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How Should We Respond to the Anti-Gun Demonstrations

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
March 26, 2018 4:20 pm

How Should We Respond to the Anti-Gun Demonstrations

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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March 26, 2018 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 03/26/18.

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What we make of the March for our lives. The set is as good a protest against gun violence is just more of the radical left stage for the line of fire with your host activist on the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH your again is Dr. Michael Brown yes so there's a large March demonstrations in different cities.

The March for life this Saturday March for our lives say and certainly in distinction from the March for life. General annual pro-life March in DC a lot of people there massive media coverage celebrities there backing it. How should we respond to something good to something positive. Young people leading the way young people saying enough is enough. We've had it with all the violence we've had it with all the access to guns.

We've had it with the gun culture.

We've had it with the exultation of the NRA. We've had it with politicians being bought by the gun lobby. We've had it. It's our blood on the line. Enough is enough, or should we look at this as more of the radical left coming together, helping organize helping sponsor helping fund. Whatever the case may be, and in the actual issues not really being discussed.

How can we best save the most lives without violating our fundamental rights. This is Michael Brown listening to the line of fire or you are watching the line of fire on YouTube or Facebook and you will not get a particular political slant here. My goal is not to be right wing or left wing. My goal is not to be conservative or liberal Republican or Democrat. My goal is to do my best and to help us do our best to step back and look at things scripturally reflect asked some honest questions and get past the emotion in the media frenzy surrounding these sensitive issues about guns, gun violence, gun control, what's your take you pleased to see this baby or young person you're turning into today.

You see, this is awesome young people leading the way.

Or did you cringe some of it through some of the speeches or do you see this is partisan politics. You see, this is moving towards any kind of positive solution, 8663 4-H 7884. What is your take on this. I'm gonna look at it from a number of different angles. I wrote an article also that will get into a little later in the broadcast why I was not enthusiastic about the event why I was, not enthusiastic about the March for our lives. A colleague sent me a note on Facebook private message asking me if I get to be writing positive articles about this. After all, it's a pro-life event will wasn't really a pro life event, I would gladly be enthusiastic about young people taking a stand. I would gladly be enthusiastic about our culture coming together against gun violence, but I have many reservations because of the content of what was talked about and the nature of what is behind some of these rallies and movements all right.

Let's start here. Let's start here a David Hogg 1718-year-old young person, one of the survivors from the horrible massacre in Parkland, Florida, installment Douglas high school and he has become a major poster boy and him will hear from a little while. He's become a major poster boy of the anti-gun movement and the call to get guns out of the hands of people throughout the countries that could be less on violence and energy. He tweeted something out that I agree with right he tweeted something out into this. Can we please not debate this is Democrats and Republicans but discuss this as Americans in the comments. If you see someone you disagree with. Do not attack each other.

Talk to one another. The supplies to meet you in caps.

We must work together to save our future all at absolutely, you know, if you listen to the line of fire regularly that I don't talk a lot about guns. Gun control. You know that I'm the son of a New York City Jewish lawyer that I didn't grow up in a gun culture meeting hunting regularly or owning a gun. I've only fired a firearm to my memory twice in my lifetime, so it's not like I am a card-carrying member of the NRA nor my marching down the street with the radical left.

This this is an issue that I can step back from them in more ways than most issues be freely dispassionate about and critique what I see on the right and on the left because I have less of a personal dog in this fight. So what I've been calling for the few articles I've written my most recent article is can we sit down together regardless of our political viewpoints regardless of our own point of view and say right. Let's talk constructively. We recognize, do we not we recognize that we have a problem with gun violence in America. The question is what is the root of the problem.

What are the roots of the problem and how we go about solving the problem.

I think every civil minded person in America agrees that we should have less gun violence that we want to have less gun violence. The question is what can lead to that. Is it a larger cultural issue is an issue of fatherless's fatherlessness in homes is an issue of improper law enforcement is an issue of weapons getting into the hands of people that should get into the hands of people, is it an issue of certain weapons.

No one should be able to get to how we address this order.

The problems were the solutions certainly were.

