got to be honest I I have mixed feelings on this mixed feelings on three and come back to America in a moment, but this one awareness. I have mixed feelings.

The one I am on record here on the line of fire, and on video for completely denouncing his comments celebrating the murder in cold blood of 49 men and women at the pulse for the gay bar in Orlando, Florida in June absolutely deplorable comments that I denounced and I had a colleague of his pastor Roger Jimenez on the air and rebuked him for his vile comments which the government could just line up all gays, lesbians, district, and dancing all gays are pedophiles and gays cannot be safe and I have a subsequent video just posted if you go to the line of this click on digital library to see it right refuse his theology, alleging that the sections cannot be saved based on Romans one, so II utterly oppose the audiology where they're coming from.

While at the same time, I steadfastly opposed redefining marriage marriage is need of a man and woman, as God intended it. I hold to the Scriptures that homosexual practice matter how loving and committed is sinful in God's sight in all circumstances and I pose the activist LGBT activist goals to change America and other nations except I agree that every human being should be treated with civility and kindness in every human being is protected. It is entitled to equal protection under the law of another rewriting of the law and not new protections of that exist before so I have mixed feelings. On the one hand I fully understand my South Africa does not want someone coming into their country, who celebrated the cold-blooded assassination of homosexual men and women are others that may been in the gay bar in Orlando, Florida. I could understand why they would not want him coming into their country. On the other hand I have, how far does this go and how politically correct is one have to be to get into a country like South Africa. So my views are polar opposite than Steven and she's on some key points on the other hand, I agree with millions of other hundreds of millions of other conservative Christians about all these points I made about homosexual practice being sinful home situations being sinful redefining marriage being wrong with South Africa then want to bar me with with the same people want to bar him not find enough difference in our position as face a gay activist just look at me is as one wacko who's not as crazy as this other wacko. One hatemonger is not as crazy as his other hate moderates that so they look at it, they will have many, many do not because I hear from heaven about these things so we shall see God willing I might go to South Africa next. So we shall see what right back to call for the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown have ability. You can cite no precedent. Nothing in the Constitution.

No legal precedent. You know this is important to us. You now have your subpoena, we would all like to see this information that was Utah representative republic represented Jason chafe. It's as subpoena has been issued to the FBI for Clinton probe records and remarkably, remarkably, check this out Brian Paglia on the IT professional who set up Hillary Clinton's private email server did not show up to a House oversight hearing today defying subpoena by Congress wall and according to represented chafe. It's virtually every single email that Mr. Pagliaro had has suddenly disappeared 2015 this is our G.I. article 2015 Peg now refused to answer questions regarding the Benghazi attack before Congress just received an immunity deal during the FBI's investigation into the State Department eventually to no criminal charges against the State Department in June during a deposition with watchdog group judicial watch Peg now played the fifth, more than 125 times during a 90 minute meeting with you all together say with me. Yikes. Hillary Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, Clinton campaign team Mr. Caggiano what are you hiding 86634 we go to Washington DC, Richard. Welcome to the line of fire and well. Thank you yikes yeah like Sunday. Thank you sir are part about her arm. When Hillary Ramberg of Morocco was for really absolutely absolute opposite of the best sort that that particular time. Yeah I know the things that happen in the end, and the campaign were her husband and the people to disappear believably. The fifth business Separated can ignore yeah and look you know there's there always could be conspiratorial theories you know I have people create stories about me you know and and their people.

I know I hear stories create about them so you always have to sift and look for truth, but when you see a pattern over many years and even the health issues. Okay, we don't know exactly what's going on. The could just be pneumonia but what of the deal is was withheld from the public and that that's what concerns people look if you do something wrong as a boy I really blew it and you come out with it. Americans tend to be forgiving people they don't like the allied to the manager told me one day where there's smoke there's fire. There is no different smoking that they met out from a campaign absolutely can't get around desolate, thing would down the truck you know people say what they want to say about him but. There's been a president that we do have so far 4444.

There's been probably 25 or 30 of Adamo chopped threat to him.

So no, even if Donald Trump is a mistake to start with the eight years to figure it out so you can attain a certain level with Donald Trump with the a lot of the false he has a quite huffy has something stiff out of knowledge physically like will be politically correct so he's the stuff he does wrong the things he says wrong is his past. It's like that is pretty much open that the question would be, though, if elected, do we know where he'll really stand within the other thing is how many people promises one thing and they get elected and don't do it either that, but that's what I mean by preprepared effective 30 of Adamo chopped breath to him and I like to be the end of the world and then even if you get enough people around him, and even the system itself is not on allowing the group are so much like this so much damage so much he could write only so much you could do independently know could he bring down the way people look at America in a kitty behave in a way that's embarrassing. Those are the questions within flip it over. He's deftly changed a lot in his campaign since he's got new people around them, and since then. Now he's made up of big deficits Hillary Clinton in some places his leading sobs he wants to win so the other thing is we have the incentive if elected president to want to be a good president. There was even if he doesn't have the right moral values would he want to be perceived as having them and therefore would he get good counsel Robert Richard the many things I could take away from what you're saying but I will repeat it is not the end of the world.

