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Would Jesus Vote?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
September 12, 2018 4:30 pm

Would Jesus Vote?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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September 12, 2018 4:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 09/12/18.

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I got an honest question for you.

If Jesus was born in America in the 21st-century rather than Judea in the first century we vote. If so, how would he vote for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire. Now, like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown facility thing you think Jesus would vote if he was born into American 21st-century state of first century Judea, thinking vote, would he be registered with a political party. If he voted with the tell you how he voted when he endorsed candidate interesting questions know this is Michael Brown.

Thanks for joining us today on the line of fire. Here's number to call to answer these questions at the bottom of the hour will be joined by guest is going away in the number to call 866-34-TRUTH 866-348-7884. What is your opinion coming up to the midterm elections nation is in massive division over what's coming, divided between liberal and conservative between Democrat and Republican for Trump against Tromp, etc. if Jesus was alive today, the one who told us to appease a life course. He lives forever but I'm saying if he was physically in the body here like he was in first century Judaism, would he vote when he get involved in the political process at all. We vote secretly and not tell anyone we want everyone to know how he was voting would he not vote because he's from another kingdom and another realm of his kingdom is not of this world or would he simply render to Caesar what they want to Caesar. Similarly not required to vote required to pay taxes yes but it's a responsibility to stewardship. We've been given.

We know that if all Christians sat out from all elections are nation we going many ways that are wrong and destructive and negative and harmful and contrary to God's best interest for humanity.

If we did get involved in vote. Understanding that the political process is only part of the process and if America is to be changed or transformed. It's going to be through the gospel, not through politics. Politics has its place, but politics is not the gospel but if you don't vote at all. Then you can have all because the consequences are not happy with and your kids and grandkids will have to deal with if we do vote we make the mistake of putting too much emphasis hope in the political process would Jesus have set an example to follow.

Or would he have been transcendent here just like the great majority of us are called to marry, but he remained single with me being different but say hey in this case, don't follow my example I can take either side of vote for either party. Because I know the hearts of men to deeply.

However however you should vote because as part of your responsibility. What you think. What's your take 86634 before we get into this a little more deeply before I share some things having to do with Christians in the political world today.

Couple things I'm getting texts messages from family members, friends in different parts of American even different parts of the world say hey were praying for you. Have you evacuated yes we are currently based in North Carolina, but we are not in the part of North Carolina where there are mandatory evacuations or people are fleeing for their lives. So for example I was scheduled to do an event Monday night and a college campus in Wilmington, North Carolina, was scheduled to meet with a Christian apologetics group on campus Sunday night and then to do an outreach event Monday and I talked about homosexuality in the church, etc. and that had a beak canceled. Wilmington is in the direct at this point in the direct path of the hurricane and is coastal so we are is a good way in from the coasters concern about the hurricane slowing down into staying and dumping a lot of rain and heavy winds to potential flooding. That's the concern where we are and all I know to do at times like this you prepare we can prepare fact I'm scheduled to be out of town had it read you some fights it and that there's nothing that the need for at home right now, but at times like this where you can prepare you prepare but where you need to evacuate, you evacuate, but otherwise just ask God have mercy God have mercy. You say, do you believe God is set in the hurricane's judgment on America or Julie the hurricane is a work of the devil to destroy or do you believe this is just part of a fallen messed up world or is part of climate change and we brought it on.

Or is it just everything that happens has a divine purpose and hurricane is no different than a sunny day. I have nothing definitive to say about that except to recognize is terribly destructive to recognize how small human beings are at times like this to recognize that for God this massive hurricane which carries more energy and at the what cities use a repeat of years that that this is the God less than just us going at his breathing so it reminds me always of how frail we are, how great God is and how much we are dependent on his mercy, regardless of the cause of the storm be a natural.

Supernatural knowledge of one interesting question I may pursue it tomorrow.

