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Answers to Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
September 29, 2017 4:30 pm

Answers to Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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September 29, 2017 4:30 pm

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You certainly got questions by God's grace. We've got answers to stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown friend Michael Brown here answering your email questions today. I think you'll enjoy the questions that we dig into plot before I do that I want to give you an interesting report. Some interesting insights shows Wednesday night that we got word that you have to die Nance and I were talking about something she heard the news few minutes after that was on the no mid to late evening and she mentioned it to me died at 91 and immediately I felt a need to need to say something. I felt God laid some things on my heart so I made a video put it on Facebook and then after that just filled burden to write and I wrote an article my heart was really burning over this and you know I've been so focused on these issues because my new book, saving a sick America came out Tuesday, September 26 and there's a whole chapter in the book called from Playboy to purity reversing the sexual revolution how striking that the next day the man most associated with the sexual revolution you have to himself and mentioned right there from Playboy to purity the day after that book with that chapter comes out he dies and I I said in the video and in the article that I hope that before he died he found grace and repentance that somehow we turn to the Lord for for mercy and truly cried out for mercy.

I hope that, but I also hope that his death will mark the end of the sexual revolution, and then I want to say how the sexual revolution failed on every front results in liberating saying in the room was free it. It destroyed so many lies and continues to destroy semigloss pornography is so destructive in our society to individuals to Timbuk2 marriages to families eight-year-old kids and are accessing hard-core pornography. 12-year-olds was texting each other kids in middle school, getting into all kinds of details of of sex ed that be a shame to talk about on the radio so so I mention this in the video and then posted it very quickly. It started to get thousands of views and II began to look at the comments and most of them were firming and a guy who'd been a sex addict diplomatic for many years. He weighed the end it was important to hear what he had to say and he still just getting his life back together after decades of struggle and then woman one woman said all sins are not equal. God hates all sins but you don't get herpes from gossiping and inner that was a great point. But then I noticed others were attacking.

I mean that there must've been one or two people, not believers, maybe a bunch of them that saw the video and then they started sharing it with friends or whatever, but they started coming after me know. I'm used to that. I'm totally used to it.

II expect pushback that happens all the time and and praise God if if it's for speaking the truth so be it. It encourages me rather than discourage me.

I feel bad for the people. That's it. But you know I'm blessed in the most profane terms what an expletive this and go do expletive, that and you prune along with the sexual revolution and I thought okay it's one thing if a deal with gay issues, and the person feels and rejecting them themselves or talk about abortion woman's is what right you have to tell me what to do on the woman what rate you have to tell me what to do or fight tribe of atheism in the reveille, the fallacies of atheists.

They take as a personal insult, but why this attack why this harsh attack you think people would say hey look, you know what we like Playboy you have nerve and we think sexual freedom is good. You guys are prudes but yet we agree that it's had a negative impact on others not there just on after me.

And if the answer is obvious is people of their sin.

People love their sin. The darkness hates the light, the flesh is at war with the spirit that's the reason.

And that's ultimately the reason for the conflict in these other areas and issues as well. That's the war we fight we win by the power the spirit the truth of the gospel hey friends on their summer break. I get your email questions, but this is quick work. If you have not yet ordered saving a sick America trust want to get the book/history, practical guide your life changing go to right now order the book. She related post right is no line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown back. This is yes you can hear the smile in my with my joy to be answering your questions today but I'm only answering email questions. He can hold off on your calls hopefully take some more calls of extra days next week.

All right here is a question from Jen hello, saw your response about how horrific homosexuality is in the gobble sent to hell. Anyone that practices homosexuality.

I'm a heterosexual woman living in Michigan married 18 years, the mother of three children. I need to ask how you choose what you believe in the Bible like you believe the Bible to be in error into the book which ufology followed completely to cut your beard you were mixed fibers are just one fabricated time to sacrifice children or animals in your yard you think more waypoints to the Old Testament and the New Testament.

