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Jewish Insights Into the Word

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
October 15, 2018 2:11 pm

Jewish Insights Into the Word

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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October 15, 2018 2:11 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 10/11/18.

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Wall an exciting new Jewish Bible applicant to talk about today on thoroughly Jewish Thursday stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown welcome welcome to our thoroughly Jewish Thursday broadcast how many levels of interpretation are there of the Scripture. Many levels of meaning are there in the Bible is just one and one only reads the sky the limit. Talk about that today as we talk about interpreting the Jewish Scriptures will take your calls any Jewish related question is related to the Hebrew Scriptures related to the Hebrew language related to messianic prophecy or Jewish background to the New Testament related to sick Christians in the law related to Israel today in the nations will talk about that also terrorism again in Israel. In recent days want to talk about that the resigning of Nikki Haley was done an unbelievable job. A shockingly bold and open job calling out the UN and the nations of the world for their anti-Semitism, so she delict deserves our appreciation and then the bottom of the hour will be joined by Dr. Jeff's life, new exciting Bible app be launched in Jerusalem today so want to talk about. And again, your calls, 86634. Truth is number to call right before we take your calls and I share the most recent attack against me by a religious Jew online.

Let me just take a moment and ask you to give me your best year and one SQ simple question is our ministry worth to you a dollar a day or more simple question. Is it worth to you a dollar a day or more. The daily radio show the lifestream on video. All the videos that we put out all the articles that we put out all the sermons and teachings and messages all available to you for free. Is that worth to you a dollar a day or more. I think most itself is worth a whole lot more. I would hope so because by God's grace were seeking to really minister to and quality white. The next question can you spare a dollar a day. Can you make that work in your budget semi-sockets for $10 a day. Others 100 day others can even scrape the three cents a day. There was a different place.

I'm asking you. Everyone that can stand with us or even to step out in faith and stand with us to become a torchbearer. One of our monthly support is the work were doing is of great importance by God's grace. It's his calling.

He gets the credit and the glory for anything good but run the front lines of reaching Jewish people with the good news. The Messiah just the other day that the text of someone else. Another Jewish man coming to faith in Jesus while reading the real kosher Jesus. We got some amazing opportunities to get some of our key messages out all over Israel on TV and in written form and online incredible open-door some of its happening already run the frontline standing for righteousness in the society helping equip for us to do this around the country around the world help us stand with grace and truth dealing with the culture wars and some other things as were raising up labors and send them out to the nations, but we really need your help and support.

We hardly ever ask for this on the radio but I'm coming to say we have some real needs. If you can help us with a one-time gift that would be terrific. We trust God to supply but perhaps is in the supply through you. So, my heartfelt appeal to stand with us today to take a moment go to website instructor SK DR Brown, double-click on donate when you become a monthly support. It gives you free access to online classes. We taught audio and video.

It gives you a 50% discount on our online bookstore. It gives you a discount if you come on in Israel trip with me. It enables you to get certain teachings that that are not available to the general public. You get an insider prayer letter every month and you also get a new audio message for when standing with us with a dollar more per day, $30 more per month become a torchbearer join our support team enemy wildly honest with you here right there are ministries that TB ministries major Christian ministries that have tens of thousands, many, many tens of thousands of monthly support. Some have several hundred thousand monthly supporters and I say, by God's grace we are producing and putting out as much is as any of them or in terms of life-changing material again all by his grace and thank God for every a good ministry on the planet. We need everyone that's preaching Jesus, but we do what we do with this a few hundred.

It's in the hundreds our monthly supporters.

Yeah so are the little team does an amazing amount. I miss you to join our team today would you do that, go to asked Dr. if you like to help us with a one-time gift that would be awesome. Better still, become a monthly torchbearer with 3050 or hundred $500 a month it would really take some pressure off of us and enable us to do what were doing the touch even more people in and here's here's what we we deal with on a daily basis. I just notice this post from a gentleman named Moshe got removed because of the insults we try to not allow that online even if it's attacking me. We try not to align allowed in principle, but he was watching a video. Were I was saying once again throw by Toby Singer. Here's the true story on our debates. And here's the true story about me willing to be willing to debate you again for over 25 years now and been refused on every level.

So here's what he posts. You're like one of those fifth-graders that will find any excuse possible to not do his chores. Assuming everyone and do God's commandments. Shabazz of Sabbath kashrut kosher.