There are authors and teachers who have pointed out that there is often an amazing parallel between natural disasters in America and America betraying Israel and that it's a sign from God that he is not pleased when we do that in many pointed to America, putting pressure on Israel to get out of Gaza, which forced thousands of Jews who live there for years to be uprooted physically or brutally mean that the soldiers idea of having to literally drag people away because they did not want to be uprooted, and now they were ripping decent and kind of homeless Israel in the months that followed immediately after the Katrina hit you. So, how can that be miss affair with the people in Louisiana and Mississippi have to do with what America did with Israel, and so on. But some before it happens is watch some's gonna happen. We really sinned against Israel.

The next thing we had hundreds of thousands of homes in America. I'm not making a case either way I'm raising that because no sooner do we say to the PLO where you shut your Embassy down because you're not working for peace and an America standing with Israel in one thing after another recent months, then why the hurricane is just a question when someone else to do. Guatemala loose its embassy to Jerusalem, and has a major earthquake, so I am not pooh-poohing the possibility that natural disasters tie in with spiritual causes in the earth. I'm simply saying if that's the case what happened here. This seems to be the opposite.

Then with the hurricane stop in its tracks and turnaround just dissipated.

See and be the end of the story. We could say all there was divine intervention because of our standing with Israel, so I'm not being a skeptic or a marker nor my finding a theology or epistemology. Rhonda line all these things up and say they all work like you do. Either this thing.

I have some questions.

I have some questions. By the way just looking down my screen and seeing a caller from Jacksonville, Florida, gobbling this Saturday I'll be in Tennessee with Alex McFarland and I believe Josh McDowell and others at the trees for new generation apologetics conference so fly in a day early to get there. Hopefully before the hurricane weather stops fights then we had a reroute my flight to get me over to Jacksonville Florida room scheduled to speak Sunday morning on the church in key cultural issues at new life Church in Jacksonville to frame around there and you're free Sunday morning drawing. It's on my itinerary gobbling all be able to get in and out despite the storm alright so and you know you do on the giveaway.

A free copy of my new book on Pres. Trump. It's due out October 23. I just started reading it out loud earlier for the audiobook and I'm really enjoying reading and I've never ridden audiobook before every parts of my writings, but never actually a book. So just to get the right feel and was going over with Nancy earlier and reading some sections and she said no that's not the best way to do it. Try to do it like this, so try to get in the way that it it's my voice. Of course, if you get my voice my heart that the same am just talking to you now that you get it is him reading the book to you. Those that like audiobooks, but in a moment to give away a free copy of the hardcover edition member reprinting exclusive hardcover edition skipping number the first 500 copies number in the room assigned them and so whoever you are assigned to personal prescription reference in there and sign it and will be numbered. You only get that through our ministry. The signed preordered numbered copy so that the website asked her to run SK DR but in a moment were going to give away a free hardcover copy when it does come out, so I'll tell you what Howard, if you're ready, let's do this. Caller number seven caller number seven 866-34-TRUTH 87884 caller number seven nuclear free copy of my book.

Donald Trump is not my Savior and evangelical leader speaks his mind about the man he supports as president: number seven and will get that book out you when it comes out to be somewhere mid October. Alright let's go to the phones in Jacksonville, Florida Raymond, thanks for joining us on the line for what your take on Jesus. Voters should Christians be involved in politics what you take Dr. Brown thank you for having me on an honor to be on your show today of met you in times past with biblical concepts ministry we teach biblical principles of civil government so I would say absolutely it's not so much what would Jesus do because you report God in flesh, it's more of what would he have us do want to make sure your listeners understood them. Surely do but there's three institutions that God created family, which is God created male and female in Genesis chapter 1, the church, which in Matthew 16 upon this rock I build my church, but what many Christians don't understand is the third institution of civil government. And you know that clear in the election process is actually straight.

