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Learning Lessons from the Life of David Wilkerson

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
March 7, 2018 4:51 pm

Learning Lessons from the Life of David Wilkerson

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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March 7, 2018 4:51 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 03/07/18.

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You can learn a lot by looking men and women of God today will focus on lessons from the ministry life of David Wilkerson time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown look at this verse in Hebrews the 13th chapter verse seven says this. Remember your leaders, those who spoke to the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Paul said to the Corinthians in first Corinthians 11 want to follow him as he followed the Messiah. When we were to the Philippians Philippians 4. He said what have you seen in my life whatever you've observed him he heard from you learn from a Jewish God of peace will be with you this is Michael Brown will encourage you today. I will inspire you today I want to challenge you today.

You know my heart burns to see Jesus glorified in this world you know my heart burns to see the gospel go to the nation's heart burns to see Jewish people say the heart burns to see a gospel based moral and cultural revolution and therefore whatever I can do to encourage you inspire you challenge you that will help you run your race, whether it's mom raising little kids, whether it's a dad it's a computer programmer but it's a pastor preach behind the pulpit, whether it's a student athlete, whoever you are, this calling there's purpose on your life and I want to encourage you to fulfill that purpose to run that race within your life and not looking back at a wasted life. Looking back at a life that glorified the Lord and often by looking to godly leaders. Looking to the example of godly leaders looking to men and women of God. Some of them well-known, some of them virtually unknown but seeing their example can greatly impact you and in the second half of today's broadcasting to speak with a longtime friend and colleague, Charles Simpson, who has a new book out walking in the footsteps of David Wilkerson to talk about his own experience in a David Wilkerson's life and ministry impacted my friend Charles Simpson so we getting into that.

I thought, you know, let me take this whole show, and focus on some of these issues and even tell you my own life. How I been impacted now the church where I came to faith.

The pastor was real man of prayer. He was real soul winner. He was really into reading Scripture, memorizing Scripture and those became immediate life habits for me. He wasn't the type like of a spiritual father mentor know that would that would in a set examples and different kinds of ways like that kind of intentionally raising up in leadership as much as he lived it out and then he would speak into my life in key times in key ways, but those were serious foundations that were laid in my life obviously love the Lord, but that was the example you spent a lot of time in prayer with the Lord, and you really get into the word a lot you memorize scripture and you really learn Scripture for itself and then you share the gospel is as much as you can. Those were solid foundations that relate to my life and in that over the years. Different people I served under different people I learned from different people who impacted and shape my life and spoke key things into me I'm I'm deeply indebted to them to help me get where God was calling me to be in certain cases without these key leaders speak into my life at key times. I wouldn't be where I am today and David Wilkerson is one of those leaders whose ministry I got to work with preaching for him at times were church old between 40 and 50 times run 91 to 95 key things he spoke into my life during that time wanted to key things during that season just the impact of his life. And then in the midst of the browser revival some key wisdom and advice he gave to me to share with the other leaders in the midst of it to preserve what God was doing, but there was the rings, the example of his life and and then there are people that I never met but reading their stories really impacted me and for years I would read biographies about other leaders.

I would read stories of believers and the suffering church. I would read the stories of revivalists and missionaries and in people who were really used by God and and one of my missionary friends used to love to read books that would tell you about the people's flaws and failures because he knew his own flaws and failings, and he was leaving a big mission team over over hundred people working in Europe hundred hundred 50 people living sacrificially together and he knew you know they're just regular people with faults and flaws, but they were gone for by God's grace to win the lost seven days a week and he wanted to read the story said, talked about the weaknesses in the failings and I told him I assume that I assume these are fellow human beings with clay feet.

I want to read about the impossible things God did through them.

I want to read about how God use them.

The extraordinary things that God did three would be.

I take the flaws and failures for granted.

I want to find out about the exceptional things that God did through people's job. I would read stories biographies of missionaries like at an arm Judson or or men suffering for the faith like like Richard.

When Brown got to spend time with Richard Barb on a couple of occasions, which was just extraordinary spent a few hours with him and his wife Sabina was just extraordinary and then you read about know John Wesley and George Whitfield meet read their life stories and I got shape to use the ministry.