Dr. lost feeling so putting our phylacteries, etc. but you do not and will not because you are a goy and an animal nature that this is a more pleasant attack. We get for uglier things. By the day, but here's what's so interesting about this and I bring it up on through Jewish Thursday number one. The idea that deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me.

Is is the easy way is the cop outweigh having to forgive your enemies and give yourselves to extended times of prayer and fasting and go to places where you will be rejected and hated that that's the that's the easy way out that's that's the first misnomer there. Go ahead and join me take up the cross, crucify the flesh go ahead and join.

Secondly so happens that Shabbat is Shabazz rental observe it in an Orthodox Jewish way don't agree with my newest traditions, but about the gift Shabazz a blessing and kashrut kosher dietary laws act. Actually, I don't need anything is not kosher underneath it, ever, ever, never violate biblical laws and even with rabbinic you know milk and meat.

Can I let's get our I don't have a dairy in my docket sis-fest and fill in if if I thought that's what God was saying in Scripture do the heartbeat through the heartbeat. So the idea that we take the easy way. That's first. The second thing calling me a Gentile is not while so telling me I'm a Jew looking for a copout is a really a Gentile, fascinating, and then an animal by nature so this exposes some extreme Jewish bigotry. This is not the idea of an average Jewish person or secular Judeo meat, but there are some very Orthodox Jews who do believe that a Gentile soul is not the same as a Jewish soul every Orthodox Jew would believe that the Jewish people have been given a special commission a special calling a special responsibility a special burden, but only some would believe that there is a fundamental difference between a Gentile soul in the Jewish soul and in the reliance of teaching of classic rabbis that argue this point that a Gentile soul was as an animal sold by nature so this this poor guy comes to rebuke me really needs to know the Lord. He needs to know the love of God and God's mind blowing love for every human being on the planet. These are the kind of folks that were dealing with, and by God's grace to reach them against everyone but were going to reach them with the gospel and with your help and support to stand with us go right now. If you watch this later on you to Louisiana podcast do it. Take a minute to do it. We really be blessed by you will be blessed because you be sharing in the reward and from all my heart and on behalf of our team. Thank you for your support for standing with us today, 866-34-TRUTH.

Let's go to the phones Philip in savanna Georgia. Welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Brown hydrant today very well thank you sir.

My question is about your Jewish apologetics approach and all its brilliance is not an all Christmas is simply an educational question for me. If you look at the way you approach from bringing the gospel to two Jewish unbelievers. It seems like you really take great caution and care to establish the fee. The harmony between the Christian faith in the Jewish faith how thoroughly Jewish belief in Jesus is the New Testament the original apostles and what they were talking about, however, on the other hand, it is seems like if you watch most apologetics are talking to. For example, 1/80 unbeliever. You'll see them spent a lot of time talking about the historical evidence for the resurrection. The dating of the original documents of the New Testament and secular documentation of Jesus etc. etc. is there a particular reason why you don't empathize. That is much better in and if so would it be more so because of your approach more so because believing Jews doing are not as receptive to that evidence and they don't they disregard for whatever reason you look at it like this, let's say where boxing match and you are famous for having a real devastating right hook right song and make sure my left my left hand is always off my glove is always up is that your big punch right a sort. The deal is that for decades and decades and decades. The main objections that came to me were not what's the historical evidence of the resurrection or what's the dating of the New Testament documents the arguments were that you're making God into a man or man into a God that you're saying God is three but we don't need blood atonement. We don't need the blood of a man. We are saved through God's mercy and Torah observance and we don't need your Jesus. In another words the objections I answered five volumes of answering Jewish objections to Jesus and dialogue.

Since then, hardly ever ever touch on these other issues, that's 12 is that there are other great Christian scholars apologist historians who have provided great data on that so I can just refer people to it, but it's really simple.

There hasn't been a need that hasn't been the nature of the objection or in my analogy that the punch that I'm that I'm blocking or responding to doubt that being said, my I do hope to to write a book about resurrection coming at it from a very different angle somewhere in the next year or two.

I hope to do and get it out where I will touch on it. Evidence and there are some anti-missionaries that have attacked those things. But it's really just it's not the main argument that we get so we're responding to the arguments that we get in trying to show the Jewishness of Jesus in the Jewishness of our messianic release. That's all.

