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Some Rebel Media Interviews on the ADL's Hate List (and More) and a Focus on the Hebrew Bible Text

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
August 3, 2017 4:31 pm

Some Rebel Media Interviews on the ADL's Hate List (and More) and a Focus on the Hebrew Bible Text

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 3, 2017 4:31 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/03/17.

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The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

Got some fascinating interviews from rebel media in Canada and they tirade it was early Jewish Thursday stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your again is Dr. Michael Brown Jewish Thursday. Welcome to the line of fire.

This is Michael Brown and I'm delighted to tell you about our show that's coming your way today in this first hour interview to Jewish activists to folks that are conservative Jews in the center of controversy. One especially in Canada. One more so in the states as LaBonte and Laurel Blumer. This can be fascinating to talk with them especially find out why Ezra Jewish man has a burden to help Christians in Iraq and to fight against the genocide of Christians and and what issue is it that they have with the ADL, the antidefamation league. The Jewish run anti-defamation league will be talking about that with Ezra 1st and with Laura shortly. Also the second hour. What I want to do is dig into the Hebrew Scriptures dig into the Hebrew Bible and give you some insights into how we get some of our English translations. How we get some of our right understandings and wrong understandings from the Hebrew into English and if you have a call for me about that anything relating to the Hebrew Bible. Anything related to translation of the Hebrew Bible, take your calls in the second hour today on thoroughly Jewish Thursday make sure you have the number ready. 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 7884 was interesting. I did a show second hour on Monday. Took my strengths and weaknesses of the King James Bible and I plan over time just to do a series and single out a version or genre versions or paraphrases or dynamic translations or things like that is about strengths and weaknesses, but this is right, of course, to start with the King James the most famous and influential English translation of the mall so we took our strengths and weaknesses and took about 45 minutes or so to do that and then posted the video. We also took calls posted that the next day.

So one day later it's been viewed thousands of times and probably a couple hundred comments by now.

In other words, attracting a lot of attention and a lot of people want to discuss the Greek manuscripts behind the King James.

They want to discuss Byzantine versus Alexandrian and in which is the better text to use for the New Testament as important discussion and it's a worthy discussion, but it's not my primary focus and plenty of other scholars have debated that back-and-forth my scholarship is not in New Testament textual criticism, not happy to get involved in the discussion and correct erroneous concepts out there on whatever side they are but all that being said, my issue always goes back to Hebrew Bible. First, in other words, that's my area of scholarship while evaluating the translation. That's the first thing I'm looking at is some of the can read the original Hebrew and works the original Hebert's written commentaries and original Hebrew. So I'm I'm perfectly happy if someone said, I'm convinced that we use the text is receptive to the majority texted and we use the Byzantine manuscripts, etc. you argue that although I differ with it now.

You cannot argue with that as as a hill to die on. I would simply say that there are better ways to translate things. The King James Mader is here.

The NIV mixers here within SBS heresy or just things like that and we do our best to be honest and objective so we come back I'm going to introduce to you Ezra.

Love auntie's human rights activist, author, TV host and dad in his bio says he's not everyone's taste chosen in 2014 is the most irritating Canadian by the Globe and Mail's TV critic. Interesting also been called the biggest name Canadian broadcast file line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH dear again is Dr. Michael Brown moments one by font 2009. He wrote of best-selling book is Canadian shakedown how our government is undermining democracy in the name of human rights is a lot that we can learn from Canada things that have gone wrong there things that are real assaults on human rights. This a lot that's been done. That is not right in Canada. Accounts of divination in America were neighbors. We share a common language for the most part, but cultural overlap that were two different countries and the religious communities in each country are different. The church in each country, different terms of influencing things like that, especially evangelical church saw this happen in Canada in terms of the removal of certain human rights. The removal of certain freedoms in the name of human rights is a lot that we can learn from Canada and even the birthing of rebel media with Ezra Lavon so will be talking to Ezra. Just trying to make a Skype connection here soon as we have that we will begin, let me just say a few things.

First, I have an article up today. A prophetic warning to Christian universities prophetic warning to Christian universities and in that article I mentioned the words of Jesus who said, if you must save your life, you lose it. If you lose your life for my sake and the gospel will find it and in point of fact, Jesus is telling us something that applies to every one of us if we tried to save our reputation if we tried to save our public honor.

If we try to preserve our safety and have everyone like us, we lose our lives, we lose our souls we become slaves to popular opinion, we become slaves to it. People think is right.

We we become slaves to the spirit of the hour.

If we say to do what's right. Regardless, I'm going to honor God regardless, we may lose our lives, but we then save them to follow. It's like Dr. Martin Luther King said a man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right, a man dies refuses to stand up for that which is true. A man dies refuses to stand up for justice. So that's the lesson friends for Christian universities when the spirit of the age comes to you and says if you want to keep your accreditation you must compromise your values here and here and here.

If you want to receive federal funding.

You must make changes here and here and here. If you want to play with the NCAA. If you want to be part of collegiate athletics, you have to compromise here, here, here, or revise your standards here, here and here. If were told that we say okay fine will go the easy way we lose our souls in the process all right be welcome to the line of fire. Ezra Lavon's of rebel media Ezra thanks for joining us on the broadcast today. My pleasure thanks for having so Ezra tell me how rebel media got its birth.

Sure, well we there was about 200 was working for a national conservative TV network. It was jokingly called Fox News North yet and after four years ago they pulled the plug on us, because we never were able to get the cable carriage that our competitors had because the government TV regulator like your FCC would not give us the same standing as the other. All news channels. They basically euthanized decided they didn't want to consider political voice and you can imagine that the Democrats could pull the plug on Fox news, they would yet I was on and I remember you being on Sun which was the network then some. Some years ago with larger colleagues and we were talking about a book I written on on homosexuality.

I thought how the world is this airing because it presented their restrictions in Canada well and elastic that never came to an end, but we decided eight of us from the wreckage of the sons of let's try it online and I was grown to 50 staff and we have millions of views every month on the Internet and we don't have the same regulatory restrictions so the Internet is still fairly free in Canada but I heard your preamble, there are absolutely right. Americans must very strongly defend the First Amendment because Canada is a cautionary tale about what happens when you don't. We don't have a First Amendment here so we have all sorts of censorship laws, sometimes in the real Court sometimes in kangaroo courts called human rights commissions. We have a new anti-Islamic phobia motion basically is going to crack down on anyone who is skeptical of his Lamb.

The doctrine why shouldn't we be able to criticize his Lamb, or any other faith. That's part of the separation of mosque and state were losing our ability to criticize and and I'm worried that in Canada out. Americans should look to Canada as a cautionary tale the same way we look to your as what's five years down the road for us if we don't protect our freedoms yeah. And when you mention some of the restrictions the bill it's it's being considered now about criticizing Islam, which would then be quote Islam phobia. You also have the say with transgender activism.

Prof. Jordan Peterson being perhaps the best-known voice from Canada honest what's happening nationally on that front was 20 mention them just two days ago you to shut down Prof. Jordan Peterson's account is very big on YouTube.

360,000 subscribers and because he speaks so bluntly and I met transgender language bill was exactly what thrust him into the spotlight. He said I'm simply going to call Amanda man and a woman woman I'm not going to do with the left says and say what your pronoun G insurer in their said I'm sorry you can't tell me what to say. Was he a man or say he if I see it will not spare and they try to crack down on him, but he wouldn't buckle so he was a real star the tribe. They took away his research funding. The crowd funded it.

