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Is Trump Guilty? And, Preparing for the Next Move of God

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
August 22, 2018 4:40 pm

Is Trump Guilty? And, Preparing for the Next Move of God

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 22, 2018 4:40 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/22/18.

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So is Donald Trump guilty. This is just the continuing witchhunt. What should we be thinking about this as believers stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Yes, it has been quite a new cycle in the last 24 hours and I wanted do my best to help us step back and get some good godly perspective on what's happening in the world swirling around this Michael Brown welcome to the broadcast. If you somehow didn't hear the latest news from the molar investigation and convictions of Paul Manna, Fort Michael Cohen and then Michael Cohen, under oath, saying that he was directed opposite a present from the username to commit a federal crime in terms of campaign payments.

Another thing sold well guess what drove us to sort things out without getting hyper political today, but if you have been following the news. I have a question for you. How has the noose affected you. In other words, do you now just trust Donald Trump more.

This is confirmed to you that he was never trustworthy. This is rather confirmed you that there is an ongoing witchhunt to take the president down and the strengthens your resolve to stand with him or you just question Michael Cohen, Marco been spoken against him. A very ugly terms, others have spoken against him that we sort this out. 866-3487 84 866-34-TRUTH is the number to call. Now little later in the broadcast will have a very edifying encouraging interview on revival is God preparing to send a great revival to North America is another great awakening ahead with we do to prepare our own hearts. We'll talk about that. As always, we want to build up and strengthen you not gossip, gossip columns here. I'm not just another conservative talking heads so that will be our intent to edified to give wisdom. My dear friend Larry Tomczak was going to be joining me today to talk about what could have been done and what could be done to prevent sex scandal, sexual abuse, in particular in the Catholic Church or have been raised Catholic before coming to faith. We reschedule that so he's going to be joining me next week. This is an always relevant subjects of gobbling next week will talk with Larry.

Those that were tuning in a veteran social media be with me that'll be next Wednesday gobbling okay so what what we make of what's happened with this molar investigation.

If you been listening to the show for months if you been reading my articles for months for years.

You know I don't talk about this. It's not something that I have raised and discussed a lot. I'm not an attorney I'm not a Washington insider and this is not primarily intersected in my areas of concern. I weigh in on political issues for moral and cultural issues, and this is not primarily intersected with areas of either my expertise or my interest because of which I haven't commented on it. But with everything. Happy news is I got a comment on today. I gotta say something today I felt was important to do so. So I have just for quite some time now in the car while driving to and from the office for radio and other meetings. Just listen to audible books.

Just about all the time was on the phone just listening to audiobooks on audible on my phone and not listening to talk radio as as it was in habit of doing. Often just listening was happening, trembling things, etc. but today the driving and was right around noon. I thought I would listen to Rush Limbaugh and see what Rush Limbaugh's take is because I'm reading a lot of a liberal media and their take on what's happening and Russia's points were number one. This is what has been going on since Trump on the election, namely try to get him out try to steal what he won and try to claim that he did when rightly so. This is something ongoing.

Secondly, he argued that on a particular order, that this is a complete affront to the Constitution that these special investigative can do whatever the world he wants has as powers above and beyond anything the Constitution is basely shredding it in the process by just trampling on things is that the right to trample on and then ultimately the whole question of collusion with Russia has nothing to do with the metaphor convictions or the calling convictions. Now this Rush Limbaugh take you expected to be a certain thing but in his mind. This is the ongoing attempt to poison attitudes toward Donald Trump leading up to the midterm elections, etc. that's the Rush Limbaugh take this is this is what Mark LeVan had to say no. He's tremendously insightful again strong conservative, but pulls no punches.