If Jesus told you to love your neighbor leave the judgment of others to God you follow that are no Drive daughters did you sell them a modest interest in your answers, it seems your hatred name-calling, but human beings truly important to God's of the judging others is to send you just think you didn't really mean that one is so interested in your views their fascinating best, Jennifer hate Jennifer. Let me first say that your email is ugly that your your email is insincere and mocking and misrepresents my position and even just takes an old famous letter that was written to Dr. Laura and then remixes it as is your own. It's is really ugly to do that to write is if you're sincere to misrepresents another person's position and I find it very hateful, actually hateful and judgmental. The very thing that your accusing me of doing is is what you're doing. Just to be candid with you to be straight with you so number one I my position is the same as that of Moses, Jesus and Paul that homosexual practice is sinful that adultery is sinful that sex out of marriage is sinful, that many, many other behaviors. Sinful that lying about people sinful gossiping about people sinful being proud and hypocritical sinful.

Many of the sins I hold to what Scripture plainly says on that and that those who practice these things without repentance be adultery or drunkenness. Murder B. It's the fornication sleeping together out of wedlock be at unrepentant covetousness and greed. Homosexual practice. They don't inherit the kingdom of heaven.

They reject God's mercy. They live in sin, they don't make it know is good enough to make about God's mercy and if we persist in our sin. We don't make it.

That's the first thing second thing I don't choose what I believe from the Bible really consistently God gives that lost Israel to keep them separate from the nations like don't remix fibers for just one fabricated time. Things like that heat. He never called his people sacrifice children or animals in their yard that's that's an aside, he gave them certain laws to keep them separate from the nations, and then he give them other laws that were universal. You say how can you tell the two apart you can because some he says just for Israel of his. He gives everybody summer reiterated New Testament summer not so very easy to see that which applies to everyone.

So like the cutting of the beer that was commandment given to ancient Israel and and it also had to do with not following some pagan practices and things like that was a stylistic issue. Same with mixed fibers of the same with dietary laws.

These are primarily to keep Israel separate from the nations. For example, the sacrificial system sacrificing animals in the temple. This was ultimately pointing to Jesus dying for our sins. So the purpose of the Old Testament is to get us to the new art it teaches us, in itself, but that gets us to the new.

Then Jesus gives us the fullness of the store so if I follow the Bible consistently plainly and in Jesus did tell me to love my neighbor which I do, and he also tells me to rebuke someone I see and sent it off if you read Leviticus when Moses says love your neighbor as yourself. It's an immediate context of if you see your neighbor doing something wrong or someone sends you should rebuke them white for their good it, in other words, if if you sell your neighbor's kid about to run out in the street a five-year-old boy around the street get a ball that was rolling in the street and you saw a car coming what you do, you scream and yell hey stop stop. It's not your kid but you care about your kid that get your neighbor's kid right in.

In the same way if if you saw your neighbor a stone cold drunk staggering out to their car and they're about to drive and try to throw the kids in the backseat and you think yet. They're about to get into an accident.

You rose hey hey I think should be confident right now.

That's what love does you don't judge them in terms of condemn them to hell because of that you don't judge them in terms of what you must be an evil person that's where you're drunk. Who knows what happening those wider drunk but you out of love, speak the truth to them so I believe the ultimate judgment to God so I just quote Scripture that God says people live a certain way. Don't enter the kingdom of heaven I and then I offered them the same grace in the same mercy to everyone so on the what hatred you're talking about.

If you cut me a bleed. Love if if you are my neighbor and you are lesbian woman and you are raising three kids, I'd be the best Navy ever had and actually the most love, probably any human being ever met that that was just a new neighbor to you because I really care about you as a person that I don't believe the two lesbians coming together his marriage in God's sight and I believe it's best for those kids to have a mom and a dab of this not hatred so I want to encourage you to check your own heart right.

Check your own heart and examine it because it looks at there's a lot of hatred and judge mentalism in there, but I can help you with that the same Jesus who died to save me when I was a heroin shooting a list using hippie rock drummer in 1971.

Same Jesus who died to save one of my friends who was a violent activist, and in India before becoming a Christian feeds the poor and cares for the hurting and the dying of the same Jesus who saved my wife Nancy before we even knew each of the before were married when she was hard Cold Stone atheist River. Her collar committed atheist. The same Jesus that died to save homosexuals and heterosexuals.

He died for you so I encourage you that that there is new life to be found in him all right is about to go out the number by habit, but I'm only answering your email questions today. This is from Jeff I posted your recent article urging Pres. Trump to honor his word and move the US Embassy Jerusalem and the question arose. I noted in your writings.