It's not a matter of neglecting one as a matter of responding to questions and issues and arguments and those of the main ones that get a thank you. Great question will be right back over and it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown welcome welcome the line of fire.

This is Michael Brown delighted to be with you. 866-34-TRUTH 784 on this early Jewish Thursday terrorist attack fatal attack the West Bank, Judea, Samaria on Sunday to young Israelis killed the third wounded and is Jerusalem post notes.

It took place at the bar, industrials on a major source of employment for Palestinian so Israelis enhancing the economy and often seen as an area of coexistence and thought talk supposed any leadership. They basically blame it on Israel.

They say that as long as her people remain deprived of rights in their homeland. These things are going to happen. So it's Israel's fault and last week on their homepage thought talk published a post glorifying bowl in the lobby the Palestinian who stabbed two people in the old city in Jerusalem in 2015 calling him the heroic mortar.

This is so reprehensible and ugly terrible loss. Once again, and this is this is why Israel has to do what it does to defend itself or you Israel's far from perfect nation and… Israel do certain things differently. This is the nation simply seeking to protect its own citizens from terror. That's the biggest issue. Things are the way they are the biggest reason they are the way they are, 866-34-TRUTH out. Let's go to Las Vegas, Nevada Deb, welcome to the line of fire thinking about what God concluded me a few because I am married and is ready to not care. Seven. Nightly very important in Calgary company and I would get me going. The conversion care from synagogue when I found quite that completely could battering the well, and I find I know now that I can Batman that they weren't happy so I might in my credit connector in the pocket and the other people to join Israel didn't have to undergo a rabbinic lead authorized conversion, but just going to try and my intention was to join the tribe and I am actually part of my husband, family and extended many family and my son and he went back onto commentary and injury.

The problem I'm looking at you but don't I what what I wanted, of any act of God can go critical continue doing.

I yeah all you what what one interesting amazing story. Can I ask you just a couple questions yet.

Okay first question is, how is this affected your relationship with your husband. I've been pretty bad. He can fit in a great great betrayal in her that it didn't expected oligarch I would earn out to two, 80. He softened over time and he created it and correct me on. It's funny. Ironically, I was actually an atheist before that he remind me to become a Jew can make it.

And of course that is Jewish and is no problem Jewish Buddhist nonproblem Jews for Jesus.

Big problem. Think Rhonda okay and then I'm glad the things things are with AR because it can obviously be a lot worse with the marriage when they've even made it so thank God it's it's gone this far and there's there's always hope for the future. Second question is why does it matter to you and this is not a leading question. This is not meant in any negative way, but why does it matter to you how God sees and that was it.

If you're in Jesus. If you're a daughter of God whether he sees he was Jew or Gentile. What is it matter to me that it would make have a different salvation.

Salvation. Salvation and moral I want to know God and that they are different obligation that now I should be trying to fulfill part of the Jewish nation, and I don't think about not having been out during nation and had: Eric LinkedIn is family conflict and there's no doubt that it would it would create greater harmony, harmony. If I'm considered part of the title to my noted at the market and they would only let me get that right right and I want to know how God continued name. I should be doing it again right so here's here's the bottom line on this obviously there are certain things right can speak for God because of just telling you what the Bible says right in a case like this.

