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One Day Before the Elections

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
November 7, 2016 4:20 pm

One Day Before the Elections

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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November 7, 2016 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 11/07/16.

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The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

It's the day before elections. Is there any place you'd rather be than right here on the line of fire stage for the line of fire, your host, activist, author, international speaker and theologians Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH index 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown what what I woke up way too early this morning and guess what was on my mind yeah the elections and how we respond if Hillary Clinton is the next president. How we respond if Donald Trump is the next president. So I wrote an article if Hillary wins if Trump wins six different keys to responsibilities and responses as believers either one is the next president. We assume it's going to be one of the two so will talk about that on the air. We want to be ready. We want to be equipped one have a kingdom perspective. We got a bunch of news to catch up on relative to the election so welcome, welcome to the line of fire. This is Michael Brown your joyful voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Yes on the radio for such a time as this is my only concern with having a lot to talk about on the radio in the next few years. I think we solved that problem just with whoever is going to be the next president that there's always a lot more to talk about than that in some days we don't talk about the country elections anything at all.

We just focus on the word focus on the Lord hears the recall 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 784. Are you a voter who just in the last week reading today finally decided how you can about maybe working to vote at all and they decided how your vote that you like to hear from you.

866-34-TRUTH 87884.

Also, if you would like to give it has to be short, concise to the point of passionate word as to why we should or should not vote for either of the primary candidates to take some calls from you as well. 866-34-TRUTH 784 so if you're undecided and and in the last week or even day said okay okay I decided hung a vote. Give me a call or if you'd like to give a passionate center to be short, concise, passionate word clear word as to why we should or should not vote for a particular candidate.

Give me a call 866-34-TRUTH 7884. I've got actually three new articles that have gone up since the week skews me we can in this morning and will keep you posted on that was interesting is I sent out a bunch of tweets. As always, and the one that has gotten the biggest response. The one that is gotten the most likes and retweets is this one. America might be shaken with the electing of an ex-president of the kingdom of God will not be shaken. Neither should God's people. That being said, I do believe I do believe that either a Trump presidency or Hillary presidency. Either of these are a wake up call to the church and we do well to heed this wake-up call to repeat this America might be shaken with the electing of an ex-president of the kingdom of God will not be shaken.

Neither should God's people. It is very possible that this next election will shape or reshape or if there was such a word D shape America. What we know it to be with either president elected by the church must march on the people of God must march on the people of God must have their marching orders, and we must know what we are to do in this society so only to give you potential scenarios Donald Trump selected with that means of Hillary Clinton's like it with them is for us as believers and how we respond and then I want talk about FBI director called me one the world I mean who is a four Hillary Clinton aggressively clinches doing the right thing and then some late breaking news that Wikileaks there was collusion between the Democratic national committee and CNN questions to ask Donald Trump and Ted Cruz surprising, if true, no member cleansing Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael land is your land. Land is my land from California to New York land rent will are rainwater land is made.

I let's let's be candid. Whoever wins probably more Americans than any time in recent decades will feel like this is no longer there land. We know during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, the nation was almost torn apart over slavery, and of course we had the blood terribly painful Civil War.

The Torah nation often.

Abraham Lincoln said was a judgment for the sin of slavery. But if you look in recent decades, whoever wins, whoever wins is there is there really any sense that that the defeated side will say okay we accept that right. The Hillary side mixer president Tromp, the Tromso can we accept President Clinton IME that the level of distaste, the level of apartments.

The level of people saying that's not my president. It's it's gonna be higher than in my lifetime, 8663 for 87884. Interestingly as much as I differ with a lot of what James Carville political commentator and strategist has to say, listen, listen to the clip number six. This is on morning Joe today. James Carville listen to what he had to say. It's interesting perspective on the elections on the vote went almost a country that wages have really gone into different camps and in treatment we really don't know each other well-known Republicans. We don't rest on irrelevant about the little Democrats and we do throughout the country all clustered together. Yeah there's there's a sense of deeper divisions deeper divisions over over the selections than any certain acumen or my left no question we've been terribly divided, deeply divided over these things and the divisions have stayed strong to the presidency's bid of Clinton or Bush or or or Obama messing at something new I'm saying it is something deeper. It is something deeper and as I said earlier, whoever wins in my mind this is a wake-up call to the church of America so my latest article of Hillary wins if Tromp wins so were talking about later tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, barring something completely unforeseen, we will have President-elect Trump President-elect three Clinton. Either of these scenarios unimaginable to many. But here's where we are so if if Hillary wins Hillary wins then that means to me that Christians who voted for Donald Trump in the primaries & were voting for him not for crews of Rubio not for Huckabee not for walking out for this with Alpha that were voting for him because he's the only one can defeat Hillary Limited wrong in all likelihood it if he loses it's it's all because of who he is and almost any of the other candidates could have defeated Hillary because I didn't have the baggage of your trauma. When the most unpopular Democratic candidates in years and yet she beats Donald Trump. He only has himself to blame. And that regardless the whole thing is rigged and fixed etc. but you know what I'm saying that if not for the mistakes he made them, and that the quotes of his from recent months that can be used against him was a very powerful ad I saw last night that Hillary had religious of little children watching TV in their different quotes from Donald Trump campaigning and it's pretty damning their member I'm voting for Donald Trump under saying that that if in fact if in fact he is defeated and yet people say we had a vote for him because he's the only one he's the only one who can defeat Hillary the whole time. He said he's the least likely one to do it and it would also mean that people put nationalism, Christian conservatives put nationalism before biblical principles and and saw in the flesh.

More the spirit of conversely conversely, if he is elected. Then we have to give credit to people who saw God's hand in something as unlikely as it was because the fleshly aspects of Donald Trump the. The character issues of Donald Trump are such that you think of him as the president and were not not just talking about their resistor businessmen were talking about character flaws were talking about ways of treating other people that could have an effect on the nation, potentially alienating other countries were talked about his his wife Malia still being proud of her of her nude photo shoot years back and that's the first lady and kids learn from that and on and on that despite all that tax. They saw the goblins up to something and that there was a purpose in Donald Trump being an express United States. So either way because it is to me the only way he gets in, asked me the hand of God. That is a judgment as a blessing.

Those are things we can debate, but to me the only way that he gets in his with a handgun. There's too much stacked against the media stacked against them.

The Clinton political machine stacked against him his own baggage and history stacked against them.

The many mistakes he's made since he's been campaigning, stacked against him that the only way.

In my humble opinion that he gets elected again this is from someone voting for him with reservation. But yes, voting for him when he gets elected is if it was the hand of God to do it now.

