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What If Jesus Had Been a Gentile?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
November 9, 2017 4:41 pm

What If Jesus Had Been a Gentile?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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November 9, 2017 4:41 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 11/09/17.

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Why Judaism can't be indifferent to Jesus because he was a Jew and Gentile stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks so much for joining us today on thoroughly Thursday thoroughly cold Thursday almond Margo North Dakota. It was like 15° one. We arrived last night and if you're if you're watching on Facebook. This is our normal professional set up so all of our guys on the video team. Sorry about that. We just got my phone set up an office on using but we've got our high tech radio equipment all set up. In fact, those are watching on Facebook that little unit there yet expensive little unit that gives us radio quality connection. So if you have a Jewish related question for me. 866-34-TRUTH 866-348-7884 that is the number to call 866-34-TRUTH for Jewish related questions. I want to talk to some about what Jesus been a Gentile. What if Jesus had been a Gentile prophet, a leader rather than of the Jewish Messiah. How would Judaism have treated him then would it matter to Judaism would be great that he was a prophet to the nations will talk about that little bit more on Martin Luther and the Jews. Scott of email. One of the share with you from a ministry leader regarding that and my discussion with Erica taxis about Martin Luther and also of the latest interesting controversy involved in, and this this is one. What can I say I had to not see this one coming. Okay, so you can read this article and asked her to SK dear when social media explodes over and editing oversight. Here is what happened. I read an article many of you read about Jewish millennial's and a recent poll commissioned by Jews for Jesus carried out by the Barna group indicated that 49% of Jewish millennial's believe that either Jesus was God incarnate, almost half of that number, about 21% to 28% believe that he was a rabbi or spiritual leader, but not God incarnate, 49% total very very significant number. So I said could it be that there is a no other harvested hand just like I came to the Lord is a Jewish hippie radical rebel 1971. So many Jewish young people in a spiritual search than met the Lord. They were wonderfully born again during the time and discover Jesus as the Messiah. Could it be that supply that is happening again will that's of the main reason there was controversy. I want to point back to the 60s and talk about all the counterculture leaders the political agitators in the jury room is in every Hoffmans in the spiritual agitators, the Allen Ginsberg no agitating for Eastern religion. And then there was a rock star is now from Bob Dylan to Simon and Garfunkel just this so many influential people of all the 60s, not course got a massive library. Personally, if I'm writing an academic book you you cite every single line you cite every word, every line you you lay that out plainly but in a popular eye, you can't do that. See hyperlink right you link to other websites so I was looking for websites that would give information about how many about how many Jewish people were involved in the 60s counterculture revolution.

I spotted one link and I just glanced down the middle of the page I spotted it and have had all of these different lists in different bands that had lots Jews the blood sweat and tears of China on Jefferson airplane is so cool aside, it turns out it's a white supremacist website and look at the website it know anything about it, though I do it storefront was so delicate it was you link to a neo-Nazi website in your in your your frequent lives. I had didn't even see where was I didn't read the whole article.

Anyway, the latest controversy.

So I wrote about the right back I file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown 7884 is the number to call in a moment I want to raise the issue of what about what about if Jesus had not been Jewish, but he did not claim to be the Messiah. How would that affect world history. How would that affect how the Jewish people look at Jesus and interesting question have been dialoguing with some folks about that. What will get to that in a moment. Again, you'd usually questions I get to your calls shortly 866-34-TRUTH 87884 but first, Martin Luther and the Jews. I put out a very strong video featuring a number of his horrific quotes about the Jewish people and noting how, in fact, today would be that the memorial of his November 9, 1938. His exact counsel to the German princes to set synagogues on fire destroyed Jewish places of business, etc. that was that was done by the Nazis. So no, he was not responsible for the Holocaust know the Holocaust was set on evil aside from Martin Luther, but his words legitimize their actions for the Nazis actions for for many Germans and gave a certain credence when when Goebbels and Hitler rediscovered you could say the anti-Semitic writings of Martin Luther. Well Erica taxis on with me. Eric is studied.