According to Marco been in his radio show last night. Quote Michael Cohen is a sleaze ball. He opened his radio program last night breaking down the days developments in the case of former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen, who pled guilty to five counts of tax evasion, one count of making a false statement to a bank and two counts of campaign-finance violation because the media are excited, thrilled, and yet they don't know what they're talking about within the Constitution internally began in my opinion everything that's being said about the Cohen case is wrong. And remember whose call Cohen's lawyer is Lanny Davis who hates Trump who was a conceal a Hillary considering he had it in this give this guy Michael comes a sleaze ball. This is a guilty plea. It's not an adjudication. Prosecutors and Cohen cut a deal. It's a plea bargain is not a precedent. The RBC had more Michael: Michael Coleman with cut a deal. Let's a candidate says get a nondisclosure agreement pay the funds out of my pocket because I don't want this person to attack me during the campaign process that occurred before the campaign, it's perfectly legal. That's not a campaign expenditure that is the Mark LeVan perspective again. I'm sharing things that others are saying here because I am not expert in the law. I am not privy to sayings within DC that others might be privy to some turn away and from my particular perspective that now it's interesting to watch others react and others respond people liken this to Watergate and this is it in and it's it's over for trumpet is good be impeached on the site.

No crime Inc. with scribe Alan Dershowitz liberal lawyer and professor Alan Dershowitz saying everybody does campaign come stuff like this that break certain laws is normal and okay so what's going on, or we acting with double standards and high I think a kind cause little time out here little test your conservative your accusation about Barack Obama.

Did you automatically believe it and I knew it I knew it your liberal your accusation against Donald Trump. Yep, I knew it. Now reverse your liberal your accusation is Barack Obama now thinks your conservative your reaction is. Donald Trump thinks. Do we really process things honestly and righteously among trying to play the middle and another was all the Lord and where this right wrong on either side to God side and confront the wrong and commend the right.

So in that sense, I'm an avid dog in this fight. If Pres. Trump is guilty of something, but it was made on similar things others made them worse. Not as bad.

But the truth come to light is being slammed and slandered, but the truth come to light right I don't I don't personally though. Imagine for a split second that were getting the whole truth from just about anybody. Personally I don't think the liberal media, conservative media has the full picture. I'm the last one set of the full picture and to take this one step farther. I don't think for a split second that the molar investigation is impartial or was impartial. In any case. In any case, I just posted this on Twitter little pole to follow me on twitter DR Michael L.

Bronson to Elsa Miller DR Michael L. Brown on Twitter, you can respond blessed again just want to see what you're thinking not to determine truth but after the latest news about Muller and Cohen and Trump. Who do you now trust leased a few responses on the air today so far, 33% say Trump 31% Muller 8% Cohen 20%. None of them. Interestingly is an interesting response because I would've thought would be higher on Cohen than it is because he was a high-powered attorney that got a lot of stuff done and you have to imagine in the process was not always perfectly ethical. My humble opinion, and I gave my own reflections in a moment and and go to some of your calls as well.

86634 to let let's look at some tweets. Let's see Britt Stevens, Britt Stevens, New York Times liberal tweeted this been skeptical about the wisdom and merit of impeachment, Cohen's guilty plea changes that the president is clearly guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. He should resign his office or be impeached and removed from office. Far as I know no high crimes and misdemeanors been committed, one would Britt Stevens was saying about Hillary Clinton's Clintons transgressions, but that was it.

Not surprising that surprising tweet from Britt Stevens whole.

Let's see who else we've got here okay just looking for a couple of other tweets here Rich Lowry national review.

I was skeptical that the campaign-finance angle to the payments would become a big deal but this is a big deal. This really change the impeachment calculus. The Democrats will find a reason to impeach if they take a house with big enough numbers GOP won't abandon Trump and then David French and I greatly respect but is also a never Trump has been. He tweeted this as we close the state may well be the case that the only reason Trump hasn't been indicted is that he's president, the leader of the free world with the implications of that statement sink in the vital missile agree with that assessment. But anyway just the things swirling where you do is step back and give some moral reflections just wrote an article this morning. It's posted on the stream and elsewhere some more reflections on the molar metaphor: Trump affair when they offer some moral reflections here before we do that, let's go to the phones and we go to James in Texas yes your thoughts on the investigation. Dark or start off me and my dad long time listeners. The hero talk show and everything. Thank you for your walk. Conant talked about molar investigation. Walking a long time.