You often use the motif of an open letter to someone on public figure. For example,, Sarah's was wrong.

If you actually send your writing to the person your address and if so, give or find out that person reads what you've written to them. No debate or moral right or wrong on this, but just curious. Sure Jeff, thank you for asking.

Number one if I have any access to the person I reach out to them first. That's the first thing is if I have access to them to reach out to them first so many times an open letter never gets written because I reach out to the person first if if I don't have access to them. For example, Pres. Trump or Miley Cyrus.

I will post the.

The letter, but then I will tweet it to them. I will get it to them and in that way you don't, Miley Cyrus tweeted to her family. Millions of tweets she gets for this and see himself, but I bet I did that. If I have a way to try to get it to someone that didn't response was all do that one comes to the president because I know people who are close to him and I know that that some things are written have been sent to the president once they been written with a rhythm or not. I don't know. I always have that hope that he could well read it or that someone on his team or in his family could read it and and again I know that that folk supposed to have been asked to read some of my things. I know other open letters of red that other leaders have been come to me and said I brought this to so-and-so's attention. I told them they need to read it. Sometimes they do get back to some of gotten back to me with real humility and thanked me some of gotten back and say hey I wish he got to me first and I said sorry I didn't think you had access to you. Let's dialogue now.

We've had constructive dialogue so it's it's been very some I've never heard back from reached out repeatedly and never heard back from some now have a relationship with me where anything happens and we immediately talk.

Some even come to me and say Dr. Brown or Mike you may hear this, but I want you know it's not accurate or here's the full story or if I see something that looks very odd boy. People are saying you need to address this like this is really bad.

All right to them first and say hey this is circulating on being asked to address it. What would you like me to say in response.

I don't want to miss represent you in some of said hey it's not what it looks like here's the whole story.

Others who said yeah I wasn't clear in what I said. So it varies, but thankfully a lot of the stuff does get rid and I am writing for further edification as well.

I'm writing for the benefit of others who will read it. I'm writing also hopefully to set the tone and say here's a good way to confront issues, so even if the individual involved is reason Miley Cyrus I've heard say from parents of kids and the kids are fans of hers and they felt it was important communication of the Christian leaders of said hey we we want to try to model the way we reach out to those we differ with what you have sold. There's a lot of different motivation in writing them. But again, in short, if I have access to the person I go to them first, and if I don't have access will. Will try to get to them before the open letter and then once it's posted. I do my best to get it to the person.

Sometimes there read sometimes the ready acting thankful not happy times here. Thank God for some really good fruit and as I feel led and prompted by the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown welcome back Brown thank you Barbara listening audience. Thank you for listening live on radio listening live online listening by podcast, so glad to have you as part of our listening audience and I do take the show so seriously and I hope and pray that the answers that we give our helpful to you if you send an email if we answer it online. We write to you and say this particular show.

Your question was answered on this way it's it's not like your you dismiss it and never know. So we do let you know he quick reminder if you have an iPhone. Download our line of fire app. It's a terrific user-friendly app to listen to the show to listen to podcast call into the show to access our resources, so just go to the line of fire with Michael Brown in the app store. I believe it says Mark Pope is the design or something like that. You see that name, but that's the one you you'll identify the moment you see it.

If you have an android phone, get the asked Dr. Brown at KSK DR Brown that will link you to the show that will link you to all of our resources online all right or just answering your E questions today. This is from Sonya.

She was watching the Facebook Bob RS Dr. Brown Facebook page and I interacted with some folks there but unable to interact with with a fraction of the people and she she's confused now she saw postwar saloon was attacking Pastor Bill Johnson as a false teacher okay and she saw the I responded and said will some of the things you accuse him of being false teachers. The record actually find biblically so now so… I have no idea what to believe. So she is copying this post. She said I don't need to read all of Bill Johnson's books cover to cover.

I'm sure that you have because of your hearty endorsement of him actually Bill Johnson is a is a brother in the Lord. He is a friend not a close friend of we've done some ministry here and there in the same conferences or meetings together, but we haven't spent a lot of time together, but I have folks that are been part of his church for years. Some grassroots school had been on staff in the church for years and he is a brother in the Lord. I agree with everything.