Luther hundred times more than I have. I am not a Luther scholar. I know there pretended to be. I'm very familiar with certain parts of his work, but no course, none of an expert on Martin Luther, nowhere near note no university or under understood. So Eric's study intensity with this great biography of Luther's is lucky Scott 110 volumes or something and is just got of these small amounts inexcusable about the Jews but put it in context.

He blasted others look at what he said about the pole and some really horrific grotesque stuff that Eric did mention radio but that that he has in his book so how should we respond to this in some circles. Luther even saved the civil he was say but boy he was crude others as well as got older and sicker.

He got worse and there is all that debate Catholic apologist. Of course, point to Luther as a reason that that the present Reformation is clearly not true. So there's a real mixed bag with Luther, but undoubtably did tremendous good in many ways was greatly used by God and had many evidences of God working in his life. And then these extreme carnality so in light of that, in light of that gentleman named Paul out from comfort my people, which is a native mission Native American mission wrote this I deeply appreciate your ministry.

In fact, when whenever anyone joins meant a trip to Israel for the first time. Her hands are stained with blood is required read several of your books in the lending library of comfort my people especially appreciate your welcome invitation to react with you in areas in which we disagree so here goes my concerns with your interview with Erica taxis seemed much too soft. Regarding the damage that Martin Luther's words have caused Jewish history at any get just want to say this, I had a ready put out a very very strong statement video which is on our YouTube channel about about Eric excuse me about Martin Luther and the Jews I had already done that. So that statement was out that statement was available and very strong and written about, of course, and our hands are stained with blood that the seven had Eric I want to get his perspective. I want to get his perspective and with that we shared that so I want to be fair and let Eric when and I really want to get his take on this so it just just to be clear, there aren't so not only was Jewish blood spilled the German consciences were left permanently damage because of their sheeplike ignorance to Lily father educated leaders.

After all, the best of them gave the green light to destroy the despicable race of Jews all I know Luther is not the source of Jewish hatred, but he was certainly a strong provocation is superstardom. Fame in the Protestant world needs to be addressed not dismissed under bussing for its worth. Luther was wild anyone he disagreed with. I hope you can revisit that interview with listeners perspective, especially one whose relatives are missing because the power of the tongue released from a man who had a huge following, and still does. And Paul, who wrote that I grew up and later raised our family not far from former headquarters of the German blonde experience measure of anti-Semitism from the offspring of what was then recent history.

So Paul, I thought the best thing I could do was share your email sure that perspective with listeners inside. I absolutely deeply appreciate the perspective 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Let's go to the phones and we will allow unpopular truths to use the stage name. There are the YouTube name South Florida. Welcome to the line of fire. And again, just a quick note, those of you that are watching this is a live feed on Facebook. You'll hear silence as I am carefully listening to my collar and then I will let you know what he said and share that with everyone with my answer.

Go ahead sir, you're on the air. Dr. Brown thank you Michael unpopular group that is my panel name yeah got it all.

I recently had agreement with payout liberally. Bob brought up were talking about the and it brought up old hat and plate meal at that building or the back of the better.but physically apparent or three kidnapping, blasphemy, idolatry and old right if you could please provide me some feedback on the question you help anything? Bacchus rose quickly. So the question is when an atheist challenges us and says I hope you believe in this god look at the Old Testament like it is of the death penalty for sorcerer you don't allow which to live. Death penalty for L3 death penalty for children who repeatedly rebel against parents. It is so on. I can you justify that so we we understand a few things.

Number one, it's a good possibility that the atheist will never accept our perspective.

In other words, that the atheists can have a different perspective. Until that person needs God use a muscle problem that I can meet God because of these issues. While God is to work in the hearts are still human beings. They still have issues they still need God. They still send and in the Holy Spirit can often get to the heart of what they are dealing with. And then there other objections go out the window so listeners understand that we may not be able to give a satisfactory answer to every nonbeliever. We do our best but we may not be able to satisfy them. So we start with that understanding, recognizing the battle is ultimately spiritual and an organ have to pray for them. Either way that someone number two.

