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What If Revival Came to America?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
January 16, 2018 4:51 pm

What If Revival Came to America?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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January 16, 2018 4:51 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 01/16/18.

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What if you could push a giant button and influence with pastors and preachers across America would talk about for the pulpits.

In 2018. What would they be saying stock for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire. Now, like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your Jim is Dr. Michael Brown.

It's an interesting question. It's an interesting question to ask those of you who are in the pews. So say those who are members of congregations. Make a church or country church a house church if you could push a button and say okay here here's right think the greatest needs are. Aside from preaching the basics exalting Jesus preach the cross. I think here's where the greatest needs are in the church today and in our local assembly.

I wish we could have an emphasis on this would look like. I would ask that question of James Robison about 1/2 hour from now, but I will ask that question of you 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 7884 is always in the recall book from my perspective, we have all kinds of problems in America we could look at each one. We could look at the government we could look at the courts because the media get schools reviewed families.

We look at entertainment we could look at so many different things in America and and substance abuse issues and on and on but ultimately you know my view that the solution to these problems is found in the Lord that begins with revival awakening in the church. So God awakens us, God stirs us, God brings us to repentance that changes the climate because there are tens of millions of Christians will now be living as serious believers. That's one and two is is that what next happens is that there's a ripple effect because were evangelizing were preaching the gospel were clearly godly standards and also convicting the world and you can actually see an impact on society that leads to a larger question which is what would it look like if a real great awakening swept the nation. In the year 2018 will look like there was a young man that attended our ministry school in Pensacola. You can graduate from school but attended for time he was from Wales.

His father did in ministry in Wales for many years. This young man is now pastoring and leaving a great ministry in Wales himself, but he came back to the states after being in Wales and a ham on the show. One time to talk about the most revival 1904 1905. You talk your average man on the street, Wales.

They never heard of. Never heard of such a thing. But if you're a historian of revival.

If you know about some of the great moves of God in the 20 century the most revival is high on the list God especially using conceptual coalminer Evan Roberts is the unlikely vessel through whom the revival was ignited within a could be limited to a person matured an individual church location.

It just spread incredibly by the Lord while this young man said to me that Andrew from Wales that he did a lot of research about the will survival in one of the things that he learned with was that it in virtually every town, every village people were into playing rugby. It was a big national sport.

She had rugby league's all over Wales. But when the revival broke out that many of the rugby leads canceled games are canceled part of the season because there was just no interest in sports because there were so consumed with the things of God. Now here so that would mean to me that it's out there, we would have sports anymore in America and it's not that sports can have a good place and it's not that people can glorify God in the midst of sports but could you imagine God moving so intensely that that Sunday afternoon zero. People were still in church services by the hour and and NFL games was canceled. Too many players were the convictions and that's I think impossible Stoneleigh it's topically impossible in the natural still be possible, but God. That's what we pray for awakening us when we pray for God to move. But here's what we need to understand.

Again, I'm gonna take a look on Facebook and take a look on Twitter. We've gotten a lot of responses to my questions. If you could push a button and am asking each of you can post your comments up on YouTube as well. If you could push a button and influence with pastors, preachers talked about for the next 12 months. What would you say man I would if they could preach on this, the church would look different boys they can emphasize this would be a call to prayer review: personal repentance or holiness would be a call to win the lost. What would be a caller to go back to the word but what what what would it be would be a call to equip us in different ways to confront the culture, what what what would you think would be the most vital necessary think of course every local church is different if every situation is different, but limited your thoughts. You can post your comments on Facebook or twitter response to my questions.

There you can post on our YouTube live chat or you can call 866-34-TRUTH, but first revival is not always just this lovely cut and dry thing that God begins to move and everybody says all wonderful we receive it. There was great opposition to the great awakening in the days of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield in America there was great opposition to the Methodist revival with John Wesley and George Whitfield in England, there has been great resistance to every revival and outpouring that I've read about history and if you go back to Scripture.