What does that mean if you select filling Clinton selected to me, that is, for the judgment and chastisement for us as believers in America is for the sign that we remain complacent it is for the signed it that we remain asleep and compromise with the world is for the sign that we haven't been praying. Haven't been repenting. Haven't been reaching out. Haven't been doing our job. Thank God for the faithful and the loyal but all too many of us are asleep at the wheel Jennifer at the wheel at all. So we would have to prepare. We would have to prepare for national civil disobedience which is biblical obedience. In other words, if Hillary presidency reinforces what Barack Obama is doing Pres. Obama's doing and then takes it even further say with recent law in California that requires pro-life pregnancy.

Centrist also refer people to abortion clinics's you going there you can go to Planned Parenthood clinic when there is it maybe 19-year-old scared pregnant young woman can't believe you're pregnant you and your boyfriend never intended family be upset with you.

You're just a freshman in college you do forces only option. You know, but you just go in there and end there to talk about.

Okay, here's a baby in your room if you give me an ultrasound to see it talked about okay if you have the baby would support you can get talk about options for adoption of carry the baby and then you can give that they be overtook to find parents at birth and any to find out how your child is doing. Over the years they go through the options under under this new law, which is been upheld right now by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. You would be required as a pro-life pregnancy center to say these people all and by the way, here's a pamphlet.

This is a local abortion clinic.

If you decide to terminate the pregnancy. Here's where you go. That's unconscionable and and and Dr. James Dobson is a gotta disobey that while there are quite a few things happening, laws and restrictions that would be prime schools regarding our belief in biblical morality and sexual morality and things like that. So the fact of the matter is we have to prepare right now with respect for authority and without violent means. God forbid we would think that way peacefully and with respect for authority, we have to say sorry will comply and we have to do it on a national level, that means hundreds of thousands that means millions of believers wherever applicable. Standing together and saying with all respect for the government. We have to obey God rather than man of God can grant Hillary Clinton repentance God can turn things upside down. The Supreme Court sovereignly. He can do whatever he wants to do right now were dealing with certain candidates, certain views, certain convictions and we warned about was coming under Pres. Obama. Eight years ago set.

I hope I'm wrong.

I'm praying that will be the greatest presidents in our history. I'm so saddened by by by what he's done in so many ways and we warned about it back then we warned even more clearly because Hillary Clinton's views have been more clearly expressed and is received by what appears to be all types of corruption with Clinton foundation mishandling of things with a look at yourself despite FBI director, Seneca press charges will be indicted then then what happens when this is now the president of the United States.

So either way, this is time to wake up. I'm not discouraged on that fearful I worship God. I want to repeat what I said earlier, as my my most retweeted liked tweak and lost 24 hours. America might be shaken with the electing of unexpressive, but the kingdom of God will not be shaken needed for God's people at the same time.

This is a wake-up call will be right back with your calls a whole lot more to discuss today on the line of fire, 86634878845 line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Thanks so much for joining us on the line of fire, 866-348-7884 if you have been undecided about the elections you have been undecided and now you have in the last 24 hours or 48 hours come to a decision about how you want to vote then out by all means give me a call. Be curious to hear from you.

Also also, if you want to give a passionate plea to vote for or against certain candidates got to be sure it's good have to be concise. Give me a call 866-34-TRUTH 87884. I am did some polling on my twitter feed some interesting results.

Go to your calls momentarily. I asked the question was that James Comey justified in shutting down the investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails now again again.

There was great outcry when he said was she was extremely reckless but when I can indict then there was outcry. What is the regular reopen investigation. Each different site having different reaction. Then when he said big surprise over we can actually were no charges. So apparently they reviewed 650,000 emails on Anthony Weiner's personal computer. The question and had it had question is how did Hillary Clinton emails get on that server were on his computer were there classified emails and more charges by the minute, one that she had her made print up classified documents, emails and things like that in which this goes on and on and on. On and on and on.

You think it okay so why in the world would he do that. Why in the world would he just drop this was the under that much pressure to the Justice Department say this is it Sunday you shut this down or else the higher powers tell them that in the government you shut this down or else redo as he made a terrible mistake even announcing this because there is nothing to look at. I mean either all the news leaks and information were getting a completely bogus this thing a draw prematurely.

So I asked you believe Comey was justified in ending the investigation. 5% said yes, 72% said no. 23% no idea it's only 5% said yes and then I asked another question.

So you will see that my twitter followers are overwhelmingly conservative, there would be only a tiny number that would be voting for Hillary Clinton. But I asked this of this is very interesting regarding trump where you stand. Are you voting for him with enthusiasm, reluctance or canceled from, so these are mainly conservative, mainly conservative followers on twitter.

I have only got 23, 24,000, and we got a ton more face because it is often said this is easy to do a poll on twitter just comes up automatically. Interestingly, it split three ways. It split three ways. 34% say their voting from with enthusiasm. 32% say their voting with reluctance and 34% said the canceled friend.

So again, a tremendously divisive candidate, even on the conservative side.

Now some of us pointed out some is pointing out that when Donald Trump selected if he selected the first full day you have after inauguration will be 70 years old, seven months, seven days and it's it's that the year 5777 on the Jewish calendar and what I make of that.

Nothing really spells with nothing. Looking at an article that an Orthodox Jewish rabbi has predicted he has a predicted through Bible codes that Donald Trump will be the next president.

What I make of that.

Not much, just being honest with not much 866-348-7884 I would start in Silver Spring, Maryland Douglas walking to the line of fire.

By doing regular chemical this object element common God, will not be voting Democrat all the time, I want because I agree with what's going on right now I would emails a cheapo liar liar liar and also you can about Obama, it belonged to Great Britain. I do realize that no know so I said, I pray that he would be, but it's been the opposite. All the black community in the very hot. They are not very happy the first time the dating okay but my point.

Be elected right up against the north where you live because we already know that eating a blind part of it.we can find out she is a liar. I choose liar. If I don't think it be elected if you cannot swear it if you swear that's against the law but you knows that you try coming and I don't understand the anger when the claimant is like. I want to live bro might get where you know I understand, listen, listen to, it's quite ironic, sir, that whoever is going to be elected president will will swear on the Bible quite ironic. Do I believe that Donald Trump has live.

Yes during the campaign. Yes, I believe that Hillary Clinton is corrupt and a liar. With the massive track rates that track records affect yes is a troublemaker. Yes again. I've I've shared one voting for because I've been asked repeatedly for months and after much prayer and consideration in viewing the issues the father should vote for Donald Trump. I have an article just go to my radio website.

The line of and click on the digital library typing trump infection for quite a few articles about that. I have urged against voting for Hillary Clinton. Again, everyone has to do with the going to do before the Lord and I'm simply speaking as an individual… This a ministry or an organization, just as it is an individual to Jubilee. The shedding of innocent blood is high on God's list of things that he of course and and with Hillary Clinton being so strong on that the most radical pro-abortion candidate we had even defending in a debate abortion right up to the last minute of the ninth month of pregnancy that's terribly disturbing if it was the only issue, but they're not there others I have an article about factoring is really where the candidates stand on his real Republican platform much stronger than the Democratic platform.

