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Atonement without Blood? And the Truth about the Khazars

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
September 28, 2017 4:41 pm

Atonement without Blood? And the Truth about the Khazars

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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September 28, 2017 4:41 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 09/28/17.

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According to God's word can there be atonement without blood sacrifices stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologians Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience have resident of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always. 866-34-TRUTH index 866-34-TRUTH your Jim is Dr. Michael Brown.

It is on this Friday night September 29 that you'll keep or the day of atonement begins in the biblical calendar considered in Judaism to be the holiest day of the year and there will be prayer. There will be repentance there will be confession by the our Jewish people that are not even religious will be fasting for a 24 hour period, asking God for forgiveness asking for their names to be inscribed in the book of life for the next year, but what is missing because there is no temple.

There are no blood sacrifices can there be atonement for the Jewish people can there be guarantee of atonement for the Jewish people without blood sacrifices traditional Rabbi say yes I say no.

We'll talk about why today I'm one far welcome to thoroughly Jewish Thursday. If you have a Jewish related question of any kind Jewish related Hebrew related Israel related. If you are Jewish person you disagree with my faith in Yeshua as Messiah welcome a call 866-348-7884 that is the number if you hear the news last night. It was announced that you have to, founder of Playboy died of natural causes at the age of 91 and immediately I knew I needed to say something about it, hoping that he found grace and repentance before he died. Understanding that he was in complete rebellion against his method is what he called puritanical upbringing but hoping that he found grace and repentance before he died. Also, hoping that his death would mark the end of the sexual revolution, which is been so terribly destructive. You can watch that video on my Facebook page asked Dr. Brown.

You can watch that and I believe there's a reason it's been viewed about 25,000 times so far since I posted it last night. People are resonating with the message. In fact, I have a whole chapter in saving a sick America that actually deals with that.

It's call from Playboy to purity how timely the book comes out. The next day you have their passes from this world from Playboy to purity reversing the sexual revolution, and you know it's interesting when I posted that on the Facebook page.

I came back in and looked later look back at the video and I thought well look at these common I'm called everything child in my must be a child predator. I'm laughing this in fatted and just the most profane ugly things.

Of course, remove the posted block the people, but what a reaction. It's one thing if you take issue with a Sensex quote marriage is one thing, if you take issue with abortion, I would think many people would say this is not good that eight-year-olds are downloading pornography that is is not good. The 10-year-olds €12 or sex to each other.

It is not good. The people getting burnt out on sex and even married is likely that a 20-year-old guy needs Viagra performed is he so hooked on pornography. I would think that people would recognize it all rage from worldly people that I would dare speak of the end of the sexual revolution, may it be by the grace of God were to start starts with you and me, the people got right. It is thoroughly Jewish. There's this will get our focus is always Israel.

Jewish people want to spend some time answering the question. Can there be atonement without blood sacrifice also want to encourage you if you're blessed by the videos that were putting out on a daily basis on YouTube. If you're blessed you can now go to YouTube and actually watch the show live then partner with us your support would be tremendously important. That's what we have a goal funding campaign.

All of the funds are going into our video production to enable us to do more to minister to you and to give it away for free with your help to stand with us, go to go fun, DR Brown studio right that goal run SDR Brown studio all right will be right back because you question and let atonement and we have it without blood sacrifice.

Can there be atonement just with repentance in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Looking back, the line of fire only couple years back we went to a local mall and talk to some Israeli about forgiveness of sins and did they achieve that sense of assurance that their sins were forgiven and your keep for the day of atonement Johnny grab clip number 12 again speaking to Israelis in the local mall.

Many Israelis work in that little vendors like interact with the public. There they have the little booths so we went and spoke to some of them get get usually question 866-34-TRUTH 784 click number 12. What's here with some of these Israelis had to say until after Yom Kippur. Do you feel certain that your sins are forgiven. This helps the I'm not certain, but I can always there to help some everybody did something small or big in their list dear Vanessa, couple of months and that the subareas little, I do actually with my energy. I do feel like my body is relieved of any fact. The new start for the new year. I cannot even explain that it's what you know, the energy that you fill in with yourself, you fell completely brand-new person. I wonder if that's because she fasted for 24 hours and then ate felt energized know it's interesting, though, the most religious Jews in the world will spend hours and hours in prayer and leading up to young keep four days of searching their hearts and repenting and getting things right and I honor that and I respect that.