I'm pretty pretty politically active for 17-year-old. And this morning I woke up and I was watching Fox News and MSNBC.

They were talking about: admitted for how they were yesterday. They were talking about a plea deal from going off and this morning I wake up and I hear that Cohen was big finish them or whatever and they got it. The charges he was going more closely because a plea deal in the midst of it. He implicates Pres. Trump saying that he was complicit lying about campaign-finance. This is no crime anywhere in Florida you're back with central. James stated the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown looking my friends to the line of fire 866-34-TRUTH I'm going to offer you my own reflection. Stepping back when I feel I can off practical remarks I can make that don't directly say who did what and how this thing is going to pan out, but I will offer those in the Mumford's want to go back to 70-year-old James and Texas yes so your your observations when you heard about the plea deal that Michael Cohen had made and he didn't yet need to speak up right that fossil heart. I would like to target Michael Cohen had implied the Trump Pres. Trump was involved with some using money like that the federal crime or using money during a campaign to influence them to influence the campaign might in BC and we all know MSNBC's pretty left-wing when it comes to their political agenda and how they talk about things yeah and well as I watched it I was doing some review little bit of rhetoric and everything they were talking about it and I was wondering how was possibly influencing his campaign when he gate we get. He gave it to that one woman.

The other woman to the phase 1 actress in the yeah so allegedly Trump had slept with these other women early on and then to keep them quiet during the campaign he authorize payment to be made up of course if if he in he claimed there was no knowledge of of it being done and Michael Cohen initially said yes Trump knew nothing about it. Now he's changed the story under oath, so you don't know who to believe in that regard or was private funds that were used in which case was the Lord broken yes. So your your point in all this or appoint one. Like I thought Trump Pres. Trump with his own money to pay for the election and how if it was not part of the election if they work had nothing really to do it. The election and what are they saying he was influencing a campaign when it had really nothing to do it the case campaign itself, or to had more to do with parental personal life right so nothing to do with the witchhunts and are trying to go after for every little thing like David chicken crossed the road this wrong way and they would go after report writer so that's what we have to sort out what we have to sort out his number one that we who are conservative or whom I feel Trump is being wrongly attacked to refuse doing the job we have to be careful not to try to defend them just to defend him. We have to soak you what's true, what's accurate what's right on the flipside, those opposing him exactly right James if he said the chicken cross the road. They come after him for being racist or bigoted or something or whatever there be something so it remember this investigation was about collusion with Russia right that's on started collusion with Russia and there is no connection zero connection between the Michael Cohen statement concludes with Russia. The question is did Donald Trump say use campaign money that came in from donors right use it to pay off these ladies, so he didn't fully finances on campaign he got plenty of money from others and did he then use that money to silence others in a payoff and the direct Cohen to do it and then deny knowledge of it. That would be the question if so, is it a crime is a serious crime is an impeachable crime is a just another effort to attack him because he's moving forward in an anti-left agenda. Those are all fair questions to ask, but you know the weight sides can react. We know that upfront hey James that's going in, and thanks for you and your dad being long time listeners okay let me weigh in with my observations. All right, this is what I can do.

I'm not Rush Limbaugh I'm not mark within. I'm not Anderson Cooper. I'm not Wolf Blitzer. I'm not Rachel Maddow. I'm not Ben Shapiro. I'm not Dennis Prager outright saw me, so II can weigh in with these observations okay number one number one if you swim with sharks, you might get bit that's number one. When you have people like Michael: high powered attorney working for you. It it it's not a matter of ethics. A lot of the time it's a matter get the job done. And there are many high-powered attorneys that can be quite ruthless hair look look for second, you can be charged with murder in your eternity, attorney comes right in your your rich, you can pay for some attorney. He's not even going to ask you if you did it that you might say that doing a big frame to something, but otherwise he's going to ask you did you do or not is just okay. How can we defend is it where the ethics there. Well, they're not as a matter winning a case of missing every turn we do that, but I've heard that commonly in some of my friends have dealt with ruthless lawyers. I mean, these guys can destroy a company can destroy an individual in a heartbeat and and seem to sleep well about because they feel justified in what they're doing.