When Jesus comes into the world it's prophesied over him by Simeon Luke two that he's appointed for the falling and rising of many in Israel for signs to be spoken against the thoughts of many hearts to be revealed or was he would bring to the surface.

What was really in people's hearts that would mean falling and rising of many in Israel and then in acts two and the Holy Spirit is put on a shovel at the feast of weeks, Pentecost. Some of the crowd. Here's the praises of God in their own language right and and the rest of the crowd thinks people are drunk so immediately. The Holy Spirit moves and the thoughts of people's hearts come to the surface that's that's what often happens with revival. God moves and then suddenly you find out those that really want God's visitation of that and then because revival comes to people. It's not perfect because it comes with such intensity there to be all kinds of emotional displays displays of a people crying out of the conviction displays of people laughing with joy having been set free displays of people jumping and shouting, having been healed and I do restrain it to just let it go. To encourage it. What about the Holy Spirit moving powerfully.

Next, the people on their faces shaking in the presence of God are this is that mean it's God they resist emotionalism so the controversy swirls more and more and more so I reference this yesterday didn't read any of it to you but I want to read a little bit from Jonathan Edwards, one of the most respected theologians and philosophers in American history, and a man who is used by God in the sick of the great awakening in America spaces 1730s and 1740 so I have an article on our website. Great comments by Jonathan Edwards on revival discernment and look at what what he says that that he noted that those ministers of Christ and overseers of souls that busy themselves and are full of concern about the involuntary motions of the fluids and solids of men's body bodies and from thence full of doubts and suspicions of the cause when nothing appears, but the state frame of their minds and their voluntary behaviors good and agreeable God's word I say such ministers go out of the place that Christ has set them in and leave their proper business as much as if they should undertake to tell who are under the influence of the spirit by their looks, or their gait pieces. I cannot see which way we are in danger or how the devil is likely to get any notable advantage against us.

If we do not. If we do, but surly George really with respect to those two things, namely the state of persons minds and their moral conduct seeing to it that they be maintained in agreeableness to the rules, the Christ is given us of things were Right in these respects our fears and suspicions arising from extraordinary bodily effects seem wholly groundless to understand his point sink.don't get all worked up about the outward displays personal raters really shaking persons like tears pouring out of your odds, like some of the faucet tears pouring out of their eyes business one in a fall to the ground and convulsed to the demon. Leave him know that happens in the Gospels that would happen to the don't make that your major focus because the word of God doesn't tell us that that's the major focus, rather look at how they are living look at the state of their mind and look at their conduct look at their voluntary behavior. He look but when certain things happen. We have involuntary responses right there are things that happen to us, and zero someone pushes you assert your touches a nerve assert what you were spot you jump assert that involuntary responses John Edwards at the door about this. That's not the proof of anything rather look at the conduct and compare that to the character of Jesus and to the word of God.

Here let me read a little bit more from Jonathan Edwards. I take these words to be wise words, and having been in revival. Myself I take them to be sound counsel so Jonathan Edwards is this the influence persons are under is not to be judged of one way or another by such effects on the body and the reason is because the Scripture. Nowhere gives us any such rule, we cannot conclude that people are under the influence of the true spirit because we see such effects upon their bodies because this is not given us a mark of the true spirit nor the other hand, have reread any reason to conclude from any such outward appearances that persons are not under the influence of the spirit of God because there is no rule of Scripture given us to judge the spirits by that is either expressly or indirectly exclude such effects on the body, nor does reason excludes the essay when the Bible tells you to test the spirits.

It doesn't tell you the test by whether someone's shaking or not.

Were there crying out or not exit this improve things. Either way, she shaking and crying out.

That must be the spirit to shaking and crying out. That can't be the spirit. He said no, neither conclusion is scriptural.

You judge on the message that's being preached judge the word by that and and then judge the conduct of the people that are affected.