I would tell them that this was normal punishment in the ancient world.

This this was typical and normal. In fact, the, the Israelite code of law was much more humanitarian than the surrounding nations and their codes of law. Even the laws about slavery were actually liberating in Israel compared to other surrounding nations, but that this was unique situation, God appeared to the whole nation with signs wonders and miracles and took them out of Egypt and made him his own people, and therefore the standards were high and you know to whom much is given much is required.

If you're working on 10,000 V of electricity. Could it can light up a city or whatever or you know whatever the voltage is or he could kill somebody. That's the same way with the immediate presence of God to have that method Israel had to live in a certain standard because he appeared to the people in an immediate way and they were his own. So this was not just the laws. It would be like God walks into your room and and says you're wasting hours every day playing video games. I don't want you to play there anymore.

Yes sir yes Got it all clear. You know, is especially if if we were on the way it death.

We would destroy our lives with drugs and alcohol and he intervened and saved us as we were going off a cliff and were gonna die literally and he says now here. You gotta clean up your act.

Yes sir, that's what was with ancient Israel.

So first thing we may never fully satisfy the critics and we understand that second thing is that these are honest questions. We do our best to answer them. Let them understand that this was a unique situation. It was a literal theocracy were God was the king over the nation that second thing third thing is to say, that was for a season. Traditional Judaism then developed in such a way that no longer carried out the death penalty in most of these instances and with the gospel coming into the world of the same thing happen. We no longer have the death penalty for many of the same offenses, so it was for a time and season. It was in keeping with laws and customs of that day was actually more merciful than many of the laws and customs of the surrounding nations, and ultimately it was because of God's immediate presence. Because this was the theocracy. This was face-to-face God speaking to the Mount Sinai.

Therefore, the standards were even higher. Therefore the standards were actually different than any other time before and then finally we are no longer under these things because of the new and better covenant will be right back over and by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, a four all right is a gentleman named Alan and his blog truths without compromise.

Alan rule posted something in defense of Luther and a challenge to the rabbis and he said today Protestant systems of hated Catholics across the globe are celebrating the career of the renegade apostate monk named Martin Luther, Martin Luther being Catholic I opposes theology in his career as a reformer, regardless many articles have been popping up on the anti-Semitism of Martin Luther. The acidity pave the way for the Holocaust. Of course when people say this, they often take a shot of the Catholic Church as well, saying they are no better. So Alice is first of all Luther can hardly be called anti-Semitic.

No actually Alan, there are quotes I've edited it to call Michelle Gershon unable to Alan but actually, there are quotes from Luther Wertz is by nature are deceiving Cosmo Jews by nature and and and something about them that's anti-Semitic. That's not just anti-Jewish that's anti-somatic and when you portray these roles allowed to live in Catholic lands to be left alone was the cause trouble. No no that's absolute nonsense that's absolute nonsense. I don't know where you got that history from sometimes that was the case, but check Jewish and there were there were centuries where Jews fled to Muslim countries from Catholic countries. They took refuge in Muslim countries is the treatment of the Catholics was worse and and a look at Rall role Hilbert's charts role Hilbert's charts about about the treatment of the church and the Jewish people promoted Catholic Church and the Jews, and almost every policy of the Nazis. Aside from from extermination. Almost every one of those had already been instituted laws against the Jews and being confined to live in ghettos and and being deprived of various jobs, etc., etc., so this idea that unless they cause trouble they were treated properly by the church.

Absolute nonsense read Constantine's sword read my book, our hands are stained with blood read many bucket read Edward Flannery, Catholic scholar is his book on the longest hatred Flannery Catholic scholars is that the pages of history memorized by Jews have been torn out of Christian history books so to say that Luther was responsible or pave the way for the Holocaust. No, he did not pave the way for the Holocaust. What did pave the way for the Holocaust was centuries of European anti-Semitism, both Catholic and Protestant. Without that the Holocaust would not of had fertile soil. That is a historical fact, there would not have been sufficient Jew hatred you animus sufficient views of them as pariahs is sub humans and other things like this. If not for many centuries of European anti-Semitism, both Catholic and Jewish men.