If someone could argue that every born-again believer in Jesus is a spiritual Jew based on Romans to read the text like that but you're asking something deeper than that and and because of the race issue, but Ruth joining joining the people joining their faith right (there is obviously a complete joining of herself to the faith of Israel, whereas we as you join yourself, your husband, but you're not practicing Judaism, I mean the receipt so let there so that we might get one more writing and I could be right that can be his best to be his path to the Lord or conversely, that could create greater conflict of but here's here's here's what I would just suggest you okay two things number one you have joined yourself to the people of Israel heart and soul right that you know I would say the Lord show me the mentality show me how I should think of myself since I have joined myself to the people of Israel, heart-to-heart body, soul, right there, Lord, what is that mean so everyone every Gentile Christian is spiritually join together with every messianic Jew. We are one in the Messiah, but you are joined in a unique way because of your husband because of Israel. So that's raw would start you are someone who is joined body and soul to an heart, mind to the people of Israel to the Jewish people. What does that mean, how should you see yourself identified in the Lord will have to show you the second thing is that I do not believe there would be different requirements put on you by God because I don't believe that a Jew under the new covenant. Even if you were born Jewish that you are required to observe the Sinai covenant or observe traditional Jew lesson, but rather follow God and live the new and better covenant soul. That to me would be more of a matter of cultural identification. In other words you say. I just feel that that is married to an Israeli living in Israel, or whatever, you know, the case would be over the years that there is a joining together and that, therefore, identify more with the people of Israel and if summonses want to just go through conversion will because I'm a follower of Jesus, the Jew and that's where you tell them to read my book, the real culture Jesus to help them understand that by the way, did you have that volume I will tell you what I want to send it to you but you think your husband would read it back now. Okay I know you can even have it on the table. Stay right there. Deb and Tim is going to come on in the second are faithful call screener and he's going to come on and get your info so we can send you a free copy of the real culture. Jesus all right God bless and may the Lord move mightily in open your husband's eyes to the reality of our Messiah. Let us go to Gary and Holly Springs, North Carolina. Welcome to the line of fire. Your doctor loudmouth. I can hear you almost loving, but I can hear okay or limit the ability to write out our other. That's what we need. That's better. Okay Dr. Burke on the messianic Jew are one before part of a men's group regarding mortgage and one of the questions that came up about all I know that I was a good book. The atonement and I know that in the on the ark of the covenant with their and I know that when Solomon built the first Temple the ark of the covenant with bear and I know that the high priest was only allowed to go into the holy of holies, where the ark of the covenant was on the day of atonement and I that I know.

That's like entering the presence of God very fully holy place.

The question is when they came back from captivity and rebuilt the second Temple was the ark of the covenant in the holy Temple Moser know that never came back to Babylon. There is theirs and the speculation about what happened to it and is it hidden somewhere in your Raiders of the lost Ark and all that but no it it it didn't come back in the book of Jeremiah since the day will come when you won't even think about it anymore. But know that that was not there.

So when the when the high priest went into the holiest place of all some of the most essential items were missing that would mark Western Europe because I thought that couldn't go the high priest critical input.

All you would because of the presence of the ark of the covenant all week, but it wasn't there in the second Temple. I would just tradition that he always went into the holy always on the it was it was because that's the place where God said he would meet with them so that the ark was the setting for it, but the holiness of it came because God would come there.

So, yes, yes, that the the ark was holy, but the place was called the skull machine was was most holy because that's where God's presence would, the manifest between that the cherubim right so it was the presence of God coming down there in the holiest place of all on the ark or over the ark of the covenant that made it so sacred that continued to be the case but there's no question there has to be a sense of something missing all the years the second Temple was destroyed. And then God came and showed us a better way. Thank you sir for the quest, we will file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH dear again is Dr. Michael Brown, yes, yes it is thoroughly Jewish Thursday Michael Brown you're thrilled you're supposed so glad to be with you today. 866-34-TRUTH the number to call. I'm about to be joined by a dear friend, fellow messianic Jewish believer biblical teacher and scholar, and the general editor of the tree of life version of the Bible which have had the joy of participating in the translation process and distribution process before bring Dr. Siefert, Dr. Jeffrey Cy found with me with some exciting news from Jerusalem. According to traditional Judaism there are 70 different faces to the Torah. Seven different aspects of interpretation in each verse and then other Jewish interpretation looks for different levels than the plain sense of the Scripture and then it derive sense that we hinting at something or homiletical sensor.

A mystical sense, and on the one hand you find lots of those different levels of interpretation.

We then within the New Testament going back in and seeing things in the in the Old Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures that we might not have seen that we might have missed along the way and and further spiritual insights. But here's the bottom line the plain sense of Scripture can never be overturned. There may be a deeper insight we get there may be a spiritual application. The Lord speaks to us personally ill. Maybe you're out of work and you're moaning and complaining and you refers this on his five sons of work you should need some these things like a word for you directly. Evidence plain sense, but is you directly but bottom line is that the better we can understand was written, the better we can obey God, the better we can understand was written, the better we can know God, and the tree of life version plays a very unique role in that.