In short, if it seems that God is moving and there some unusual outward responses manifestations which have happened in every revival that I've read about and everything I've experienced myself at so it's a very emotional, very intense and can be allowed in there to be these bodily responses and job limits as it makes sense and if this that degree of God moving in shaking taken place.

It does make sense. This is a happen, but if what's being preached is sound and then you watch the person's conduct a month six months a year, two years and you see they have been changed and of been drawn to Jesus and the word then it must've been the Holy Spirit to work because the devil can't do it.

Nobody and the flash can produce Christlike business making sense to bring her plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown of your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown transfer us on the line of fire come back to this question, but in influencing pastors, preachers talk about in America or in your country over the next year with the messages beyond, but with the emphasis be. But I'm taking time to read from Jonathan Edwards because whenever God moves there ends up being a lot of controversy surrounding some of it is inevitable. God shakes things up is going to be controversy. God comes with conviction.

There's going to be controversy. Hey got a new book coming out the books not available yet, but we've we've got the cover so just to show it to you playing with holy fire week of call to the charismatic Pentecostal church book comes out in April. You can preorder it online at Amazon elsewhere now playing with holy fire only names in the book, but I address issues loudly and clearly discussed are some things up. I mean we've not done a good job of self policing within the charismatic Pentecostal movement over the years and none of the voices have spoken out about issues and abuses a lot of essay, I got him do with that to some TV preacher this or that. Yeah, but within those contexts within the TV preaching context for the make administrators that we haven't done enough self policing and self corrected that books can stir controversy. I believe people are welcome and say thank God you wrote it to be upset offended by enemy we we nailed we are clear to me.

We are very very clear.

Okay. That being said, that being said, when God moves there's going to be controversy. One reason is the nature of God moving the nature of what he says. The nature of what he does, it's going to shake things up. Another is human responses, and sometimes those human responses can be fleshly or they can be overly emotional and what what ends up happening is what we we miss what God is doing. Because the controversy that's not God. Never be shaken like that. While it's clearly God, the person's life was changed not on. I think that's of the devil. You're just a Pharisee and we end up dividing a citizen okay it's major on Jesus. Let's major on preaching across preaching repentance preached in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Let's open our hearts to the Holy Spirit. Lord, do whatever you want to do in our midst, move however you want to move in our midst and then, in addition to that is our focus preach repentance to the world and the church.

What I mean go for soul's harvest of souls holiness in the church harvest in holiness and and then let these things sort themselves out just a little bit more from Jonathan Edwards because were praying for revolver pray for God to move, but often God moves in ways a little out of our comfort. So sometimes because we got comfortable in the wrong way. We got comfortable in a carnal way we we want God to visit us.

But if you really did many of us without welcome look.

Remember what happens.

Jesus drives demons from that demoniac in the Gadarenes right and when the people come and see what happened in the demons that went to the pigs and the pigs running down the bank of the river and killing themselves in the man clothed in his right mind, rather than falling at the feet of Jesus and worshiping him and say we repent we need you to. They begged him to leave.

They begged him to leave friends.

This is what often happens, God begins to move and it's too intense and it's too heavy and I wrote a sarcastic tone years ago and you can find it.

My revival answer book at school prayer for nice revival. One of the stanza says, oh Lord, and quench this long, universal book. But please, oh Lord. We mustn't control and that is another stanza all Lord's, and your glory should your PowerBook, but please the Lord, keep it to an hour would happen if God came with such intensity and power that we were in our faces for six hours in front of and that the kids were weeping in the presence of war. I've seen that when kids are so burdened for the lost are Sue Grafton there literally weeping in the presence of God. It's overwhelming, it's intense not assist emotionalism to get people all worked out salsa once more back to Jonathan Edwards all right again.

You can read the article Discover website Esther Gibran as Katie or and to search for Edwards. He says this subject against such extraordinary appearances that we have no instances of them recorded in the New Testament under the extraordinary effusions of the spirit.