But then YouTube shocked everyone two days ago took damaging to be A bit later but a backup, but that's a reminder that censorship in the 21st century is not just from governments is from Silicon Valley Titans in liberal California in liberal San Francisco who quite often don't respect Christian views conservative views pro-First Amendment pro-Second Amendment views so the threats to freedom. Don't just come from governments but from YouTube, Google, twitter, Facebook places like that and in which which really extreme here is when you realize that Prof. Peterson's concerns arose out of him stating communism for years and and the thought police and forced speech and expression, and when he saw the same thing coming. On another front, he knew he had to stand up and really his worst fears and that since you been confirmed in the University where he teaches his told them if there's a lawsuit against you.

We are knocking to stand with you. It's it is amazing Prof. Peterson if he were on the left. He would be called a star. Perfect yeah, he is internationally known as students love him. I've never seen such devotion by students is charismatic and prolific. He would be the toasted tonic with a Nobel prize if you were on the left because he hears right wing but what he says to me is in particularly radical. In fact 25 years ago, probably someone who call themselves a classical liberal say what he saying. The fact that he is marginally on the right.

He is utterly demonized, and the University couldn't wait to throw him overboard. I think they realized that a big public profile now he can fight back in a way that he couldn't before he is so many supporters but it's appalling lack of academic freedom. He has, and it's you know it's so sad is in the past. The Academy used to say were for free speech even for radical ideas. Yeah, that's what Berkeley was all about the 60s and 70s yeah and alertly have censorship riots and universities are trying to censor Prof. Peterson those leftist never meant that I think they just meant it for themselves. Freedom for themselves censorship for their enemy. You know, it's even more ironic is that Richard Dawkins was invited by a liberal radio station to give a talk at Berkeley and a few weeks before they cancel now say we were not aware of his criticisms of Islam which have offended a conflict and docket set out I can criticize Christianity. That's okay. Medicaid criticizes lob and the progressive station is now dropping me, but there is the hypocrisy of the so-called progressive left yeah it's it and there's another comedian named Ricky Uribe from the United Kingdom who reads a real specialist and at skewering Christians boring. I've seen that a million times you want to be a dramatic shock artist take a run at Mohammed draw draw Mohammed draw a cartoon of Mohammed being crude about it just rustic man you want to be edging do that going after Jesus and Christians is that is boring and safe and lowbrow.

These so-called jamming Dawkins. I think got a taste of it but wreckage are raised another when either of you know who I mean he was in the British version. The office think it's funny some the time but he so obviously you I think it was Voltaire who is a measure who he was or said if you want to know who has power over you see who you cannot criticize your rates are so happy to criticize Christianity. He doesn't dare mention the word Mohammed or Islam is terrified. He actually has his Lamb hopeful.

He's afraid of is criticize a Christian little criticize Mohammed knew Mike at the trolley after treatment shot right let's let's talk about this we come back what's happening to Christians sort of Islam by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. My guess, called the most irritating Canadian and the biggest name in Canadian broadcasting. One of his books bestseller shakedown how our government is undermining democracy in the name of human rights as root Lavon friends. If you've never gone to rebel media at YouTube go there and you see why they have all the attention I have, and Ezra just for your information when I'm researching a story and I see you have a video on it. I think good, that's reliable. This guy is reliable. So as much as people may think that some of what's reported this incendiary.

What makes it incendiary is that you're telling the truth what is the thing the truth can sometimes be disturbing, it can be enraging. It can be thrilling.

I tell you about a recent documentary trip I went on with for my colleague please. We went to Iraq, and the idea of going to a rack on purpose unless your there and as a soldier liberated is terrified. We wanted to go see the plight of ancient Christians. There are Christian communities in Iraq that date back 14 1500 years, they still pray in the ancient language of ever Asian American yet is Jesus's language so these are Christians who were amongst the first followers of Jesus and these town they live in ethnically homogenous towns so I mean originally that area was all Christian then overtime is Lamb marched through and so then the pockets of Christian towns and it had a hard for centuries has been handed but nothing prepared them for what happened until 2014 when the Islamic state Lord through northern Iraq and parts of Syria and all these Christian towns were targeted for ethnic cleansing and so the Islamic state would come to town and issue an edict and Christians would have three choices converts pay the submissive Jersey attack and MB basically under the Nuremberg laws of Islam just second-class citizens.

Honestly die and so we went into town where every single Christian was client think they fled because I didn't want to be murdered and finally some of these towns are being liberated. I walked into a teletype is 1000: but Nayar I walked in there.

It had been liberated but not yet repopulated. There were still some unexploded ordinance 80% of the structures were damaged in some way was really like being in Stalingrad and was quite weary.

We were the only people in this whole town you can walk right into someone's home and see their you know the soap and shampoo in the shower that it was merely I felt like maybe someone would've felt going into a Jewish town. A shtetl in Poland in 1945. After all, the Jews were disappeared, either killed or fled, and there were so many analogies on Jewish myself and I've always had a tremendous gratitude and affection for the righteous Gentiles just who in the Holocaust saved Jews and so I look at these Christians in the anti-Christian Holocaust of the Middle East and I think Shirley Jews have an obligation to speak up for these Christians give you a few quick analogies please. Under Nazi Germany, Jews had to wear a yellow Star of David to Mark under the Islamic state.

Christian houses had an Arabic letter called the noon Lycan and for Nazarene is in following Jesus of Nazareth, the March mark them for death under the Nazis. They destroyed synagogues and Jewish cemeteries. I was in but Nayar I saw the church there. Every single cross had been snapped gun fire. They used the cross on a prayer book as it is a mark for target practice of the bull's-eye. They torched the church and they sprayed anti-Christian graffiti in the church. They smashed every window. They smashed the crosses in the cemetery just like Jewish cemeteries in Europe and Kristallnacht in 1930s and Germany. The world didn't care. They were turned a blind eye. Where is the Christian world where is the wish the secular world where is where is the Western world caring about Christian refugees want to talk about Muslim refugees but no one's nose got a genocide against Muslim refugees known as genocide and Muslims. There is a deliberate ethnic cleansing of Christians in Iraq are so many similarities. I guess one more thing is the Nazis try to extirpate the Jewish fact of certain towns and cities to try and wipe out all history and I was in this church and by the Nayar and I saw graffiti written in Arabic and even in German so you had Muslim Germans coming to Syria Iraq to rape and kill me tell you what some of the graffiti was a note from memory. It was you cross slaves.

That's what they called Christians. You have no place in visit and Islamic land flee or we will kill you and and they wanted to take that land back from Mohammed for Allah and to end 1400 years of Christianity and you know that the tragedy is there succeeding so many of those Christians who fled.

I don't think they want to go back it will be like a Jew going back to in a tiny Jewish dental will town in Germany or Poland in 1946 you're really going to go back and that's the sad thing for me is the ethnic cleansing of Christians.

There I think I to say that it's been successful with the Christian population of Iraq is now just downed a percentage to use me much more yeah and and Ezra, of course, it's a rock in the heart of it that Syria and some of the other surrounding nations or take method displacement.

The slaughter, the persecution of several million people. It is an ethnic cleansing. It is a genocide of Middle Eastern Christians in front of her eyes. And you're right. Very little has been done about it and right now, under Pres. Trump, the, the number of Christian refugees coming to America has been upped. It was infinitesimally small under Pres. Obama. But reading fight now in America to not have some of these Iraqi Christians sent back to to a rock so it is a horror story and it it moves me that he was a Jew involved on a messianic use of connection with the Christians there and we have workers there in northern Rockford for you is a Jewish Canadian to get involved means a lot and she made author listeners where can folks go to find out about what you are doing and how they can be involved with. Thank you very much for asking out. If you go to save the that the website we set up about our trip, save the and you'll see two things there you'll see 15 videos that we made in these towns in the town about nine in the town of telescopic you'll see refugee camps of the forgotten ones of Christian only refugee camps.