Either way, knows church lastly church. The church still has to be the church about who is elected we still have a role to play.

We still have a job to do and no matter who selected we should be praying just as fervently and giving ourselves to God of the great commission just as fervently hey Richard, thank you for weighing in at 8663 for 87884 Charlotte, North Carolina Victoria, welcome to light a fire in welcome.

I like the liberal arts college in Christian love the Lord. I and different in the fact that my major in college related leaders know I wanted to do it before and then I literally turned out evening that I'm actually a young professional learning mail. I'm like laying out in college at work.

I or, like the energy we can look back and think it helped me now. I really think it did help me now have to work no matter elected to compare Gaelic people think that a college crap and it left out. You might agreement that they back to anything because I have to learn high-performing college to do more things that other people like at night.

The different now in my generation. Then there is the millennial right now and everything handed like like. The difference in my work at other people that I not know how much or how much of it dead due to any debt, there is a product that ever again like to have it if you don't want my asking, how much did you end up owing at the end of your college experience. Not well here are a lot of old out of the air and I want… I started okay about it over around little over 30. Okay now 20 right and plenty of schools, private schools, you could end up with well over hundred thousand dollars in debt when you're jumping up to your parents raised you. Certainly with trustworthiness and responsibility.

That's a big part of it all. But hey, I appreciate you. You wing it and I'm sure many others and nodding and saying that that mirrors their experience at all.

If you string in the context was allegations from some that the Republican Party is becoming more uneducated and and that of course would explain why more people are supporting Donald Trump because that's a less educated position and was it me for the future of the party in elections, etc. since want to address how useful or unuseful liberal arts or secular college was in your own life, 8663 for truth. So let's go over to Newburgh, New York, Stephen welcome to light a fire alarm I'm doing well thank you got earlier on.

You go bowling yeah and just just written just for the benefit of those just just tuning in lesson was on the one hand, I have misgivings about an 18-year-old voting because they can be so informed so many things.

Think about your reviews were 18, as opposed to 3040 50 yet. If an 18-year-olds going to go off to war. In some cases be required to the draft you better believe they should have the right to vote.

If you have the responsibility go to war so was my comment just a statement of your take, while Dr. I hate I would but we came one day, but now not address the following so if you want to follow every caught at 818 going why you think Obama you want to believe the lie outbreak. There are, yes, so that is interesting thought that here's the question you if you can drink it. 18. Why can you vote at 18.

Stephen got a break for. Thank you file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown [okay okay reference health and honesty and disclosure being forthcoming.

Clip number four Joey this is from today for Pres. Bill Clinton with PBS's Charlie Rose discussing Hillary's house is doing fine after a good nights sleep now will play the clip and that I want to tell you something that was missing early when the interview was aired.

Go ahead.

Pneumonia sometimes that can take a while the recovery it can. Is it possible that you will be away for weeks from the campaign trail sought ability and overbooking of the is is connected to the concussion is connected to any other thing that happened to her. No is far as we know she's undergone extensive physical exams.

Since I concussion. Okay, so he says that they think that we shall see how she does get back on the trail below which are evil. Obviously, but I oppose her presidency so her candidacy for president.

But here's what's interesting this aired this aired on CBS this morning. On Monday and the fact that according Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton has quote frequently frequently fainted due to dehydration that did not air on CBS this morning. Earlier this week, so yesterday and TMZ, which is what it celebrity gossip website points out that the frequently part was edited out Mondays evening news was interesting is what it was left in with a longer version aired today on CBS this month so if I confused when it aired today on CBS this morning. It had the quote when it aired on Mondays evening news.

It did not have as Since it's only three seconds so seems odd. It would have been removed for time purposes. Got a call on CBS but no word back yet so she's frequently fainted to the dehydration that Argosy raises concerns for other levels. This in terms of overall health, but Junior no this reporting accurate for this peculiar that that was left out. 866342's Greg.

Welcome to the line of fire shoreline Washington, thanks for calling Michael. Michael sure you credit touched on on some different issues that I'm either one of them got back to me at the beginning of the matter college education yeah and and and I've spent a fair amount of time it at a college education about University of Washington Seattle dear I have to say that my college education has been superbly important in my life on on several different levels and some of the complaints that you offered. I didn't.

I don't find to be substantiated really routinely used in my history class we routinely use original text and the prize to you how healthy right now. I'm 58 now God yes so so just just to just to point out that things are very different I'm 61, things are very different in our day with educational system than in many schools. That's not to say that less whether there are some schools where the reading of classics is almost gone.

Actually but yeah things. Things have changed a lot in terms of the insertion of ideologies and let me say that when I had when I had classes say taught on ancient physical history. They were taught by professors that were very skeptical of these things and that was injected through the whole class, but we still did a certain amount of reading of primary texts seems to be less of that these days I think things have changed, which are surprising. But anyway, back, back to you think I have to go back to college and Mike Burdick. Now that was still obviously 25 years ago but but here's the deal back then when I was a young evangelical I used to listen to the radio and I would hear the exact same kind of complaint that you're making now. I dear the same complaint about the public school system and how horrible they were and how their their their doing this and I ended up interning during that time. After that time, and two different public school system and with young people and I'll tell you some of the hardest working people pictures and they're just trying to get the kids to learn reading, writing and arithmetic, and I just I just found that you talked about getting a perspective I find that where I see perspective.