In other words were send the Bible reside in the Bible. He says were. This allowed I can see no forced the objection. If neither reason or any rule of Scripture excludes its accelerants. If it recesses what I can see that happening, and there's no rule in Scripture against it ill like well person strip down naked ran around the building will okay so the rule of Scripture about modesty in the enclosed is the Kents that right. This is this I do not know we have an express mentioned in the New Testament of any persons weeping or growing or signed through fear of hell or sense of God's anger but is there anybody so foolish as from hence to argue that in whomsoever.

These things appear to convictions and not from the spirit of God, which is is where to show the Bible, New Testament. That settlement wept or groaned or sighed through the fear of hell doesn't record that somebody gonna say if it happens now. What is not New Testament makes perfect sense.

This is why then should it be thought strange that person should cry out for fear when God appears to them as a terrible enemy and they see themselves in great danger being swallowed up in the bottomless golf of eternal misery. Edwards is the spouse once again speaks of her self is overpowered with the love of Christ was to weaken her body and make her faint song of Solomon 25 Stamey with flagons, comfort me with apples rhymes sick of law. Jonathan Edwards wife Sarah would be overcome by the spirit and going to trances for hours.

If my memory serves me right for days in some cases, how can that be he said here enough Scripture rules people being sick. Love overcome from whence we may at least argue that such an effect may well be supposed arise from such a cause in the sense in some cases, and that such effect will sometimes be seen in the church of Christ and outcome to the antiracist. It is a week objection that the impressions of enthusiasts 3C fanatics have a great effect on their bodies that the Quakers used to tremble is no argument that Saul afterwards Paul and the jailer did not tremble from real convictions of conscience rights of the Quakers. They were called Quakers because they quaked with religious fervor to Jonathan Edwards that was all fanatical levels in real maybe just an emotional response. But he says well Paul and the jailer you're the date they quaked so so why can someone else just because you had another was just because you may have an abuse somewhere does mean that that the real start real. Just because this person is running on the building screaming to make it public display and because their hyper emotional and are out of order and the need to be sat down and said be quiet you are out of order.

That doesn't mean that someone else that jumps up and start screaming and running around the building has not generally had the most radical life-changing encounter with God been set free from 20 years of addictions and their express themselves in a way that's glorifying God write this because you have an abuse one place this mean that a real response can't be real somewhere else to recesses and view all such objections were effects on the body effects on the body how people respond bodily let them be greater or less seem to be exceeding frivolous they who argues thence proceed the dark. They know not what ground they go upon nor about what rule they judge the root of course of things is to be looked at in the nature of the operations and affections are to be inquired into and examined by the rule of God's word and not the motions of the blood, and animal spirits. Yes, absolutely. So absolutely, so now look here is where I see abuses on both sides. The one side, let's say the critical cautious side they they never problem with anything it's new or different, never that we never did like this before we we we never did like that it's it's unusual. It's different in our churches. This can't be God.

You know the joke.

The seven last words of the church. We never did it like this before, so the moment something's different. The moment there is an exuberant display picture it introducing the hams in your church right. And while you're singing the hams and and singing a crown with many crowns you become overwhelmed with the glory of the Lord, and you begin to solve and weep your worldview Jesus are worthy of people to the whole building against the solvent week with Rick ever seen that before, and thereafter shouting out praises to God will is appropriate is right may be perfectly order in a famous story with Andrew Murray still reaches books with great profit. Today he's ministry in South Africa wants to see revival gets word that there's an outpouring the screen among the young people goes in there. In his view is out of order. He stands up and reviews of art as a senior minister of this church were very close, but they're so caught up with the spirit of God touching them and changing them the don't really hear them. As I understand the story and end up realizing he was rebuking the spirit. He was rebuking God because God had moved mightily so so we often have that situation were God, because to move in our midst as we don't style is too loud, too intense to emotional to controversial. Then, on the other hand, you can of the charismatic Pentecostal side were were were we can be foolish to have the one side is cynical, skeptical and critical in this receipt with the spirits doing yet the other side that that just gets caught up in the manifestations of the spring Susie appear to she shakes a lot, but let's just make that the big focus of the testimony, not as her life changed honesty closer to the Lord, not as you come to repentance that is transformation, but rather rather is is she is notes but not a good display of spring Bobby up because he gets and set a holy laughter things whenever we bring them up. Everybody starts laughing cyclic since one is laughing or shaking been the goal of people laugh for joining Psalm 37 when our exile ends week. Our tongues are filled with laughter right amounts with songs of joy, you'd be laughing with joy wonderful. This is what is laughter.