Charles Finney, in his autobiography and then God using him in revival and then some of the Pentecostal pioneers John G. Lakin Smith Wigglesworth and and give us some of these people were very intensely devoted to the Lord in the Wigglesworth was was known as a man that was semiliterate. Growing up, came to faith, which is 56 years old with and had to work full time and didn't go to school and images from pretty early age so his wife taught him to read the only book ever read his entire life was the Bible and settlements asked him Mr. Wigglesworth how much you price it on.

I really pray more than 1/2 hour at a time so the guy was relieved to hear that a Wigglesworth doesn't pray that much as a but I never go a half-hour without praying and and then people around them. Citizens never go 15 minutes without reading from Scripture, take out his New Testament reading Scripture. According Scripture that that he was known as a man of one book and when I read his life he lived from 1859 to 1947 interest in easement talked about again by some critics of Pentecostal charismatic movement that talk about some of his eccentricities or us some of his alleged ways of ministering to the sick and pray for people with a fine offensive. When I looked at is extremely quality of his life, but that you read his writings and the challenge you about walking with Jesus you read his writings in a challenge about going deeper in God you read his writings and the challenge about walking by faith you read his writings.

They challenge you about going for the lost and sharing the gospel and different people even without knowing them the way God use them at and look you can have legendary accounts about anybody right you can build up legends and more stories are told and things like that but when you're talking about people that have their share of critics like Wesley and Whitfield and people coming against them and then you can look at history and the verdict of history and read different biographies by solid biographers. People are not just starry eyed. Not just like all they couldn't do any wrong but recognizing their faults, their failures, their weaknesses and yet talk about the extraordinary's God use them, and then people that lived in more recent years, were there many people eyewitnesses talk to people that knew Wigglesworth or traveled with Wigglesworth and those kinds of things and and you sure about how they were impacted by his life and being around them and in them is as God brought into close relationship with Leonard Ravenhill, who himself had been very close with a W toaster on the quality of Leonard Ravenhill's life and the, the, the depth of his prayer life and his brokenness over the state of the church today. His grief over the contemporary gospel and the compromise stated the American church in his his intimate walk with the Lord and in the way when he would preach goblet breakout in people weeping and crying out here is an old weak man and get God working through powerfully. These things make a life impression on you and when you have the privilege of being around people like this, you drink again. Everything you can you learn everything you can and if you can't get to know them personally. You can read their books you can read their writings you some of them you can listen to their sermons. If there more contemporary and we have audio of the sermon. Some video and you can be impacted and let me just say this, I did not have special connections. I did not know somebody who knew somebody that connected me with some of these key leaders you know what I'm saying I've never had that on more recent years is as I got there annulment travel in different circles than people can introduce me to other people and and and I can and I can be a blessing to them.

They can be a blessing to me. But I'm talking about just the hunger in my heart for God, and the calling plan of God connected me supernaturally. Some of these people. The first preacher, David Wilkerson was disposed to meet with them and get a coffers administrator if I could speak that night, and let it Ravenhill was. It was it's a whole supernatural story. Maybe one day I'll tell it on the air as to how God connected us. It was a part of God's promise to me that that I would be in the midst of revival and see a genuine repentance based Jesus glorifying revival in my lifetime get to be a leader in it, but went when you are around godly people for so that your mom and your dad and and it was their example and watching them persevere through suffering be very few people know their name outside of the family and their stories ever been in a book and the second being a movie, but you better believe God watched and you better believe that that those close to them. Watched maybe watched her mom and dad go through terrible adversity. Maybe it wasn't a matter of miracles. It maybe they didn't get delivered from the pain and the suffering and yet you saw them glorify the Lord in the midst of it, and you saw them with a Christlike attitude and people hurt them and betray them and you could look at that you can so I'm not going to hurt a mechanic at the trade on or you could say why exegesis might exegesis with somebody that befriended you in school at an older brother or sister or coach. Maybe it's someone that just in your church and your congregation only if if you can be around people that are beyond where you are in God. They know the word better. They they have a more intimate relationship with the Lord. They they are more sensitive to the spirit. They have a greater affinity to reach the laws you want to get with people who have things that you don't have. You want to get with people who are more advanced than you are in your own spiritual growth. Look, we can push ourselves. Yes, it's true, we can push ourselves and of course we rely on God first and foremost to draw us and help us but often just like working out the arbitrator pushing you your you're going to go harder than you would on your own so if you don't have anybody like this in your life you can connect with people online, you can connect with videos all you can connect with books so the people who most impacted near people been dead for hundreds of years, leaders in the relatively modern world, not just collect conveys you can be impacted changing his economy him her guts "free Little Rock you will state her plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, best friends in a similar for this is again friends I would encourage you to read books that will challenge you to go deeper in God to learn from others who have more experience in areas of life and ministry. Look at ideally if you grow up in a good home with godly parenting that's your best training ground and now you're going to try to duplicate the lessons you learn with your own family went when we dance and I first married her mom's been married four times and didn't really have some of that she could look to as a father in her life and I go I discover that any anywhere. He was stepped into whether it was having children childbirth care for babies different issues, parenting issues, you just read and read and read and read and read should have the best parenting never condemned. Her parents is especially not to do a Scott how she looked at it, but she she read and learn and read and learned and that's a she educated herself and to this day. If there's something she's really looking at. She goes to looks to the ones that seem to be the best experts in the things that make the most sense and then learns from it.