Because remember, if you're Christian and you go to the Muslim refugees Vestal persecution in the refugee camp. That's why there's so few Christian refugees coming to America because the places the refugees are drawn from these United Nations refugee camps. They beat up Christians there to. So the 15 videos on save the We've also set up a little humanitarian fund were trying to raise money.

We found a Christian pharmacy in the town of Bank how in her bill.

So this is where all the Christians who were pushed out of these towns that come to this town to push on these little towns that come to an, and this is Christian doctrine, pharmacist, nurse nuns, there we spent some time with them because you want to be careful when you're giving out money in a low trust society that is not just ripped off. It's a very corrupt place a rack they don't have Western standards of of contracts and transparency so we checked out about six different charity to which is a steroid therapy just got a short break finishes the assembly. Thanks so much. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speed and Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown would encourage again on YouTube, visit rebel media look at the videos first of Ezra Lavon to is the founder and leader of the rebels there which you hear his heart is his hardest to do what is right to do this. Good and to stand up for freedom such as those in Canada, but for those persecuted and downtrodden people become second-class citizens who elected as the pariahs. And yes, it's true that that many Jews are sensitive to this because of our treatment in the past and our dispersion around the world. So Ezra back to you in terms of what you did an air bill by the week. We've got workers there grants for ministry school at serve in the end that very city and some of that very area. So what you what you're saying is so important to me, but that user were doing two things and eventually did 15 little journalistic videos were putting together a larger documentary my friend Faith Goldie is going to be the narrator of a larger documentary about Christian genocide you can get information about and we knew we would see terrible things and so were raising funds for this Christian pharmacy in Impala. There's $4.7 billion being spent on Muslim refugees, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, there's a lot of rich Persian Gulf countries Muslim refugees are being well taken care of. I want someone to take care of the Christians. So were going out. I'd say the were actually have a crowd fund to help this Christian pharmacy inane, because they're being ignored. The UN is not giving up the proper proportion of funds to the Christian refugees that drive them away. Let the salaries and the Kuwaitis in the UN take care of the Muslim refugees. I want to focus on the Christian, so that was part of a project document the Christian genocide give news updates from these towns and then try and provide some relief. The Christians are so who survived and fled to Ann, let me ask you something. This would be challenging even for an immediate man like yourself but in a minute or minute and 1/2. Why so much for sympathy for Muslim refugees in Christian refugees. What you think.

Well II think it's an attempted political correctness to show how much how open-minded we are will care for the other before we even care for ourselves. People are afraid of being called racist people are afraid of standing up for their own community. And the thing is, if Christians don't stand up for Christians who will UN won't Saudi Arabia won't. I'm not saying be hardhearted to other people, absolutely. I'm just saying. For goodness sakes, the Christians I've seen with my eyes the Christian refugees in northern Iraq are the forgotten refugees there. The leftovers, but the people and they need help. That's the tragedy the Muslim refugees are well taken care of by comparison.

I think that a focused mass will be set up this website, save the yeah she sinks a country like Syria, torn apart and you've got SUNY versus Xian Saudi Arabia versus Iran ones that are always caught between a rock and a hard place there. There the Christians. So Ezra, thanks so much for what you doing both with rebel media take a stand for freedom and truth, in Canada and beyond. And now will save the greatly appreciated and hope you have great success in your endeavors. Thank you very much. Thanks for having my joy, I friends we can we come back we are going to bring out another guest from rebel media. She lives in New York. She's also Jewish, and you may have heard about her in a little different context. We want to bring in the issue of the ADL, the American defamation league how that ties in with YouTube and potential censorship and how this affects Laura directly so will get into all of that, we come back.

It is thoroughly Jewish Thursday here on the line of fire, be sure to visit asked Dr. ask ADR when you're there check out our latest videos and articles their relevant there on point you can use them to speak to others. I'm saying what you believe and feel and become a great platform to do it, to share them with others in your social media this week together we can make a difference. I friends will be right back. On the other side of the brain. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 8663 here again is Dr. Michael Brown may have recently heard the name is him wearing it when I hear that name. Well here's here's a headline, New York Post, June 16, 2017 blogger boot off stage after rushing Julius Caesar that not now notices description from your post, Laura Blumer, who works for the all right website.

The rebels notice it's called all rights which would then make it anti-Semitic and even have not see undertone, such as being framed or limit who works for the all right website. The rebel ran onto the stage during the performance and was promptly dragged away and booed by the crowd. This is, you know, the infamous play in New York City which basically depicted every night. The assassination of Donald Trump that not actually him, but that an actor that was resembling an representing him, to the delight of the crowd, Laura Luna. Interestingly, as a conservative Jewish woman took issue that in a in a moment will will let you hear of the actual clipper Lord did this but Laura welcome to modify, thanks for joining us today Laura, could you just give us a little hint of your back when you're young woman in your in your mid-20s to do something like this takes a lot of guts and you know it's going to bring a lot of backlash. How does this woman Laura Blumer get to do something like that give us a little bit of your history. I 24 years old and I went to school in Florida. I studied political science and journalism and I got started in journalism working for project Veritas where about three years I was working with James and he and you know over the past three years. They just with carrying out various operations on undercover missions and youngest desire to make a difference and create impact on me and I recently left project Veritas to join the rebel and Gallatin probably less than two weeks of being.

I just decided that something needed to be done about the normalization of political violence against the right and sponsorship by the left-wing mainstream media. All right, so this was a conviction in your heart to stand up and and do something.

Why, why do that. It's just a lot easier to let people do what they do and and live your life and not be involved in an controversy when you know you get this kind of backlash why these convictions are strong and you young people, people Not making a difference by trying to change policy and a lot aren't willing to elect necessary to make it happen and no one is going to like you not not everybody in this world like you no matter what someone once told me you can eat the easiest teaching around that there's always somebody who hates peaches right now. I guess it's just part of the Slap Melissa. I commend you for it. I understand it relate to it. So many to sit by idly and complain, but here let's just talk about this one thing and then that the anti-Semitic related charges and and your relationship with the ADL, these accusations of of all, right. So if you got this queued up. Let's just listen to what happened at this play in New York City. What you think would've happen to you if there had been a play New York City which God for bid was depicting that the assassination of Barack Obama every night besides the fact it never would've gone on that would've happened and you got up to protest it. What he sees. The media would've said about you learn by meeting eight a land that penicillin worshiped me and know called me a symbol of hope and she let Lee seen this this this mentality in the mainstream media, one in which they try it completely demoralized Donald Trump and his supporters and just completely invalidate legitimacy's cell on any obvious why the media reacted the way they get. I think one of the only probably not the only positive response I received from any mainstream media reporters during Leslie Sean Hannity is the only one who really commended me for what I did buy if you look at the breakdown of the play they receive something like $30-$33 million that New York City taxpayer dollars along with big sponsorships from the New York Times, Time Warner and CNN cell while in these is a time liberal mainstream media outlets want to condemn something that they are supporting us in the hypocrisies extraordinary hatred like this on either side is unacceptable acts of simulated violence like this against leaders on either side are unacceptable if there had been a play like this and and again Pres. Obama called for bid was that the target of it and let's just say Fox News on helped underwrite it and and you have the Washington times concerns newspaper helped underwrite it, they'd be blasted from pillar to post that they be instantly boycotted if New York Times didn't didn't skip a beat and and others that endorsed the play. It hardly skipped a beat. It's extraordinary hypocrisy. Right now you're at your caught in the crosshairs of this Laura in particular because you are also a young Jewish woman and young Jewish women, by definition, America, the English or ultra-Orthodox religious, you are expected to be liberal, so this this really isolate you further doesn't see hatred from both the left and right being Jewish.