I could spend hours talk about the horrific treatment of Jewish people at the hands of Catholics and then some Protestants and an end point of fact, Martin Luther in 1523 when he wrote his little book that Jesus Christ was born a Jew said if I had been a Jew and and and seeing the way the church is being run meant by Catholics. I would've rather become a pig in a Christian so that that is the blood. The ugly history.

Study it out. Please don't stick your head in the sand.

Now Luther's words, his words written 1543 were a great, great boom for the Nazi propaganda machine that would've happened without his words, but this very day, November 9, 1938, the day before Martin Luther's birthday was Kristallnacht that a broken glass and and with the Nazis did was exactly exactly to the letter.

What Martin Luther advocated in his counsel to German princes and is and is book concerning the Jews in their lives to the letter. The Nazis carried out in the next day when the synagogues were burning when a leading bishop said how great it was. What a serendipitous event. It was to see the synagogues burning on the birthday of Martin Luther that happened that's historical and the and the same Bob Bishop, the same Lutheran theologians were writing books and articles saying that Jesus was not actually Jewish, that he is Jewish. He was of Rian dissent. Yes.

So they go hand-in-hand, though Luther did not pave the way for the Holocaust story was he was not responsible for the Holocaust, but without question. His writings were used as further fuel for the fire and help the Nazi propaganda machine. What was there Holocaust immediately after the life of Luther because his anti-Jewish writings were rejected for centuries.

That's why because they were overlooked because Lutherans either ignored those writings or followed is 1523 gracious writings that were reaching out, or else were completely ignorant of his anti-Jewish writings and not only so it takes a while for things to build in point of fact, there were different times in Jewish history where Jews were slaughtered, were Jews were burned at the stake in Germany before the time of Luther for the for blood libel for the accusation that they they kidnapped a Catholic child or priest and drained his blood and used for making Passover matzoh, and other horrific lies like that whole whole Jewish families and even Jewish communities persecuted and burned at the stake. This is before the time of Luther and and there were the pogroms for through that the centuries in different parts of the so-called Christian world and so-called Christian Europe and and there are there are people will tell you that what happened to their relatives.

It sailed into the Orthodox Church of Russia late 1800s and early 1900s that Easter was a particular day. Jews want to stay inside. Why, because after the Sunday sermon and sometimes with Catholics the people get so inflamed with anger about the Jew killers. They go out look for a Jew to kill the Christ killers. Rather, they go out look for Jew to kill the this is historical fact these things happened it it's it's reality. Here, there, there III know if someone is his father. This happened they survived the Holocaust and Poland. He and his Jewish friends lost most of their families and loved ones survive, though.

When they went back to their village. Local Catholics were so upset that Jews survived the Holocaust. They tried to kill him that a flee for their lives. This the type of animus and hatred are there, it's carefully documented out with you.

One of the truth that is carefully documented in book after book after book by leading Catholic and Protestant historians as well yeah Valerie, thanks for the post original, but her hands are stained with blood.

I was raised in a Christian household and never knew those things it breaks my heart makes me want to apologize to me Jewish person I know.

So here's a question you want to blame Christianity for the Holocaust. What in the Holocaust happened when Christianity was 100% in control to the extent that the Christianity became apostate.

To the extent that there was a proper political climate for the rise of of a group like the Nazis. It took all those things happening together all right. It's not one simple answer, but I'll say it again emphatically and without question, without centuries and centuries of European anti-Semitism, the Holocaust could never have happened. Say it once more without centuries and centuries of European anti-Semitism in the church. So-called Christian anti-Semitism, both Catholic and Protestant. The Holocaust could not of happened you would not have had Ukrainian SS soldiers with God with us on their belt. She would not of had the Lutheran theologians Gearhart Kittle, one of the editors of the jurisdiction of the New Testament Nazi.