People who people's perspective been interjected is more in the evangelical community than anywhere else, and I guess it just just that it's an odd thing because I I've spoken to numerous educators and they've told me about how overwhelmingly difficult it is for them because of the tremendous pressure of political correctness and how they are forced to teach things they don't agree with right right in Charlotte, North Carolina. There was a woman in in our ministry school who was teaching a preschool so that was for four-year-olds and she was not allowed to call them boys or girls that would be making a gender distinction she had call them friends and she was required to read books to four-year-olds like Heather has two mom she ultimately quit the job because she couldn't do those things in good conscience I had a college professor call me and tell me that on her campus and in her classes, which are in the arts and things like that because they're not religious classes. She's not allowed to other the word God. I pressed her on and she assured me that was the case because it was, not germane to her subject matter, where is II know I remember one professor telling me that when she started teaching PhD in education at the school from which I I've got my undergrad degree that she was shocked. In the first faculty meeting that they were comparing notes with how many Christians they had picked off, and" D converted in the previous year raised enough skepticism that they lost their faith and they they were comparing notes on it and this this discussions photo 15 years ago so there is here just just check this out check out how many conservatives are invited to speak at commencement services graduation services or or of graduation ceremonies, excuse me, you'll find about 4521 liberal versus conservative. Check the donations of the professors at Ivy League schools to presidential campaign to fund the overwhelmingly Democrat versus Republican. Check out the vast majority say of biologists and's or psychologists and see where they are in terms of atheism. They will be 345 times higher than the overall population. Check out George Yancey's writing. There are several George Nancy's this is an African-American professor why a NCE wife who has done major service and is academic research on this and has discovered extraordinary bias against conservative views of being voiced on college campuses to the point that some professors don't really let their views be known until they are 10 years so your experience of not denying that I would say it's quite different than the overall reality. Thank you for calling the end of the our friends.

Be sure to go to the line of check out our recent articles, videos, special offer. My bottom line today.

No question world is worldly question is church like his, we got our finger on the pulse of the nation right here it's time for the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown, let me speak to something happening in North Carolina. It affects the whole life through every listening around America and around the world is important, but in particular everyone listening to me throughout the state of North Carolina. Let me have your ear NCAA national collegiate athletic Association has decided to relocate championship games from North Carolina for 2016 2017.

As reported on the news. Based on the NCA's AA's commitment to fairness and inclusion.

All those words how those words get butchered how those words get misused.

Those words get abused based on the NCAA's commitment to fairness and inclusion. The Association Marie Kate relocate all seven previously awarded championship event championship events from North Carolina during the 2000 1617 academic year.

The NCAA board of governors made this decision because of the cumulative actions taken by the state concerning civil rights protections.

This is Michael Brown you're listening to the modifier 866-348-7884's decision Monday, the board of governors emphasize that NCAA championships and events must promote an inclusive atmosphere for all college athletes, coaches, ministers and fans for North Carolina state laws make it challenging to guarantee that host communities can help deliver on a commitment if NCAA events remained in the state. The board set according to Mark Emmert NCAA Pres. Fairness is about more than the opportunity to participate in college sports really compete for championships. We believe in prayer, providing a safe and respectful environment and our events are committed to providing the best experience possible for college athletes fans everyone taking part in our championships. Will Hank hang on Hank hang out will Hank hang on for second year ago it was perfectly fine to hold these events was not it was it was perfectly fine. One year ago. There is no objection there was no issue there was no problem and the laws now are basically what they were a year ago activist radical activists in Charlotte messed things up for the whole state by basically declaring all all public restrooms and locker rooms gender neutral and by telling schools that you had to open up to the locker room of 15-year-old girls to a 15-year-old boy who was to plan a girls sports team and says that he's a girl so Norco I stayed after the recollections of the short silly counselors reported the city Council listening to give me call defender view. If you want the ones that voted for these radical changes or if you want those that supported these radical changes. Give me a call 866-34-TRUTH 784 will have a civil discussion of the second guarantee stability on my soul. All North Carolina did basically was put things back to the way they were before all know were now bigoted homophobes credit fighting the progressivism of today also.

In other words, in other words, you're being fair and inclusive when you insist that it is a six-year-old girl in kindergarten share her bathroom with a six-year-old boy who identify who I identify as boy identifies as a girl your insisting they can use a separate bathroom. We must use the bathroom with the six-year-old girls. You have a confusions that that's being fair and inclusive in the 17-year-old girl who's been sexually abused as a hard enough time changing and in using shower stalls, along with her along with her female friends school. She now has to share with the biological male, fair, inclusive, to punish North Carolina for that kidding me by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown drawing us modified feel like the NBA's convenience, North Carolina, NCAA, scallions, North Carolina, the NFL will lead different cities over the issues of of same-sex marriage or or or religious liberties or things like that and in the Obama administration is is bullying school districts across America Sega lose federal funding and aid in less you adopt and embrace their radical LGBT activism Norco I could potentially lose what is it 4 billion something dollars in federal aid, and on and on it goes. It's as bad -7 positive, but this is a result of the sleeping compromise church. This is this is the result of a church that thought he could win the world by becoming like the world church that thought that that the best way to impact the world was by bypassing the cross church that thought that by lowering the standards and in making God's ways more powerful palatable the rebellious human beings. It would somehow advance the gospel does the exact opposite. That's why were the situation rents bad situation. What's the solution awakening revival God's people, awakening turning from sin, pulpits, awakening were that the preachers of the gospel.