It's not like it's one side and I can like Ramsey one side of the aisle where solidarity and output" protection because I'm kind of in the now where you have people on both sides of the aisle. Just trying to attack me and now is attacking me for the disagreement in my tactics that just disagreeing with me simply because I'm Jewish has has it gotten that far though it's if some of the security or twitter feed you got a healthy following on Twitter.

Will they see attacks on you just because you Jewish yeah definitely an and as a gone beyond just rhetoric on Twitter or getting blasted by the media as the been anything that's physical or tangible, let's happen. Beyond that US you're just being attacked in general being being who you are. Has there been further backlash which is actually come in the way of a physical threat or sort something bodily that happened. I received rack people will call my phone really late at night just last night I currently received about like 15 called in a row.

People believe me anti-Semitic voicemails people well send me nasty text messages he might answer the phone they'll screen you know derogatory terms about Jewish people on any nicely got so bad that I had to file a police report recently because it wasn't just honesty attacks on me for being Jewish. It is the taxonomy in general on people threatening to harm me and tell me and I've been receiving death threats. People called me some than simply attacking me because I'm Jewish others because I'm a conservative and I don't know who's making these phone calls right. I mean I know a couple of them. They're coming from, but I'm not going to say that all of the hatred is coming from one specific group or one specific side of the aisle because there is many people on the left and the right to attack me simply for being Jewish and just simply because I'm the phenotype supporter and self. The more you narrow down who you are, the less and less commonality you have with others of your age and background etc. what what about that the tires of your car they suffer recently. Yeah. And so yesterday my tire was/11 tire and instantly people were just taking online heating twitter to condemn me and call me a liar say that I wanted to reach shackles trying to discredit me and that accident been receiving and I know that people are going to the citizens why been keeping a track record of everything because I know that people are going to try and discredit me and honestly like for anybody who is receiving threats like this, I yell, encourage them to make a play supporting documents and document something that is actually happening to me, at least there'll be a record that I received death threats on unit 3 o'clock in the morning. Yeah somebody/my tire and I keep receiving hateful phone calls and voicemails sound. I found the police report and getting my car is actually getting fixed right now and the police documented that my tire was/AAA documented that my tire was last and the poor mechanics are in the shop. Also my car and before even open my mouth and told him it happened. One of them goes well you pass because it was so obvious that my tire had been slashed.

Upon seeing our friends.

We come back. I want to add one more element to the story here that makes it all the more shocking talk about the ADL, the anti-information. This is the Jewish run antidefamation the focuses on the defamation of Jewish people like that all the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of poor cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown I'm speaking with Laura Blumer and watch rebel media YouTube Laura is a conservative activist and she is Jewish and supportive Trump so you don't get that all together in many cases and friends listening.

Whether you look.

Pres. Trump Ray Pres. Trump you somewhere in between. Think you agree that everyone should have the right to their lease and no one should encourage violence and hatred against those with whom they differ. Relaxing will thank God for the ADL antidefamation league. Thank God they exist because once a Jew, like Laura is getting publicly defamed and attacked us good or twitter feed and seek simply because she is Jewish bank. There is such a thing as the ADL will Laura is not found a friend in a sympathizer with the antidefamation league. Listen to what happened with her. This is Laura speaking from the ADL building on our claim to be in callout. I hear creating a list only I Laura what you're saying is that the ADL is there to stand for little Jewish causes and liberal Jews, but not conservative Jews, and in fact that they put out a list from all rights, all white, naming the Haight were one of your colleagues is on there as well is if he's a Nazi sympathizer, a Jew hater or something like that. What what's going on where we are system standard coming from easy to call somebody and not clear how somebody like that because that's where it really just lost their meaning right because people use them so much and they throw them around like common adjectives to the point where people don't really think of for the excuse somebody or defame someone by using words, which were once you know really aisle accusations.

Now people to sing and sell, I also think that it's clearly their agenda because any of those people can see that now.

Half the people on this list are either friends and choose their either working for Jewish people. There Mary could use. They have Jewish friends and gather they are correct in that there are some Jew haters on the last.

I'm not denying that by to just excuse everybody on the last of being a white supremacist or not see it without really doing any research and just to put such a defamatory label on shocking to me and I know a lot of these people and friends that some of them, others not so much by, I felt it was my duty as that you and a member of the new right to question the ADL and criticize them for their defamatory list that they publish. It's funny because they claim to fight defamation and by putting out a hand last the target last which is the same exact thing Hitler that he created less than undesirables and release it to the public so that the public could target those undesirables there defaming people sell how the ADL is supposed to be committing itself to fighting defamation and anti-Semitism when they themselves are actually increasing defamation and creating anti-Semitism by creating more resentment towards Jews sent yell this all last came from a Jewish organization on I know a lot of people may not agree with me, but I believe that anti-Semitism is largely fueled and promoted by the Jewish people themselves.

I think that you have left-leaning left-leaning Jews who have chosen to align themselves with liberal causes anti-Israel causes Islam on El Prado Muslim immigration and does everything that conservatives are generally I can't, and sell by queuing night and by basically advocating for and promoting the destruction of the last Western values of democracy through these toxic policies and viewpoints.

Obviously people have resentment toward Jewish people. Of course on the larger scale advocate anti-Semitism is a historic demonic plague in the world's longest hatred and deepest hatred and most irrational hatred so it's good to be here regardless of Jewish behavior. However, I do agree with you that when you have Jewish people driving something like the ACLU in so many ways and so many extreme left-wing causes that come against religious liberties and conservative values, or someone like George Soros underwriting so much of what many Americans differ with and and or displeased with himself, a Hungarian Jew, yet it does not help our cause and then of course when you start coming up with the list yet. Some people are anti-Semite. Some people are are rightly identified as Nazi sympathizers but I was put on the list years ago by the SPLC along with the David Duke, former grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the neo-Nazis and and others of former head of the of the Black Panthers and things like that. I was put on the list because as as a messianic Jew, conservative evangelical differed with gay activism so that that got me on their hate list so if it's the same with the ADL and I guess the greater concern is that YouTube is is now working with the ADL to weed out radical videos and things you find if you got stuff that's calling for murder and and against any group in his literally inciting angry, destructive hatred, let let it be isolated, but when I find that the ADL's working with YouTube on censorship issues that concerns me with only got about a minute that what your take on that. I think it extremely alarming. If you look at the people who are on the last some of the people it be described as like the top content producing conservatives in the movement right now you have like Mike's earning interest on the last you have anything like Gavin McGinnis. These are people who have very popular YouTube video is very popular websites and Twitter accounts and clearly they worry and wrongfully accused of being anti-Semites and not see cell. I just see that this is a disaster waiting to happen. When you have a group that wants to label everyone who disagrees with you not see or like the premises because I got there can also be like falling out these Islamic videos that call for expansion of sharia and ISIS and Islamic indoctrination South be funny because I'm sure that will still find those terrace videos out there but let's answer the conservative prayers yet and that's often where consent friends were not.

But I think paranoid.