Bethel teaches but he's a brother in the Lord. So I've never endorsed one of his books or anything like that had him on the radio. We had a great talk by our recent issues to him of accusations have come here and there's a deer that was taught. It's wrong should have been taught or no.

That's false.

We don't do that. He was candid, open up the forms for anyone to call a criticism of knowing no one called or took advantage of that that they semi-get blamed for it that he felt that they criticize didn't call to criticize him that day, but the woman that posted this responses is quite negative and she says once had established it is a false teacher by his own words when studied in the light of the authoritative and errant sufficient sacred scripture was necessary to search much further. Instead of waiting for him to repent and believe in Jesus Christ. He does not need to repent and believe in Jesus Christ as a believer in it, and if the only way the dream to be able to listen to this broadcast or read my books on answering Jewish objections to Jesus or be helped by my articles of moral and cultural issues is the only way you're going to be able to do that is if I damned to hell brother in the Lord's a false teacher well you listen to the wrong shell. Okay, I need to search deeply your own heart friend.

Look, there are people I work with that have all kinds of differences with with their brothers and sisters in the Lord and we work together for the larger common good. Look, I've dear friends that their cessation as they don't believe in the gas and power. The spirit for today have dear friends that are Calvinists I have. I have friends that are post-millennial side of friends that are millennialist our friends at her dispensational pretrip. We have many different beliefs on many things, but we are united together in Jesus, so when using these repent, believe in Jesus, you're wrong. Your wrong number. I can tell you you need to repent and believe in Jesus, I would be committing the same error that your committee I saw you on time at the woman that posted this. So for example, she finds Bill Johnson to be exposed from his own words quote Jesus had no ability to heal the sick, you can cast out devils. He had no ability to raise the dead.

He set himself in John 519, the son can do nothing of himself. He had set aside his divinity. He did miracles is a man in right relationship to God because he was setting forth a bottle for a something for us to follow if he did miracles is goblet will be extremely impressed that we have no compulsion to emulate what we see that cause commissioners to do a Jesus did more than we realize that he put self-imposed restrictions on himself to show us that we could do it to Jesus who emptied himself that he was incapable of doing what was required of him by the fall of the father's help or that may select an extreme statement to but Jesus said he did the miracles he did by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In other words, that part of his self-imposed limiting was not to do miracles as God, but rather to do miracles by the power of the spirit. Now she did them without measure. The Lord's.

The spirit was on him without measure. We don't have the spirit on us individually without measure. We will not do all that he did. Bill Johnson would be the first to say that there was an exceptional demonstration of the miraculous through Jesus to draw our attention to him as the Messiah is no question about that. But Jesus said that he drove out demons by the spirit that that when he gave his inaugural speech in Luke four he said the spirit had anointed him to preach to heal the sick.

There's no evidence that he healed anyone before that time. So just like as Almighty God. He knew everything to the self-imposed limitations on himself. He learned to walk and talking fake that somebody could speak a trillion languages when he was born. Instead he went above, but when he was a few months old old hat was because of self-imposed limitations so there are scholars who believe the same thing that Jesus did the miracles he did by the power of the Holy Spirit and not by his own deity. This woman announces Bill Johnson as unsaved or false teacher and hell bound heretic because he teaches what many of us teach based on Scripture. Here's another example of Christ is not Jesus last name course correct squirting Bill Johnson. The word Christ means anointed one, Messiah, Christ is a title that points to experience was not sufficient that Jesus be sent from heaven to earth with a title he had to receive the anointing and experience to accomplish with the father desired it. What's the argument about that. He was anointed by the spirit for the task. Hence, he is the anointed one, the Messiah of the word anointing the justice means to smear the Holy Spirit is the oil of God, it was smeared all over Jesus at his water baptism. The name Jesus Christ implies that Jesus is the one smeared with the Holy Spirit.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit also needed to happen to Jesus for him to be fully qualified. This was his quest receiving this anointing qualified him to be called the Christ, which means anointing one anointed one that experienced anointing there to be no title yet I don't necessarily think it that there's an implication of smeared as is the issue. Although you could argue that's that's tied in with the word but for sure. He's called the anointed one, because he was anointed the spirit of the Lord is upon that's what's written in Luke accident. Isaiah the 11th chapter, the spirit of the Lord was on Sultan to use these quotes as examples as examples that Bill Johnson is a false heretic is housebound. That is, as long as differ to some of his re-teaching in a help in a radical way. That's a difference we have about how her plan and the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown welcome welcome to the line of fire. This is Michael Brown. Yes it's coming on Friday. You've got questions, we've got answers, but were doing something very unique today that we've never done before. Are you ready to separate things will be going on as you listen to this radio broadcast. After this next segment to go back to your email's alright so we finished the segment will take a break, I will come back and answer your email questions today for the rest of the broadcast. You say all I I can't call land with the question, no, not today of the week. Col. performs every did we broadcast. But here's what you can while you are listening to me answering email questions I am going to be doing a live broadcast on Facebook. The email answers have been previously recorded. I am to be doing a Y broadcast on my Facebook page for the next hour. Alright, so even after this half-hour of radios over, you can go to my Facebook page right time during this note.