It's the first version by combined team of messianic Jewish scholars and Christian scholars working together to convey and clear powerful English both Jewish sensitivity, the message of Jesus Yeshua the Messiah I'm joined now by my good friend Dr. Jeffrey Cy Jeff welcome back to the line of fire. While it's great to be with you. I so so what in the world is happening in Jerusalem today are good vibrant good mirror for a number of mark took about half a year arguably respond to what you said about different approaches to interpretation when you can, but I want to talk about the app that was released in Jerusalem, but we get to that. Okay, no, no, no, you're the ball from following your lead relative to the apt act were few month out from the launch okay that was really brought to bear on through generous help at Gateway, a big church in the Dallas area very avant-garde and they kinda got behind Donyell Greenberg, the president of the society and you have all the creative energy to come up with something of a one-of-a-kind at coming in short order. Okay, so it's coming. I was looking at my notes and thought already. Boy I didn't even realize. So will be talking more about that suit is a couple months I got a sample on my phone today, which is, I was amazed. This is a little little picture of a little part of it but have you been involved in the production of this well wait. Frankly, I don't want to overstate my involvement on you working more with the technical FEMA map and him him a little out of the loop a little bit didn't get all morbid eccentric Bible teacher quite rather bad techie that good but I might never good at using app, never taking, but the currently a consultant basis by been involved in the conversation got it. Why why you personally so excited about the tree of life version well you that might benefit the joint venture effort and at 53 years of age get on left inclined to want to make my mark and my name and are more predisposed to work in a collaborative endeavor and 5070 or so individuals get together and participate in a profit translation to me that this resonates with me at guarantees a better work product that one or two person project and in your mind is the silly different translations out that are terrific and there's David Stern's classic Jewish New Testament. A complete Jewish Bible which will always play a very important role. Some of the things in terms of the actual translation and feel of the tree of life that that you like best, either for teaching or for study or for having someone else read it with some of the features that you most enjoy. "You're point for. I'm glad anybody read any Bible in every translation because sometimes you can overstate your case and we can edit the result of arming the word word, the Bible Bible and I'm glad people are getting to do for me. A light vision has been wanting to help Jewish people come to know Jesus and wanting to help Jesus. People come to know to and I think this is a good mention of that that is that they ate the worst person you can read it and the more have been for the reading the wrong story rather than the older of the new workout. Similarly, a person of non-tutoring Jewish bank but is bankrupted and get a bridge of doorway into a new Jewish world and and when it comes to the question of Jewish interpretation that I mentioned right is the beginning obviously of God says don't commit adultery.

He does not mean commit adultery does not mean don't commit adultery more than 10 times you know it's it's it's pretty clear pretty straightforward. Do we have a right to find deeper meanings that the acronym that she is by the Rabbi's pride days. Speaking of that, the different levels of meaning and interpretation is defined in the text. Do we have a right to do that. Are there dangers in doing that what what how would you teach that since you started Bible schools for decades. Well builder backend hermeneutic teaching that next semester I'm interested. I am Mike felt more predisposed to a plane of literature look at what word mean and what they say, rather than be to creative thought. When it comes to these creative applications youth out of the literature I don't know whether that just creative energies of the interpreter that talking or the affected cell think the meat from find leak a and is more in the thinking of the creative energy. Someone is offering a telling of it. I don't like that personally I yell a little more careful and deliberate, not just as a theologian.

But I have a career law-enforcement relevant policing of the defective.

I look at interpretation like you defective look of a crying being. You walk in there, slowly look deeply you pay attention to detail and you trying competitive cut off at about what happened there. Based on the fact that are actually there and unconcerned that the wash find irritable little application can do more harm than good faith that God it so what are some of says will that's exactly what the New Testament authors do they find all kinds of meetings that weren't there and with new insights you wouldn't of had the honey response to the well someone make that claim and it worked looking at it on a case-by-case basis.

I can hundred a.m. How are reasonable and prudent person would do that or even a Christian theologian could do that. Having spent that not to say that there aren't application of the literature that are not readily learnable but I'm just throwing up often on him from throwing up a yellow light to going through the intersection of interpreting aquatic creativity more than black red light got it and then the other thing would be that you are doing with inspired interpretation is one thing. The second thing, sometimes just a homiletical point is being made.

In other words, like Paul speaking about. Don't muzzle the ox the treads out the corn and got only care about oxen was the same as Ross also will in the first case it was just a law about treating your animals in the fairway. But now he's making either practical application. In this case sometimes is a homiletical application, but what concerns you is and then you been in.

As I have Pentecostal charismatic circles over the years that we can have a dream up all kinds of ideas and read them back into the Bible, which is really dangerous. Right. My principal point and I'm hoping for.