Preach truth with love that a compromise wanted a message. Thank God for those who do.

What a shame anymore.

Do not 866-34-TRUTH I want to get back to school because this is now tying in with the NFL protests and protests that the anthem will discuss that with you in a moment but first before we take your calls Tammy Fitzgerald of the North Carolina values coalition has issued a statement quote there is an expectation of privacy with women and children going to the shower locker room is more than an expectation. It's right in our elected officials have a duty to protect that right. The NCAA is punishing the state of North Carolina because it dares to stand up for the common sense notion that everyone has a right to privacy, decency and safety in bathroom showers and locker rooms. The NCAA is guilty of extreme hypocrisy. While it believes the people of North Carolina to allow boys and the girls locker rooms, showers and bathrooms. It prohibits boys from playing on the girls sports teams 24 states have sued the federal government over the very mandate that the NCAA is now trying to force on the people of North Carolina exactly exactly friends don't go to sleep on this notice like it was on TV is known of the these are issues that affect your liberties. These are issues that that these are issues that that affect your children's future. How, what kind of education they get have rights schools will have what about the Christian education that depends on being nonprofit tax exempt and receives tax exemption. One of those schools were about church ministries that in the natural would be unable to function without another supplanted countries don't have those things God provides.

But it is good… It is before the provision become in many cases can be a lot of pain being weaned from our current system how how would it affect things if the Christian school.

Your kids rent is not not allowed to continue because it will not have the rights it has will be recognize whatever it is, because it does not embrace LGBT activists with the matter to in Canada. I don't know how far this winter been unable to track it recently but couple years ago in the province of Ontario.

I believe that there was a move to require home schooling parents, not to teach with the Bible said about homosexuality and same-sex quote marriage during school times which many homeschool parents will say is all the time.

They used all different times of the day there could be sitting around the table for dinner and the talk about issues germane to the children's education.

Not only was this extraordinary overreach.

Then the question is tomorrow that hesitantly monitors the income your homes so that's crazy could never have what you just tell me if I told you where we are today in America 20 years ago. If you wouldn't tell me that's crazy that'll never happen if you if you doubt it, go, go back and see what you're reading be entertained by thinking about that how you responded to those of us who 10 years ago told you what was coming and in many scorned it. Do not take this lightly.

Friends do not take this lightly. I am not Mr. chicken Little skies falling I'm I'm full of optimism, hope, confidence by God's grace am looking forward to it to a bright future in the Lord for many years to come and watch him work, and in God's kingdom. It's always bright and shining light on how dark it is on the outside. Let's face the facts.

There could be some real challenges coming, there could be some of people coming are a lovely little world.

They get rocked. Hey, if that's what it takes to wake us up and get back to the great commission, so be it.

But it's a shame it has to come like that it's it's like the person that only after a heart attack that they barely survive. Now the go change their diet lifestyle.

I'm glad you're changing it, but it would've been a whole lot better to change it before the crisis came to avert the crisis so that will never come 866-34-TRUTH looking at this report here February 2016. A Washington Post liberal intolerance is on the rise on America's college campuses aright so NCAA is national collegiate of lytic athletic associations work on college campuses on Thursday. This was, let me just see here this back in February, so have the exact date front of me in the week of the 11th okay I Thursday the higher education research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles released the latest iteration of the survey, which included 141,189 full-time first-year students attending about 200 public and private baccalaureate institutions around the country of the survey question asked restroom when they would participate in student demonstrations while in college. 8.5% said there was a very good chance they would the two is the highest share on record 1968 yeah, that was totally tumultuous revolutionary year in American history and in much the world set was from University student take over there just 4.5% of freshman nationwide said they expected to protest while that's telling let's see our last freshman survey finding of interest. The highest share of students since 1973.

Now to consider themselves left of center, and a higher share of college freshmen ever released since this question was first asked in 1970. Call themselves far left white wall. What's influencing them on the way up to college education are getting but even more, what's influencing them media media, social media far left to the surprise.

No 866-34-TRUTH let's go to know we won't. We won't let me throw out a couple of questions for you. I put this poll out woo an hour ago on twitter and we just got our first what hundred 69 votes in your opinion, how important are the upcoming presidential elections, 27% say no different than before. 29% very important. 44%. Most critical in the memory. Now that means that 73% with my three choices that I gave 73% say very important or most critical in memory that I could've given another choice to say not important at all, but I thought no different than before.

We cover that. So those that think not important at all those that think, just like other elections known but not more important previous ones they'd that'll be in a category. Otherwise, they would say very important for most critical in member is not interest, what's your take 866-348-7884 the number to call to weigh in and old couple other questions I have here want get to throw this out repeated from the first hour.