Talk about a bloodbath in America and by the way, the greatest bloodbath is not in our schools is tragic as it is, but it's in our inner cities. It's is taking place on a regular basis outside of of schools. We have a horrific tragedy like Parkland gets our attention. But but the question is how can we address the violence in our culture.

Some have said that when you rate American terms of gun violence against countries and the rest of the world were pretty high up on the list but when you take out a few key cities, a few of our biggest cities with strict gun control laws, and yet a steady bloodbath when you take out those cities. We go way way way down on the list.

Gun funds how we addresses so I agree with what this young man David Hogg tweeted out, but when you hear him actually speak. You do not just hear an appeal to rational interaction you hear an angry emotional appeal.

One article about this young man said this David Hogg is mad as hell. That's the graphic with the article David Hogg mad as hell after surviving a school shooting Hogg and his classmates to become some of the leading if unlikely voices on gone reform and the graphic for the article. I mean, it's got him red-faced and and you know it's it's a very graphic picture and that's what's coming from another. Please understand, he's a young man will talk about that later in the broadcast. Should we be looking to the used to lead the way or are the young people the least qualified to lead the way on this. What will discuss the why I'm 63 years old. Our oldest granddaughter. 17.

I'm constantly pouring into college age young people and esteem God's work in their lives. I love to see young people getting active and having a cause and giving themselves to itself and of itself is a 15-year-old becomes a national celebrity has a message we need to hear great so be it but but let's listen to David Hogg speaking at the March for our lives.

This is what he had to say on Saturday we have in their people who stand against you because you're too young. We say this is your voice doesn't matter because the NRA owns them. We say no when politicians and their thoughts and prayers with no sin, we say no and is supported by the NRA and allow the continued slaughter of our children and our future.

I say get your resumes ready. I want to say candidly that I thank God for the bottom of my heart that he did not give me a national platform. When I was 17 or 18 years old.

I thank God that he did not allow me to speak to hundreds of thousands or millions of people at that time not to look out. I was active 16 years old and my drug days I helped lead a protest in our high school that won us the rights have our own program and and in this program we could with the classes were pretty much whatever we wanted.

It was called safe school student, faculty, education, and that's how I spent the last two years of high school with Ralph. How can I describe it if he asked for and for passing grade. In short the whole semester you get it resist free-form court educations. You can imagine, but we that we thought that was the better way and we were rebelling against the educational system. As we saw what we had a better way. We thought so 16 years old and then I get radically saved, you would leave a message for for the whole world to to repent and believe in Jesus and I had a light high school schedule because it's safe school programs.

I read the word and prayed and share the gospel literally day and night, but I'm quite thankful that God and I started preaching at the age of 1800 through the Bible cover to cover five times.

At that point and neurotic 4000 verses of the previous 68 months, but I'm thankful to God that the allow me to preach to a few people that are not to hundreds of thousands and millions and there is a reason for that.

It takes a while to grow and mature. And when you hear rhetoric like this that the NRA is responsible for the slaughter of children that you actually think that lawful gun owners are or are sitting back thinking awesome more kids getting slaughtered at an end that for your average gun owner. The last thing on their mind is gun violence. In fact, many of them are armed to protect their families against gun violence and when mass shooters are going to go and carry out there. There dastardly deeds that only looking for what is a gun free zone to go into to minimize their chance of getting cut down so you hear this kind of rhetoric and you think all it is stirring up emotion.

It is not constructive. It is demonizing of others look wet when there are people passionately crusading against her current gun control laws. I don't just assume they're doing it because they want average Americans to lose their ability to defend themselves or because they're part of some plot to take all the weapons away from law-abiding Americans are II give people the benefit of the doubt the motivation I think said I hear rhetoric like this.

It is utterly unhelpful for this more in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice aboard cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown and friends back at sounds. They're just all coming up at once from the March for life.

Listen, I stand with those who say we've got to do something about the plague of gun violence in America from the massacres in our schools to the killing of our kids in the inner city. We've got to do something about it. I appreciate people making their voices heard.

I appreciate people saying were not going to stand on the sidelines.

We gotta do something. I appreciate people coming together and saying what can we do to address the problem.