Here's the Facebook page is asked Dr. Brown a SK DR Brown. If you haven't like that page, please do so today. This way we can stay connected with you because were constantly posting things there for your edification articles, videos, links to radio shows live streams all kinds of things memes quotes things to discuss is a rich site. We've got what 550,000 or so people following us and by God's grace we reach millions through that page.

Every single week so if you want to ask a question only to get to as many as I can. You won't be calling again, but there is a live chat going on and you can post your question. So here's what I ask you to do just posted concisely. Why well, if you post a long question. By the time it post it's gonna be gone and someone else's questions gonna come up and if I'm trying to read it.

Some of our team is trying to read only the first part of it will actually show. So if you can be concise in your question limited to a wine or maybe two lines. I have a better chance of my team has a better chance of spotting it and just like with our phone calls will get to as many as possible right so you do it now. You can do it in 1/2 hour go to the asked Dr. Brown Facebook page a SK DR Brown and if all is going well will be doing a live stream with video and audio and I'll be interacting in real time with the questions that are being posted by God's grace we are continue to expand our operation trust. We have this court team that is stretch the does this unbelievable job with the technology and with the equipment that we have it gods blessed us with an end, we are constantly looking for ways to give you more stuff to bless you with more stuff for free. You know lots of other ministries organization so you have to pay to subscribe and I understand it is we have to pray in the money we contacted we don't have in our budget we could use people subscribing and paying, but were trying to figure out more ways to give more content away for free and then other things will have special subscriptions where you get classes and and other special features that we have so this will certainly do that and make more things available, but whatever we can figure out how to give away for free word doing it. That's our heart that's our joy so keep listening right here for answers to fascinating email questions or now or in 25 minutes from now.

Join me on the asked her to run a SK DR Brown Facebook page. We are doing a live stream answering questions that are being posted there hey one more reminder saving the sick. America is now out hearing great things from people who are reading the book.

If you want hope in your heart based on Scripture. If you want a solid wake-up call with practical instructions on how we do it. What we do, how do we live it out. It's the book for you, saving the sick America Amazon order there and then once you read the book post to review and courage of his friends.

It's not too late for America and her plan and by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown of your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, a on the line of fire Michael Brown note note don't give out the number just talking to myself I'm answering your email questions today so we get to more calls hopefully next week but today just tackling some of these email questions that have come in alright let's see here. This is from Michelle hi Dr. Brown, my husband and I love listening to the line of fire. Thank you for this ministry really help me get a better understanding of how I should interpret the cultural climate around is a Christian woman.

I've heard you talk on your show about many new stories related to professionals in the wedding industry refused to perform services, food, flowers etc. for gay weddings stay at home mom and I work part-time from home as a freelance editor. I typically work on casual block style articles for a number of different companies.

I recently was a sign with a title like this.

Best practices for LGBT friendly marketing.

The article gives tips to small business owners how to be inclusive and inoffensive to the LGB community and their marketing strategy and product strategy. Strategy and promo materials. A question for you is where I draw the line. Sheriff used to edit any LGBT related article must agree with the angle or should I edit articles that portray a neutral tone draw Alana for like an article asking to celebrate the LGBT lifestyle or honor God with any work I put my hand to touch or appreciate any advice guidelines or principles you can share I'm sure not the only one finds itself in moral dilemmas in the workplace. Hey Michelle, thanks for the kind words.