But the conspicuous thing that's missing is blood sacrifice blood sacrifice.

I'm looking at a question that was sent into a rabbi on the website ultra-Orthodox Jewish Pacific website question. Please help and understand that the foundation for God's forgiveness of atonement was initially the sacrifice on the altar, neither the temple Tabernacle in the temple. How does one now find forgiveness of atonement since the temple and physical sacrifices no longer exist and the Rabbi's is a great question and proceeds to answer it in a traditional Jewish way and he says it'll look let let's let's understand that there are other alternatives at times to temple sacrifices.

For example, if you are a poor person and you couldn't bring an offering, then what you do is is bring a meal grain offering and end the end that would be your atonement. That's interesting what did they do with the grain offering where they do with the meal offering. It wasn't a blood sacrifice of what it what are the priests do they put it on the sacrifices that run the altar, they mingled it with the blood sacrifices they didn't just offer it up to God or someone just eat it on behalf of the deity know they mingled it with the blood sacrifice. Why because atonement was made on the altar. That's when Moses Maimonides called his boss cover that the altar of atonement. All right, now here's agree with me about Jesus. Obviously, but rabbinic Judaism recognize that in temple times. Blood sacrifices were sent to say about the rabbis also recognize their other forms okay will what else.

While this this article mentions that number 16 that Moses was commanded to take incense and to offer it up at atonement was made for the people of Israel because the play could broken up because of their sin right simple question one we use incense what we just use incense we don't have a temple with our sacrifices.

One of these incidents because God never instituted incense in the law as a regular means for making atonement and where the incense, it came from the smoke on the altar I came for the fires of the calls on the altar. The altar of atonement and of itself incense had no power was gotta recite the towing powers of the incense wife and Jewish people use incense ever since then for atonement.

866-34-TRUTH will get your calls it a little while. Let let's go little further he said yeah but in Exodus 30, for example, there was money that you would pay and this was called atonement. Money got this was my you can call it atonement, money, or ransom money. This is when the people of Israel being numbered less.

The plague would break out against them but but what was the money used for the money was used for the maintenance of the tabernacle for the whole atonement system. More importantly, when did God ever say I've given you money to make atonement, when and if that's the case why haven't we just been using money all the time for atonement.

It was these arguments are like these arguments like this. There was a fire one time and a family member of yours got set on fire to close got set on fire but real quick dribbler wrap a blanket around them and pull them out and they were it was safe from the fire and just ended up with minor burns semi-with only the fire department. Does that mean we can stop fire's resignation letter fire department without the hoses left the trucks. Now of course not.

So even if you could say in this instance of the incense reviews were told.

God never instituted that other instituted wife because the whole concert of atonement was life for life. That's why the priest would lay his hands on the head of one goat and that goat would be sent out into the wilderness and ultimately rabbinic Judaism sent out to its death. And it would symbolically carry away the sins of the people substituted God was saying you need a substitute and then there was another goat and that goat that the high priest would offer up and that blood would be taken into the holiest place of all, and that blood will also be used to cleanse the tabernacle itself because the tabernacle being in the midst of the uncleanness of Israel itself became polluted as like you walk into a room everybody smoking you come out your clothes smell like smoke. Even though you didn't smoke yourself that pollution gets on use of the pollution of the sins of the nation got on the people and and and got on the tabernacle, and therefore the tabernacle itself had to be cleanse the same word used to tone it had to be XP aided receive expiation that had to happen because a set what was used. Blood not incense not grain offering, not money, blood again the blood was absolutely essential.

You signal another Solomon said God if we go to exile pray towards the temple than hear her cries and forgive us, missing the point. Second Chronicles chapter 7 verse 12 God says, I have established this house. This temple is abates have a house of sacrifice house for blood sacrifices the temple for sacrifices so wherever you are on the world, even if some of you in exile. Nothing. The temples destroyed. Not that the priests are there not that the temple is not functioning but if somebody or XL you pray towards the temple word torments being made all hear from heaven.