I do not appreciate when it becomes partisan politics. I do not appreciate it when it becomes an anti-Tromp rally.

I do not appreciate it when useless, emotion filled rhetoric is used to demonize opponents again. I am not a card-carrying member of the NRA are right, this is not run coming from. I politically I voted Republican for last few presidential elections, but I'm a registered independent. It simply reflects my mindset that I'm not putting my trust in the political party or an individual and can we all agree regardless of where you come from, voted for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or South election. If you identifies Democrat Republican reporter, conservative, liberal, whoever you are, can we all agree that we would love to see a reduction in gun violence in America that week.

We know that the highest level of gun violence is simply suicide right and this can be difficult to stop people from taking their own lives are right in and getting guns out of the hands that's not the solution to to the suicide problem we gotta try to help people in the inside out in other ways and look at the causes of suicide. That's a whole other issue but let let's just stop and process this particular situation for a moment, can we do that rationally. The massacre in the Parkland Florida high school, which is like the straw that broke the camels back and launch this national movement certainly with the help of adults working with these young people. Certainly was some funding from other organizations working with these young people and end when you've got various celebrities showing up at an event, you know, this is this is often where the left is going to be an and I wonder just curious how many of the celebrities that were present at the March for our lives or political leaders from left that were present at the March for our lives or sympathizers in the elite media, Hollywood arts and such. I many of those that were there that are famous public figures have armed bodyguards. Just wondering. There are the videos that circulate a lot of a few years ago with Jason Matera going up to Mayor Bloomberg and saying yeah I'm a mall with you about getting guns, we gotta get guns out of people's hands. New York and Williard bodyguards disarm, of course not, you know it's it's like some people say how can the Pope speak out against the wall in Vatican City is surrounded by a wall is protected by a wall. These are these are fair questions to ask or think our different questions ask listening on Parkland for for for moment. This is not that the situation this is not the school situation based on which you say we need better gun laws because of our current laws were enforced.

Nicholas Cruz would not have had weapons. It's that simple. The FBI is had to say they're sorry Broward County Blewitt badly. I me with with multiple calls to the same house reportedly and and and complaints about violent acts or threats and then people call the FBI and calling local law enforcement say this guy is ready to explode. You can have a school shooter on your hands and the kids of the schools in the moment they heard the guns they knew it had to be this kid Nicholas Cruz you had various breakdowns in the system and and and then the armed office on the premise not going and waiting for other cops to show up before going in and you could've minimize the casualties but the bottom line is Nicholas Cruz should never have had a gun in his hand so let let's just think about this from an okay you have a situation where if the current laws were enforced and if local law enforcement and national law enforcement did its job. The massacre Would Not Have Taken Pl., Nicholas Cruz would not have had a gun in his head. How then is that the basis for campaign for new gun laws. That's what troubles me. That's what concerns me here if if you just think that this is all nonpartisan, nonpolitical, just young people say enough is enough and and others rallying together with them, you young people leading the way and other Americans rallying with them.

If you think that's all that it is think about this little over a week ago. There's a shooting in a Maryland school right another young man goes in there as a shooter. Two people killed and wounded one of them critically seasoning two people shot and wounded one of them critically, and then the young lady tragically dies of her wounds a few days ago and the reason that you didn't hear about five or 10 or 20 or 30 being killed or wounded was because the arm resource officer at the school shot and killed the young man shot and killed the shooter did that prompt a national cry did that prompted national movement did that spark a massive media debate about the need to have qualified trained arm resource offices on every campus know why because that is not part of the agenda of the left. That's the issue here.

Look at look at some of the signs that that were that were featured at at this event. There are signs like this. Why is my uterus. Let's see what is my uterus more restricted than guns. Okay there. There were there were other signs like that that were pro-abortion signs don't make laws about my body right don't make laws about my body make laws about guns and then others. LGBT Q students against guns. In other words, this was a heavily leftist anti-Trump anti-Republican movement.

You've just got to understand that II tweeted this out just a few minutes ago during a break. What is tell you when the same media that virtually ignored the annual antiabortion March for life gave wall tour coverage to the anti-gun March for our lives. Some of the responses.