I'm so glad that broadcast in our materials are a blessing to you and your husband and ultimately you have to make a decision before God terms of can you do this in faith or not. What you do want to do for sure is is count the cost and determined to obey the Lord no matter what.

In other words, you don't want. Fear of losing income or fear of losing other references, or fear of losing a job to influence you at all. You only want to be influenced by what's right and honoring in the sight of the Lord. So I trust by your tone that your fine with with taking a loss or even getting blackballed if it's out of honor for the Lord. But you, your husband, you just be sure that that is the attitude that there's nothing hanging over you that skewing your thinking at all, for fear of doing what is right now if if this was me I I'm thinking this through, as as I answer you if this was me on communion with the Lord. Father will honor you want to serve everyone. Can I do this I couldn't do this because it ties directly in with gay activists. In other words, it is part of a larger strategy to say use certain language terms mindsets concepts that will reach a particular audience that you might save it but look every year of your marketing to different people and and if you come to the conclusion that's fine. And, in other words, how do we market to the Asian-American community how we market the Hispanic American committee of the Asian-American committee or how do we market to the upper class to the middle class. The lower class and that's all it is and and how do we market to conservative Christians and how we market to LGBT community. In that sense okay whatever.

It's just different people that they're trying to reach in and that's all you have to decide what is the product itself immoral as the company itself tomorrow if not then than five, but my problem here again you have to weigh this for yourself is that this ties in with the larger activist agenda. This ties in with the larger activist agenda that excludes believers that that is often prejudicial against and discriminatory towards people of faith and conservative moral values.

It is part of a larger complex. This whole strategy. That is what would concern me the same language of inclusivity for gays and lesbians is the language of exclusivity for those who differ with them and that's where I would say okay am I in any way part of this larger activist movement and and look as any freelancer you take certain jobs and you don't take others right and that's going to be with any number of people that sorry can't do this long, but again you need to think through. Make sure that you're ready to suffer the consequences if they come that way and you have to come to your own conclusion before God. You may come to a different conclusion of what I'm suggesting but my guideline would basically be if doing this either endorses something I differ with her contributes to something I differ with on a deep moral level naturally have to draw the line. Otherwise, if you can serve gays and lesbians like everybody else.

You gladly do that.

All right, Jerry.

My understanding is regarded Christopher JH Wright of Cambridge should be cautious regarding his writing on Israel. In general, I read on Google. It is coming from replacement theology perspective instead of what I have studied in your teaching on Israel's future.

Thank you so much for all you do in support of Israel and their destiny a Christopher right is is a fine biblical scholar, a fine Old Testament scholar with great great contributions in a number of important areas that encourage you to take advantage of that. Yes he does hold to replacement theology and that he does not see for example the modern state of Israel as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy or the ancient national prophecies to Israel being played out today and I was reading a fine book of his on the Old Testament and the God of the Old Testament and then come to my surprise in the midst of it. He just spoke out against modern Israel today.

I really see where it fit. There is apparently a logical connection in his own thinking. I didn't see it but I do highly recommend the book just about there was little thing on his right. I differ with and other books he's written. If I'm correct missions related books Old Testament admission and things like that. I I would be enriched by what he writes.

And I'd appreciate his scholarship and his zeal for the Lord in the word of God and just recognize that he may make some statements here and there on Israel that that you would differ with all right, a Tammy Dr. Brown do covenant theology is something I haven't heard discussed on your show.

I know some people who stubbornly hold to this and teach this to others. I feel according to Scripture's doctrine of demons in such a general heresy that we should not fellowship with those who refuse to repent of this. I think that you really have to die most of the New Testament to believe in this survey have to deny the words of Christ, so that no man can come to the father except through him semi-right about this being a doctrine of demons according to first Timothy four and verse 26 of the command withdraw for them. Thanks so much for your ministry Tammy I appreciate you being so zealous about this and if you missed it because you wrote this email. Prior to this, but if you missed it on the Thursday, May 25 broadcast David Brickner I address that doctrine directly and then a caller called in with it and I dressed it further. So on the first hour of the Thursday show which you five line of the first hour of the Thursday show.