Do you trust Hillary Clinton would you trust Donald Trump. No yes no question. I don't mean to be our next president. I mean if you have a trust. One of them as they told him to give you my word, who would you trust as they look in the eyes and said, I'm telling you the truth, would you trust either of them to trust one more than the other. If you have an urgent personal matter that you had on trust or from hey look, I'm going out of town.

Can I trust this to you to handle forming and to be responsible for an end to make wise decisions.

Would you trust Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton implicitly, explicitly, neither one at all.

One more than the other.

Just wondering if your again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks much for joining us today on the line of fire 866-34-TRUTH I gotta question I want to put out a moment about the NFL player protests of the national anthem and how it's trickling down with other settings. Good thing bad thing good with you taking a stand. Better to take a stand bread because it taken a wrong stand will talk about that in a moment. Because the dishonoring the flag good because we need to challenge her heritage will talk about that in a moment, but I was supposed to be today in in Texas at a private gathering of a number of key Christian leaders from around America in the world of ministry in the world of business in the world of politics having some discussions together having some discussions together about about the elections and the church and what our attitude should be, and I I offered three thoughts that I sent today and by way of video with everything going on with with my mom almost 94 and just as happy content suite is ever a posted a picture of from earlier today of you with my mom at the place which is the hospital's rehab nursing place right now. This posted a picture from our earlier time today she suite. She's content she's happy but she's very frail question of how much time you have left almost 94 years old and getting more frail, but because everything happy with the mom's not able to to travel down, to be at the scouting photo if you want to see what my dear sweet mom looks like I posted it on Facebook asked Dr. Brown on Facebook, twitter, Dr. Michael Brown Tricia DR Michael L.

Brown on twitter and in my Instagram account but you find all of that's history, website, asked her to to see all that info to connect ask if you're around at work but I sent just a short video to three minutes long, making three basic points one is that the energy the passion that goes towards the elections we fear we need to put towards the great commission and to prayer and revile politics are important. Yes we elect is important we see that the decisions made by our our presidential leaders. The examples they set the direction they pointed us is been quite consequential, quite consequential for years.

Undeniably's undeniably's so the elections are important no arguments about that. What's so ever whatsoever. However however we must put our greater our greater emphasis or greater commitment to our greater energy towards the things that God has given us to do it and not get so caught up that this becomes the big thing.

Come on you know it you're hanging around talking with people having pleasant conversations us of elections come up, and it's volatile war so volatile among friends, family, church people dividing over it. Talk about all not even doctrinal. As you gather from that cost growth gets volatile. While so we need to take that energy passion put towards the things God called us to do vote. Get educated yes, but that is down the list in terms of the parties for what God has called us to do that someone number two, number two, whoever is elected we need to pray with equal fervor. While I say that as a white evangelical what I've often seen my colleagues do is were very upset with President Clinton for many reasons. Bill Clinton so we pray and we pray and we pray, we cry out, and we pray and it these next elections are really important and again to determine the direction of American someone and we cry out we pray, we cry out we pray and then we get say George Bush elected knowing we take our foot off the gas. We basically stop stop praying like that that doesn't make sense is George Bush, the answer is is is he the one that's going to turn everything around the answers. Obviously not. So just as human beings.

I can have that much influence I many things did well other things. That's not so. But God the point is we pray like crazy all God, all God old dog movies elections bring the right person, we don't name them by name or bring the man and then we get someone then we could pray so let's just say many to think Donald Trump embedded Hillary Clinton for for whatever reason and defend your upset with Barack Obama you don't want four years or eight more years of continuing the same vein, so you miss Donald Trump email like as much with okay trumpet if he gets any better pray just as hard as if Hillary got in as number two, number three, the big issue is not so much the presence of darkness is the absence of life that is the big issue.

The big issue is the church being the church. So if suddenly suddenly in our studios here. It got dark, I would start yelling at the darkness. What's the matter with the darkness know I was speaking on Long Island Sunday afternoon. They can fly home that night and one of my friends was leading a worship pastor. The congregation was leading worship and submit power cut out came back on and cut out so it was still bright enough in there because the windows of the building there and it was only 145 in the afternoon. That was a big problem but of course the AC was officer to get warm and there's no Mike anymore and and no volume for the worship you have to be a small gathering sentiment gather with your friend and those Leslie so speak before flying home. But the promise turn the power back on.

Turn the power back on. Turn the power on get the lights on. We have a generator for the lights. The problems of the darkness.

The problem is the light. The problem is that the absence of the power flowing through the electrical circuits and it was a regional thing just happened and throughout that that area so the big big big issue of the day boiled down as God's people living as God's people. The light shining brightly. The fire burning fervently, the salt being salty God's people living like God's people. God's people praying like God's people. God's people preaching like God's people.

God's people winning the lost like God's people. God's people care for the poor and the needy got like God's people got God's people giving themselves to the great commission.

I God's people should if will do what God called us to do will see the changes we want to see regardless of who's in the White House. All there to be very very negative consequences. Many of them no argument with a Hillary Clinton presidency, and it's possible that there could be some real issues with Donald Trump presidency.