However, if your sins reach a certain point, I'll destroy this temple, I'll destroy this temple and you will be sent into exile and everyone will know you're under judgment.

In other words, the temple mount functioning meant the people into judgment and there was no national atonement is awarded an individual like Daniel to XL they pleaded for mercy, and they pleaded for the regathering of the people in the rebuilding of the temple and then God spoke to them about the coming of the Messiah and his atoning work, but the bottom line is this, they had no national insurance. They can only pray for individual mercy, and in fact the mercy God ultimately happens because the Messiah was going to come into the world and die for our sins and pay for sins, as the prophets plainly and clearly laid out. Let me ask you this if your traditional Jew do you do the Qatar ceremony between Russia and on Yom Kippur are you doing it. Have you done it in the season.

Why do many Orthodox families run will take a chicken and swing around the head and say this is my substitute.

This is my exchange. This is my atonement.

Why do that if you don't need a sacrifice if you don't need blood. All I know all the answers but your heart of hearts can ask you what it was amazing.

I come to the end of this article here on the above website and it says this this is amazing. After all is said and done in this rabbi's been trying to explain what you don't need blood for atonement. After all is said and done though. Your question should really remain a question we should ask this question of weakness is question of God every day asking him when he will return to us the temple in Jerusalem, so that we will once and for all truly be able to fill this void with the real McCoy oh did you hear that he he saying that the things were doing because the rabbi said with prayer that takes the place of blood sacrifices. Repentance takes the place of blood sacrifice studying that the sacrifices takes the place of blood sacrifices and here he say we want the real McCoy. We want the real blood sacrifice. Something's missing something's missing your check this out check this out prayers that are pre-made beer will Lord our God and the God of our forefathers who have mercy on us and partners for our errors atoning for us all our iniquities. Forgive all our willful sins and that you rebuild the holy temple speedily in our days, that we may offer to the continual offering that may atoning for us as your prescribed for us in your terrace through Moses. So it's saying yes, God forgive us, but then it's also praying it's praying for the restoration of the Temple rebuilding of the temple want because something's missing about this prayer, hear our prayer. Your voice alert God. Be compassionate to us, and accept with compassion and favor a prayer for God is yours, prayers and supplications you from before yourself arcane turn is not away empty-handed for you. Hear the prayer of your people Israel with compassion. The city will Lord this is preyed on a regular basis.

The question is without the substance without the atonement without the blood that God prescribed in the Torah. You cannot have national atonement or assurance of it.

I guarantee you through the Messiah through his shed blood to the righteous one, take your sins and you can have perfect atonement like that in error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown.

Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown wherever water from the water from the waters waters of welcome back to the line to find us thoroughly Jewish Thursday 866-34-TRUTH 784 if you want to get in-depth on this. You want to dig you want to study good volume 2 of my series answering Jewish objections to Jesus by getting to the objections to the idea of God being a complex unity with the Messiah's deity. I spent a lot of time on the atonement issued to the prophets, repudiate blood sacrifice did Ezekiel Sayer Daniel said there was another way of atonement outside of blood sacrifice is repentance alone sufficient. By the way, I don't believe that there is forgiveness without repentance. I also don't believe that there's atonement without blood. Both of those. I found grounded in Scripture loudly and clearly 866-34-TRUTH little while little later in the broadcast I want to touch about a fascinating tradition in the Talmud and what we can learn from that first week go to the phone.

Starting in South Florida with an anonymous caller welcome to the line of fire.

Losing Dr. Brown how are you doing very well thank you Michael A. The permitted three and the bone.

I told him that my my name handle with my youth tobacco if I may go ahead and you good on his unpopular choose. Okay, got it under good good for you: through YouTube yeah and again just a shout out to everyone watching our live stream. I didn't know.

I thought it was someone being snarky and and we do our veto and we didn't want to start a trend where everybody was using some snarky name but that's good that your YouTube handle welcome Mr. unpopular truth that you very much Dr. Brown. Again, thank you ministry start very simple and I have not yet perfect Bureau and print your objection. That although I intend to time ago during your debate with Rabbi Dr. Julie boat back.