Come on, it's the line of fire with your host activist and author international's leader and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown simulcast on our Facebook page but not only are high tech video quality that you see every day on our YouTube channel. Your hearing every call. Your interact with what's happening right now. I just got my cell phone set up right here I'm live in far freezing freezing freezing. I mean, like 12° freezing cold Fargo North Dakota for several days of meetings okay.

I was I was asked what I think of Ben Shapiro. I think Ben's terrific. I thank God regularly that he has the voice that he has that I thank God that that he has the influence that he has a think is brilliant I think is clearheaded. Obviously, we have very different view of who Jesus is. But on the moral cultural issues he so right on. And of course on larger political issues and financial legal issues. He is an expert in areas where I am not but I thank God for him. I thank God for his work for his influence and rejoice that he has the platform he has the open doors that he has the ability to confront craziness with sane and clear answers absolutely so I'm glad he's doing is doing now. You may want to know that a lot of people have asked about me doing a debate with him about Jesus. So I reached out to him I said hey Ben you probably don't want to do this. Probably not the kind of thing you want to do, but I get asked a lot of people if you like to do a debate with me on Jesus the Messiah.

Something like that and he wrote back and respectfully, Dr. Brown, thanks for reaching out, he said, but I really don't enjoy religious debates as it had great soap we we left it there and and oh I'm good with that and if if if it's ever the kind of thing that that up this popular demand for it.

He wants to do it in a heartbeat in a heartbeat. Denise ass on Facebook have a Jewish friend rejects Christ because of his loyalty to his parents. Not sure what to say concerning that I witnessed him and know he understands the gospel a tell him that Abraham was called to leave his father's house.

Tell him that the Torah says or allegiance must be to God first. Tell him that the best thing he could do for his parents, is coming to right relationship with God to the Messiah and then he can truly help them find the Messiah as well, and Intel him that if they die without the Messiah there there greatest desire if they could've come back and and and seen him make the right choice. They would have wanted him to make the right choice. But remember Abraham left his father's household in Joshua and Joshua tells us that that they left the gods of their forefathers served many times in the Bible, the fathers are going in the wrong direction. Many times in the Bible. People are serving idols rather than God, because of which God's is turn from your evil ways and don't do what your fathers have done so.

His parents may be sweet, kind people devoted people, but he's going to give account to God and he must honor God first. All right, you got a Jewish related question for me 866-348-7884 is the number to call a we've got a bunch of important new videos and new articles dealing with some really controversial issues. As always, and during our best to be your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution.

So take advantage of those go to the website asked Dr. Brown a SKDR check out the articles share them with your friends.

Check out the video share them with your friends as well together make a difference, pray for us.

If you feel led to help especially on thoroughly Jewish Thursday with our Jewish outreach. We've got some awesome projects right in the works.

These very days, pray for us to leave with us and if you feel led donate to stand with us together. You can see a great harvest Jewish men and women coming to recognize the Messiah of Israel. We will be right back. The line of fire your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown go to the phones. What if Jesus had not been Jewish and indigent and she had this this calling to make the God of Israel, known to the nations, but without without Jewish people having to turn to him what she's ready had their own covenant there and have their own tour. There they had their own relationship with God but Gentiles did not become Jews either Gentiles could now worship the God of Israel and and learn about the God of Israel through this great prophet Jesus right it seems American prophet named Jesus and he didn't took this message to the whole world and nations came to know the God of Israel, like a Mohammed type thing except rather than throwing out the Bible say no, this is still that that is for the Jewish people and hear the teachings we have in and we can all follow the God of Israel, but cannot become Jews and it was used as a prophet got confirmed his his his message with miracles and all that.

How about that. How about that is is is that you know how it usually for late relates that well the simple thing would be that it would be pretty easy for Jews to swallow that because you to see it. We have our relationship with God. We have the Torah we you we have our profits and in the Old Testament we have our rabbis and teachers.