To the extent Michael Combs at Carlo working for Trump. What if he turns against Trump you you you swim with sharks, you might well get bit Paul matter for high level political operator, but apparently not running things in the cleanest way himself when he's his finances and other things come under scrutiny so there is an article in the weekly standard, Michael Warren wrote this critical of the president. This what Michael Warren wrote the weekly standard, far from quote good men, and the best people Trump seems to have a penchant for surrounding himself with problematic aids and advisors who are willing to lie and cheat on his behalf was a say about the president keeps calling the investigations witchhunt that he keeps finding himself in the company of which is right now. I'm sure other administrations have had all kinds of people working for them that were not the most wonderful and I'm sure that other administrations have had people that have lied or twisted the truth or covered certain things for what they felt was the good of the country or to go to the president right look Donald Trump use profanity in public.

Plenty of other presidents used in private okay but it's just you gotta be careful that's all I'm saying this is the company you keep. And now now becomes under scrutiny not surprised that there's a lot of junk on County number two, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by not sleeping with someone you're not married to. Again, we don't know all the details of what's true and not his first diverse charges. But we do know in the past what was books. Donald Trump boasted about his adulterous affairs.

I was in bed with this one or that one will resist immorality in between marriages.

Whatever. But you save yourself a whole lot of trouble on that here throwing stones.

Trust me when someone else messes up first thing I do is look at my life right I stand by grace you stand by grace but you make certain wrong decisions, play games, the wrong people you sleep in the wrong bed can be really serious consequences if it comes back to haunt you comes back to haunt you.

Not just what it does to your own relationship with your spouse, not just what it does in your relationship with God, not just with those in your own conscience.

The conscience, but the fallout can be dramatic and terrible so nonetheless third hell hath no fury like that of a scorned FBI director yet paraphrasing thing. Hell hath no fury like that of a scorned FBI director the homeowner investigation happened because James call me was fired and fellow County to release information to a journalist with the hope that this will get to the public with the hope that a special investigation will be called for.

And that's exactly what happened you say will call me was undergoing the president, the FBI gone roll go. He deserved to be fired. Maybe, maybe, but I'm not saying who's right or wrong in any semi making observations. Problem is problem is you fire somebody like that and it was a bit of a shock when it happened you far similar that they could find lots of ways to retaliate. Whenever possible, make peace with your enemies, whatever pronounce and compromise you Norman uncompromising person but but but listen to this quote from Jesus sermon on the Mount Matthew five this is this woman words come to terms quickly with your accuser where you're going with him to court list recuse her hand over to the judge and the judge to the garden to be put in prison.

True, the city, you'll never get out to you paid the last penny and then fourth lesson if you look for dirt find it to be for dirt find. I remember he Rush Limbaugh at the beginning of the investigation say look this is now Robert Miller giving full power looking to anything that was he's not investigating a certain crime, he sang were there any crimes committed in or along the way and now just keeps expanding, spending, spending, spanning in these other guys in for the most part is not even a possible connection to them in Russian collusion. He may be a meeting here, something never was no possible connection and and yet they're not getting indicted. So that's the other thing if if you're just get unclear who you're dealing with the IRS does an audit of your taxes they'll find somewhere some receipt missing or some payment on pay that price $20 I paid personally, his ministry, my you know that gets confused and and if look you want to dig deep enough in anyone's character interview enough people you find some of those like any okay the best church in the world you find some of left and was disgruntled you find something negative somewhere.

All that to say if you look for dirt. You can find it and what's been found so far from what I can tell still unrelated to the original purpose of investigation. Okay, that being said enough with bad news around the some controversy around this America North America. We need revival. We need visitation political solutions unclear who the political leader is thoroughgoing fall short natural social solutions though to fall short. We need another great awakening in the church being touch than touching the world around us.