The rabbi lightning the work of the cross, that of human sacrifice and endodontic laying that you back right. Nowhere predictable in any of the Scripture. Yeah, I'm interested to know. Third you could please just embellish on your bottle that that objection and if I can get a better understanding on how I can claim that you graduate you bits of first thing for those that have the series, volume 2, answering Jewish objections to Jesus. I believe it's answer 3.15.

Let me check. I got it right here on my desk in front of me yeah Esther 3.15. Even if I admit that we need blood atonement.

I still believe in Jesus doubling the blood of a goat or lamb not a person is a somewhat human sacrifice, and what I do in that chapter.

We also some videos if you check our video library and asked Dr. or click on or are Jewish videos on real you'll see that we have videos addressing this as well.

What we do is we open up a concept which is found throughout the Talmud in Jewish tradition, namely that the death of the righteous atones for the sins of generation.

The concept being that when you see someone dying like a little child that's innocent. They haven't done anything yet in this world or essay a few years back.

There was a horrific massacre of heart know if a village in the outskirts of Jerusalem were these Orthodox rabbis were praying in the morning at Palestinian terrorist came in and butchered them for four of them kill Wyman there in the synagogue, praying in the morning there there devoted rabbis and I even read some of the eulogies that said that they died in place of that the nation that God was angry with the nation so look at it like this, but said megarich and I have $1 billion credit on my on my credit card and everybody in my community makes ridiculous decisions and they end up every one of them hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. And they're all good to go to jail for failure to pay debts and and the other things.

It is now happening breaking laws along the way, etc. and I say, put on my account and taken all put on my account so the rabbinic concept would be that everyone is dying for their own sins of their own guilt. But if some truly righteous person you know and rabbinic saw some some legendary rabbi were some innocent child.

That person dies within not dying for their own wickedness because the righteous of their deaths. At the age of 30 that can now pay for all the sins of these other so if the others in the generation will repent the death of the righteous will take their place.

So I go through rabbinic text after rabbinic text to show this is rabbinic concept then to show where it comes from in the Bible. This idea of of a substitute and then go from there to Isaiah 53 to the Messiah and and and then the Messiah's own words, no one's taking his life. He's laying it down and and there's one account I quote in the book of a rabbi in the Holocaust, ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbi he's about to be shot and he's and just before the shooting. He cries out. May my death be in atonement for Israel so it's not human sacrifice.

We are a poor human sacrifice we utterly reject human sacrifice, all the Bible rejects human sacrifice. We believe in the atoning power the death of the righteous but say that the only one that is truly righteous, they could pay for our sins and take her place is the Messiah, we join his death for their faith and repentance. God brings forgiveness. It's a thoroughly Jewish concept, Becky, Dr. I appreciate your your help on everything. You are very welcome sir, 86634 of its go to Marcus and Sweden.

Welcome Sir to the line of fire are wrong.

My joy, I have a question about the proper food the future. I'm 39 about the Gog Magog yeah but duplicate the word of the Lord came to me. Son of Man your faith toward God, of the land of Magog principal Roche tubal equipment open by the minute I grew up in Sweden and Russia too far away from our border.

Yeah, I grew up here in the Christian public will pulled up Ross is Russia and methods must go to Google would be to both commercial art so as to chapters those how would you yet.

So since her forget about all there is a Russia things there that that that mission us into ball or are Moscow to boats referred forget that that doesn't work in the Hebrew it's absolutely not correct. The question is does it mention Russia at all is Roche Russia. Some translations understand like that are just Roche as a place but the vast majority understand Roche in its normal sense of chief warhead, so it's not the Prince of Roche with the chief prince, that's all. And its talk about different ancient nations doesn't mention Iran is there possible reference to Germany could be, but this is speaking of a coalition of nations at the end of the age. Zechariah 12 speaks about as well as a cry 14, a coalition of nations at the end of the age that will attack Israel and gobble ultimately fight against them and deliver his deliver Israel but can we say for sure it includes Germany in that list of Ezekiel 38 no Russia possible but more likely it just means chief Prince that Prince of Russia and his other places may shift to ball cities Russia no doesn't work doesn't work in the heat so it's some coalition of nations comes against Israel at the end of the age.