Today we have the tradition going back to Moses. So that's great. Let let Jesus take the message of God to the nations because the holes are supposed to come Jewish right that works correct but am problem is the problem is that Jesus is a Jew is able.

That's fine as a Jew. He had a mission to take the message of God to the nations, that's fine.

And God confirm that because one of the nations to know about him, but but suffrage is but that's not what's written he came for his own. He came as the Jewish Messiah. He came to die for the sins of Israel and the nations. He started his mission exclusively to Jews so you and Julius and can remain a different you have to either embrace him as the Jewish Messiah and then the whole world comes to him as the Savior of the Gentile world war you have to reject them as the Jewish Messiah, in which case nobody should believe in it either. He died for sins and rose from the dead, and the whole world should follow him to the Jewish people or he didn't. You can't say well well this is good for the Jews is good for the Jews exhibit good for the Gentile Christians a great religion for the Gentiles, but is not for us Jews know that doesn't work there.

It can be great religion for the Gentiles of space here to every every non-Jew that is speaking to everyone from the nations.

Every Gentile follow Giuseppe feel about that what Jesus did actually die for sensitive next rise from the dead, he's not actually the Messiah of Israel is not actually the son of God incarnate God incarnate, but hey hey you believe John believe have added that's good for you know if it's false.

You don't want it, but if he did die for us and we did rise from the dead. If he is God incarnate the Word made flesh, if he is the Messiah of Israel, then every Jew needs to follow him and not just Gentiles, so it's Jesus the Jew that's that's where the real crux is Jews that were all right friends I am going to the phone so I get to as many calls as I can because you won't be able to hear me on the Facebook feed I'm to turn that off now. You can continue the line of for limits watched on Facebook as well. God bless you will be talking to in the days ahead. All right here we go. Let's storage in Grays Harbor, Washington. Welcome to the line of fire what your question today. Hello yet you're on their my question is I I am very pro-Israel and I love that you and my and actually dating a Jewish girl right now so I am very interested in what's going on now that I've been listening to the book of Revelation, because I realized that I know it very well and at night when I listen to it there for one verse bother me and I don't know what she is talking about. In one of the letters to the churches. Revelation 39 it said, behold, I will make them a defendant out of the which say they are Jews and are not that July, behold, I will make them to come and worship before my feet and know that I have left them and heard a lot of people are anti-Semitic who really hate that you use this Scripture to justify their advocate. Yet just come up. I sense I die, I I addressed it last week with or the week before with another client so it know that that's fine, but because you raised pouches by anti-Semites wanted just to speak to that. So first there are anti-Semites that say all Jews today that are not followers of Jesus are not really Jews are the synagogue of Satan. And yet the justify all kinds of ugly horrific attacks on Jews in an know that the worst of the worst things somehow that's that's justifiable because they're not really Jews and synagogue of Satan or they don't belong in Israel because what you Middle Ages directing only him and verses from the Old Testament are used as well. Absolutely.

You know that the Jews are hardhearted and rebellious, and so on. So there's enough in the Bible and to use wrongly and selectively so entered and later two ways to answer this one way is that he was speaking prophetically and what he was saying was simply this, that you're not a real shoe in the fullest sense of the word. If you are posting the gospel that there were some groups of Jews that were actively opposing the preaching of the gospel in these two cities in in Smyrna and in Philadelphia because as Revelation 2, Revelation 3 and that he was saying they claim to be Jews with the other Jews in name only.

It would be like me saying you're not a man if you don't care for your wife and kid you not a man.

If you spend all your money on gambling on enemies on a male resent a biological man. What I mission a real man right so that's one way and the prophets did that all the time like God repudiating his people to set you know you're Jesus looking at a church center at the church. The church and care for the poor you will reach out to the lost yourself. You turn for right records right so that's that's one thing is prophetic language and it's it's throughout the Bible. It's not saying that the people not actually Jews.