These two things were living at this is something Laura is living out. You may agree with her politics or activism or not, but we do agree is you have the right to have this freedom of expression, and if we come against those who are inciting violence and hatred and anger that that means that we are the opposite of that. Hey Laura, I hope you don't mind if I ask my listeners just to pray for you by name. The God's blessing would be yours because I know it can be a little lonely this if you don't mind really praying for you in days to come. Alright, alright thanks so much for joining us. Laura will let's talk about the Hebrew Bible and English translations for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown now Michael Brown glad to be with you today on the line of fire and the phone lines are open. We had two terrific interviews in the first hour because of which we did not take any calls, but the phone lines are open 866-34-TRUTH any Jewish related question you have. As always, as always, for months are open but I want to focus today and some of what I talk about, but the Hebrew Bible itself and translating the Hebrew Bible into English, and I want to come back to some comments from Monday about the King James version, strengths and weaknesses. Alright, so again, my goal is to be edifying and helpful. Everything I'm saying.

I'm saying as a lover of the word since I came to faith at the age of 16. So for 45+ years digging into the Scriptures.

Almost 46 years now. Digging into the word do my best to understand the word so I could best understand God and what he requires of me and requires of us. So I know many of you are fellow lovers of the word and in fact we may have some passionate differences because we love the word so much. Alright so I want to get your calls again. They have to be specifically Jewish related or even better Hebrew Bible related translation related.

I'd love to get to some of those 866-34-TRUTH 788 four okay let me just mention something that came up on Monday the seventh strengths and weaknesses of the King James version. Again, if you're just tuning in today miss the Monday show.

It's up on YouTube on the Esther to run YouTube channel on the Oestreich from the Lord website is getting a ton of comments already just up for a little bit over a day letter discussion there and I hope to do the same with other versions talk about strengths and weaknesses of other translations in the days ahead.

Note note direct plan for when but what will let you know when we could be doing it but it was only right and appropriate to start with the King James so I mentioned, for example, I mentioned the issue of the King James translating some verses with unicorn now that did the King James translators believe in some mystical unicorn horse with one or know of course, of course not where they thinking about the rhinoceros. Perhaps they were some believe they were. Some believe that they were following Latin translation traditions that that speak of the rhinoceroses unicorn because there's some rhinoceros on his plural that have one horn and some have two horns and and there's some translation traditions that associate unicorn with rhinoceros, but I was saying since unicorn does not have that meaning in English. Now it's better to translate it for you sister should be rhinoceros, no shouldn't be. Virtually every modern translation that you'll see including the new King James will have wild ox Hebrew great name does not mean rhinoceros it means wild ox. Some would suggest it could be a wild goal right but either way unicorn is not the right translation because the wild ox is not have one horn and because Hebrew aim is not unicorn so either way. However you slice the cake that needs to be corrected and in the days of King James. If unicorn met while box that would make no sense again because while ox has two ports disabled maybe look at from a certain time. Whatever the discussion is the wrong word. This all will work. And that's why decades, translators will work look at it again. I realize with him can prove this fix this made a mistake happens here on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is French to an joining us 866-34-TRUTH 784 got Jewish related questions in particular lady to the Hebrew Bible translation that would be terrific like it was many calls as I can, but let me let me say something again so you don't miss this, and assuming that everyone views listen to all of my broadcast over overtime so we repeat something I said on Monday. If you love the King James and that your favorite translation wonderful great. I still think it's better to read than some with the new King James or even better still that the MEP the modern English version, which maintained that the textual history of the King James and are very familiar language and style and feel. But we have many improvements but if you said not. I prefer the King James 11 I grew up with it as I still find an unsurpassed great great aunt to argue with that. However, here's here's here's were my arguments can be don't tell me that it is a perfect translation. Alright my battle is with King James only people who say that it is a perfect translation that all of the translations were inferior or demonic or something like that. That is completely wrong.

That is the deceived erroneous position that I will flatly confront the King James is your favorite Bible. Great fine. That was my Bible might one and only Bible when I got saved in and poured through it day and night and and and was in the word day and night reading it and memorizing verses day and night and sharing the gospel according to Scripture, I still quote 45 years later from King James okay and that few weeks ago is in the church is a reason. King James or a preach of the King James, no problem. My issue is with those who make the false erroneous and only deceived claim that the King James is a perfect translation that it is inspired just the way the original Hebrew, Greek Scriptures were inspired.

That's right have an issue but if you if you feel the King James is best in a certain point, and one argue against modern translation farming have the discussion, no problem no problem whatsoever. I just want to make that clear up front, 86634 a will start with Patrick in South Haven, Mississippi.

Welcome to the line of fire Missouri. Sorry Mississippi Yep got it. Thanks a question about life and onto specifically verse 12 Yep why my usual version of the Newton game and leading out of the we lost you there Patrick plan on the what happened, but let me answer your question Psalm two verse 12. Here's were familiar with seeing and most all of our Christian translations sober still listening sir. Psalm two verse 12 we are used to seeing these words and this will be in virtually all of our English Bibles were used to seeing kiss the son. Those are the keywords kiss the sun this to be angry and you perish from the way when his wrath is kindled by the little Blessed are they that put their trust in him. Now, if you will look say at eight a Jewish translation like the new Jewish version you read something very different. You'll read this a pay homage in good faith, lest he be anger in your way, be doomed in the rear flesh was anger. Happy are all who take refuge in him.

What's the problem. The problem is that elsewhere in the Psalm it speaks of God's son and it uses the standard Hebrew word been for son. But then when you get to Psalm two, verse 12, it uses the Aramaic word for son, which is bar so why make that switch doesn't seem to make sense doesn't know Simon bar Jonah that Simon son of Jonah. Why switch from Ben son to bar son in the same verse in the same Psalm. Why go from Hebrew to Aramaic.

Now you have.

For example, in Proverbs 31 two uses bar.

They are the Aramaic word for for son, but that's a totally separate context in an apparently different language tradition there, but Psalm two it's it's all Hebrew and then plus kiss the son, you would've expected something you would've expected a preposition in there before the word's on the way the Hebrew grammar works etc. so some of civil listening suddenly look at the ancient versions.

The ancient versions have some very different readings as well.

They seem confused as to what exactly said some of said well it means the shock is is kiss but it needs kiss in terms of pay homage and instead of reading bar son we should read for which is purity and so you shall worship impurity in their their times of suggestions. II deliver the scholarly paper on this couple decades ago, wrote a very technical or law article in which every got published publisher just updated and get published but it seems to be confusion there. I believe it must say son. If it doesn't say son. The whole thrust of the Psalm goes out the window you say what you mean it won't let let's take a look let's begin in Psalm two verse one right Psalm two, verse one. What is it say all returning to convince one of the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing. The kings of the reset themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed his machine off his anointed note.

Initially, it may have been referring to King David is coronation and God said to him that he be a father to the kings of Israel. The line of David. They would be his sons.

You find that for for example, in second Samuel the seventh chapter, but here the ultimate reference is the anointed one, the Messiah, so this is coronation Psalm of the son of David, ultimately, about the son, the Messiah. Alright, so who's the uproar against its against the Lord and his anointed king in Jerusalem when all these kings and rulers. The rugae cast off their yoke.

God says verse six. I've set my King and my holy hill of Zion, and then the king says I will declare the decree. The Lord is said to me you are my son, today I have begotten you. Ask of me and I'll give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth your possession, you shall break the rod of iron, you shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel that it will be wiser kings we instruct you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with Kremlin kiss the sums to be angry about that makes perfect sense.