That to me is is more of the year.

I believe if he continues to listen to God the people around him if he listens more more to Gabi people around him.

Then then the concern should be less but someone posted this, we could electrically Clinton lose America but save the church of the church will awake or we could elect Donald Trump save America lose the church. Meaning the church will go on its lumbar, how about electing the best candidate or the candidate that is I'm sure Hillary Clinton is one that I oppose that much I can say without endorsed Donald Trump.

I can set up… How about doing our best to look like candidate and then all the more doing our best to shine the light darkness of the people of God right that it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 66343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown unlock such mysteries as the portal, the mystery of the eighth day the Maccabean blueprint, the bridegroom's visitation. This seven mysteries of the age and much more. Enter a one year odyssey with 365 different mysteries, one for every day of the year.

The book of mysteries by Jonathan con. I cannot wait until tomorrow and I'm going to do a one hour interview will be before I come on here with Jonathan con about his book of mysteries, Jonathan con, best-selling author of the harbinger and the mystery of the strata.

He is super excited about this new book so I can't wait to do the interview with him and ask him what about the mystery of the street. Some say you prophesy things it didn't happen. Other say no notes this what he laid out the books when you talk about all of that and when you order the books were a website we have two exclusive things you can only get through our website.

Number one will also give you the one hour interview with Jonathan and number two a mini book I've written for Jewish outreach and to open the eyes of believers called seven secrets of the real Masai that is not available for sale and will be giving that you with the book to find out more before tomorrow's interview go to the line of fire.Oregon. You see, right on the homepage, this is Michael Brown thank you so much for tuning in today. I will discuss some important moral and cultural issues get your feedback first life reported yesterday. ACLU loses attempt to force Catholic hospitals report refer patients for abortions. Good good good.

Shamus even comes up. Shame anyone could think that in America without religious liberties that a Catholic hospital could be put under pressure to refer patients for abortions Catholic hospital in Michigan will not be forced to recommend abortions to patients after federal court rejected a woman's lawsuit on Thursday. Commission means represented by the ACLU filed a lawsuit against the US conference of Catholic Bishops in 2013 after she claimed the Catholic hospital failed to present abortion is an option when her water broke at 18 weeks of pregnancy means that she was in excruciating pain at Mercy health partners hospital in Muskegon, Michigan.

There was no chance that her unborn child would survive in the loss of Chile to the hospital is under the direction of the US conference.

Catholic of conference of Catholic Bishops was negligent because you should have been presented with the option to have an abortion. The ACLU also claimed abortion would've been safer for her than actually miscarrying her child, and by the way, no one that is in healthcare that I can imagine being involved in a hospital in caring for mothers and children and others in need would relish the idea of this movie being in excruciating pain and I would imagine they did what they could to alleviate the pain. However however you do not present an option that you believe is tantamount to murdering the child in the womb. You don't present that is an option if it violates your ethical foundation of life in medical practice, and what what if there was someone who is suffering severe depression and and and and and was getting suicidal because the six-month-old child screamed and cried all night. There were single-parent care for them with other lose their mind. You discard the child to get rid of the child. You know you still don't have that as an option. They beget care for the child to try to get away to get the woman away for the child she can rest etc. but you don't get rid of the child, because that violates your ethical same thing here Thursday. The federal judges upheld subversive last week upheld an earlier District Court. This is US six Court of Appeals. They are up in the early District Court judge's decision to dismiss the case and that Judge Robert home spell throughout the case in 2015 same means claim would impermissibly intrude upon ecclesiastical matters Catholic hospital. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you thank you for joining us by joint privilege to be on here with you 866-34-TRUTH all by the way, by the way, everyone listening to me all over Dallas-Fort Worth area.

This will give you heads up.

I give you more details Wednesday, September 28.

I'm scheduled to speak at a special equipping night at Gateway church in Grapevine speak there a special equipping event were dealing with having hearts of compassion and backbone to steal them with the moral and cultural issues, and then the next day will give you details where when how to be Thursday night Thursday night September 29 doing a special meet and greet with all of you listening to us throughout the DFW area was so getting some details together since we have those will let you know about them, especially Catholic hospital stay on the issue of Catholicism for one moment Sen. Tim Kaine three. Clinton's running mate described as a devout Catholic about his devotion to the Catholic Church is been questioned because he's pro-abortion cannot be and is running with a radical pro-abortion candidate, but in a recent talk to the human rights campaign, the world's largest activist organization that has been on their list of being guilty of exporting hate to the nations because we say could should have a mom and dad and marriage should be a man and woman some exporting hate to the nations that his talk at their annual fundraiser in DC. He's expecting or hoping that the Catholic Church is going to change Catholic Church is going to change its views and points to Genesis 1 in Genesis 1, challenge God for the beautiful diversity of human family. I think were supposed to celebrated not challenge Sen. Kane that was before the fall of man that concert, everything was very good. Since then, he does not say everything on the earth is very good and we should celebrated not challenge it.

In any case, have an article it's getting a lot of attention. Devout Catholic Tim Kaine purchased the Bible to embrace a radicalism greeted by going to the line of fire.