It's in you not living like you should be living your you're not living up to your ideal.

The other possibility is that there are people that claim to be Jews and weren't you have a friend was pointing out to me last last week. You have some black white supremacist groups of so-called Christian identity, what, whatever they are and they claim to be. You know the real Israel, and say the Jews and of the real Jews where the real Israel and end any that have some other other groups you know of a venture Black Hebrew Israelites. Some of them that that are not some some some bikes to have a legitimate Jewish bloodline that, but others don't and they claim to be the real the real Israel and others not see have these different groups that make that claim know where the British Israelites to know the where the real Jews were the real Israel and and and everybody else is not so, that's your the possibility so one is it just prophetic language. God not saying that you're not really living what you should live. If you're posing the gospel and it was a select group of people that were actively stopping the preaching the gospel in those cities and that's why Jesus called them out right or it's about people that were not Jewish at all that that simply claim to suit to be Jews and weren't and were working for the devil and opposing the gospel that either way is insane that the rest of the nations on golf course that of the rest Jewish people, not Jews, of course not. So I thank you for the call and thank you for your concern and much appreciated. 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go to Jackie and Charlotte, North Carolina. Welcome to the modifier high a love for the Jewish people that I really manifest in grief and I'll be reading and whether it's in the Bible or or an article are teaching and I agree. I start to really Greek. I don't know what that means God grieved. Normally I grieve for my parish – I grieve for my flight. Does this mean that I am grieved when I read it, Jackie. I I think it's something very sacred and precious. I believe there is a deep pain in God's heart for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, that you have the very religious Jews were so sincere and passionate and yet don't know the Lord, fully don't understand who Jesus is. You have secular Jews the world is user's world is anybody in the lost and it's heartbreaking. I know of no greater burden that hits me there when I pray for Israel turn that grief into prayer and instill God have mercy on the lost sheep of the house of Israel all God save the Jewish people for every satanic attack will God reveal Jesus the Messiah to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

I believe that pain is very sacred. Jackie will read the opening verses of Romans nine that will explain it all to okay the opening verses Romans nine take that grief and turn it into sacred prayer. Thank you. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown 7884. That's the recall in this thoroughly Jewish Thursday. Can we live from Fargo, North Dakota Dusen leaders meetings tonight and tomorrow morning, but the rest of the weekend Friday night Saturday day and night. Sunday Dan Knight open to the public.

So go to my website Esther to Brown the Lord as could your to get more info and if you can get over to the meetings in Fargo do it but bundle up.

It is cold let's go to Joe in Connecticut you are on the line of fire. Dr. Brown doing well. Thanks everything's good here, though I was at a conference with Dr. Bart enter and spoke about the future of you know, but use them, and yet specially focused and on bilateral ecclesiology.

You note using that there are differences, but we are all one body, and you know how the church and synagogue and you know I'm sure you know what that will collaborate with think about the bartender and his philosophy of bilateral ecclesiology and if there's a big good about anything bad about it. You know you're too sure about yet. So I will first let me just explain quickly what we mean by bilateral ecclesiology.

So we talk about ecclesiology or church theory church understanding and and bilateral in more Kansas understanding here is that Jewish believers should be with Jewish believers and Gentile believers with Gentile believers for the integrity of the meetings that if you have a messianic congregation that is primarily Gentile, then, is pulling Gentiles into Judaism that they were called to practice, but more importantly, it is making almost impossible to reach out to the Jewish community and say hey we are Jewish and you are welcome here in this authentically Jewish and I appreciate his sentiments. I don't know Mark well but what I do know of him as he really is a very serious believer really loves the Lord is a radical heart to obey the Lord. Whichever way that it goes and is a man of integrity. So nothing negative to say about Mark personally and he's one he loves a challenge. She's glad when you just get right in his face and say here's right. Different health smiles a great let me listen to you and here's why. Has there are responsible if you're right to our website Esther to with his contact and and just asked for my paper on this. Somehow I can't find it online right now. Not sure where it is, but I did a paper at the Lausanne gathering for Jewish evangelism in the states. Some years ago is a post missionary messianic Judaism possible because this thing was our normal missions way of outreach is this not working and it's not the Best Way in Jewish assimilation of all these things so II categorically took on his his perspective and really deeply strongly differed with it. So here's what I think is positive thing is positive, the Jewish believers in Jesus need to ask the question what our kids growing up with will they have an understanding of being Jewish. How important is that in God's sight. How do we combat assimilation if we don't have authentic messianic congregations.