We come back I'm going to speak with Pastor John are not a new book in Carol of written on preparing for divine visitation could be. Could it be that there's another great awakening and her and gives the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown to the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks so much for joining us today on the line of fire. I've been passionate for decades about revival, about awakening, I felt many times over the years that without fresh awakening in America that that we were doomed to real moral and spiritual collapse have an urgency.

It's now or never have had the privilege of being in the midst of outpourings of the spirited bona fide revival that historians look back at will look back at his true moves of God.

When that situation now where such as matter, having great services at your church. While we were really blessed here or there but but it has to be visitation it has to be something on a national level, and for those in Canada were talking about North America is it possible there could be another visitation. Is it possible that God's not finished with us yet. I am joined today by Pastor John are not. He and his wife Carol have written a book preparing for the glory getting ready for the next wave of Holy Spirit outpouring and I wrote an endorsement for the book was blessed to read it because there was hope and optimism in the midst of sobriety and concern and that hope and optimism is something that we must grab hold of the day in which we live. Hey John, great to have you on the air with us today.

Thanks much for joining us.

With Michael I John and Carol great. That was my question both here. All right, terrific.

It was great seeing both of you in April in Toronto.

So our first paint a picture for me of of revival of a wave of the Holy Spirit what what is that mean to you been in the midst of it. Key leaders and that the late 20th and early 21st century.

In this regard, paint a picture of revival.

Visitation about it.

People wonderfully overwhelmed trying to work out what happened to them what is happening to them there. It's not orderly or the date while will leave wonderful and there's miracles happening in the lives of people are being transformed the deep-seated her issues are being addressed that you sovereignly very often by or willingness to just repent and come clean. It's just a wonderful thing to watch a people and how you want to add to that, I am going so overwhelmed by the Lord that came and yelling coming and they'll change Michael to IP call and hung them and not look like what we know, before it happened together look like back then and what data in the live equal in the lewdly overwhelming time after time after time, people are ran or when they are happening around here with God and Making Michael and David that encounter bring them into being truthful on with with the issues of life around the people around them with difficulties around the persistent honesty and integrity that tends to return people's lives love and everything that happened is that there are 11 and make ever been there by four and back pain that that geologist, and do a survey of about people and you know a different everything in the end first thing that they were more elaborate date and they never been before. The second payment like they wanted to break their Bible more than ever for, and the third thing with code back in way that share their faith more you wonderful fruit, and so so there you have you been pastoring for for years and years. This certain frustration you have, because you see people sometimes with the same problems coming in you counsel them in your preacher best message inducing your best songs and you pray your breast prayers.

Seems like you hit a wall, I hit a wall to wall and then you keep crying out to God for breakthroughs because you love people you care about people you want to see your community impacted.

It's not happening you wanted the we want to see and then as as revivalists have turned it. God comes even though he's been with us. He comes in a supernatural way and then suddenly you're seeing things happen wise change you know people for years and suddenly there lies a been chasing me. To me revival outpouring is almost what the real gospel should always be on some level yeah yeah yeah yeah really bonded, though the back kind of transformation happening over and over and over to multitude through and did you find because every revival movement is going to have critics did you find that those that were critical 10 tended to put an emphasis on unusual things that they saw the way people responded or shaking or falling was revival proponents tended to put an emphasis on how their lives were changed. Gartner Group summary out of people. People were the manifestation shaking the shouting. Whatever they described it as some sort of psychological impact or motion to call with the complete disregard to what is happening within, and I think they tried to scare people away from continuing. But those who stuck with the on on to be widely used by God as you have an amazing week that you know what I know what I heard you share John when we were in Toronto in April and you were talking about God coming and moving and you are just so thrilled and so blessed to see the Holy Spirit there radically changing laws he really didn't care what it what it looked like an when you're when you're that immersed in the love of God, the presence of God. That's really what matters most. But but right now would seem like it's a time to be discouraged and think now it's like a happening so much bad news from Canada moral decisions Supreme Court the way things are going. So much of a mass in America. Why do you have this hope in your heart you write about it in your book preparing for the glory why you have this hope and expectation that there is there something even greater. Yet ahead. Well I I don't think that gospel message is sort of a failed experiment on the part of God. I think we go from glory to glory, wave go from greater greater right and is not done yet. Therefore there's another greater way that is is felt to come and when the thousand week the whole world, and I'm sure anyway.