Sadly, it tells me nothing I didn't already know another presuppositions bias agenda another wait, wait, I know this one. Another tells me that this outraged gun laws entirely politically driven by ideologues. It tells you that abortion is only acceptable to that ideology, but that it is ferociously advocate now some would say will pro-life movement is hypocritical is also pro-gun what that that is a massive generalization, a massive generalization to say that the majority of people in the pro-life movement are Pro gun certainly is constitutional.

People would be second amendment people, but I have never seen at pro-life rallies like lots of sign say at Pro were pro-life and NRA let's get out membership for the NRA and in other words, these are separate issues you may have certain shared values among some concerns, but there are separate issues here. The leftist agenda is tied in directly tied in directly and inextricably with this Pro that this movement this anti-gun legislature move and the questions okay so what are some of the actual solutions. What we do, what would we do practically you don't hear a lot of that and now it swings back the other way swings back the other way so that what you end up with is extreme rhetoric on both sides. Let let's look at it. Another sign of this is from a teacher. I'm a 25-year-old public school teacher and then she's got profanity of my school district won't give me the password use Wi-Fi yet you want me to carry gun and it's a profanity that will again I understand the sentiments there, but no one is saying that all teachers would be required to carry guns, but that in each school you would look for qualified teachers that would probably fit a certain profile that may have some background in law enforcement for some background in being in the military or some background with guns and would gladly carry and conceal. There are schools in America were teachers conceal carry and it's just part of the culture there and here.

Just think of this for second, you are a demented young person or older person you are going to going to school to carry out a mass murder amid the sickness and in sinfulness of that is just mind-boggling. But you're planning on doing and and and their two school districts school district and school district be school district K this is a gun free zone school district be you have arm resource offices there or our teachers conceal and carry which school are you more likely to go to to try to carry out your atrocities so I'm perfectly happy to look at problems and are gun laws we have loopholes and people getting weapons they should be able to get ask questions about what weapon should be available to the general public. I'm perfectly happy to have a conversation and perfectly happy to have the conversation asking the question should be armored teachers have arm resource how to reduce gun violence right back here on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown area. I was talking to some friends who are on the worship team of one of the largest churches in the nation, based in Texas and they were mentioning to me. The couple that probably every Sunday morning. 20,000 weapons pass in and out of the doors there, be they were joking on the much hyperbole. It was there but they were to say that lots of people are conceal and carry and people on the worship team and they said it would be the worst possible place for someone to come in me. Like many big churches. They have all kinds of security and they're very careful and things so that you don't see it outwardly, but they've got it throughout the building, but yes, someone tried to going there and pull a gun and carry out some some act of violence. They'd they'd instantly be gone down now. We have a problem with gun violence in America we have about a problem in general with violence in our culture were entertained by violence were saturated with violence breakdown in the home.

How much does it contribute to the violence certain weapons being available, how much is that contribute to the violence. These are the kinds of questions we need to ask, but here's my question for you is it helpful what you are what you thinking on the switch or take young people all people like is it helpful when young people, 17, 18-year-old high school students with very very little life experience right that they may been through a lot, they may been through hard times. They may have had to navigate the difficulties of a divorce and overcome different obstacles of their own lives as many kids do even younger than 17, 18.

Some of them have lived through a lot, but in terms of responsible life experience. We are out in the world would you raising a family. Were you having to deal with life and death issues. The society around you when you're responsible for earning a living in and playing a role the citizen they have virtually no experience just recently getting drivers licenses. Some of not having worked a full-time job yet or be responsible for things outside of their own household. Question is, how much should young people be leading the way in the anti-gun movement.

Young people leading the way in the March for our lives this Saturday so here's an interview with one of the young men's become a poster boy. After the massacre in Parkland, Florida David Hogg and I pray for him.