Contextual because the kings are being told you submit to God's on the king in Jerusalem or else, if you get rid of son in verse 12. Now the whole thing fades just don't fight the Lord. Although the rebellion is against the Lord and his anointed king interest will then why would it say bar son and Aramaic instead of Hebrew because the nations are being addressed and that the lingua franca of the commonly spoken language in the Semitic world at that time was Aramaic all right dislike the most common Semitic language in the in the largest makes people today is is Arabic. Back then it was Aramaic's if you want to speak to the nations.

What are you Jeremiah 1011 God speaks to the nations, and what language does he speak Aramaic it's in Aramaic verse in the middle of the Hebrew book of Jeremiah could even be that the verb the shock kiss, which in Aramaic is the same verb it could be an Aramaic verb as well. You just change the valves because the valves are not there in the original Hebrew text so I believe that it should say this. Perhaps it even read kiss his son, that's another argument that could be made all right, but I believe you can you can support that grammatically and that that is the right reading if you want to find out more about that then go to real If you look through objections when you get to little section on Psalm two.

I deal with that as well or if you have volume 3 of my book, answering Jewish objections to Jesus. You'll find more there, 866-34-TRUTH.

Let's go to Nashville, Tennessee David, welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Bernard right right well thank you for first things first, I just wanted to know the order of huge different between Jewish and Christian translations of the Bible. Both of yet so broadly speaking, they fall into a few categories. One category would be messianic prophecy where we would be as follows Jesus much more inclined to recognize a messianic prophecy. Let's he had two different ways to translated one that would seem to point more to Jesus, another that might not Christian translators would tend to see Jesus and those we have two legitimate choices so messianic prophecy that would be one area. Another area it would be sociological differences that, for example, Genesis 15, six Abraham believed the Lord was, to him for righteousness. Judaism has a little bit different understanding. There would so it was counted to his merit. So sometimes you see theological differences to differences in interpreting messianic prophecy theological differences and then just translation traditions that certain words, phrases through the Jewish commentators have been understood in certain ways that Christian scholars have understood a little bit differently and therefore will translate them a little different than those of the main areas we see differences right stay right there on the other side of the error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown that sick leave it there welcome today on through juicers and remember I welcome I absolutely welcome calls from folks who differ with me request I have is if you have an agenda, put it up front, which don't ask me a bathing question that I'll just answer a certain way and then come back with your counterattack. If you're looking for specific response asked before, and I'll do my best to give it to you and also if you asked me a question.

Allow me to answer it this way I can be of help to fair enough, 866-34-TRUTH. Also, David Nashville back to so that was your general questions you have a specific follow-up on a regular last week I called about like a view of the Old Testament, and a lot of doctrinal matters and that the one for a day you wrote a book on digital divine healer which you treated like the concept of God healing the Old Testament and I feel that within Christianity.

That kind of lacking government unless we can also I get do you think Jewish commentators of the Bible could be important for biblical study of of the Bible we had the saving use David and by the way some of you may have gone past her call screeners because we allow calls within a couple weeks just be fair others but thanks for your zeal, sir. Yet Christian translators for centuries. Go back to King James have learned from Hebrew Bible commentaries because many of the great medieval commentaries.

For example, the so-called big three Rashi in the bin.

Ezra and Rod Doc sold beginning in what the 11th, 12th, 13th centuries, thereabouts, some is great. Commentators had tremendous familiarity with the Hebrew language phenomena familiarity with it.

I see other parts because of their views and their traditions that they missed other things in Scripture. Of course they make that accusation against us, but they have been used with profit for centuries but could be used even more if you look sir at my commentary on Jeremiah in the expositor's Bible commentary sues the revised edition of the expositor's Bible commentary series, more than any other commentator I I used the Hebrew commentaries a lot and then obviously certain places we can have differences and see things differently and that's why would say that that their perspective is blinding them from seeing certain things and they would feel my perspective is by me from seeing certain things, but certainly their value when they are regularly use. They could be used more because of great familiarity with the Hebrew text.

But because we all come with certain traditions and backgrounds. Sometimes those things can be helpful sometimes they can be unhelpful but but they are they are used widely. They should be used more widely, that would be my viewpoint.

Hey thank you David, I appreciate 8663 for 87884. Let's go to Fab in Boston. Welcome to the line of fire that are hi Dr. Brown how are you done well. Thank you so okay to the King James version, which I like version. I Irene I like and 11, the author, I think, and I even like the Geneva Bible in the Tyndale Bible. I like them all. Just just just dismissing real quick. You actually read the original Tyndale the original 1611 King James, the original Geneva.

After research I may not have a my go to break.

Okay, I think the English is really the spelling is different in that I'm in the English chapter is very very different than okay and 11. Yeah, I actually have a copy an actual copy of this thinking of letting you know with all the artwork and it is very different, but I know you do it okay just clarify because a lot of folks say King James 1611, and then they mean the most modern revision of the King James. That's why these were you unless it did legitimate 611 grunt got it all clear that I got it out and you write a lot of things are spelled differently in where you have, you have to history the letters are even different.

However, I'm with you and the fact that I do not agree with King James only okay because the time of the belief that the King James Bible.

Regardless of the version does have error and it and wanted to think that I often focus on is the word Easter and so I'm commenting under your thread and there's a gentleman there who posted a link because he believed the east.

There is the proper transfer and and the reason being is on the link it says that neither Jews nor Herod were the ones using the word Easter but that Luke was actually using the word Easter to denote a specific event, basically saying that he was a Christian and the individual that was typing it on your thread. Even without Herod with a pay until he before I rather than letting the jaded and so him take on all of this is that you do there didn't prescribe you that baby thickly eat right, translate I just get it. I just gotta jump inside because it your your phone calls, cutting in and out and I know what you're saying so so let me let me respond. It is a mistranslation. It is a mistranslation simple fact it is a mistranslation to say Easter in acts chapter 12 when Luke was writing acts. There was no such thing as Easter no one in the world. No human being on the planet had ever heard of something called Easter that celebrated the death and resurrection of the Messiah methylation celebrates this is a totally separate issue. Okay. And whatever chronological argument you want to make that's easily dismissed.

Anyway, all right, but if if we look at the King James in and ask the 12 chapter King James and ask 12 chapter. Here's what it says and let me just click on it to get there in my translation here right so King James is talking about Herod persecuting the believers there killing James the brother of John and and then taking Peter into kill him as well ask. 12 for we apprehended and we put them in prison.

Deliver them to fork returning some soldiers to keep from attending after Easter to bring forth to the people has the King James new King James read after Passover has every English translation reap after Passover. How does the ancient Aramaic read the same thing. It's it's after Passover. How does the Greek week, which is the only question how does the Greek word read its top Tosca the Passover.

How was this translated everywhere else in the King James Passover.

I don't care what chronology anyone is arguing it is a mistranslation. It should have been corrected centuries ago. I believe the King James translators had another collided with fixed it right.

It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

We are mean what Roger thoroughly Jewish host 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 7884 that is number call and the phones are open with your questions about the Hebrew Bible. Hebrew Bible translation or general Jewish related questions. Glad to take your calls today, 86634. May I read to you from the King James of Job, chapter 28 when when I translated the book of Job for commentary that I work on just to a major revision of that's why it's not out yet change in the approach were to try to make it more approachable, more readable for larger audience less technical something a major rewrite on it but translating the book of Job is difficult.