Personal application, but I think the first interpretation protect long original at your I have a kind of careful determination of what the world is back than what the word is back them do that work for and make observations and then competitive interpretation then by all means an application going back into an older Actually think here's what I feel and what the Lord is only about thought maybe I just I can't get comfortable in that battle got it all clear. Hey, let's have a little fun and take some calls. All right I will start in Norman, Oklahoma Tom Wilkinson line of fire by Dr. Brown hello hi dear me, yes, go ahead okay. I do question about the aura. Would you agree that the laws of the order of the punishment the longer didactic you like, there are school methylated each other your teacher for you know like Hebrew students. The in other words worthy to be enforced or bind for them right with Israel with Israel. One moment supersede the punishment of the lots on them you like it does represent like the moral character of God bites it just so I can understand the questions we can answer it or you are questioning whether the death penalty was enforced in ancient Israel, or whether it should be enforced after the cross before cried yet related or early or late to be enforced in the Old Testament God it okay all clear yet just you go first, where the death penalty laws given to be seriously enforced under the Sinai covenant.

I'm inclined to think so yeah religion in the Old Testament religion the way we think of it today. Effective social contract for the criminal law there civil law and the boat is currently the guy died at the construct light module for privately right dance and said so soon again this is not just a matter of's. Someone commits adultery in your church and I you kill them know if they will repent you excommunicate them, but under under the Sinai covenant in the Toronto absolutely. We have examples of people were put to death.

They were stoned, they were put to death in different ways and God said repeat of this is so others may fear they may see in fear and any missing repeatedly show no mercy. So do these things apply today. Have things changed since the cross is our relationship to God as a body different in ancient Israel was yet for the very reasons Jeff just mentioned that being said, those were all meant to teach. They were all meant to instruct by example. What were they carried out. Oh yeah, the Scriptures explicitly give examples of them being carried out, I will be right back with your questions and a site, it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 664 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown and the voice of Paul Wilbur mutual friend of Dr. Tsai and Yours truly Michael Brown this is the really Jewish Thursday, you are listening to, or perhaps watching the line of fire. 866-34-TRUTH the number to call right we got it Hebrew question. Maybe I'll get to that in a moment. First let's get back to our guest, Dr. Jeffrey's life so Jeff if you could if you could give one key lesson.

Some is a brand-new believer in gimmickry of life Bible to reach and or whatever Bible translation they have and you are going to give them one piece of advice you're going to get to touch them. One time about reading the Bible what what would you tell them what what would it be read regularly or how to read it or to expect God to speak if you want to part one or two things would you tell a person is going to get one shot to tell them. This can become their life habit well might depend on who I'm talking to someone middle-age crisis on my column one thing if her thumb on the 16 years old looking at white bread. I might tell them something else, but I suppose if it a message to everyone and anyone irrespective of age. They settled in life and circumstance. I'd encourage them to read it with an open mind to realize they're going back into an ancient world and thought to trying to hear the story in its own terms and be open, how there are quite water. As a result of their so do God. It all right. I appreciate the wisdom in that bubbly folks, we got a beautiful large print edition of the tree of life that they're all beautifully produce Bible speed and get them at our website from several different editions over and asked Dr. Brown the escape DR out.

Let's go over to Flagstaff, Arizona Daniel, welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Bracken yummy yes I can. Okay so I have a question about salvation by faith in it. How to relate to Calvinism.

The and John 12 because many people believe that they did not want to come openly. So being that the unit with a heart you believe in justification but with the mouth to confess to salvation are they justified, but then they weren't they and then secondly like about Calvinism. You know how did they achieve a if they were not elected to salvation right now. By the way, normally on Thursdays we reserve them for Jewish questions only. But this is a fine question test is on the wrong table taken Jeff how would you respond to the question about Calvinism. First of all, I begin with an appreciation of Calvinism by trying to understand by trying to understand Calvin and contact Calvin entered the faith of the human drama. When the world was what you of a religious that argue that you have to adhere to all the various nuances of the Roman church. The gatekeepers of paradise. You have to complete the pre-open preoccupation with guilt and rule and along comes someone. Wait a minute, all you don't have to do that your salvation was determined by God and the burden you all.

I think Calvin is very liberating and met contact but in the modern world today, which is a different world. II think there are perhaps better ways to look at the literature that be tethered by a framework that bit perfect and it day. Got it.