We can all do that in these days to just have a cell phone you can do. But if you can get with people have relationships with people that can mentor you. Or they can look. Many people said we Dr. Brown like a mentor and I've never met them, but they listen to the podcast they read my books. They watch my videos, etc. and and from a distance, I can do that so get with someone that's going to challenge that's that's going to deepen your walk with God, pastors, leaders it doesn't stop for us either and don't be the superficial American way of how to be more successful in here's the business model will make you more successful. Let it be the inspirational way. If you're someone I want to emulate here someone whose ministry is producing fruit here, someone that bears the character of Jesus and John G Lakeland from 1870 1935. Real Pentecostal pioneer of one of his quotes that all impacted me his message on spiritual hunger. He said this, God's purpose is come to pass, when your heart and mind.

Get the real God cry, meaning that that from the depths of your being.

Your crying out God's purpose is come to pass, when your heart and mind. Get the real God cry in the real God. Prayer comes into your spirit and the real God, yearning, gets hold of our nature. Something is gonna happen.

And so it's not just you but God working in you and this this thing has gripped you. He says this no matter what your soul may be coveting if it becomes the supreme cry of your life. The secondary matter of the third or fourth, the fifth or 10th.

But the supreme desire of your soul. The paramount issue all the powers and energies of your spirit, soul and body are reaching out crying to God for the answer. It's going to come. He said the hunger of a man's soul must be satisfied.

It must be satisfied is a law of God, that law of God is in the depths of the spirit, God will answer the heart that cries God will answer the soul that asks didn't Jesus say Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled didn't say that. Matthew five the Beatitudes the San John seven Rivers thirsty, let him come to me and drink. The psalmist say in Psalm 107 that God fills the hungry satisfies the thirsty, that many times we are just complacent own spiritual lives and end when we know okay something's missing or there must be more maybe your successful families doing well. Everything seems to be okay in life.

You're thinking this can't be more just gotta be more in music why everything seems to be fine this life.

It's because God didn't just make you for this life got to just make you have a nice family and and a nice job in a nice life. He made us to be his disciples, he made us to know him and to make him known.

That's that's what Burns and me and whoever I can be around us can help ignited a greater fire in me for that purpose.

Man, I want to walk that out limit me to some of my favorite quotes. Here's another one from John Blake Nance used to share with me as a reminder, he said this for the sake of a dying, suffering world count the cost paid the price and set the captives free, so there's no price to pay. Jesus paid it well. He did everything for our salvation, from beginning to end and and we do not save ourselves in any way, shape, size or form. He is our Savior at the same time. Doesn't God's word cause to run our race doesn't the word of God cause to be disciplined in all things. Doesn't Jesus tell us to deny ourselves and take up the cross and follow him. Are there parables talking about those who are lazy versus those who are diligent, you mean to tell me that your spiritual life is gonna be exactly the same. If you press into God get up early every morning and seek his face earnestly in prayer and and and get in his word during the day and an Institute to put aside things that are unclean from your life you to tell me your spirit subsequent exactness.

If you do that versus if you sleep and don't pray, don't read the word live in a whole F of course not, of course not. In every way we we reap what we sow we are saved by grace, and now we walk out our lives and we reap what we sow. Those who so the flesh will reap things from the flesh, W. E.