The commentary was challenging but exhilarating translating was often more challenging than exhilarating. It's it is the most difficult book in the Hebrew Bible to translate universally recognized such and not just the philosophical challenges, but the linguistic challenges very difficult so you think off. I just read he would be easier to stay with English was well put a lot of lot of hard work for many many years.

So Job 28 to reach you from the King James version. All right, so certain verse one surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold, where they find it, I am is taken out of the earth and brass is molten out of the stone.

He said a thing into darkness and shirt search without all perfection. The stones of darkness and the shadow of death, the flood break it out from the inhabitant.

Even the waters forgotten of the foot they are dried up their gun away from men. At this point, you might be saying what flood break without from the inhabitant.

Even the waters forgotten the foot they are tried up their gun away from and what the world does.

That may mean as for the earth out of it, the bread and under it is turned up as if it were fire. Pretty hard to understand what, let's read the exact same text but let's read it this time in the in the ESV all right. Surely there is a mine for silver and the place for gold with a refined can James find its monitoring this refund. I am is taken out of the earth, and copper smelter from your man puts an end to darkness and searches out the fathers to the farthest limits the or and gloom and deep darkness.

He opens up shafts in the valley away from where anyone lives there forgotten by travelers they hang in the air forward for mankind. They swing to and fro. As for the earth out of it comes bread, but underneath it is turned up as by fire. What what it's talking about is mining techniques and in human beings digging and they can find silver and gold with a can't find wisdom and and. For example, is contrast verse for the King James the flood break without from the inhabitant even the waters forgotten of the foot they are dried up there going for men. That's virtually unintelligible. The flood break it out for the habit as a son flood it's a shaft you can James. He breaks open a shaft away from people and places forgotten by feet. They hang far away from and they swing to approach about minors digging and swinging under the earth. Is this what it's talking about so we simply have better translations better understanding in the King James translators did nobly, but we have better understanding of the Hebrew we have more manuscript evidence we have better understanding of some of ancient archaeological finds and things like that so why not use the great improvements God has given us the King James find no problem with my issue is very simply, this not make the bogus fallacious claim that it is a perfect translation. It is not for the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown looking to thoroughly Jewish Thursday Michael Brown here taking your calls especially on Hebrew Bible related questions, but taken wider questions as well on this thoroughly Jewish Thursday 866-34-TRUTH Atlanta, Georgia Joe, welcome to the line of fire by Dr. Brown are you today doing very well thank you sir, I had a question about numbers for eight bit. This came up to find a collection about a year ago and caused some controversy in the home and it says that a note in the latter part part of the verse that it God bring the consequences of the father's wrongdoing on the children for the third and fourth generation again in the NIV, it said that he punishes the children for the sin of the parent of the third and fourth generation.

I do understand that for some people, consequences and punishment can be the same thing but I was curious what what is a more accurate but what if the more accurate translation of that text. Yeah, it first.

I would say that that visiting the iniquity, I will is the way I would translated and it's interesting that the Hebrew Potala phone phone iniquity. Note no difference on that. But Paul cade or the flu talk because is a very interesting verb if it has a wide variety of means. Whole books have have even been written just on the verb, but you'll only see it is his meaning. Visit right as it is a fundamental meaning.

So, visiting the iniquity. Some I think this just a little a little bit too literal okay of the complete Jewish Bible says, causing the negative effects of the parents offenses to be experienced by the children.

It's pretty expansive there right of so the NIV it in its translation style is going to try to make it a little bit more smooth on the literary level right so punishes the children for the sins of the parents, but that that doesn't convey the reality punishes the set the children for the sins of the parents. The third and fourth generation. Yes, but visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children just makes it a little bit crucial yes it is saying that there is a punishment that comes with it right. In other words also tell you something accurate that an end the way the complete Jewish Bible puts it is really good. It's a bit expansive, causing the negative effects of the parents expect offenses to be expressed by their children.

So if I was a totally profligate father and an alcoholic and abusive. The effects of that I could visit on the kids and if the kids within God rejecting and follow my footsteps, and it gets even worse for their kids and work so and what were reaping but the NIV doesn't say this exactly and can give you the idea that say if I send terribly you're my son that that gobble punish you for my sin is supposed to visit that the consequences of my sin on you. So the nuance is is missing there in the NIV and although I understand what a transit like that. It's the it's Stephanie out the best way. In my view thank you Dr. Brown that make a lot of you are very welcome, for sure, 8663 for 87884 let us go to Tampa won't go there instead. Let's see will go to Decatur, Alabama, Brad a Brett sees me welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Brown I don't do well.

Thanks. I got a question and you're just the man for the answer.

All but is there an ancient Hebrew word that can be translated: it to be more chances that he would be correct. McCrae from from the roots Co. fraiche hey Karami needs to happen.

Something happening and if you just say it just it just happened is just a McCrae at an in other words, it's not like I planned this out you plan this out is so it's not so much coincidence wouldn't quite have that nuance, but just something that happened that would be the Hebrew word McCrae and it's it's it's used it in in the Bible here and there you have it.

So it's it's I didn't plan this in advance. You didn't plan this in advance is just something that happened and you know it's you know you got a flat tire driving on the road it happened, as opposed to somebody put nails down the road to to get your tire okay very good. Thank you very much. Sure think. I'm sure the ties in with a larger theological discussion that Brett may be having with someone but were good with that 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go to Jacksonville, Florida Sean by the way, I think it's the third Sunday of August that I'm scheduled to be preaching in Jacksonville Florida. You run into relevant yeah it's my itinerary could ask Dr. Brown as Kadir check the itinerary and you find it there okay I'll be looking for the all right yes sir critical question would you babe. MAPI Judaism is an arrow because of Facebook.

So what you uphold.

They and the fab of you know, in favor.

Maybe there waiting for the work of motor Parkway by Bill holding the baby. Mother claiming you sure as Messiah Sean you may have some messianic Jews that are legalistic and that have a works orientation, but no messianic Jews are just saying that that we want to live the way Jesus Yeshua lived in the way Paul lived in the way.

Peter lived in the way Jewish believers lived for several centuries and in other words, as Messiah came, he said didn't come to abolish but to fulfill.

So we now messianic Jews would celebrate the feast with larger meaning those we celebrate the Passover, remembering the Exodus and remembering the Messiah's death and resurrection.

We celebrate the peak feast of Tabernacles. Looking forward to the final ingathering of the nations so messianic congregations are just seeking to restore some of the Jewish roots that were cut off in church history. You have to realize that that initially it was all Jewish sir and the question was where Gentiles fit because you have all these Jews that were keeping the Sabbath and that were keeping the feasts and when Paul writes the Corinthians he assumes they know about Passover and he assumes they know the Jewish calendar and things like that and and many of the Gentiles got say because these to attend the synagogues they were attracted to the God of Israel, but that it will convert to Judaism and when Paul preached Jesus like wow so we can have equal rights, along with the Jews to be accepted by God the same way without keeping the law of Moses. Yeah but they were very familiar with the law now not posting. You can have equal status with those who keep the law through faith in the Messiah. So the question was where Gentiles fit the Gentiles have to become Jews in order to be saved and the answer was no they don't. We find that next 15, but it was always understood. The Jews could live his Jews. That's why Paul writes in first Corinthians 7 prescriptive chapter 7 he says there if you say when you're called running saved in your circumcised will become uncircumcised to say this to do great lips drew but now in Jesus by the Spirit, if you saved uncircumcised save this Gentile this we could call to salvation your uncircumcised day that white don't don't become circumcised and try to become a Jew. In this way, Jew and Gentile together just like male and female together make up one new man in the Messiah, so you may have some congregations that go off, but the church is gone off the other way. So many of my dear friends, messianic leaders are minister often messianic settings and it's just the full appreciation of the New Testament faith for their perspective to some go backwards to some going the wrong direction. Absolutely. When Jewishness becomes more important than Jesus would on the very wrong direction but to worship God through a Jewish Messiah, and to find Phil the fullness of the biblical calendar. Great why not a thank you for the call will try to get as many calls as I can.