Our founding fathers got it straight from The Exodus and 18 and it clearly says a To quote I like running out jumping will come back and inside of the break. I want to close this and of the seven friends we have literacy skills because the wing of the leveler. Thank you would like that. Talk more about Jesus have us do with voting and political involved. It's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown, the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown and his friends to join us today on the line of fire. Yes question about evangelical involvement Christian involvement in the political scene.

On the one hand, it's a it is a swamp. Come on is watching the hearings for Justice Cavanaugh. Think of the swamp of DC and the political partisanship in the nodes. I'll do this review. Do me that favor in all the stuff that existed. I'm sure this corruption on different levels. Power corrupts money corrupts is a swamp on the other hand, if we don't get involved at all.

There is no question that things will degenerate, morally, culturally, that our liberties will be taken away and we are in a situation were not serving a monarch and we we have no recourse. We have no power. We have great power, because we can vote. We put too much trust in the political process work that out. 86634 so let's go back to Raymond and Jack so far you about the quote from Exodus 18.

This is, as Jethro was counseling Moses. Because Moses was counseling all the people and try to meet the needs of all the people in Jethro's is a you work yourself to death. If you do this so that the user appointment later that many Christian do not realize that civil government is a biblical institution in our founding fathers set up our constitutional republic, according to Scripture and I went to prayer and they study the Scriptures and they found the formula for our government and -1821 out quote. Moreover out of the King James.

Moreover thou shalt provide out of all of the people in here here for point to look at at at at a candidate for provide. Out of all the people able men, such as fear God ministries that hate covetousness in place such over them to be rulers of falcon hundred and 50 and 10. So here you see the election. You see for biblical qualifications for elected leaders and judges have be that very common fence gotta be an able man what you can debate what it means to say, such as fear God. I believe it God-fearing Christian men should be leaders, doesn't mean they will be in a fallen world.

But God number three men of truth, when I give this presentation in churches. Most people laugh at Nineveh truth. My buddy think of their elected official of the truthful person, but that the founding fathers and why they set up the government noticed that quite such over them to be rulers of thousands hundred 50s and 10 and therefore that's where we came up with the federal, state and local government. Now Raymond just to jump in, obviously studied this and looked at this is this is deduction you've made while this must come from Exodus 18 is highly broken down or is there evidence that the founding fathers looked at this verse for some of them did and it played into how they then lay things out.

I believe you like to quote everything obviously out quote a big fan of student of of yourself and David Barton and other great leaders. So I think that from what I've seen him he cannot quote and excited at the fact that look this. I don't have somebody throw out on the spur of the moment, but yet I think it's obvious that this is where it came from Yunnan. I noted they study.

I know that they prayed and this is the formula that we have got it right – and there may be more to it. I was asking more of curiosity because as I sit at a decent amount, but not in massive death.

In fact, I'm just thinking over to my right.

I just got a new book in real big fat book maybes within the 1800s early 1900s, but it goes back to the civil institutions in America and is claiming biblical origin from one after another after another so so the sources may be in there but Raymond one last question for you. You read off those qualifications and now were voting is 2016 and its Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, could we have voted for either of them based on those characteristics and qualities. How do you sort that out because your encouraging Christians to be involved in the political process, you're saying these are guidelines that founding fathers may well have gone by and yet it's pretty difficult to vote for too many people based on the criteria are correct, but again it goes back to and and I get in the debt, a gram but because back to looking at the qualification of the candidate inviting your biblical values does this candidate and party represent biblical values if you're looking at the issues are like our lives are like for traditional marriage religious freedom unit also on about 4.8 Raymond, I appreciate and what was the name of your misty work again biblical concepts ministries BCM If I can quote Walmart Scripture in Proverbs and verse 20 nonintrusive that when the righteous rule, the people rejoice, but when the wicked Barrett ruled the people mourned good good Scripture to keep in mind for the yet and and the Proverbs is giving us timeless principles. This is not a matter of Old Testament law or customs that are timeless principles. Thank you Raymond right before we go back to the phones with you momentarily give away one more copy of my new book coming out. Donald Trump is not my Savior evangelical leader speaks his mind about the many supports present and I wrote the book with the hope that evangelicals could stand for what is right could vote for what is right could be properly involved politically without kind of selling their soul for the president are losing their reputation for him. So if elections were today. I vote the heartbeat for Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, and I would also not be totally associated with Donald Trump. I want to be totally associated with Jesus. There are differences there. So I think the book is can be really helpful to a lot of people right so let's make this caller number eight: number eight, when the book comes out you get a free copy of the hardcover yeah hardcover that our ministry will be having specially printed: number 88663487884 we go back to the phones in Durham, North Carolina Sir Robert how do you come to me Sir Sir Robert Lombardo school all will that good for her notion. My own outer Lord Thomas, are you serious you. I'm sure you're serious.