Many Jews believing that Donald Trump despite his flaws would be a better friend of Israel than Hillary Clinton. These are the two major concerns and the fact that Donald Trump would stand up for religious liberties, versatility Clinton, who I believe would be directly opposed to them.

Certain fundamental ways when it comes to gay-rights and women's rights, reproductive rights of I differ profoundly and there could be attempts to muzzle us in our differencing. Those things could well be had, doesn't scare me the same. That's the reality. So again everyone has to weigh what they do and come to their own decision before the Lord. I can only give my insights and thoughts and people of asked for those so II share them.

But either way either way. We must not look to his in the White House to change America.

It's up to the church to wake up. It is up to the church to wake up. We have a sacred calling from heaven, we must walk in obedience to the Lord, by the way, we got a great resource office this week that a living ministry philology thought of the elections, the political will also check that out on the line of it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you much for joining us on the line 48664 truth regarding the voting it's it is now well I've seen some exit polls again have seen some other anecdotal evidence that the black vote for Donald Trump is higher this for the. The early voting is higher for him than was the case for mitt Romney. Again we will see how that plays out. See how the Jewish vote plays out white faux Hispanic vote mail vote.

Female vote. I'd I don't know who's going to be the next president. God has not given me a word and toilets will have to write that but I don't have that word but I do have insight in terms of how we are to respond. I do have insight in terms of what this means to us as believers. For example, if if if Hillary wins, we need to continue to pray for what appears to be the massive corruption of the claims for for that to still be exposed. This would be very difficult with Hillary Clinton at the helm, but it can still be done. We should pray for the corruption of the media and the political establishment to be exposed as well. This is this is something of what's happened with Donald Trump that that he's help bring a lot of this to the surface in a way that takes a bull in a china shop to do it. On the other hand, Trump presidency going back to him could do as much harm as good. Since his wrecking ball methods and questionable character so volatile and unpredictable they could bring us down as easily as you bring us up to meet think for minute if you had Kanye West rap stars talked about wanting to many jokes about it run for president if he was the president's wife, Kim Kardashian was first lady what what kind of effect would that have on American morals standards these things became the norm. I do not keep up with the Kardashian's but I do know this can Kardashian is that famous for her modesty. What happens to ladies across America. Young girls across America. That was the first lady of the Kanye West lyrics because there were now on the lips of people in America you have that degrading effect quotes an exaggerated picture, but you can have that effect with Donald Trump and Amalia Trump with with her past in his past, and some of who he is today, which is all the more reason to pray that if he does get in if he does get in that God surrounds them with godly counsel is that he listens to those godly counsel decision reprinted for Hillary as well yes, but Donald Trump seems much more open to godly counselors and if you look at his running mate. My pants compared to Tim Kane, Mike pence, which share biblical values. Much, much more deeply than with Tim Kane that Tim Kane is a Catholic says that the Catholic Church has to change its views on things like abortion and same-sex quote marriage right back to the phones we go to Don in Boston or New York. Welcome to the line of fire. Yes, one Orthodox Jew to talk okay.that effective then it got so that man cannot condone what God number two. Why do you think Don Oates, "Billy could talk to, kind of car, think what God for the event is very different… A talk, and how he talked about how we have… Didn't feel like a part of the day, godly reverend. You don't have to worry God but nobody yeah your your point is very well taken. Don, let me respond to the first first point first and then I'll response your second question, which is a very fair question. On the other side of the break up. But if in fact if in fact there was a prophetic word south of Pres. that will come to pass.

I simply don't know if there has been such a true prophetic word especially based on Bible codes all right thank you stay right there. I'll answer the question of assertively more calls. We come back. Her plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, the domain is a you is no. That song sung by Barry McGuire 60s reflected how we felt back then that the world was coming apart. Remember getting a CD with some of the classic songs from the 60s.

Some of the protest songs from the 60s folk and rock and on the drive with Nancy played that and and she said if she remembered she remembered how we felt at that time sheet. She remembered the feeling of frustration that she couldn't do anything about it in the world was falling apart so it was the biggest protest song of the 60s and the reached number one on the Billboard hot 100 chart. September 25, 1965 stay in the top 20 for two months talent destroyed Barry McGuire's career at that point as well. But it became a hippie anthem was written by 19-year-old PF Sloan who was a staff songwriter at Barry McGuire's label Sloan with this on his website.

The song even the structure was written in the early morning hours between midnight and dawn and mid 1964 song contained a number of issues that were unbearable to me at the time I wrote it as a prayer to God for an answer. Interesting. I felt so dawn back your excellent question as to why do I believe Donald Trump has a better chance of listening to godly counsel and Hillary Clinton when he doesn't seem to be the type that takes counsel well. Dawn to be totally candid with you if I didn't hear what I heard from people behind the scenes.

Spending time with him.

Up close, personal some cases for hours over period of days I I would think neither of them are receptive.

Hillary Clinton has been set with a particular ideology, philosophy mindset surrounded by people like heart and mind for many many years and I see new no openness to change course God can do anything, but I see no openness with Donald Trump for the first time in his life he surrounded by godly men and women he has on his ticket.

Mike pence. He has been Carson's had Mike Huckabee close by James Robison, a clear gospel voice in his 70s now Billy Graham have set him up in ministry. Decades ago he said in 55 years of ministry. No one has ever received him as graciously and humbly as Trump and will endlessly speak in trouble. Answer his personal calls on the first or second ring. James is laid into him and called him to repent, humble himself and and yet he continues to listen and has made certain decisions based on godly counsel.

For example, who he will appoint the Supreme Court justices with help from Heritage foundation. So although watching publicly the outward appearance of speeches I would share your skepticism.

Don I do have hope that there's a better chance that he'll listen and Hillary based on the fact that he keeps the door open to these people around him and let's pray. Whoever selected the God's will will be done in their lives.

I was on my face, releasing God your will, your will for America. Your will for these elections, 866342. Let's go to Sheila in New York. Welcome to the line of fire on the ground that wanted you I am on… Reluctantly on the based on Beverly Hillary, and I could never vote for it, like that though, upload the things that God and Mary on what you think… About law and order that their mind what you mean by that Vliet had so many people live in back of the buffet.

That he thought that there is back in the flat@and murder someone on the and no one else does anything about it and when you think about law and order.

I would like to know what you think they mean by that.

Yes, thank you Sheila and that's that's also a very very fair question is as well. So to answer yes we have had examples of police brutality and even policeman officers who have been charged with crimes or even found guilty of crimes. EE even of the what 2nd° murder things like that something serious serious violations of human rights and of of the rights of citizens that has happened.