May 25. We address it in depth definitively say that you must deny Jesus as the Messiah. To say that Jewish people have a separate covenant with God and can be saved without him. So I wholeheartedly rejected and that since this a doctrine of demons in that it takes away incentive to share the gospel with the Jewish people. It says that they, unlike everyone else on the planet, for whom Jesus died has another way to God. It says that somehow they have mercy outside of the cross. It says that the words of Jesus in the words of the entire New Testament off.

Also absolutely a serious error. As for fellow shipping with those who hold to that, if the person is a genuine believer but is in error. There than I would fellowship with them with the hope of getting them to see the truth. There there.

It is not that they are say practically living in adultery and refuse to repent. After break fellowship with them or are there committing serious violations of God's word in their practice and they refuse to to break away from that. Or they have denied fundamentals of saving faith for themselves. But this is a serious error and obviously if this was a major issue to that person. It would be difficult for me to have quality fellowship with them. If this was major today because it's major to me if it was of me just held to on the side.

Then I would I would fellowship with him and do my best. As the door was open to communicate truth with them again. For those not covered conversing with dual covenant theology. It it says that Jewish people have the Sinai covenant avatar. They have the law of God. They have the Old Testament they have their traditions that are God's chosen people manage their faith with their traditions and follow God's tour and repent of sin and asking for mercy than they will be saved outside of the cross. Many of you scratch your head. So how today will be status of the cross. Of course not only so, Jesus did say to a Jewish audience that he is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father but through him, and Peter said to a Jewish audience that there is no other name under heaven by which we may be saved and Paul reiterated that the Gospels, to the Jew first and also to the Gentile and on and on it goes. If Jesus is not the Messiah of Israel.

He's the Savior of no one you cannot say Jesus is for the Gentiles, only that violates his whole mission who he is and violates of the foundation of why he came into this world to save his people from their sins of his people can be saved from their sins. Outside of the cross, then everyone can be saved outside costs if side is not safe. We got time for a few more questions got Portland's way of check out my latest articles and videos and ask Dr. Brown gives the line of fire your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now going to 866-34-TRUTH your exam is Dr. Michael Brown back to the line of fire to the questions today are Friday breakfast you got question. We've got answers. We do my best to get to as many as I can.

Ruth Brown after reading a Facebook conversation with peers about false teachers are like to ask you if you've read the book the physics of heaven.

Both Bill and Betty Johnson contributors along with others from Bethel. Reading this book is a long way in providing evidence that much. False teachers coming for that ministry.

Here's just one quote Jonathan Welton by the way I disagree strongly with Jonathan Martin on Israel eschatology invited them to come on my show and discuss the issues and he declined in the book the physics of heaven. Ruth quotes Jonathan Wallace saying this I found throughout Scripture the 75 examples of things that the New Age is counterfeited, such as having a spirit guide trances meditation are as power objects, clairvoyance, clear audience and more these actually belong to the church with a been stolen, clearly repackaged okay on the surface of that that's that's a very disturbing quote absolutely disturbing quote. I have the book I started reading it I didn't have time to get into more so I can't comment on it and if there's stuff in there that's wacky I'll say it is the stuff that comes out of Bethel that's wacky I'll say okay it's the start of your no hesitation with that is why is Bill Johnson. Plainly, you believe in this you hold to this no Jubilee missed no seminar staff set up. It was wrong we don't talk like that.

Now you believe this note, some people did it but we renounced it fly all right and other things if they come up Wyoming sprays them.

I got no problem with that.

So yeah, this statement as I read it is wacky and and a bizarre however if what he's saying is that these are all New Age counterfeits of Biblical experiences that is not as wacky as it sounds. In other words, if you say that the New Age has practices like spirit guides trances meditation ours power objects of lines clear audience, etc. all of these supernatural things and this is demonic counterfeiting of real spiritual experiences like having and the angel of the Lord with us. All right.

And and New Age because having a spirit guy being led to the Holy Spirit New Age because of the spirit guy or the Holy Spirit reveals things to us in the New Age counterfeits it with clairvoyance or things like that.