I appreciate that angle on it and Daniel just in short, the Calvinists would say that you cannot truly believe Canada truly have faith in less you are regenerated so they would see God regenerates you, because of which you now believe and are now born again and love God so is regeneration born again sorry this didn't have in the proper order there, but they would basically say regenerated first. Otherwise you have no faith in your your spiritually dead and incapable of responding even accepting God's gracious offer so anyone who exercises true faith is a true believer and will never fall away permanently so they will continue in faith until the end. If they if they go halfway and then renounce the Lord and die in their sin and they were never truly saved and it was only counterfeit faith that would be there approach is as Calvinists. Hey, thank you for the call of hate Jeff. We've never talked about this. I get asked this question constantly and we have a video on it so there's a question from Germany from from Nikita, but I'm just going to address it here because we've addressed many times on the year, Nikita.

We have a video about the nifty Liam who are than the feeling from Genesis chapter 6 is we get asked the question over and over again. You can watch that video and see my response but Jeff what your belief about one's reference does the nifty Liam and then the sons of God in Genesis 6.

Who are they kind of question I approach it humbly what all do, simply the different views on it. Why have a preference for not thoroughly.

I got there about.

These are the other perspective something for the fallen. The bunk of God or you know are actually fallen angel appeared thumb for the list of the perspective from a Jewish camp in this camp and that that's all I do with all that for if beyond my pay grade. I'm not altogether certain I don't have any faith line conviction might be a letdown that's that's a lesson there plenty of subjects. That's how I have to answers will hear the different views and I'm not sure either way. So again pictures with folks do.

So Nikita just do this, go to asked Dr. Brown the KSK DR Click on digital library right and you'll see a just search for nifty Liam the feeling and I suppose just as it is in the Bible who are the nifty Liam, which is Genesis 6 were described in this it possible that there are nifty Liam on the earth today, so you'll find my thoughts on that Nikita. So I appreciate you calling with that again without answering it more fully on the air because we've addressed it many many times. Hate Jeff. Let me ask you this. Is it wrong for Christians today to one observer seventh day Sabbath or celebrate the feast of Israel about Gentile Christians in particular is this going back under the law. Is this going back from the reality back to the shadow. How would you respond today for your kind of proud of you all are. Believe your them try to give voice to the nephew lean back there in early Genesis are in the world. There's no mandate that it stay in the conventional method where we do not believe there is any requirement that individual lived within the promulgation of the Mosaic economy that had a long not mandatory is quite possible that his birthday individual who feel called to reduce Jewish lifestyle. Bill will live within that particular make great. Similarly, individuals of non-Jewish extract to feel called to identify with the Jewish people and raised up a Jewish believing in Jesus testimony of similarly live within that world. So why think of anything wrong with it.

Absolutely not. I do think there's something wrong with go to advocate that individual must hereto of the Mosaic economy that overstating the case.yeah I'm I'm absolutely with you on that list. Let's try and grab one more call from India Freya in India. What part of India are you in hello hello are you there good night. I can barely hear you. You know I'm I'm so sorry I Kim, please let her call her know I really want to take a call from India but we just can't hear. But please do let her know that we wanted to take her call. Yeah, I'm just looking at the Hebrew, that was posted it's it's not a question. It's just it's some comments so you can respond to that right here. Hate Jeff couple minutes left. What do you think is the biggest thing that happens to a Christian when they discover the Jewishness of Jesus. What's the what's the significance in their lives. I think people want to feel that they're getting back to an authentic approach to what it means to be Christian, and I think that for individuals that I've compensated with live within a world that with the USB celebrations in perspective and Miramar. I think there closer to a truer sense of what it means to be authentically Christian as opposed to an approach to what it means to be Christian that's refracted through maybe a Calvinistic worldview were a Catholic worldview or some other kind that there's a feeling that the were getting close to the force. The thing kind of feeling by the way that someone has that thought with Pentecost work. That is the fate were getting were getting back to those initial primal impulse got it and obviously there is nothing. There's not a drop of truth, theology, or glorious revelation that is sacrificed by recognizing the Jewish roots of our faith. Rather, there's a great connection and even a divine reality is you set an authenticity and a lot of that you really find as you read through the tree of life version of the Bible so Jeff, I am really excited to see what happens with this app and between Gateway's generosity and their tech experiences on his creativity to be amazing rather time. Amber, thanks for joining us today. God bless