I pray that the Lord will really get hold of his life and that the zeal and passion that he has will will be used to advance righteous causes and were he's got a passion for anything right here that that'll rise to the surface but here are some of what troubles me. I want you here a couple of excerpts from a recent interview he did listen carefully what really strikes me as I like you guys are obviously doing a lot of work like Jonathan and at the same time all his life kids there like adults that should be doing, thinking that everything like why why this point it's like when when your old friends like I don't know how to send my message is on and you take in your life okay let me handle it and get it done in one second. Sadly, that the government because our parents don't know how to use our democracy so we have to all all will hang on just did you hear that the court should be bleeped out throughout because it's so profane written did you hear that our parents in a Gouda sonata in instant messages, so you shall not use the iPad or the cell phone their status so still they are so stupid and ignorant that stupid, ignorant, older generation, we have to show them how to do attacks, they can figure or older birds and am 40 years old, arms 60 years old auto know how to use the iPad. I can't text you send an instant message again onto I know what is a direct measure. How do I do that I'm just a stupid old person, and then the 15-year-olds is all show your mom how to do it. I'll show you, dad and 30 seconds they sent that photo out of the dog. That's the same way with parents. They don't know how to run a democracy to run the country.

We got a stamp and fix it. That is nothing other than youthful ignorance. Shall I repeated youthful ignorance mixed with youthful arrogance and all of us who are older can say I was there. Most of us.

Many of us, especially those of us who were rebels in our teen years I was there, despising the older generation. What is the older generation known we got it all figured out. Now listen there plenty of things that young people see little people mess and plenty things at middle-age people see that young people mess and all people see that middle-age people must we all have our blind spots.

We all have our cultural weaknesses, but there is a reason that human beings develop and grow and mature, and then are given certain responsibilities.

There is a reason you have to be a certain age before you can be the President of the United States for certain age before he can be elected as some official sale that sent us off to war in 18 okay we can. You can voted 18. Also, and yet if if you can be sent to the front lines of battle, they should be able to vote.

I agree with that but there is a reason that you can't be a five star general at the age of 18 that there is a reason that AAO girl 10 years old can't be married with four children that she's conceived because she is not ready in the body takes a while to develop in the minded life experience, and then you find what you find out you have your first kids. My parents were smarter than I realize we find out every first financial crisis because misspending what what you find out when when you have your your first life issues you really need some help with Wendy when you go from think your parents were idiots to think your parents were geniuses. Those who either raised and in good homes book during the Vietnam War. John Lennon asked the question will be declared war. What we just declare peace if it was that easily done fine. You got some warmongers you got some hawks and they just live for the moment to drop bombs and kill people. Most people in the military. Most people in the military not just itching for the moment when England start killing people and enrich their own lives to do it.

You have some that are doing all right but but there are plenty of generals that are looking okay will go away. The loss of life and get a political issue here, but got away and that's why they there at a certain point very few just can't wait to destroy people but but you can't just simply say we declare okay.

We declare peace we declare peace.

Let's just do it I I'm a radio host seven voice I'm live on the Internet right now as well. I declare an end to gun violence in America and I declare peace you no more do that over the radio and over the Internet. Then you could have two political leaders to say we declare peace and everybody. This is all okay and all the countries live happily ever after in the same way here, young people, so my mad parents, older generation owners send out a text message on a run the country that is youthful ignorance and youthful arrogance and it's fueled by my anger as well and the last thing we need to do is put those voices at the forefront. It is foolish. This foolishness think about people's views of change. You go to college and you sit in college classes, and usually professors talk and your views get totally changed in a short period to totally change my because you're just forming your views and now you're being influenced by these other people in your out of the home and new environment for the first time and that you may look back, 20, 30 years later, the yikes have a hold to those whose ill.