Does this have been exposed cell phone said things like that for the nation to see.

We've also had over 50 policeman killed this year, including a number ambushed and killed in cold blood know here that is much and in other words, you can understand why police overreact and why they are fearful for their lives. On the one hand of the hundreds zero excuse zero excuse for some of the shootings that have taken place so here so I understand I'll come to me it's pretty well demonstrated that when the police are not actively involved in communities that the crime rate goes up that the murder rate goes up and and that this causes more lives to be loss than anything and that we must have respect for law and order.

However, at the same time we must have high standards for our our our officers in our legal system so that you can't just sweep this under the rug. Now why don't why think that Trump wants to stand with the police, but also is sensitive to the needs of the citizens and recognizes that there are cases where the police have acted with unnecessary force and the result has been the loss of a citizens life that should've lived another day will if you remember the Oklahoma shooting the shooting in Tulsa and here you had the police community church community that the mayor of all working together to try to bring peace in the community. If you remember this this was seen where it where there's an unarmed black man. He is has has his hands up. He is walking towards the officer but hands of hands behind his head.

He's complying and he gets shot he get shot down Trump wants that incident didn't seem right decent sheet.

It doesn't look like she should've been on the force.

In other words, he had he had questions about it and and said we have to look into it, rather than just send the cops are always right.

So yes, he does want respect for law and order and yes he does believe that this will save lives in the community.

For example in Baltimore were police are afraid of pulling the trigger wrongly or being wrongly accused of pulling the trigger. They've they've backed away as I understand from certain things that they would normally do and their many, many more murders now, the community, so many more lives lost.there must be fairness there there.

When a cop asked wrongly that cop like any other person has to be held accountable, especially because they have a gun in their hand legally and I believe based on his comments based on his comments that that he does recognize the issues here that is not blind to them.

He said he says he's the one Arctic candidate, Hillary Clinton, on the other hand is is weak and effective pandering and is proven by recent email scandal, a lot of cases but not only am I the law and order candidate. I am also the candidate of compassion believe it. The candidate is compassion. I don't see him as a candidate of compassion. I was either that was the kind of compassion, but I do believe that he recognizes there are problems with the current system there are abuses, and those need to be addressed at the same time we need to stand with wine order. Otherwise, we have chaos in our society. So a very fair question.

Sheila hopefully have given you a fair answer, not just some Trump apologist answer because that's that's not who I am all right we go to Gina in no we don't. We go to stand in Virginia Beach.

Thanks for calling the line of fire. Dr. Brown thank you for taking my call shrine.

I really love your show.

By the way, you're really out of all of your sound with. I got totally greater statement about the church being like the treatment of change for America not whoever selected totally in agreement that mapping that I've heard numerous Christian they that they would rather gain from voting, and I think that the big day coming. During the last, but not selected a million of Christian voters stayed home during the last election didn't even vote and I also thought my five dollars to go kart mentioned in a post on Facebook that many people are ready his name in a presidential ballot and for you to become people not to wait. Electorate got your response. Both of those would thing altogether and often those who try to divert both third-party at this juncture the election says grant it. There's no third party candidate that all believers can rally around. At this point anyway. Not yet important points right points and I will reply to your questions celebrate.

Instead, thank you for the good word which we should stay right there with Risa the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 8663 here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Looking back to the line of fire. On this day before the elections.

8663 for 87884.

So back to stand in Virginia Beach. I I do respect Christian saying I I simply have to act my conscience, I can't worry about who gets in and in fact the idea that I'm going to put my trust in Donald Trump conservative Christian I'm gonna put my trust in Donald Trump to be our next candidate is a compromise for me. II do understand that and I respected you never want to tell someone to to violate their conscience. You never want to tell someone to act in a way that's contrary to their conscience, especially when we don't know what a Donald Trump presidency would do. We don't know what type of effect if in fact the he is the last warm house words, God's chaos candidate and he is a divine wrecking ball. Do you want a wrecking ball smash through your house when you have to renovate the room where a wrecking ball with the take down someplace that's that's been abandoned and needs to be condemned. You know if you if you need surgery you don't you don't have a wrecking ball so that what with the effects of the presidency. Big I see a lot of good that could come and then ice. I see potential damage that could come. I really don't see that the only good I see the come of a Hillary presidency in so many ways is the waking up of the church that the fact that finally we would recognize okay if we got four years or eight years of of this week, we better quit complaining about the government and get on our faces and do we need to do it to me, that would be about the only positivist and quick compromising start to stand up for what's right.

Rather, make excuses and just try to cater to people but when it comes to Donald Trump. I do see there could be a respite with regard to religious liberty.

I do see there could be right judges appointed to the Supreme Court. I do see that there could be the further exposing of the corruption of of of of the media and of the political establishment and perhaps even of the Clintons themselves, etc. at the same time, you know, again watching a commercial that add that auntie Trump added Pro Hillary at religious little children watching TV and their different quotes from Donald Trump as a candidate. You're not from 20 years ago, but recent quotes that's troubling what type of example, which he said what what might he choose to do because he's going to do his own thing and be volatile. Now again as I've weighed that I still feel the vote for him, but I do respect some of saying I'm just putting up a protest vote, even though I know it's meaningless. Overall or I'm I'm not voting at all. I would discourage folks into the can vote at all to at least vote for other issues within their station know, for example in North Carolina where I currently live. There is a major gubernatorial battle between Pat McCrory and Roy Cooper and their values and priorities are as different as night and day, and there there there is the bullying against government McCrory and state of North Carolina to try to get us to move away from some of our moral values and expectations of privacy protections for children in schools and therefore there someone in North Carolina since I can vote for Trump.

I'd say will vote for governor that so I have to respect to stand under no circumstances can I tell someone. Look, you're wasting your vote or are you sitting out at you, just letting Hillary Pres., we still have to obey our conscience. II agree with in obeying our cognitive.

I think I'm looking at all the perspective that we being born in this country were almost like a sense of responsibility to make the right decision on the boat. Are you in China failed to vote the best person or that person understand that as believers we should take responsibility for the nation which we've been born to participate and to be able to put godly people in office until enough. Granted, the two candidates that are out there right now I don't see godly as being associated with either. However, I do think that the fact that Trump has been surrounding himself with godly boys in a people can really give him godly counsel where commitment has not done that.

I see that as for me, it it make more sense as believers to vote for the candidate that is more inclined to carry Godly counsel to another life.