Then yet I would agree that the demonic realm is counterfeiting the true that the Holy Spirit speaks to us prophetically. The Holy Spirit reveals things to us. The angel of the Lord to go with us always are certain times and and and New Age is counterfeiting those things. So if that's what he saying that these are all the counterfeits right trances.

Meditation wears in the Bible people I trances people had trances since that Oreo meditation in a demonic way, as opposed to meditating on truths of God having our minds renewed, then the statement is not wacky so it depends on what he means by that right clairvoyance, things like that. Yeah, clear audience. Not exactly sure what that means but if he saying these are the demonic counterfeits of the real gifts and power of the spirit, then yeah I agree there's a lot of demonic counterfeiting of the real things of the spirit yeah and and he lists those things that would be wacky okay so I have to read the whole thing to see exactly with what he saying there Lane. My husband joined the church several years ago called the Church of God, there's the United Church of God living Church of God, etc. all a break offs of the worldwide Church of God established by Herbert Armstrong while my husband just agree with everything the church believes he does hold the Saturday Sabbath and the holy days sees me as requirements as a source of strain our marriage. The fact that I go to church on Sunday and on the real Sabbath. He says it is documented that the Catholic Church is the one change the Sabbath to Sunday, not job with that setting systems and then on Friday to sundown, so they must be observed for God Bible reading services, etc. you know of any biblical reason that the Sabbath was changed. Thank you. Yeah Lane. This is definitely tough and and does cause tension in marriage. Obviously, for obvious reasons. But no, your husband is right and that nowhere in the Bible was the Sabbath changed to Sunday. He's right in that regard. However, the Sabbath commandment is not given as mandatory to the whole church. The seventh day Sabbath commandment was not given to Gentile believers anywhere in the New Testament. And Paul even warned in Colossians 2 about people putting you under pressure to keep a seven day Sabbath, or to celebrate the biblical calendar to be under pressure to do that is a sign of spirituality and identified these this is a shadow is that the substance was found in Christ. So your husband's right that it wasn't until mother on the fourth century where the church said officially that the Sabbath had been changed to Sunday, but it's pretty clear that Gentile believers from early on a beach usually was as well. Rose early on Sunday morning to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus are celebrated later in the day and that led to the custom of the eighth day being set aside as a holy day of the Lord. So you are free in the Lord to worship on Sunday or worship on Saturday. If it works for you and your husband to do Bible study and prayer Friday night, Saturday, great good Sam tell Alyssa and I want to church on Sunday and this is the day I gather with other believers and this is what I like in the church. The biggest issue is what do these churches really believe about salvation if if he says that you're going to hell if you don't observe the seventh day Sabbath or keep the biblical feast, then he's in real serious error in this deeper concern. If he does not trust Jesus for salvation and feels that you must keep aspects of the law in order to be saved. That is a deeper area of concern and and that's what I would really look at and focus on and pressed to see, does he really know what it means to be saved. Brian dear Dr. Brown just wanted to let you know that you request your request of most believers leaders to condemn such violence, meaning suicide bombing in Manchester and others will get very little news coverage, let alone repeated by the imams and mosques all over the world.

Why because so-called Muslims moderate otherwise it's too scared to do this. Many know that Islam often Aeschylus gloss to take out the self-righteous person. How do you solve that.

Well first, I'm one voice and I'm assuming that all imams around the world are going to know what I said and repeated what I do know that there are Muslims and Muslim leaders who read what I write and and perhaps I can be of some influence on them. That's the goal.

That is the hope.

But there are courageous Muslims who do speak out against Muslim extremism, the, the president of Egypt general sissy.

He made a major address at Cairo University massive car university in front of probably thousands of Islamic leaders and scholars saying that we needed to reform the religion. Speaking as a Muslim need to reform the religion and and I was told that he's a devout Muslim and he spoke out loudly and clearly.

But yes, it can be scary. Yes, plenty plenty plenty do not speak out for fear of what would happen the way that you fix that is enough people speak out together that they now come with a unified front and thereby isolate those that are trying to take them out and then they combat those that are the extremist yes they hope to say that, but that's how it would happen hey friends at a time already, be sure to download the aspect Brown after your android phone or the line of fire app for your Apple phone for the line of fire Michael Brown on the app store and enjoy the broadcast 20 4/7 CF,