There's the old adage, which is quite exaggerated, but the old adage if you're not a liberal when you're young person you have a heart if you are conservative and an older person or have a mind what will that's an exaggerated adage, but there's something to it in its heart and mind that are needed together to sort out some of the issues cited here is another clip from this interview with David Hogg. Listen to what he has to say website that I want to continue summer guns murder more children and honestly just get reelected. Where whatever person are you when you want to see more money than children's lives. What type of person does that first take. That's the foolishness of youth to think you're doing interviews you talk certain ways and just use all the profanity way I look, I know there's some famous podcasts and big names that up as profane as could be, but okay. It's one thing is cut back on some of your listeners, but here it is the biggest David and others like David Young people people do you really think that there are politicians out there who say it's more important to me to have money in my coffers from the NRA than to care about the lives of children make maybe just maybe there's some maybe there some that are that heart that are that callous, that are that indifferent, but that is certainly anything but the norm and there are there are plenty of politicians that cared deeply about human life that care deeply about children's lives who are shocked and saddened by the Parkland tragedy and other tragedies as any other American. And yet for pragmatic reasons. They believe in our Second Amendment rights and don't want the government to be able to confiscate guns of law-abiding citizens and will point out that most of the violence comes in the cities that have the strictest gun control laws, which means we have a larger problem to address. You may have a different answer to that to the to the question a different solution to the problem. That's fine. But this type of rhetoric is is utterly unhelpful and should be pushed to the back is a regular promise ugly prominence to dismiss it here. Here's a clip for the March for life's Martin Luther King's granddaughter just a sweet sweet little girl.

In terms of just on the riddle but just watching.

This is like a sweet sweet little girl. Listen. Listen to what she said okay so here's my question nine years old adorable little kid right there may be wonderful. If you have the world where nobody killed each other and will nobody hurt each other for that matter, a knife free world.

There is violence free world that nobody needed a gun except to go hunting and nobody did in the knife accepted to scan the you know that an animal that was killed or zero whatever reality is, a regular barley solving the problem. Nothing you angry NRA Republican like others on the right that it's the line of fire with your host activist and author internationals leader and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown. What I find interesting is lack majority of young people in America or feeling but there is a leftist gender that is radically anti-gun and my problem is you've got a radical left and a radical right and you got partisan politics mixed in. I'm concerned that we will never sit down or not. For years, no matter how much bloodshed and in trying to be constructive rather than emotional rather than appealing to victimhood rather than irrational appeals from a nine-year-old seems real for line drawings irrational for her to say let's have a gun free world is just irrational in terms of ink in half with human beings on the planet. I can happen 86634 I got a couple quotes from the article that I wrote over the weekend I will read them to you in a moment ability of the phones first in Gaithersburg, Maryland Andrew, welcome to the line of fire around her word doing well thank you all right, Nicole wrote the topic because it can confirm because become confirmed what I was doing on about the code will I'm in my 20th right now and on the one hand I'm quote you so many people borrowing from our country in my heart those glossy people were going to end your phone also agreed to.

It should be going to school. However, the work of Carmina felt kind of uneasy about the market because it was like the of anti-Christian talk about you know when current even even marriage equality in all.

I and when you talk about that now.

Connor confirmed how I was going yeah yeah and and and you look again. It's good that people get motivated to do something rather than sitting on their hands. It's good that young people say this affects us personally. These are our schools.

These are our lives.

It's our blood in the in the hallways and we we are crying out for for politicians to do something and stop being so political I'm all for that.

When you have as you mentioned Planned Parenthood sponsoring the event.

When this is tied in with is one reporter said that the pink hats from the antitrust marches, the women's marches were appearing all over the place that that it was heavily politicized and heavily with the word read arise whenever the right words, it will.

It was so rhetorically driven and emotionally driven, and even a rationally driven and anger driven partisan politics driven that that you're not going to have a lot of practical discussion that comes out of that so so interest is human yourself.

I appreciate you calling and I appreciate you sharing that perspective. That's why I wrote the article why I'm not enthusiastic about the March for our lives and and I don't know this. Maybe anyone have information on this.

Let me know you can you can post it on the screen for you to board or on a Facebook live feed. We can call in. If you have this information, but the naming of it.

The March for our lives.

Does anyone know where that came from. Was it playing off the March for life was intentionally playing off the march with that. Thank you for the call and I look for this briefly. I was ministering in Tampa Florida over the weekend and pretty much through the day yesterday certain have a chance to look for this death.

I didn't see anything initially but wasn't just a spontaneous in the March for our lives in Camelot that works that works wasn't meant specifically as a contrast with the March for life, which is been now the largest civil rights march in our history every year for over 40 years now since Roe V Wade in 1973.