Yeah I'm with you on that. And that's one reason that I voted for him and went with that. I deeply respect those that say they can't encourage them to reconsider, but I absolutely respect those that have to draw that line and they would say look, we we don't feel it's our moral responsibility as Americans just to vote for some candidate we feel it's our responsibility to vote our conscience cannot vote according to our conscience. But thank you for your perspective up, I'm with you on that all right occurred I can Walt is a liberal journalist. I took issue with his article on that. The Bible a couple years ago and Newsweek allowed me to write a lengthy rebuttal, but he has written out very very strongly about a James Comey and has has said plainly that he is not fit to be in office.

According to him, he has whiplash the or whipsaw the elections and that his announcement that they're going to investigate because there could be some emails of concern to announce that publicly was to do terrible damage obviously be responsible.

Now you see that there was nothing to it that it accordingly. He never should've made the announcement that let let me let me say this. I am glad that I'm not James Comey right now and whatever crucible is in the let's pray that God would use it for his long-term good repentance salvation only thing about the man's personal life, but when he initially said she's not being indicted few months back after giving all the reasons why she should have been indicted. I thought complete compromise and that's is caving in to the Clinton machine.

Nothing less than that, when he said that he was opening up the investigation. I thought he has no choice.

The pressure must be mounting from within his own organization. The evidence must be too overwhelming began to hear reports of what was coming forth from that evidences secret leaks and things like that and you will is okay. He had no choice but to announce it and hopefully all the information enough pertinent racial copy for the number of race that people realize it or they can fulfill the Clintons towards corruption and then when he says of the week you will actually were not investigated or how was that was at that level of flip-flopping was he trying to do the right thing to weeks ago when he reopened this object to make up for for not indicting the first time around, but turns out there's nothing to it. There's no smoking gun or is it that he did the right thing, but the pressure was too overwhelming and he had to back down in a way we've never seen the like.

We have absolutely never seen the like, and ultimately ultimately I think the skeptics are going to feel all the more that the system is rigged and those in the Clinton camp argument feel all the more. The Comey was out to actually take her down.

Strange that sounds so what comes out of this.

To me, just more questions, more questions, check out my latest articles and videos at the line of fire, double-click our digital library for the latest of the edified Western health and check out Drosophila bottom line today either Hillary Clinton Donald Trump is president.

It's a wake-up call for the church. It's the day before elections. Is there any place you'd rather be than right here on the line of fire stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown, my friend Larry Tomczak has written article 45 ways your life improves with Tromp as the 45th president, but will he be will allies be improved with him as president. What happens if Hillary is president.

The forward has an article 3. Jews explain why they are voting for Donald Trump. Despite everything, this is Michael Brown. We got a lot to talk about on this date before the elections. 866-348-7884 that is the number to call if you want to make a passionate appeal to vote for or against one of the candidates. Phone lines are open.

You have to be brief and to the point, we will be able to go on a seven minute diatribe, but if you would like to give a passionate appeal for or against one of the candidates. 8663 freight 7884 almost your last opportunity to do so to a national audience. Also, if you have been a reluctant voter or undecided folder and you just now decided last week and the last day how your vote. Give me a call. Tell me why I did a poll on Twitter where I asked folks we stand with regard to Donald Trump voting for him is basically one third one third one third one third said voting from enthusiasm one third said voting for with reluctance. One third said can vote for him was 34% 32%, 34% quite telling. Would you say and I didn't pull Hillary voters because they be very few of my Twitter followers that would be Hillary voters. Therefore, I poll those, but that's interesting to see latest poll, speaking of Polska's mind node reached what 27,000 people and got six, 800 responses. Whatever.

Right now, according to real clear politics. Hillary Clinton has a on average of the major polls a 3% lead over Donald Trump and 82% chance of winning.

Of the most reliable poll for the last election. Has Donald Trump up a few points. That's interesting and looking at battleground states it's it's it's a mix it's mix them and we don't know how accurate the polling is going to be when all said and done and obviously the way to see if there have been rankings of machines or things like that is you do. Exit polls and how people voted in that particular precinct with exit poll was done using compared to the actual results. They should be virtually identical based on an adequate cross-section of sampling. What about illegals voting, voter fraud and things like that.

There's probably more talk about that the selection than it has been with Tromp saying the whole thing is rigged. God knows this much I know I'm on my facing God your will for the elections. Your will, your plan, your best. That's what I am crying out for and I do believe that either Hillary presidency or Trump presidency is a wake-up call to America and please hearing please turn many who share my conservative values and beliefs would certainly recognize the need to pray and cry out and get on with the work of the church is Hillary Clinton was elected because of her views on abortion and homosexuality religious liberties or things like that.

But please, please, hearing the need is just as urgent to pray and wake up and get about doing our business and reaching out to the poor and the needy and calling the nation to repent.

The need is virtually just as great; worst worst thing we can do is that Donald Trump get selected and then conservative help photo then say okay times unsorted. Now they remain urgent will be right back. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

I'm not sure country wants to be pulled together and I'm not sure people are voting for Trump want to be pulled together with the people in voting for continent and vice versa. Ain't that the truth. Yes the rear time that I agree with political strategist and commentator James Carville this is Michael Brown 866-34-TRUTH 87884 I was speaking over the weekend at a pre-election conference in Lakeland, Florida Friday night Saturday night Sunday morning there a couple different speakers. I spoke Friday night Sunday morning and participated in a Q&A luncheon on Saturday so the pastor was speaking Saturday night and as he was speaking. I was thinking about all of the different all of the different messages that I could preach as he was preaching thinking okay what does God want me to speak on Sunday morning.

Sometimes I know well in advance on this because electrons don't know until I stand up and speak. That's been the tradition since I was 18 years old and for started preaching in 1973 and out of the blue, quite out of the blue.

The thought heard me. It's all about Israel all comes down to Israel thought that the interesting I could bring in the perspective about why voting with regard to Israel matters where the candidates stand on is real but enough of us can do that Sunday morning. Well, waiting to leave the service center nemesis until an ally when you leave little tired you to get back to the hotel waiting for the pastors can drive us back and he comes running buys on the phone is a serious guy be serious to say just be three minutes to take her something and then the drug will get 15 minutes goes by like where is Celeste my sister to text him and somebody else comes walking up set out on drive you home and he says at the pastor to run out immediately with his wife and and his mother lost his wife's mom was babysitting for them at their house had three little kids 538 and set something like that and it was a three-year-old three-year-old and he's missing that is fine. Everything is good so panic, but I'm given the message get in the car yet.

He got the call.

Israel is missing the moment hits me. Israel is missing. Israel is missing from a lot of our discussion about the elections. Israel is missing from one of our calculations about who to vote for and not vote for entrance.

I was three-year-old son Israel was missing and and the mother-in-law about a touch of hole because there is in service and preaching and pray for people didn't even realize you try to reach him. She was really frantic.