I think those are fair questions.

I think he he really raises great issues, but by asking when when the Jewish people said no to Jesus in the Middle Ages. The only Jesus they knew was maybe the Jesus of the Catholic Church of their being told no bow down to these idols or die and was there no to Jesus a yes to God. Of course I don't believe that you could just bypass the cross and somehow be saved. But what about those people that that heard a perverse version of the gospel. These are heartbreaking issues and although I don't agree with where he's going with it. I'm so glad that he raises these painful issues. But here's the bottom line throughout the New Testament. People come to the Lord. Jews first and also Gentiles through the clear and unambiguous proclamation of the gospel that is the power of God for salvation and to my knowledge. Congregations that are heavily bilateral and you need to be Jewish to really be part of it and be in any kind of leadership and and this is if you're not Jewish or not encouraged to be part of it and saw to my knowledge, none of them are really growing to my knowledge very very very very very very very very few Jewish people get saved through this. Whereas I can point you to hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Jewish people thousands coming to faith through the clear proclamation of the message of Jesus Yeshua in the power of the spirit and I can guarantee you if you have a strong gospel preaching church that doesn't even have Jewish sensitivity, but a strong gospel preaching church that that is preaching and the power and life of the spirit, more Jews will get saved in that church than in a extreme messianic congregation that if you not Jewish and not welcome here in and we don't want to know loudly and clearly proclaim Jesus because this can affect you. I can guarantee you I have no question about it. The seven churches all over America that the Jewish people getting saved in the churches which loudly and clearly proclaim Jesus without shame or compromise.

Now they may end up then going to messianic congregation because of Jewish roots in an lifecycle and said that's great, wonderful, so be it, but no II categorically reject the idea and I believe that there is great power to us being one in the Messiah. It doesn't mean that Jews can't be part of a church.

It doesn't mean that Gentiles can be part of messianic allegation, it doesn't mean that a messianic variation in Israel would be largely Jewish because of the.

The demographics that's wonderful but bottom line. It is the proclamation of the message of the cross and resurrection. Find putting Jewish terms find use Jewish names find explained it in the light of the Hebrew Scriptures and even Jewish tradition. Great find, so be it. But that is what is going draw people to the Lord and its demonstrated for years now since the arguments made, we see the fruit of it loud and clear. So much better answer my question about what contact your info page about getting that paper you just asked her for my response to Mark Kinzer and Anna seminar team will get you and then I'll see what we don't have an online readily accessible or if it is I can't find it. So thank you for the lack of interest which are right sure think hate Gordon. I'm short on time, but for my question on the name of Jesus, a great that's the English way of saying the Hebrew Yeshua just like the Greek New Testament was written, and use the name Jesus, instead of Jesus of the instead of Yeshua because that's a Satan Greek and Italian. It's divisive and in Spanish Jesus and wonderful let it let the name be proclaimed in all these different languages. The idea that Jesus and Greek Jesus is somehow related to Zeus, or the healing that is complete nonsense is no more connection with that than there is a connection between Moses and mice right but to read more. Just go to my website Esther to ask a dear and type in Yeshua and you see some articles about that and the name of Jesus hate.

Thank you for the call. Much appreciated friends tomorrow. You've got questions. We got answers all becoming away live from Fargo North Dakota ready to take your questions in the meantime, please pray the fire.

The Holy Spirit burn brightly. It's cold here but were expecting God to pray for the salvation of the lost sheep of the house is