Sangster, Methodist preacher had this quote and I read it in Leonard Ravenhill's book why revival tarries before I became a close friend of Leonard Ravenhill the last five years of his life. From 1989 to 1994 was greatly impacted by his writings and the one time I heard preached by his message, and any has this quote from W. E.

Sangster, and it's it's one that I've quoted from memory. Over the years will just look at it here but well said, how shall I feel that the judgment of multitudes of missed opportunities pass before me in full array and all my excuses proved to be disguises of my cowardice and pride all what a quote from Sangster tri-state again. How shall I feel that the judgment of multitudes of missed opportunities pass before me in full review and all my excuses proved to be disguises of my cowardice and cry, and then another quote that I found in why revival tarries a code that greatly impacted key screen and key screen ended up writing a song based on this theme.

I pledge my head to heaven. Of course key screen dying in a plane crash in 1982 the age of 28. He was also very close with Leonard Ravenhill and it's a quote from Joseph Parker was a contemporary of Charles Spurgeon Parker said this, the man whose little sermon is repent sets himself against his age and will for the time being, be battered mercilessly by the agent's moral tone. He challenges there is but one man for such a man off with his head.

You had better not preach repentance until you have pledged your head to have so much garbage. Today the gospel of self-esteem seen the carnal prosperity gospel all about me gospel. The peptalk gospel is not the gospel.

The stuff gospel. It's true that the first word of the gospel is repent and it's God calling us to turn away from sin and self and to turn to him by his grace and to live a new life to support the said better not preach repentance is into pleasure had to because there will be opposition. There will be opposition, David Brainerd again entered read his journals and get impacted by instant Jonathan Edwards impacted by the journals in the several generations many generations impacted by the journals. There is a talk with Leonard Ravenhill work or in one of his books he mentions how this film was impacted by the journals in this one than this want in there and it's a chain of people for generations of incredible service and sacrifice for the gospel, all impacted by this one to Berkeley, young man. It also dies in his 20s and Brainerd said this when I really enjoy God. I feel my desires of him, the more insatiable in my thirst stings after holiness, the more unconscionable oldest pleasing pain makes my soul press after God cannot talk with you candidly it if you say Micah, I don't relate to these quotes involve intensive spiritual hunger. Dr. Brown on.

I don't follow this sooner.

This pleasing pain which Brainerd talk about can I encourage you then if you are follow Jesus. If you really know the Lord. Again, your sins are forgiven. Can I encourage you to say God take me deeper one understand what these men are talking about. I will be able to relate to this hunger to this thirst for you, Amy Carmichael also impacted by her like some of the biographies that I read she was a lifelong missionary to India when she went into never never came back.

Serve there for decades. She said Satan is so much more in earnest than we are. He buys up the opportunity. All we are wondering how much it will cost. And she also said this, I wonder apostolic miracles have died apostolic living certainly has been the sacrifice and devotion, but which the apostles lived GK Chesterton's impacted me the different wages that the brilliance of his quotes and insights is a Christianity is not been tried and found wanting.

It is been found difficult and not try and one of my favorite Ravenhill quotes one of these days some simple soul will pick up the book of God read it and believe it than the rest of us will be embarrassed boom we come back unlimited talk and my friend Pastor Charles Simpson about David Wilkerson his life, his ministry is as Billy Graham passed away recently at the nexus.

Think of of giants of the faith that the been in our midst. Regular people, but people greatly used by God.

What can we learn from them. And hey, I got a prayer request for you tomorrow late morning Eastern time.

I'm scheduled to speak at the chapel service at the Christian school were to my grandkids go kids from sixth grade to 12th grade. Since quite a gap there on sexuality homosexual transgender 612, pray, pray, God the right way to connect lasting impression on direct line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH paradigm is Dr. Michael Brown. I first preached for Dave Chris and Times Square church in 1991 joint honor of preaching for him.

Between 40 and 50 times in the next four years and then he gave some key counsel and wisdom tosses always leading ministry in the Browns revival and raised up for ministry school there in the years after that and one of the gentleman that I got to meet in my time in New York City and become a dear friend help us with the branch were schooled we had in New York for a while was Charles Simpson. Charles is been a church planter.

Pastor Charles's work with teen challenge and with other ministries and schools over the years and and I knew Charles initially is the pastor of prayer. At times were churches was a praying church and this was a praying man is saved when he was 17 years old in Tennessee, God called him to New York City of all places, and it is an amazing story by the street ministry to tell you about in a moment he's written a book I wrote the forward to this book and it is entitled walking in the footsteps of David Wilkerson Charles Simpson great to have you on the line of fire today.