The goal or shaking the goal or falling down the goal.

Whoever made that the goal the goal is to encounter goggles to be changed by God. So if we focus on the right things and then unusual things happen but just be pastoral and wise. But let us judge by the rule of Scripture and by the fruit of someone's conduct come back, asked James Robison if you can push a button and influence people preached on this next year, what would it be the light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 86.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown veterans for joining us on today's broadcast, you're on the line of fire. Charles Finney, the 1870s said if if if you look in in the society and you see problems, see corruption. You see, in morality whatever problems you see traces back to the pulpit. Now, in those days you could say the church had more influence in the nation than today, but I believe to a great extent we can make this statement that America is messed up as much of the church is messed up much of the church is messed up because many leaders are messed up as the leaders get right. The church gets right America gets right now it's not that simple. But to me, a big big key for spiritual restoration America starts with the pulpits.

Thank God for the many faithful pastors, teachers, leaders, those laboring tirelessly for years. Those are radio those TV those preaching obscurity serving sacrificially. Thank God for every one of them at the same time we know that sometimes we can get to write any of us the same time we know many times we we fail to really be watchmen on the wall so the question is if we could push a button. I asked this question on Facebook and twitter and we have hundreds of responses on a sample some of them later if we could push a button and and suddenly pastors, preachers, teachers were were bringing certain scenes from the pulpit that that would stir extermination. Stir the church to nation. What would that be. I can't think of a better person to ask my friend and colleague James Robison. Not only is James been an evangelist and then a shepherd of the flock for decades, but he is more connected to Christian leaders in America and around the world than any person I know and knows the pulse and heart of so much of this so might my question for James dear brother welcome back to the broadcast Oprah doing well today we are going to remote start to be with awesome so if at again. We don't want to play God amino every every flock.

Every situation is different, but if if you if you could get in the ear of every pastor, every preacher in America and influence them in terms of what they preached on 2018. What won't you tell all equipment preach the kingdom message that we are looking and we are overseers of everybody director what we hold up a standard standard of righteousness.

According to God's work and we hold that standard up moderate as a billy club or with but as a guiding light of the shelter inviting people to come back into the lodge.

The shadow of the Almighty, and when we hold that standard high without wavering. I believe it is a magnetic even more powerful magnetic attraction. Jesus stated he was lifted up as the standard by sticking his kingdom which he has established in us his progress to proclaim it to the ends of the earth and when we do that I believe is the city were grown men to himself not to religion but to a relationship with his father and he died. People's he lived the life that was required paid the price by giving his life is in a coma for our sins. And when we receive him as an alternate site and were born from above becoming new creations in Christ, literally becoming witnesses of the kingdom and proclaiming that in such a way that he does in fact become attractive epic transformation of a better clay people are sick and tired of what's wrong. But many are still clueless about what right looks like and that's what we've been liquored to show people what right looks like Jesus showed us now as his witnesses as a layperson into the harvest field right when the harvest is white is ready we will both likely in the I believe will reap a great harvest. We will see the transformation of hearts and minds and the healing of this very sick nation that what the happen and I think preachers must proclaim that message likely and Christians must bear witness of it for as long as they're living on this earth, divine assignment that is our responsibility that James, I'm looking at the comments on our YouTube channel is folks watching and listening and want one gentleman said this, that if if preachers would focus on preaching the truth and not care about church business and numbers that that would shake the nation quote what will stir the church is mended, preach the truth and are not worried about the business of church and numbers just think we've gotten into a success mentality in America were just we learn how to do it and and for some ministry and church become almost a business and we strayed sometimes from preach the truth or for your band, you think that that's a big problem in our nation family Dragon another standard manager of the Lord of artwork using a false scale cannot be trusted.