God delivers Israel.

That's what's clear is Russia involved could be dull get hung up on those prophecies you are thought of Douglas.

It's the line of fire with your host activist and author internationals leader and theologian Dr. Michael Brown and voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown welcome welcome to the line of fire. We are the day before noon Keyport Ganz will really two nights before, but Thursday than Friday night and Cooper begins on the Jewish calendar day of repentance a day of prayer, a day of confession of sin, a day of asking for forgiveness. But there cannot be forgiveness without blood atonement. That's why we pray especially at this time of year. God opened the eyes of Jewish people as a religious, open the eyes of the nonreligious. Help them to understand that the Messiah has come and brought atonement and through turning to God recognizing Messiah faith and repentance complete cleansing and forgiveness can come only up on a daily basis. If we realize we fall short. We send we spoke in a wrong way. We thought a wrong thoughts. We ask God to wash us and cleanse us but we walk is forgiven people. That's like having our feet washed. As we walk through dirty world, but we are clans washed bays, people, and I know that I know that I know today. Yesterday the day before that. I know that I know I'm forgiven. I'm in right relationship with God. It's not an excuse to sin its empowerment to turn from sin its incentive not to sin.

Sin remains ugly and deadly but I walk in that assurance. Do you do know that you know that you know that your sins are forgiven.

866-34-TRUTH I once talked to ultra-Orthodox rabbi in Brooklyn New York. Shortly after the day of atonement and asked him are you sure that your sins are forgiven. Are you 100% sure and he said I have to see how generally, my repentance will I have to say I mean do I look at the woman again that I looked at last time Dwight and if he saw that he had really change then based on that he would know that he had forgiveness. I appreciate the sincerity and I appreciate his understanding of repentance that means an about-face, absolutely. But where is the cleansing power of God. Where is the atoning power of the blood sacrifices. Where is the supernatural mercy that meets us where we are and changes us. It was sadly lacking. I deeply appreciate the rabbi sincerity. I would say humbly there's more that he needs to understand and receive from God and from his love on our YouTube stream. There's a great question could could exile bring the atonement in Leviticus 26 God talks about Israel paying for it sends in an exile. It is that something rabbinic Judaism recognizes that exile could atonement a certain way because you do your time by going to jail you do your time. Could that be the case here was here's the problem, Israel and exile normally didn't repent God would bring Israel back. For example, Ezekiel 36 bring Israel back in unbelief that I'm just doing this is my name's been blasting about doing it for you underneath is my name's been blasphemed, and have mercy on you once a bring you back the land but I'm bringing you back unclean. So that's one thing we don't really see true and full repentance. But here's the other thing. Repentance is part of the equation, but blood is the other part because it is still God's justice being poured out in the still God saying sin brings death.

So God I'm sorry for my sins. But then there is also a cleansing payment for those sins. And that's with the blood atonement does. There's a fascinating tumbler tradition.

I want to get into in a little while also want to talk to a bit more about the Cozaar is this whole idea that Ashkenazi Jews it be Jews like me that are not from the least in terms of recent generations that we are actually descendent the sentence of this Turkish tribe.

The Cozaar is who allegedly converted to Judaism in mass or what 1200 years ago we get a little more information that demolishes that in them will take your calls.

On the other side of the break friends. I got a bunch of new articles, videos that are up.

Check them out. Go to asked Dr. Brown the KSK DR Click on the digital library and divan friends were here equip you, help you, bless you, strengthen you, so you can go out and be a world changer and so you can go out and help when Jewish people to the love of God through Jesus Messiah number.

It's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown, the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks much for joining us on the line of fire. In this early Jewish Thursday and please be praying with us for the salvation of Jewish people during this holy season on the biblical calendar the sacred time on the Jewish calendar time and there's so much Jewish focus on repentance and prayer in getting right with God. It's it's a wonderful time to pray. I always pray extra.