We've had many prophetic words and some of them went like like this. If you think what you're in right now is that this is not it is nothing compared to what's coming and I was the just of many of them and were like oh my gosh were overwhelmed.

Now what this looks like, look like you know when you look around Michael.

The one is that, a determined Western nation. What is it an effective term. All of that all of a all of the Middle East. Might be moved to the holy. The very thing that happened in the book of acts ran warm. The Greek and Roman world so many years ago that a and of course God is totally up to.

We had a book that the Greek Roman world.

In Jesus day were standing there watching him leave everything to be gone like our worth thinking about the word that you said like the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to the whole world before the end come in all the nation before their and you think my gosh were just a handful of little Jewish believer that are considered that we have it wrong. What can we do really, but that little group of believers change the world. Every imagine the Greek and Roman them how entrenched it was at every level, education, and religion. Military and government, and the leave the Christian church completely to 300 years, but still they did it only so what if you would've told that world earlier. You're all going to abandon the gods of Greece and Rome and you're gonna turn and believe in the Jewish thought and worship the God of Baybrook of Isaac, and Jacob, as revealed through Jesus Christ.

But I would've laughed at you before they killed you.

That's what happened. That was of my old earth that that that the that's what we need to get assistant Russell Sahara yet Carol we talk about America North America being post-Christian European post-Christian so you don't accept that that's the final word, but we were Christian in certain ways. Now the post-Christian and that's the end of the story. Young set that is the end of the story. No way have them by God. God the father. What a ride it on and done painting you write and we are going be more and more and more and I think that the hate that we had over the last year. It got caring mother and father.

There younger one keep on going.

God is on the move again better. It looked like it or not it.

There pocket ringing up everywhere. John and Dolly that that guy I wait let your friend all over the world different pocket though it's not one plate you.

We want to be offended because you just let it go through times though hello yeah hey listen, friends, God is doing amazing things around the world is in question, and he's done amazing things in our lifetimes. This realist a John, not muscle. We bear witness to it as eyewitnesses stories that will blow your mind. God did it. What can we do that to prepare. That's what the book is about preparing Lori, Carolyn not only took practically back. What can we do to prepare. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown I'm speaking with past John and Carol not famous for the Toronto outpouring and in their 70s and going strong.

Their new book preparing for the glory getting ready for the next wave of Holy Spirit outpouring. Let me start with an area of concern. It's been raised about a false gospel or compromise gospel or hyper grace gospel, how I enter.

You raise some concerns and warnings in the book how to those warnings tie in with preparing for what God is about to do other question I think we need to be omitted the word.

Realizing that there is no dichotomy there word written by the spirit or an yet wet when you flow with the grace of God that does not in any way.

Take away the need to be true to what Scripture teaches and we want to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. All fired from beginning to end. Not something where you decide what God what is the Bible is ample testimony of it though gold by all look the whole book.

Jesus said it easier for heaven and earth about the way that one laughter of the law. They told me that's pretty amazing. And yes, so we we love the root of the word of God love that the love and break message that father's heartbreaking love but we see them going together strengthening each other about that part of it that we get ready Dr. Brown or what Army I think were were looking at second Chronicles 714 five people. Although many humbled himself by faith turn away from wicked ways away here from heaven. He's going to hear and dinner. Forgive and move so on RN do all those thing but I don't sitting passively waiting passively, we need to get going. What we already have because I think it's a little much for all we are faithful with what God has already given a you will give us more public demand on the kingdom work. We need more builder believe it. We are where are we doing yard work primary bump of daughter about chaos.