Manager number wrong.

What number to come up with wrong results. I'm telling you. You've experienced the life Christ all in the life that he sues is innocent of the Holy Spirit. Another power, another person of the same cat you clearly and in my power, people are going to be attracted to court use in our life that makes it different from anythingin the world and it won't be religious people church folks can be just as is on slavery as unattractive as people at any civic governance country club or social clerk or any party atmosphere anymore. They are not walking as a family, or his family. People are looking for somebody that if you really knew me, you would still love me and you never have that consciousness of knowing failed to miss the mark. If you remove the mark. Once you pass the standard aside and you change God's truth. You don't just throw it down but you change and to allow you over such the party thanking these ridiculous things were sitting all the time which you select the greatest become the current casting aside the transforming power of God's truth. The standard Antonia darkly got to get back to the truth that is the foundation upon which we stand.

In England, when literally the forces and storms, and challenges of life God we still stand because we built on the solid rock. And doing what Jesus is the word of God and he preachers will put you to the quiz Christians Olympic and shared we can actually see the healing of this very very sick nation. It's not to like so might God help us to quit this and it's it's actually very it's actually a war tomorrow. God centered overview on antibiotic will be ethical replicants is true in error and outputting that we will live to turn in the power of transforming truth so so the world often looks at us in either because the media doesn't give us a fair shake or because of hypocrisy in our own midst.

We preach one thing don't live it.

Many in the world don't look to the church is the place for transformation and healing and restoration.

But what you're saying is when we really preach the real gospel.

The real saving transforming gospel and let that gospel have an effect on us. This can be attractive to sinners, to see the though the darkness is always going to hate the light but people flocked to Jesus because they saw something in them nursing that should be that we we shouldn't be noticing a hypocrite, Bible bashers, but the ones that can really bring hope and transformation, and we should be able to say the world. Jesus is touched us. He can touch you.

Is that an unrealistic expectation no longer replete with father who did not. We don't want our own completely failing to all the mark in the incorrect mark were important to the grace of God manifest in Christ. The micro-Christ is not the hope with Gordon on I think I like you could clay in the hand of the master product I will become one. All people could a monster could not win if you spoke to Martha.

25 because thought backgrounds were studied not by works were constantly on the attic of the court. I expect quite alive and.

The home and in the next acre were looking for a family looking for father with you could please looking for security with the committee.

They find all the people concerning the kingdom of heaven with right now I think they want to include and will be met kingdom for ever so met Sunday with no more than I did and friends.

Thank you session with your brother for those words suggest this is Huck. This is where we have to point all of our energy and focus is so simple and living in this world, how you sort things out world swirling around us right now as I'm speaking to James. I'm James is the publisher of this website key articles dealing with America's relationship with nations in the Middle East dealing with the CIA dealing with the president's recent controversial comments about certain countries dealing with the recent book attacking Pres. Trump dealing with Dr. Martin Luther King and his legacy. All these articles on the stream while were living here in this world. Let us live with our heads clear understanding how do I will have will relate to the world around us as believers.

This is the number one place to go.

To answer that question effect James. I am planning to write an article today that profanity is still profane just to try to get us to start to think you get a little bit pure way. I mean our minds are so everything just so polluted the state. So thank you.

For example, thank you for your efforts. It's great to be on the same team together well agreement. All of your wall between them. You will. Amen. God bless you, thank you so much like friends listen, we can't be too basic about this all this. It's so simple. Let God ask him seek him. Father give me a fresh burden for the lost help me to recognize people lost without you give me a fresh burden to win the lost you to share the gospel.