Also, Robert, that's your name. Welcome to the broadcast; will thanks you don't have what your take yeah I don't vote and I was specifically about what you he already has a well-established role in the process, you point rulers and all the government. The job deciding that in a greater scale. It is certain that he already about that another aspect of that is that he wouldn't have to vote for candidate based on knowledge of them.

He has a much higher demand on his shoulders, which is the mental Provident so he's arranging for a not terribly picking the best book on the gospel of the country leader you know you thank you that Nebuchadnezzar over over Israel had to to accomplish purposes in a different for the good of the country as we would think of it that's right got it all right so sleep pursue this for second so obviously as as divine as Dorothy sets up kings remove skins Daniel to etc. he's looking out with an eternal perspective, what we might think is the worst thing he might know in 20 years will end up being the best thing. It was like a chess match with billions of movable pieces, but what if I just press it looks like looks like we lost Sir Robert there okay so, great, great point. Great call. Great point.

Let me just pursue them but we do have a winner. Thank you.

You have a winner so let me just pursue this side when Jesus was in the flesh in this world.

PH drank. He slapped Pete he did what human beings did because he was fully human and fully God. So the question would be, as for his humanity would give participated in the voting process. That's the question that that I would've asked to somehow lost our caller. I'm sure you have a response for that as well.

But here's here's the big thing for me okay what ever we do, we must first and foremost be disciples. Whatever we do, we must first and foremost be men and women of faith. Whatever we do, we must first and foremost be identified with Jesus now. I understand that the left-wing media.

The moment we vote for Donald Trump will want to make that initiative so that you voted for him over every year we listen to what you are listening to me before, let's let's be honest let's say that I left of the biggest voice of the nation euro, but let's just say that that I got everybody knew all the big you know, talk shows secular liberal media. They all knew I said I would not vote for Donald company to some extent. I will not vote for Donald Trump. Again, I would direct our regret having voted for you think they will be sent all Dr. Brown.

Please tell us more about your book a queer thing happen to America we really want to know what you don't recognize gay marriage. All please tell us what you believe that the abortionist is murdering an unborn baby it we really want to hear your views about another practice suddenly open up to us all what you tell us what you believe Jesus is the only way to salvation really intrigued by that no no. So I understand is my latest article you read on and other places Chrisman news and other place or what sadistic about its out one news. Now it's out all over my my latest article where where I talk about how the the laughs hatred of Mike pence VP Pentz undermines it's it's hatred of Donald Trump was. I don't doubt that Donald Trump is done much to give critics fuel for the five S. that I don't deny that. Not for a split second.

Let's realize that if VP Pentz was in town. He was the president of the things Donald Trump done just the same as a conservative Christian right back where we will file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown is so and on about Jesus and politics. I asked this question what you think. If Jesus was here in the flesh today is an American citizen, just as he was once assisted today. We normally vote in the elections. 47% on twitter suggests 29% said no.

24% said not sure Esther same question on Facebook but I can only get yes or no options.

55% suggest Jesus would normally vote 45% said he witnesses a few thousand votes total and then I asked just a little bit before the show today a little different question I said on twitter my guest today and a lot of fire claims that Jesus was politically active and therefore our churches should be is one other member.