Thanks for joining us. Her dark brown or erector the great great joy. I just got it tells this anecdote. First we had another Charles who was a worship leader that was working at our school in New York City and you working at the school in New York City.

At the same time and you guys got to talking one day what was the connection between the two of you recall repair on her. In Times Square and had inherited him. Little green Gideon Bible paragraph you have a green jacket on. Well this so she was Charles. Charles is in New York City.

The other Charles lost and just looking to connect to the ways of the world is the whole New York scene and and you give them is he hears you, preaching you give him a little New Testament he reads it and through that God saves him, Charles, and all I want to talk about David Wilkerson and his impact on your life. But what was it like to be called a kid from Tennessee save now young man get called to New York City was at a different world for you are probably small crown bar, who read article. I got an iron walk briskly impacted me and not recruit your mouth about and other things. Your Q will you. I actually started crying.I like the Lord are.

I want that kind of heartfelt and not long after that I felt the Lord was calling me also.

I so see you get to New York. How then you connect with David Wilkerson connected with him when he.

Print center increase would linger after one out and you need to decrease the glad tidings archiving. One of the many, or ordered teen challenge and there and the Congress. New York. I'm walking I felt like they are both being from out pretty common, knowing that kind of help we could go got it. Yes it so I ate again thanks have to fix have to remember and in which to try to improve our connection here in in a moment right just having a problem with art with our connection and among the Tribune can hear you clearly. But folks forget David Wilkerson was assisted in a country preacher from Pennsylvania for backwoods of Pennsylvania. We got a call New York City. It was it was absolutely terrifying and terrible. He couldn't rely on his own wisdom. It was totally reliable Lord the same thing for for Charles so we didn't really try to connect just on an alternate number with withdrawal. See if we can get a better connection here, but I won't say this as I got to know David Wilkerson personally.

He was really a very compassionate man he really had a heart for the down and out he really had a heart for the hurting, that's, that's who identified with, he was thinking about the not just the rich and the haughty and the famous and's of gruff good friend of mine told me he was invited many times to to go to the White House and the people he just didn't want to do that, you know, others are called to if you want to do that but he was concerned about the drug addict and street person and the lost and yet he was like a razor blade. I used to say that that hang out with David Wilkerson was like fellow shipping with a razor blade when he'd look at you with those piercing eyes you would. I'm in immediately.

I want to have clean, my life is good.

I'm clean I'm living for God (515 and set it in other words, it was just what he look at you you know it. It was kind of the piercing saying and and I remember one time I was. I was praying we were we were at a critical juncture in our ministry and I was praying before services can be preaching that night that I was spending time in prayer. In the beginning the service you walk in the century. Times were church then and if you want to hang out. You have the best if you went in there 20 minutes have her for the service people praying and crying out to God that was just that the atmosphere there was it was incredible and in this particular night I was praying in our ministry retry to step into something in and rent this office and we needed $10,000, which then felt like $10 million to us and and I remember praying that God would supply that need, but I didn't want to say Lord we need 10,000 I disciplined you know that need meet the need, and after the service, David Wilkerson starts asking me what's going on with you ministry. How are things in us. We got some financial needs is what I smoke weed. We got some some needs and and he looks at me stretch probing more and any civil 10,000 I said posted. If that's the exact amount I was asking for but but I didn't want to name it before the Lord was next on, be more specific so be easier it would be. That's just a small example, but the thing that struck me was there was this razor blade of conviction and and I was normally there to speak, so I didn't get to hear him as much, but went when he would speak something just what exploding me that that burden that the prophetic cry for for God's presence and in the urgency of judgment in an Charles Simpson had the privilege of working closely with David for four years, so hopefully we got a better connection. Charles is God connecting you with with David Wilkerson, were there any examples were where the Lord really spoke to him supernaturally things going on in your life for your where he heard God in some unique ways that were critically important to you absolutely.

We really are, could hear very clearly from our parents, I think the greatest thing that I found he would quote what his father told him God makes a way or a praying man in hand as they were concerned with the type of person that he would pray so. God burden his heart was pumping from the heart of God and I think the one Bible verse that can summarize a book written by Elder David Psalm 27 a.