May I see the world through your eyes portably do it's it's a very lost world multitudes of people without God. Some of them so evidently law stemming it of course there'll unlock their lost and others. They seem to be doing so well outwardly but inwardly they are lost. May God give us a fresh burden for the lost mid-May.

May our pulpits ignite with messages that stir hearts to draw closer to the Lord and with that, to reach out to lost and dying world. And if we put the emphasis on two things in there many other great points. Comments summary come back to fold emphasis being disciples that we live making disciples within the lost, the nation could be change. I echo what my brother said it's not letting stay with.

It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you friends for being with us on you. It's really sweet. As I travel around the world. People said love your videos to watch your videos and were able to put out what we have over 1100 videos thus far in our daily live radio broadcast. We can watch as well on YouTube if you have the S.

Dr. Brown app for your android phone. When the show comes, I can just watch it there right on your phone easily light a fire app for your Apple phones you can just listen.

There, but were so blessed that we can be a blessing to folks rose in the Farrell Islands.

What was that two years ago this month. I think it was amazing them in this obscure place, off the coast of Iceland, and amazing beautiful country and it was so interesting. One of the couples was talking to me in and was to dismiss my husband comes home from work first thing we do sit down, we put on your videos and it just warms my heart to and around the world. If if you're watching the solicit McFarlane's bless you folks there but that's with your help we done this all with your help. If you have not joined with us yet undergo fun. The page can I encourage you to do that go there right now go find me.calm/Esther to Brown studio ASCII dear Brown studio looking at it right on screen here now go fund dear Brown studio any gift of any kind makes a great difference. Thank you for your partnership there so much we been able to do, but we keep wanting to do more, improve more reach more. So thank you for partnering with us.

Okay, so I asked this question on Facebook. I asked this question on Twitter.

We got several hundred responses if you could press a button and influence with pastors preached on in 2018 other than Jesus and across the basics member assuming that but would you feel is most pressing scene, they should address us if you don't live in America listen really because different countries it's going to be different. Kenneth said this the holiness of God and how that should play out in worship. I'm a part of the hip-hop attitude that permeates her weekly worship in contemporary churches. That is like some of the dress and so on.

It put that aside, but is our worship serious enough and deep enough really encountering the holiness of God in our worship. Malik Malachi all right Tongan and from New Zealand I would want future press past and present a gift of sex and how it's a much better safer experience when safer marriage. I think too many pastors don't address itself to talk from the pulpits about God's purposes for sex and sexuality. Joseph is her eschatology determines our ethics, I would say start preaching the truth about the future hope of the believer physical body resurrection renew earth Jacob from mobile Alabama pastors need to preach and teach on evangelism we to 3% professing Christians share their faith regularly. When 100% are called to do so. Tom emphasizing the necessity of preaching the cross Belinda last days warnings and prophecies God when Dr. Brown I have them focus first on praying and interceding for other Christians, and nations recall smarted them in prisons, persecutions, Andrew secularism so certain overemphasis on sacral rituals in the church and just on and on the importance of Israel. The salvation of the first born Melissa Sutton my don't think pastors are preaching the basics enough holiness and repentance. I asked the same question over on YouTube. Some of the comments there.

I actually wish I could press a button and influence all pastors to preach the Bible verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book rather than topics or themes notice in pursuit of life of holiness.

True repentance sin sin sin sermon on the Mount. The importance of apologetics repentance and how our captivity to the idolatry of nationalism and pragmatism that every Christian's responsibility to defend their beliefs, personal holiness repent and believe the gospel. Now that here's what's really interesting that a lot of great great response so thank you all of you for weighing in on Facebook and Twitter. Lots of great responses, but your pastor, write what you think of this from it really a whole lot the whole Bible is important to write the whole the whole Bible is important and you got a flock which you got 250 people in your congregation and this led to discouragement you live in a town with his been in economic downturns lot financial pressure.