A small majority said they believe that Jesus would vote if you were citizen in America today than Mike.

Now my statement question will be different.

I guess today I modify claims that Jesus was politically active and therefore churches should be as well. Do you agree 11%. Only 11% said I agree. Interesting is 72%.

I disagree 3%. Things are different now 14%. Their choice was other of the four choices I gave in. This is only the first few scores of votes coming in, but with that, this is Michael Brown and I want to introduce my guest Neil Mammon by day and engineer by night and apologist his website. No blind He has quite an interesting history. Born in Ghana grew up in Jamaica, Sue, Don, Ethiopia Indian Yemen's ancestry is from the March home a Christian church in India.

This validates the Christian heritage. The 51 A.D. when the apostle St. Thomas preached the gospel in India he wrote a book a few years back.

Actually eight years back. Dr. Frank Couric recommended the book to me and recommended Neil as a guest over quite a few months back and somehow pulled over year ago never got Neil scheduled and then when I was in California speaking recently we ran into each other and absolute estimate we got to have you on the air, especially especially now. So Neil Mammon's book Jesus is involved in politics.

Why aren't you. Why isn't your church. Neil, welcome to the line of fire. That's quite the provocative titles are meant to rewrite and if you look at your survey only. It turned out, it really not very because 11% of your surveys that you or redistributed, and the rest something to be effective no right is that because of the brainwashing that we American Christians have experienced a little out 50 some years everything the Johnson amendment. Alright so so let me play somebody's advocate. The devils advocate some ice advocate, other than holding to your position right so I'll throw out some of the standards thinking Jesus said, my kingdom is not of this world if it was of this world by servants with fight for it. Paul wrote that we are citizens of heaven. We understand were in this world not of this world, that the whole world is under the power of the evil one that just like slaves are to submit to Masters were to submit to the ruling authorities and leave our cases in God's hands. We get political.

We get dirty we get messy. We end up leaning on the arm of the flesh. It's best just to leave politics to the politicians and let us preach the gospel.

I'm sure you've heard that more than once all your sorry yeah we need to realize that we should be happy that Kristin got involved in politics.

In fact, even a piercer be accurate. Christian got involved Baltic because it only because the Christians are got in politics that slavery was damp that the selling of children looked down that the labor of children with the killing of twin been doing after the believe that if you had twin good with the bad luck and they would kill book the 20 g of the Christian got along Baltic effect in Scandinavia. It was legal to kidnap your wife and or bride and forced her to marry Bambrick of the Christian got bumped all the laws over the years and you'll see every case, it was almost almost every casework of the Christian got involved in politics and said this is not a good idea. This is not a godly moral. We've got to change the law and fact, we have a we are surrounded by those thousands of laws, outdoor abandonment, forced prostitution, temple prostitution, child prostitution Nordic letter to Mortal Kombat like we can go down the line. I may we say Christian should not be involved Baltic birthing all those laws should not be on the books and it should be legal to child prostitution. It should be legal to abandon your elders in the wild should be illegal. It should be legal to kidnap someone and forced him to marry the right of just look at that and Yuri like WHAT about in your native country or country margins.

India the influence of William Carey and the laws there is that another exam right you to himself. He was was a law that said that the induced current sacrifice can affect what could throw the widows on their husband's funeral pyre and a lot of time to serve the 16-year-old girl with an fortnight of his eight-year-old man he died late sore on the fire on the cremation fire and got the goodness that blame Jerry showed up. It is not a good idea not the only thing you politics is modeled upon the end of right and even today they'd be into non-Christian hold is a good value and I say that you know we we have so it part of society. It's that that even a kiss don't want child prostitution. Dave adopted our moral they have taken Christian capital and they I was an argument one day would a guy and he said are you telling me that in order for Christians.

I worked, I would.