Someone is one of the words of advice that she given Carol maybe can comment on this is stay hungry for God by maintaining a passionate desire to encounters press the matter how spiritually dry would distant you feel less the challenge when you feel dry and distant. You don't really feel like pressing enter going after God and you know when you're tired your your less motivated to do things so so Carol, how I stay hungry hot hot hot ally stay in that place where where I'm not content with dry bread like I call it call it aerating tell the president of the Lord came down but out before the Lord, Bangalore. I am coming you I love you were sick you and that you love me and I find it comfortable by and put on and worship music that drives my heart laughed again and and whether I feel like it or not it out sometime after that they will get in line.

Mine get in line. I gave it many really really dry but if we you actually execute you to crack can really help cultivating our first blob that we got burnt out got hired got permanent glory. Here I am I dry I don't like it. Have you be on and she just want you to come and not clearly not.

But whenever Jack have like now your time, give him 15 minutes and that 15 minute event. Ernie becomes so sweet to half an hour and and beyond of John Lavi letting him lock and then there we go and intercede and pray for Al Milligan meet that are around the world. But our love affair with him. My comfort so not just workers and servants and busy bees we are. We are lovers of gone out of that love for God and God's love for us flows a life of service and activity. Yeah that that what what I love it that in the book. In preparing for the glory. Is it such as visionary, it's practical your your your inspiring you telling people what steps they can take an and regardless what's happening out there. Things can happen in each of our lives personally, John.

Another point in the book pressing for deeper experiences with the spirit by feeding yourself on supernatural testimonies of God's word so would get comment on that last week we were in Norway and through circumstances. We met after a couple of her name on it was all precious young couple, but she was bound up by your long and when he became the senior leader in their church freaked out this book.

I'm a nurse, I Speak in front of people and terrified that I won't be speaking. I won't be teaching it won't be this won't be that but I'll support you and that was younger, understanding they had been so bound up by fear and then it got to where major migraine headaches were part of her daily life, but she was just crying out God and through a set of circumstances.

She came to the conference. We had Daniel find another auto and you were there. She got really touched the back of and then another speaker at their church is normal.Amber by the Holy Spirit And long story short, she spent three days and three nights shaking and vibrating and being turned upside down and inside out by the power God. So now you radical woman can't wait to get up to the crowd and felt her all the old country. They need to get right with God.

God is powerful and why are by his big night, yeah, have love it. Yes, I have been at this long enough to see now, 10, 20 years later people burning bright people still transformed bring forth the fruit and looking people sound shaking for three days. Look prophets Romans he can completely overwhelm for week after encountering God.

It makes sense. In fact, if you really encounter them. It makes sense.

All right, one lesson I've only got two minutes old friends get the book preparing for the glory getting ready for the next wave of Holy Spirit outpouring and I know we could tell about this for hours but just give us a little minute insight embrace the fear of the Lord. The key that will unlock an increase of glory manifestations unusual miracles of Holy Spirit fire.

Well, I think when you stop and Victor had to Imperial. I will ruin your day with giving Andrew in your court rating and you begin to open yourself up to that natural encounter I find an and become stronger and stronger.

And don't get distracted and that I craft in don't like crowded out. God wants to move the power of the lives of people in nature detected deeply. That will never name and that's what happened to so many of the book, but for All all you possibly revolutionize in one encounter limit were married, all I really believe counter. I really believe in being billed again and again. Then you walk it out in a relationship. I do know that we try to do. We love it and I think, not only at yeah and well and that you don't like your thing earlier in program about Bobby Gray, their hyper great whenever God only God laugh and he doesn't want to put on outward holding at it in word only on Brantford in our love affair with an and I think the then anti-pouring out for more that kind of thing going to be happening MAG so it look is the Holy Spirit smoothly and I missed you think would be conformed to God's holy heart and image again.

John Carroll reading the book encourage my heart because I said you you're not novices, and you're full of hope and expectation that what's ahead preparing for the glory. John, thanks so much for joining us today,