The salvation of my people during the season and often for individuals with God convicts them. He would show them their sin that they recognize the depth of it and recognize there's no mercy outside of what God is provided he's provided in the Messiah, 8663 4-H 7884. That's the number to call a let's go to Greensboro Monique, welcome to the line of fire. Thank you again for having me. I really felt thankful for your balance.

Nearly all my God, thank you very much for your ministry and you really parked on what I'm talking about. But if you have to narrow it down based on your what is there a particular scripture that Jewish people who do not believe that Jesus cried fire and has come in their particular scripture or particular couple of pictures that they go to know that I am more and I love to have your book, but so that I am more ready to address those things with the faith and renders the person to walk the God that I'm aware of the Scripture. Is there a young couple okay I think they're kind genuinely general go to put it in a simple yet desolate, so it only isn't this a big answer, but I want to simplify it and thanks for the kind words Monique Libby first mentioned that if you go to my YouTube channel S. Dr. Brown on YouTube so go to YouTube and look for ask a DR Brown, you'll see that we have a whole series 32 weeks of lectures half hour each on answering Jewish objections to Jesus and each one has a title and description, so you'll be able to see each different objection and with the issues are so a few fundamental things one would be a passage like Isaiah 11 that speaks about the messianic reign. Isaiah 11 and there's peace on earth and universal knowledge of God and the traditional Jew would say well this hasn't happened. We know Jesus is the Messiah, because we don't have peace on earth and universal knowledge of God. So a passage like Isaiah 11 would be pointed to. They might point to a passage like Numbers 2319 2319 God is not a man. You believe that God is triune, or that the son of God, God himself came down took on human form you're making God into a man. So this can't be the Messiah Sabbath theological objection or they point to a passage like Deuteronomy 13 the first five or six verses there. Talk about a prophet or dreamer of dreams comes a work a miracle of the goose a prophetic word that comes to pass an end.

And yet they say let's follow other gods, they would say let's would Jesus, a study worth these miracles, Bithynia.

His followers forsook the Torah and the start of the new religion called Christianity and said let's worship other gods so those would be some of the big arguments again have over 1500 pages in five volumes addressing these, but the ideal to some peace on earth so as to the Messiah hasn't come and your idea of the Messiah can't be true because you're making God to a man or man into a God and the Messiah change everything your lights Messiah change the laws and said follow the gospel because of that candidate was of course easy simple clear answers for. As I should say serious, not easy because these are serious issues serious answers in-depth answers for each of these questions and objections, 866-34-TRUTH of its go over to High Point, North Carolina, Orlando, welcome to the line of fire ripping on the ground. Good afternoon, yet liquid built with or when I read goes into the holy of holy and you need something in their wrinkle. Yeah okay now the question deals with this sacrifice was already offer you. Now he's scaring the blood Brinkley Visser.

Why does he have to sprinkle it back up. I would already offer an what kind of pallet that that in the cross. What we would look it get sprinkle on you excellent question. So to two levels of answer to it first.

There is the sprinkling on the, the holiest place of all was called the mercy seat and in the in the holy place on the altar on on the sacred altar with the 10 Commandments, so why, why was that done.

Why was why was that are offered in that way will it had to be applied for the cleansing of the physical objects. The concept being that the pollution of the sin of the nation polluted the very holy place polluted the very tabernacle so blood had to be sprinkled to symbolically cleanse it and make atonement for it because it had been defiled by the sins of the people are just just picture I'm outside your house with a bunch of guys were having a paintball flight and we keep shooting past each other. The house is getting hit with the paintballs and exploding the house has to be cleaned as well.

So the tabernacle itself in the holy items had to be cleansed, purged sabers use for a tone and and that's where the blood was sprinkled, that's first for the answer.

The second part is great point.

This sacrifice was made, but there had to be application of the blood. So for example, for the people of Israel as a whole. If someone decided I'm not participating in this I can afflict myself or faster due and elegance can do what I want to eat party in the blood would not of been effectual for them in the same way for us. The sacrifice has been made that the blood of the Messiah has been shed that the the sins of mankind have been paid for, but until we turn to God and ask him to forgive us and washes clean is not appropriated it's not sprinkled on us so we need to have that blood sprinkled us to cleanse us from our sins and wonders that happen we turn in faith and repentance Orlando excellent question, and I do appreciate 86634 to before I go back to the phones. Let me share this with you. According to the Talmud, there were various signs that the offerings on the day of atonement were accepted.