I would have slaves and I was going to discriminate against people and I would murder people. I just that I don't it's their stupid Bible to tell me to do that. Well, maybe not the murder part. You tell me which AQS went and fought against slavery. You tell me what Dave gets went by guest lecturer, which you tell me which it is when a fight against discrimination and things like that. I could primary fighter. The people change laws will Christian and you you adopted our moral capital you infect your doctorate so much you think it's yours. You did need the Bible to cellular) some speaking with Neil Mammon. His book Jesus is involved in politics. Why aren't you. Why isn't your church okay so so let's first break this down and and start with Scripture you've given to me but are very compelling examples you're giving to me. Examples of why I do some of what I do in terms of speaking out and addressing moral and cultural issues. To me it's just what disciples do you know I say the great commission is to go make disciples. The question is how disciples live but it's it's a pretty simple answer for me but God's people. Believers with prescription people were biblically based people as much as you're giving to me scriptural reasoning can can you give me of verse or two that support your viewpoint. Sure like what you write. Yeah, a lot of people say what you think of all politics. He never drank with aroma logging out.

I note on vulnerable log book. But if you if you think about the refund you again think involved in the law. The problem is because you are the Roman Senate to other students and little Judy) imagine when we were governing Iraq longer owns a government when we were governing Iraq putting a Rocky so that have come here and voted a run for office are got involved, not Baltic, legally no direct your energy.

Unless you were giving Hillary Clinton $300,000 per speech here.

What is your legal you will not be allowed to wait even though not a lot get involved in Rome. Baltic, but did have his own politics well who ran Judea aroma: we were governing Iraq Iraq. We governed it at the top level and we let the local politicians do that what you are to do everything right so the Jews have their own government that lawmakers had get a police report even after one of the equipment of our present you with the commander of the armed forces that would. So that entire structure going anywhere. Why would they need to make quality already have the Torah won't know about the Constitution out of the Constitution. Just like in our laws will Constitution.

We have left a lot and so weak and the real problem is how to interpret the Constitution and how do you come up with the level left a lot like you. When is chicken refresher. One of the frozen can think like that and so did Jesus have those kind of people I didn't have senators and representatives right so we… Question book who were making a lot of money for the other party that made law and was called the Sanhedrin remembered. He knows that the Sanhedrin means assembling which of the name given to this Council 71 Jewish stager will constitute the Supreme Court and legislative body weight for this symbolic thought their Supreme Court ambulation about your lawmakers the recommended view of the Senate. You, the people who make God Judea law okay well okay then it will who were members of the Sanhedrin who were these people and didn't you never talk to the people or hopefully you got her all about 30 seconds. I know you are Dr. Braddock, 32nd animate or the names while they were called Barry and that now we see that you not only involve the politicians all the time, but either yelling at them he's telling them things is condemning them is calling me names like at a friend of the death nightmare but you should not call apologies and they recommend installing what you wanted to comment on something Piper driving graves will save you from tell you, but Dublin felt right thing that you correct my credit of the politicians that had no problem doing that and received further that he is not talking about the spiritual laws you talking about their political law. Remember you said you forgot the most important think of the law.

Mercy judgment for what Mark noncognitive thing that you kick that murky under the law. What about Doug when you cannot highlight God love you have time to talk judgment under the law that they were passing the people that what about Facebook Facebook got no use trying my Facebook life that you forgotten the original intent of the stop loss. It would make the man. Not man-made. You taking the wriggling catalog you will recall an originalist friends listening to Neil Mammon MAM and E and the book Jesus is involved in politics. Why are you why isn't your church website.

No blind new covers a wide range of apologetic issues that we vest them to focus on this hate.

II got a few more questions for my guest here who, as you see is not intimidated in the least by being asked this because he's got some deep conviction, but it is different today though because America is not ancient today and noticing a covenant with God. They did to Jesus was involved. There is this was interpreting God's laws for Israel. The Jewish people this way, but that's religious involved in the political involvement do confusing things. Neil so will get Neil a response to that, we come back.