The line of 866-348-7884 okay okay the NFL protests how you feel about you feel it's good start if I can't Remake sitting in and take in need during the national anthem. Others joining him to feel good about these protests as they are drawing attention to perceived injustices in America would you feel are spitting in the very flag that is given in the liberties to do with her doing and spitting on the memories of those who sacrificed so much in those alive today who sacrificed so much for our country so they could have the liberties and all these players are making more money than just about any of us are ever to make in a lifetime with the do it over lifetime courses, their business, but they're making more money that that's because of America being what it is it it is this positive or -1 team. All the players stood together joined arms within one of the players raised his fist in a Black power salute is is that a positive reset associate him then with with negative violent movements and what about the idea that what's being protested is the wrong thing there was to make the major protested issue. Well, this is about white police brutality against Blacks is wrong.

Issue because according to studies that I've read there is actually a high percentage of black brutality against Blacks than white brutality against whites or see quicker to pull the trigger and what about white on white or black on white. When the police so maybe it's that systemic racism just as much is simply certain or to sell us some police use violence to quickly or summer just on edge for fear their own lives with relevant costs he could kill and business create an attitude of hostility towards police. What if there are larger issues being to which attention was being drawn it.

In other words, if it was the days of slavery and we had your national anthem before sports event where the sports were played back that it would sports were there organized sports city 1850s that were played widely all over America about whatever they were.

The CEU had the playing of the national anthem and people refuse to stand because of slavery.

I understand that say we honor our flavor were shamed where we are as a nation so these good things are bad 866-34-TRUTH, 7884 Sen. Ted Cruz yesterday expressed his disdain towards this he said to all the athletes who have made millions in America's freedom stop insulting our flag, our nation, our heroes and he fired back. It basketball commentator Jaelyn Rose who saluted NFL players and teams who peacefully protested quote. Here's a peaceful protest never buy another shoe shirt or jersey of rich spoiled athletes who dishonor our flag.

They said it's sad. You see, rich, spoiled athletes that don't recognize what an incredible blessing this country is further said after Pres. Obama said that Catholic was court exercising his constitutional right to the crew set. I was disappointed to see Pres. Obama stand with It. I can say that's right. Disrespect the flag stuff.

The job of the president. The president should be standing up for America and the president should be encouraging every American to honor the flag so many bled and died for now, Catholic for his part, said he's not dishonoring veterans at all that he appreciates the country but is drawing attention to injustice. But again, his comments pointing to black on white violence and police. To me that's that's not the biggest issue that that's not that within the top five, maybe within the top 10 issues of the greatest issues that black Americans are facing today where it exists. B exposed where it exists. Let it be renounced red exist especially if it's Tiedemann, a type of systemic racism which he shouted from the rooftops, but there's so many other areas that are much more important it's it's it's almost as if you're ignoring what's most important in looking at center just because there was a Facebook video that was posted about this about this, a Michigan top Starnes on start sans the cod, a Michigan school district called the historic Betsy Ross flagged a symbol of hate and profusely apologize after just after students display the flag at a recent high school football game.

Quote to waive a historical version of our flag that some symbolizes exclusion hate injects hostility and confusion to event where no one intended to do so with Forest Hills public school superintendent Daniel been in a letter to parents. This is the 13 star flag.

The founding of the nation at least one parent was shocked dear students chanting USA and wearing red white and blue, so there is certainly an anti-patriotic spirit that is growing in many ways in the nation, and then about this. This was reported on Saturday and let me just see where this is in Philadelphia.

Woodrow Wilson high school coaches and players taken the during the anthem I see one guy standing. This shot everybody else is nearly Woodrow Wilson high Phil Anastasia reported the Woodrow Wilson high school football coach Preston Brown told his place before Saturday season opener that he planned to take in the during the national anthem. All but two of them followed his lead and for my tele-team. It looks predominately if not all African-American just to give you the demographics are brown and most of his assistant coach as long as nearly all the players knelt on the national anthem was played on a hot humid afternoon at Mike Rozier Stadium in East Camden. He said I still America still of our military. This is our way of saying that things have changed in a country the suppression of social injustice in these kids would look at why primarily of the kids in shape. If they're living it out.

If the earth if they're experiencing problems. Is it primarily because in their neighborhood. They are kept down by whites. I would doubt that I would doubt that is to say there is no racism and prejudice in America know know know we talked about many a time on the radio here, but it is to say the bigger problems. There is a breakdown of family and a lot of the reason for the breakdown of the family is is because of our whole government welfare system and making people into victims and instead of productive contributors to the society and contributing to church to follow this this being rewarded with with more money for children, yet there are policies that I believe are hurting black Americans absolutely policies and and and broken families, but you look at the crime. What was happening else is been dubbed the Ferguson effect is police are getting less aggressive in their tactics and making sure they don't do things a chemical racial profiling and are withdrawing from certain controversial practices. The crime rates are soaring. The murder rates are soaring is that positive is a good sans to say, by all means protest injustice protest problems, but have up, pointing to the right problems for emphasis rather just go with the standard narrative. By the way, my goal is not popular Michael his leg. This is understanding your voice more cultural, straight to the phone back on the inside of the break I care on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown just in my guts and cutting edge line of

Is he right on the homepage latest articles and videos and then click on the digital library click for more. We've got wants of things there so worth looking for the one Click on the digital library.