It was the fourth cause she's frantic. She's in tears. You can find them anywhere in the canal house so he and his wife. She's in tears that they are understandably the half of the car, they start driving over there so he just runs out the statement think of Tony fully understandable and a call my mom one when we get there, he's asleep in his bed somewhat. He is asleep in his bed.

Yeah, he had apparently gotten out of bed, crawled somewhere maybe fall asleep in the garage or closet or something, and then maybe heard grandma's voice whatever to she was the 15 times in the bedroom and then they find him asleep in his bed, so I said okay God he trying to my attention try to get my attention with this Israel is missing message wake up in the morning and it's it's completely on my mind and I look at my cell phone and there was a text message from the pastor apologizing for a forte for missing out for for not driving us home and not informing so so that it happened, but there was also a text message amply have ever woken up with this before my life with an Amber alert for missing child was that child didn't give details just Amber alert is okay, and thus the Lord directs me different and speak on Israel is missing with all the talk of where the candidates stand this very little talk on where they stand on Israel so I'm looking at this article in the forward, which is maybe the oldest Jewish publication America very liberal speaks for large portions of the Jewish community.

Three. Jews explain whether voting for Donald Trump.

Despite everything ahead of election data fortified its reduced explain why the will be voting for Donald Trump. In particular, to explain why they are undeterred by the charges of sexism, racism and anti-Semitism in Trump's camp here. The responses in their own words. The first Joshua Seidel, the summary Trump's personality is not the point conference is not the point. According to Lena Epstein Trump will reboot our economy and according to Eugene Greenstein, Trump truly supports Israel a sense of order for Donald Trump because he puts America first and is a strong supporter of Israel and then he gives his 12 reasons, but one of them that he states that at the start is with Donald Trump stands with Israel. They say what Hillary Clinton has also said that that she would be a friend of Israel and perhaps should be a better friend of Israel and Pres. Obama has been. These have been the weakest in many ways that the ties have been between the White House and and the Israeli government promised Netanyahu this time in particular, especially a personal between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu will bill speak as positively as each other as they can. It's an open secret that there's been a lot of tension if you go to Israel if you look at polls.

If you talk to the man on the street as I've done, you'll be amazed to see how they do not feel the Prez Obama cares about Israel.

Now, Hillary Clinton, the Clinton foundation of reserve receive multiplied millions of dollars multiplied millions of dollars of donations from nations like Saudi Arabia or Qatar and things like that that give us pause for concern still wasn't George Bush the deep family friend of of the royal family in Saudi Arabia yeah and that's reason for concern as well. Even though he was a friend of Israel think that's a fair reason for concern of the Republican platform is much stronger than the Democrats are from when it comes to Israel and I reference that in an article out that about factoring Israel into your voting decision. I tell the story of this Israel is missing episode and how it got my attention and why I do believe it's important that America stands with Israel.

So when I'm when I'm voting person 144 candidate for state three things a look at what is a candidates stand on life on marriage and on Israel and generally speaking, those were strongly pro-life are also strongly pro-marriage and family and their proposed redefining marriage and family and they tend also be strongly pro-Israel. It's it's a threefold cordial often seek and notice that when the church becomes more more liberal steps away from the authority of Scripture begins to redefine and reinterpret Scripture in radical ways that they will invariably shift on these three that they'll invariably shift understand with Israel on their stand on marriage and family on the stand on on life issues.

Invariably, you'll see it you'll see the three things almost always over period of years. All shift in our direction. To me it's it's a moving away from God's heart and from God's truth with a humanistic worldly interpretation ultimately civil.

Why should we care, why should we care what I do believe that Genesis 12 three Genesis 27, 29, number 24, nine still apply today that God blesses those who bless Israel curses those who curse, I still believe that Genesis 12 three spoke in Abram Abraham. Genesis 27, 29, Isaac's prophesying this blessing over Jacob in numbers 24 nine Varick prophesying over the net over the nation of Israel as a whole, the nation of Israel as a whole. Jeremiah 3011 the Lord sits Israel from with you.

The Savior declares Laurel make a full end of all the nations among my scattered you but of you. I will not make a full and all discipline you and just measure Donald by no means legal punish of the Assyrian Empire. The Babylonian empire that was so great and mighty and has such a long history they exiled Israel to exile, Judah, and ended up being destroyed within a few centuries and and think of that the horrors of of Nazi Germany and then the horrors of what the German people suffered as a nation decimation in more than a divided nation for decades at Derek Prince was the Oxford trained British Bible teacher with 19 52,003. Few years back, so policy when he was still alive, but few decades before he died he said Britain emerged victorious from two world wars, retaining intact an empire that was perhaps the most extensive in human history.

But in 1947, 48, is the mandatory power, Palestine, Britain opposed and attempted to force the rebirth of Israel as a sovereign nation with her own state so that time. Prince was living in Jerusalem and so he spoke as an eyewitness of what actually took place. His words and I would select the place and he said this from that very moment in history. Britain's empire underwent a process of decline and disintegration, so rapid and total that can not be accounted for merely by the relevant political, military, economic factors. Today less than a generation later written like Spain is a struggling second rate power. Is there something to that, I believe so. It's one reason that I voted for Donald Trump is because the Republican platform stronger on Israel much stronger than the Democratic platform and even though trust been accused of anti-Semitism and the like.

I do believe you must be a friend of Israel since Gov. Pentz is deeply joined at the hip to Israel and it's been pointed out that all of Donald Trump's adult children are either married to Jews or dating views is very evocative converted to Judaism-anti-Semitic that runs in the family.

All that being said, I understand reservations about voting for Donald Trump will be back also a whole lot more.

866342 error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us on the line of fire, 8663 freight 788 for this day before the elections. If you want to make a passionate plea appeal for or against one of the candidates is like you do concisely will take your call if you have been vacillating on the side of your vote for recently made up your mind, look to hear from you as well. Yeah, according to Pres. Obama.

Donald Trump was the worst thing that ever happened. Israel quote we will stand strong. We have to stand strong with the state of Israel in their fight against Islamic terrorist that's what Donald Trump said to Barack Obama, excuse me, according to I sit at opposite my bed. Donald Trump said a Barack Obama. This is not Obama, speaking of Trump this is Trump speaking of Obama. Barack Obama was the worst thing that ever happens Israel Barack Obama was a disaster for Israel noncitizen overstatement in terms of the worst thing ever to have this room certainly bad among our presidents that was at a rally in Sarasota, Florida today 866-34-TRUTH silk before I got the phones assist one of the more remarkable slips of the tongue. This is Trump campaign surrogate Scotty Neil Nell use and she's making a point about the violence of Jay-Z's songs and videos at a Hillary Clinton, Clinton rally any others good reason to to draw attention to the vulgarity of the words the N-word.