It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown grandson back with Neil Mammon involved in politics want you, why isn't so. Neil obviously an objection that many would raise his look Jesus lived in first century Judea, the Pharisees and Sadducees were ultimately seeking to work out interpret God's law for the people, which is different than America and every other nation, we don't have the same covenant with God that Israel did.

We don't have the same divinely given Constitution of the Torah that Israel did to comparing apples with oranges. How do you respond to that your personal limit give you a verse by the way, you just revert 31 let let every person be subject to subject to the governing authority but because there is no authority except from God, and know that I just stood by's where the players and right dear brother Donnelly look at instead or she is there authority to tour for you. God's servant for your good, if you do wrong. We are afraid, but he does not bear the sword in vain thought you persona God and inventor who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer to show their great clearing the government that there to protect the right of the people there right and then it says that whoever the authority of the God of the point right now. Here we see right away that in the American system for applying so much more than in the unit. Do you know getting involved in the Jewish this was with a theocracy and they didn't. You go through this whole document, even though that a lot of the American commitment is what I want. Don't have time to cucumber, but what we see here is that Sharon says of the authorities of those that came from God. Now the question is, in America we have the opportunity to review authority. It's not like coming out funky. I write letters we don't have a theater in America we don't have art you don't work either.

The market, the Constitution, right couldn't weep like a leader to reflect I mean by that technically you are good.

We commit to honor and bestowing to become a lawmaker right you're the Constitution that your finger on either of the Constitution, so we are going to be subservient to anything besides God is going to be our Constitution means we should be there to protect and uphold and therefore in our case that American we can run for office. We can become the governing authorities and so there's nothing that violates Scripture in any of that night. Here the question why did God give of the law to gather the laws to protect the last thing the law I may look at 10 commands the first four are love God elastic to love your neighbor right to make laws right love God love you how to love our neighbor. God gave us those laws to protect that if you eat when we buy liquor laws.why are you doing such a stupid thing every loan regarding your with your traffic sign stop sign. We don't think of stuff I'm there because they didn't want to. We think outside of that, because they wanted to protect us from killing somebody protect me from killing or worse from Carol. I think some the rights of the mother that protected and we finally pose a lot of people get hurt every time the people you the same way God gave us his loss of protective service when nation legislates moral laws line up with God's laws will they be happier yet to be healthier. Yeah.

And guess what one of the nation doesn't who suffers first, not the rich wealthy not being frontal, the poor, the orphans of the note and the children sat is why we we love our neighbors second commandment. We have to make sure that our laws align with God law lullabies were going to go to the school are not about law destroys families. It destroys people. It increases all the problems society. In fact, I would find my book. I show knowledge on the hundreds of law that we can also show how that most of our economic problems are caused by moral problem is we change the moral laws and we will actually save millions of not billions and billions not tens of billions over the years of tax money and income all that stuff and and will to save up what about the simple slogan refrain that you've heard endlessly but you can't legislate morality so we can all overemphasis their unit we stop preaching the gospel start stop praying. We think that we can just get the right Supreme Court justice in order to get this political leader elected to get this law change we can bring about morality. You can't. You can't legislate morality, right well so I had a friend who goes here in Silicon Valley and then shared in the day you mentioned whenever friend would like three topics together and to graduate from Stanford were out to lunch one day. I'm talking about abortion. Abortion is wrong and he finally convinced of them got yet you're killing a human being and the character that's fine.

I agree will, but you can like it.

Morality, I might almost choke my right hand you got immunity from Stanford. You're a smart person. Can you give me one example of a law is not based on moral value of your moral value might be something else but is based on a more about thinking and thinking and I start the site to help them. I say well how about murder make a mild thinking think you will. How much do you know because you're not helping you find it comes up with one a certain Mother's Day.

That's not based on the moral value might talk commandment) the moral value excuse or not she could be any day… Everything is based on more about my love.