I have responded to some rabbis I have responded to a pastor who claims according to the Bible.

Homosexuals cannot be saved.

We've got teaching on what it really means to turn the other cheek and began my article response to vice presidential nominee Tim Kane about his abusing of the Scriptures.

It is scriptural malpractice.

866-34-TRUTH let's go to Fort Mill, South Carolina Jeannie, welcome to the line of fire program every night about what people who say that our heart and it now layer.there are 911 yeah that's that was with Sunday was the opening day of the season and yet the opening Sunday of the season and and yes there were a number that did not. And of course this was the worst case scenario for the NFL to draw attention to that of all days to not stand in your my wife, Nancy Lucas, especially because of losing her brother on 9/11 but also out of sympathy to other victims spent a lot of hours watching things in course it's devastating and painful and agonizing and you have to say okay what is what is that flag stand for that would be the point is saying America's perfect. No say we don't have problems. No, but it is speaking of the best of America and what we represent. Hence, the standing and the recognition of the sacrifice for so yes you you do speak for many and being indignant and shockingly a thank you thank you for going in and speaking with tears 866-34-TRUTH in Plano, Texas Bethany, welcome to the line of fire. Hi Dr. Brown here in Dallas-Fort Worth and that the acrylic bear and ready to meet you in everything you well on this layout I grabbing violent acted and I did not come from a very wonderful background Michael on my high school and about 80% black and anti-white can't bear yellow yacht able to witness first hand about I get what you call reverse racism now or whatever. I'm better off now about how email can you know what when I grew up all through elementary school, middle school, you know kids are are born with the ability to tell the difference between what he looks like they're also born with it beautiful inclusion that yeah parent and whenever you see that the evolutionary sort of prospect going all the way to your high school youth. The people started aggregate and felt that I noticed this person when I was in 10th grade, if you call me kid with aggregating and found according to their cultural relativity. They were sitting next to people who are like them fell whenever you thought you To broken homes or father that were gone or were pregnant at 14 or 15 you had you don't then all fit together – and they were supporting each other in the case you a thank you not not much greater than an education problem. There is a family problem violent, but they promoted on each other with it with all violent. Yeah so again that there are larger cultural issues with her is injustice and look when you see you experienced reverse racism. So then you have to say okay in a largely white culture.

It's understandable that Blacks will experience race not justifying for split-second or Hispanics will experience induration. In other words whoever is that the dominant culture. It's very easy for another culture to experience prejudice or mistreatment, especially with our older history with African-Americans. But let's put things in the larger context of you, but what what are the issues that we can address river that exists racism, prejudice and discrimination.

We must address it, especially as followers of Jesus must leave the when addressing but but if we try to fix a problem we can fix you know if if if you got somebody being rushed into the emergency room and and there bleeding from the brain and and they also have a broken left pinky toe you work on the bleeding on the brain first that that's the more each and urgent matter. So as you look at America across racial lines and across other divisions were biggest problems. That's what we gotta draw attention to in Ephesus, a Bethany keep spreading the word. September 28 will be Kate we church a special meet and greet for listeners location details to be announced Thursday night September 20 20 night so help us spread the word.

The more the merrier. All right, 866-34-TRUTH Jonah Goldberg national review. We live in an age where victimhood is the new currency victims. New kind of aristocracy and pity a cardinal virtue of let's go to Raleigh, North Carolina Ron, you are on the line of fire here.

Yeah Michael yes go ahead please. Okay well here's the direct are I could invaded more data to fit about the black American condition. The condition of our community for, ignored her religion no something you may know a lot more about our mother reflecting what analysts African-American callers leaders of said to me for many many years that the great issues are the breakdown of in the family and that blame largely on the system. I don't blame the families.

I blame that largely on the system and welfare, and policies that are been instituted that of hurt black Americans that help black Americans. But I'm only saying what analysts, analysts, analysts, African-American callers sits me for years now and pass out and leaders album African-American quickly.

One year, and I I've never run into any African-American saying that basically you know that you can't know I can expect a police officer to pull beer cooler. It might kill lied about that he will be over efforts of the country and given a ticket for Carolina Jeremy Denmark thought that without worrying about being shot keel you actually answer you have been racially profiled. I have not accident a thousand times over right my going to set my my point is that that is not the biggest problem in the community. Big assignment of that younger family that I don't readily minimize that. It also as I've said that you can but you could speak that for you. You can't figure African-American date they have to be one thing that I have, but they have yours for years Ron on this very radio show free and their 7080 and 2030 there all ages to come to the breakdown of the family you have on hand to chill out racism and slavery to the tooted Jim Crow laws tooted in the school you know with the curriculum for even if the truth about right so the system thank the system is hurt the family that's pipeline. The system has hurt the phone that I'm in the family circle and listen to Jimmy Jimmy Faber. I got a run, try to call me back and will let you on regularly. We have a limit to how often some cough: you can mark Canada next week. I want you to express yourself more fully in no way don't want to insult or offend. Please call back all right of this at a time of online today only as we humble ourselves together