In other words that work used F bombs dropped to the hill. He couldn't rally it yet and did she immediately repudiated speak against it, not to my knowledge that's that's concerning in the office itself trumps the things that are concerning. But as she's talking about.

She wants to give a a picture of of what's going on. She described the opening to the no church in the wild video which features someone say throwing a Molotov cocktail at armored police as riots break out, but you will notice she didn't quite get the word Molotov as a Molotov cocktail creek listener what she said to look at Chase anyway talked about this that night that he might be working on one of his main video starts off with a crowd during Molotov cocktail at the police did you catch that, of the JJ let's play it once more for those supposed to be Molotov cocktail's right. Listen to what she says on CNN to look at Chase anyway talked about this that night that it might be working on the one of his main video starts off with a crowd during Molotov cocktail at the police that I've had were slips of the tongue.

This is just one of the funnier one instead of Molotov cocktails. It comes out Molotov cocktail though there that Molotov cocktails being throated Gleason armored vehicles that are the exploded into flames and for those that don't know Molotov is a way of saying congratulations is in Judaism right out we go to Jamie in Hampton, Virginia. Thanks so much for calling the line of fire. Thank you sir. "I'll give all think about how much I admired everything but him with all due respect people who are voting for trumpet Hillary.

I think voting for either of them is based on two things. One, that we should know sort of compromise or value pick the lesser of two evils. Just based on the results and based on the idea that character doesn't matter so much leaders and I find both of those things to be on biblical I think biblically we should do it the best that we should not aim to compromise or value. Whatever the results are.

We just deal with it and then also biblically with your cute you don't have a president protruding political leaders, but we do have choosing church leaders and for that we always look character probably first above anything so that's why I would think better to go for some obscure third-party thing either Trump trailer that's that's us without a respective people to the degree yeah Jamie, that's that's an understandable position and then when I did polling back in 2012 with a much smaller social media platform.

When I ask people what characteristic mattered most. For president day. They said integrity integrity and character and and I thought I think if we did polling a year ago among conservative believers that that would've been the same response and now many of those same conservative believers say okay we can't base things on that, based on the choices that we have so why will I posted the other day Jamie was this that I'm not lowering my standards in voting for Donald Trump on Lori my expectation of the role of the president that ideally I would want the Pres. to be someone of exemplary character. I would want the president to share my biblical values without trying to impose certain faith on the nation.

Of course I would want the candidate to have a marriage that would send a certain marriage in an is not the someone that was divorced and you know are especially multiple times and things like that you know that those are all things that I would. I would desire if I don't have those choices. Then I have to step back. It's okay now what am I voting for and in the rates I did have these ideals. Now those are not options anymore. It's it's almost like you were you were planning on going to really nice restaurant having a special meal with your family but you didn't realize they closed early this particular day, so you end up going somewhere else, only to find out that on this day. They don't have the menu that you like and they're not serving food you want in and out along the way, you end up getting a flat tire and you don't have a spare in your car and you need to hire a towing service to come and pick you often and your you just want to get the kids home and get out of forget about eating forget you everything, changes and shifts was a lousy analogy, but you can get the point that okay at this point were not choosing between candidates with character that we can look to candidates that Cheryl of our values were choosing between which candidate between the two would do the most harm to America which we do the attention was good to America's that's right, come down with Donatello because that's part of my voting against Hillary Clinton and then the hope that certain things he would do Supreme Court justice appointees and other things for national security and standing with his real estate for religious liberty and hopefully listen to godly counsel around them.

But again, it's one of those things run accountable for my vote. So I witness okay. Based on these things. I would go this way but always with with fear and trepidation so I respect those that differ but now that's as a set I've lowered my expectations. Based on that the pool that we have to choose from that I and I want my vote count their form on the vote for Donald Trump and against Hillary Clinton and I respect those that can find in themselves to do that right right and I think the biggest difference is what you think, even if it the chances of 1/3 party winning a pretty astronomical but nope some of us think that still better than you know when you think you should have about the might actually count that.yeah I understood and and one of the say okay can I can I be responsible to make a decision and say appreciate the call and the kind words about the show that you refrain from sharing for time say thanks so much for being a listener, 86634878840, I've got a bunch more interesting things to deal with on the go through some lists about why the vote for Donald Trump comparisons between Compton King David guided misguided fact, it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 66343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown readings on Gov. my parents.

I'm a Christian conservative and Republican in that order. This ad this video few minutes long for my parents apparently was shown to thousands of churches yesterday as my pants, gave his pitch is to widen vote for Donald Trump. I plan to vote for Donald Trump but I am doing it recognizing who the man is recognizing the flaws the concerns the issues and doing it, not putting my trust in him to change America or save America rather saying I'm voting for him because I believe it would be a better alternative than Hillary Clinton is also my way of voting against Hillary Clinton and and in the process. I am explicitly not putting my trust in him. I am saying once he is elected. We need to pray just as fervently as if Hillary Clinton was elected we need to concentrate on revival in the church and Reformation in society through the church. Just as if Hillary Clinton was elected we need to prioritize getting right with God, ourselves, giving ourselves to the great commission. Just as if Hillary Clinton was elected.

That's how I'm going to live.

That's my message. That's my emphasis. This is Michael Brown. Welcome to the line of fire, 866-3487 84's number to call if you are give a passionate appeal to vote for a particular candidate or against a particular candidate. If you can do it if you can do it insured in the form this week. We just can't give you a whole show to do it will have you on the air. Also, if you been wrestling you been undecided. You just decided who to vote for. Give us a call.

Let us know 866-34-TRUTH 7884 a few other points of real interest.

I was not familiar with Jen hat maker. I didn't know who she was.

Not heard of her before her husband Brandon, a pastor, and she is a popular HDTV reality TV star and a popular Christian author just my fault for not knowing who she was previously. Again, she's popular in TV and is an author and she did an interview with Jonathan Maritz online interview and in that. She explained that she and her husband supported same-sex quote marriage and it's gotten a lot of attention gotten a lot of attention and then her husband put up a lengthy Facebook post explaining how is committed Christians.

They came to this viewpoint and he mentioned books that he read pro and con. One of them being my book can you be gay and Christian and then she subsequently said hey there be a time to talk more about these things, but now is not the time. So we tried to reach them several different ways. We were given good contact info and warrant were able to to reach them.

So I posted this open letter to Brandon and jet Jen hate hat maker on homosexuality in the Bible. It's to three times longer than my normal articles I wanted to get into biblical issues. But if your kids follow Jen hat maker if you yourself have liked.

Her writings are enjoyed her on TV.

Please review seen the poster to than social media. Please take advantage of this of this open letter, it will clarify issues.