One of them would be that the high priest with would have an urn and then earn would be to lots.

One of them would be marked blood deny for the Lord the of the loss itself for us to sell for the goat that would be sent into the wilderness called the scapegoat according to Jewish tradition that he would reach and if he if he pulled out the one that said, for the Lord in the right hand that was a good sign if you if you got the one for us as of the scapegoat in the right and I was a bad sign. So according to this tradition, Schumann, Siddique, Simeon the righteous.

A high priest for period of 40 years before that the time of Jesus.

Probably couple hundred years before that that every year he was high priest that sign was, positive. There was another sign of there would be a scarlet cord that was tied to the to the horn of the goat that would be sent out into the wilderness and by rabbinic times it was actually thrown off a cliff and killed but according to this tradition, the, the scarlet thread that would be around the horn would turn white.

Another one since it was tied to the gates of the template would turn white and that was Isaiah 118 regards as though your sins be as scarlet, I make them as white as snow. So very interestingly, according to the tradition. 40 years of the priesthood of of some in the righteous that Scruggs would always turn white and then the the last lamp in the lampstand, the candelabra the last lamp that would be lit would be the westernmost lamp and enter court so according to the tradition, the westernmost lamp was the one that went out last that was a sign of a favorite season rates is one lit first okay but it would go out last that would be a sign of God's favor. Well there rabbinic literature says after the time of sin and the righteous some years the signs of the positive and people would rejoice in some years negative and they grieve. Condon, etc. repentance, except the sacrifice says this the last 40 years before the temple was destroyed, meaning roughly from the time of the crucifixion of the Messiah, until the destruction of the temple last 40 years before the temple was destroyed all the signs came up negative every year but was God saying I've given you better way your old system is over. I've given you a better way and forget this is come through the Messiah.

Your sacrifices don't avail all. I believe the disciple still participate in the temple ceremonies and things like that but they understood they had forgiveness to what the Messiah had done gobble shouting to Israel enough with everything you're trying to do the Messiah has come and brought the fulfillment of the sacrificial system need to turn to him since you rejected him. Your repentance is not sufficient. Since you've rejected him are not forgiven, and then the temple was destroyed, destroyed this day. The message God sending Jewish people. Yes yes yes we will file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH dear again Dr. Michael Brown day and night put out quality content for free for as many different people as we can I sit with our team and we figure out what can we do to get more material out to more people for free and and the way we can use with your help, were not independently wealthy.

We don't have these rich donors that back everything were doing so it's it's just regular people with limited funds to say hello to help. I will stand with you and this will really say together will make a difference around these airways because you help us beyond these airways and others help us beyond these airways folks that don't even listen to the broadcast but believable redoing other parts the world.

They send in funds to help us get the message out to you so want to encourage your friends. We have a go fund me campaign right now all the monies being used directly for video production to expand our team and our ability to put things out. I can honestly say that what we do most people take a budget 510 times the size of what we have in team five or 10 times the size of our little team, so we do our best to be frugal and honoring of God. But here's how you can help go to go fund DR Brown studio go fund DR Brown assess Dr. Brenda KSK DR Brown studio and you can stand with us the gift of any size would be greatly appreciated. Right before I go back to the phone. Scrooge usually calls there is an article on the forward which is a very liberal very old Jewish publication. Ashkenazi Jews are not because ours, here's the proof. It's by Alexander biter BEI DE or and he has published for Oxford University press.

The origins of Eunice dialects is recognized scholar in this field and the accusation is that most Jews today are not really Jews don't really go back to the ancient people of Israel someone like me Ashkenazi Jew, and I've been DNA tested for that Ashkenazi Jew we really go back only 11, 1200 years to the time of the Kosar is a tribe in Turkey that completely converted to Judaism and that's the majority of Ashkenazi Jews today so that was that Hitler was coming were not really Jews. Those been coming back around the world.