Some of the young people are struggling in their schools. There was a suicide, best friend of kids in your church dealing with that. There's a great great couple that dad is 40s with four kids got cancer. They don't know if he's gonna make it of theirs occult in your neighborhood to the just kinda set up shop in their teaching false doctrine and eat your also in a very liberal pro-abortion state and our case is in reality you're dealing with right and okay will deep in prayer with you can evangelism with you can holiness more deeply worship.

One of the family wanted the community what the authenticity with SLK or breach of this theme on that theme. It's is not so easy. I would encourage you to pray for your leaders really do. This is not so easy it's okay will then just just just preach through the Bible.

That's what we do, we just preach through the Bible cover to cover Calvary Chapel churches do that with all of one service in the week, which is just going through the Bible and will will go through the whole Bible.

Some of them were Quicken others. One pastor told me to come out 20 years or something to get through because he was get into someone's data. On the one hand that's great because it's keeping you in the word and you're being forced to address everything in the Bible, but for example I don't know that I would want to take a lot of services say having to read through all the genealogies in first Chronicles and not preach on anything else than just the genealogies on a given week.

So in all of this suit you're trying to say okay we have letters written for this purpose we have Psalms sear Proverbs theory of Gospels here.

So the biggest biggest thing we have to do as leaders really hear from the Lord and and many times what people want to hear is not with a need to fear or, conversely, with the pastor would like to speak on is not with the people who need him to speak on. So we've got a really pray for leaders. We recognize that every congregation is different.

Every situation is different in America and around the world and yet what's also true is that certain biblical foundations are universal in their application so perhaps I would ask these questions and keep the responses, these are great discussions.

Lot of excellent input, discussion, and for me it helps me see the perceived lacks from the viewpoint of congregants. What you are perceiving as lax with what seems to be missing now again sometimes there's a Y shepherd leading the flock and their inability to appear and when they do enough that other areas where this a lot goes away.

Health comes here in the needier disappears but having said that, let's agree on this that the most important thing is that the people in the convocation really know the Lord right that there really solid disciples that they have a fresh love for him, such as religious ritual that are solidly grounded in the word that their productive citizens of the kingdom. With their marry and get solid marriages of their parents. There raising kids in a godly environment that in the workplace there. They are steady people and with that they are solid citizens of the kingdom who really love the Lord grounded in the word with a solid relationship with Jesus. Whatever we can do to cultivate that starting their event out of that a burden to reach the lost. If we can emphasize those things like boy would make a difference and not only so because we need God to move in without him moving without him working were sunk without him pouring out mercy were sunk without a fresh wave of the spirit in terms of the future of America were sunk so so what I would emphasize is this, we get people into a place of spiritual health. What's going to help them be strong disciples. That's number one number two we get them with a burden to reach the lost and number three get on praying yet.

Of course, worship comes right in the midst restated the word comes right in the midst of it, fellowship with one another comes right in the midst of it absolutely, but it if you could just say right boil it down. Healthy people reproducing other healthy people. That's what it comes down to, does it not so let's leave it there.

Let's pray for the pastors for the leaders to be graced by God to produce healthy disciples who in turn will go and produce healthy disciples and friends. We have resources for you that will massively help you and equip you if you go to my website right now. You've not done this before. Take a minute right asked Dr. and ask a DR first thing first thing first thing if you don't get my emails sign up right now I'm gonna send you a terrific free e-book when you do a real eye-opening e-book absolutely free. So sign up for emails you get the free e-book. That's number one number two every week to hear from us first will tell you the beginning of the week. A special resource package we put together for you. Then at the end of the week will send you a list of every article you've written every video we've put out which could be eight or 10 in a week and you'll end it with a summary of each wants you can just watch click there is every week you get it and then explore the digital library frets they think little you walk into a digital library with thousands of hours of free resources on so many key key issues for prayer and spiritual renewal to the latest with president.

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