When you start the mark. My heart for your your order and as he saw the faith of God. God gave him a burden for drug addict gave him a burden for gang member and gave him a burden for Times Square and he told me Charles speak the faith of God until God shares his heart with you and Charles when you initially started to work at times were church. What was your job my neck on top or bottom God account Arthur became a counselor and I became an and how did you how did you end up being the pastor of prayer. Well, I returned to Times Square Church in the South Bronx Bronx church pastor there for two years and have not, and that after that they asked me to come back to the mother church after prayer that entail route we started early and when he asked me if I would be the pastor prayer on fit well pray about it. I went up to my room outliving the back of the church.

I pulled out a Linda Ravenhill book that I have not yet started read. I opened it often use that we have pastors for the vineyard practice with the children.

We have passed the elderly but where oh where are church that have excellent so this would be that you would spend a lot of time for yourself and then try to deepen the prayer life of the congregation and Times Square Church will become a praying church didn't yeah and I read what Charles Spurgeon in your revival are currently in the basement of their apartment by half past they can reconquer a room in the basement permit intrapreneur meeting and preparing the service cohort and we immediately felt an increase of the Lord present and then after a few months I was leaving well primly I would like constant prayer meeting incredible. You see the fruit of it in every service lost people get saved off the streets and backsliders getting right with God and believers getting charged and challenges that a privilege to be in the midst of it brings a new book by Charles Simpson. It tells his story and it's it's an engaging inspirational story, but it tells it in the light of learning from the ministry and the person of David Wilkerson again Charles Simpson. The book is called walking in the footsteps of David Wilkerson atrocious 30 seconds before the breaker to write this book for our bill actually active or worker to get home and you are writing a book and you know I should like our brother. They told me and then when I was working a challenge and I let my students in Bible located in the wild that really encouraged me and so I decided to get some of the wisdom out yet. This is very few people that you work is closely with Charles is with David is Charles did someone come back some quote some incidents from David Christian's life that made a lasting impact control Simpson. They cannot be passed on to you. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown back friends to wonder if I'm speaking with my friend long time calling pest control. Simpson is also work with Don Wilkinson for years and teen challenge ministries is brand-new book I wrote the forward for walking in the footsteps of David Wilkerson, a Charles give me an example, an anecdote, a quote something that happened if obviously it's in your book, but sin that happened that David said to incident with him that that made a lasting impact on your life. I was there many bullet describe a few economy work environment. Kolko never married breaker work order prayer or worn-out parent was extremely helpful. He also calmly trust what you hear when you're in God and now you're here, you're harder your anxiety yelp agreement on a practical thing or a grown preacher. The word you call me it is almost impossible to put too many power of God's word that break the hard part. Yeah so many things. He shared with me you'll trying to help me out of the young preacher about his his life. Example what was sings in terms of the way he lived with the way he led the church with the way he interacted with others that that you saw that you so mad that I want to emulate that or I can learn from that year, he never wanted to grab behind the pulpit. Without knowing her strength. Something from God to pass on to the people and he didn't wanted to get up there and talk. He wanted to know why he had a was what God had put on her part. Very very. You know about the pulpit and innocently also the felted every time I preach there.

I was always aware of of the sacred is bringing the word anywhere at any time sitting down in the inner living room open the Scriptures with some of the sacred, but always have that sense that when I spoke they are really a need to have the goods and on rear and deliver something from heaven to the standard Senate was high of it. I know there sometimes we are, shockingly, that that he heard from the Lord about things in your own life or things that were going on, you share some of that in your in your book.

Is there one incident in particular that really got your attention because in a lot of people just remember him for preaching judgment and repentance and holiness. And you know teen challenge and I kind of thing in and I didn't realize so I got to know them how how close he was to the Lord a personal level but share something with our listeners terms of of the closest with the Lord impacting your life you are wearing mylar.

You he immediately knows you are, Lord). Girl God we were to get married. That's always a necessary but nice to have some of the prophetic edge like him tell you it's the right person right yeah yeah but you know all the doom and gloom and and one thing I bring out a book after they fall in glorious future coming to the body of Christ he followed.