Your mother treats the might be helped Hitler glossary be like yours. My mother three permit and answer the cost of the doctors in the past 30. None of those who should be like thing the laws of nature and of nature's God. Salary law is based on a moral value again transit if you're considering things you haven't consented to suggest the politics of dirty Christmas. Don't get involved in politics week we muddier with this we get involved in politics and now it now you're suddenly seeing everything completed differently because politics just know the Spirit of life in which we get involved. My last question is this got a few minutes.

Obviously could go on for hours with each question but but Neil if if you could answer this and in three minutes or less. What mistakes have we made have we at times can store hopes to one party or have we put too much trust in the political system more or traded.

Our witness receipt at the table and have we made any mistakes along the way or have we just withdraw much, and that's a consequence, what we we make hundred mistakes on the dog will continue to make them but the worst mistake we could make its withdrawal right because then you get abdicating all of the more lost people and I after Chris wrapped it look we know that God law the cure for our benefit not only of your mind.

Also, the criminals, and that people knew more people walk out a lot of everyone not just a Christian, but if you are not in Congress. If you're not lacing laws and the laws will be made by people who hate God's moral law.

How can you be so unloving to allow that to happen.

How can you be on so unloving to let people who actually hate God more lots will already come to the table with an idea that I'm not likely that way and you end up it's like you're purposely letting somebody destroy your nation any help. After that I'm an immigrant right. I came here from Yemen. We were kicked out of Yemen's longsword and the thought, but my doctor the Bible to someone younger Muslim right so which melted butter way, but we got out my data political context but so so we came. You're right. I came marinated in my parents can later but here we are in the country and you come face-to-face regardless and you die something God looks at you pastor and said look I gave your nation with the greatest sending nation the world of the Gail evangelical walked through the great I mean nobody is ever funded mission document.

I know we spent money as much of the mathematics at that meeting seated cavity like he was a great nation state had everything in it and what did you do with let it become a nation is sending out a rental needed instead of sending out money we needed money instead of being the source for freedom and telling people… Folks, it became a place that is oppressing people. It's a place of freedom and justice. It was a place where you can even bake a cake with a good conscience. What did you do with what I gave castaway take away even what I've given you and send you into outer darkness, do we really want to tenant; that day and so I say look at Christian. This is your responsibility in America.

God gave him some name and country. I came here I asked Jake to come here, you need to give me and so one way of August to the prayer so that you do and all that you gotta start like a book club, you gotta start like teaching people you got this is your job.

You need to Freedom to the Next Generation. You Need to Be Involved.

You Need to Be Involved in Topic Altogether Dirty, but Your Crops Are Dirty Cops out There about Placement. We Say All of Policing about No Questions Quickly about Soldiers with No Other Note, Christian Should Be in the Army yet Another Lots of Bad People out There A Lot Of Times We Don't Definitely See Bad People That Live Your Christian the to Be a Well Philanderer, and I'm Corrupt Right but That Doesn't Mean That We Abandon It Because They Look We Better Be Careful, More Careful about the Person of the Guitar Lack. I Always Say Individual Should Connect and Help with People but Purchase Never to Use Stretcher Never Endorsed a Person the Church of Endorsed a Principle of Moral Value and Work with.but Not a First Answer That God Is Going to Hold Accountable for What We Did with This Amazing Nation. I Think I Got a Jump in. We Are Out Of Time, My Guest, Whom I'm Sure You Will Hear from Again.

Neil Mammon's Website. No Blind Faith. It's All One Word, No Blind Covering a Wide Range of Other Issues Is Another Book Who Is Agent X Proven Science and Logic Shows More Rational Think God Exists.

Discussing Thesis Is Involved in Politics. He, Neil, I Got a Dear Friend Who Is a Very Different Take on This Is Discussed. Today I Got a Get You on the Air to Have a Debate Going on Day All. Trust Me, It Would Be Awesome. God Bless You Neil God Bless You Friends