So what 44 years running. Was it in contrast to that. Was it a challenge to conservative Christians who were associated with being pro-gone and pro-life IB program and pro-life or was it just else good name it works.

But here, let me share two quotes with you. That to me represent the extremes on both sides. Okay, this was March 2 op-ed piece in the New York Times. The claim that quote the students of Parkland are like veterans coming home from the blood in front of the NRA's defect a war on children. They see their friends, teachers and coaches going down the halls to them. Powerful Washington lobbyist United States Sen. suddenly look like with AR cheesy TV spokes models for murder weapons. It is been inspiring and thrilling to watch furious clear I teenagers shame and vilify gutless politicians and sold dead lobbyist for the complacency complicity in the murders of their friends last week when Lapeer was reduced to gibbering like Gen. Jack D. Ripper in Dr. Strangelove about a socialist takeover and hardening are schools you could see the whites all around his irises that look is fear. That's a one side. To me that's that's the the strong laughter radical left speaking and making this into war the NRA against the children of America, etc. but the NRA's post on Facebook over the weekend to me represents the other side which is equally unhelpful to the NRA posted this on Facebook. In response to the March for allies quote today's protests on spontaneous gun hating billionaires and Hollywood elites are manipulating and exporting children as part of their plan to destroy THE Second Amendment and strip us of our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones okay yes that is accurate to a point as as the first quote was accurate to a point and then it gets exaggerated, those which are here here's here's what I look you have to separate the radical left players in the radical right players, you have to separate the people who have vested interest in a position you have to separate that which is driven by the media that which is driven by Hollywood elites. That which is driven by political strongholds on either side. Yet this move all that out of the way. You have to separate how some young people are being used by others with certain causes to to get a voice and and listen Fox news is playing clips of Calcasieu. Another survivor from the Parkland massacre who's speaking on the exact opposite side of things, and with a very different tone sitting David Hogg Miss okay let's debate it to young men, 17, 18 years old survivors of of the Parkland massacre and they read Marjory Stoneman Douglas school and and day of the shooting, traumatized by like everyone else, but two very different views. Okay, so there was a rights putting forth their people and left pretty for theirs and Emma Gonzalez is others and putting them forth in okay let's let's separate all and now this talk issue. Why is it so hard when were talking about a real problem in America you civil.

The big problem is guns in the hands of the wrong people and and that's what we have so much violence in our in our gun free zones in the cities with the most with the strictest gun control laws. They have the most violence okay will why is that and how is it some other cities in the world that is strict gun control laws.

You don't have the funds of the guns getting into people's hands these to me are valid questions to ask, is there a universal gun registry that would better catch people are there ways to close the loopholes that allowed for the couscous to get weapons in Florida again. It's a matter of law enforcement not doing its job on appealing for it is not a partisan position.

It is not a pro-NRA position and is not air and an anti-gun position.

All I'm appealing for and continue to appeal forest. Let's get past the emotional rhetoric. Let's get past the anger and the victimhood in the arete the of the irrational responses.

Let's get past the attack older generation. Let's get past these broad mudslinging, slanderous assaults and let's talk and say how many agree that we have a problem with gun violence in America. Everybody's answer is okay. How many agree the Second Amendment support. Okay great one to do than to address the problem and have we gone beyond the intention of the second member if you can ask that question then you and I can have a rational answer either.

Have we gone beyond with the Second Amendment intended. That's a fair question to ask is another fair question to ask is lawful weapons in the hands of lawful people. The problem, or is it something else. Is there another problem. Are there other issues that's all and pleading for it's pretty simple. It's pretty basic and I'm hoping that as those that come together regularly around the line of fire broadcast. We can have some civil constructive discussion and set a good example for the rest of the country. Hey friends, have you checked out the update video that we posted on our go fund me page always really cool because you the desk I'm sitting in right here you see what I'm looking at you see the screen you see the various monitors you see how we do what we do we go into our studio right across from me right just a few feet away free. We got our producers working there and putting clips together and playing us for it. Take a moment go to go fund Dr. Brown studio go fund Brown studio take what is it three minutes. Watch the video you really and then the lessons you stand with us a list of people or better talk about today on the