When God would raise up a generation believer who all at the touch of God upon their life and the touch of God was probably his favorite sermon to preach the priest and many many about how God touched his life and he would always ended with band there, and it day by God, so pour out his Spirit all over the only people who currently in the Army of on fire courageous believer and that's one thing I write about, you know not if not just about the past is not just about his example and how we can also walk in that kind of faith. Encourage and love that are following the date in his mind. This is happening in the midst of world upheaval in Satanic attack and was it wasn't just kind of go on a spiritual vacation and kick your feet often enjoy paradise is in the midst of a hellish world and and and and a hateful devil. The job was to raises people up and it Charles.

One thing that surprised me my very first service times worse. It was shortly before I was asked to preach there the first time I was expecting a pretty heavy service at her David Wilkerson speak once some years before that at that. The Bible school roast teaching. It was a pretty heavy message of coming judgment and things like that and I was expecting a like a real, somber service and it will. It was the most joy filled service. I had been in this anomaly going there for years was the most joy filled church. I knew in America and and yet you have times of very intense serious worship, for sure, and adoration before God and very heavy message is for sure, and very serious altar calls, but in the midst of that there was a lot of joy and and obviously there was there was a certain hope in God, and that's one thing that the David said to me years back that really ministered to me the heat he said to me, I, I, I, we are told about people feeling condemned after benefit preach the message on holiness or heavy message or things like that and I said to him you know brother Dave I never ever feel condemned.

I always feel conscious of God's love is Mike. Remember, most people are not like that in those words just always stuck in my head mode. Okay that's not how most people feel, and therefore they might be more easily self condemned, and more easily self defeated and and in the midst of preaching holiness and truth. Bring hope with it right up what what else via Times Square church and then teen challenge working with Don Wilkerson you work with a lot of down in outers and street people. Does that discourage you or could you seasonally failures or does it encourage you because you see so many lives changed our current bottle of government will hurt and it cooks. The no auto brother gone after working a few times per year. I will write article info backfired backslidden.

I'm not Robert is a child when it doesn't bother you. That's when you need to quit while and yeah but I have a quote about Bob Hope affidavit is that no matter how strong the old pocket was it always included work, hope and encouragement. So we need to do the thing yeah yeah yeah absolutely it just anxious to mention is as I got to to know Don Wilkerson is still with us now even better than than than David Wilkinson. Don was sensing always hope. In the matter what the situation was EE was this good.

I have there's a Jesus answer to it. You know and and Gregor Krieger. I'm working challenge which by the way, about drug rehab program in history yesterday and made a clean challenge. Very poor soul and everything triumphant arrived in an permeated with the spirit of great believing that God can break any chain and any bond or offer anyone and I'm sure it's early Times Square weekend we got you, you seen some pretty dramatic conversions all absolutely from every strata by most of the Wall Street or holy of SMA and Everett literally in every service. Your end and from every race and nationality which are having people getting right with God at the altar.

So here you got a you know rich Wall Street executive and and he's in tears right next to a homeless guy right next to a prostitute right next to a successful businesswoman and they're all side-by-side can say the same way right right I think a lot of people don't realize it. Paperwork around yeah and boy when he would give altar calls people come forward.

We used to have 100 or so hundred or more people getting paid like every time you were types of Monday night evangelistic server credit Charles at work were almost at a time, but if you were speaking now to function ministry to young people who feel the calling of God on their lives. To some folks.

Maybe the Filipino brought in their ministry work. What would you share with them the impact David Wilkerson is had on your life and now you're having an impact on other people's lives to share from your heart speak to speak to these folks sure were in your Gartner Group Tommy broker time when the Bible and praying will deeply minister to you when you feel like it does.

And when you feel nothing and that really helped me looking all the times when it does driver becoming a common to the Lord in prayer, where you feel like you are touching him or not he still there still ministry you and you know getting back to the basics. You know they in the word stay in prayer and trust the Lord there. You know he's here in your crime you will answer and he will break and he's doing is causing our roots go down deeper in those winter season when it seems like nothing In our line.

Thank you Lord you yeah and especially to sit earlier. David said to see Florida to get the burden just to the day I was thanking God for seasons in my life when he held me back from doing more and reaching more because he wanted to deepen the because it's ultimately not about the ministries about you is about me friends. The new book Charles Simpson walking in the footsteps of David Wilkerson. Charles will share his own story with you lessons from the life of Mr. David Wilkerson.

I will forward to it. Blessed by the trust. Thanks for joining us today. Got but I may have already met back with you tomorrow as there is