8663 freight 7884 we go to market in Richmond Virginia. Thanks for: the line of fire. Regular Dr. Brown.

My question is with regard to the role that they were written in either Hebrew or Aramaic and I heard also that there was a scroll of Isaiah that we found that when they discover that the scrolls on that that writing of Isaiah is nearly identical to the one that we have all along I was wondering if you could comment on that, please.

Whether or not that's accurate yet so close to Dead Sea Scrolls a treasure trove of scope scrolls discovered in the 1940s and various caves in income. Ron and but by the Dead Sea and maybe the greatest biblically related archaeological discovery of all time. Because before then, the oldest complete manuscript that we had of the Hebrew Bible was for about a thousand years after Jesus call the Leningrad B. 1980 so stored there in a library and in Leningrad that's how it got that name. That was the, the, though oldest complete copy. We had of the Hebrew Bible because, as is the Bibles would wear out they be buried or stored in places and so would have them anymore so you think a thousand years after Jesus and a lot of the Hebrew Bible was written 1500 years without his before Jesus. What about the gap there.

So when the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered yet was a massively important discovery and there are two primary Isaiah scrolls that were discovered.

The SAA scroll is the entire book of Isaiah, but it's written by some some of her free hand in stride and has many spelling differences from our version of Isaiah.

However, the SNB scroll which is smaller is virtually letter for letter exact same thing as we have in our Hebrew Bibles today.

So the answer is yes, sir, that is accurate on file line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH dear again is Dr. Michael Brown. I got one more segment left on Jewish Thursday. By the way of unable to get to all the calls you to as many as I can, but tomorrow four months will be open as well in your calls are always welcome 866-34-TRUTH. We got a hold him in Durham, North Carolina. Welcome to the line of fire. Thank you Dr. Brown for pleasure to speak with thanks to boss. But one time that I was Jewish, and used to go to Torah study once a week wherever the conversation and I said Isaiah is my favorite whole Bible is the first Isaiah 2nd Isaiah and that kind of threw me because I will I only know of one Isaiah book are there to different books and movies Hebrew Bible, there is there is one book of Isaiah. The dispute among scholars is with her two different Isaiah's that wrote it with two different authors of the book of Isaiah.

Some even claimed there were three so basically through history it was understood there was one Isaiah and when the rabbinic writings the ancient Jewish writings New Testament writings would speak of Isaiah. They spoke of Isaiah.

Just just one person, one author if you look in John chapter 12 it combines Isaiah 6 and Isaiah 53 as if written by the same author so that would've been the perspective of of the New Testament writers. The ancient rabbis through history you get some hints of a question about this about a thousand years ago by Jewish scholar named Ibn Ezra but was only a couple hundred years ago that scholars began to look at this more and and here's the problem. Isaiah 1 through 39 deals with certain events within the lifetime of certain kings like Ahab and Hezekiah and things like that.

Isaiah 39 ends with a prophecy of the Babylonian exile and Isaiah 40 starts with words of comfort to the exiles in Babylon roughly 150 years later right so it's always enough the same guy alive. Then she said what he just prophesied another words Isaiah 40 starts with words of of prophecy and comfort to the exiles in Babylon talks about coming out of Babylon but other scholars if space is not looking at this in a supernatural way they would say wait a second. This obviously a later author that wrote this, and then some divided in three parts. Isaiah 1 to 39. They call first Isaiah and then Isaiah 40 to 55 second Isaiah and then they find the whole third set. Third, Isaiah 5666 so in short, holding number one in the Bible. There's one book of Isaiah and conservatives say Isaiah the prophet wrote these things and then prophesied things for future generations.

In the spirit. Others would say maybe he passed some of these onto his disciples and then later his disciples speaking for their their master, Isaiah, then put these things out as well know. Maybe that's what what what happened, where they pass them on later and liberal scholars.

Critical scholars say obviously no one prophesies the future like that so they have to be two different Isaiah's or maybe three but as a lover of the word reader Scripture reading this one book of Isaiah and you're perfectly safe and sound. To do that okay thank you so much. Sure thing very welcome opening confuse things in my answer there 866-34-TRUTH I would go to Zach in Richmond drawn the line of fire.

Dr. Martin Brown are you going doing very well thank you Barbara Corcoran about Bible. Like it when Walker grew. And you're confiding your concurrent version as the alternative or the modern English version did the MEP I like even better right down vertically to have some problems with. Like also I almost translate it for you and grand judges with Jephthah. They were caught in a work with fellow but and and he went out from them and they were talking about how he was writing in the new King James version he was going out with the word list all of the rating ousted and when I read ESV, it just seems like you are gathering around with fellow workers in our started to shed some light on that yet, so I'm looking in Judges 12 it is talking about Jephthah is.

It is earlier than that in the 11th chapter of the verse that your speaking specifically to remember where exactly. I'm pretty sure it's right at the beginning of 12 got it like right right in the beginning yet yet alright so let's just look yeah that's that's relevant. Initially but yet let me just say because it because I'm familiar with with the Hebrew text.

There are what we need to understand is this I read the English Bible all the time.

And of course I read Hebrew and Elston Greek. I can't read the Greek as well as a review Hebrew, but I feel totally secure reading the Bible in English. Knowing that on all major points.

It's clear and all major points and how God wants me to live and and what pleases him, and how to share the gospel of this it's it's clear okay. But once you start to dig. You'll find hundreds thousands of of cases where you just can't decide. The exact way to say it or the best way or the two different possible ways to go in the Hebrew or the Greek and fax back when I was translating the book of Joe for my commentary when I really wrestled with was the simple versus because there were like so many different ways to save English and I think it what is the best way to to say it. So in in in in this case and I'll just look say in India and in the new King James and oversee will will just look for for the word raid okay and see if we can spot it like that suits the exact first speaking of is again is as I said there there are yet. Judges 11 speaking the 11th chapter that was it.

So the here's what you have to look at the new King James has the word rating in in in italics, meaning they added that in thinking that that's what it was talking about but you'll see almost all other translations just say, worthless people follow him or when out with him. He enlisted a gang of route rowdies go out now.

I do see other translations that you say rating the Hebrew justice went out with him.

However, they would suggest that it means when out to Raven that you can find that usage. But the literal translation of the Hebrew simply they went out with him and there.

Some traditions even some Jewish translation traditions that suggested means they went out to raid. But I agree it shouldn't be there, but by the way, you'll find that with the King James whenever word is not the original Hebrew, Greek will put it in italics.

Sometimes I don't. Sometimes they Ativan and it's not there like an and in the Gospels were where there there are two thieves on either side of Jesus and one of them is reviling incision of the other cast the same into his teeth, that of those words are there in the Greek cast the same interest to this, just as it is King James English idiom for reviled but none of those words are actually there but you're right Zach, I would say the ESV is more accurate there, but if you study other translations you find one place you like one verse better than another, and another better.

So have one primary wanted to read from.

Memorize. Get to know can study Bible there and then read the other translations supplemental you think that's really helpful and healthy hey friends, if you have not yet gone to saving a sick go there today