Israel not really Jews. Okay, there been a few people here and that of a spouse that recently and is really storing the spouses. It and some others of us spouse, but there is zero evidence that it's true. There seem to be a limited conversion of the Kosar people to Judaism at a certain point in time over a millennium ago, and that's it that the they would make up a tiny tiny tiny percentage of the Jewish people. Basically, their DNA would be pretty much lost in the mass of the Jewish people in the many centuries since then and what Alexander biter says this is this that that people leave traces that they they don't just vanish and muster wiped out as a people and you have to go back archaeologically and see if you can find okay where they leave behind that they be literature behind anywhere.

The inscriptions written on on rocks or walls are okay, let's see. Can we all hear hear this amount and that wise it lifted built up so much. Okay that's digging city was here before another city.

Before that she go down deeper. It's called the tell it's an archaeological mount and you dig down and say oh we go all the way down. That's 3000 years ago and that a little bit above this 2000 years of their their remnants their artifacts it people travel from country to country this history on it and and what with what I was in her body just lays out so clearly he says it is any history will tell you generations of Jews like generations of any people leave historical traces behind them. These traces come in multiple forms. For starters, people leave behind them, historical documents and archaeological data. Predictably, archaeological evidence about the widespread existence of Jews and because aria is almost nonexistent. Will the series of independent sources does testify to the existence of the 10th century and the 10th century of Jews in the king of house area and will some of these sources also indicate that the ruling elite of herstory embraced Judaism because reinstate was destroyed by Russians during the 960s others. We can be confident that Judaism is not particular widespread that kingdom so yes, did some of the elite. Sorry rulers turned to Judaism, it could well be, as far as the people they were largely wiped out and there is no legacy of this it would just be like you threw a cop into a lake and and that said that cup gets absorbed in the lake of the next historical record of Jews in a few cities that today belong to Western Ukraine and Western Belarus shows up in the 14th century, when Jews are rickety referred to numerous documents and yet no direct historiographical data is available to connect the Jews who lived in Eastern Europe in the 14th century with their co-religious coreligionists from the 10th century house area so the point to simplifies this that of all the Jews with her that the Jews come from house area that whatever story they have it. It basically ends there that the that the people he converted whatever happens it basically ends there.

Now you got Jews over here where they come from. Because there been Jews all around the world because they didn't come from that one place so again there is no evidence for an and it and you'll often get it, you get like like Hebrews, let's hear about a real Jew points among the real jury don't like a real Jew and the Savior to sin of the Kosar it's there is no historical data to prove it and really the best DNA evidence against it because there are there are Jews today that look like me with the last name of: so Keohane going back to Aaron the priest, and you can trace their lineage back DNA and connect them to an ancient mariner or the like.

In the Middle East several thousand years ago had that happen because that's our ancestry.

That's our heritage doesn't guarantee his salvation. This minimum or loved by God, but it does mean that there is a steady line here back to the time of the children of Israel. You might say. Okay will hang on hang on house at work how you have so many colors. I have Asian Jews black Jews white Jews as we been scattered in different parts of the world.

Obviously, this was to look like me in terms of skin color but as we been scattered in different parts of the world.

We've intermarried and is we've intermarried some of us have intermarried and left Julius. There was there were were lost to history her kids, grandkids, great grandkids and on and on and on, have no connection to Judaism, the Jewish people and that's that black spot on the flipside, those that have continued to live is Jews. It means that there was intermarriage in that like people like Ruth Rahab in the Bible.

They married in and marrying in now became part of the Jewish people so when you have that you live in a place long enough then it's going to happen that you're going to look more like the people around you.

Through intermarriage, so that has certainly happened if there was no intermarriage ever. There was only the, the original tribes of Israel and their physical blood descendents then we all look much more similar whatever that would be obviously darker skin, the knee and we look similar and have similar characteristics are numbers probably be even smaller.

So there have been those that have married in that it become part that's that. Because our theory, throw it out anyone mentioned it's rubbish. Our friends join in praying for the salvation of the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

More will tackle your email question right here on the line of fire