It will explain major major errors that are making in their interpretation of Scripture and will lay out where I believe they will ultimately go because of these errors and and I even point out that there are gay scholars that acknowledge things that they don't seem to be able to acknowledge and and I said listen, here's here's were I believe you go up. I believe that in times of conflict between the church and LGBT community you're gonna consistently take the side of the gay community even siding against your brothers and sisters in the war. You can embrace more and more accident. The aspects of gay activism, including transgender activism beginning your gonna begin to broaden your circles of fellowship embracing more liberal Christians who deny key aspects of the store faith and if I'm right about the first three academic years in the name of gray shall begin to instruct a form of universalism. Another was that this everybody gets along with another for strong warnings. You can read the article by going to ask Dr. Brown asked Kate your Brown Douglas will be right back with your calls for cleansing the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown disgusts me. I don't understand how the American public cannot see this, that there is a clear, double standard, she should be held to the same standard as every other American patriot height so on Friday, a federal judge sentenced former Navy machinist Christiane Saucier to one year in prison $100 fine for taking photos inside the engine room of a nuclear submarine after the city's attorneys argued for leniency by setting the FBI's decision not to Churchill equipped with mishandling classified information like the loss of confidence up.

Let the law let the law come down the Clintons. The way came down on this individual. So with the mom has to say that's who is speaking, I can understand it. Hate be sure to check out my latest article I wrote it early this morning I posted immediately. If Hillary wins if Trump wins. So how we respond as his Christian conservatives.

How we respond. What are our responsibilities. I was out six points if Hillary wins six points. Donald Trump wins the six-point on both is if either selected to be one of the two. It still wake up time for the church and I say this either way things will get very messy in the coming months with emotions high news headlines blaring in our nation being torn and shake.

I would think that only some kind of national calamity to bring us together. We certainly hope and pray that we might be the case. The bottom line is that the solution to our many problems will not be found in the White House and we must turn the passion focus and attention we have put in the elections back to where it belongs on the Lord in our responsibilities as God's people.

After all, Jesus never said that the president of the Congress of the Supreme Court with the salt of the earth, and like the world instead. He said that to us.

His followers, and that there is to be a positive nationwide moral and cultural revolution. American must begin with us.

866-34-TRUTH let's go to the phone. Starting with Carol. Welcome to the line of fire around hello I believe I okay keep their content about anybody after Weiss. I said I respective someone I'm voting for Donald Trump with reservation. I feel it's important that I do and in that I vote against Billy Clinton, but I respect if someone says unconscious. I can't vote for either I have to respect that. Well, when you're here.

Okay I don't get away with what they're doing okay baby I'll let everybody know about going on.

I Trump to but I like to that in about what third-party that is predictably wake out that hang on Romans 14 says who are you to judge another manservant right if someone feels in their conscience that they cannot vote for Donald Trump look average people not to vote for Hillary Clinton of explain why employee for Donald Trump with reservation Micallef if I respect your position. Trust me, but if someone in their in their God says I can't do this I have to give account to God and I can't vote to put Donald Trump and in the White House because of too many concerns. How can I tell them that there they're doing wrong. Well it are terrible and chronically not or can't it wait for it. I think know I agree with you but can't you respect someone saying that they can't vote for him because they believe the kinds of problems right hand not really. I Carol that you are 100% entitled your viewpoint and you shared that with the listeners across the nation. So thank you thank you for weighing in.

I appreciated 86634 let's go to Cheryl in Richmond Virginia you're on the line of fire. I wanted like you I'm voting against Hillary because of her on partial birth abortion and I think all Christians should read about that procedure before pickup went out.

I mean if we get things like that. Animals we would like a cute baby so I am voting for trout. Mostly against Hillary got it all clear, and I appreciate you weighing in a you speak for many and in that regard, 8663 freight 7884 Gareth in Winston-Salem. Welcome to the line of fire, Dr. Brown, how you doing well. Thank you. I wish that everyone singing Ted Cruz Paris and Spartanburg right after the Paris attacks. He truly is a man of God, we had the possibility of having someone we could probably go for. I said that I was not going to hold my nose and vote for someone again.

I just could not stomach but I am going to home on those tomorrow and vote for Donald Trump about the change because I was very much decreased As well and warning against him. Trump and ultimately said that I will vote for him.

Well, we have the discussion at church last week couple others and it came to me, it's better the devil you know most of the time. This time it's better the devil we don't know because we know what Hillary is going to got at least there's a chance he will do what he had said he will they have Gareth someone put it like this that you have two guns on the table and yes to play Russian roulette until the trigger against had one of them has cut is loaded with six bullets. The other one has three bullets which guns you pickup seven it's it's a morbid horrific analogy and that's how many feel with with this degree of antipathy towards the candidates and yet I think it's it's an analogy with some level of truth to it again.

Aside from the overtop over-the-top nature of it. Eight. Garrett, thank you for weighing it again you speak for many, as well, 866-34-TRUTH.

Let's go to Michelle in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Thank you for calling the line of fire. Well hello you're on the line of fire. I voted early for the mall and I voted for Donald Trump. I would accrue heartbroken when he got out my vote :-) conservative because I'm about freedom of religion Second Amendment antiabortion and no other candidate is going to do that except Trump that now here's the question, what makes you feel so sure that he will actually do that well you know every candidate may promise, though we did need to keep praying and pray for them. I like the people they surround himself with that one. After that comes on your show and talk it and inner circle. I really like and respect him and I think you got good people around him to help me do the right thing got it again.

You see, speak for many and I did tell James Robison is become a dear friend and in the last couple of years and is been in ministry 55 years and this is spoken for many hours to many political leaders and things like that that no one is received them as openly and humbly and graciously in 55 years is is Donald Trump. Do we have evidence that he's listening or changing, it remains a question remains a question, but I do. I do respect that we go to Lori in Richmond Virginia. Thanks for calling the line of fire. Hi, they I have a few quick words and I've been listening and watching and I wanted to several that can't sleep and can anything. The only thing that I can say is that we wanted gender last order last Lawler murder made last society and we vote for Hillary Clinton. She just seemed to expound on all of those issues.

I can't do that. I I have to go with Trump and I hope and pray that he is about America and that he is going to make a change and he is going to listen to the people. Yeah, and many speak of him is the people's champion. You say it's all about him.

Yes, certainly Donald Trump is in the middle of this campaign. I imagine anyone that's running for president is good to be a self involved with it. But I also believe as time is good on the heat, he really does care about a lot of things in America must fix them and my big thing is vote for him, but then don't put your trust in him to fix anything, pray like crazy and positive way. In order meet at an end. Get about that. The task of the great commission go for souls live holy pray for repentance. Reach out your neighbor make a difference. Among those who are hurting and and hold our elected officials feet to the fire right now. I want to get a few more calls and before we are done and I've written a lot that I think you'll find helpful and useful. It's all available to our website.

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